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Which of the following most accurately reflects the average dollar loss per robbery offense in the United States?


In the late spring of 1998, a high school student in Oregon killed his parents at their home and then drove to his school, where he killed two fellow students. Which best describes these wrongful deaths?

A spree murder

A self-incriminating statement made by the suspect that falls short of an acknowledgment of guilt is known as a(n) ______


Which of the following actions is recommended for the first officer on reaching the scene of a robbery in progress?

Cover the most likely exit from the robbery location.

Which is NOT correct information about an automobile's VIN?

An auto's VIN consists of 14 numbers, letters, and symbols unique to each vehicle

Which of the following actions best describes the collation process?

Comparing texts carefully

Which of the following is a key technology in satellite-assisted surveillance?

Global Positioning System (GPS)

Which of the following is most likely typical of an amateur bank robber?

Lives near the target bank

in which of the following psychological disorders does a patient fabricate symptoms of disease or injury in order to undergo medical tests, hospitalization, or even medical or surgical treatment?

Munchausen syndrome

Equal protection under the law

The Fourteenth Amendment

An undercover police officer has a recording device carried on his body and records an incriminating conversation between himself and an arsonist. No warrant authorizing this recording has been issued to the police officer. What is the likely ruling of the court regarding the use of this recording at trial?

The recording is admissible.

Which of the following is NOT a situation when police presence at initial contact is strongly recommended?

A child receives an injury requiring a visit to a hospital emergency room.

What does the following scenario illustrate? Bill Monroe matches a description of a burglary suspect from an incident that occurred last night. Monroe is stopped by a police officer and is asked questions about his activities the night before. Monroe believes that he cannot leave; thus, he stays and answers the officer's questions.

An investigative detention

Police are investigating a stranger abduction of a four-year-old boy. What should the agency expect from the family?

Anger to be redirected toward the police

How often do bank robberies occur?

Bank robberies are relatively uncommon: only about two of every 100 robberies are of a bank.

Robberies are somewhat more likely to occur at walk-up ATMs than at drive-through ones and about 15 percent of victims are injured. What is the average loss resulting from ATM robberies?

Between $100 and $200

Which site best illustrates the locale of the first professional police forces established in the United States?

Boston, MA

Physical abuse may range in severity from minor bruising to death. The risk of physical abuse decreases as the child gets older, although adolescents are also victims of it. Boys and girls are equally at risk of minor physical abuse. Who are more likely to sustain serious injuries?


Which of the following distinguishes burglary and robbery?

Burglars are more concerned with financial gain, whereas robbers are prepared for a violent altercation with the victim.

Which of the following is an accurate statement regarding the crime of burglary?

Burglars usually try to avoid confrontations during the commission of their act.

While a family was away, two men broke inside their single family home through a basement window. Once inside, the perpetrators took guns, jewelry, and cash and left the premises. There were no witnesses. When the husband came home for lunch, he discovered the crime and reported it to police saying, "We were robbed!" What crime was committed?


Which of the following is an element likely to define an aggravated assault?

Burns inflicted over a large area of a person's body

________ is defined as knowledge of past, present, or future criminal activity that results from the collection of information that, when evaluated, provides the user with a basis for rational decision making.

Criminal intelligence

Which category of informants has proven to be most valuable in many police investigations?

Criminals or their associates

Which of the following is the final stage of the intelligence process?


Which of the following fires are classified as arson?

Fires that have been willfully or maliciously set

The preliminary investigation is the responsibility of the ________ at the crime scene. His or her actions at the scene can greatly influence the ultimate success or failure of the investigation.

First officer

Under current U.S. law, set forth in the USA PATRIOT Act, what do acts of domestic terrorism appear to be intended to do? I. Intimidate or coerce a civilian population II. Affect the conduct of a government by mass destruction, assassination, or kidnapping III. Influence the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion


Which of the following are the basic elements of the crime of rape? I. Carnal knowledge II. Lack of consent III. Forcible submission


Which of the following are examples of larceny? I. Purse snatching II. Street mugging III. Breaking into coin machines IV. Bicycle stealing


What is a dying declaration?

In cases where the victim eventually dies, while still alive, he tells police information regarding the events and the suspect.

Which of the following best explains the growth of American police functions in the mid- to late-nineteenth century?

Incidents of mob violence between ethnic groups

Which of the following is NOT a problem associated with the use of informants?

Informants entering the federal witness security program

A child is unlawfully taken from a city playground by a noncustodial parental who intends to start another life outside the investigating agency's jurisdiction. During the abduction, the suspect commits several traffic violations in an attempt to flee. Early in the investigation, investigators request an off-line search from NCIC. What information may an "off-line search" from NCIC provide in this case?

Information regarding officers from other jurisdictions stopping the suspect for traffic violations

What should officers do in missing children cases when the parents are either divorced or separated?

Investigate the possibility of abduction of the child by the noncustodial parent.

Which of the following is best recommended for controlling an informant?

Investigators should have frequent personal contact with informants

What is the effect of the Missing Children Act of 1982?

It allows the entry of missing children into NCIC even though the noncustodial parent would not be charged with a crime.

Which of the following is incorrect regarding the Miranda warning?

It applies to both custodial interrogations and to circumstances in which the suspect is free to leave.

In which of the following ways is stalking distinguishable from many other types of crime?

It entails repeat victimization of a person the offender targets.

What is the purpose of determining the point of origin at a fire scene?

It may determine if the fire was of natural or accidental causes. The materials used in the setting of the fire, along with the type of material being burned, may show a distinct burn pattern at the point of origin. Most of the physical evidence can be located at the point of origin indicating a fire of incendiary nature. (All of the above)

Which of the following is an accurate statement regarding larceny in the United States?

Larceny is probably the most commonly committed crime of personal gain.

A police officer is investigating a burglary and is using fingerprint powder and a fingerprint brush at the point of entry to locate possible fingerprints. What kind of fingerprints is the officer looking for?


Officer Peters is about to interview a victim and must prepare several questions. Which of the following types of questions should he rely on most to force the interviewee to relate to the statement?

Open-ended questions

Which of the following rapists has a nickname "gentleman rapist"?

Power-reassurance rapist

Which jurisdiction investigates identity theft?

State, local, and federal agencies since identity theft is a criminal act under both federal and most state laws.

Which of the following is a classic medical symptom associated with shaken baby syndrome?

Subarachnoid hematomas

Review the following facts from Arizona v. Gant (2009): Police officers arrested Rodney Gant for driving with a suspended license. After he was handcuffed and locked in the back of a patrol car, officers searched his car and found cocaine in a jacket located on the backseat. Gant moved to suppress the cocaine found by police. How did the U.S. Supreme Court rule on the search incident to arrest issue in this case?

The Court held that the search-incident-to-arrest exception to the Fourth Amendment's warrant requirement did NOT justify the search in this case because the arrestee was not within reaching distance of the passenger compartment at the time of the search.

Read the following facts regarding United States v. Sokolow (1989): Sokolow, appeared to be suspicious to police because while traveling under an alias from Honolulu, he paid $2,100 in $20 bills (taken from a larger sum of money) for a round-trip airline ticket to Miami. He spent a very short period of time in Miami. Sokolow was noticeably nervous and had checked no luggage. A warrantless airport investigation by Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) agents revealed more than 1,000 grams of cocaine on the defendant. Based on the facts above, how did the U.S. Supreme Court rule?

The Court ruled that according to a "totality of the circumstances" criterion, in which the defendant's entire behavior is taken collectively to provide the basis for a legitimate stop, the evidence was admissible.

A gun at a murder crime scene is discovered and this is what happened to the firearm: 1. Detective Jones collected the gun and placed it into a container, then gave it to forensics technician, Joe Lewis. 2. Forensics technician, Lewis, takes the firearm to the department's lab and collects fingerprints and other evidence from the firearm. Lewis then gives the firearm and all evidence gathered from it to the department evidence clerk, Mike Anderson. 3. Anderson stores the evidence until it is needed, documenting everyone who has accessed the original evidence (the firearm, and original copies of the lifted fingerprints). Assuming that this entire process was documented meticulously, what process was completed?

The chain of custody

Two police officers are called to investigate a domestic abuse incident. When police arrive, they find a married couple engaged in a physical fight where the man is on top of the woman and he is holding her down by the shoulders while she is scratching his face and arms with her fingernails. After separating the two, both are assessed for injuries and an ambulance is summoned to the scene. The man has multiple scratches on his face, his neck, and on his arms. His eye is severely injured. The woman has what appears to be a black eye and her clothes are torn and barely cover her underclothes. The woman stated that he insisted on sexual relations and began pulling off her clothes and she kicked him in the groin and tried to run away. He caught up to her and started to pull off her clothes and she was trying to fight him off. She also tells police that she does not want to "press charges." The man told the officers that his wife was angry at him and he just wanted to have a little fun. Things got out of hand and she kicked him in the groin. He said that he just was trying to keep her from hitting him so he pushed her down. He doesn't know how her eye got injured but insists that he is the victim by saying, "Look at me! Look at what that B_ _ _ H did to me!" Who should police arrest in this situation?

The husband should be arrested because he is the primary physical aggressor.

What did the Volstead Act criminalize?

The manufacture, transportation, and sale of alcohol

What is the most complex and dangerous type of missing child case where force or trickery is used?

The nonfamily abduction

A police officer notices a man looking into a store repeatedly. The man is wearing dark clothing and a hat that is obscuring his face. Additionally, the man's right hand never leaves his right jacket pocket and a suspicious bulge in the same pocket of some sort is evident. Which statement below correctly identifies the officer's constitutional actions?

The officer may conduct a stop and frisk to investigate the intentions of the man. The man may not walk away.

A police officer has probable cause to arrest Sam, a man who is carrying a back-pack. What may the officer search, incident to a lawful arrest in this situation?

The officer may thoroughly search Sam and his backpack.

A garage fire has been put out by the fire department. Gas vapors have been detected by the fire department by their "sniffer" and there is evidence of hydrocarbon accelerants. Who is legally responsible for investigating WHO committed the crime?

The police department

A teacher sees multiple bruises on an eight-year-old girl's arms. When the teacher asked the girl how she got hurt, the girl said, "My mom's boyfriend got mad at me again." Which statement below is true regarding mandatory reporting in this case?

The teacher must report suspected abuse to police or social services

Which of the following is a NOT characteristic of victims of the power rapist?

The victim is selected as one who will resist attack.

A police officer stops a car for a traffic violation. The officer conducts a legal search of the vehicle after obtaining consent from the driver. The officer discovered stolen property and a large amount of illegal prescription drugs in the car. The driver is given a choice to be charged with felony possession with intent to deliver a controlled substance or cooperate with the police to identify and arrest the source of the drugs. What process is the officer using?

This process is known as "flipping".

Which of the following combinations of traits will most accurately predict that a suspect is telling the truth?

Tilted head, hand on chin

A fire has been extinguished by the fire department. The structure is an eight-family apartment building that has suffered extensive damage to over 80% of the building. There was one fatality as a direct result of the fire and several firefighters were injured. The firefighters are still on the scene and have located the origin of the fire. Generally speaking, what is the role of the fire department from this point forward.

To "detect" the possibility of arson but not to investigate arson

Which of the following is a goal of an investigative interview?

To obtain information through a formal and nonaccusatory conversation

A husband arrives at his home to find his wife in bed with another man. The husband then loses his temper and immediately shoots and kills the man. What crime has the husband committed?

Voluntary manslaughter

According to NISMART data, what percentage of the killers of children in the United States have had prior arrests for violent crimes?


Which technique was used by the Pinkerton agency until it was declared unconstitutional by Congress in 1937?

A "rogues gallery" to identify suspects

What is ViCAP?

A computer program designed to investigate serial crime

Which crime below would typically require the use of an informant?

A gambling ring investigation

What is a "pen register"?

A pen register is a device that records numbers dialed from a telephone.

________ is one of the most widely known Islamist groups. It was founded sometime between August 1988 and late 1989 or early 1990, and it operates as a network composed of both a multinational arm and a fundamentalist Sunni movement.


A man uses two different banking institutions, and uses funds from one bank to cover checks drawn on another. Each time the bank pays out funds against the account balance, the man has been successful in cheating the bank out of its own funds. What is the name of this crime?

Check kiting

Barry is a child molester who is attracted to children as a result of unresolved conflicts in his own sexual development. Barry is probably which type of molester?


The leapfrog method is used for which of the following types of surveillance?

Foot surveillance

Who is credited with establishing England's first police force and creating a working relationship with local business owners to reduce the profits of London's criminals?

Henry Fielding

Which of the following is a frightening and potentially dangerous crime that can occur to a family?

Home invasion

What is the search warrant return?

It is an itemized inventory of all property and material seized by officers at the location of the search

A police officer is investigating a report of a child screaming. At the home, he approaches the house but all is quiet. He knocks on the door and makes contact with a 17-year-old babysitter, Julie, who says she is watching two children, ages 3 and 6 while the parents are at work. Julie admits that the three-year-old would not go down for a nap and started screaming "bloody murder!" The officer asks to see the children and finds the three-year-old, sleeping soundly without injuries in her bed and the six-year-old is following closely, asking worriedly if the officer if he is going to arrest his little sister. The six-year-old tells the officer during a private interview that sometimes, his sister is "really naughty" but that no one was hit nor abused in any way. What should the police officer do in this situation?

Leave the children with the babysitter. Contact the parents and inform them of the complaint and findings.

A 32-year-old man, Mike Anderson, is 6 feet tall, weighs 200 pounds and is in very good physical condition. He is waiting for the bus at a busy urban street corner. An 18-year-old man, John Jackson, is 5 feet 8 inches tall and weighs 150 pounds. Jackson intends to attempt a strong-arm robbery. He walks up to Mr. Anderson and demands his wallet. Mr. Anderson ignores Jackson who says, "Look man, if you don't give me your wallet, I'm going to kick your butt!" Mr. Anderson replies, "Go away, before you get hurt." Jackson shoves Mr. Anderson and attempts to push him down. Mr. Anderson responds by pushing Jackson down to the ground, then jumps on top of him and repeatedly punches Jackson in the head until he is bleeding profusely and loses consciousness. Jackson's injuries include a severe concussion, two lacerations over three inches long that require stitches, and the loss of two teeth. What is the law regarding self-defense in this situation?

Mr. Anderson was only entitled to use a reasonable amount of force and he exceeded that which is allowed by a claim of self-defense.

Which of the following is the best interpretation of the Frye standard?

New scientific evidence may be used in court only when it has gained general acceptance in the scientific community.

Which of the following processes of taking fingerprints involves the development of prints by using amino acids resulting from perspiration?


Which of the following refers to informants who provide information with a hidden benefit or advantage to themselves?

Perversely motivated informants

It has often been said, "A fire investigation is like a ________. Everyone involved with it has some of the pieces, but no one has the whole picture."

Picture puzzle

An investigator is interviewing a sexual assault victim. Which question below is the best way to find out what happened?

Please tell me what happened.

Which term below is defined as, "The minimum amount of information necessary to warrant a reasonable person to believe that a crime has been or is being committed by a person who is about to be arrested"?

Probable cause

Which statement below is true regarding the establishment of the FBI in the United States?

Probably the single most significant development in criminal investigation in the United States was the establishment of the FBI in 1924.

Scotland Yard is responsible for which of the following?

Protecting important persons

What is the role of the insurance industry during fire investigations?

Providing local investigators with financial audits and income tax returns of potential suspects Providing heavy machinery for aid in processing the crime scene Bringing in experts in arson investigations ( Any or all of the above )

Which of the following addresses the criminal investigations of crimes that have already occurred?

Reactive response

Because of the changing nature of criminal activity and the role of the investigator, the objectives of a criminal investigation may be more complex than people imagine. Which of the following are objectives of criminal investigations?

Recover stolen property and prepare sound criminal cases for prosecution

What is the primary motivation for the child abduction murder?

Sexual assault

Hector steps out of a side alley and stops a passing woman by grabbing her arm. He then speaks to her in a threatening manner for approximately one minute before pushing her to the ground and raping her. Which method of approach has Hector used?

Surprise approach

What are tiny pinpoint hemorrhages resulting from the discharge of unburned powder being deposited into the skin called?


What is the IAFIS?

The Integrated Automated Fingerprint Identification System, which is a national fingerprint and criminal history database maintained by the FBI

An investigator is investigating a reported suicide of a 44-year-old married man. The wife reported the incident by calling 911. A suicide note was found on the victim's computer. The death of the victim and the writing of the note seem to have occurred at about the same time. The .38 caliber handgun was found in the hand of the victim. The gunshot wound was in the forehead. A close examination of the wound indicated that no tattooing is present. What does the lack of tattooing indicate?

The death was likely a homicide.

Generally speaking, what is the typical value of "trace evidence" in fatal child maltreatment cases?

Trace evidence is far less value than it might be in other crimes.

Which Act made the practice of moving to another state for the purpose of changing custody illegal?

Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction Act

Which statement below is accurate regarding the clearance rate for the crime of burglary?

Unless burglars are caught in the act, they are very difficult to detect.

Which of the following is NOT considered typical M.O. information for a robbery?

Victim is under 50 years of age

Which of the following physiological indices does a polygraph NOT measure?

Voice microtremors

Undercover officers must be careful not to entrap suspects. Entrapment occurs when undercover agents ________.

induce someone to commit a crime

After the preliminary duties have been performed at a homicide scene, the responding officer must immediately ________.

protect the crime scene

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