Digestive System Study Guide

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What is chyme?

A vicious (thick), highly acidic soupy mixture

What causes the hormone CCK to increase in the duodenum?


What enzyme of the pancreas breaks down sugars and starches?


List four organic nutrients from easiest to break down and absorb in the small intestine to the hardest?

Carbohydrates, proteins, fats

List the sections of the large intestine from where it begins at the end of the ileum to the anus?

Cecum, colon, rectum, anus

This the sections of the large intestine from where it begins at the end of the ileum to the anus?

Cecum, colon, rectum, anus

What digestive fees can be induced simply by the sight, smell, or thought of food

Cephalic phase

What digestive phase can be induced simply by the sight, smell, or thought of food

Cephalic phase

What hormone secreted in the duodenum when chyme that has entered it has lipids and partially digested proteins?


What duct transports bile from the liver?

Common bile duct

What two ducts share a passageway into the duodenum?

Common bile duct and pancreatic duct

Which two ducks joining to become the common bile duct?

Common hepatic duct and the cystic duct

Which two ducts joining to become the common bile duct?

Common hepatic duct and the cystic duct

What causes diarrhea?

Diarrhea is caused by an infection or chemical irritation, diarrhea protects by flushing toxins out of the body.

What are the three functions of the liver?

First: regulates the composition of circulating blood. Second: it removes age or damaged his red blood cells, debris, and pathogens from circulation. Third: it synthesizes bile and excretes it into the duodenum

How many lobes does the liver have?

Four unequal lobes

What do we call the bulge at the top of the stomach?


What hormone is released one fats and carbohydrates (specifically glucose) enter the small intestine?

Gastric inhibitory peptide

What hormone is released in both the duodenum and the stomach?


What hormone causes the release of insulin in the pancreas?


What is the name for external pouches that run along the large intestine?


What sphincter opens into the duodenum?

Hepatopancreatic sphincter

What sphincter opens into the duodenum?

Hepatopancreatic sphincter (pyloric sphincter)

What is the last segment of the small intestine?

Ileocecal valve

What sphincter regulates the flow of material into the large intestine?

Ileocecal valve

What is the last segment of the small intestine?


What is the longest segment of the small intestine?


What sphincter is made of smooth muscle and is not under voluntary control?

Internal anal sphincter

List all the things that occur during The intestinal phase?

It begins when chyme enters the small intestine. Most of the regulatory controls in this phase are inhibitory (slowing gastrin product and gastric motility) to ensure absorption in small intestine can proceed efficiently. Meanwhile, hormones are released in the small intestine to increase absorption

List all the things that occur during the gastric phase?

It begins with the arrival of food in the stomach. Stretch receptors are stimulated to release the hormone gastrin into the circulatory system. Gastrin stimulate stomach contractions, which churn the gastric contents mixing it with gastric secretions the form chyme. Each time the pylorus contracts, a small amount of chyme squirts through the pyloric sphincter

What does the pyloric sphincter do?

It regulates the flow of chyme between the stomach and the small intestine

What enzyme of the pancreas breaks down fats?


What are the three functions of the large intestine?

One: the reabsorption of water and compaction of the intestinal contents into feces. Two: the absorption of important vitamins freed by bacterial action. Three: the storage of fecal material prior to defecation.

What two enzymes in the stomach preliminarily digest proteins and carbohydrates?

Pepsin (Proteins) and salivary amylase (carbohydrates)

What do we call phagocytic cells that remove debris and toxins from the circulatory system in the liver?

Phagocytic kuffer cells

What is the difference between plicae and villi?

Plicae are many transverse folds while villi small, fingerlike projections.

What connects the stomach to the small intestine?


What hormone is released when the pH falls in the duodenum (meaning capital HCL content is high)?


Approximately where is the ascending and descending colon located in the abdominal pelvic cavity respectively?

The ascending colon is located along The right side of our abdominal pelvic cavity while the descending colon is located to the left side of the abdominopelvic cavity

Approximately where is the ascending and descending colon located in the abdominal pelvic cavity respectively?

The ascending colon is located along The right side of our upcoming a pelvic cavity while the descending colon is located to the left side of the abdominopelvic cavity

What segment of the small intestine releases for hormones critical to coordinating secretory activities of the digestive system?

The duodenum

What segment of the small intestine releases four hormones critical to coordinating secretory activities of the digestive system?

The duodenum

What segment of the small intestine carries out the bulk of chemical digestion and nutrient absorption?

The jejunum

Approximately where is the stomach located in the abdominal pelvic cavity?

The stomach is located within the left upper quadrant of the abdominal pelvic cavity

What do pancreatic islets secrete?

They secrete the hormones insulin and Glucagon

What are three common proteases?

Trypsin, chymotrypsin, carboxypeptidase

What are the 5 components of bile?

Water, Ions, bilirubin, cholesterol, bile salts

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