Chemistry Chapter 1-9

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Which of the following is an example of a compound? A. Salt B. Nickel C. Air D. Carbon


A chemical combination (bond) of two or more different elements is a(n) A. Solution B. Compound C. Element D. Period


A hypothesis is a(n)? A. set of controlled observations. B. tentative explanation of observations C. explanation supported by many experiments D. law describing a relationship in nature


A researcher analyzes different compounds that might be sources of cancer drugs. What type of research is this? A. pure research B. Applied research


According to the law of conservation of mass, mass is neither created nor destroyed during a reaction. 36.5 g + 40 g -> 58.5 g + ? ? = A. 16.0 g B. 18.0 g C. 20.0 g D. 22.0 g


At n=1, the total number of electrons that could be found is A. 1 B. 2 C. 6 D. 18


Convert 0K to C A. 273 C B. -274 C C. 350 C D. None of the above


For an electron in an atom to change from the ground state to an excited state, A. energy must be released B. energy must be absorbed C. radiation must be emitted D. the electron must make a transition from a higher to a lower energy level


Is an element has an octet of electrons in its highest energy level and is considered "full," there are ___ electrons in this level. A. 2 B. 8 C. 10 D. 32


The ___ of an element indicates the relative ability of it atoms to attract electrons in a chemical bond. A. ionization B. electronegativity C. ion D. ionization energy


The average atomic mass of an element A. Is the mass of the most abundant isotope B. May not equal the mas of any of the isotopes C. Cannot be calculated D. Always adds up to 100


The electron configuration for carbon 1s²2s²2p². The atomic number of carbon is A. 3 B. 6 C. 11 D. 12


The rays and particles emitted by radioactive material are called A. reactions B. radiation C. decay D. gamma


This isotope has 132 55 Cs A. 55 neutrons, 55 protons, and 55 electrons B. 77 neutrons, 55 protons, and 55 electrons C. 55 neutrons, 77 protons, and 55 electrons D. 77 neutrons, 77 protons, and 55 electrons


This isotope has... 235 92 U A. 126 neutrons, 80 protons, 50 electrons B. 143 neutrons, 92 protons, 92 electrons C. 235 neutrons, 52 protons, 52 electrons D. 143 neutrons, 92 protons, 143 electrons


What are the vertical columns in the periodic table called? A. block elements B. groups C. periods D. grids


All atoms of the same element have the same A. atomic mass B. number of neutrons C. mass number D. atomic number


An atom has no net electrical charge because ___. A. Its subatomic particles carry no electrical charges B. The positively charged protons cancel out the negatively charged neutrons C. The positively charged neutrons cancel out the negatively charged electrons D. The positively charged protons cancel out the negatively charged electrons.


Experiments with the cathode rays led to the discovery of the A. proton B. nucleus C. neutron D. electron


In Rutherford's experiments, alpha particles A. passed through a tube containing gas B. were used to bombard a cathode plate C. collided with electrons D. were used to bombard thin metal foil


Extensive (1) or Intensive (2)! 1. mass 2. temperature of water 3. density 4. volume of CO gas


Physical (1) or Chemical (2)! 1. breaking a pencil in half 2. wood burning 3. silver tarnishing 4. ice melting


Homogeneous (1) or Heterogeneous (2)! 1. dirt 2. salt dissolved in water 3. chunky peanut butter 4. oil and water


A 58.33-g sample of mil of magnesia, Mg(OH)2, always contains 24.31 g of magnesium, 32.00 g of oxygen, and 2.02 g of hydrogen. Find the mass percentage of Magnesium in milk of magnesia. A. 41.68% B. 52.7% C. 49.46% D. 3.46%


A solvent is A. a substance that dissolves another substance B. a substance that causes other substances to enter the plasma phase C. a substance that is dissolved in a solution D. a substance that causes protons to be extracted from the nucleus


A spherical electron cloud surrounding an atomic nucleus would be represent A. an s orbital B. a px orbital C. a combination of px and py orbitals D. a combination of s and px orbitals


A substance made up of 2 or more types of atoms that are NOT chemically combined is called a(n) A. Mixture B. Element C. Compound D. Molecule


According to the quantum theory of an atom, in an orbital A. an electron's position cannot be known precisely B. an electron has no energy C. electrons cannot be found D. electrons travel around the nucleus in circular paths


Add: (3x10^9) + (5x10^10) A. 5.3x10^10 B. 2x10^9 C. 8x10^10 D. 15x10^10


Atoms with the same number of protons but different numbers of neutrons A. isotopes B. gamma C. beta D. atomic mass


Because most particles fired at metal foil passed straight through, Rutherford concluded that A. Atoms were mostly empty space B. Atoms contained no charged particles C. Electrons formed the neuleus D. Atoms were indivisible


Bohr diagram for Magnesium A. 12 p 12 n 12 e


Chlorine has the atomic number 17 and mass number 35. It has A. 17 protons, 17 electrons, and 18 neutrons B. 35 protons, 35 electrons, and 17 neutrons C. 17 protons, 17 electrons, and 52 neutrons D. 18 protons, 18 electrons, and 17 neutrons


If electrons in an atom have the lowest possible energies, the atom is in the A. ground state B. inert state C. excited state D. radiation-emitting state


Solve the following problem: (1x10^9) x (5x10^5) A. 5 x 10^14 B. 50,000 C. 50,000,000,000,000 D. A and C


The atomic number of oxygen, 8, indicates there are eight A. Protons in the nucleus of an oxygen atom B. Oxygen nuclides C. Neutrons outside the oxygen atom's nucleus D. Energy levels in the oxygen atom's nucleus


The average atomic mass of an element is the average of the atomic masses of its A. naturally occurring isotopes B. two most abundant isotopes C. radioactive isotopes D. artificial isotopes


The specific wavelengths of light seen through a prism that are made when high-voltage current is passed through a tube of hydrogen gas at low pressure is a A. line-emission spectrum B. electron configuration C. photoelectric effect D. continuous electromagnetic spectrum


The statement that the maximum of two electrons may occupy a single atomic orbital, but only if the electrons have opposite spins is A. Pauli exclusion principle B. Hund's rule C. Bohr's Law D. Aufbau principle


What is the product of 2.324 centimeters and 1.11 centimeters expressed to the correct number of significant digits? A. 2.58 cm^2 B. 2.5780 cm^2 C. 2.57964 cm^2 D. 2.57964 cm^2


Which model of the atom explains why excited hydrogen gas gives off certain colors of light? A. Bohr model B. the de Broglie model C. Rutherford's model D. Planck's Theory


Which of the following is not a chemical change? A. Freezing of water B. Rusting of iron C. Placing an iron in hydrochloric acid & producing hydrogen D. Gas burning a piece of wood


Which of the following is the atomic mass of the element X? 27.977 (amu) & 92.23% 28.976 (amu) & 4.67% 29.974 (amu) & 3.10% A. 28.08 B. 25.94 C. 32.09 D. 48.62


Which of the following orbitals has the highest energy? A. 4f B. 5p C. 6s D. 3d


Which of the following rules requires that each of the p orbitals at a particular energy level receive one electron before any of the can have two electrons? A. Hund's rule B. Pauli exclusion principle C. Aufbau principle D. Quantum rule


Whose series of experiments identified the nucleus of the atom? A. Rutherford B. Dalton C. Chadwick D. Bohr


You calculate that 319 000 000 m is the answer to a problem. You are asked to write your answer in scientific notation. Which answer is correct? A. 3.19x10^8 B. 31.9 x 10^10 C. 32x10^10 D. both b and c


What do a solid's molecules do differently than a gas's? A. A solid moves faster and is closer together B. A solid moves slower and is closer together C. A solid moved faster and is farther apart D. A solid moves slower and is farther apart


What element has the average atomic mass of 28.08? A. Sodium B. Silicon C. Sulfur D. Titanium


What types of reaction involves changes in the nucleus of an atom? A. Chemical reactions B. Nuclear reactions C. Proton reactions D. None of the Above


Which of the following is an example of a homogeneous mixture? A. silicon B. air C. nickel D. carbon


Which of the following is not part of Dalton's atomic theory? A. Atoms cannot be divided, created, or destroyed B. The number of protons in an atom is its atomic number. C. In chemical reactions, atoms are combined, separated, or rearranged D. All matter is composed of extremely small particles called atoms.


Which of the following observations is quantitative? A. the liquid turns blue litmus paper red B. the liquid boils at 100 degrees Celsius C. the liquid tastes bitter D. the liquid is cloudy


Which of these is considered a derived unit? A. kilogram B. liter C. second D. Kelvin


You calculate that 205,100 m/s is the answer to a problem. What can you conclude about your answer? A. It has six significant figures. B. It has four significant figures. C. It's not possible to know without the accepted value. D. It is not possible to know without it's percent error.


A constant is a factor that A. changes during an experiment B. changes from one lab to another C. is not allowed to change during the experiment D. is affected by the dependent variable


A substance that cannot be separated into a simpler substances by by physical or chemical means is a(n) A. Compound B. Mixture C. Element D. Period


A theory is a(n) A. set of controlled observations B. tentative explanation supported by many experiments C. explanation supported by many experiments D. law describing a relationship in nature


A three dimensional region around a nucleus where an electron may be found is called a(n) A. Spectral line B. Electron path C. Orbital D. Orbit


Accepted value is 78.5 C. Which result is most accurate? A. 80.2 C B. 81.8 C C. 78.8 C D. 80 C


According to Dalton's atomic theory, atoms A. Are destroyed in chemical reactions B. Can be divided C. Of each element are identical in size, mass and other properties D. Of different elements cannot combine


An aluminum isotope consists of 13 protons, 13 electrons, and 14 neutrons. Its mass number is A. 13 B. 14 C. 27 D. 40


An atom is electrically neutral because A. neutrons balance protons and electrons B. nuclear forces stabilize the charges C. the numbers of protons and electrons are equal D. the numbers of protons and neutrons are equal


Boron, atomic number 5, belongs to group 13. How many electrons does Boron have in the outermost energy level? A. 7 B. 13 C. 3 D. 5


Convert 100 km/h to m/s. A. 100 m/s B. 1000 m/s C. 27.8 m/s D. 56.78 m/s


For an experiment in which you are determining the freezing point of an unknown chemical, you record the temperature every minute for 20 minutes. In this example, the time is the ___* A. Control B. Dependent Variable C. Independent Variable D. Hypothesis


High-energy radiation that has no charge and no mass A. beta B. alpha C. gamma ray D. none of the above


How many seconds are there in 1 millisecond? A. 1x10^3 s B. 1000 s C. .001 s D. 10 s


In his latest dig, Dr. Butrell found an abundance of lead (Pb) in some ancient artifacts. What is the atomic number of lead? A. 80 B. 81 C. 82 D. 83


Most of the volume of an atom is occupied by the A. nucleus B. nuclides C. electrons D. protons


Radiation that is deflected toward the positively charged plate A. gamma B. alpha C. beta D. none of the above


The f-block contains the ____. A. transition metals B. halogens C. inner transition metals D. alkaline earth metals


The principles of atomic theory recognized today were conceived by A. Avogadro B. Bohr C. Dalton D. Rutherford


The total number of protons and neutrons in the nucleus of an atom is its A. atomic number B. Avogadro number C. Mass number D. average atomic mass


The total number of protons and neutrons in the nucleus of an atom is its A. Atomic number B. Avogadro number C. Mass number D. Isotope number


The volume of an atom is made up mostly of ____. A. Protons B. Neutrons C. Electrons D. None of the Above


What are the horizontal rows on the periodic table called? A. block elements B. groups C. periods D. grids


What group is boron in? A. 2 B. 1 C. 3 D. 8


What is used to name different isotopes for an element? A. atomic number B. protons C. mass number D. percent natural occurrence


What period is Potassium in? A. 2 B. 1 C. 4 D. 3


What physical property could be used to easily separate a mixture of oil and pure water? A. shape B. volume C. density D. odor


What were Rutherford's conclusions from his gold foil experiment? A. Atoms are solid matter with positive and negative charges scattered throughout. B. Atoms are solid, positively charged matter with negatively charged electrons scattered throughout. C. Atoms are mostly empty space with small, dense, positively charged centers. D. Atoms are mostly empty space with small, dense, negatively charged centers.


Which of the following states that atomic orbitals must be filled in this order: 1s 2s 2p 3s 3p 4s 3d 4p 5s A. Hund's rule B. Pauli exclusion principle C. Aufbau principle D. none of the above


Whose work is credited with being the beginning of modern atomic theory? A. Rutherford B. Democritus C. Dalton D. Aristotle


In a ___ mixture, the ingredients are unevenly distributed throughout the mixture, while in a ___ mixture, the ingredients are distributed evenly throughout the mixture. A. homozygous; heterozygous B. homogeneous; heterogeneous C. heterozygous; heterogeneous D. heterogeneous; homogeneous


In the chemistry lab, chemicals that you are finished working with should be ____. A. poured into the sink B. returned to their original containers C. mixed together and dumped into a designated container D. disposed of as directed by your teacher


Katlyn makes a gelatin dessert. She pour hot water into the flavored gelatin powder and stirs. What are the solute and solvent in this solution? A. Heat is the solute. Gelatin powder is the solvent. B. Gelatin powder is the solute. Heat is the solvent. C. Water is the solute. Gelatin powder is the solvent. D. Gelatin powder is the solute. Water is the solvent.


Most of the mass of an atom is ______. A. in the electrons B. in the protons C. in the neutrons D. in the nucleus


Neon-22 contains 12 neutrons. It also contains A. 12 protons B. 22 protons C. 22 electrons D. 10 protons


Solve the following problem: (12x10^9) / (6x10^5). A. 2x10^14 B. 2,000 C. 200,000,000,000,000 D. 2x10^4


Subtract: (5.01 x 10^-7) - (30x10^-9) A. 5.3x10^16 B. 25x10^-9 C. 35x10^-7 D. 4.7x10^-7


The main energy levels of an atom in the quantum mechanical model are indicated by the A. orbital quantum numbers B. magnetic quantum numbers C. spin quantum numbers D. principal quantum numbers


The speed of an electromagnetic wave is equal to the product of its wavelength and its A. mass B. color C. velocity D. frequency


What element has this electron configuration: 1s²2s²2p⁶3s²3p⁵ A. boron B. carbon C. phosphorus D. chlorine


Which of the following is an example of an element? A. Salt B. Air C. Brass D. Aluminum


Which of the following observations is qualitative? A. a chemical reaction is complete in 2.3 s. B. the solid has a mass of 23.4 g. C. the pH of a liquid is 5. D. Salt deposits form from an evaporated liquid


Which set of data is most precise? A. 79, 78, 83.5 B. 82, 84.5, 79 C. 75, 83, 78.5 D. 80, 80.5, 79.5


Which subatomic particles account for most all of an atom's mass? A. Electrons and neutrons B. Protons C. Neutrons D. Protons and Neutrons


You know that silver has a density of 10.5 g/mL. What mass of silver will raise the level of the water in the graduated cylinder 1.50 mL? A. 0.14 g B. 7.0 g C. 19.3 g D. 15.8 g


You live 6 kilometers from your school. How many decimeters do you live from school? A. 6000 dm B. 1000 dm C. 60 dm D. 60,000 dm


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