cognitive psych ch.5

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what does this mean: the strong recency effect for immediate recall becomes a negative recency effect for delayed recall?

words are typically recalled at the end of the list first; because they are still available in STM, but people incorrectly believe these words will also be easy to recall later because that will rely on LTM

semantic memory

memory of general knowledge not associated with a particular context

episodic memory

memory of specific events including when and where they occurred

long-term memory

memory that has no capacity limits and lasts from minutes to an entire lifetime

indirect tests measure procedural memory in which?

people are not instructed to refer back to past events

direct tests measure episodic memory in which ?

people recall information about particular events in their past


repeating verbal info to keep it active in short-term memory or to transfer it into long-term memory

primacy effect is caused by

retrieval from LTM


semantic elaboration of info to make it easier to remember -for example many of us learned that the lines of a treble clef are E, G, B, D, F by remembering the sentence "Every good boy does fine."

indirect memory=

semantic memory (general knowledge)

implicit memory is used for what different tasks?

skill learning, priming, conditioning

when do spontaneous retrievals usually occur?

when person is engaged in relatively automatic activities for example: washing dishes or cleaning

procedural memory

-indirect test memory for actions, skills, and operations

what are the steps to choosing a type of processing to study?

1. decide what kind of processing to use -rehearsal, coding, or imagining 2. decide how to allocate study time among the items 3. decide how to maintain the information that you learn 4. Finally you need to think of helpful retrieval strategies when you have difficulty recalling the appropriate translations

what are long term memories two crucial advantages?

1. the rate of forgetting is much slower for LTM (info is never lost from LTM although we lose the ability to retrieve it) 2. LTM has unlimited capacity

True or False Students were more accurate in judging the differential effectiveness of the two strategies when they made immediate judgments than when they did delayed judgments

False; they did better when they did delayed judgments (at least 30 sec later )

recency effect is caused by retrieval from


conceptually driven process

a process that is influenced by a person's strategies; such as elaborating and organizing information

data-driven process

a process that is influenced by the stimulus material; such as its familiarity< remember indirect tests are done without even being aware

direct memory test

a test that asks people to recall or recognize past events -explicit memory (recall or recognize events that occurred earlier; where did I park my car?)

____________ and ___________ are more successful than rehearsal

coding and imagining

the analysis of police interviews revealed a number of avoidable errors including:

a) asking too many closed-ended questions b) frequently interrupting the witness c) asking questions in predetermined, inflexible order

amnesia affects _________ memory but not ________ memory

affects episodic memory but not semantic memory

what is more likely to cause a tip of the tongue state?

an emotional question: about disease, bodily functions, violence

control process

are strategies that a person uses to facilitate that acquisition of knowledge -include the acquisition strategies; of rehearsal, coding, and imaging

direct memory tests are primary _____________ driven


why can words at the end be remembered?

because they are still fresh in the short term memory since they have just been presented


creating visual images to make material easier to remember

indirect tests are primary ____________ driven


recognition memory

deciding whether an item had previously occurred in a specified event; when and where an item occurred

it is best to _________ judgments of learning until we are more certain that learning is relatively permanent


theory based judgments

depend on our understanding of how different variables influence learning and retention

indirect memory test

does not explicitly ask about past events -implicit memory (past experiences influence behavior and performance, yet people are not trying to recollect them; walking to class)

direct memory =

episodic memory


facilitation in the detection or recognition of a stimulus by using prior info

rote learning

learning by repetition rather than through understanding

serial position effect

the ability to recall words at the beginning and end of list better than words in the middle of the list

primary effect

the better recall of words at the beginning of a list

recency effect

the better recall of words at the end of a list

retrieval fluency

the ease with which an item can be recalled

number of rehearsals can prove what?

the primacy effect although it does not predict the recency effect


the selection of strategies for processing information such as the selection of study strategies to prepare for exams

cognitive interview

the use of cognitively based retrieval techniques to improve recall

what is the problem with immediate judgments?

they are still in STM

amnesic patients poor performance on tests of explicit memory is caused by damage where?

to the hippocampal formation in the medial temporal lobe

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