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• 100% literacy rate • Mountainous and glaciated • GDP $518 billion • Big producer of hydro power • Top ten in oil exporters • #3 in total exports in the world • CO2 emissions risen 15% since CO2 tax • Aims to have 67.5% of its energy consumption from renewable sources by 2020 • 2 oil producers from Brent Crude • Leading country in carbon capture research


• 29th largest most populated country • 18th in total energy consumption o Transportation energy • Consume 6 quads of energy • 3rd largest producer of wind power generation in the world • 11% of electricity comes from wind power • 5th in the world in electricity from renewable sources other than hydro • Targeting 40% of their electricity to come from renewable sources by 2020 • 6th highest in the world of importing natural gas • Nuclear contributes 21% of electricity generated • 8 nuclear power plants • Tax advantages for people who produce coal • Majority of oil is imported


• 2nd largest country in Europe • Machinery, automobiles, aircraft, chemicals • 10th largest gdp in the world • 40% of TPES comes from nuclear • 83% of electricity generation comes from nuclear power


• 3rd largest population in Africa • Climate makes perfect conditions for solar and wind • Oil and natural gas • International fuel transportation • Military controls and owns most industries • 53% of consumption from natural gas • Oil production decreasing since 20011 while demand still increases • 4th largest producer of natural gas in Africa • Hydropower main contributor to renewable energy • Wind and solar potential, but isn't really looked into


• 40th largest country based on GDP • Highest standard of living in the Middle East • GDP- 291 billion USD • High concentration of renewable energy sources • Imported oil meets 99% of demand • Imports all coal for electricity • Plans to lower oil consumption by increasing natural gas usage • Egypt doesn't share oil and gas pipelines


• 4th largest oil reserves • 2nd largest natural gas reserves in the world • Alienates western countries from trade • Oil and Gas only energy used • Gas barely exported • Sanctions and embargoes on products have hurt economy


• 700-3000 islands • GDP-Tourism and offshore banking • US largest importer and exporter o Crawfish, crude salt, aragonite, Styrofoam • Oil conservation • No reserves • Solar potential • Biomass • Ocean thermal


• 81% Hinduism • Industries hindered due to the lack of skilled labor • 0 oil production • 0 natural gas • Energy from wood, ag waste, and animal dung


• 88% have access to electricity • High potential for wind energy • Oil and Coal • 80% of energy from Coal burned • 14050 barrels per day of oil production • Oil consumption: 25110 barrels per day • Partially reliant on Russian electricity • 3 separate power grids • Does not deal with natural gas • 42.5% in rural environment • 29.8% in poverty • China planning to build coal fired power plant

New Zealand

• All 4 seasons within hours of each other • Tourism is an export • Imports- Petroleum, plastics, electronics, o Main import is petroleum, produces none itself o • 93 hydro stations o Heavy reliance on hydro for electricity generation • 150 power stations


• Coal and Petroleum • Coal primary energy supply • 140% increase in energy consumption • Largest energy consumer in the world • Largest population in the world • Net importer of natural gas • 2nd largest importer of oil • 7% of electric capacity by 2040 from nuclear


• Coal is 48% of electric generation • 29% of electricity generated is from wind o Tax incentives to people for self generated wind energy • Oil production and consumption has fell o Same thing for natural gas • 2 Geo thermal plants o Don't produce electricity


• Energy Intensity 7288,997 BTU per US dollar • Dramatic increase in oil, natural gas, and coal production after regulatory reforms • Self- sufficient in natural gas o Export to Venezuela • 5th in the world in coal exports • 94% of coal exported • Largest coal reserves in Latin America


• Fifth largest country in the world • 3rd largest energy consumer in the Americas • TPES 281. 71 mtoe • Hydroelectricity: 2nd largest source of primary energy • Largest producer of liquid fuels in south America • Exports-usa, china, india • Gas imported from Bolivia • 80% of electricity is from hydropower • 2 nuclear power plants • 10th largest producer in the world


• GDP reached an all time in 2013-14 • Imports most of its oil products for transportation • Gas is imported, very little is produced • Energy intensity-3581 • Economic damages from earthquakes in floods o 25013300

South Korea

• Has 3rd largest city in the world • 81.9% live in urban areas • GDP 1.205 trillion usd • One of the top ten energy importers in the world • Fuel imports are 97% of its primary energy demand • No energy exports • Electricity production in 2013 was 10161.95 kWh • Won $20 billion contract to supply four nuclear reactors to uAE


• Hydropower takes up the most of electricity share • No fossil fuel reserves of its own • Energy decrease in 1992 after Russia withdrew its troops • Energy increase after joining NATO • Wind energy potential


• Largest country in terms of landarea • Coal, natural gas, oil • Large exports of oil • Germany large importer • Industries-mining, producing coal, oil, gas, defense industries • 4th electricity production and consumption o Fossil fuels, nuclear, hydroelectric • 3rd in oil production • 2nd in natural gas production • Total primary energy production is 54.629-3rd globally • will be in recession next year due to lower oil prices


• Oil accounts for 94% of export earnings • 2nd largest natural gas fields in the Americas • Doesn't export natural gas • Hydroelectricity accounts for 60% of country's electricity • Guri Dam is 3rd largest power plant in the world • Oil price drops have massive effect on economy • Droughts affect hydroelectricity production


• Oldest British territory • No energy exports • No reserves • Imports only refined oil • 98% of TPES is from petroleum • Power stations tend to fail during hurricanes and storms


• One of the world's largest manufacturers and exporters • 2nd largest natural gas importer in Europe • Second largest crude oil refining capacity in Europe • TPES-158.8 Mtoe • Energy per capita is 2.6 mtoe • Shut down all nuclear operations after Chernobyl • Goal of 23% renewable energy by 2020


• Only 10% of TPES comes from domestic production • Oil consumption makes up 47% • 3rd largest oil importer • Oil man has dropped by nearly 15% in recent years • 2nd largest importer of coal • Production of coal ended in 2002 • Largest LNG importer • Only 5% of power generation comes from renewable sources


• Precision manufacturing • Heavy amounts of rainfall • Hydropower main source electricity-55% • 580 hydroelectricic power plants o Grande Dixence- Highest Power plant • Nuclear is ¼ of country's primary TPES o Decided to suspend any new projects after Fukushima • Oil o 2/3rd refined o 1/3 crude • Imports all natural gas • Geothermal is not currently used • Solar power not widely used • More than 30 wind farms

Saudi Arabia

• Second largest oil exporter in the world • Largest continuous desert in the world • Industrial sector depends 90% on oil and gas • Petrochemical industry is the only industry that affects the economy • Number 1 customer is the United States • Largest offshore oil field in the world • Petrol and natural gas only sources of energy • Largest oil reserves in the world • Neither exports or imports natural gas

United Kingdom

• Sixth largest economy in the world • Energy use per GDP has been declining • Oil used for transportation • Largest producer of oil in EU • Net importer of all fossil fuels in 2013 • Imports natural gas from Norway via pipeline • Will be 76% dependent on natural gas imports by 2030 • Coal production steadily dropping o 16 nuclear reactors in 20% of total net generation • Wind generation makes up most of renewable energy


• Smallest continent, 6th largest country • Mining, food, processing, chemicals, steel • TPES-128.27 • Imports $245.8 billion • Exports $251.7 billion • 74% of electricity comes from coal • Exports 81% of coal, #2 export of o Japan • Can legally horizontal drill under a person's property • Ranked 6-7 for oil and gas reserves • 40% of world's uranium reserves o Uranium mines leak


• Top 10 producer of aluminum • Fishing/fishery • Highest Energy per Capita in the world o Energy intensive industry, cold weather, energy surplus • 88% of TPES is renewable • No nuclear


• Vehicles, tech, insurance, • More land for solar and wind • 3.635 trillion usd • 4.7 Quadrillion btu • Most of their power comes from imports • Increase in use of renewable energy to make up 45% of total energy production by 2025 o Decrease in reliance of fossil fuels • Wind power o Visual and audible pollution o Offshore wind farms • Photovoltaics o 54 gigawatts by 2030 • Dependent on coal because of shut down of nuclear power plant • Nuclear power phased out by 2030 • Dependent on natural gas from Russia

United Arab Emirates

• oil 85% of economy • OPEC member • Coal, oil, and natural gas • Produces and exports no coal

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