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skeptical STORY

Synonyms: disbelieving, doubtful, suspicious, INCREDULOUS Related words: dubious, cynical antonyms: credulous, naive, gullible definition: (adj) doubting, questioning In ancient Greece, the Skeptics were a group of philosophers who believed that we cannot be sure that our observations correspond to the real world. This group of people has now become a word for anyone who is doubtful or uncertain.


Synonyms: flashy, showy, TAWDRY Related words: gaudy, garish, specious, spurious antonyms: authentic definition: (adj) insincere, vulgarly, showily, or cheaply attractive Someone may act meretricious of their wealth by having parties every weekend, when they may be close to bankruptcy.


Synonyms: forerunner, herald, announcer, PRECURSOR Related words: NONE antonyms:NONE definition: (n) person or thing that signals what will follow . Traditionally, the groundhog has been a harbinger for when spring will come.


Synonyms: low point, depths, bottom, NETHERMOST Related words: NONE antonyms: NONE definition: (n) point in the sky directly opposite the zenith and directly beneath the observer; lowest point The United States's economic nadir was the Great Depression when there were over 33% of the population unemployed.


Synonyms: main, central, essential, principal, PARAMOUNT Related words: prime, primary, preeminent antonyms: subordinate, trivial, inconsequential, negligible definition: (adj) fundamental, chief, of basic importance During the last week of school, most student's cardinal concern is counting the hours until they are finished with their year.

lampoon STORY

Synonyms: mockery, ridicule, SATIRE Related words: travesty, burlesque, parody, farce, caricature, invective antonyms: NONE definition: (n) ridiculous or humorous attack on a person, group, or institution Drunk French men would sing a lampoon-obscene, humorous, abusive song. These songs often made fun of their subjects. From this french terminology, lampoon entered our language meaning at attack from lighthearted humor or vicious ridicule.

fetish STORY

Synonyms: passion, obsession, MANIA Related words: preoccupation, penchant, fixation, amulet, talisman antonyms: NONE definition: (n) object of obsessive concern or unreasoning devotion Early Portuguese voyagers found Africans worshipping small objects that presumably had the power to work good or evil They called these terms feitico. Fetish derives from this word for object worshipped for its magical powers, but we use it as a broader term for object of unquestioning or irrational devotion.


Synonyms: peak, climax, summer, APEX Related words: cumulation, pinnacle, acme, apogee antonyms: NONE definition: (n) point in the sky directly overhead; highest point Serena Williams reached her zenith of her athletic career when she won all four of the Opens.

trivial STORY

Synonyms: unimportant, ordinary, commonplace, insignificant, INCONSEQUENTIAL Related words: paltry, petty, negligible, trifling, nugatory, picayune antonyms: consequential, momentous, vital, crucial definition: (adj) little importance Trivial comes from the Latin words tri(three) and via(road). At a trivium, romans would engage in small street talk like today. From its association with commonplace talk, trivial acquired its meaning of unimportant

opportune STORY

Synonyms: well-timed, appropriate, convenient, AUSPICIOUS Related words: propitious, advantageous, apt, felicitous antonyms: inopportune definition: (adj) timely, suitable, favorable This word comes from the Latin words ob (before) and portus(port), for the favorable time when ships were safely in the harbor. It has become to meaning fitting or appropriate time.

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