CNA Chapter 5: Diversity and Human Needs and Development

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What are the 5 stages to Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs in order of which need to be met first to last?

1)physical needs need to be met first (oxygen, food, water, elimination, rest) 2)safety and security needs (shelter, protection, and stability) 3)need for love (feeling loved/accepted/belonging) 4)need for self-esteem (achievement, belief in one's own worth/value) 5)need for self-actualization (need to learn, create, realize one's own potential)

The Dalai Lama is considered the highest spiritual leader in which religion?


The Tipitaka or Pali Canon is the standard scripture collection of what religion?


Which religion believes in Nirvana which is a state of peace and happiness and freedom from worry/pain; it is the highest spiritual plane a person can reach


Which religion believes in reincarnation and that people must travel through birth, life, and death after which Nirvana can be reached


Which religion believes that morality, meditation, and wisdom are the path to enlightenment


a religion that follows the teachings of Buddha


a religion that follows the teachings of Jesus Christ


True/False: Elderly people no longer have sexual needs/desires


True/False: A NA does not need to comply to instructions to read a religious text for a resident if they do not believe in the text

False! Respect all backgrounds and read religious materials out loud when asked to do so

This is a genetic disorder causing inherited intellectual disability. It is caused by a problem with a gene needed for brain development.

Fragile X Syndrome (FXS)

Holy men in this religion are called Sadhus


In which religion do people move through birth, life, death, and rebirth


In which religion does karma determine how a person moves towards enlightenment


The Vedas are the primary text of this religion


Which religion's followers believe in the unity of everything called Brahman


a religion that believes in the unity of everything and that all are a part of God


Which religion's four purposes of life include: acting morally and ethically (Dharma), pursuing prosperity (Artha), enjoying life (Kama), and accomplishing enlightenment (Moksha)


a religion that follows the prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and the Five Pillars


a religion that follows the teachings of God as given to Moses in laws and commandments


What is LGBT an acronym for?

Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender

True/False: A NA should be available for residents' family members or friends along with the resident.


True/False: An NA should inform the nurse if they feel as if they need an interpreter to make sure their meaning is clear


True/False: Some people with Fragile X Syndrome show no signs while others may experience significant cognitive, social, emotional, speech, and language problems


True/False: Some people with cerebral palsy (CP) also have other disorders such as hearing or visual impairment or a seizure disorder


If a nursing assistant sees a resident being sexually abused, she should a. Remove the resident from the situation immediately and report it to the nurse b. Pretend not to see it to avoid embarrassing the resident c. Tell the resident's family d. Confront the abuser herself

a. Remove the resident from the situation immediately and report it to the nurse

If a resident's religious beliefs are different from a nursing assistant's beliefs, the nursing assistant should a. Respect the resident's beliefs b. Try to change the resident's beliefs c. Ignore the resident's dietary restrictions d. Refuse to care for the resident

a. Respect the resident's beliefs

What is transcultural nursing? a. The study of various cultures with the goal of providing care specific to each b. Nursing that involves traveling to different countries c. Providing care to residents who are transgender d. Nursing that involves a team approach to care

a. The study of various cultures with the goal of providing care specific to each

Holistic care focuses on a. The whole person, including physical, mental, and social well-being b. The person's disease and disabilities c. How sick a person is d. The absence of disease and illness

a. The whole person, including physical, mental, and social well-being

Which of the following is true of most elderly people? a. They are active and have many interests. b. They do not manage money well. c. They are usually grouchy. d. They do not like to leave home.

a. They are active and have many interests.

Which of the following examples demonstrates a holistic approach to care? a. While Claire is giving Ms. Potter a bath, she asks her how her day has been and listens carefully. b. Jim rushes his residents through their meals without talking with them so that they can get their dinner faster. c. Jessica is very religious and likes to share her religious views with her residents. d. Thad often spends so much time chatting with his residents that he does not finish all of his work.

a. While Claire is giving Ms. Potter a bath, she asks her how her day has been and listens carefully.

during this stage genders become sexually mature; boys tend to reach puberty during this stage; becomes more independent; must make important decisions, moral values learned in previous stages play a part in decision making; may become stubborn/difficult for parents to handle; mood swings; concerned with acceptance from others

adolescence (ages 13 to 19)

stereotyping of, prejudice toward, and/or discrimination against the elderly


What ages define a toddler?

ages 1 to 3

what ages define preadolescence

ages 10 to 13

what ages define adolescence

ages 13 to 19

what ages define young adulthood

ages 19 to 40

What ages define preschool

ages 3 to 6

What ages define middle adulthood

ages 40 to 65

What ages define school-age

ages 6 to 10

What ages define late adulthood

ages 65 and older

a person who believes that he does not know or cannot know if God exists


a person who does not experience sexual attraction toward any gender


What are the 4 types of cerebral palsy?

ataxic, athetoid, spastic, and mixed

a person who believes that there is no God


This is a developmental disability that causes problems with social skills and communication; people with this disorder exhibit repetitive behavior (i.e. putting things in a certain order); they may also commonly have overly focused interests (i.e. learning everything about trains); changes in routine/surroundings may cause children with this disorder to become extremely upset

autism spectrum disorder (ASD)

Which of the following is true of developmental disabilities? a. Developmental disabilities are temporary. b. Developmental disabilities restrict physical and/or mental ability. c. Developmental disabilities are a form of mental illness. d. People with developmental disabilities can never live or work independently.

b. Developmental disabilities restrict physical and/or mental ability.

What is the difference between health and wellness? a. Health is the absence of disease; wellness is a state of physical, mental, and social well-being. b. Health is a state of physical, mental, and social well-being; wellness has to do with balancing one's life. c. Health is merely the absence of disease; wellness looks at the whole person. d. Health and wellness are the same thing.

b. Health is a state of physical, mental, and social well-being; wellness has to dowith balancing one's life.

If a nursing assistant encounters a resident in a sexual situation, she should a. Call the resident's clergyperson to discuss it b. Provide privacy and leave the room c. Discuss it with the resident's roommate to get his opinion d. Ask the resident to stop what she is doing

b. Provide privacy and leave the room

If a nursing assistant encourages a resident to play cards with friends, what kind of wellness is she promoting? a. Physical wellness b. Social wellness c. Emotional wellness d. Intellectual wellness

b. Social wellness

How can a nursing assistant help a resident who has a developmental disability? a. If the resident cannot speak, the nursing assistant should not speak to him. b. The nursing assistant can break tasks into smaller steps. c. If an adult resident acts like a child, the nursing assistant should treat him like a child. d. The nursing assistant should do everything for the resident.

b. The nursing assistant can break tasks into smaller steps.

What age defines infancy?

birth to 12 months

a person whose physical, emotional, and/or romantic attraction is for people of the same gender and different gender


Which of these is not a guideline for NAs to follow when caring for a resident with a developmental disability: a)teach resident ADLs by dividing task into small steps b)repeat words so they understand c)keep quiet if resident cannot speak d)encourage social interaction e)praise and encourage positive behavior f)all of the above are guidelines

c)keep quiet if resident cannot speak talk to residents even if they cannot speak; use alternative methods of communication when directed

Jenna knows that Mr. Warren, one of her residents, is very excited about an upcoming visit from his daughter. She takes a little extra time to help him get ready and tells him how good he looks. Which kind of need is Jenna helping her resident to meet? a. Physical need b. Safety and security need c. Need for self-esteem d. Need for self-actualization

c. Need for self-esteem

Ageism is a. The natural process of aging b. Disabilities that occur with aging c. Prejudice toward or discrimination against the elderly d. The loss of memory associated with aging

c. Prejudice toward or discrimination against the elderly

_________is the period of human development in which a person develops secondary sex characteristics. a. Preschool b. Middle adulthood c. Puberty d. Late adulthood

c. Puberty

Which of the following statements is true of spiritual needs? a. Residents will believe in God. b. Residents will be Christians. c. Residents will have different spiritual needs and beliefs. d. Residents will not believe in God or a higher power.

c. Residents will have different spiritual needs and beliefs.

Which of the following is a physical need? a. The need to be accepted b. The need for self-esteem c. The need to be free from pain d. The need for independence

c. The need to be free from pain

When should staff members become involved in family matters? a. When family members visit too often b. When staff disapprove of the family members' lifestyle c. When there is concern about the resident's safety around family members d. When visits disrupt the facility's routine

c. When there is concern about the resident's safety around family members

a person who abstains from sexual activity


During this disorder, the part of the brain that controls muscle tone is damaged; people with this disorder may lack control of their head and have trouble using their arms and hands; they can have poor balance/posture; they may be stiff/limp; may cause problems with speech and may affect intelligence

cerebral palsy (CP)

developmental disability that affects movement and balance; it can also cause intellectual disabilities; a person with this disability likely suffered brain damage while in the uterus or during birth; this damage can be caused by birth trauma, infection, or head injury

cerebral palsy (CP)

This type of development focuses on how children think/learn.

cognitive development

typically refers to a heterosexual man who sometimes wears clothing and other items associated with women; is not associated with men who permanently wish to change their sex

cross dresser (formerly transvestite)

an ongoing process of learning about other cultures and applying that knowledge to help provide better health care

cultural competence

the variety of people living and working together in the world

cultural diversity

Which of the following is an example of appropriate behavior by a nursing assistant with a resident's family? a. Giving them medical advice b. Telling them everything will be fine if they seem worried c. Telling the family all about the resident's condition d. Listening to the family's concerns and fears and responding with a meaningful message

d. Listening to the family's concerns and fears and responding with a meaningful message

Psychosocial needs include the following a. Bathing b. Activity c. Sleep and rest d. Love and affection

d. Love and affection

Cultural diversity has to do with a. Seeing all people from a certain culture as being the same b. Preferring people of one culture over those of other cultures c. Making assumptions about a person based on stereotypes about their culture d. The wide variety of people throughout the world

d. The wide variety of people throughout the world

a chronic condition that restricts physical/mental abilities

developmental disability

this type of wellness covers managing stress and expressing feelings

emotional wellness

When a resident's family visits an NA should do all that they can to help the resident prepare which may include all of the following except: a)getting residents dressed b)applying makeup c)find a private place for visit if needed d)pay attention to family/friends needs during visit e)report questions from the family promptly to the nurse f)the NA is relieved of their duties during the time of visit to give the resident and family space/time alone

f)the NA is relieved of their duties during the time of visit to give the resident and family space/time alone rather, the NA should promptly answer to resident's requests even during family/friend visits to assure them that the resident is being well-taken care of

Which of these do not affect growth and development of a person: a)parents' involvement b)child's surroundings c)nutrition d)exercise e)medical care f)overall lifestyle g)all of the above are factors

g)all of the above are factors

Physical development during infancy moves from __________ down

head infants gain control over their neck muscles before gaining control over their shoulder muscles

State of physical, mental, and social well-being


a person whose physical, emotional, and/or romantic attraction is for people of the opposite sex

heterosexual or straight

this type of care involves considering the whole person, which includes their physical and psychosocial needs

holistic health care

a person whose physical, emotional, and/or romantic attraction is for people of the same sex

homosexual or gay

Which stage of development do children learn to grasp, lift their heads, and crawl

infancy (birth to 12 months)

most common developmental disability; is neither a disease nor a mental illness; people with this disability develop at a below-average rate and have below-average mental functioning; they experience difficulty with social skills (interpersonal communication, making friends, and empathizing with others), have problems with conceptual skills (reading, writing, reasoning, and memory), the ability to develop practical skills such as performing ADLs is affected

intellectual disability (formerly called mental retardation)

this type of wellness deals with growing and learning throughout the lifespan

intellectual wellness

This is a belief of Hinduism; it is the result of actions in past lives, and actions in this life that can determine one's destiny in future lives


This type of development focuses on gaining language skills

language development

Many people in this stage of life see many changes ; they may retire from jobs, medical care may be needed, may have to cope with the loss of a loved one or illness of a loved one; staying connected to others is vital to staying healthy and mentally alert; people in this stage must stay as active and involved as possible

late adulthood (65 years and older)

a woman whose physical, emotional, and/or romantic attraction is for other women


When a resident wants to discuss problems/needs with a NA, how should the NA respond?

listen closely to what they say without interrupting and respond with a meaningful message; answer questions within scope of practice when asked

During this stage, people usually become more comfortable and stable than previous stages; people may find that they have more money and time for themselves; some may find themselves in a mid-life crisis

middle adulthood (ages 40 to 65)

what are the 4 different degrees of intellectual disability

mild, moderate, severe, and profound

This type of development deals with forming a sense of right and wrong

moral development

the accepted traditional customs of a particular social group


This type of development is gaining ability to do things like grasp things, use scissors, and draw

motor development

something necessary or required


which need do NAs fulfill by welcoming new residents, making them feel listened to/cared for, encouraging them to interact with other residents/staff

need for love, acceptance, belonging

which need do NAs fulfill by encouraging residents to be as independent as possible, and praising successes

need for self-esteem

This type of development deals with changes that happen to the body during growth

physical development

Which need do NAs fulfill by encouraging residents to eat and drink, providing a quiet place for them to rest, and helping with toileting

physical needs

the need for food, water, protection, shelter, activity, sleep, rest, comfort, and freedom from pain are examples of what type of need?

physical needs

this type of wellness has to do with being able to complete everyday tasks

physical wellness

According to Abraham Maslow, ______________ needs must be met before _______________ needs can be met.

physical; psychosocial

during this stage, children begin to view life more realistically; they use reason to analyze situations and may begin to question authority; become more independent; social relationships become very important; growth spurts and hormonal changes occur; become more self-conscious; girls reach puberty in later years of this stage

preadolescence (ages 10 to 13)

This stage of development marks when children become more independent and have social relationships; they play better with other children, and they can play in groups; their language ability improves; become more physically coordinated; sense of imagination develops

preschool (ages 3 to 6)

needs that involve social interaction, emotions, intellect, and spirituality

psychosocial needs

the need for love and affection, acceptance by others, self-reliance and independence in daily living, contact with others, success and self-esteem are examples of what type of need

psychosocial needs

the period during which a person develops secondary sex characteristics


A family member wants to know about a resident's diagnosis, treatments, and therapies. What can the NA do?

refer them to the nurse

a set of beliefs concerning the cause and nature of the universe that often includes a moral code and usually involves specific rituals and practices


which need do NAs fulfill by being compassionate/empathetic, listening to residents when they need to talk, reassuring residents that they are receiving quality care

safety and security needs

This stage in children's development centers on cognitive and social development; entering school is a big adjustment; children learn to get along with each other; they begin to develop a conscience, morals, self-esteem; boys develop more muscle but girls are normally larger than boys


This type of development has to do with the reproductive changes that occur when people reach puberty

sexual development

What is the best way an NA can be of comfort/compassion to residents' family/friends?

sitting quietly and listening

This type of development is the process of learning to relate to other people


this type of wellness has to do with relating to other people

social wellness

most people with cerebral palsy (CP) have what type?

spastic which means that they may move awkwardly and have stiff muscles

this type of wellness includes religious beliefs, ethics, values, and mores

spiritual wellness

Many American Indian (Native American) tribes follow _____________________ traditions. Their belief systems often include the idea that everything - people, animals, oceans, trees, and other things have spirit


of or relating to the concerns of the spirit, the sacred, or the soul


a biased generalization about a group that is usually based on opinions and distorted ideas


A family member wants to know about when a resident is bathed, or when meals are offered. What can the NA do?

the NA can answer these types of questions about the resident's care

During this stage of development, speech improves, children grow fast, most can move about quickly, run, and jump, gain coordination of limbs, learn to control bladders/bowels, start to learn the difference between right/wrong

toddler (ages 1 to 3)

This is an important tool for communication; it helps babies grow and thrive


the study of various cultures with the goal of providing care specific to each culture

transcultural nursing

A person whose gender identity conflicts with his/her birth sex (sex assigned at birth due to anatomy); this identity is not dependent on someone having undergone medical measures like hormones or surgery


the process of changing genders, which can include legal procedures, such as changing one's name and/or sex on documents, and medical measures, such as hormone therapy and surgery; it can also include telling others and using new pronouns


Infants tend to ____________ birth weight in the first year of life


True/False: Many children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) have some degree of intellectual disability and may also have sensory, sleep, and nutritional problems, and seizures among other issues


True/False: NAs may ask residents and their families and friends about special traditions


Around what age do infants normally able to pick up objects

usually between 4-8 months of age

successfully balancing things that happen in everyday life; includes five different types: physical, social, emotional, intellectual, and spiritual


during this stage physical growth has usually been completed by this time, but boys may continue to grow until 25; psychological and social development continues; people make decisions about whether to continue their education or join the workforce; may meet life partners; marriage; some people have children during this stage

young adulthood (ages 19 to 40)

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