Chapter 5 nutrition

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pancreatic amylase

enzyme secreted by pancreas that breaks down starch into maltose molecules


enzyme that splits lactose molecule


enzyme that splits maltose molecule


enzyme that splits sucrose molecule

insoluble fiber

forms of dietary fiber that generally do not dissolve in water


abnormal, tiny sacs that form in the wall of the colon

pancreatic amylase

digests starch in the small intestine


disaccharide comprised of a glucose and a fructose molecule, "table sugar"


disaccharide comprised of two glucose molecules; "malt sugar"


fat breakdown

gestational diabetes

form of diabetes that pregnant women can develop

soluble fiber

forms of dietary fiber that dissolve or swell in water


glycogen breakdown


monosaccharide in fruits, honey, and certain vegetables, "levulose" or "fruit sugar"


monosaccharide that is primary fuel for muscles and other cells; "dextrose" or "blood sugar"

dietary fiber

nondigestible plant material; most types are polysaccharides


raises blood glucose levels


simple sugar compromised of two monosaccharides


simple sugars that are the basic chemical unit of carbohydrates


storage polysaccharide in animals


storage polysaccharide in plants

nutritive sweeteners

substances that sweeten and contribute energy to foods

alternative sweeteners

substances that sweeten foods while providing few or no kilocalories

added sugars

sugars added to foods during processing or preparation


table sugar is nearly ____________carbohydrate.

ketone bodies

Bethany consumes a very-low-carbohydrate diet that supplies less than 100 g of carbohydrate daily, but she eats high amounts of meat and fat. As a result of her diet, Bethany's cells form more _____ than normal.

kidney failure

Betty has type 2 diabetes, and she has difficulty keeping her fasting blood glucose level under 180 mg/dl. Based on this information, Betty has a high risk of

increase her intake of foods that contain insoluble fiber

Betty is constipated; she generally has bowel movements only twice a week. To help relieve her constipation without taking medications, Betty should

diabetes mellitus

Steve has pancreatic cancer. As a result of the disease, Steve has a high risk of

lactose intolerance

Caden develops intestinal cramps and gas after he drinks more than a half cup of milk. He can eat yogurt and cheese without any discomfort. Based on this information, Caden probably has

give herself a specific dose of insulin

Erika has type 1 diabetes and gives herself insulin injections to help manage her blood glucose level. One afternoon, Erika tested her blood and discovered that her blood glucose level was 260 mg/dl. Based on this information, Erika should


The starch in oatmeal and wheat is composed of _____ molecules.

cornflakes cereal

Which of the following foods has a high glycemic index?

raw carrots

Which of the following foods has a low glycemic index (less than 70)?

white rice

Which of the following foods is a rich source of starch?

whole-grain oat cereal

Which of the following foods is the best source of soluble fiber?

sugar-sweetened soft drinks

Which of the following foods or beverages is the main source of added sugars in American diets?

fat-free milk

Which of the following foods provides the most carbohydrates per 4-ounce serving?

high fasting blood glucose

Which of the following signs is associated with metabolic syndrome?


Which of the following substances is a complex carbohydrate?


Which of the following substances is a disaccharide?


Which of the following substances is a polysaccharide?


Which of the following substances is a simple sugar?


Which of the following substances is an enzyme that breaks down lactose?

regular soft drinks

______ are the primary source of added sugars in the typical American diet.


______ is a primary fuel for muscles and other cells.


______ is the hormone that enables glucose to enter cells.


abnormally high blood glucose level


disacharide comprised of a glucose and a galactose molecule, "milk sugar"

salivary amylase

enzyme secreted by salivary glands that begins starch digestion


monosaccharide that is a component of lactose

galactose, glucose, and fructose

the three most important dietary monosaccharides for humans are

by comparing sugar content information that is listed in the Nutrition Facts panel

Abe wants to use canned or frozen peaches to make a dessert. While shopping for the fruit, how can he determine which kind has the least sugar per serving?

metabolic syndrome

According to Shawn's physician, Shawn has a high risk of _____ because his waist circumference is 42 inches, his blood pressure consistently measures 140 mm Hg/90 mm Hg, and his fasting blood glucose level is 110 mg/dl.

is not digested by the human intestinal tract.

Dietary fiber

citrus fruits

Hillary would like to add more soluble fiber to her diet. Which of the following foods should she add?

converted into fat and stored

If your diet supplies more sugar and starch than you need, the excess can be

is in whole-grain products, including brown rice

Insoluble fiber

give birth to a baby that has birth defects

Katie is pregnant. She has type 1 diabetes and often has difficulty controlling her blood glucose level. Based on this information, Katie is likely to

often associated with excess body weight.

Type 2 diabetes is


When cells have more glucose than they need energy, they may convert some of the excess into


Which of the following carbohydrates is in plain, fat-free milk?


Which of the following conditions is a common sign or symptom of untreated type 1 diabetes?

tooth decay

Which of the following conditions is clearly associated with eating dietary carbohydrates, especially sticky sugars?

high-fructose corn syrup

caloric sweetener that is often added to food

ketone bodies

chemicals that result from incomplete fat breakdown


class of nutrients that include glucose, a major source of energy for the body

complex carbohydrates (polysaccharides)

compounds comprised to 10 or more monosaccharides bonded together


condition characterized by fasting blood glucose levels that are 100 to 125 mg/dl

metabollic syndrome

condition that increases risk of type 2 diabetes and CVD


condition that occurs when the blood glucose level is abnormally low


condition that occurs when the body forms excessive ketone bodies

simple carbohydrates

group of carbohydrates that include sugars

diabetes mellitus

group of serious chronic diseases characterized by abnormal glucose, fat, and protein metabolism

non nutritive sweeteners

group of synthetic compounds that are intensely sweet tasting compared to sugar


groups of signs and symptoms that occur together and indicate a specific health problem


hormone that helps regulate blood glucose levels


hormone that helps regulate blood glucose levels

lactose intolerance

inability to digest lactose properly


lactose is the disaccharide in

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