Chapter 31 Concepts

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Which of the following is a waterproofing and decay-resistant material that aids in the structural support of vascular plants?


Xylem contains a material that provides several benefits, including structural support, compression-resistane, and decay-resistance. What is this material called?


One example of a critical innovation shared between later-diverging streptophyte algae and land plants is the presence of intercellular connections called


How does an apical meristem benefit land plants?

Produces thick bodies that resist drought and mechanical stress

Which of the following plant organs are primarily involved in the uptake of water and minerals?


One similarity between higher plants and mammals is that they both:

contain tissues that transfer nutrients from the mother to the embryo

A billion years ago, photosynthetic life on land was likely composed of:


The union of an egg cell with a sperm cell is a process called _________ , which produces a diploid zygote that develops into the embryo.


Bryophytes produce ______ sperm that need liquid water to swim to eggs to accomplish fertilization.


The sperm of most seed plants:

do not swim

If environmental conditions are unfavorable, seeds can remain in a state of _____ until conditions improve.


An advantage of the alternation of generations life cycle of bryophytes, compared to the haploid-dominant life cycle of streptophyte algae, is that:

each sporophyte can produce more spores

The red arrow is pointing to the _____ within the ovule of a seed plant.

egg or oocyte

One of the first critical innovations in land plants was the:


All groups of land plants are known as ___________ because they possess matrotrophic embryos.


Matrotrophic embryos are found in all groups of land plants. Thus, land plants are termed:


Angiosperm seeds are unique in that they possess a specialized seed tissue called


Double fertilization results in the production of a zygote, which develops into an embryo, and another fertilization product, which develops into nutritive tissue called


Because plant cells contain nuclei, plants are said to be


The ___________ is the dominant generation in the bryophyte life cycle.

gametophyte, bryophyte gametophytes, haploid, or gametophytes

Pollen grains are tiny male ______ enclosed by walls.


Although there are many surviving lineages of vascular plants, some lineages no longer exist. They are said to have gone


When no more representatives of a phylum are currently living, the phylum is said to be


Lycophyte and pteridophyte ___________ are small and delicate whereas ____________ form large adult plants with many leaves.

gametophytes; sporophytes

The life cycle of bryophytes and other land plants includes an alternation of


Embryos use the stores of carbohydrates, lipids, and proteins in seeds to:

grow rapidly

The term _________ is derived from a Greek term meaning "naked seeds."


The ginkgos, cycads, and conifers are:


The two types of seed plants are ___________ and __________

gymnosperms; angiosperms

A life cycle in which the only diploid cell is the zygote is referred to as a(n) ___________ - __________ life cycle.

haploid dominant

Because seed plants produce female spores and male spores, they are said to be


Plants that produce two types of spores (megaspores and microspores) are called


Plants that produce only one type of spore are said to be


Plants that produce only one type of spore that develops into one type of gametophyte are called:


Comparing genomes among different types of plants allows scientists to ______

identify genes associated with evolutionary transitions.

The cell-wall ingrowths of placental transfer tissues ______ the plasma membrane to allow for more membrane transport proteins.

increase the surface area of

In spermatophytes, the seed coat develops from the:

integument of the ovule

If an angiosperm was used as a model system to study placental transfer of organic molecules:

it would be difficult to study the small embryos

Heterospory describes the production of:

large female spores and small male spores

A pteridophyte leaf is typically:

large with branched veins

Fossils indicate that the first vascular plants appeared ______ than the earliest non-vascular plants or ______.

later; bryophytes

Plant structures specialized for photosynthesis are called:


Based on comparisons of gene numbers, scientists have concluded that the transition from bryophyte to lycophyte was:

less complex than that from lycophyte to angiosperm

The waterproofing material found in the xylem of vascular plants is called


_____ is a waterproofing material found in the cell walls of tracheids.


Earth's simplest land plants are:

liverworts, mosses, and hornworts

Thick plant bodies have a:

low surface to volume ratio

The surface to volume ratio in a plant body is:

lower than that in a filamentous alga

The tiny leaves of modern lycophytes are called ___________

lycophylls or microphylls

The first complete genome sequence for a seedless vascular plant was reported for a(n)


The oldest vascular plants are:


In the evolutionary sequence of vascular plants, the ____ arose first while the _____ appeared last.

lycophytes, seed plants

Forests in the Carboniferous period were dominated by tree-sized ________ , __________ , and early seed plants.

lycophytes; pteridophytes

The tracheophytes consist of __________, _________, and seed-producing vascular plants.

lycophytes; pteridophytes or ferns

After fertilization, lycophyte and pteridophyte embryos are initially nourished by

maternal gametophytes.

During plant development important organic and mineral materials are provided by the:

maternal plant

What supplies nutrients to land plant embryos during their development?

maternal tissues

The megaspores of pines develop within


Female gametophytes produce egg cells while in the protective walls of the female spore, called the __________


In this alternation of generations life cycle, the spores indicated by the blue circle are produced by:


In bryophytes, one adaptation to a terrestrial environment is that an apical ___________ produces three-dimensional plant parts.


In land plants, tissues are produced by cell division in regions called apical


Land plants develop tissues that are relatively thick and can withstand drought and stress; these tissues grow from localized regions of cell division called apical


Localized regions of cell division occurring at the growing tips of plants are called apical


During fertilization in seed plants, the pollen tube enters the ovule through an opening in the integument called a(n)


The microspores of pines develop within _______________


In seed plants, small spores called __________ develop into pollen.


This figure highlights the alternation of generations life cycle. The type of cell division indicated by the red circle is called


Vascular plants are ______ than bryophytes.

more prominent

During periods of very low levels of atmospheric CO2, atmospheric oxygen levels ______.


The plant organs specialized for the uptake of minerals and water from the soil are called


Gymnosperms and angiosperms are collectively referred to as ______ plants.


This image shows the steps in the development of a(n):


This is a cross section through a(n) _______ of an angiosperm.


______ plants are the plants with the greatest importance to humans.


After fertilization in spermatophytes, the embryo is protected by a hard, tough covering called the

seed coat

The plants with the greatest importance to humans are:

seed plants

Lycophytes and pteridophytes are known as

seedless vascular plants.

Spermatophytes produce complex structures having specialized tissues that protectively enclose and nourish embryos. These structures are called


The embryos of spermatophytes are produced within protective and nourishing structures known as:


The fact that seed plants dominate modern ecosystems suggests that:

seeds have reproductive advantages

Most coal deposits formed during:

the Carboniferous period

Although diverse, streptophytes all have cell walls made of


This process, which is unique to angiosperms, results in the production of both a zygote and an endosperm.

Double fertilization

The development of embryos occurred early or late in the evolution of plants?


In bryophytes, ______ hold sperm, and ______ hold eggs.

antheridia; archegonia

In plants, cell division is concentrated in regions called:

apical meristems

When plants are buried and only partially decomposed, carbon is prevented from entering the


Gymnosperms and angiosperms reproduce with:

both spores and seeds

Seed plants produce:

both spores and seeds

Vascular plants contain:

both water-conducting and nutrient-conducting tissues

All of the following are examples of vascular plants EXCEPT:


Mosses, liverworts, and hornworts are members of what informal grouping of nonvascular plants?


The nonvascular plants, collectively called _________ are typically small and found in moist habitats.


The simplest and most ancient phylum of modern plants is the ______.


Match each of these five groups of plants to their correct distinguishing features.

bryophytes - Dominant gametophyte generation; Lack true roots, stems, and leaves Lycophytes - Leaves generally small with a single, unbranched vein; Sporangia borne on sides of stems Pteridophytes - Leaves relatively large with extensively branched vein system; Sporangia borne on leaves Gymnosperms - Lack flowers and fruits; Seed food stored before fertilization in female gametophyte Angiosperms - Possess flowers and fruits; Seed food stored after fertilization in endosperm tissue

Seeds store large quantities of _________, __________, and , which are molecules necessary for seedling growth.

carbohydrates; lipids; proteins

Select all structures produced by gymnosperms.

- Vascular tissue - Seeds

What are the two most common forms of pollen dispersal?

- Wind - Animals

Angiosperms are distinguished from other plants by the presence all of the following:

- fruits - endosperm - flowers

The major plant organs include:

- leaves - stems - roots

Select all storage compounds in seeds.

- lipids - proteins - carbohydrates

Select all that are transported by conducting tissues of vascular plants.

- organic compounds - water - minerals

Vascular tissues allow vascular plants to:

- produce a large number of sporangia per sporophyte - grow taller than bryophytes - produce more spores than bryophytes

Select all structures that are layered.

- seeds - ovules

Fertilization is the union of these two entities.

- sperm - egg

Select all features that enhance the ability of bryophytes to live on land.

- thick-walled spores - Multicellular embryos

Arrange the following plant clades based on their order of divergence. Start with the oldest/earliest lineage at the top.

1. lycophytes 2. pteridophytes 3. seed plants

Which labeled structure in this diagram of the alternation of generation life cycle represents a gamete?


This figure depicts the alternation of generation life cycle of land plants. Match the letter to its appropriate structure.

A - Egg B - Zygote C - Sporophyte D - Spores

__________ refers to the phylum that include cycads, conifers, ginkgos, and gnetophytes.


Placental transfer tissue cells contain complex arrays of cell-wall ingrowths. What purpose do these serve?

High surface area allows solutes to move from cell to cell quickly.

In the alternation of generation life cycle, what statement best describes the single sporophyte? Multiple choice question.

It produces many spores that are genetically diverse

Ancient nonvascular plants likely influenced climate by sequestering ______ from the atmosphere.


Scientists have concluded that the transition from bryophyte to lycophyte was less complex than that from lycophyte to angiosperm, based on:

comparisons of genes

Vascular tissues not only provide structural support but also serve a role in

conduction of water and nutrients.

Apical meristems give rise to:

plant tissues

Plants are multicellular eukaryotes made of cells containing organelles called:


Because seeds can remain dormant, they allow plants to

survive in unpredictable conditions

The cells of the gametangia can develop into which of the following? Select all that apply.

- A sperm cell - The gametangial jacket - An egg cell

Select all types of seeds adapted for animal dispersal.

- Acorns - Hickory nuts

Select the reproductive characteristics of land plants.

- Alternation of generations - Life cycle with two types of multicellular bodies - Maternal nourishment of embryos

Select all features that have helped land plants to thrive in terrestrial environments.

- Apical meristems that produce tissues - Specialized structures to disperse gametes and spores

Select all statements that are true for the sporophytes of vascular plants, but not bryophytes.

- Become independent of gametophytes - Able to branch

What materials pass through stomata?

- Carbon dioxide - Oxygen - Water

Select the characteristics that are common to all streptophytes.

- Cellulose-rich cell walls - Starch in plastids

Choose all characteristics that are common to bryophytes.

- Common in moist habitats - Small in stature

Select the adaptations that allow vascular plants to maintain a stable internal water content.

- Conducting tissues - A waxy cuticle - Stomata

Select all characteristics of lignin.

- Decay resistant - Compression resistant - Water resistant

Select all features of plant embryos.

- Diploid - Multicellular

Select all types of data that are commonly used to classify plants.

- Fossil record - Molecular data - Physical characteristics

What does the clade streptophytes include? Choose all that apply.

- Green algae - Land plants

Select all places in which placental transfer tissues occur.

- Haploid gametophyte tissues - Diploid embryo tissues

Of these land plants, which three are the simplest?

- Hornworts - Liverworts - Mosses

Select all of the following that are members of the informal group called bryophytes.

- Hornworts - Liverworts - Mosses

Select all vascular plant innovations that evolved multiple times.

- Leaves - Seeds

Select all terms that can be used to describe the tiny leaves found in modern lycophytes.

- Lycophylls - Microphylls

Which of the following are examples of seedless vascular plants?

- Lycophytes - Pteridophytes

Select all plant groups that are considered tracheophytes.

- Lycophytes - Pteridophytes - Angiosperms

Select all plant phyla.

- Mosses - Gingkos - Liverworts - Conifers

Choose all that belong in the kingdom Plantae.

- Mosses - Lycophytes

Select the evolutionary advances exhibited by all seed plants.

- Production of two types of spores - The enclosure of the megasporangium within walls

Select all seedless vascular plants.

- Pteridophytes - Lycophytes

Select all characteristics of the sporophytes of bryophytes.

- Remain attached to gametophytes - Short lifespans - Inability to branch

Select all features common to both gymnosperms and angiosperms.

- Reproduction using spores - Presence of vascular tissue

Select all typical features of lycophytes.

- Roots fork at tips - Leaves are small with one unbranched vein

Select all types of plants that were abundant in forests in the Carboniferous period.

- Seed plants - Lycophytes - Pteridophytes

Select critical innovations shared between some streptophyte algae and land plants that helped land plants live on land.

- Sexual reproduction - Plasmodesmata - A distinctive type of cytokinesis

Land plants feature a life cycle involving alternation of generations. What are the two generations called?

- Sporophyte - Gametophyte

Select all roles of xylem in vascular plants.

- Structural support - Mineral transport

Which of the following statements are true of the haploid-dominant life cycle?

- The zygote is the only cell that undergoes meiosis. - The diploid generation consists of one cell.

Select all effects of the first land plants on life on Earth.

- They aided animals in the colonization of land - They helped to create the first substantial soils

Choose all that exhibit an alternation of generations.

-angiosperms - bryophytes - gymnosperms

Select all traits that illustrate adaptation of bryophytes to a terrestrial environment.

Alternation of generations Apical meristems

In this picture of a mature angiosperm seed, what is the arrow pointing to in this figure?

An embryonic root

The circle is enclosing a(n):

An ovule

What organisms reproduce using spores and seeds?

Angiosperms & gymnosperms

Which of the following characteristics separates angiosperms from gymnosperms?

Angiosperms have flowers and fruits that gymnosperms lack.

Match the type of gametangium with the type of cell that it protects.

Archegonium - egg Antheridium - sperm

__________ are the multicellular, diploid products of mitosis of the zygote. They were one of the first critical innovations in land plants.


What is the nutritive tissue in the seeds of angiosperms?


___________ is the nutritive seed tissue that enhances the efficiency of food storage in the seeds of flowering plants.


True or False: All the cells of gametangia develop into gametes.


True or false: All lineages of vascular plants are in existence today.


True or false: Gymnosperms possess seeds, flowers, fruits, and endosperm.


True or false: Phylogenies for plants usually rely solely on molecular data.


True or false: Plant eggs are fertilized only after they become independent from the maternal plant body.


True or false: Seed plants have replaced spores with seeds.


True or false: There is at least one living representative of all plant phyla.


Which of the following characteristics is common to both the alternation of generations and haploid-dominant life cycles?

Fertilization produces a zygote.

Match the gametangium type with its associated shape.

Flask-shaped matches - Archegonium Spherical or elongate - Antheridium

The conversion of atmospheric carbon dioxide into this decay resistant compound by ancient vascular plants led to the formation of coal deposits.


The retention of megasporangia on the parental sporophyte confers which of the following benefits?

Food can flow from photosynthetic sporophytes to dependent embryos

________ are the specialized parts of the gametophyte where gametes are produced.


Which of the following is a specialized structure of bryophytes that holds cells that develop into gametes?


Placental transfer tissues occur in haploid __________ tissues that lie closest to the embryo.


What is the dominant generation in the bryophyte life cycle?


Select the plant that has the potential to be the largest.

Lycophyte sporophyte

How often did the innovations of leaves and seeds likely evolve?

Many times

Egg cells of seed plants develop from within the walls of which of the following?


Seed plants are characterized by heterospory, in which smaller spores called microspores and larger spores called _________ are produced.


___________ are the large female spores produced by seed plants.


Which of the following occurs in an alternation of generation life cycle but not in a haploid-dominant life cycle?

Multicellular sporophyte

The data shown here comes from the Browning and Gunning experiment on placental transfer tissues. Did 11-13 mm sporophytes take up significantly more carbon than 5-7 mm ones?

No, because their values overlap when standard deviations are taken into account

In seed plants, this structure matures into a seed.


Land plants can be placed into nine taxonomic groups, called


______ in plants serve a similar role to that of the placenta in mammals.

Placental transfer tissues

The kingdom _______ is composed of land plants.


Heterospory describes the spores of different sizes and functions that are produced by which plant group?


Energy for embryo growth is provided by what structures in angiosperms and ferns, respectively?


These data were obtained from the pulse chase study of organic molecule transfer through placental tissues. Why did the gametophyte lose more carbon than the sporophyte gained?

Some carbon was lost through respiration

In the sporic life cycle, meiosis occurs within enclosures called ___________ , which protect developing spores from harmful UV radiation and microbial attack.


Which of the following are enclosures in which meiosis occurs during the sporic life cycle?


In the alternation of generations life cycle, meiosis in this multicellular stage produces spores.


What life cycle is shown in this figure?

The alternation of generation life cycle

The ovule of a seed plant is shown here. What is the blue arrow pointing to?

The multicellular female gametophyte

Why is water necessary for fertilization in bryophytes?

The sperm are flagellate and have to swim to the eggs

Which of the following statements about sporangia is true?

They foster wind dispersal of spores.

True or False: Angiosperms are also called flowering plants.


True or false: Bryophytes are nonvascular plants.


True or false: Decreased surface area to volume ratios mean that water is less likely to be lost through the outer surface of the organism.


True or false: Most angiosperm ovules do not store food materials prior to fertilization.


True or false: Plants sequester carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and retain the carbon in their tissues.


Which of the following tissues contains tracheids?


The development of decay resistant tissues in early vascular plants likely led to:

a reduction in atmospheric carbon dioxide levels

An ovule is composed of several layers, which are also present when it matures into:

a seed

Adaptations such as conducting tissues, a waxy cuticle, and stomata allow vascular plants to maintain

a stable internal water content.

When land plants produce two generations of multicellular bodies at different times during the life cycle it is referred to as __________ of generations.


The ______ life cycle exhibited by bryophytes illustrates an adaptation for life on land.

alternation of generations

This figure depicts the ______ life cycle.

alternation of generations

The ______ life cycle of ______ produces a larger number of genetically-diverse spores than the life cycle of aquatic algae.

alternation of generations; bryophytes

A tissue is defined as:

an association of similar types of cells

A term that originated from the Greek, meaning "enclosed seeds," is


The division Anthophyta contains _______________ , which are also known as flowering plants.


In the plant life cycle, alternation of generations refers to:

multicellular gametophytes and sporophytes

According to fossil evidence bryophytes are ____ vascular plants.

older than

In terms of the age of the early vascular plants, lycophytes are ______ pteridophytes.

older than

During evolution, plants moved from:

one type of sporangium to two types

During plant evolution, scientists estimate that the embryo evolved:

only once

In seed plants, the sporangium containing one spore that develops into an egg-producing gametophyte is called a(n) _______.


In angiosperms, the immature seeds, called ________ , do not contain a food supply until after fertilization.


The main function of plant leaves is to carry out


During plant development _________ transfer tissues aid in the transfer of nutrients from mother to embryo.


The transfer of nutrients from mother to embryo is aided by:

placental transfer tissues

In pines, microspores are small spores that develop into


In seed plants, tiny male gametophytes enclosed by walls are called


Fertilization in seed plants occurs when two sperm are carried to the egg through a structure called a(n)

pollen tube

The delivery of pollen to the female region of a flower is called:


The process by which pollen comes into contact with ovules is called


Plants originated from a photosynthetic _____ ancestor.


Seed plants retain megasporangia on the parental sporophyte in order to:

provide nutritional support

A fern is an example of a:


Early bryophyte-like plants influenced Earth's past climate by _________ the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.


Tissue production benefits land plants by:

reducing water loss

Early bryophyte-like plants influenced Earth's past climate by __________ the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.

reducing, decreasing, or lowering

Although seedless plants require water for fertilization, seed plants can survive in arid environments because:

sperm travel directly to the egg via the pollen tube

During fertilization in bryophytes, a gametophyte structure called the antheridium releases ______ cells, which swim toward the ______ cell that is contained in a gametophyte structure called the archegonium.

sperm; egg

All of the living and fossil seed plant phyla are collectively known as:


Because both groups produce seeds, gymnosperms and angiosperms are together known as the

spermatophytes or seed plants

Bryophyte ______ contain spores and facilitate their dispersal by wind.


Some experts think that lycophylls arose from modified ______.


The tiny leaves found in modern lycophytes are thought to have arisen from modified


The organism that we associate with the name fern is the ______________.


In the alternation of generations life cycle of land plants, the two generations are called __________ and ____________

sporophyte; gametophyte

As they mature, vascular plant ______ become independent by producing leaves and roots able to harvest resources needed for ______.

sporophytes; photosynthesis

Pores that can open and close on the surface tissue of vascular plant stems and leaves are called ______

stomata, stoma, or stomate

The land plants evolved from a:

streptophyte alga

Plants and their modern green algal relatives are collectively known as


The function of lignin in the cell walls of tracheids is:


The experiments carried out by Browning and Gunning on sporophytes were designed to test

the rate at which radiolabeled carbon moves through placental transfer tissues from gametophytes into sporophytes.

The most dominant plants in many ecosystems are spermatophytes. Their success is likely largely due to:

the reproductive advantage conferred by seeds

In a study of the movement of organic molecules through placental transfer tissues, bryophytes were chosen as the experimental system because:

the sporophyte is nutritionally dependent on the gametophyte

The embryo was a critical innovations in land plants because:

the young sporophyte received protection and nourishment from the maternal tissues

Early land plants caused a reduction in atmospheric carbon dioxide levels because:

their bodies did not always decompose

In the Earth's geologic history, the highest known atmospheric oxygen levels occurred when:

there was a decrease in the amount of oxygen used to break down organic carbon

What adaptation to the terrestrial habitat is an important feature of plant evolution?

three-dimensional tissue and apical meristems

The bodies of land plants are made of several types of ______ which are close associations of cells of the same type.


The presence of internal water and nutrient-conducting tissues that also provide structural support is a characteristic of plants called ___________ plants


The three major plant organs contain ______ tissue.


Tissues that provide structural support and serve in conduction are known as ___________ tissues

vascular or conducting

Lycophytes and pteridophytes are ______ plants which ______ seeds.

vascular; do not produce

Xylem and phloem enable plants to conduct organic compounds, ________ and __________ through the plant body.

water; minerals

Winged seeds are adapted for _____ dispersal and fleshy seeds are adapted for ______ dispersal.

wind; animal

Pollen is typically transported away from the mother plant by either ________ or __________

wind; animals, animal transport, or pollinators

In addition to being a conduction tissue, specialized vascular tissue called ___________ also provides structural support to the plant body.


Tracheids can be found in _________ , a specialized conducting tissue produced by vascular plants.


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