Chapter 10 Patterns of Inheritance Biology

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In fruit flies normal wings are dominant over vestigial wings. If a homozygous normal-winged fly and vestigial-winged fly were crossed, what would the phenotype of the fly offspring be?

All normal-winged

The gene for color blindness is a recessive allele located on the X chromosome. If a color-blind man and a color-blind woman have one son and three daughters, how many will be color-blind?

All of the children will be color-blind

When a gene has the ability to influence several different aspects of the phenotype of an organism, this is referred to as


A case of more than one gene influencing one phenotypic characteristic is called

Polygenic inheritance

In humans, eye color is determined by the amount of melanin in the iris of the eye and is probably controlled by several genes. The inheritance of eye color is an example of

Polygenic inheritance

A locus is

The spot on a chromosome where an allele is located

The sex of mammals is determined by

The type of sex chromosomes received

"We are only going to trace this one trait from one generation to another." This statement would indicate that

They will be developing a monohybrid (single factor) line

f IA and IB dominate i, which phenotype indicates the genotype when the alleles IA and i are present?

Type A Blood

If IA and IB dominate i, which phenotype indicates the genotype when the alleles IA and i are present?

Type A blood

A gene found on the X chromosome is a(n)

X-linked gene

Which of the following represents the sex chromosomes of a typical human female?


The possible combinations of alleles in the gametes of an individual with the genotype aaBb are

aB, ab

A homozygous recessive condition is


Brown eyes (B) dominate blue eyes (b), black hair (H) dominates blond hair (h). In order to have an offspring ratio of 1/4 brown eyes, black hair, 1/4 brown eyes, blond hair, 1/4 blue eyes, black hair, and 1/4 blue eyes, blond hair, the genotype of the parents would have to be

bbHh × Bbhh bbhh × BbHh Bbhh × bbHh All of these answers are true

In humans, normal skin dominates albino skin; a cross between two albino people results in

All albino

The information within the central squares of a Punnett square represent

Offspring genotypes

When two dice are thrown, both dice will show the number three

One in thirty-six times

Color blindness is a recessive sex-linked trait. If a man with normal color vision and a woman who is a carrier for the color blindness trait have a son, what is the probability that he will be color-blind?


In pea plants, smooth seeds (S) are dominant over wrinkled seeds (s). A cross is made between a wrinkled-seed variety and a heterozygous smooth-seed variety. The chance of getting offspring homozygous for smooth seeds is


If in houseflies the allele for green eyes is dominant over the allele for white eyes, and a heterozygous green-eyed male is mated with a white-eyed female, what is the probability that they will have green-eyed offspring?


The probability of parents with the genotypes (L1) (ll) having an offspring with the genotype (ll) is


The trait for color dominates albino, and black fur dominates red fur. If an animal homozygous for color and heterozygous for black fur is crossed with an albino homozygous for red, the ratio of offspring would be

1/2 red and 1/2 black

The sex of the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster is determined as follows: XX chromosomes give a female and XY give a male. The gene for bar eyes is recessive and located on the X chromosome. If a male with normal eyes is mated with a female who has normal eyes but is heterozygous,

1/2 the males will have bar eyes

A woman heterozygous for blood type A and a man with blood type AB are expecting a child. The probability of the child having type B blood is


If parents with the following genotypes (AABb × aaBb) have offspring, what is the probability that they will have an offspring with the genotype (AaBB)?


The chances of guessing the right answer to this question are


The probability of parents with the genotypes (Mm) × (Mm) having an offspring with the genotype (mm) is


Smooth fur dominates rough fur; black and white fur are incompletely dominant and result in gray. A rough gray crossed with a rough gray would produce

1/4 rough black, 1/2 rough gray, and 1/4 rough white

In a fifty-two card deck, the chances of drawing the only ace of spades are


In fruit flies, males are determined by the presence of an X and Y chromosome; females are determined by two X chromosomes. The gene for eye color is located on the X chromosome and is absent from the Y chromosome. The allele for white eyes is recessive and the allele for red eyes is dominant. If a red-eyed male is mated with a white-eyed female, what is the probability that their male offspring will be white-eyed?


The sex of the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster is determined as follows: XX chromosomes give a female and XY give a male. The gene for bar eyes is recessive and located on the X chromosome. If two bar-eyed flies are mated, what percentage of the offspring will have bar eyes?


A male has a genotype RrTt. What is the probability of his producing Rt sperm cells?


A man who does not suffer from sickle-cell anemia but is a carrier of the sickle-cell trait is married to a woman who is also a carrier for the sickle-cell trait. If they have a child, there is a ____ probability of that child suffering from sickle-cell anemia.


If the parents of a child have the following genotypes [Bb × Bb], what is the probability that they will have a child with the genotype [BB]?


In snapdragons, FR = red flowers and FW = white flowers. Plants heterozygous for flower color have pink flowers. A cross between two pink-flowered plants will produce ____ red-flowered plants.


In humans, normal vision dominates color-deficiency, and both are X-linked. (The genes are located on the X chromosome.) A color-deficient male marries a woman who is heterozygous for normal vision. If they have a boy, the chance that he will be color-deficient is


In pea plants, green pod color dominates yellow pod color. If a pea plant with yellow pods is crossed with a pea plant heterozygous for pod color, ____ of the offspring will have yellow pods.


In the cross AaBb × AaBb, ____ of the offspring will express ____.

6/16; one dominant and one recessive trait

According to the diagram, genes _____ are most likely to be inherited together and genes ______ are least likely to be inherited together.

A and B; A and C

If a sperm containing an X chromosome fertilizes an egg, the child will normally be

A girl

In the genotype Aabb,

A is a dominant allele

Offspring with four phenotypes in a 1:1:1:1 ratio can be produced by

AaBb × aabb

A research geneticist discovered that a particular trait is controlled by ______ she identified as B, b1, b2, b3, b4, b5.


Different forms of the same gene are referred to as


In humans, a gene for free earlobes dominates a gene for attached earlobes. These alternative forms of a gene for earlobe shape are examples of


The sex of the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster is determined as follows: XX chromosomes give a female and XY give a male. The gene for bar eyes is recessive and located on the X chromosome. If you had a normal-eyed female and did not know whether she was homozygous or heterozygous, you could determine her genotype by mating her with

Any kind of male

If the many offspring of a double-factor cross always have both recessive traits,

Both parents were homozygous recessive for both traits

A heterozygous condition would be characterized by the possession of alleles for

Brown hair and red hair

When the two alleles CR CW are the genotype of an individual, that person displays features of both alleles. This is known as


Human skin color is thought to be determined by at least three pairs of alleles. If dark skin (D) is dominant to light skin (d), the genotypes that will produce the darkest skin are

D1d1 D2d2 D3D3

When an organism has two different alleles for a given trait, the allele that is expressed, overshadowing the expression of the other allele, is said to be


The sex chromosomes determine the sex of mammals and are

Female, XX; male, XY

If an individual has the genotype BbCc, how many different kinds of gametes can that individual produce?


Geneticists use this term when explaining how genetic information is converted into physical features of a cell or organism.

Gene expression

The allele that causes Huntington disease is expressed earlier in life when it is inherited from the father than when it is inherited from the mother. Huntington disease is an example of

Gene imprinting

Which of the following does NOT express one of Mendel's laws?

Genes located on the same chromosome have a greater tendency of being inherited together than do genes located on different chromosomes

Humans have the diploid number of chromosomes, 2n = 46. This also indicates humans

Have two genomes

A condition in which a diploid organism has different allelic forms of a particular gene is the definition of


"She is a carrier of the cystic fibrosis trait." This statement acknowledges that this person is

Heterozygous for the trait

In pea plants, a gene R produces red flowers and is dominant to a gene r, which produces white flowers. A gene T produces tall plants and is dominant to a gene t for short plants. If a plant that is homozygous for red flowers and heterozygous for tallness is crossed with a plant that is short and white, what will be the phenotypic ratio of the offspring ?

One tall red: one short red

If one pair of genes could cause some flowers to have red petals or yellow petals and could also determine the strength of the stem, this would be an example of


In a cross between two blue Andalusian chickens, 25% of the offspring produced were white, 25% were black, and 50% were blue Andalusian like the parents. Color in these chickens is most likely inherited by

Incomplete Dominance

A red-eyed female fruit fly is crossed with a red-eyed male fruit fly. All of the female offspring have red eyes but only one-half of the male offspring are red-eyed. The other half of the male offspring have white eyes. In this example, eye color in fruit flies

Is an X-linked trait

"She is a carrier of the cystic fibrosis trait." This statement acknowledges that this person

Is heterozygous for the trait

Two genes located on the same chromosome are


In humans, the genes for blood type A and B show lack of dominance to one another and both dominate O. Two type O people would be able to have

Only O type children

Nearly two dozen different alleles for the same gene can determine eye color in fruit flies. This is an example of

Multiple alleles

In fruit flies, long wing (L) is dominant, vestigial wing (l) is recessive, gray body (G) is dominant, ebony body (g) is recessive. Two fruit flies were mated that were long-winged with gray bodies. The genotype of these two parental flies is LlGg × LlGg. What proportion of the offspring flies would have long wings and gray bodies?

Nine-sixteenths of the offspring would be long-winged with gray bodies

"This patient with Marfan syndrome has really long fingers and toes, and is exceptionally tall." This is a statement describing


The expression of a gene is called


A single dominant gene that produces abnormal connective tissue causes Marfan syndrome. Individuals with the condition exhibit symptoms such as nearsightedness, long thin appendages, and a weak aorta. Marfan syndrome is an example of


"Two out of three times, they will pass on the trait." This is a statement of


The Y chromosome is in the


There are three alleles for blood type, IA and IB are both dominant to iO but IA is not dominant to IB. A man has type O blood. A woman has type A blood but her father had type B blood. If this man and this woman have children what are the possible genotypes of the offspring?

ioio and IAio

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