Computer software

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two main classifications of software

System software Application software

Antivirus programs

Avira, Norton Antivirus, Kaspersky, Avast, etc.

Programs for image editing

Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Tllustrator, Canvas, CorelDraw, Draw, etc.


Dota2, NBA 2K18, Need for Speed, etc.

line at a time

Execution will be slower than for the equivalent compiled code as the source code is analyzed line by line

There are several categories of application software

General-purpose application software Special-purpose application software Bespoke application software

Internet browser

Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer, Opera, Safari, ete Programs for image editing - Adobe Photoshop, Adobe


Public Domain Software Commercial Software Freeware Shareware Open-source Software

Examples of application software are

Text processing software Spreadsheet calculations software Software for presentations Software for creating and managing database

Translator software has three types

These are assembler software,ware,compiler software, and interpreter software

operating systems are

a Linux (Debian, Ubuntu, Fedora, Knoppix, etc.) - open source software b. Microsoft Windows (XP, Vista, 7, etc.) - proprietary software c. Mac OS X (Cheetah, Panther, Snow Leopard, ete.) proprietary software


a copyrighted software that is available for free


allows you to use, copy, and distribute the software a copyrighted software marketed under a "try before you buy policy allows you to copy and distribute the software


also called a program or application, is a set of instructions that tells a computer how to perform tasks

software license

also known as license agreement, is a legal contract that defines the way in which acomputer program may be used


analyzes and executes a high-level language progra

Library programs

are a compiled collection of subroutines. Libraries make many functions and procedures

Applications Software

are programs that are designed for the end user. ve install and use them in order to perform different tasks and solve various problems.

Utility programs

are small, useful, built-in programs with limited capability. They are usually operatedby the user to maintain a smooth running of the computer system. Various examples include file management.


are written by programmers in various programming languages, You have probably used a lot of software over the years

Software for creating and managing database

helps to manage a collection of structured data. Examples of such programs, Base, and Microsoft Access

Compiler translates

high-level language codes into object codes, which is the machine language of the target machine


include antivirus, data compression, file managers, screensavers, disk defragmenter, and disk cleanup.

Operating System

is a collection of programs that make the computeer hardware conveniently available to the user and also hide the complexities of the computer's operation

A copyright

is a form of legal protection that grants the author of an original work the exclusive right to copy.distribute, sell, and edit that work, except under special circumstances described by copyright laws

General-purpose application software

is a type of application that can be used for a variety of tasks. It is not limited to one particular function.

Special-purpose application software

is a type of software created to execute one specific task.


is an example of photo editing general purpose application software. tasks that we consider useful

System software

is designed to operate the computer hardware and to proviae a platform for running application software

Text processing software

is used for creating and forming text documents. They can also contain images, charts, and tables. Examples of such programs are Writer, and Microsoft Word.

preadsheet calculations software

is used for performing charts various calculations and presentation of results in charts Examples of such programs are, Calc Writer, and Microsoft Excel.

Software for presentations

is used to create professional presentations that consist of slides with graphical and textual for elements.


is, unlike hardware, an intangible part of the computer. It consists of a sequence of commands, written according to strict rules

Binary codes into a language that a machine

it translates binary codes into a languag can understand

Public Domain Software

may be freely copied, distributed, and resold not protected by copyright Commercial Software

Open-source Software

may be sold or distributed free of charge uncompiled progran instructions are available to programmers who want to alter and improve the software

Bespoke application software

s tailor-made for a specific user and purpose.

Commercial Software

sold in computer stores or at websites adheres closely to the limitations provided by copyright law


translates assembly language programs intomachine codeses.

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