Chapter 23: From Roosevelt to Wilson in the Age of Progressivism
What was the reason for Woodrow Wilson's victory in the election of 1912?
Because of the split in the Republican party
Which individual did Theodore Roosevelt invite to the White House which angered Southerners?
Booker T. Washington
Which political party was Theodore Roosevelt a candidate for in 1912?
Bull Moose Party
What was Taft's greatest strength before becoming president?
As an administrator; knew how to get things done
What was the purpose of the Sixteenth Amendment to the Constitution?
Authorized an income tax
What were Progressives' attitudes toward the commissions they championed?
Ended the corrupt alliance between business and politics
Who was the most famous reform governor of the Progressive Era?
Robert M. La Follette
Why did Roosevelt push to regulate the food and drug industry?
Was, in part, the result of his reading of popular literature (The Jungle)
Which agency was established in 1914 to oversee business practices?
Federal Trade Commission
Where was the commission form of government pioneered?
What was President Theodore Roosevelt's response to the Great Coal Strike of 1902?
Invited both sides to a White House conference; sided with miners
Who was the most effective proponent of "social jurisprudence"?
Louis Brandeis
Which act was passed in response to Upton Sinclair's The Jungle?
Meat Inspection Act; Pure Food and Drug Act
Who were the candidates for president of the United States in 1912?
NOT Robert M. La Follette; Roosevelt, Wilson, Taft, and Debs
What was the purpose of the Clayton Antitrust Act of 1914?
Prohibited unfair trade practices.
What was the purpose of the Eighteenth Amendment to the Constitution?
Prohibition of alcohol
What was the purpose of the Nineteenth Amendment to the Constitution?
Women's suffrage; guarantee to vote