Chapter 11 study set

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Behavioral strategies to help people quit smoking are effective for a round blank of people who try them


Do you know from the centers for disease control and prevention she need cigarettes use among middle and high school students bruise blank between 2011 and 2015


The behavior pattern that shows hostility , competicutbess , time urgency and feeling driven is known as type


The type _______ behavior patter is a cluster of behaviors invoking hostility and competitiveness which has a negative impact on health


Type A and Type B behavior patterns represent _______ and most people fall somewhere in between the two endpoints

A continuum

Which of the following is not a beneficial effect of participate in Psychological therapy after being diagnosed with cancer

A cure

During the ______ and mobilization stage of gas one becomes aware


Your body follows a specific series of three stages in the general adaption syndrome . The the correct order from first to last the series is

Alarm , resistance , and exhaustion

Which of the following lists the correct order of the general adaption syndrome stages

Alarm , resistance , exhaustion

Post traumatic stress disorder may have additional symptoms of

Alcohol and drug abuse

Suppose your friend Allison is a smoker and you really want her to quit because it's not attractive and his back or what's the best advice you could give

Allison you should get a nicotine patch and go to this campus support group that helps people quit

A patient who withhold information from the doctor because years she doesn't wanna be seen in a bad light is example of what

And obstacle in patient Doctor communication

Negatively framed messages are most effective for producing what type of behavior

Any behaviors that will lead to the detection of a disease

_______ Coping is not a very effective strategy in which a person uses wishful thinking to reduce stress


Type ______ behavior is characterized by cooperating and a non competitive nature


Which of the following are ways to improve communication with your doctors

Bring an advocate to help your communicate and listen Taking notes during your visit Know all medications you are on and tell your doctor Make a list of your concerns before your doctors appointment

In the case of blank it is possible that positive emotional responses may help generate specialize killer cells that help control the size and spread of cancer is tumors


Disasters such as tornadoes and plane crashes are classified as _______ stressors


The three components of hardiness are seeing change as a challenge , ________ and ________

Commitment and control

Efforts to control reduce or tolerate threats that lead to stress are called blank strategies


The cognitive and behavioral efforts to control , reduce , or learn to tolerate the threats that lead to stress is knows as


Type A behavior has been linked to ______ _______ disease

Coronary heart

Winning the lottery is not likely to

Create a permanent increase in subjective well being

______ nonadherence Isn't a patient change his hair his or her treatment because he or she knows better than the doctor


_______ hassles can add up and become more stressful than any single event


Background stressors are also known as

Daily hassles

Having to wait for two light cycles to get through an intersection does not bother you most of the time but today when you broke your shoelace and you spilled your coffee and you are running late you find it more stressful than normal , this reflects the effects of

Daily hassles

Prolonged stress may blank the production of lymphocytes


Which of the following is an example of an indirect health - related behavior resulting frim stress

Decreased compliance with medical advice

Brain imaging studies have found that at least one form of social support pacifically holding someone's hand

Decreases activity in the part of the brain ascxoiated with stress

What psychological disorder is learned helplessness associated with


Gender and race _____ affect happiness

Do not seem to

Which of the following is an example of a direct phsicogocal effect of stress ?

Elevated blood pressure

Individuals often use both ______ - focuses coping as well as problem solving coping strategies simultaneously to deal with stress


_______ focused coping strategies involve managing emotional responses to stressors rather than dealing with the stressors themselves


Betty has decided to focus on the likelihood of a job advancement and raise as you continues To work late five days a week and often come in on the weekends Betty is engaged in blink coping strategy

Emotion focused

What time is it some people try to manage the stress by seeking to change the way they feel about or perceive problems

Emotion focused coping

If in response to a stressor a person stops experiencing Emotions and becomes unaffected by the stressor she is using which of the following coping strategies

Emotional insulation

People who use the coping strategy known as _____ stop expoerxning any emotions at all and remain unaffected and unmoved by both positive and negative expierences

Emotional insulation

Although there is conflicting evidence help psychologist believe that patient blank me at least partially determine the course of the disease


Having friends who smoke in seeing smoking a movies are examples of blink factors that affect smoking behavior

Envoironmental , social

At what stage of the General adaption syndrome do negative consequences occur when coping is inadequate


During the _______ stage of GAS a persons ability to fight declines


Happy people tend to be ______ and have networks of close friends


Which of the following are examples of non-compliance with medical advice

Failing to show for a doctors apptFailing to take prescribed medication Not following a diet

Behavioral strategies to help people quit smoking are

Fairly effective

Countries that are poor and don't have a strong economy have significantly lower levels of happiness than wealthy nations like the United state's


Doctors should not concern themselves with a patients culture because physically ill humans are all the same


Winning the lottery is associated with permanent increase in subjective well being


______ Physicians tend to provide more patient centered communication that do blank physicians

Female , male

Which if the following is / are symptoms of PTSD

Flashbacks Emotional numbing Sleep problems drug abuse

Behavioral approaches to stop smoking work

For about 60% of people

This colonoscopy is important because if we detect colon cancer early we can usually cure it this statement for a doctor is an example of a _______ framed message

Gain , positively

Eric's two grandfathers died from lung cancer from smoking Erick and his father still smoke even after trying to quit numerous times this example provides evidence for a blank component for smoking patterns


Health care providers can increase patient compliance with medical advise by

Giving honest information even when their is nad news

Income used to purchase services that allow us more free time produces ____ income soemthint of onjetxs

Greater happiness than

Which statement best describes how happy people interact with others

Happy people tend to be extroverted and have a network of close friends

A personality Characteristic that consist of commitment challenge and control is known as


_____ is when people cope with stress most successfully


______ individuals try to change stressful events into less threatening ones


High blood pressure would be an example of a blank result of chronic stress


Because it allowed them to preserve at task and ultimately achieve more , the _______ of people who are optimistic is better than whose who are not


Because it allows them to preserve at tasks and ultimately achieve more , the ______ of people who are optimistic is better then those who are not


The board field of psychology that biscuits the psychological factors related to wellness and illness including the prevention diagnosis and treatment of medical problems is called

Health pshychology

The broad field of psychology that investigated the psychological factors related to wellness and illness , including the prevention , diagnosis and treatment of medical problems is called

Health psychology

What is the field of psychology that studies how people behavior interacts with stress and heart disease

Health psychology

If one is hapoy , the odds are that they also have

High self esteem

When considering relationship between the type a behavior pattern and coronary heart disease blank is the most important characteristic


Which of the following aspects of smoking have a genetic component

How much people smoke Developing smoking related cancer Ability to quit smoking Start smoking

Those who live ______ to a disaster are most likely to experience PTSD

I'm the immediate vicinity

The stress response to a personal stressor begins with a ________ which then slowly tapers off

Immediate major reaction

Providing clear instructions for patients and maintaining warm relations are way doctors can ________ compliance with medical advice


What is one thing that gas does not consider that some psychologist think is a factor in describing the human stress response

In individuals personal appraisal of the stressful event

Being seriously injured in an accident is not related to a long term______ in happiness


The body's initial reaction to stress leads to

Increased heart rate and blood pressure

Which of the following is an example of a harmful behavior resulted from stress

Increased smoking

People who are resilient are in general

Independent Have a sense of control over their own destiny Optimistic

Robert has been overwhelmed with his new job recent marriage and completing his college degree his wife was at asked him to see the doctor since he has been complaining of chest pain Robert keeps delaying calling for an appointment since he is so busy Robert is engaging in stress related

Indirect health related behavior

Isaac always tries to get the best grade in class , but tends to be highly cooperative at home , this suggest that

Issac is not completely a type a or type b personality

Activation of the sympathetic nervous system is response to stress is adaptive because

It prepares the body to deal with an emergency sistuatuon

Who is most likely to be like 10 years after breast cancer surgery

It woman who adopts a fighting spirit

In order for someone to think that something is stressful they must perceive it as threatening or challenging and must

Lack the resources to deal with it effectively

Fred feels he has little impact on improving work conditions at the rock quarry , lately he has been getting a lot of colds and feeling generally depressed , this may be related to

Learned helplessness

Wilma has decided that there is no point in trying to create a better Environment for her son she just does not see how she can have any impact on the surroundings even though most of the palms our service issues wilma is experiencing

Learned helplessness

________ ________ Occurs when an individual concludes that unpleasant or advise simulate cannot be controlled thereby causing the individual to give up trying

Learned helplessness

Research has shown that healthy people who attend religious services _____ than those who do not attend regularly

Live longer

People with cancer who maintain a fighting spirit tend to

Live longer than those who accept it

Which of the following are beneficial effects of participating in psychological therapy after being diagnosed with cancer

Longer life Less pain Decreased anxiety

Stress affects the production of blank which are produced by the immune system to ward off illness


One way to improve communication with the healthcare provider is to

Make a list of your concerns before your doctors appointment

Problem focused coping is more often use when the situation is viewed as


Hapoy people tend to feel that they have _____ than unhappy people

More control over their lives

Most people are moderately hapoy _____ of the time


Which statement best describes the level of happiness experienced by people

Most people are moderately happy most of the time

Which type of stressor is frequently not as stressful as one night thing because these stressors have a clear resolution ?

Natural disasters

Which of the following are reasons why natural disasters while stressful are typically not as stressful as losing a loved one

Natural disasters tend to be shared with many others so the level of social support is high, natural disasters have a clear resolution.

If you don't take this medicine every day and don't start excercing you will have a heart attack and possibly die , this statement by a doctor is an example of a _______ framed message


Which one of the following is the single most effective treatment for smoking so Setian especially when combined with other techniques

Nicotine replacement

Feeling to show up for a doctors appointment discontinuing a medication before instructed to do so and not following a diet or examples of blink with medical advice


More than blank of high school students have tried e-cigarette's

One third

Happy people tend to be more ____ than unhappy people


Hardy individuals approach stressful sistiatikns in a ______ manner


creative nonadherence occurs when

Patients think they know more than they pyshican about how to treat themselves

For people to consider an event stressful they must ...

Perceive it as a threat Perceive it as a challenge and lack resources to deal effectively with it

Causes of stress fall into which of the following categories

Personal stressors

The category of stressors that include death of a loved one loss of job and getting married is

Personal stressors

Which of the following are examples of stressors ?

Planning a graduation party Moving into a new apartment Writing a paper Divorce

Most of the drug use to help you stop smoking work by replacing the blank associate associated with nicotine


Happiness and self esteem are ______ correlated


Positively framed messages are most effective for what types of behaviors ?

Preventative behaviors

I'm feeling a psychology exam one Juanita talks with her instructor about why she did so badly so that she might improve her performance in the future. This is an example of \_____ focused coping


Barney has decided to take up yoga one day a week instead of staying late at work all five nights of the week. Barney is using a blank coping strategy

Problem focused

On falling a psychology ema , Juanita talks with her instructor about why she did so badly so that she might improve her performance in the future . This is an example of _______ focused coping

Problem focused coping

What is the term used to describe an individual these strategies like changes in behavior to reduce stress

Problem focused coping

You are spending too much working , and your health is beginning to suffer . The health difficulties that you are wxpiercing are probably ______ disorders


And smokers nicotine levels are frequently associated with a blank emotional state

Relaxed , calm

______ is a personality characteristic associated with a lower rate of stress related illness


Someone who is easy going , good natured , independent and has an uncanny ability to thrive even after the most stressful events is provalu very


Coping with stress and trying to find ways to deal with the stressor describes what level of the general adaption syndrome


During the _____ phase of the herbal adaption syndrome , the individual attempts to find a way to deal with the specific stressor


After having a serious injury such as losing a limb of becoming paralyzed most victims

Return to their prior levels of happiness after a period of time

What is the term used to establish the tome of ones life

Set point for happiness

The body's biological reaction to stress is adaptive in the _______ - term but can be harmful in the _________ term

Short Long

Identical twins who are separated at birth and raised in diffent environments will have _____ Levi's of happiness


The stress response to a personal stressor begins with an immediate major reaction which then

Slowly tapers off

______ support has been shown to lower stress levels and Cooke more effectively with stress


Which statement best describes the relationship between social support and stress

Social support is associated with experiencing less stress

Victor does not speak English his physician does not speak Russian the result is that there will probably be

Some difficulty in communicating between big Dennis position which may have advised consequences for victors health

Who is most likely to deny the likelihood of an earthquake a drain in his or her town

Someone living in a building known to be unlikely to withstand the quake

Who is most likely to smoke cigarettes

Someone who is friends smoke

When people respond to events that brought in or change them they are experiencing


Venetia has been eating more fast food and getting less sleep while she studies for finals she is engaging in

Stress related harmful behaviors

People with the hardiness trait have a lower rate of

Stress related illness

Cataclysmic events would be considered _______ stressors


People's evaluations of their lives in terms of both thoughts and emotions is called _______ well being


Winning. The lottery is not associated with an increase in ______ well being


Activation of the ______ nervous system prepares the body to deal with emergency situations


Long term activation of the ______ nervous System produced by chronic stress , tends to be harmful


Psychoneuroimmunology studies

The immune system , Brain , and psychological factors

Avoidant coping is not very successful because ______

The source of stress remains

Which statement most accurately reflects the relationship between the type a behavior pattern in coronary heart disease in men and women

The type a behavior pattern and coronary heart disease is more clearly established in men than women

Subjective well being refers to people's evaluation of

Their lives

How do drugs such as ZAYN an and chantrix help people quit smoking

These drugs work the the brains chemistry to decrease cravings

Which group experienced highest levels of PTSD after the terrorist attacks in the Mew York City on September 11 , 2001

Those living in Manhattan closets to the ground zero

During general adaption syndrome , the persons response to the stressor consists of _______ stage alarm and mobilization ________ and exhaustion

Three Resistance

People who attend religious services regularly deal with stress

Through social support and have fewer health problems

Which of the following is an example of a back ground stressor ?

Traffic jam

According to the GAS , all woolen will have a similar response to any stressor


An individuals set point for happiness is practically genetically determines


Which of the following is a good way to cope with a threating sistuation

Turning the threating sistuation into a challenge

Exposure to stress generates a rise in hormone secretions by the ______ glands


The ____ phase of the GAS occurs when an organism initially encounters a stressor


Denial is one of several ___ mechanisms that help people avoid dealing with their problems.


Elevated blood pressure is a _____ response to the presence of a stressor


Medical problems influenced by an interaction of psychological, emotional and physical difficulties are called _______ disorders


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