Chapters 7,8,9

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Which of the following is not a step in endochondral bone formation?

Hyaline cartilage changes to adipose tissue.

articular cartilage

Hyaline tissue that surrounds joints

Degenerative disorder of joints


__________________ muscles have regularly aligned thin and thick filaments.


_______________ muscles respond to hormones.


________________ muscles are slower to contract and relax than the other muscle type.


________________ muscles respond to the neurotransmitter norepinephrine.


_________________ muscles can respond to neurotransmitters with inhibition of contraction.


________________ and _______________ muscles release calcium into the cytosol when stimulated.

Smooth and skeletal

_________________ and _______________ muscles rely on actin and myosin during contraction.

Smooth and skeletal

_________________ and ________________ muscles respond to the neurotransmitter acetylcholine.

Smooth and skeletal

Torn or overstretched ligaments


What vitamin is necessary for proper absorption of calcium in the small intestines?

Vitamin D

Which of the following bones is not part of the orbit of the skull?


What is the most important mineral to assist in maintaining strong bone throughout life?


within inner mitochondrial membrane

electron transport chain

move up, move down

elevation, depression

Each muscle fiber within a fascicle lies within a layer of connective tissue in the form of a thin covering called.


connective tissue around muscle fiber


Lining of joint cavity; secretes fluid is called _______________?

synovial membrane

Attaches bone to muscle


The rotator cuff of the shoulder is composed mainly of

tendons and fibrous connective tissue.

The presence of an epiphyseal plate indicates that

the bone is lengthening

What is the definition of hematopoiesis?

the process of blood cell formation

The functional unit of muscle contraction is

the sarcomere

Which is true of sex hormones?

they stimulate ossification of the epiphyseal plates

In which decade of life does the removal of the bone matrix first exceed production of new bone?

third decade

The primary curves of the vertebral column are the

thoracic and sacral curvatures

Trusses and arches which help form an internal scaffolding network are found in:

trabecular bone

The radial collateral ligament is associated with the

elbow joint

Synarthrotic joints are


site of ATP production?


At a neuromuscular junction, the muscle fiber membrane folds, forming a _______________________________.

motor end plate

The chemicals then bind to receptors located on the ___________________, a specialized area of the sarcolemma.

motor end plate

provides stimulation to muscle fiber

motor neuron axon

At this junction, the ____________ releases a type of chemical called a ________________.

motor neuron, neurotransmitter

*(Place the steps of muscle fiber contraction in the correct sequence 1-10)* ACh binds to receptors on the motor end plate.


Height begins to decrease on average after age


one of the final products

34 ATP

*(Place the steps of muscle fiber contraction in the correct sequence 1-10)* A nerve impulse arrives at the distal end of a motor neuron axon.


Ligaments of the shoulder joint include the 1________________ ligaments which extend from the edge of the glenoid cavity, across the anterior joint capsule, and attach to the 2________________ tubercle and anatomical neck of the humerus.

1 glenohumeral, 2 lesser

The lateral ligament is the radial ________________ ligament, running from the ________________ epicondyle of the humerus to the anular ligament.

1-collateral, 2-lateral

The shoulder joint occurs between the 1___________________ of the scapula and the head of the 2____________________. It is a 3_____________________ joint.

1-glenoid cavity, 2 humerus, 3 ball-and-socket

Two articulations are found within the elbow joint: a 1 _________ joint between the trochlear notch of the ulna and trochlea of the 2 ______________, and a 3___________ joint between the 4_____________ and the fossa of the head of the radius.

1-hinge, 2-humerus, 3-plane, 4-capitulum

A lateral and medial ligament stabilize the joint. The 1____________ collateral ligament is medial, running from the 2_______________ epicondyle of the humerus to the coronoid and olecranon processes of the ulna.

1-ulnar, 2-medial

*(Place the steps of muscle fiber contraction in the correct sequence 1-10)* The muscle fiber shortens as a contraction occurs.


*(Place the steps of muscle fiber contraction in the correct sequence 1-10)* ACh is released into the synaptic cleft.


Which of the following statements is correct? 1-Tropomyosin molecules move and expose specific sites on myosin filaments. 2-Actin filaments slide along myosin filaments. 3-Cross-bridges form between actin and the sarcolemma. 4-Filaments of troponin and tropomyosin slide past one another.

2-Actin filaments slide along myosin filaments.

*(Place the steps of muscle fiber contraction in the correct sequence 1-10)* An electrical impulse travels across the sarcolemma and into transverse tubules.


*(Place the steps of muscle fiber contraction in the correct sequence 1-10)* The impulse causes calcium channels to open in the sarcoplasmic reticulum.


At which of the following ages would calcium loss from bone be more than calcium deposits into bone, even when a high calcium diet is eaten?

50 years old

*(Place the steps of muscle fiber contraction in the correct sequence 1-10)* Calcium ions diffuse out of sarcoplasmic reticulum and bind to troponin.


*(Place the steps of muscle fiber contraction in the correct sequence 1-10)* Tropomyosin molecules move to expose binding sites on actin.


*(Place the steps of muscle fiber contraction in the correct sequence 1-10)* The myosin heads link to the active sites on actin.


*(Place the steps of muscle fiber contraction in the correct sequence 1-10)* Thin filaments are pulled toward the center of the sarcomere by myosin.


Tawanda finishes a sprint and suffers great pain in her calf muscles. Her muscle cramps are most likely due to a temporary deficit of___________________.


Which of the following movements could occur at the hip joint?

Abduction and adduction Rotation Flexion and extension All of the above

Which of the following correctly pairs a term with its definition?

Abduction—lifting the arm horizontally to form a right angle with the side of the body or moving a part away from the midline

What is the name of the neurotransmitter used at a skeletal neuromuscular junction?


Choose the joint characteristic that applies to all joints of the body.

All joints are connections between neighboring bones.

Inflammation of fluid-filled sacs associated with a joint


Spongy Bone

Composed of trabeculae, gaps between ossified material are filled with marrow, provides strength with light weight, displays a higher rate of bone turnover, more abundant in bone epiphyses

Anular ligament make up what joint?

Elbow joint

Ulnar and radial collateral ligament make up what joint?

Elbow joint

Which muscle group is composed of mainly slow-twitch (type I) fibers?

Erector spinae muscles of the back

______________ is the bending of a joint.


Iliofemoral and pubofemoral ligaments make up what joint?

Hip joint

Which of the following best describes the role of calcium in muscle contraction?

It binds to troponin, moving tropomyosin, so that myosin heads can bind to actin.

lubricating fluid inside joint

Joint cavity filled with synovial fluid

Anterior and posterior cruciate ligaments make up what joint?

Knee joint

Tibial and fibular collateral ligaments make up what joint?

Knee joint

Place in order from largest to smallest the components of a skeletal muscle. - muscle fiber, muscle, myofilaments, myofibril, fascicle

LARGEST- muscle, fascicle, muscle fiber, myofibril, myofilament - SMALLEST

Intermittent disorder caused by bacterial infection

Lyme arthritis

Which of the following is an infection?

Lyme disease

Compact Bone

Made of osteons, histologically visible central canals, also called cortical bone, found forming the superficial regions of all bones, more abundant in the bone diaphysis

A six-month-old baby is admitted to the hospital with a broken bone. This is the third fracture in the otherwise healthy child. The parents are arrested on charges of child abuse. The defense lawyer gets the charges dropped after the results of genetic tests indicate which of the following conditions?

Osteogenesis imperfecta

Which of the following is not true?

Red fibers have fewer mitochondria than white.

Inflammation of a joint due to autoimmune condition

Rheumatoid arthritis

Which of the following best describes the causes of common forms of arthritis?

Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease and osteoarthritis is caused by effects of aging.

Transverse humeral ligament make up what joint?

Shoulder joint

Synarthrotic joints

Suture, Gomphosis,Synostosis, Synchondrosis

Which of the following is not a type of fibrous joint?


Amphiarthrotic joints

Syndesmosis, Symphsis

Diarthrotic joints

Synovial joint

transmit muscle impulses into the cell interior.

Transverse tubules

Female Skeleton

Wider pubic arch, sacral curvature bends sharply posterior

Doing jumping jacks requires that you alternate ______ and _______ your lower extremities.

abducting; adducting

The chemical used at the junction with a skeletal muscle is ___________________.


The first event in muscle fiber contraction is that

acetylcholine is released from the end of the motor neuron.

People with myasthenia gravis have a deficiency of

acetylcholine receptors

Myofibrils are composed primarily of

actin and myosin.

individual portions that assemble into a chain?

actin molecules

The muscle that causes an action is the________________.


Cardiac muscle contracts as a syncytium. excites itself. is only in the heart. all of the above.

all of the above

Functions of muscles include heartbeat. muscle tone. moving bones. all of the above.

all of the above

Myasthenia gravis is

an autoimmune disorder.

The muscle that opposes a particular action is called the________________.


Troponin binds to?


Name the ligament that holds the head of the radius in place within the elbow joint.

anular ligament

With aging, joint diseases such as _______________ may develop. This large group of joint diseases involve inflammation of the joint(s) accompanied by pain and stiffness.


Protective layer that covers bone ends Is called ____________?

articular cartilage

Joints are also called


Bones in the legs, arms, spine and pelvis grow:

at different rates


bone building cells, involved with bone deposition, these cells should become more active when blood calcium levels are high, calcitonin causes these cells to become more active


bone cells incased in matrix


bone resorbing cells, parathyroid hormone causes these cells to become more active, massive multi-nucleate cells

Which of the following is(are) an example of an intramembranous bone?

broad, flat skull bones

Fluid-filled sacs is called ______________?


An electrical impulse travels into the interior of a muscle fiber:

by way of the transverse tubules.

Within joints called synchondroses, the bone ends are held together by hyaline ________________.


Changes to other ___________________ joints, such as symphyses joints, are due to decreased water content of fibrocartilage that occurs with aging. This affects the vertebral column by reducing the ability to absorb shock and by stiffening the spine.


Joints in which the bone ends are bound together by hyaline cartilage or fibrocartilage are classified as:

cartilaginous joints

The secondary curves of the vertebral column are the

cervical and lumbar curvatures

The atlas is one of the

cervical vertebrae

Connie recently celebrated her 45th birthday. She feels okay most of the day, but in the morning, for about a half hour after she gets out of bed, all of her joints feel stiff. This is due to

changes in collagen structure.

completes breakdown of original product

citric acid cycle

The joint stiffness that occurs with aging is typically due to changes in ______ within the joint.


A muscle fiber exposed to a series of stimuli of increasing frequency combines individual twitches (summation) which results in

complete sustained contraction.

Therefore, layers of __________________ enclose and separate all parts of a skeletal muscle.

connective tissue

Which of the following is not a function of bones?


The muscle that adducts and flexes the arm is the____________________.


joint capsule

dense connective tissue surrounds joint

Glucosamine and chondroitin are

dietary supplements from shells and cow cartilage.

The ankle is able to ______________ when pulling the foot and toes up toward the shin.


A movement that brings the foot closer to the shin is a(n)


The layer of connective tissue that closely surrounds a skeletal muscle is called the ________________.


connective tissue at muscle surface


What is the end of a long bone called?


Turning the ankle so that the sole of the foot points laterally is called _________________.


dense connective tissue that separates muscles


bundle of muscle fiber


Within a joint called a symphysis, the bone ends are held together by_____________________.


Some of the first joints to undergo changes are the ___________ joints of the skull. As ossification of the skull continues through early childhood, these joints become smaller as the bones grow closer together.


A suture is an example of a(n)

fibrous joint.

thick and thin myofilaments



flat bone

When you reach up to scratch your nose, you have to _______ your elbow.


Movements permitted by the elbow joint between the humerus and the ulna are

flexion and extension

the shoulder is capable of what kinds of movement?

flexion, extension, adduction, abduction, rotation, and circumduction

the elbow is capable of what kinds of movement?

flexion, extension, rotation, pronation, and supination

The talus, calcaneus, navicular, cuboid, and lateral, intermediate, and cuneiform bones are all part of the


The presence of a joint capsule is associated with what type of joint?


Diarthrotic joints are

freely movable

fuel for ATP


A gluteal gait, in which a person walks with a waddling limp, is usually caused by a disorder of the

gluteus medius and gluteus minimus.

Disuse of the joints ____________ which hastens stiffening.

hampers blood flow

Which of the following are components of the pelvic girdle?

hip bones, coxal bones, sacrum ; all of the above

Articular cartilage is

hyaline cartilage

Curvatures of the spine produce all of the following except

increased height

Synovial membrane

inner lining of joint cavity

The structures that connect cardiac muscle cells are

intercalated discs.

turning sole inward & outward

inversion, eversion

The zygomatic bone is an example of a(n)

irregular bone


irregular bone

The femur

is the longest bone in the body, extends from the hip to the knee, articulates with the patella

Along the margin of the glenoid cavity is a fibrocartilage rim called the glenoid _______________. It deepens the cavity, making the joint more stable.


aerobic metabolism byproduct

lactic acid

The concentric rings of compact bone are called:


In a recording of a muscle twitch, the delay between the time a stimulus is applied and the time the muscle responds is called the________________.

latent period

A joint capsule is reinforced by

ligaments binding articular ends of bones together.


long bone

The hard palate is composed of the

maxillary and palatine bones

Fibers of muscles whose motor neurons are severed

may be replaced by fat or fibrous connective tissue.

Fibrocartilage discs within joint is called___________?


Fibrocartilage discs that divide the joint into two compartments are called


Bacteria infecting the mucous membranes in the air cells of the mastoid process most likely spread from the

middle ear

Threshold stimulus is the

minimum strength of stimulation required to contract a muscle fiber.

What is a function of bone that is due to its relationship with skeletal muscle?

movement of limbs

muscle cell

muscle fiber

A weightlifter uses muscles so the muscles exert more than 75% of their maximum tension, This stimulates

muscle fibers developing new filaments of actin and myosin.

An example of a partial but sustained contraction is

muscle tone.

tread like bundles of myofilaments


During muscle contraction ATP supplies energy for

myofilament movement

The characteristic reddish brown color of skeletal muscle comes from which substance?


Thick filaments are composed of the protein______________?


In order for muscle contraction to occur, cross-bridges form between:

myosin and actin.

form cross fibers?

myosin heads

many combine to form filament?

myosin molecules

control center of the cell


Articular cartilage of a long bone is found

on the outer surface of the epiphyses

A muscle end attached to a less movable or relatively fixed part is called the


Bone-producing cells are called:


Throughout life, bone tissue continues to change. ______ are responsible for resorbing bone matrix and ______ are responsible for replacing it.

osteoclasts, osteoblasts

The combination of all of the concentric rings of bone built around blood vessels is called a(n):


Which of the following is not found associated with spongy bone?


Bisphosphonates are drugs that slow the progress of


A sprain involves

overstretched or torn ligaments and tendons in a joint.

connective tissue surrounding fascicles


Another layer of connective tissue, called the ______________, extends inward from the epimysium and separates the muscle tissue into small sections. These sections contain bundles of skeletal muscle fibers called ________________.

perimysium, fascicles

Male Skeleton

prominent mastoid process on skull, larger acetabulum

Pivoting of the radius against the ulna turns the palm down and back is called__________________.


Functions of Skeletal System

protects soft tissue, point of attachments for muscles, site of blood-producing cells, stores inorganic salts

thin filaments are composed of what 3 proteins?

proteins-actin, tropomyosin, and troponin.

move forward & backward

protraction, retraction

3 carbon compound

pyruvic acid

The anular ligament encircles the head of the _____________ and attaches to the margin of the trochlear notch, holding the head against the radial notch.


The head ________________ when shaking the head to say "no".


Tendons of several muscles (including the supraspinatus and subscapularis) cross the joint, blending with the fibrous layer of the joint capsule to form the _________________.

rotator cuff

The discoloration and swelling of a muscle strain is due to

ruptured blood vessels

The striated appearance of skeletal muscle fibers results from the

sarcomere organization.

Muscle fibers are basically a collection of


storage site oc calcium

sarcoplasmic reticulum

An electrical impulse traveling along the sarcolemma and into transverse tubules causes calcium ions to diffuse from the ________ into the ________.

sarcoplasmic reticulum; sarcoplasm


sesamoid bone


short bone

The coracohumeral ligament is associated with the

shoulder joint

Artificial joints are built of

silicone polymers for small joints and metals for large joints.

Amphiarthrotic joints are

slightly movable

Both acetylcholine and norepinephrine can affect

smooth muscle contraction.

Regina began an exercise program six months ago, and the muscles of her upper limbs and lower limbs are more prominent. Exercise can lead to formation of new muscle by

stimulating skeletal muscle cells to release IL-6, which stimulates satellite cells to divide, producing more muscle cells.

Creatine phosphate

supplies energy for the synthesis of ATP.

Which of the following is not considered a weight bearing activity?


Which of the following is not a synovial joint?


The functional connection between a neuron and a skeletal muscle fiber is a_______________.


The site where the neuron communicates with the muscle fiber is called a ____________.


neuromuscular junction


These chemicals diffuse across a small gap between the neuron and muscle fiber called the ___________________.

synaptic cleft

The joints between the epiphyses and diaphyses of long bones are a type of ___________________, a cartilaginous joint. These joints ossify around the time of puberty.


Types of fibrous joints include

syndesmosis, suture, and gomphosis joints.

A fibrous joint in which an interosseous ligament binds bones is a


A muscle that assists the agonist is a(n)


In _________________ joints, changes within the joint capsule occur with aging. The blood flow to the synovial membrane decreases, reducing fluid production. It also loses elasticity as fibrous material builds up.


The binding of the chemicals to the muscle cell causes an electrical impulse to travel along the sarcolemma and down the ________________tubules.


The triangle of auscultation, commonly used to hear sounds of respiratory organs, is located near the border of the

trapezius and latissimus dorsi.

blocks binding site of myosin?


Calcium ions bind to ______ in order to initiate a muscle contraction.


In order for a skeletal muscle fiber to contract, calcium must bind to:


Transverse (T) tubules are invaginations of the sarcolemma of a muscle cell. True or False


Ribs that join the sternum directly by costal cartilages are called

true ribs

The number of bones in the skeletal system is


What is the role or function of yellow marrow in the bone tissue?

yellow bone marrow is a site for storage of fat

The zygomatic arch is composed of processes of

zygomatic and temporal bones

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