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Liberal Democrats

Most disadvantaged party because of the British FPTP/SMD

Treaty of Guadalupe - Hidalgo

Ended Mexican War - US received Texas (with Rio Grande border) & other states - US paid Mexico $15 million dollars


Endorsement to run for office by a political party

rational - legal legitimacy

Legitimacy based on a system of laws & procedures that are highly institutionalized

charismatic legitimacy

Legitimacy built on the force of ideas embodied by an individual leader

traditional legitimacy

Legitimacy that accepts aspects of politics because they have been institutionalized over a long period of time

What was the Harlem Renaissance

Period of Great African American artistic accomplishment that began in the 1920s in the Harlem neighborhood of NYC

International Criminal Court (ICC)

Permanent tribunal for war crimes & crimes against humanity


Persian King who led first invasion of Greece, expanded Persia & built a canal from the Red Sea to the Meditteranian

Life - cycle saving

Saving to meet long - term objectives, such as retirement, college attendance, or the purchase of a home

Republicans 1780 - 1801

States' rights, strict interpretation, encouraged agriculture & rural life, South & West, France, Civil liberties & trust in people

Mixed Strategy

Strategy in which a player makes a random choice among two or more possible actiosn based on a set of chosen probabilities


the process of working with different parties to find a resolution to their conflict

institutional advertising

the process used to try to create a favorable image for a company & foster goodwill in the marketplace

limited decision making

the process used when a person buys goods & services that he or she has purchased before but not regularly

political recruitment

the processes by which people become public participants & leaders

unlimited power


candidate appeal

how voters feel about a candidate's background, personality, leadership ability, & other personal qualities

high - context culture

information shared through assumptions, information is communicated but not stated explicitly

secondary data

information that already exists somewhere, having been collected for another purpose

payment intermediaries

institutions that facilitate transfers of funds between depositors who hold transactions deposits with those institutions

statement of the central idea of a speech

intended to keep the speaker on course for developing a purposeful & well - organized speech

Ex parte Crow Dog

repeal of law dealing with Native American Indians requires express language by Congress


the principle installations in a store; permanent or movable store furnishings that hold & display merchandise

self disclosure

the process in which we deliberately reveal information about ones self that is signifigant & would not normally be known by others

endless chain method

the process of asking previous customers for names of potential customers


which _ them to the separation


which have _them with another,

Media - communication process

the communication channels through which the message moves from sender to receiver

market share

a company's percentage of total sales volume generated by all comptetition in a given market

marketing channel

a set of interdependent organizations that help make a product or service available for use or consumption by the consumer or business user

minor party

a small political party that rises & falls with a charismatic candidate or, if composed of ideologies on the right or left, usually persists over time; also called a third party

lump - sum tax

a tax that does not depend on income

Motion study

breaking each task or job into its separate motions & then eliminating those that are unnecessary or repetitive

market segmentation

dividing market into small groups with distinct needs, characteristics, or behaviors who might require separate products or marketing mixes

Maslow's self - actualization needs

fifth (top) level; become what you are capable of becoming


an assortment of designs offered by one designer or manufacturer

manufacturer representative

an employee of a manufacturer whose job it is to sell the manufacturer's products to retail buyers

Livingston Sherman, Adams, Franklin

other members of the Declaration of Independence Committee

modernization theory

A theory asserting that as societies developed they

low - context culture

In which culture are messages clearly verbalized


People who believe that those who control the economic system also control the political one

Louis XIV

Practiced Absolute monarchy in France. L'etat, c'est moi

Lincoln's Proclamation of Amnesty & Reconstruction (10% Plan)

Proclaimed a state could be reintegrated into the Union when 10% of its voters pledged their allegiance to the U. S. & emancipation, & then formally erected a state govt

Long March

The 6,000 - mile (9,600 - kilometer) flight of Chinese Communists from southeastern to northwestern China. The Communists, led by Mao Zedong, were pursued by the Chinese army under orders from Chiang Kai - shek. (789)


The Process of guiding the development, maintenance, & allocation of resources to attain organizational goals


The capital of Old Kingdom Egypt, near the head of the Nile Delta. Early rulers were interred in the nearby pyramids

Maturation date

The date at which the principal of a bond will be repaid

massive retaliation

The doctrine that the best way to deter aggression is to threaten a potential aggressor with devastation by atomic bombs

Material Self

The element of the self reflected in all the tangible things you own

monetary relations

The entire scope of int'l money issues, such as exchange rates, interest rates, loan policies, balance of payments & regulating institutions (for example, the IMF)

Medal of Honor

The highest military decoration in the U. S. armed services, often called the Congressional Medal of Honor. It recognizes valor & bravery in action "above & beyond the call of duty. " There have been some 3,400 recipients of the medal, which was established by an act of Congress in 1862

merchandise trade

The import & export of tangible manufactured goods & raw materials

Media Effects

The influence of news sources on public opinion

Library of Congress

The largest library in the U. S. located in DC & maintained largely by federal appropriations. Its original purpose was to provide research facilities for members of Congress; today it serves the public as well. Most copyrighted publications are catalogued by the Library of Congress, whose classification system is used by major libraries around the country

market definition for globalization

The merging of historically distinct & separate national markets into one huge global marketplace


The process of reforming political, military, economic, social, & cultural traditions in imitation of the early success of Western societies, often with regard for accommodating local traditions in non - Western societies


The use of a third party (or parties) in conflict resolution

Little Dorrit

What novel is considered realism

made clear limits of royal power

What was the significance of the English Bill of Rights

manager performance & development

deal w/ a critical aspect of the firm - quality of mgmt & continuous availability & updating of managerial competence

Sumner - brooks Affair

1856 - Charles Sumner gave a two day speech on the Senate floor. He denounced the South for crimes against Kansas & singled out Senator Andrew Brooks of South Carolina for extra abuse. Brooks beat Sumner over the head with his cane, severely crippling him

First geneva convention last

1864. 1949. These conventions set norms for international law

Nonpartisan Primary

A primary used to select candidates regardless of party affiliation

Land Bank Program

A program in which govt supports prices by fiving farmers economic incentives to reduce supply

Shared consumption

A property of a good or service such that it can be used by many without diminishing another's ability to consume the same good; examples include street lights or radio broadcasts

city - state

A small independent state consisting of an urban center & the surrounding agricultural territory. A characteristic political form in early Mesopotamia, Archaic & Classical Greece, Phoenicia, & early Italy


A soldier in South Asia, especially in the service of the British


A state based on the Indonesian island of Sumatra, between the seventh & eleventh centuries C. E. It amassed wealth & power by a combination of selective adaptation of Indian technologies & concepts, & control of trade routes. (192)

secular (state)

A state created apart from religious establishments & in which there is a high degree of separation between religious & political organizations

Literacy test

A test given to persons to prove they can read and write before being allowed to register to vote


A total restriction on the import or export of a good


A vast epic chronicling the events leading up to a cataclysmic battle between related kinship groups in early India. It includes the Bhagavad - Gita, the most important work of Indian sacred literature


A version of realist theory that emphasizes the influence on state behavior of the system's structure, especially the international distribution of power

Equality of opportunity

A view that it is wrong to use race or sex either to discriminate against or give preferential treatment to minorities or women

Prospective Judgment

A voter's evaluation of a candidate based on what he or she pledges to do about an issue if elected


A way of life, forced by a scarcity of resources, in which groups of people continually migrate to find pastures & water

John Winthrop

As governor of Massachusetts Bay Colony, Winthrop (1588 - 1649) was instrumental in forming the colony's govt & shaping its legislative policy. He envisioned the colony, centered in present - day Boston, as a "city upon a hill" from which Puritans would spread religious righteousness throughout the world


Attaching meaning to what is attended to, selected, & organized

UN Security Council Resolution 242

Attempted to resolve the Palestinian - Israeli conflict by exchanging land for peace.

Robert Kennedy

Attorney General & champion of Civil Rights Movement & foe of organized crime. Was assassinated while running for Pres. by a Palestinian

Richard Olney

Attorney General of the U. S. he obtained an active injunction that state union members couldn't stop the movement of trains. He moved troops in to stop the Pullman strike

Theodore Herzl

Austrian journalist & founder of the Zionist movement urging the creation of a Jewish national homeland in Palestine


Automatic, across - the - board cuts in certain federal programs that are triggered by law when Congress & the pres. cannot agree on a spending plan

Social Support

Senstivite & empathic listening, followed bt messages of comfort or confirmation, that lets a person know that he or she is understood & valued

Harriet Beecher Stowe

She wrote the abolitionist book, Uncle Tom's Cabin. It helped to crystallize the rift between the North & South. It has been called the greatest American propaganda novel ever written, & helped to bring about the Civil War


Ship of small to moderate size used in the western Indian Ocean, traditionally with a triangular sail & a sewn timber hull

Nullification crisis

Southerners declared federal protective tariffs null & void, Jackson responded with Force bill & suggested compromising over tariff; John C Calhoun was a big advocate

Nikita Khrushchev

Stalin's successor, wanted peaceful coexistence with the U. S. Eisenhower agreed to a summit conference with Khrushchev, France & Great Britain in Geneva, Switzerland in July, 1955 to discuss how peaceful coexistence could be achieved


State religion in Japan. Derived from beliefs in natural spirits & until recently linked with belief in divinity of emperor & sacredness of Japanese nation

only thing to fear is fear itself

Statement in FDR's first inaugural, at one of the worst points of the Great Depression

Small Business Administration (SBA)

The Small Business Administration, or SBA, is a U. S. govt agency that provides support to small businesses. The SBA was established on July 30, 1953 by the U. S. Congress with the passage of the Small Business Act

Tariff of 1857

The Tariff of 1857 was a major tax reduction in the U. S. creating a mid - century lowpoint for tariffs. It amended the Walker Tariff of 1846 by lowering rates to around 17% on average. The Tariff of 1857's cuts lasted only three years, though. In 1861 the country changed course under the heavily protectionist Morrill Tariff of 1861

UN Secretariat

The UN's executive branch, led by the secretary - general

Relationship Demension

The aspect of a communication message that offers cues about the emotion attitudes, & amount of power & control the speaker directs towards others how something is said

Kennedy Assassination

(JFK) Kennedy was assassinated by Lee Harvey Oswald in Dallas 1963, LBJ took the oath of office

University of Missippi & Alabama

(LBJ) Robert Kennedy sent marshalls to protect the right of qualified black there

James Whistler

1834 - 1903 American - born, British based painter & etcher. Most famous work is Whistler's Mother. Whistler's belief that art should concentrate on the arrangement of colors led many critics to see his work as a precursor of abstract art


The information, ideas or suggested actions that a communicatior wishes to express what is said

Egypt & France

WHich 2 countires worked together to build the Suez canal

organizational Communication

The study of human communication as it occurs with in organizations


The subordination of state authority or national identity to larger institutions & groupings such as the European Union

Three problems with the CPI

The substitution bias, the introduction of new items, & quality changes

The Senate acts as the jury

What role does the Senate play in an impeachment trial

scorched earth policy

What strategy did czar Alexander I use to defeat Napoleon

Stocks sold for more than they were worth

What was the major cause of the collapse of the stock market

Britain, China, Iran

Which of the states we have studied are unitary govts


Which of the two Congressional houses is more prestigious

Pres. McKinley

Which pres. decided to annex the republic of Hawaii

Harding. He opposed Wilson's league of nations, as did the US senate

Which pres. was elected because he opposed the League of Nations


Which society etablished the first formal alphabet

The Pres.

Who appoints Supreme Court justices

speakers or writers

Who are the encoders

Only the pres.

Who can receive foreign ambassadors

The Electoral College

Who elects the Pres. & Vice - Pres.

Peter the great

Who greatly westernized imperial Russia

House of Representatives

Who impeachs a govt official

What should be accomplished during the summary

The summary should restate the main points, the relationship between points, & the specific objective of the presentation


The tendency to describe things in extremes, as though no middle ground existed

Naturalization Act of 1870

This Naturalization Act limited American citizenship to "white persons & persons of African descent," barring Asians - who were coming to california in large numbers - from U. S. citizenship

Morrill Act

This increased tariff rates by about 5 to 10%, but war soon drove these rates even higher

What outlining formats are mentioned in this lesson

This lesson covers four outline types: scratch; formal; informal; & talking paper

Robert Peary

Thought to be the first to reach the North Pole

Treaty of Paris 1951

Treaty of Paris (1951) - established European Coal & Steel Community

slack resources

a cushion of extra resources that can be used with options - based planning to adapt to unanticipated change, problems, o opportunities


a grouping of human beings with distinctive characteristics determined by genetic inheritance

brand name

a word, group of words, letters, or numbers that represent a product or service; also known as a product brand

the English

in 1588, the Spanish Armada met defeat at the hands of

merchant wholesalers

independently owned business that takes title to the merchandise it handles

high power distance culture

inequalities expected, children respect parents, teachers take initiative, hierarchy is normal

Department of Energy

responsible for developing policies for effective use of the nation's energy resources. The Department of Energy is involved in energy conservation, regulating oil pipelines, & encouraging research on new sources of energy

growth stage

sales start climbing quickly

staffing process

same as personnel process; includes manpower planning, recruitment, selection, orientation, training, etc

relating income to saving & consumption

saving = disposable income - consumption; or consumption + saving = disposable income

order qualifier

screening criterion that permits a firm's products to even be considered as possible candidates for purchase

Environmental scanning

searching the environment for important events or issues that might affect an organization


selling of church offices to the highest bidder

Gramm - Rudman - Holings Bill (1985)

set budget reduction targets to balance budget but failed to eliminate loopholes

the communication accomodation theory

speakers change their speaking style based on who their audience is

Punctuation, capitalization, & abbreviation

standard sentence mechanics you should be aware of when writing


standing plan - prescribes or prohibits behavior in specific terms


statement of purpose & policy objectives drafted & approved by political parties at their national conventions, they rarely exert much influence on day - to - day politics

darwins universal emotions

surprise, anger, disgust, fear, interest, sadness, happiness

voter registration

system designed to reduce voter fraud by limiting voting to those who have established eligibility by submitting the proper form

Closed systems

systems that can sustain themselves without interacting with their environment

social contract

the basic agreement between group members & the group as a whole as to rights, privileges, duties, benefits, & costs; often partially explicit in a constitution; usually implicit, in part, in the history & politics of a group

promotion mix

the blend of advertising, sales promotion, public relations, personal selling, & direct marketing tools that the company uses to persuasively communicate customer value & build customer relationship


the bottom number in a fraction; it represents how many parts make up a whole

saving function

the complement of the consumption function

Specific environment

the customers, competitors, suppliers, industry, regulations, & advocacy groups that are unique to an industry & directly affect how a company does business

Entrepreneur Role

the decisional role managers play when they adapt themselves, their subordinates, & their units to change

Resource allocator role

the decisional role managers play when they decide who gets what resources

devolution revolution

the effort to slow the growth of the federal govt by returning many functions to the states


the exercise of control on the basis of knowledge, expertise, or experience

Discretionary responsibility

the expectation that a company will voluntarily serve a social role beyond its economic, legal & ethical responsibilities

political communication

the flow of information from & about govt to its constituents & feedback from constituents to people in govt


the form of theological rationalism that believes in God on the basis of reason without reference to revelation

marketing mix

the four basic marketing strategies, called the four p's: product, place, price, & promotion

Chance" in Porter's Theory

wholly unpredictable occurances that you cannot mitigate

These are the times that try men's souls

By Thomas Paine in the America Crisis

Learning Organizations, Core ingredients include:

Mental models, Personal mastery, Systems thinking, Shared vision, Team learning

Halo Effect

One good quality implied other ones

Lorenzo de Medici

Patron of great renaissance artists, including Botticelli, Michelangelo & da Vinci


Paul Krugman. many industries where the world market can only support a certain number of firms. Firms which enter the industry at the beginning, capture: first mover advantages to achieve: economies of scale & scope, benefit from learning curve effects. Firms develop a competitive advantage over any potential rivals. This creates barriers to entry for other prospective firms

Selective attention

Paying attention only to those parts of a newspaper or broadcast story with which one agrees. Studies suggest that this is how people view political ads on television


The Ottoman province in the Balkans that rose up against Janissary control in the early 1800s. After WWII the central province of Yugoslavia. Serb leaders struggled to maintain dominance as the Yugoslav federation dissolved in the 1990s

What event signified the formal end of the Byzantine Empire

The Ottomons attacked the city of Constantinople (shocked the Christian world)

What are islam's three holy books

The quran, hadith, & sunna. Respectively gods words to Muhammed, Muhammed's sayings, & Muhammed's deeds

stages of team development: normative stage

The stage where the team is unified, & focused & all problems are resolved

passive aggressive

an indirect expression of aggression delievered in a way that allows the sender to maintain a facade of kindness

ideal model of communication

transactional communication


what is it called when you acknowledge the presence of the other person but also accept the person

Domestic Impact Conception of NI

what would improve lives of citizens - foreign policy relates to citizens of state


what you choose to focus on within a range of stimuli in your environment

Insurance program

A self - financing govt program based on contributions that provide benefits to unemployed or retired persons

Political agenda

A set of issues thought by the public or those in power to merit action by the govt

Straight ticket

Voting for candidates who are all of the same party. For example, voting for Republican candidates for senator, representative, & pres.

Retrospective voting

Voting for or against the candidate or party in office because one likes or dislikes how things have gone in the recent past

Committee on Public Information

Was created to "sell" the war to those people who were against it & gain support for it. To do this, men devlievered speeches & gave out pamphlets. It was headed by George Creel

Neutrality Proclamation

Washington's declaration that the U. S. would not take sides after the French Revolution touched off a war between France & a coalition consisting primarily of England, Austria, & Prussia. Washington's Proclamation was technically a violation of the Franco - American Treaty of 1778

How did the Lend - Lease act benefit the US

it enriched the US economy through selling arms to the Allies

one of the first movers in the industry were U. S. firms

new trade theorists argue that the U. S. leads in exports of commercial jet aircraft not because it is better endowed with the factors of production required to manufacture aircraft, but because:

Pres. Nixon's February visit to China 1972

followed Secretary Kissinger's earlier negotiations in Peking, marking first important step in the process of normalizing relations with the People's Republic of China

System of mandates

followed WWI. Part of league of nations; Grant countries independence after being involved

question - and - power session

follows many speeches is a type of informative speech in itself

Exclusive distribution

giving a limited number of dealers the exclusive right to distribute the company's products in their territories

consumption goods

goods purchase by households for immediate satisfaction or to use up (ex. food, movies)

What was the Conference for Security & Co - operation in Europe (CSCE)

held at the suggestion of the Soviet Union which wished to use the talks to maintain its control over the communist countries in Eastern Europe. Western Europe, however, saw these talks as a way to reduce the tension in the region, furthering economic cooperation & obtaining humanitarian improvements for the populations of the Communist Bloc

Radical Whigs

"a group of British political commentators" associated with the British Whig faction who were at the forefront of Radicalism. They played a significant role in the development of the American Revolution, as their republican writings were widely read by the American colonists, many of whom were convinced by their reading that they should be very watchful for any threats to their liberties

Henry the Navigator

(1394 - 1460) Portuguese prince who promoted the study of navigation & directed voyages of exploration down the western coast of Africa

Massachussets Body of Liberties

(1641): First established legal code in New England. Compiled by the Puritan minister Nathaniel Ward

Relief & Construction Act

(HH) $3 billion towards public works of a self - liquidating type (once completed, would bring revenue to pay for itself)

North Atlantic Treaty Organization

(HT) 1949, created in 1949 organization whose members include the US, Canada, most western european nations & turkey all of whom agreedd to combine military forces & to treat a war against one as a war against one as a war against all

Stamp Act

1765 law requiring payment of a tax to Britain on a great variety of papers & documents. Americans rioted in opposition, petitioned for repeal. Was repealed in 1766

Chemical Weapons Convention

1997. prohibits all development, production, acquisition, stockpiling, transfer & use of chemical weapons. It imposes reporting requirements, as well as inspections on chemical weapons sites located inside participating states. In 2006, 179 states were parties to the Convention

General - act charter

A charter that applies to a number of cities that fall within a certain classification, usually based on city population. Thus in some states all cities with populations over 100,000 are governed on the basis of one charter, while all cities with populations between 50,000 & 99,999 are governed by a different one

Special - act charter

A charter that denies the powers of a certain named city & lists what the city can & cannot do

Legitimate govt

A govt generally acknolwedged as being in control of a nation & deserving formal recognition by other countries

Pyramid structure

A method of organizing a pres.'s staff in which most presidential assistants report through a hierarchy to the pres.'s chief of staff


A tentative explanation for a phenomenon used as a basis for further investigation

War Hawks

A term originally used to describe a member of the House of Representatives of the Twelfth Congress of the U. S. who advocated going to war against Great Britain in the War of 1812

victimless crime

A term sometimes used for various acts that are considered crimes under the law but apparently have no victim. One such crime is prostitution, which is viewed by some as a commercial exchange between two consenting adults

structural violence

A term used by some scholars to refer to poverty, hunger, oppression, & other social & economic sources of conflict

Territorial Maker

A thing or action that signifies an area has been clamed

Peace of Galilee

Agreement between Israel & Lebanon that was successful until 2000

Nuclear Test Ban Treaty of 1963

Agreement that banned atmospheric testing of nuclear weapons

What did Napoleon not accomplish

An expansion of freedom of speech

Upon what factors dose the intelligibility of a presentation depend

Articulation, pronunciation, vocal pauses, overuse of stock expressions, & substandard grammar

Contingent Self - Esteem

Based on other's goals

Net capital inflows

Capital flows that are equal to foreign purchases of domestic assets (which bring funds into the country) minus domestic purchases of foreign assets (which send funds out of the country); that is, capital inflows minus capital outflows

Philip 2

Father of Alexander the Great, conquered Greece

Economies of Scope

Joint outuput of a single firm is greater than output that could e achieved by two different firms when each produces a single product

Who embraced fascism

Juan Peron, Hitler, Mussolini

Where is the Bosphorus straight

Located at Istanbul, it connects the Black Sea to the Sea of Mamara, & eventually to the Mediterranean

Photo ops

Photo opportunities

What country used to be known as Siam

Thailand. name changed in 1949

Status Quo Approach to Foreign Policy

The Status Quo Approach to Foreign Policy seeks to maintain the territorial, ideological, or power distribution of the state


The person who decodes a message & attempts to make sense of what the sourse has encoded

How many types of physical behaviors are there Name them

There are three types of physical behavior: eye contact, body movement & gestures

Leader of the Armed Forces

What does Commander in Chief mean


World's largest desert in the northern third of Africa

Robert Reich's suggestion about the global economy

economic national identity is becoming increasingly superfluous, increases in outsourcing is leading to the emergence of Global Products rather than defining products with a "National identity"

factors of production

economic term for the four categories of resources: land, labor, capital, & entrepreneurship

frustration & agony

emotions felt when typing up all of these freaking vocabulary words


employing workers at low wages for long hours & in poor working conditions

decision - making done under certainty

outcome or payoff for an alternative has a probability of 1. 0 (few real - world examples)

multifactor productivity measure

ratio of output to a group of inputs; ex. total output/(labor+capital+energy)

relative power

ratio of the power that 2 states can bring to bear against each other


self - evident


single - use plans - broad, long - term, covering specified time period (e. g. putting a man on the moon)

Gibb Categories

six sets of contrasting styles of verbal & nonverbal behavior


small river or stream that flows into a large river or stream a branch of the river

party registration

the act of declaring party affiliation; required by some states when one registers to vote

customer benefits

the advantages or personal satisfaction a customer will get from a good or service

substantial: effective segmentation

the market segments are large or profitable enough to serve

manuscript speech mode

the material is written out & delivered word for word; offers the advantages of providing accurate language & solid organization; gives the speaker a permanent written record of the speech

interest articulation

the methods by which citizens & groups can express their desires & make demands upon govt (e. g. political participation, lobbying, protest, etc. )


the modern day nation of France


the money paid for the use of money borrowed or invested

simple majority

the most votes cast (does not have to be a majority of all votes cast)


the right of a federal law or regulation takes precedence over enforcement of a state or local law or regulation

product mix

the set of all product lines & items that a particular seller offers for sale

Message - communication process

the set of symbols that the sender transmits


wide strait or waterway between two land masses that close to each other, deep part of a river or other waterway

Oregon Treaty 1846

with Great Britain extended U. S. sole dominion to the Pacific

Strategic Arms Limitation Talks (SALT) agreements 1972

with U. S. S. R. prescribed mutual limitations on defensive & offensive weapons & established SALT as a continuing process

connected them _ _,

with another

Marie Antoinette

French queen beheaded with her Husband Louis XVI in French Revoltuion


In the process of law making what power does the executive branch have over the Legislative branch


Is the bulk of the data assembled by the CIA public or covert


Islamic mystics who felt Muslims should worship in their own way & not trust reason

Specie Circular

Issued by Jackson - attempt to stop states from speculating land with money they printed that was not backed by anything - required land speculation in speci; Provided that in payment for public lands, the govt would accept only gold or silver

Peggy Eaton affair

Scandal that involved Jackson's Secretary of War Eaton & his wife, Peggy, the daughter of a boardinghouse keeper

Personal Liberty Laws

(FP) Laws passed by Northern states forbidding the imprisonment of escaped slaves

Tax Reform Act

(RR) 1986, wanted to lower taxes (progressive taxes), however impossible since lower rates was to be made up by losing previous tax loopholes. richest however didn't suffer that much, only paid 28 not 33 percent

Haiti DIlemma

(RR) 1990s, had 30 year dictatorship, soon ends, then Bertrand Aristide overthrows with military, & UN awith US use mandate to restore constituional rule & Aristide's presidency

National committee

A committee of delegates from each state & territory that runs party affairs between national conventions

Economic Principle

A commonly held economic insight stated as a law or general assumption


A complex of palaces, reception halls, & treasury buildings erected by the Persian kings Darius I & Xerxes in the Persian homelan (119)

International Court of Justice

A division of the UN that settles legal disputes submitted to it by member nations. Also called the World Court or the Hague

U. S. Information Agency

A federal agency responsible for spreading information favorable to the U. S. around the world

Price setter

A firm with at least some latitude to set its own price

Emotional Noises

A form of communication noises caused by emotional arousal


A form of energy used in telegraphy from the 1840s on & for lighting, industrial motors, & railroads beginning in the 1880s


A form of iron that is both durable & flexible. It was first mass - produced in the 1860s & quickly became the most widely used metal in construction, machinery, & railroad equipment

Unified govt

A govt in which the same party controls both the White House & both houses of Congress. When Bill Clinton became pres. in 1993, it was the first time since 1981 (and only the second time since 1969) that the same party was in charge of the presidency & Congress

tax farming

A govt's use of private collectors to collect taxes. Individuals or corporations contract with the govt to collect a fixed amount for the govt & are permitted to keep as profit everything they collect over that amount

Robert La Follette

A great debater & political leader who believed in libertarian reforms, he was a major leader of the Progressive movement from Wisconsin


A group of Turkic - speakers who controlled their own centralized empire from 744 to 840 in Mongolia & Central Asia

farm bloc

A group of both Democratic & Republican members of Congress from the farming states of the Middle West that pressures the federal govt to adopt policies favorable to farmers

Capitol Hill

A hill in DC on which the U. S. Capitol building sits. The House of Representatives & the Senate meet in the Capitol

Thaddeus Stevens

A radical Republican who believed in harsh punishments for the South. Leader of the radical Republicans in Congress

Pollution allowances (or banks)

A reduction in pollution below that required by law that can be used to cover a future plant expansion or sold to another company whose pollution emissions are above the legal requirements

Press briefing

A relatively restricted session between a press secretary or aide & the press

Poll tax

A requirement that citizens pay a tax in order to register to vote. It was adopted by many states to prevent former slaves (most of whom were poor) from voting. It is now unconstitutional


A system of social democratic policy making in which a limited number of organizations representing business & labor work with the state to set economic policy

Surface Transportation Board

The STB is an economic regulatory agency that Congress created to resolve railroad rate & service disputes & reviewing proposed railroad mergers. The STB is decisionally independent, although it is administratively affiliated with the U. S. Department of Transportation

Huey Long

The Share the Wealth society was founded in 1934 by Senator Huey Long of Louisiana. He called for the confiscation of all fortunes over $5 million & a 100% tax on annual incomes over $1 million. He was assassinated in 1935 & his successor Gerald K. Smith lacked the ability to be a strong head of the society

Mauryan Empire

The first state to unify most of the Indian subcontinent. It was founded by Chandragupta Maurya in 324 B. C. E. & survived until 184 B. C. E. From its capital at Pataliputra in the Ganges Valley it grew wealthy from taxes. (184)


The free association of people from different racial & ethnic backgrounds; a goal of the civil rights movement to overcome policies of segregation that have been practiced in the U. S. Those favoring integration of schools by such forceful means as busing or affirmative action have frequently argued that integration of schools will lead to integration of society as a whole


The fundamental rules & norms of politics, embodying long - term goals regarding individual freedom & collective equality, where power should reside, & the use of that power

Competitive service

The govt offices to which people are appointed on the grounds of merit as ascertained by a written examination or by having met certain selection criteria (such as training, educational attainments, or prior experience)

Tallmadge amendment

This was an attempt to have no more slaves to be brought to Missouri & provided the gradual emancipation of the children of slaves. In the mind of the South, this was a threat to the sectional balance between North & South

Mandatory spending

Those appropriation items in a budget that must be allocated. In the federal budget, the majority of spending items are mandatory & include Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, payment on the national debt, & certain components of defense spending

Funded mandates

Those regulations passed by Congress or issued by regulatory agencies to the states with federal funds to support them

positivist school of law

Those who believe that law reflects society & the way that people want the society to operate

Compare the four basic types of economic systems

Traditional, are ecomies decided by social customs; market economies, are economiesdecided by individuals; command are by gov't; mixed econ are by a combination of markets & gov't

Treaty of Paris 1259

Treaty of Paris (1259) - between Henry III of England & Louis IX of France

Treaty of Paris 1856

Treaty of Paris (1856) or Congress of Paris - signed March 30 - ended Crimean War

Treaty of Paris 1898

Treaty of Paris (1898) - ended Spanish - American War

VER's & VEA's

Voluntary export restraints (VER'S) & voluntary export agreements (VEA'S)

Thomas Edison

Who patented the movie camera

Thomas Jefferson

Who wrote the Declaration of Independence

to isolate France

Why did Bismark seek alliances that later became the Triple Alliance

They had signed the Treaty of Versailles

Why did millions of Germans turn against the leaders of the Weimar Repulblic

It is constantly moving

Why is communication dynamic

partitioning organizational speech structural

a deductive format in which, as the speech proceeds, the speech is partitioned into a number of points

cash flow statement

a monthly plan that tracks when a person anticipates that cash will come into their business & when they expect to pay out cash

requirements for linear programming

model must have an explicit objective, limited resources to allocate, linearity, homegeneity, divisibility

Liberty Loans

(WW) War bonds to help fund the war

Yom Kippur War

1973: Egypt & Syria attacked Israel. No changes in territory

Strategic plan

A larger plan or blueprint for the entire organization


A law passed & enforced by a city govt


A non verbal behavior that helps to control the interaction or level of communication between people

3 core Classical Trade Theories

Absolute advantage (natural & acquired) Comparative advantage (David Ricardo) Factor Proportions theory ( Heckscher & Ohlin). Some empirical contradictions (Leontif)


An environmental rule that a company in an area with polluted air can offset its own pollution by reducing pollution from another source in the area. For instance, an older company that can't afford to pay for new antipollution technologies may buy pollution credits from a newer company that has reduced its source of pollution below the levels required by law

opposition to Stalin's power

Between 1934 & 1939, the great purge was a campaign to eliminate


Breaking of images; Religious controversy of the 8th century. Byzantine Empire attempted but failed to suppress icon veneration

New Jersey

Colony granted to friends of King

Programmed Decisions

Decisions made in response to frequently occurring routine situations


Federation of Northeast Asian peoples who founded the Qing Empire

classical antiquity

Greek & Roman times

Fort Sumter

In 1861 Confederates attacked the fort, which led to its surrender & was the opening engagement of the Civil War. It is located in Charleston, South Carolina


In 1907, Russia & Britain agreed to Spheres of Influence in

Muhammad Ali Jinnah

Indian Muslim politician who founded the state of Pakistan. A lawyer by training, he joined the All - India Muslim League in 1913. As leader of the League from the 1920s on, he negotiated with the British/INC for Muslim Political Rights

Horizontal FDI"

Investing in the same economic activity abroad as one does at home

Majuro, Marshall Islands

Mbabane, Swaziland


Muslim dynasty that ruled India in 16th - 17th century. Built Taj Mahal

Straw vote

Nonbinding vote used to determine the views of a small cross section of voters

New Delhi, India

Nuku'alofa, Tonga

Positive economic principle

One that predicts how people will behave

Goal of controls

Planning, organizing, leading & staffing

Contingency Plan

Plans that identify alternative courses of action for very unusual or crisis situations; typically stipulate the chain of command, standard operating procedures, & communication channels the organization will use during & emergency

Characteristics of multicultural organizations:

Pluralism, Structural integration, Informal network integration, Absence of prejudice & discrimination, Minimum intergroup conflict

poisoning the well"

Poisoning the well is a logical fallacy where adverse information about someone is pre - emptively presented to an audience, with the intention of discrediting or ridiculing everything that person is about to say

Entrepreneurial politics

Policies benefiting society as a whole or some large part that impose a substantial cost on some small identifiable segment of society

Regulatory policy

Policy that results in govt control over individuals & businesses. Examples of regulatory policy include protection of the environment & consumer protection


Political participation at the local level

New Left

Radical movement in 60s & 70s which opposed the military industrial complex & US involvement in Vietnam. Also urged public attention of blacks & poor


Roman politician bent on destruction of Carthage


Set of laws

four types of sentences you should use throughout your written communication

Simple sentence - a sentence that expresses one complete thought. Compound sentence - A union of two or more simple sentences. Complex sentence - a simple sentence with a dependent clause attatched to it. Compound - complex sentence - a combination of a compound & a complex sentence

the rise of non - U. S. multinationals & the growth of mini - multinationals

Since the 1960s, there have been two notable trends in the demographics of the multinational enterprise. These two trends have been:

Pedra Branca

Singapore & Malaysia dispute ownership of the islands in the Singapore strait. ICJ ruled the Malaysia has no title to the Pedra Branca

types of bullet statements

Single idea & single accomplishment

Sitting Bull

Sioux chief who took up arms against settlers in the Great Planes. Present at the Battle of Little Bighorn


Site in northwest Anatolia, overlooking the Hellespont strait, where archaeologists have excavated a series of Bronze Age cities. One of these may have been destroyed by Greeks ca. 1200 B. C. E. as reported in Homer's epic poems

Jane Addams

Social reformer who worked to improve the lives of the working class. In 1889 she founded Hull House in Chicago, the first private social welfare agency in the U. S. to assist the poor, combat juvenile delinquency & help immigrants learn to speak English. Provided such services as English lessons, day care, child care classes, & playgrounds


Source: Lake Victoria, Africa Outflow: Mediterranean Sea

Imperial presidency

Term developed by historian Arthur Schlesinger Jr. refers to pres.s who dominate the political & legislative agenda

owned the colonies

The King of England

Optimal combination of goods

The affordable combination that yields the highest total utility

Kamakura Shogunate

The first of Japan's decentralized military govts. (1185 - 1333)

Economic Force

The necessary reaction to scarcity


The technique of enhancing immunity by exposing patients to dried mucous taken from those already infected

Time Oriennted Listeners

Those who perfer that message communcated by others be breif


UN Security Coucil - main peacekeeping organ of the UN. Made up of 15 members, 5 of which are permanent: China, France, Russia, US & UK


US infantry in WWI


Unilaterialism is a state's dependence on its own power to maxime security & achieve national interests

The Black Sea

What body of water does the Danube drain into

Sapphos of Lesbos

a female lyrical poet

Carry Nation

a leading proponent of prohibition


a sales method that keeps merchandise in storage until the customer finishes paying for it

stakeholder model

a theory of corporate responsibility that holds that management's most important responsibility, long - term survival, is achieved by satisfying the interests of multiple corporate stakeholders

perception checking

a three part method for varifying the accuracy of interpretations, including the description of the sense data two possible interpertations & a request for confermation of the interpertations

qualitative research

a type of research that focuses on smaller numbers of people (usually fewer than 100) & tries to answer why or or how questions






beliefs in how one lives their life

speech planning outline

brief framework used to think through the process of the speech; outline contains the major ideas of the speech, without elaboration


corruption/ill - gotten money

Post WWII dollar shortage

huge balance of trade surpluses, reserves were immense & growing. necessary to reverse flow. Dollars leave the U. S. & become available for international use

phonological rules

linguistic rules governing how sounds are combined to form words

What does fascism stress


primacy of mgmt

planning must occur before other mgmt functions can take place

components of commuication

source, message, receiver, channel


the degree in which we hold others in esteem


the phrase or sentence that captures the readers' attention, arouses their interest, & entices them to read the rest of the ad


the political orientation of those who hold that a republic is the best form of government

business risk

the possibility of financial loss


the potential use of weapons of mass destruction in a terrorist attack

micromarketing: targeting strategies

the practice of tailoring products & marketing programs to the needs & wants of specific individuals & local customer groups

speech participants

the speaker & the members of the audience

Noise - communication process

the unplanned static or distortion during the communication process, which results in the receiver's getting a different message than the one the sender sent

Managing an international business is different from managing a purely domestic business for all of the following reasons except:

the range of problems confronted by a manager in an international business are narrower than those confronted by a manager in a domestic business

main determinant of saving (classical model)

the rate of interest (the higher the rate of interest, the more peole wante to save, & therefore the less people wanted to consume)


the set of all actual & potential buyers of a product or service

linear view of communication

the speaker speaks & the listener listens

National Housing Act #2

(FDR) 1937 1937 - Wagner=Sponser. Rasied $500mill for urban slum clearance & public housing projects

Budget, the National Debt & the Overvalued Dollar

(RR) after FBD, became a debtor nation, closed gap between income & military expenditures, govt had to borrow money through selling bonds, so they borrowed from foreign nations, foreigners lent because interest rates were high in US, but Treasury only accepted "dollar", price of the dollar increased 60 percent, "strong dollar" = good, "overvalued dollar" = severe economic problems

Ending Nuclear Testing

(WJC) us wouldn't test unless another nation did it first

studying communication going to do for you

1. help you make connections. 2. provide you with skills to make a difference when confronted with new ideas & challenges. 3. truly effective communicators have information worth communicating, & have the desire to connect with their listener

Solutions to being land - locked

1. negotiate or take a secure land corridor 2. use an international river 3. negotiate transit rights with a coastal state

Foraker Act

1900 Gave the Puerto Ricans a limited degree of popular govt. In 1917 they got US citizenship

the Great Compromise

2 Houses, 1 House based on Population, the other house Equal Representation

the Virginia Plan

2 Houses, Population Representation

Solicitor General

4th - ranking member of the Dept. of Justice; responsible for handling all appeals on behalf of the US gov't to the Supreme Court

Quirin affair

8 germans who had lived in America & returned to Germany before WWII snuck into the US to sabatoge the war industries. They were caught & executed by a military tribunal established by FDR

Class - action suit

A case brought into court by a person on behalf of not only himself or herself but all other persons in the country under similar circumstances. For example, in Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas, the Supreme Court decided that not only Linda Brown but all others similarly situated had the right to attend a local public school of their choice without regard to race

crimes against humanity

A category of legal offenses created at the Nuremberg trials after WWII to encompass genocide & other acts committed by the political & military leaders of the Third Reich (Nazi Germany)

Golden Horde

A group of Mongols that overran Russia, Poland, & Hungary. (1237 - 1242)

United Food & Commercial Workers International Union

A labor union representing approximately 1. 3 million workers in the U. S. & Canada in many industries, including health care, meatpacking, poultry & food processing, manufacturing, textile & chemical trades, & retail food. Until July 2005, UFCW was affiliated with the AFL - CIO, where it was the second largest union by membership. Along with two other members of the Change to Win Coalition, the UFCW formally disaffiliated with the AFL - CIO on July 29, 2005.


A law passed by the legislature could be put on the ballot can for the people to approval/veto. Made elected officials more responsible & sensitive to the needs of the people, & part of the movement to make govt more efficient & scientific

Leader participation model

A leadership contingency model that related leadership behavior & participation in decision making

Public bill

A legislative bill that deals with matters of general concern. A bill involving defense expenditures is a public bill; a bill pertaining to an individual's becoming a naturalized citizen is not

Interpersonal Roles

A mangers activities as a figurehead, company leader, or liaison

Third - Party - Payer Market

A market in which the person who receives the good differs from the person paying for the good

Touch Ethic

A person own guidelines or standards as to approprate & inapprate toush

Wildcat strike

A strike without union authorization


A substantial reduction in the rate of inflation

Town or township

A subunit of county govt in many eastern & Midwestern states


A succesful family who owned Medici bank in Florence (like Fuggers in England)

Yellow Peril

A supposed threat to the US posed by Japan & China. Fear of asian immigration & Japan's rising military power

bureaucratic authoritarianism

A system in which the state bureaucracy & the military share a belief that a technocratic leadership, focused on rational, objective, & technical expertise, can solve the problems of the country without public participation

tributary system

A system in which, from the time of the Han Empire, countries in East & Southeast Asia not under the direct control of empires based in China nevertheless enrolled as tributary states, acknowledging the superiority of the emperors in China. (279)

the Congressional Record

A written record of everything said in both houses of Congress

Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire

Accidentally killed 141 workers, prodded concerns that raised new questions of human & immigrant rights & of existing labor laws

prohibit the import of these goods from other countries

According to Smith, countries should specialize in the production of goods for which they have an absolute advantage & then:

Freedom of Information Act (1974)

Act that incorporates sunshine laws; opened up the govt's meetings of record to the public & media

Norris - La Guardia Act (1932)

Act that prohibited employers from punishing workers who joined unions & gave labor the right to form union

Pequot War

After Pequots attacked Puritan settlement, killing nine, the colonists responded by burning Pequot village, killing 400

To the other House

After a Bill passes the first House of the Congress, where does it go next

Mormon Church

After facing extreme hostility in the Midwest, Mormons moved to Utah & established their influential church there

Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty of 1968

Agreement that stopped & monitored the spread of nuclear weapons to countries who did not have the bomb

General Agreement on Tariffs & Trade (GATT)

Agreement wherein new trade barriers would be avoided by member nations, existing tariffs would be eliminated, & protective tariffs would be used only for emergency situations

Long Run Competitive Equilibrium

All firms in an industry are maximizing profit, no firm has an incentive to enter or exit, & price is such that quantity supplied equals quantity demanded

Mandate System

Allocation of former German colonies & Ottoman possessions to the victorious powers after WWI, to be administered under League of Nations supervision

Terrence Powderly

An American labor union originally established as a secret fraternal order & noted as the first union of all workers. It was founded in 1869 in Philadelphia by Uriah Stephens & a number of fellow workers. Powderly was elected head of the Knights of Labor in 1883

Nuclear Regulatory Commission

An agency of the U. S. govt responsible for licensing & regulating nuclear power plants. Created in 1974, along with the Energy Research & Development Administration, it replaced the Atomic Energy Commission

Positional arms control agreement

An agreement in which contestants attempt to limit mutually offsetting investments in performance enhancement

Mayflower compact

An agreement reached before landing. Bound Pilgrims to live in a civil society according to their own laws. First written consitution in North America

plea bargain

An agreement that permits a defendant to plead guilty to a lesser charge instead of pleading not guilty to a more serious one. Plea bargaining is usually undertaken by a prosecutor to obtain important information from a defendant or to avoid a long & costly trial


An anti - foreign feeling that arose in the 1840's & 1850's in response to the influx of Irish & German Catholics

Ferghana Valley

An area in Uzbekistan walled off by mountains with an extremely dense population. Some ethnic differences

Economic loss

An economic profit that is less than zero

Open rule

An order from the House Rules Committee that permits a bill to be amended on the legislative floor

Closed rule

An order from the House Rules Committee that sets a time limit on debate & forbids a particular bill from being amended on the legislative floor

Diego Garcia

Atoll in the Indian Ocean with a large runway that the US & Indian navies use for drills

Nicholas Biddle

Became the Second National Bank's pres., & he made the bank's loan policy stricter & testified that, although the bank had enormous power, it didn't destroy small banks. The bank went out of business in 1836 amid controversy over whether the National Bank was constitutional & should be rechartered

Stanley, Henry Morton (1841 - 1904)

British - American explorer of Africa, famous for his expeditions in search of Dr. David Livingstone. Stanley helped King Leopold II establish the Congo Free State


British seamen often deserted to join the American merchant marines. The British would board American vessels in order to retrieve the deserters, & often seized any sailor who could not prove that he was an American citizen & not British

Queen Anne's War

British vs. French (1702 - 13)

Rudyard Kipling

British writer, wrote Jungle Book

Greek fire

Byzantine fire, wildfire & liquid fire; was a weapon used by the Byzantine Empire, said to have been invented by a Syrian Christian refugee named Kallinikos (Callinicus) of Heliopolis (Syria), probably about 673. Some people believe that he acquired this knowledge from the chemists of Alexandria. It was capable of discharging a stream of burning fluid, & was very effective both on sea & land. However, it was used primarily at sea

Daniel Shays

Captain in the American Revolutionary War. He is mostly known for leading a small army of farmers in Shays' Rebellion, which was a revolt against the state govt of Massachusetts from 1786 - 1787


City located in present - day Tunisia, founded by Phoenicians ca. 800 B. C. E. It became a major commercial center & naval power in the western Mediterranean until defeated by Rome in the third century B. C. E

Great Zimbabwe

City, now in ruins (in the modern African country of Zimbabwe), whose many stone structures were built between about 1250 & 1450, when it was a trading center & the capital of a large state


Civilization of north coast of Peru (200 - 700 C. E. ). An important Andean civilization that built extensive irrigation networks as well as impressive urban centers dominated by brick temples

Henri Fayol

Classical Approach, Functions of Mgmt, 14 Principles of Mgmt, "Father of Modern Mgmt"

Cameroon vs. Nigeria

Conflict over the Bakasi Peninsula; the ICJ ruled in favor of Cameroon

Stages in adjusting to a new culture:

Confusion, Small victories, The honeymoon, Irritation & anger, Reality

project grants

Congress appropriated funds of a certain sum, allocated to gov units based on applications

conference committee

Congressional committee that includes representatives of both houses of Congress. Their purpose is to settle differences between the Houes & Senate versions of bills that have been passed by their respective legislatures

Mass media

Consisting of television, radio, newspapers, & magazines, they reach a large segment of the population. It is also considered one of the linkage institutions

Each time your work is edited, what should the editor be reading for

Content, arrangement & flow, & readability & mechanics


Continental Congress agreed that a country loses its right to govern when it _ the people's rights

Norway vs. Russia

Continental shelf dispute, Norway claims fishing areas around Svalbard Islands

Rosenberg case

Couple excecuted for allegedly being Soviet Spies. Some thought falsely accused in McCarthyism

criminal court

Court in which criminal trials are heard

Trial Court

Court of original jurisdiction where case begins

How did the Puritans finally win the English Civil War

Cromwells army defeated the ROyalists & the Puritans held the King Prisoner


Cult dedicated to the god Mithras. Adopted by soldiers, it focused on Sun & light, divine sanction of human life, & and purposeful moral behavior

David Ricardo

David Ricardo (April 18, 1772 - September 11, 1823), a British political economist, is often credited with systematizing economics, & was one of the most influential of the classical economists. He was also a successful businessman, financier & speculator, & amassed a considerable fortune

Clarence Darrow

Defense attorney in the Scopes trial

Revolutions of 1848

Democratic & nationalist revolutions that swept across Europe. The monarchy in France was overthrown. In Germany, Austria, Italy, & Hungary the revolutions failed

Spanish rebel groups

During Spain's civil war, Franco was the leader of

Free French

During WWII, the French who refused the legitimacy of the Vichy Regime. Headed by Charles De Gaulle, they eventually took part in normandy & liberated Paris


During the cold war, who was India mainly allied with

Economic Imperialism

Economic Imperialism is the involvement of one state in the economy of another so that the power of the sovereign state is impaired

Features of civilization

Economic system able to make basic goods & services available; Form of political organization capable of governing, creating social institutions, enforcing laws, & protecting people from outside threats,Moral code in the form of a shared religion, andIntellectual tradition that includes a written language & encourages the pursuit of knowledge, science & the arts

House of Burgesses

Elected assembly in colonial Virginia, created in 1618

general election

Election held on the first Tuesday of November, during which voters elect officials

presidential primary

Elections held in individual states to determine the preference of the voters & to allocate the number of delegates to the party's national convention

Qing Empire

Empire established in China by Manchus who overthrew the Ming Empire in 1644. At various times the Qing also controlled Manchuria, Mongolia, Turkestan, & Tibet. The last Qing emperor was overthrown in 1911


Encountered Byzantine ideas in long distance trade. Adopted an ascetic heretic lifestyle

Treaty of Paris 1763

Ended French & Indian War

Richard the Lion - Hearted

English King who fought in the Crusades. Robin Hood was loyal to him


English dissenters who broke from Church of England, preache a doctrine of pacificism, inner divinity, and social equity, under William Penn they founded Pennsylvania

Sir Walter Raleigh

English explorer to americas, introduced tobacco & potato from American to England

popular culture

Entertainment spread by mass communications & enjoying wide appeal

Missi Dominici

Envoys Charlamagne sent to oversee local rulers

Ralph Waldo Emerson

Essayist, poet. A leading transcendentalist, emphasizing freedom & self - reliance in essays which still make him a force today. He had an international reputation as a first - rate poet. He spoke & wrote many works on the behalf of the Abolitionists


Established by Turkish invaders in 1520 lasted until mid 19th century

Homo erectus

Extinct species of early hominid that is thought to be the direct ancestor of modern Homo sapiens. Flourished from the beginning of the Pleistocene epoch to sometime in the Middle Pleistocene, about 1,600,000 to 250,000 years ago. Fossil remains of H. erectus were first found in the 1890s. Stone axes, basic wooden tools, clothing of skin & furs, & larger brain than H. erectus


Family that ruled Russia from 17th century until Russian revolution

nobility's main source of income was

Feudal dues collected from peasants

Industrial distributors - types of intermediaries

Find distributors in the different regions or industries who will buy & carry the new line

Emergency Quota Act of 1921

First Quota Act of 1921 - First legislation passed which restricted the number of immigrants. Quota was 357,800, which let in only 2% of the number of people of that nationality that were allowed in in 1890

George Washington Carver

First black scientist to gain national prominence

Elizabeth Blackwell

First female to graduate from medical college


For COMPLEMENTS, the cross - price elasticity of demand is - or +

Present value of a perpetual annual payment

For an annual interest rate r, the present value (PV) of a perpetual annual payment (M) is the amount that would have to be deposited today at that interest rate to generate annual interest earnings of M: PV = M / r

We communicate to direct, influence or inform our audience

For what three reasons do we generally try to communicate with each other


From the 1200's to the early 1700's, Russia can best be described as

regulates the money supply

Function of the Federal Reserve System #7

Mahayana Buddhism

Great Vehicle' branch of Buddhism followed in China, Japan, & Central Asia. The focus is on reverence for Buddha & for bodhisattvas, enlightened persons who have postponed nirvana to help others attain enlightenment


Greek astronomer who said planets & sun rotate around Earth. Dominated astronomy until Copernicus


Group of 77 - the group of 77 countries of the South that cosponsored the Joint Declaration of Developing Countries in 1963 calling for greater equity in N - S trade. Now includes 133 members & represents the interests of the less developed countries of the South

regional economic integration (trading groups)

Groups of Countries come together in order to improve economic conditions in their countries

the Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf

Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) is a regional organization involving the six Persian Gulf Arab States with many economic & social objectives in mind. Created May 25, 1981, the Council is comprised of Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia & the United Arab Emirates


HECKSCHER & OHLIN - the pattern of international trade is based on differences in factor endowments rather than differences in productivity

Public opinion dispersion

Hardliners usually found in south; urbanites are usually internationalists

Henry Clay

Helped orchestrate the Missouri Compromise & the Compromise of 1850 to hold the Union together

What was an immediate economic cause of the french revolution

High govt spending with low tax collection from the nobles

The number is based on the state's population

How is the number of representatives chosen for each state

11 Years

How long did the Articles of Confederation last

6 Years

How long is a Senator's Term


How long is the term of office for a Supreme Court Justice

2 Terms

How many Terms can a Pres. Serve

Every 10 years

How often is there a census of the American people

logic of appropriateness

How should I behave in this situation

Self - image or self - awareness

How you look at yourself, the mental picture of how you believe you appear to others, & how you picture yourself physically to others are characteristics of what

Hawthorne studies

Human relations (behavioral) perspective

naturalist school of law

Humans, by nature, have certain rights & obligations. Lockian thought

To the Pres.

If a Bill passes through both Houses of Congress, where does it go next

National Origins Act of 1924

Immigration law that was blatantly discriminatory against Eastern & Southern Europeans & virtually excluded Asians

Morrill tariff

Imports & excise taxes placed on manufactures & the practice of nearly every profession in order to help fund the war

John Brown

In 1859, the militant abolitionist John Brown seized the U. S. arsenal at Harper's Ferry. He planned to end slavery by massacring slave owners & freeing their slaves. He was captured & executed


In antiquity, the land between the eastern shore of the Mediterranean & the Jordan River, occupied by the Israelites from the early second millennium B. C. E. The modern state of Israel was founded in 1948


In early modern Europe, the class of well - off town dwellers whose wealth came from manufacturing, finance, commerce, & allied professions

sophisticated, demanding

In his study dealing with the competitive advantage of nations, Porter argued that in regard to demand conditions, a nation's firms' gain competitive advantage if their domestic consumers are _ & _


In medieval Europe, an agricultural laborer legally bound to a lord's property & obligated to perform set services for the lord. In Russia some serfs worked as artisans & in factories; serfdom was not abolished there until 1861

Indian Ocean Maritime System

In premodern times, a network of seaports, trade routes, & maritime culture linking countries on the rim of the Indian Ocean from Africa to Indonesia

Strategic Behavior theory

In the case of oligopolistic industries, the theory is that if one firm engages in FDI in another country (region), then others should follow

Give more power to elected parliaments

In the early 19th century Europe, one political goal that liberals had was

middle class merchant

In the first falf of the 1800's, a political liberal was most likely to be


Is goodwill a basis for the theory of Monopolistic Advantage

the European Investment Bank

It is the EU's financing institution, founded in 1957. Located in Luxembourg, its goal is to further the economic goals & carry out the agreements of the EU within, & with other nations

Press secretary

Key White House staff position; the press secretary meets with the White House press corps

Seneca Falls Convention

Kicked off the equal - rights - for - women campaign led by Elizabeth Cady Stanton & Susan B. Anthony (1848)


King of Kish who conquered other city states to start his empire

Louis XVI

Last king of France before French Revolution. Tried to compromise with constitutional monarchy. Later fled, but was captured & beheaded

Pacta sunta servanda

Latin - "agreements must be kept. " The oldest principle of international law. Without it, no int'l agreement would be binding or enforceable. Directly referred to in many int'l agreements governing treaties

Kwame Nkrumah

Leader of Pan - African movement in Ghana

Marketing management

Marketing management can be defined as "the process of planning & executing the conception, pricing, promotion, & distribution of goods, services, & ideas to create exchanges with target groups that satisfy customer & organizational objectives. "

lowest level; hunger, thirst

Maslow's physiological needs

Red guards

Militias who attacked Mao's foes during Cultural Revolution

mind - mapping

Mind mapping is a brainstorming activity in which you allow your unorganized thoughts to flow onto paper, connecting like items/thoughts as you progress

Joseph Brant

Mohawk leader who supported the British during the American Revolution

Rootes of Isolationism

Monroe Doctrine. - American moral superiority. - America escaped monarchs, churches, revolutions, fascism, & nationalism. - National sovereignty & autonomy. - moved away from this in 1940's (WWII)

Social Gospel

Movement aimed at making churches more responseive to social problems, such as poverty. Said Christ's message was also about social reform. Movement led by Washington Gladden - taught religion & human dignity would help the middle class over come problems of industrialization

Reform movements

Movements supported by a group of people to change society for the better regarding moral, religious, & social issues

multi - domestic firm

Multi - domestic firm is one that focuses on local responsiveness! Product offerings are customized & a complete set of value creating activities are developed in each country/region, with largely autonomous decentralized organizations.


Muslim religious scholars. From the ninth century onward, the primary interpreters of Islamic law & the social core of Muslim urban societies


Muslims belonging to branch of Islam believing that the community should select its own leadership. The majority religion in most Islamic countries

Sahara, Namib, Kalahari

Name the 3 deserts of Africa from north to south

National Self - Determination

National Self - Determination is the idea that a group of people who consider themselves seperate & distinct from others have the right to determine the state in which they will live & the form of govt it will have

immigration law

National laws that establish the conditions under which foreigners may travel & visit within a state's territory, work within the state, & sometimes become citizens of the state (naturalization)


Native Americans in the Dakotas. Massacred Custer at Battle of Little Bighorn. Many were later massacred at Wounded Knee in 1890

Vidkun Quisling

Norwegian collaborator during WWII. Made had of govt under German control

Leader - member relations

One of Fiedler's situational contingencies that described the degree of confidence, trust, & respect employees had for their leader

Joseph Pulitzer

Owner of the "New York World," helped originate & title the practice of sensationalistic "yellow journalism. "

Horizontal Integration

Owning many different businesses who sell the same thing. Ex: Gap owns Forth & Towne, Banana Republic, Old Navy, & the GAP company itself


P associated with democratic idealism, global democracy, & politics


P associated with economic liberalism, global capitalism, & economy

Transfer payments

Payments the govt makes to the public for which it receives no current goods or services in return

Juan Peron

Pres. of Argentina (1946 - 1955, 1973 - 1974). As a military officer, he championed the rights of labor. Aided by his wife Eva Duarte Pern, he was elected pres. in 1946. He built up Argentinean industry, became very popular among the urban poor. (823

Wilson's 14 points

Presented at Peace Talks (1919) at end of WWI: Versailles. St. Germain & Trianon Treaties. Free trade & lower tariffs. Reductions is armaments. Decolonization of empires. Self determination with trusteeships. Create international peacekeeping force with collective security provisions

phases of the speaking process

Prewriting, drafting, editing, & presentation phase

Winston Churchill

Prime minister of GB in WWII. Kept brittain moral going during german aieral assults

Social Comparison

Process of comparing ones self to others to measure ones worth in relationship to others who are simular

Per Capita Growth

Producing more goods & services per person

New Deal

Program of FDR to get out of Great Depression. Included Social Security System, Tennessee Valley Authority & Works Progress Administration

Free Exercise Clause

Prohibits US govt from interfering with a citizen's right to practice his or her religion

Logic of Liberalism

Promoting liberty is a moral obligation "Makes no specific assumptions about the power of the US beyond hte rather general assumption that is has the capability to increase liberty somehow"

the effect of a "Protectionist policy" on the global economy

Protectionism is often shortsighted & fails in the long run

National Industrial Recovery Act

Provided money to states to create jobs chiefly in the construction of schools and other community buildings

Market development strategies

Pursuing growth through market development, an organization would seek to find new customers for its present products

Valley Forge

Quarters of American army one winter in revolutionary war. Very cold, but Washington kept the morale of the troops up

Queen victoria

Queen 19th - early 20th century during British industrial revolution & height of empire's power. Also highly moral, leading to Victorian Age

Radio Martí & TV Martí

Radio & TV Martí are broadcasters based in Miami, Florida, financed by the U. S. govt which transmits Spanish - language radio & TV broadcasts to Cuba. Established in 1983 by Pres. Ronald Reagan, at the urging of Jorge Mas Canosa, with the mission of fighting communism.

newly industrialized economies

Rapidly growing, new industrial nations of the late twentieth century, including the Asian Tigers


Recieved these islands after S - A War. Although he considered giving them up after insurrections, McKinley ultimately kept them

Ty Cobb

Record for lifetime batting average

gender gap

Refers to polls showing women lower than men on average in their support for military actions (as well as for various other issues & candidates)

mass deportation

Removal of entire peoples used as terror tactic by Assyrian & Persian Empires. (95)

Ming Dynasty

Replaced Yaun Dynasty in China 1363 - 0664. Focused on internal development

Meat Inspection Act

Response to "The Jungle," created strict sanitary requirements for meat, began a quality rating system, & provisioned for a federal department to inspect meat

Russian Civil War

Russian event that preceded WWII & US - Soviet tensions

Joseph McCarthy

Senator who led an effort to identify 'communists' who he said had infiltrated the federal govt. Often used 'guilt by association. '

Uzbekistan conflicts

Some ethnic problems. The Islamic Movement of Uzbek. causes some instability

Monroe doctrine

Statement that the US would not tolerate intervention by European nations in the affairs of nations in the Americas. & US would not intervene in European colonies

Int'l. Court of Justice

States must bring the contention to the ICJ. They pay for the costs of litigation. Both states must agree to abide by the ICJ decision

Thalweg Principle

States that the border between 2 states in water lies along the thalweg, the line of fastest flow of a river

Pure Strategy

Strategy in which a player makes a specific choice or takes a specific action

Ethics training

Structured programs that help participants to understand ethical aspects of decision making. Helps people incorporate high ethical standards into daily life

Qualitative method/analysis

Study through an in - depth investigation of a limited number of cases

Variable profit

Sum of prifts on each increamental unit produced by a firm

Pennsylvania Dutch

Swiss & German settlers of PA. Known for tidy farms. Many were Amish

Jean - Luc Godard

Swiss film maker

Caste System

System of rigid social hierarchy. Birthed into specific "ranks"

Taiwan (Quemoy)

Taiwan occupes Quemoy, 3 miles from the Chinese mainland, which heightens tensions


The American Temperance Society was formed in Boston in 1826. It persuaded people to stop drinking or lesson their drinking

Where is the White Sea

The White Sea (Бе́лое мо́ре) is an inlet of the Barents Sea on the North Western coast of Russia. It is surrounded by Karelia to the west, & the Kola peninsula to the north. The important port of Arkhangelsk is located on the White Sea. For much of Russia's history this was Russia's main centre of international maritime trade

International Covenant on Civil & Political Rights

The agreement completed in 1966 and in force from 1976 that details the basic civil and political rights of individuals and nations

What was the Allies plan for victory over the Nazis

The allies would fight Germany on two fronts to weaken it

User cost of capital

The annual cost of owning & using a capital asset, equal to economic depreciation plus forgone interest

Inside lag (of macroeconomic policy)

The delay between the date a policy change is needed & the date it is implemented

Public policy

The final action(s) taken by govt in promotional, regulatory, or distributive form


The governor of a province in the Achaemenid Persian Empire, often a relative of the king. He was responsible for protection of the province & for forwarding tribute to the central administration. Enjoyed much power.

capital punishment

The infliction of the death penalty as punishment for certain crimes. In the U. S. an extremely controversial issue on legal, moral, & ethical grounds. 39 states now practice the death penalty

the preamble

The introduction to the Constitution


The introduction to the Constitution, outlining the goals of the document

World Court (International Court of Justice)

The judicial arm of the UN; located in The Hague, it hears only cases between states

Discount window lending

The lending of reserves by the Federal Reserve to commercial banks

Logic of Liberal Internationalism

The logic that the US has the moral obligation to contribute substantially to solving global problems


The main Egyptian writing material

Rate of Return regulation

The maximum price allowed by a regulatory agency is based on the rate of return that a firm will earn


The maximum price at which he or she would buy a good

Long Telegram

The message written by George Kennan in 1946 to Truman advising him to contain Communist expansion. Told Truman that if the Soviets couldn't expand, their Communism would eventually fall apart, & that Communism could be beaten without going to war

Phony War

The months following the collapse of Poland were known as the "phony war. "

Client politics

The politics of policy - making in which some small group receives the benefits of the policy & the public at large bears the costs. Only those who benefit have an incentive to organize & press their case


The power of a govt official or leader to make appointments & offer favors. Once in office, a politician can use patronage to build a loyal following. Though practiced at all levels of govt, patronage is most often associated with the machine politics of big cities


The practice of identifying special individuals (shamans) who will interact with spirits for the benefit of the community. Characteristic of the Korean kingdoms of the early medieval period & of early societies of Central Asia


The practice whereby legislators support one another's legislative proposals

Favorite son

The presidential candidate backed by the home state at the party's nominating convention

Relative price

The price of a specific good or service in comparison to the prices of other goods & services

What theory did Raymond Vernon promote

The product life - cycle theory: the idea that products are intially produced in countries with a supporting market size. Then the are filtered down to the developing world after time as costs increase in the originating country


The sum of who you are as a person, your central inner force


The system of govt. in Japan in which the emperor exercised only tutylar authority whiles the shogun

Selective Service System

The system used in the U. S. to draft young people into armed service. Though the U. S. at present has no draft, young men are required by law to register with the Selective Service when they reach the age of eighteen

Coattail Effect

The tendency of lesser - known or weaker candidates lower on the ballot to profit in an election by the presence on the party's ticket of a more popular candidate


The term used by Spanish authorities to describe someone of mixed Amerindian & European descent


The term used in Spanish & Portuguese colonies to describe someone of mixed African & European descent


The theory developed in early modern England & spread elsewhere that royal power should be subject to legal & legislative checks

Disappearing political discourse

The theory that people who support a position may remain silent, because speaking out would create a risk of being misunderstood

Efficient markets hypothesis

The theory that the current price of stock in a corporation reflects all relevant information about its current & future earnings prospects

National Output

The total value of goods & services produced by an economy in a specified time period. Also known as GDP

Print Press

The traditional form of mass media, comprising newspapers, magazines, & journals

Small Group

The transactive process of creating meaning among three to about fifteen people who share a conmmon purpose, feel a sense of belonging to the group & exert influnces on one another


The view that the U. S. should withdraw from world affairs, limit foreign aid, & avoid involvement in foreign wars

Multiregional thesis

Theory, held by a minority of scholars, that modern humans appeared simultaneously throughout world, descending from earlier hominid groups that had already left Africa


They controlled Persia after the death of Alexander. Their king was one of Alexander's generals

Okun's Law

This details the inverse relationship between unemployment & real GDP

Rights of Man

Thomas Paine wrote the Rights of Man in 1791, it is a work glorifying the French Revolution

Formula for Total Earnings

Total Earnings = Wage x Quantity of Labor Demanded

Planned aggregate expenditure (PAE)

Total planned spending on final goods & services

When did the 100 years war take place

Towards the end of the middle ages between France & England

El Alamein

Town in Egypt, site of the victory by Britain's Field Marshal Bernard Montgomery over German forces led by General Erwin Rommel (the 'Desert Fox') in 1942 - 1943

Qemony & Matsu

Two islands remained a Chinese Nationalist outpost after the Communist victory on the mainland in 1949. The People's Republic of China began bombarding the island again in 1958, but the deployment of the U. S. 7th Fleet prevented an escalation of the hostilities. After 1990 Taiwan reduced the military forces stationed on Matsu, civilian rule was restored in 1993, & restrictions on travel to the island were ended in 1994


Unlimited political rule by one person


Upper house of Congress, in which each state has two representatives. Has power to approve cabinet, ambassadors, & judges, & treaties

Rabat, Morocco

Victoria, Seychelles


War in Spain; the military reconquest of the Iberian Peninsula by Christian rulers

Eugene McCarthy

Was challenging Johnson & had a good chance of winning until Robert Kennedy decided to run

Militant Realism

What sub - ideology: - "Every predominance, or move toward predominance, represent a threat to the other states in the international system" - Any powerful state likely will use its power to augment its power, aggressively, if necessary

it resulted in Germany's having to fight on two fronts

What was significant in the Allied victory as the First Battle of the Marne

to prevent fighting of European nations over the division of Africa

What was the main purpose of the Berlin Conference of 1884 - 1885

logic of consequences

What will happen to me if I behave this way


When did the 2nd war between india & pakistan begin

on January 3rd of odd numbered years

When does each new session of Congress begin

Gold in California

When gold was discovered in California, it led to a massive migration to the state. These miners pushed for statehood

rational choice theory

When making political decisions or voting, people calculate the expected gains & costs of a particular action & choose accordingly

Nonpreferential primary

Where voters choose delegates who are not bound to vote for the winning primary candidate

Cambodia Laos & Vietnam NOT singapore

Which countires are part of French Indo China

Muhammad Ali & King mongkut

Which leaders used modernization to keep their countries independent

The holocaust

Which of the following was addressed by the Nuremberg Trials

Russia, Nigeria, Mexico

Which of the states we have studied are federal systems

Freedom Riders

White & Black Northerners who rode busses into the South to challenge racial segregation. Regularly attacked, seldom protected

it was the most valuable of all of Britain's colonies

Why was india considered the "jewel in the crown"

Questions of incompitence of BoP

Why was it believed US action could be kept covert Why was it believed that B - 26's could take out Cuban Air Force Why was it believed brigade's moral could overcome Cuba's military Why was it believed Cuban forces were weak Why was it believed that Cubans would revolt Why was it believed that the backup place (escape to Escombres) would work

Women's Rights/Seneca Falls

Woman's Right Convention, prominent feminists read Declaration of Sentiments: "all men & women are created equal"

Women's christin Temperance Union

Women's group encouraging abstinence from alcohol. Leading force for prohibition

New Freedom

Woodrow Wilson's domestic policy that, promoted antitrust modification, tariff revision, & reform in banking & currency matters

Loaded language

Words that reflect a value judgment, used to persuade the listener without making an argument. For example, if someone likes a politician, he might call him "the esteemed Senator Smith"; if he doesn't like him, he might refer to him as "that right - wing or radical senator. "

Horatio Alger

Writer of novels stressing rags to riches stories of boys


Written, spoken & unspoken elements of communication to which people assign meaning


_ hold these truths to be self - evident,

sweep acount

a despository institutions account that entails regular shifts of funds from transactions deposits that are subject to reserve requirements to savings deposits that are exempt from reserve requirements

Production blocking

a disadvantage of face - to - face brainstorming in which a group member must wait to share an idea because another member is presenting an idea

decimal number

a fraction or mixed number whose denominator is a multiple of 10

product line

a group of products that are closely related because they function in a similar manner, are sold to the same customer groups, are marketed through the same types of outlets, or fall within given price ranges

Communication accomodation theory

adjustment of behavior to fit the behavior of others


artwork, images made with small pieces of glass

self concept components

attitudes, beliefs, values

Why did westen nations desire lands in the Pacific Rim

because of their natural resources & strategic location

conclusion of a speech

can be used to summarize and/or motivate listeners to take a prescribed action



certainty, risk, uncertainty

decision - making done under 3 conditions

Liberal feminism

emphasizes gender equality & views the "essential" differences in men's & women's abilities/perspectives as trivial or nonexistent

Market Seeking"

explore new market opportunities, to circumvent prohibitive protectionist policies & actions such as tariffs & quotas, to establish a local presence to ensure product & customer service availability, to meet buy national requirements, to become more visible locally by hiring many local staff, paying local taxes & to serve a wider range (portfolio) of markets

uncertainty avoidance

extent to which members of a culture feel threatened by unknown or uncertain situations

quality work life

factors in a work environment that are negative or positive that affect an inviduals work life, well being & job satisfaction

Limited Nuclear Test Ban Treaty, 1963

first major - power agreement regulating atomic weapons testing, banned explosions in the atmosphere, in outer space & under water

Zero of Cybrus

founded Stoicism


in a parliamentary system, the group of ministers who direct administrative bureaucracies (ministries) & make up the govt, which is responsible to the parliament; in a presidential system, the administrative directors responsible to the pres.

job lead

information about a job opening

generous nature


process control

minimizing the amount of scrap material generated by cutting steel, leather, or fabric from a roll or sheet of stock material


mistaken processing of the available information about a decision; one of several ways - along with affective & cognitive bias - in which individual decision making diverges from the rational model

4 functions of managers

planning, organizing, leading, & controlling

limited govt

principle of govt that states that govt powers must be confined to those allowed it by the nation's Constitution

Sexist language

reveals bias in favor of one sex against another

linear programming

several related mathematical techniques used to allocated limited resources among competing demands in an optimal way

secondary sources of information

sources the report, but did not originally generate, the observations or research


tax collector


the officer in charge of an army

Head Money Cases


personal communication

two or more people communicate directly with each other, including face to face, on the phone, through mail or email or even through an internet chat


two or more people who interact to accomplish individual or mutual goals

Tarrif & Non - Tarrif Barriers

two primary ways tha govt intervenes in international trade

Property deviance

unethical behavior aimed at the organization;s property or products

self concepts emphasize


unjust control

unwarrantable jurisdiction


vast plantations

face work

verbal & nonverbal behavior designed to create & maintain a communicators face & the face of others

snarl words

very negative

prior to the speech analysis

work that takes place before the speech is given


writing rooms in monestary


wrote The Art of Love

Listening style

A persons preferred way of making sense uot of messages


A grant of legal freedom to an individual slave


An australopithecus female skeleton found in Ethiopia


The act of combining two firms


The glorification of war, military force, & violence


(AL), 1863 a decisive battle in the American Civil War (1863)

Peter the Great

(1672 - 1725) Russian tsar (r. 1689 - 1725). He enthusiastically introduced Western languages & technologies to the Russian elite, moving the capital from Moscow to the new city of St. Petersburg

Savings & Loan Associations

(GB1) A financial institution that lends money in which depositors maintain savings & checking accounts = insolvent, poor security, Bush did bailout to find more insolvents, for now insurance provided by Federal Savings & Loan Insurance Corporation

Operation Just Cause

(GB1) Dec. 1989;Bush's invasion of Panama

Midwest Folloding

(WJC) Miss. River overflowed, so Federal Emergency Management Agency work with state & local, gave up levees, cooperated with nature more

National Service Trust Act

(WJC) college = everyone, high school graduates volunteer to earn minimum wage, affordable student loans directly by govt

Naturalization Act

1798, (JA) Act that increased the time to become a US citizen from 5 to 14 years

Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties Between States & International Organizations or Between International Organizations

1986, but has not yet entered into force. It sets forth the rules for the agreements, modifications & revocations of treaties between states & international organizations. This treaty therefore acts in parallel with the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties

the Latin American Integration Association

A Latin American trade integration association, based in Montevideo. Its main objective is the establishment of a common market, in pursuit of the economic & social development of the region. Its members are Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Cuba, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Mexico, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay & Venezuela. It is the successor to LAFTA

What is a Nation

A Nation is a social group that shares a common ideology, institutions, customs, & a sense of homogeneity. It may be a state, part of a state, or extend beyond the borders of a state

Sound bite

A brief statement no longer than a few seconds used on a radio or television news broadcast


A business with two or more owners

kangaroo court

A court that ignores principles of justice; a court characterized by incompetence & dishonesty

Yield Curve

A curve that shows the relationship between interest rates & bonds' time to maturity


A derogatory term for Southerners who were working with the North to buy up land from desperate Southerners

Participative Leadership

A leadership style in which the leader shares decision - making with group members & encourages discussion of issues & alternatives; includes democratic, consensual, & consultative styles

Maryland Toleration Act

A legal document that allowed all Christian religions in Maryland. Protestants invaded the Catholics in 1649 around Maryland, & this protected the Catholics from Protestant rage of sharing the land. Maryland became the #1 colony to shelter Catholics in the New World


A philosophy that identified pleasure as the greatest good

smoke - filled room

A popular expression used to describe a place where the political wheeling & dealing of machine bosses is conducted. The image originated during the Republican presidential nominating convention of 1920, in which Warren G. Harding emerged as a dark horse candidate


A system guaranteeing that those who serve in office the longest get preferential treatment. In Congress, those representatives who serve the longest get seniority in their committee assignments

Royal African Company

A trading company chartered by the English govt in 1672 to conduct its merchants' trade on the Atlantic coast of Africa

Party polarization

A vote in which a majority of Democratic legislators oppose a majority of Republican legislators

Simpson - Marzzoli Act (1987)

Act that resulted in more than 2 million illegal aliens who were living in this country since 1982 being allowed to apply for legal status


Activities performed by people, firms, or govt agencies to satisfy economic wants

Marginal Value

Additional benefit derived from purchaisn on more unit of a good

iron triangle

Also called subgovt. Formed by the close working relationship among various interest groups, congressional committees, & executive agencies that enforce federal regulations

National Road

Also called the Cumberland Road The first highway built by the federal govt. Constructed during 1825 - 1850, it stretched from Pennsylvania to Illinois. It was a major overland shipping route & an important connection between the North & the West

Sweetener Amendment

Amendment to a bill proposed in hopes of attracting the support of the bill's opponents. This includes appropriations earmarked for the district of a bill's opponent, for example

John D. Rockefeller

American businessman - founder of Standard Oil Co. (major monopoly)

States with claims in Antarctica

Argentina, Australia, Britain, Chile, France, New Zealand, Norway


Aristocratic leader who guided the Athenian state through the transformation to full participatory democracy for all male citizens

the main competitive weapon

As the market in the U. S. & other advanced nations matures, the product becomes more standardized & price becomes:

Direct Preception Checking

Asking someone else whether your interpretations of what you preceive are correct

Prince Kelemens von Metternich

Austrian chief minister who presided over the Congress of Vienna was

Melekeok, Palau

Basseterre, Saint Kitts & Nevis

King Philip's War

Bloodiest English - Native American conflict of the time. Leader of the Pokanokets, Metacomet, led attacks on several expanding colonist settlements. He formed an alliance with other tribes, but soon they were defeated due to lack of supplies

Kennedy's Conditions for Cuban takeover

CIA trained rebels trained in Guatemala - Attacked with B - 26 to give illusion that Cuban Air Force had revolted - US would land 1500 exiles - no US troops present - no US detectable presence - no US air support

Transatlantic cable/telegraph

Cable from Newfoundland to Ireland to revolutionize international communication

Pierre Trudeau

Canadian PM who made French an official language to appease Quebecois secessionists

Silk Road

Caravan routes connecting China & the Middle East across Central Asia & Iran

Otto von Bismarck

Chancellor of Prussia from 1862 until 1871, when he became chancellor of Germany. A conservative nationalist, he led Prussia to victory against Austria (1866) & France (1870) & was responsible for the creation of the German Empire (714)

Tang Dynasty

Chinese Dynasty (618 - 907CE) that developed the equal field system & believed that it was the center of civilization

split ticket voting

Choosing candidates from different parties for offices listed on the same ballot

War Production Board

Converted factories from civilian to military production. Manufacturing output tripled

Recovery Stage

Coping with the problem

Hard currency

Currencies, such as dollars, euros, & yen, that are acceptable in private channels of int'l economics


Darfur region: oil potential causes conflict in this region. Chadian rebels near the border also cause problems


Different parts of the country developing unique & separate cultures (as the North, South, & West). This can (and did) lead to conflict


Doctrine of Mao calling for continuous revolution

humanists (renaissance)

European scholars, writers, & teachers associated with the study of the humanities (grammar, rhetoric, poetry, history, languages, & moral philosophy), influential in the fifteenth century & later

Nathan Hale

Executed by the British during the Revolutionary War who famously said 'I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country. '

federal reserve board

Executive agency that is largely responsible for the formulation & implementation of monetary policy

Legitimate Trade

Exports from Africa in the nineteenth century that did not include the newly outlawed slave trade

Economic Incentives

Factors that motivate & influence the behavior of individuals & organizations, including firms & govt agencies. Prices, profits, & losses are important economic incentives in a market economy

common obstacles to sentence coherence

Faulty order of sentence parts & misplaced modifiers - sentence parts are not in the correct order. 2) Faulty parallelism - similar ideas or parts are not expressed in a parallel way. Faulty relationship of ideas - reader cannot tell the relationship of sentence parts due to dangling modifiers or omissions

unity of command

Fayol - each subordinate should have only one boss


Fear & distrust of foreigners

Umayyad Caliphate

First hereditary dynasty of Muslim caliphs (661 to 750). From their capital at Damascus, the Umayyads ruled an empire that extended from Spain to India. Overthrown by the Abbasid Caliphate

Rehnquist Court

First nominated by Richard Nixon in 1971, William Rehnquist was confirmed as the 16th Chief Justice of the Supreme Court after Warren Burger retired in 1986. He was known as a conservative jurist & his stewardship over the court reflected a court of judicial restraint & conservative tendencies

Nocolaus Copernicus

First to argue that the Earth moves around the sun

Jeanette Rankin

First woman to serve in Congress. Suffragist & pacifist, voted against US involvement in WWI & WWII

Muhammad Ali

Flamboyant boxing Champion in 1960s & 70s. Converted to Islam, refused to go to Vietnam

Contingency Theory of Leadership Effectiveness

Fred Fiedler; effectiveness of a particular leadership style depends on the situation

Civil Rights Act of 1866

Gave more rights to Blacks after Civil War

Homo sapiens sapiens

Genus & species to which all modern human beings (Homo sapiens sapiens) belong & to which are attributable fossil remains of humans 100,000 to 200,000, & perhaps as much as 400,000 years old

Lemons model

George Akerlof's explanation of how asymmetric information tends to reduce the average quality of goods offered for sale

Surprise & overwhelming force

German Blitzkrieg was a military strategy that depened on what advantage

Central Powers

Germany & its allies in WWI

What did the Central Powers gain over Russia at the battle near Tannenberg

Germany drove the Russians into full retreat, G regained East Prussia, G seized numerous guns & horses

Lowell System

Guaranteed employees housing in respectable, chaperoned boardinghouses, cash wages, & participation in cultural & social events


Hindu ritual for burning widows with there dead husbands

New Imperialism

Historians' term for the late - nineteenth - & early - twentieth - century wave of conquests by European powers, the U. S. & Japan, which were followed by the development & exploitation of the newly conquered territories for the benefit of the col

Direct Incitement

Holds that advocacy of illegal action is protected by 1st Amendment unless imminent lawless action is intended & likely to occur

divided French fleet into small groups & attacked

How did Admiral Nelson defeat the French - Spanish fleet in the Battle of Trafalgar

Russia was organized into several self - governing republics

How did life change for Russians after the sucess of the Bolshevik revolution


In general, a person who favors a more active federal govt for regulating business, supporting social welfare, & protecting minority rights, but who prefers less regulation of private social conduct

The senate, by a 2/3rds vote

In the US, who needs to approve treaties, & with what percentage

What countries feed into the Brahmaputra River

India (58. 0%), P. R. China (19. 7%), Nepal (9. 0%), Bangladesh (6. 6%), Disputed India/P. R. China (4. 2%), Bhutan (2. 4%)

Substantive Due Process

Judicial interpretation of the Due Process Clause that protects citizens from arbitrary or unjust laws

Bryan resigns

June 9, 1915 - Believing the strong language in Wilson's note to Germany after the sinking of the British ship Lusitania would lead the U. S. into an unnecessary war; Secretary of State William Jennings Bryan resigned his post

teller amendment

Legislation that promised the US would not annex Cuba after winning the Spanish - American war


Korean kingdom founded in 918 & destroyed by a Mongol invasion in 1259

Nat Turner

Led first effective & sustained slave revolt in American history. His rebellion demonstrated that not all slaves accept their circumstances passively

Grange/Oliver Kelley

Led the National Grange of the Pattrons of Husbandry, first real organization of the populist movement


Large Indian empire. Lasted 200 years. Gave classical India its greatest period of political stability

Mohenjo - Daro

Largest city of the Indus Valley civilization. It was centrally located in the extensive floodplain of the Indus River. Little is known about the political institutions of Indus Valley communities, but the large - scale implies central planning

Wright Brothers

Launched the air age

Matching funds

Limited federal funds given to presidential candidates that match private donations raised during the campaign

Who is on the $5 bill



Nationalist political party founded on democratic principles by Sun Yat - sen in 1912. After 1925, the party was headed by Chiang Kai - shek, who turned it into an increasingly authoritarian movement


Native American people in AZ & NM who lived in peublos

Port Louis, Mauritius

Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea


Prerevolutionary French society was marked by great social

Partnership for peace

Pres. Clinton announced in 1993 a policy that allowed for the gradual admission into NATO of new member nations from the former Warsaw Pact & gave the designation of associate status in NATO to Russia

Delegated Powers

Printing Money, Declaring War, & Creating the Post Office are Examples of what Type of Powers

Principal - Agent problem

Problem arising when agents purseue their own goals frather than the goals of principals


Public seizure of the state in order to overturn the existing govt & regime

Tennis Court oath was made by

Representatives of the 3rd estate

Discribe the revising phase

Revising is a finishing step to improve the communication based on the editing phase & the feedback from the reveiwers. You revise or rewrite your draft to make it into a more formal presentation

Vaduz, Liechtenstein

Riga, Latvia

Congo River

River of Central Africa, flowing through Congo to the Atlantic Ocean

Tigris & Euphrates Rivers

Rivers that run from Turkey through Iraq & to the Persian Gulf. They irrigate the desert reaches of the Middle East, & allowed the emergence of the oldest civilizations

Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia

Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

Fulbright scholarships

Scholarships for the exchange of students between US & other nations

Frank & Lilian Gilbreth

Scientific Mgmt, "One Best Way", Science of Bricklaying

Name some elements of national power

Size, location, climate, topography of a national territory, natural resources & production, population & demographics, size & efficiency of industry, extent/effectiveness of transportation & the media, science & technology, military, political economic & social system, quality of diplomacy, policies/attitudes of leadership, national character/moale

Settlement houses

Social & Cultural centers established in slum areas in the 1890s & early 1900s

In what manner did Socrates describe speech How did this correlate to a speech structure

Socrates analogized the parts of a speech to a body of an animal having a head(Introduction), body, & tail(Conclusion)


Special drawing rights - Reserves held by the IMF that central banks of member - countries can draw on to help manage the values of the currencies. SDR value is based on a "market - base" of currencies, & SDRs are acceptable in transactions between central banks


Speech that intentionally gives false information or defames the character of an individual

Rational spending rule

Spending should be allocated across goods so that the marginal utility per dollar is the same for each good


Student of Socrates; Wrote "The Republic" - about a perfect govt; Believed in 3 divided groups 1. farmers & artisans 2. warriors 3. ruling class

Hawley - Smoot Act

Tarriff act enacted in 1930, it imposed record tariffs to protect US companies. Some say it made the depression worse

Skill - biased technological change

Technological change that affects the marginal products of higher - skilled workers differently from those of lower - skilled workers

Personal Responsibility Act

The 1996 federal law that transferred responsibility for welfare programs from the federal level to the state level & placed a five - year lifetime limit on payment of afdc benefits to any given recipient

Treaty of Paris 1814

Treaty of Paris (1814) - ended war between France & the Sixth Coalition


The U. S. Agency for International Development (or USAID) is the US govt organization responsible for most non - military foreign aid. An independent federal agency, it receives overall foreign policy guidance from the US Secretary of State

Taft - Katsura Agreement

The US & Japan pledged to maintain the Open Door principles in China, Japan recognized US control over the Philippines, & the USgranted a Japanese protectorate over Korea

Purchasing Power

The amount of goods & services that a unit of currency can buy

Response Latency

The ampunt of time it takes someone to formulate a response to a statement or question in conversation

rugged individualism

The belief that all individuals, or nearly all individuals, can succeed on their own and that government help for people should be minimal. Popularly said by Hertbert Hoover.


The belief that greater popular participation in govt & business is necessary to protect individuals from exploitation by inflexible bureaucracy & financial conglomerates. "Power to the people" is a famous populist slogan


The biological & physiological charateristics that make a person female or male


The constitutional power of congress to supersede a pres.'s veto by a two - thirds majority in both houses

Portfolio allocation decision

The decision about the forms in which to hold one's wealth

Indian Civil Service

The elite professional class of officials who administered the govt of British India. Originally composed exclusively of well - educated British men, it gradually added qualified Indians

Eastern Establishment

The elite universities & financial institutions of major cities in the northeastern U. S. These institutions, by virtue of their long - standing economic & social dominance, are often believed to exert an influence out of proportion to their size. In American politics, the Eastern Establishment often takes a liberal Republican stand

Culture of poverty

The establishment of an income level by govt that references the point at which an individual is considered to be living in poverty


The extreme northeastern sector of Asia, including the Kamchatka Peninsula & the present Russian coast of the Arctic Ocean, the Bering Strait, & the Sea of Okhotsk

Siddhartha Guatmaa

The founder of Buddhism


The god associated with life, & rebirth due to his story of being cut up & put back together

Privileges & immunities

The guarantees that the rights of a citizen in one state will be respected by other states. Also a clause in the Fourteenth Amendment that protects citizens from abuses by a state

Scientific Revolution

The intellectual movement in Europe, initially associated with planetary motion & other aspects of physics, that by the seventeenth century had laid the groundwork for modern science


The minimum number of members of a committee or legislative body who must be present before business can officially or legally be conducted. In the U. S. Congress, for example, either house must have a majority (218 in the House of Representatives, 51 in the Senate) to have a quorum

Political Socialization

The process through which an individual acquires particular political orientations; the learning process by which people acquire their political beliefs & values

real dollars

The value of dollars expressed in terms of a base year. This is determined by taking current value & subtracting the amount of inflation between the base year & the year being reported. Sometimes called uninflated dollars. Any currency can be valued in real terms

current dollars

The value of the dollar in the year for which it is being reported. Sometimes called inflated dollars. Any currency can be expressed in current value

the longest river in Asia

The, Yangtze River, with its mouth at Shanghai. It is the third longest in the world after the amazon & the nile

Stewardship Theory

Theory that holds that Article II confers on the pres. the power & the duty to take whatever actions are deemed necessary in the national interest, unless prohibited by the Constitution or law

Why were the Articles of Confederation weak

They Gave too much Power to the State govts

Costly - to - fake principle

To communicate information credibly to a potential rival, a signal must be costly or difficult to fake

the UN convention on the law of the sea

Took effect in 1994. Establishes 12 mile barrier around nations, & 200 mile Exclusive Economic Zones. The us has signed, but not ratified it

Point Four

Truman's bold new program to lend money and technical aid to under developed countries so that they would not succumb to communism


Turkic ethnic group mainly inhabiting Russia, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan & Turkmenistan

Trent Affair

Two Confederate diplomats were dispatched to go to Europe on a mail steamer to try & gain support from Britain & France. The Union stopped this steamer & removed the two Confederate diplomats

open door policy

U. S. efforts to develop a trade relationship with China in the late 1800s to early 1900s; urged European nations with spheres of influence in China to not restrict trade in those areas


Under Wegener's theory, the rest of the globe was covered by Panthalassa, an enormous world ocean that stretched from pole to pole & extended to about twice the width of the present - day Pacific Ocean at the Equator


Underground canals that crisscrossed the Persian empire

What happens if the fed interest rate goes too high

Unemployment & low economic growth

Revolution of 1800

What Jefferson considered his election to be because

provisions of peace treaties signed with teh Central Powers

What actions led to teh formation of new nations out of the Central Powers


What are the requirements to be a Supreme Court Justice

The Congress

What are the two houses of the Legislature called


What natural resource does Azerbaijan mainly export

Groups of accepting a long establish form of govt

What was most likely NOT influenced by nationalism during the 1800's


Where Vietnamese defeated French in 1954, lead to French withdrawal

Dual primary

Where presidential candidates are selected & a separate slate of delegates is also voted on. New Hampshire uses this type of primary

triple wall of privilege

Wilson called for a war against these three things, tariff, banks, & trusts

Podgorica, Montenegro

Windhoek, Namibia

Product development strategies

With this particular strategy, the new products developed would be directed primarily to present customers

structural adjustment

World Bank programs which offer financial & management aid to poor countries while demanding privatization, trade liberalization, & governmental fiscal restraint

Social Self

Your concept of self as developed through your personal, social interactions with others

Self Image

Your view of yourself in a particular situation or circimstance


_ House of Burgesses was a bicameral legislature

party convention

a meeting of party delegates to vote on matters of policy & in some cases to select party candidates for public office


a principle for solving collective goods by changing participants' preferences based on their shared sense of belonging to a community

Federal Funds Market

a private market (made up mostly of banks) in which banks can borrow reserves from other banks that want to lend them (usually lent for overnight use)

rent seeking

a process in which political leaders essentially rent out parts of the state to their own patrons, who as a result control public goods that would otherwise be distributed in a nonpolitical manner

Panic of 1907

a relatively serious economic downturn in the U. S. caused by a New York credit crunch that spread across the nation & led to the closings of banks & businesses. prompted the U. S. Congress to form the Federal Reserve System. It was the fourth Panic in 34 years

fusion of powers

a system of governance in which the authority of govt is concentrated in one body

Shareholder model

a view of social responsibility that holds that an organization's overriding goal should be to maximize profit for the benefit of shareholders


a vote of an entier nation or other large political unit on an issue of great importance

formal alliances

alliances established between states through a written treaty, concerning a common threat & related issues of internatl security, & that endure across a range of lives & period of time

fluid alliances

alliances that shift as national interests change

single - member district

an electoral system in which voters choose an individual running for office in each legislative district (also called "first past the post" if the winner is chosen by a plurality)

public structure

an organization or process by which a govt carries out its public policies


belief in the superiority of one's nation or ethnic group

business philosophy

beliefs about how a business should be run that demonstrate an understanding of the business's role in the marketplace


cemetery containing burials of young children, possibly sacrificed to the gods in times of crisis, found at Carthage & other Phoenician settlements in the western Mediterranean


changes in elevation over a given area of land

Customs Union

characterized by common external tariffs



worker performance & morale

contribute to productivity, product quality, & reputation of organization not only for its goods & services but also as a place to work

denotative level

conveys content & is literal & restrictive meaning of a word

connotative level

conveys feelings, people create personal & subjective meaning


corporations that combine several different retailing forms under central ownership

nominal interest rate i

correct opportunity cost of holding money is


direction in witch a river or stream flows from its source to its mouth


discovered the harmonic intervals within the musical scale & states the Pythagorean Theorum

income segmentation

dividing a market into different income groups

organizing function

dividing work, grouping resources, est. structure of authority/responsibility, devising means for coordination of parts

Selective Incorporation

doctrine by which most - but not all - protections found in Bill of Rights are made applicable to states via 14th Amendment

Incorporation of the 14th Amendment

doctrine that made the Bill of Rights apply to the states as a result of Supreme Court decisions


early step in planning process; est. premises or assumptions on which plans will be based

speaking setting

encompasses where the speech is given, what the time limit is, when the presentation is made, & the attitude of the audience





planning process

est. goals, identify problems, find solutions, decide b/w alternatives, etc

OSHA - Occupational Safety & Health Act (1970)

est. standards for health/safety at work, provides for their administration by Occupational Safety & Health Administration

Senior Executive Service

established by Congress in 1978 as a flexible, mobile corps of senior career exeuctives who work closely with presidential appointees to manage govt

U. S. - China 1979

established diplomatic relations with China

Scotland & Spain

greatest threat to England during Elizabeth's reign were

net public debt

gross public debt minus all govt interagency borrowing

Whiskey Rebellion

group of farmers refused to pay federal excise tax on whiskey, Washington responds decisively with troops (1794)

Ex parte Yerger

habeas corpus case that became moot when Yerger was released before the court ruling; therefore not actually heard by the Supreme Court

1 culture communication

intracultural communication

What did Sergey Witte do to finance Russian industries

launched a program of higher taxes & foreign investments


legendary king who was half man & half god. He went on a journey to find eternal youth with his friend Eucles. He died in the end


legislative; Popularly elected; pass laws. important role in the system of checks & balances; bicameral organization acts as an internal check. a variety of functions, including appropriation of funds for executive & judicial activities; instituting taxes & regulating commerce; declaring war & raising & supporting a military; setting up federal courts & conducting impeachment proceedings; & approving presidential appointments

unjust use of power


time method of issue arrangement

orders information from a beginning point to an ending one, with all the steps developed in numerical or time sequence


organizations or events in which nations are not totally sovereign actors (e. g. the European Union or global warming)

snap elections

parliamentary elections that take place before the expiration of the legislature's full term.

post speech analysis

paying attention to reactions following a speech


requires that _ should declare the causes which impel them to the separation

Proximal goals

short - term goals or subgoals

sales promotion

short term incentives to encourage the purchase or sale of a product or service


single - use plan - plan for use of resources (usu. along w/ expected results stated in quantitative terms)

core competencies

skills that differentiate the service or manufacturing firm from its competitors


soft liners; avoid conflict & confrontation; passionate & considerate even if it means a deal of naivety

quid pro quo

something given with the expectation of receiving something in return

Simple Model of human communication

source, message, channel message reciever. there is noise at each checkpoint

What were the Helinski Accords

the Final Act of the CSCE. The civil rights portion of the agreement provided the basis for the work of Helsinki Watch, an independent NGO created to monitor compliance to the Helsinki Accords. While these provisions applied to all signatories the focus of attention was on their application to the Soviet Union & its associates, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, East Germany, Hungary, Poland & Romania

self - efficacy

the belief in your ability to effectively control specific events in your life

primacy effect

the first info you learn about someone is the most important


the number by which a change in autonomous real investment or autonomous real consumption, for example, is multiplied to get the change in equilibrium real GDP

disadvantages of matrix project

two bosses, doomed to failure unless PM has strong negotiation skills,suboptimization is a danger

self image & self esteem

two main points of self concept

selective exposure

we attend to msg that are in accord with our already held attitudes

selective retention

we remember what is consistent with preexisting attitudes & interest


with certain unalienable _

Civil Service Commission

A federal agency which regulates the hiring of govt employees

Supplemental Security Income (SSI)

A federal program that pays benefits, based on need, to the elderly, blind & disabled

Imperfectly competitive firm

A firm that has at least some control over the market price of its product

Public saving

The saving of the govt sector is equal to net tax payments minus govt purchases (T ˆ' G)

mixed brand

a combination of manufacturer, private distributer, & generic brands as a strategy to sell products

joint committee

a committee composed of members of both the House of Representatives & the Senate; such committees oversee

Purchase of Alaska

(1867) purchase of Alaska from Russia for $7.2 million, instigated by William Steward. Was significant because it ridded the continent of another foreign power.

Mary Lyon

(AJ) in 1837 founded the first college for women, Mount Holyoke Female Seminary

Second Bull Run

(AL) McClellan gets his butt kick & the South defeats North, 1862

Summit Conference in China

(RN), America opposed entrance to UN of Mao - Tse - tung's Communist People's Republic of China, however they saw Kai - shek's Nationalist CHina on island of Taiwan, but Nixon relaxed restricitons, also on trade, & US support People's Republic of & General Assembly did to, & also expelled Nationlist China, from the UN, also after Nixon returned from China, Okinawa Island was returned to Japan, but US retained its military base there


(RN), Strategic Arms Limitation Talks - A pact that served to freeze the numbers of long - range nuclear missles for five years in 1972. This treaty between Nixon (U. S. ), China, & the Soviet Union served to slow the arms race that had been going on between these nations since WWII

Spiro T. Agnew

(RN), VP under Nixon, resigned for extortion & bribery charges


(of a river) place where a river or stream begins, often in highlands

job enrichment

(vertically) redesigning jobs to hold more motivator factors; implies increasing the depth of the job by giving it planning & controlling elements

Sedition Act

1798, (JA) made it a crime to write, print, utter, or publish criticism of the pres. of govt

Aaron Burr

1801 - 1805; killed Hamilton in a duel. Later still involved in a conspiracy to sever the western states

Nathaniel Hawthorne

1804 - 1864 a 19th century American novelist & short story writer. He is seen as a key figure in the development of American literature. Hawthorne is best - known today for his many short stories & The Scarlet Letter. Much of Hawthorne's work is set in colonial New England, & many of his short stories have been read as moral allegories influenced by his Puritan background

Henry Ward Beecher

1813 - 1887 Theologically liberal American Congregationalist clergyman & reformer, & author. One of his elder sisters was Harriet Beecher Stowe, author of Uncle Tom's Cabin. An advocate of women's suffrage & for temperance, & a foe of slavery, he bought guns to support Bleeding Kansas

term of most bonds

1 to 30 years. Under 1 year, they are usually referred to as money market instruments

What are some powers of the Pres.

1. Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces; 2. Appoints ambassadors; 3. Represents the nation to foreign countries; 4. Vetoes or signs Bills into Law; 5. Appoints Supreme Court justices

major theories of FDI

1. Monopolistic Advantage theory 2. Strategic Behavior (Following competitors) 3. Horizontal FDI (FDI in the same industry abroad as at home) 4. Dunnings Eclectic theory (Location Theory)

Voice of America

1. One of the world's most trusted sources for news & information from the U. S. & around the world; 2. A type of Media Propaganda


A Hindu god that had its own devotional cult. The preserver of the world

What is a National Style

A National Style is the behavior pattern of a state dealing with its foreign policy problems

Western Front

A line of trenches & fortifications in WWI that stretched without a break from Switzerland to the North Sea. Scene of most of the fighting between Germany, on the one hand, & France & Britain, on the other

Special - district govt or authority

A local or regional govt with responsibility for some single function such as administering schools, handling sewage, or managing airports

Vilnius, Lithuania

Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic


Acts that incite rebellion or civil disorder against an established govt

Family Medical Leave Act (1993)

Act that gave unpaid emergency medical leave for employees with a guarantee that their job would not be taken away in the interim

nonstate actors

Actors other than state govts that operate either below the level of the state (that is, within states) or across state borders


Formed in 1962 in Port Huron, Michigan, SDS condemned anti - Democratic tendencies of large corporations, racism & poverty, & called for a participatory Democracy

Scopes trial

Scopes taught theory of evolution in violation of TN state law in 1925. Trial seen as sign of deep conflict between science & religion

broad constructionism

Belief that the Constitution should be interpreted loosely concerning the restrictions it places on federal power. Loose constructionists emphasize the importance of the elastic clause

strict constructionism

Belief that the Constitution should be read in such a way as to limit as much as possible the powers of the federal govt. Strict constructionists emphasize the importance of the Tenth Amendment, which reserves to all states & powers not explicitly granted the federal govt


Below the mid - point on a straight - line demand curve, demand is _

William Seward

Secretary of State under Lincoln & Andrew Johnson. Best known for purchase of Alaska from Russia in 1967 for seven million dollars

full faith & credit clause

Section of the Constitution that requires states to honor one another's licenses, marriages, & other acts of state courts

Yamagata Arimoto

One of the leaders of the Meiji Restoration


Capital of the Aztec Empire, located on an island in Lake Texcoco. Its population was about 150,000 on the eve of Spanish conquest. Mexico City was constructed on its ruins

Perfect hurdle

One that completely segregates buyers whose reservation prices lie above some threshold from others whose reservation prices lie below it, imposing no cost on those who jump the hurdle


One who believes that Article II's grant of executive power is a broad grant of authority allowing a pres. wide discretionary powers

Gospel of Wealth

Carnegie was an American millionaire & philanthropist who donated large sums of money for public works. His book argued that the wealthy have an obligation to give something back to society

Delhi Sulatanate

Centralized Indian empire of varying extent, created by Muslim invaders

Durand Line

Established to separate Pashto people in Afghanistan & Pakistan (then India)

scalar (chain of command) principle

Fayol - should be a single, clear, & unbroken line of authority from the top of the organization to each subordinate position

Types of Controls

Feed forward Controls, Concurrent Control, Feedback Control, Control Systems & after the fact controls

First peacetime draft

Selective Service Act (by FDR 1940); prohibit discrimination; all men of military age (18 - 26) register with local draft boards


Descendents of Macedonian officers under Alexander. Gov't largely took over the system created by Egyptian pharaohs to extract the wealth of the land, rewarding Greeks & Hellenized non - Greeks serving in the military & administration

Upton Sinclair/"Jungle"

Described awful conditions of meat packing industry, led to Meat Inspection Act

Imperial Congress

Describes a Congress that succeeds in establishing itself as dominant in legislative & foreign policy

house rules committee

Determines the rules for debate of each bill, including whether the bill may be amended. This is the most powerful committee in the House

Distinctive competencies

Distinctive competencies are things that an organization does well—so well in fact that they give it an advantage over similar organizations

PFIAB - Pres.'s Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board

Founded in 1956 by Pres. Eisenhower, is part of the Executive Office of the Pres. of the U. S. According to its self - description, it ". provides advice to the Pres. concerning the quality & adequacy of intelligence collection, of analysis & estimates, of counterintelligence, & of other intelligence activities, and on the legality of foreign intelligence activities

St. Francis

Founded order of mendicant (beggars) friars. (1182 - 1226) who preached for alms (money) to live holy lifestyles

Florence Kelley

Founded the National Consumer's League, which wanted legislation to protect consumers from being cheated or harmed by big business. Also was the state of Illinois' first chief factory inspector & lead an advocate for improved factory conditions

Rig Vedas

Indo - Aryan work 1400 - 900BCE with 1028 hymns tot he gods


Infantry, armed with firearms & constituting the elite of the Ottoman army from the fifteenth century until the corps was abolished in 1826


Influenced by the spirit of rationalism, Desists believed that God, like a celestial clockmaker, had created a perfect universe & then had stepped back to let it operate according to natural laws

submarine telegraph cables

Insulated copper cables laid along the bottom of a sea or ocean for telegraphic communication. The first short cable was laid across the English Channel in 1851; the first successful transatlantic cable was laid in 1866


Interference, either literal or psychological, that hinders the accurate encoding or decoding of a message

Inca Socialism

Interpretation describing Inca society as a type of utopia. Organized in which every community collectively contributed to the whole

Judiciary committee

Key Senate committee that is responsible for recommending presidential judicial appointments to the full Senate for approval

National Comsumers League

Made female comsumers push for laws safeguarding women & children in the work place

example of an administrative trade policy

Netherlands exports tulip bulbs to almost every country in the world except Japan. reason is that Japanese customs inspectors insist on checking every tulip bulb by cutting it down the middle (which destroys the bulb). insistence on the part of the Japanese to inspect the bulbs in this manner (which makes it impractical for the Netherlands to export to Japan)

Social Issues under Reagan

New Right's push for organized prayer public schools & ban on abortion ((RR) against) first female in SC, (RR) also opposed Equal Rights Movement


Newspaper publisher who adopted a sensationalist style. His reporting was partly responsible for igniting the Spanish - American War. The most famous yellow journalist


Popularly elected officials who serve in state legislatures & in the House of Representatives in Congress. Representing the local districts from which they are elected, representatives support the interests of their constituents by proposing bills & programs

hawks & doves

Popularly, "hawks" are those who advocate an aggressive foreign policy based on strong military power. "Doves" try to resolve international conflicts without the threat of force

Ho Chi Minh

North Vietnamese leader who had lead the resistance against the Japanese during WW II & at the end of the war had led the uprising against the French Colonial govt. He had traveled in Europe, was an ardent Communist, & became Pres. of the North Vietnamese govt established after the French withdrawal. Often called the George Washington of North Vietnam

Wilson Suffers Stroke

Oct. 3, 1919 - Wilson suffered a catastrophic, disabling stroke while campaigning for passage of the Versailles Treaty. The campaign was cut short & Wilson was never the same. This doomed any chance of passage of the treaty as Wilson, in this disabled state, withdrew from negotiations with Senate Republicans & refused to entertain any amendments to the treaty


Term for a wide variety of beliefs & ritual practices that have developed in the Indian subcontinent since antiquity. Hinduism has roots in ancient Vedic, Buddhist, & south Indian religious concepts & practices. Spread along trade routes (181)

Texas enters Union

Texas officially entered Union as slave state in 1848 after Mexican American War with Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo

Criminal law

The body of rules defining offenses that, though they harm an individual (such as murder, rape, & robbery), are considered to be offenses against society as a whole & as a consequence warrant punishment by & in the name of society

Electronic Media

The broadcast media, including television, radio, computerized information services, & the Internet


The central administration of the Roman Catholic Church, of which the pope is the head

Corrupt Bargain

The charge make by Jacksonians in 1825 that Clay had supported John Quincy Adams in the House presidential vote in return for the office of Secretary of State. Clay knew he could not win, so he traded his votes for an office


The class of religious experts who conducted rituals & preserved sacred lore among some ancient Celtic peoples. They provided education, mediated disputes between kinship groups, & were suppressed by the Romans as potential resistance. (92)

French Alliance

The colonies needed help from Europe in their war against Britain. France was Britain's rival & hoped to weaken Britain by causing her to lose the American colonies. persuaded to support the colonists by news of the American victory at the Battle of Saratoga

Point Four Program

The concept of foreign aid to the non - Western world in hope that such aid would prevent new nations from turning to communism. This channeled up to billions of dollars into the economies of newly emerging nations

contempt of court

The deliberate obstruction of a court's proceedings by refusing to obey a court order or by interfering with court procedures. Contempt of court can be punished by fine, imprisonment, or both

Tammany Hall

The democratic political machine controlling New York City politics from the 1854 to the 1934 by Boss Tweed

Economic profit

The difference between a firm's total revenue & the sum of its explicit & implicit costs; also called excess profit

North - South gap

The disparity in resources (income, wealth, & power) between the industrialized, relatively rich countries of the West (and the former East) & the poorer countries of Africa, the Middle East, & much of Asia & Latin America


The doctrine that states can set aside federal laws championed by Calhoun. Foreshadowed Jefferson's draft of the Kentucky Resolutions


The dominant people in the earliest Chinese dynasty for which we have written records (ca. 1750 - 1027 B. C. E. ). Ancestor worship, divination by means of oracle bones, & the use of bronze vessels for ritual purposes were major elements of Shang culture


The federal economic policies of the Reagan administration, elected in 1981. These policies combined a monetarist fiscal policy, supply - side tax cuts, & domestic budget cutting. Their goal was to reduce the size of the federal govt & stimulate economic growth


The first major urban civilization in South America (900 - 250 B. C. E. ). Its capital, Chavn de Huntar, was located high in the Andes Mountains of Peru. Chavn became politically & economically dominant in a densely populated region. (89)

National Labor Union

The first national labor federation in the U. S. Founded in 1866 & dissolving in 1872, it paved the way for other organizations, such as the Knights of Labor & the American Federation of Labor

Second - order devolution

The flow of power & responsibility from states to local govts

clique Discribe one advantage & one disadvantage of a clique within an organization

The formation of a clique is the direct result of our social instinct to band together in groups. A clique can bind people together by enhancing unit moral. However, a clique can also take on a life of its own & become independent of organization objectives

When did the Black Plague affect europe

The mid to late 14th century, killing 1/4 of europe

Taiping Rebellion

The most destructive civil war before the twentieth century. A Christian - inspired rural rebellion threatened to topple the Qing Empire

Suleiman the Magnificent

The most illustrious sultan of the Ottoman Empire (r. 1520 - 1566); also known as Suleiman Kanuni, 'The Lawgiver. ' He significantly expanded the empire in the Balkans & eastern Mediterranean

the second longest river

The nile. Only the amazon is longer

Rule of 72

The number of years it takes for a certain amount to double in value is equal to 72 divided by its annual rate of interest

Money Multiplier

The number that describes the change in the money supply given an initial deposit & a reserve requirement

Conspicuous Consumption

The onsumption of goods not for one's direct pleasure, but simply to show off to others

Niccolo Machiabelli

Wrote "the prince" which increased how to take & maintain power

Thomas Paine

Wrote Common Sense & American Crisis, urging American independence

Ida Tarbell

Wrote History of the Standard Oil Company in 1904 which exposed the monpolistic practices of the Standard Oil Company. Strengthened the movement for outlawing monopolies. A muckraker novel

Thomas More

Wrote Utopia. Would not recognize Henry VIII as head of Chruch in England. Was beheaded for this, & later made a Saint

Charlotte Gilman

Wrote Women & Economics (1898), a plea for female economic independence. The vote alone is not enough. Her thinking inspired feminists, especially in 70s & 80s

resident buying office

a company, located in a major fashion center, where a buyer can learn about the latest fashion trends, new merchandise available, & deliveries


a composer & performer of songs; traveling ballad singer

special or select committee

a congressional committee created for a specific purpose, sometimes to conduct an investigation

credit union

a cooperative association formed by labor unions or groups of employees for the benefits of its members

Competitive advantage

a core competency that clearly sets an organization apart from competitors & gives it an advantage over them in the marketplace


a business function that involves money management

for - profit business

a business that seeks to make a profit from its operations


a business whose sales come primarily from retailing


a body of people who settle far from home but maintain ties with their homeland

writ of certiorari

a legal document issued by the Supreme Court to request the court transcripts of a case, indicated that the Court will review a lower court's decision

seniority rule

a legislative practice that assigns the chair of a committee or subcommittee to the member of the majority party with the longest continuous service on the committee

Second Bill of Right

a list of rights declared by FDR. suggested that the nation had come to recognize, & should now implement, a second "bill of rights". guarantee: Employment, with a living wage, Freedom from unfair competition & monopolies Housing, Medical care, Education, and,Social security

content messages

a message that communicates information about the subject being discussed

relational messages

a message that expresses the social relationship between two or more individuals

Line officer

a military officer who is trained to command a warship, ground combat unit, or combat aviation unit. Officers who are not line officers are those whose primary duties are in non - direct combat specialties

operational (action) planning

provides the detailed plans & assignments of responsibilities & authority required to execute strategic plans

Product boycott

an advocacy group tactic that involves protesting a company's action by convincing consumers not to purchase its products or service

Executive agreement

an agreement between the Pres. & the leader of another country

news release

an announcement that is sent by a business or organization to media outlets

Integrative conflict resolution

an approach to dealing with conflict in which both parties deal with the conflict by indicating their preferences & hen working together to find an alternative that meets the needs of both

strategic capacity planning

an approach to determining the overall capacity level of capital intensive resources, including facilities, equipment, & overall labor force size


an architectural canopy that extends over a store's entrance

focal point

an area in a display that attracts attention first, above all else


an army made up of ordinary citizens, not professional soldiers


an economic system based on individuals' goodwill toward others, not on their own self - interest, & in which, in principle, society decides what, how, & for whom to produce

market economy

an economic system in which individuals & companies decide what will be produced, when, & how it will be distributed

Office of Price Administration

govt agency which successful combatted inflation by fixing price ceilings on commodities & introducing rationing programs during WWII

direct expenditure offsets

actions on part of private sector in spending income that offset govt fiscal policy actions; any increase in govt in an area that competes with the private sector will have some direct expenditure offset


actively take a part in govt

Social consensus

agreement on whether behavior is bad or good

Compromise of 1850

agreement over slavery by which California joined the Union as a free state and a strict fugitive slave law was passed

Radio Free Asia

aimed at China, Tibet, North Korea, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos

unity of direction

all activities in pursuit of a given organizational goal should be under direction of a single person

the buying center

all the individuals & units that play a role in the purchase decision making process

Neutrality Act 1937

allow trade but prevent foreign entanglements by requiring warring nations to pay cash for non - military goods, and trasnport them in their ships, "cash - and - carry"

Rider Amendment

amendment to a bill that has little to do with that bill (little add - on that will get passed when attached to a bigger bill that will get passed)


an American colonist who opposed British law

Mary Cassat

an American painter exiled in Paris, painted sensitive portraits of women and children and earned a place in the pantheon of the French impressionist painters

Richard E. Neustadt

an American political historian specializing in the U. S. Presidency

run - off elections

an electoral system that requires winners to earn a majority of votes cast; in cases where no candidate wins a majority in the election, least successful candidates are removed form the ballot & another election is held

regulatory policies

govt policies designed to control practices & behavior of citizens & organizations & prevent harmful results and/or ensure civic benefits of those behaviors

distributive policies

govt policies that allocate valuable resources

Thorndike's Law of Effect

behavior followed by reinforcement tends to be repeated

William Ellery

born in Newport 1727 - educated at Harvard Member of Rhode Island Sons of Liberty & signer of the Declaration of Independence

national brands

brands that are owned & initiated by national manufacturers or service companies; also known as producer brands

complementary transactions

bringing your own ideas to the conversation & how you build on others ideas/sayings


broad inland body of water, often between a caostline & one or more islands off the coast

talking points

bullet points in an abbreviated outline format that serve as a framework for the speech & are used in rehearsal session & as the notes for the actual presentation

industrial market

businesses that buy products to use in their operations; also called the business - to - business market (this can be abbreviated as b - to - b or b2b)

How did the Japanese try to build a pacific empire

by taking over US British & French territories

Stabilization policies

govt policies that are used to affect planned aggregate expenditure, with the objective of eliminating output gaps

separation of powers

govt power is divided into several bodies with the ability to check the power of other bodies

police powers

govt powers to regulate public safety & enforce laws

noncontrollable expenditures

govt spending that changes automatically without action by Congress

informative speaking

has been defined as discourse that imparts new information, secures understanding, or reinforces accumulated information


have little understanding of or concern for what is happening at a governmental level

staffing function

provides the right people to fill the structure designed by the organizing function. human resources (personnel) mgmt

Great Purge

campaigns of political repression & persecution in the Soviet Union orchestrated by Joseph Stalin during the late 1930s. involved purge of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union & the persecution of unaffiliated persons. In the West the term "the Great Terror"




historian writer, wrote about the Peloponnesian Wars

transactions demand

holding money as a medium of excahnge to make payments (the level varies directly with nominal GDP)

Personal agression

hostile or aggressive behavior toward othera

sense of ethics

ideas of what is right & equitable & fair

pure goods

food products, chemicals, book publishing

gothic novel

identified with romanticism

Intelsat - International Telecommunications Satellite Organization

formed to handle INTERNATIONAL satellite needs for many countries; operated today by international telecommunications satellites org.

states of nature

future environmental conditions which are listed & assigned a probability in a payoff matrix

orienting material

gives an audience the background necessary to understand the basic material of the speech


deep & narrow valley with steep walls

social capital

democratic & civic habits of discussion, compromise, & respect for differences, which grow out of participation in voluntary organizations

speeches about objects

describe a particular thing in detail; the object may be a person, place, animal, structure, machine, or anything else that can be touched or seen


its attitudes & beliefs - are an important consideration; profile can also be determined by analyzing the listeners


judgement based on researched fact

brand label

label giving the brand name, trademark, or logo

emotive language

language that conveys the senders attitude rather than simply offering an objective description

I language

language that describes the speakers position without evaluating others

abstract languge

language that lacks or does not refer to observable behavior or other sensory data


language used by a group of people whose members belong to a similar co - culture or other group

examples of culture

language, laws, religion, ways of acting/thinking

multi - nationals

large corporations that have operations in multiple countries

partitioning step

listing of how the main issues will be presented in the speech


not evaluating an individual as unique, categorizing them in a group

negative core beliefs

not good enough, powerless, don't know, in danger, defective/imperfect


occurs when a speaker uses the ideas & words of others as his or her own without giving credit to the originator of the material


part of a large basin of water that extends into a shoreline, generally bigger than a bay


part of staffing function; attracting job candidates to the org. so that they may go through the selection process

selection process

part of staffing function; gather info about candidates, choosing those who meet the org. 's criteria


passive aggressive messages sent in indirect ways that frustrate & confuse the recipiant


period when paganism finally lost its long struggle to survive & when the schism in Christianity between the monophy site east & the chalcedonia west became insurmountable


persons or groups with a "stake" or legitimate interest in a company's action

things self - image is composed of

physical appearance, body shape, academic accomplishments, social skills, value system, relationships, behavior, goals, ambitions, aspirations

5 management process functions

planning, organizing, staffing, directing & controlling

power strategies

plans actors use to develop & deploy power capabilities to achieve their goals

Single - use plans

plans that coer unique, one - time - only events


point of land that extends into a river, lake, or ocean

Organizational Process Model

policies as decided & policies as implemented are two different things; decision making & implementation always take place at different places & by different forces

coercive participation

political action organized by ruling authorities rather than by interest groups or civil society groups

Power, National Security Conception of NI

power - spheres of influence - absence of principles


the oldest ongoing country in the world

e - marketplace

the online shopping location where products are sold to customers & industrial buyers through the use of the internet


the organization that maintains a monopoly of force over a given territory

residual message

the part of a message a receiver can recall after short/long term memory loss

self esteem

the part of the self concept that involves evaluations of self worth

Receiver - communication process

the party receiving the message sent by another party

Sender - communication process

the party sending the message to another party

free - on board (fob)

the price for goods includes delivery at the seller's expense to a specified point & no further

data analysis

the process of compiling, analyzing, & interpreting the results of primary & secondary data collection


the process of exchanging messages between a sender & a receiver

cold canvassing

the process of locating as many potential customers as possible without checking out leads beforehand

Office of Economic Opportunity

A federal agency, founded in the 1960s as part of the War on Poverty conducted by Pres. Lyndon Johnson. The OEO distributed federal money to a variety of local programs designed to promote educational opportunities & job training among the poor & to provide legal services for the poor. The OEO was abolished in the middle 1970s, & its programs have been curtailed or scattered among other federal agencies, particularly the Department of Health & Human Services

Monetarist Theory

A macroeconomic theory holding that the main cause of changes in the business cycle are changes in money supply

National Organization for Women

A major feminist organization, founded in the middle 1960s, when the EEOC failed to enforce a clause in the Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibiting discrimination on the basis of gender. One of its founders was Betty Friedan. NOW has worked to promote occupational opportunities for women & has supported legislative proposals that would guarantee women equality with men

Missouri Compromise

Admitted Missouri as a slave state, Maine as a free state & prohibited Kansas & Nebraska from becoming slave states. The Dred Scot decision ruled this compromise unconstitutional

Monitor vs. Merrimack

Battle during the civil war showing wooden warships were now obsolete


Capital of a flourishing kingdom in southern Nubia from the fourth century B. C. E. to the fourth century C. E. In this period Nubian culture shows more independence from Egypt & the influence of sub - Saharan Africa

Mandate of Heaven

Chinese religious & political ideology developed by the Zhou, was the prerogative of Heaven, the chief deity, to grant power to the ruler of China


City in western Arabia to which the Prophet Muhammad & his followers emigrated in 622 to escape persecution in Mecca


Developed by Prophet Mani, the elect" were especially holy abstaining from pleasures. "the hearers" led conventional lives while supporting the elect. All looked towards personal salvation

Louisa Reef

Disputed between Malaysia & Brunei; Brunei claims an EEZ around the reef

mass communication

In which type of communication are you entertained, informed, & persuaded by the media


Literally 'middle age,' a term that historians of Europe use for the period ca. 500 to ca. 1500, signifying its intermediate point between Greco - Roman antiquity & the Renaissance

Middle Management

Managers who design & carry out tactical plans in specific areas of the company

Mikhail Romanov

Russian tsar (r. 1613 - 1645) A member of the Russian aristocracy, he became tsar after the old line of Muscovite rulers was deposed

Militia movements of the 1990s

Self - sytled militias in western states who mix racism with anti - semitism & conspiracy theories & hostility towards any govt


Source: Confluence of Gallatin, Jefferson, & Madison rivers in Montana Outflow: Mississippi River

more conservative, the AFL or the CIO

The AFL is more conservative

Marshall Plan

(HT) 1947, by George Marshall, against "hunger, poverty, desperation, & chaos" a massive aid package offered by US they gave food & economic assistance to europe to help countries rebuild

Mexican War

(1846 - 1848) A war between the U. S. & Mexico, resulting in the cession by Mexico of lands now constituting all or most of the states of California, Arizona, New Mexico, Nevada, Utah, & Colorado

Napoleonic code

the French civil code, established at the behest of Napoléon I. It entered into force on March 21, 1804. Even though the Napoleonic code was not the first legal code to be established in a European country with a civil legal system, it is considered the first successful codification & strongly influenced the law of many other countries. It dealt only with civil law issues

Monitor Role

the informational role managers play when they scan their environment for information


the process of letting another company (licensee) use a trademark, patent, special formula, company name, or some other intellectual property for a fee or royalty


the process of planning, pricing, promoting, selling, & distributing products to satisfy customers' needs & wants


Output per unit of input

Official Reserves

govt holdings of foreign currencies

Pope John XXIII

Oversaw Vatican II, which liberalized church

eye contact

looking into the eyes of your audience as you speak


A command, indicated by an electorate's votes, for the elected officials to carry out their platforms

Maslow's safety needs

second level; physical safety, health, job security

Davy Crockett

Settler & politician. Killed at the Alamo


the upper classes

Nominating Convention

(AJ) meeting at which a political party chooses a candidate, religious qualification dropped

Grandfather Clause

(AJohn) Law that excused a voter from a literacy test if his father or grandfather had been eligible to vote on January 1, 1867

Mary Harris Jones

(August 1, 1837 - November 30, 1930), better known as Mother Jones, was a prominent American labor & community organizer. She helped found the IWW in 1905

Forest Reserve Act of 1891

(BH) Authorized the Pres. to set aside public forests as national parks & other reserves

Populist Party

(BH) Founded 1891 - James B. Weaver, problem was overproduction, called for free coinage of silver & paper money, national income tax, direct election of senators, regulation of railroads, & other govt reforms to help farmers

line graph

a line that joins points representing changes in a variable quantity, usually over a period of time

Checks & Balances

A System that kept 1 Branch of govt from being too Powerful

on the Hill

A phrase referring to Capitol Hill in DC where Congress meets: "They're debating that nuclear waste issue on the Hill today. "

Recess appointment

A presidential appointment made when the Congress is not in session that usually lacks enough votes in the Senate for confirmation. The position must be confirmed by the Senate by the end of the next session of Congress, or the position becomes vacant


A group of people bound together by a common set of political aspirations


People & firms that use resources to make goods & services

self - concept

the internal picture we have of ourselves & the role we play

Teapot Dome

(CC), a govt scandal involving a former U. S. Navy oil reserve in Wyoming that was secretly leased to a private oil company in 1921

Roman Senate

A council whose members were the heads of wealthy, landowning families. Originally an advisory body to the early kings, in the era of the Roman Republic the Senate effectively governed the Roman state & the growing empire

Economically Efficient

A method of production that produces a fiven level or output at the lowest possible cost

Safety net

A minimum govt guarantee that ensures that individuals living in poverty will receive support in the form of social welfare program

Classical Growth Model

A model of growth that focuses on the role of capital accumulation in the growth process

Sophomore surge

An increase in the votes that congressional candidates usually get when they first run for reelection

North American Industry Classification System (NAICS)

An industry classification that categorizes industries by type of economic activity & groups firms with like production processes

think tank

An institution in which scholars pursue research in public policy. Largely funded by endowments & grants, think tanks work to improve public awareness of policy issues (through publications) & to influence the govt to act upon issues of national importance

Mediterranean Sea

An intercontinental sea that stretches from the Atlantic Ocean on the west to Asia on the east & separates Europe from Africa. It has often been called the incubator of Western civilization

Fitch Ratings

An international credit rating agency dual - headquartered in New York City & London. It is one of the three Nationally Recognized Statistical Rating Organizations (NRSRO) designated by the U. S. Securities & Exchange Commission in 1975, together with Moody's & Standard & Poor's

the OECD - Organisation for Economic Co - operation & Development

An international organisation of those developed countries that accept the principles of representative democracy & a free market economy. It originated in 1948 as the Organisation for European Economic Co - operation (OEEC), to help administer the Marshall Plan for the re - construction of Europe after WWII. Later its membership was extended to non - European states, & in 1961 it was reformed into the OECD

Veterans of Foreign Wars

An organization of American veterans who have taken part in a foreign military campaign or expedition of the U. S. Like the American Legion, it usually takes pro - defense stands on foreign policy issues

Muhammad (570 - 632 C. E. )

Arab prophet; founder of religion of Islam

New Frontier

JFK's slogan to describe his goals & policies, in particular equality of opportunity for all

Maysville Road Veto

Jackson withheld funds from localized roads & vetoed a bill for improving the Maysville Road (local road connected to interstate). This was a great setback for the internal improvements of the American society


Japanese military leaders who ruled from 12th - 19th century

Founding Fathers

John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, Alexander Hamilton, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison & George Washington


Leader of SU, followed melankov; attacked Stalins method of rule. Lost power because of conservative opposition

Francois Toussanit Loveture

Leader of slave rebellion on french island of St. Dominique. Created independent republic of Haiti 1804

Ngo Dinh Diem

Leader of the pro - Western govt in South Vietnam

Consensual Leaders

Leaders who encourage discussion about issues & then require that all parties involved agree to the final decision

Transactional leaders

Leaders who lead primarily by using social exchanges

Democratic Leaders

Leaders who solicit input from all members of the group & then allow the members to make the final decision through a vote

Transformational leaders

Leaders who stimulate & inspire followers to achieve extraordinary outcomes

Holy Roman Empire

Loose federation of mostly German states & principalities, headed by an emperor elected by the princes. It lasted from 962 to 1806


Lost Colony. Founded by Sir Walter Raleigh in 1587 in current North Carolina, disappeared within 3 years

Sun king

Louis XIV called himself this with his grandeur of Versailles, etc

Social Contract Theory

People are Free & Equal by God - Given right, so people must give their consent to be governed


Role played by elected representatives who act as trustees or delegates, depending on the issue


Roman politician who assassinated Caesar

Progressive Republican Party

Roosevelt ran under this party, it was a third party

Court of St. James

Royal court of Britain

thory of divine right proposed that

Ruler derived absolute monarch to rule from God

Mansa Kankan Musa

Ruler of Mali (r. 1312 - 1337). His pilgrimage through Egypt to Mecca in 1324 - 1325 established the empire's reputation for wealth in the Mediterranean world


Russian principality that emerged gradually during the era of Mongol domination. The Muscovite dynasty ruled without interruption from 1276 to 1598

Brooks - Sumner incident

SC Congressman Brooks (pro - slavery) took a cane to MA Senator Sumner (abolitionist) after he insulted SC & slavery

Valletta, Malta

Saint John's, Antigua & Barbuda

Precautionary saving

Saving for protection against unexpected setbacks, such as the loss of a job or a medical emergency

Sweatt vs. Painter

Segregated law school in Texas was held to be an illegal violation of civil rights, leading to open enrollment


The return of constitutional monarcy in Britain in the late 17th century

syntactic rules

rules that govern the ways in which symbols can be arranged as opposed to the meanings of those symbols

direct distribution

sales of goods or services directly to the customer, with no intermediares

systems approach (theory)

see an organization in terms of its parts (sub - systems)

Non store retailing

selling to final consumers through direct mail, catalogs, telephone, the internet, tv home shopping, home & office parties, & door to door

spatial method of issue arrangement

set of point of reference at a specific location & followed a geographic pattern

Uniform Guidelines on Employee Selection Procedures (part of EEO)

set of rules in area of EEO, published in 1978; provide that all procedures (tests, etc. ) used be valid & relevant to job performance

nation - states

states whose population share a sense of national identity, usually including a language & culture

two main components of globalization are:

the globalization of markets & the globalization of production

popular consent

the idea that a just gov must derive its powers from the consent of the people it governs


the idea that the rights of the nation are supreme over the rights of the individuals residing in that nation

presenting self

the image a person presents to others; it may be identitical to the percieved selves

Resource seeking"

to ensure that a firm can always access resources that are essential to a firm's long run survival


to provide & mobilize resources to implement the plan

3 levels of mgmt

top (upper) - pres., chief executive; middle - district manger, base commander; first - line (lower - level, front - line, supervisory) - foreman, head nurse

Nationalism was a force that

tore apart century - old empiress, rise to nation - states, opposed by conservatives

Magnitude of consequence

total harm or benefit derived from an ethical decision

Stock of FDI"

total value of FDI at a given point in time

bureaucracy theory - 3 kinds of authority

traditional (the way it's always been done); charismatic (leader has magnetism); rational - legal (based on expertise, training, experience)

statistical methods

use of regression analysis, or correlations b/w variables, to predict one from the other (e. g. to predict housing starts from marriages)

Informative advertising

used heavily when introducing a new product category

team briefing

used in technology organizations in which design projects or project proposals must be pitched to potential clients or funding agents

problem - solution method of issue

used when a speaker attempts to identify what is wrong & to determine how to cure it or make a recommendation for its cure

transformation process

uses resources to convert inputs into some desired output

Political deviance

using one's influences to harm others in the company

Civil Service Reform

(CAA) Congress took action in the late 19th century to protect ethical politicians & create standards for political service; including, a civil service test for those seeking a job in govt

Federal Trade Commission

(WW) 1914 A govt agency established in 1914 to prevent unfair business practices & help maintain a competitive economy, support antitrust suits

Louisiana Purchase

1803. Jefferson feared Napolean's imperial ambitions so wanted to buy the land. Napolean just wanted the cash ($15 million). Effectively doubled the size of the U. S

First Protective Tariff

1816 (JM) In 1816, Congress passed the nation's first protective tariff. It was designed to protect textile factories, because the British were dumping cloth in the U. S. at bargain prices in their attempt to regain markets they had lost during the War of 1812

Dartmouth College Case

1819 (JMon), contract, Daniel Webster, Jurisdictional dispute between the college's pres. & board of trustees led to a Supreme Court ruling favoring the educational freedom of private institutions (which is what colleges are considered to be)

John Singer Sargent

1856 - 1925 A painter known for his portraits. He is usually thought of as an American artist, although he lived most of his life in Europe. Sargent's portraits subtly capture the individuality & personality of the sitters. In a time when the art world was focused on impressionism & emphasizing artistic individuality, Sargent emphasized his own form of Realism & regularly did commissioned portraits of the wealthy

Tenure of Office Act

1866 - enacted by radical congress - forbade pres. from removing civil officers without senatorial consent - was to prevent Johnson from removing a radical republican from his cabinet (Johnson violated, led to impeachment)

Meiji Restoration

1868 when last Shogun was overthrown in Japan & Emperor took over. Marked opening of Japan to the West

dialectical model

a model claiming that throughout their lifetime people in virtually all interpersonal relationships must deal with equally important opposing forces

linguistic relativism

a moderate form of linguistic determinism that argues that language exerts a strong influence on perceptions of the people who speak it

nonprice competition

competition based on factors that are not related to price, such as product quality, service & financing, business location, & reputation

Office of National Drug Control Policy

component of the Executive Office of the Pres was established in 1988 by Anti - Drug Abuse Act. Its stated goal is to establish policies, priorities, & objectives to eradicate illicit drug use, manufacturing, & trafficking, drug - related crime & violence, & drug - related health consequences in the U. S

operations & supply strategy

concerned with settling broad policies & plans for using the resources of a firm to best support its long - term competitive strategy


connection established when you communicate with another person

everyday low prices (edlp)

consistently low prices with no intention of raising them or offering discounts in the future

shopping product

consumer good that the customer, in the process of selection & purchase, characteristically compares on such bases as suitability, quality, price, & style

unsought product

consumer product that the consumer either does not know about or know about but does not normally think of buying

Railroad Commission Cases

contracts, police power, regulation of transport

Monitoring Costs

costs incurred by the organizer of production in seeing to it that the emplooyees do what they're supposed to do

cash & carry

countries such as Britain & France would have to pay for American goods in cash & provide transportation for them. This would keep US ships out of the war zone & eliminate the need for war loans

writ of mandamus

court order directing an official to perform an official duty

narrow & deep

describes a common stock plan in the peak of a season, with a large number of the top - selling items in the most popular colors available

speeches about concepts

examine theories, beliefs, ideas, philosophies, or schools of thought

collective responsibility

in a parliamentary system, the concept that all cabinet members agree on policy decisions & that all will be responsible for the results

Union Advantages

in the Civil War - Larger number of troops, superior navy, better transportation, overwhelming financial & industrial reserves to create munitions & supplies, which eventually outstripped the South's initial material advantage


in which communication type do you interact with others, normally two people


in which part of a speech or written presentation would you evaluate the use integration of transitions

sales forecasting

includes the predicted demand for the goods & services provided by the organization; of vital importance for operational & production planning

relationships must have

inclusion, control over relationship, affection (give & recieve)

main determinant of saving (Keynes)

income: Keynes argued that real saving & consumption decisions depend primarily on a household's present real disposable income

individualist culture

individual values such as power, achievement, hedonism, & stimulation (Americans fall under this category) success is measured by how well you outshine others, & you are responsible for you & you alone

low power distance culture

inequalities minimized, parents & kids equal, students take initiative, hierarchy is exploitive

core goods

provide a significant service component; appliances, data storage systems, automobiles

6 Tactics to weaken states

prying away its allies - weakening hold on sphere of influence - stopping trade - removing hostile gov't - waging preemptive war - fighting wars to prevent status quo disturbance


public speaking anxiety

push strategy

pushing the product through marketing channels to final consumers

human communication as an interaction

reciever responds to source with feedback. - linear action/reaction within a certain context

political economy

refers broadly to the relationship between politics & economics. How are economic resources dealt with through political processes. How much of a role does the govt have in the economy

premises of planning

refers to forecasts about the future environment which serve as the assumptions on which planning is based


refers to number of independent power centers in system

During the rule of Frederick II, Prussia

rejected pragmatic sanction against division of Hasburg land


related to being able to experience a referent with one of our senses


reporting others' ethics violations to management or legal authorities

Vienna Convention on Consular Relations

requires notification of consular officials when a foreign national is arrested. It enables the U.S. Embassy to help find a lawyer and monitor the prosecution of Americans who face criminal punishment in foreign countries.


results, attainments, or accomplishments used as the end points for plans & actions (narrower than a goal)

e - tailing

retailers selling products over the internet to the customer; also known as online retailing

maturity stage

sales growth slows or levels off


the art of managing state affairs & effectively maneuvering in a world of power politics among sovereign states

Probability of effect

the chance that something will happen & then harm other

political culture

the collection of history, values, beliefs, assumptions, attitudes, traditions, & symbols that define & influence political behavior within a nation - state


the combining of different forms of belief or practice

Ethical intensity

the degree of concern people have about an ethical issue

Supplier dependence

the degree to which a company relies on a supplier because of the importance of the suppliers products to the company's & the difficulty of finding other sources for that product


the study of religion

Tupac Amaru II

Member of Inca aristocracy who led a rebellion against Spanish authorities in Peru in 1780 - 1781. He was captured & executed with his wife & other members of his family


Ruling family of France until the French Revolution

What was the main reson for the Crimean War

Russia wanted land on the Black Sea to gain access to the Mediterranean

Pendleton Civil Service Act

(1883): Did away with the "spoils system" & made the hiring of federal employees merit based

Elkins Act

(1903) gave the Interstate Commerce Commission more power to control railroads from giving preferences to certain customers

Trail of Tears

(AJ) The Cherokee Indians were forced to leave their lands. They traveled from North Carolina & Georgia through Tennessee, Kentucky, Illinois, Missouri, & Arkansas - more than 800 miles (1,287 km) - to the Indian Territory. More than 4, 00 Cherokees died of cold, disease, & lack of food during the 116 - day journey

Oil in Mexico

(CC) now Mexico saying the mineral wealth belonged to there govt, America agreed as long as their property rights weren't disturbed, Obregon become Pres., then Calles, (CC) sends Morrow to settle dispute

Second Bank of the U. S

(AJ) chartered in 1816, much like its predecessor of 1791 but with more capital; it could not forbid state banks from issuing notes, but its size & power enabled it to compel the state banks to issue only sound notes or risk being forced out of business

Traditional Economy

An economy in which customs & habits from the past are used to resolve most economic issues of production & distribution

U. S. Steel Corporation

J. P. Morgan's steel empire, first billion - dollar corporation

Mata Hari

Seductive female Double Agent of France & Germany in WWI

The US

Who is brazil's biggest trading partner


a decent _ to the opinions of mankind


an obligation to complete a task or achieve some goal


(GC) Bosses of Republic political machines who practiced patronage & elected officials due to status not experience


(GC) a group within the Republican party who could not accept Blaine & supported the Democrats

Oliver H. Kelley

(GC), considered the "Father" of the Order of Patrons of Husbandry (more commonly known as "The Grange"). a fraternal organization for American farmers that encouraged farm families to band together for their common economic & political good

Hawaiian Incident

(GC2) 1893, Queen Liliuokalani had Hawaii, Americans wanted land to grow sugar, Queen was depost, US govt petitioned to annex Haiwaii, but Cleveland against it, did it in favor of Queen, but it was annexed anyways in 1898

Problem of the Gold Reserve

(GC2) ppl used cheaper money (silver) & kept sounder money (gold), soon with the repeal of the Sherman SIlver Purchast Act, gold came into the Treasury, this profited bankers

Little Rock

(DDE) Governor Faubus ordered the Arkansas National Guard to surround Central High School to keep the nine students from entering the school, because he believed black & whites should be segregated, despite Federal laws on integration. Pres. Dwight D. Eisenhower ordered the 101st Airborne Division to keep them safe

Interstate Highway Act

(DDE), Committed to the idea of easing automobile travel, Pres. Eisenhower authorized the first funding of the Interstate system in 1953. This consisted of multilane expressways that would connect the nations major cities. Biggest public works expedenture in history even bigger than any New Deal program. The new highways eased commutes from suburbs to cities, boosted travel & vacation industries

Stimson Doctrine

(FDR) 1932, 1932, Hoover's Secretary of State said the US would not recognize territorial changes resulting from Japan's invasion of Manchuria

Civilian Conservation Corps

(FDR) 1933, March 31, 1933; unemployment relief act; hired young men for reforestation programs, firefighting. flood control, spawn drainage, etc;

Tydings McDuffie Act

(FDR) 1934, provided for the drafting & guidelines of a Constitution for a 10 - year "transitional period" which became the govt of the Commonwealth of the Philippines before the granting of Philippine independence, during which the US would maintain military forces in the Philippines. The nation did not want to have to support the Philippines if Japan attacked there

Public Works Administration

(FDR) 1935 Created for both industrial recovery & for unemployment relief. Headed by the Secretary of Interior Harold L. Ickes, it aimed at long - range recovery & spent $4 billion on thousands of projects that included public buildings, highways, & parkways

Selective Service Act

(FDR) 1940, first peace time draft, 21 through 35 years old

San Francisco Conference

(FDR) 1945 - This conference expanded the drafts of the Yalta & Dumbarton Oaks conferences & adopted the "UN" Charter

Tehran Conference

(FDR) December, 1943, a meeting between FDR, Churchill & Stalin in Iran to discuss coordination of military efforts against Germany, they repeated the pledge made in the earlier Moscow Conference to create the UN after the war's conclusion to help ensure international peace

Operation Overload

(FDR) Name given to the planned Allied invasion of France

Political Action Committee

(FDR), committee formed by a special - interest group to raise money for their favorite political candidates


(LBJ) 1965 a federal program of health insurance for persons 65 years of age & older

Truman Doctrine

A U. S foreign policy designed to contain communism by stoppint it's spread to Greece & Turkey. Pres. Harry S. Truman proclaimed the Doctrine on March 12, 1947

George McClellan

A Union general in the Civil War. In 1861 he was commander of the Army of the Potomac (name of the Union Army). He was an excellent drillmaster & organizer of troops but he was also a perfectionist & would always believe he was outnumbered. He never took risks, & held the army for months until Lincoln ordered him to advance

Wealth Accounts

A balance sheet of an economy's stock of assets & liabilities

Means - tested

A benefit program is means - tested if its benefit level declines as the recipient earns additional income

UN Security Council

A body of five great powers (which can veto resolutions) & ten rotating member states, which makes decisions about international peace & security including the dispatch of UN peacekeeping forces

callable" bond

A bond that can be paid back early, thus forcing the buyer to find another place to put his money

Aaron Copland

American composer who used jazz & folk tunes in his composition. His work is very tonal & consonant


American revolutionaries believed that the people should rule, not a _


An act by which a nation seeks, short of war, to redress a wrong committed against it another nation

Iroquois Confederacy

An alliance of five northeastern Amerindian peoples (after 1722 six) that made decisions on military & diplomatic issues through a council of representatives. Allied first with the Dutch & later with the English, it dominated W. New England. (488)


An assessment of a representative's voting record on issues important to an interest group. Such ratings are designed to generate public support for or opposition to a legislator

Who is Stewart Brand

An author, editor, & creator of The Whole Earth Catalog & CoEvolution Quarterly. intent was to enable people to find virtually any sort of information useful to themselves,


An economic philosophy that assumes inflation occurs when there is too much money chasing too few goods. Monetarism suggests that the proper thing for govt to do is to have a steady, predictable increase in the money supply at a rate about equal to the growth in the economy's productivity

Supply - side theory

An economic philosophy that holds that sharply cutting taxes will increase the incentive people have to work, save, & invest. Greater investments will lead to more jobs, a more productive economy, & more tax revenues for the govt

Free Enterprise & Competition

An economic system characterized by private ownership of property & productive resources, the profit motive to stimulate production, competition to ensure efficiency, & the forces of supply & demand to direct the production & distribution of goods & services

postmodern feminism

An effort to combine feminist & postmodernist perspectives with the aim of uncovering the hidden influences of gender in IR & showing how arbitrary the construction of gender roles is

Safe seat

An elected official who, as an incumbent, has an easy reelection as a result of his incumbency or the political makeup of the district

Two - party system

An electoral system with two dominant parties that compete in state or national elections. Third parties have little chance of winning


Domestication & raising of animals for companionship, security, help in hunting, & food. Allowed humans to manipulate environment to greater degree

Espionage Act & Sedition Act

Brought forth under the Wilson administration, they stated that any treacherous act or draft dodging was forbidden, outlawed disgracing the govt, the Constitution, or military uniforms, & forbade aiding the enemy

Crystal Palace

Building erected in Hyde Park, London, for the Great Exhibition of 1851. Made of iron & glass, like a gigantic greenhouse, a symbol of the industrial age

Diversity cases

Cases involving citizens of different states over which the federal courts have jurisdiction as described in the Constitution

Union Pacific & Central Pacific joined/transcontinental line

Central Pacific & Union Pacific lines met at Ogden, Utah, creating the first transcontinental railroad line

Let a hundred flowers bloom; let a hundred schools of thought contend

Chairman Mao Zedong's slogan was used during the period of approximately 6 weeks in the summer of 1957 when the Chinese intelligentsia were invited to criticize the political system then obtaining in Communist China. many of those who put forward views that were unwelcome to Mao were executed

Rationing function of price

Changes in prices that distribute scarce goods to those consumers who value them most highly

Vertical Marketing System

Consists of producers, wholesalers, & reltailers acting as a unified system. One channel member own the others, has contracts with them, or wields so much power that they must all cooperate

Ethical Issues for Multinational Corporations

Corruption, Sweatshops, Child labor, Sustainable development

Shoeleather Cost of Inflation

Costs of expected inflation caused by people having to make more trips to the bank to make withdrawals because they do not want to keep cash on hand

Oracle Bones

Early Shang writing was found on these


Describes peoples' perception that Congress & the pres. are in a state of disagreement that results in little legislation passing

Seperation of Powers

Dividing the govt into 3 Branches


Doctrine that focused on morally superior individuals which took a broad view of political affairs but emphasized social activism


Does the presiden't cabinet deal more with foreign or domestic issues

free enterprise system

a system that encourages individuals to start & operate their own businesses in a competitive market, without govt involvement

Washinton's Neutrality Proclamation

Established isolationist policy, proclaimed govt's official neutrality in widening European conflicts also warned American citizens about intervening on either side of conflict. (1793)

Trust funds

Funds for govt programs that are collected & spent outside the regular govt budget; the amounts are determined by preexisting law rather than by annual appropriations. The Social Security trust fund is the largest of these


Foreign residents in a country living under the laws of their native country, disregarding the laws of the host country. 19th/Early 20th Centuries: European & US nationals in certain areas of Chinese & Ottoman cities were granted this right. (682)


Form of gov't in which power is vested in hereditary kings & queens

constitutional govt

Form of govt in which govt power is vested in the people & is defined & limited by law


Form of govt in which govt's powers are unlimited

Price Signaling

Form of implicit collusion in which a firm announces a price increase in the hope that other firms will follow suit

Parallel Conduct

Form of implicit collusion in which one firm consistently follows actions of another

Two - part tariff

Form of pricining in which consumers are charged both an entry & a usage fee

Party organization

Formal structure of a political party on the national, state, & local levels

four resources for researching your subject

Four available resources are the library, the internet, referance books, & individuals

gens de couleur

Free men & women of color in Haiti. They sought greater political rights & later supported the Haitian Revolution

Georges Clemenceau

French leader at end of WWI. Wanted to punish Germany in Treaty of Versailles & compenate France

Georges Danton

French revolutionary who called for execution of the king & others. Later considered not radical enough & was himself killed by other revolutionaries

National Resources

Gifts of nature" that can be used to produce goods & services; for example, oceans, air, mineral deposits, virgin forests, & actual fields of land. When investments are made to improve fields of land or other natural resources, those resources become, in part, capital resources

King Otto I

He led an army to support the Pope in the 960's against the Lombard Magnates & was crowned by the pope the First Holy Roman Emperor

John D. Long

He was a Navy secretary & much of the readiness of the army was owed to him & Theodore Roosevelt

A. Mitchell Palmer

He was chosen to round up immigrants that were questionably communists, & he ended up rounding up about 6000 people. `

Who supported Caesar

He was greatly supported by the lower classes, but fought constantly with the Senate

Hermann Goering

Head of luftwaffe during Battle of Britain

Creel Committee

Headed by George Creel, this committee was in charge of propaganda for WWI (1917 - 1919). He depicted the U. S. as a champion of justice & liberty


Headed by Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr. a coalition of churches & Christians organizations who met to discuss civil rights

Grigori Rasputin

Healer for czar Nicolas during WWI, gave advice on how to run the govt. Later killed by jealous noblemen

London Naval Treaty

In 1930, the Washington Naval Treaty has to be re - nogotiated. The Japanese try to get a 10:10:7 ratio but instead onl get a 10:10:6. They still had naval dominace in Western Pacific but were denounced as betraying natonal interests. The Prime minister was assinated after this.

When did Christianity get it's big break

In 313, Roman emporer constantine I adopted it as his & the empire's religion, resulting of its spread westward from palestine

Override Veto

In the process of law making what power does the Legislative branch have over the Executive branch


Heavily armored Greek infantryman of the Archaic & Classical periods who fought in the close - packed phalanx formation. Hoplite armies - militias composed of middle - & upper - class citizens supplying their own equipment: Superior to all other forces 128

5 Questions for Opinion Maker

How different is mass opinion & lead opinion - How interested is the public - How knowledgeable is the public - What do they believe - Are our opinions volatile

pocket veto

If the pres. fails to approve a bill passed during the last 10 days of a Congressional session, the bill does not become a law

What is an aspect of procedural justice theory in management

If you are giving negative feedback on job performance, you must make it clear why negative feedback is being given

Halfway Covenant

In 1662, the Halfway Covenant allowed partial church membership rights to persons not yet converted into the Puritan church. It lessened the difference between the "elect" members of the church from the regular members. Women soon made up a larger portion of Puritan congregations

Dominion of New England

In 1686, New England, in conjunction with New York & New Jersey, consolidated under the royal authority - James II. Charters & self rule were revoked, & the king enforced mercantile laws. The new setup also made for more efficient administration of English Navigation Laws, as well as a better defense system. The Dominion ended in 1688 when James II was removed from the throne

Henry Cabot Lodge

Lodge was against the League of Nations, so he packed the foreign relations committee with critics & was successful in convincing the Senate to reject the treaty

William the Conqueror

Invaded England from Normandy in 1066. Established tight feudal system & centralized monarchy in England

That National Recovery Administration

It was designed to assist industry, labor, & the unemployed. there were maximum hours of labor, minimum wages, & more rights for labor union members, including the right to choose their own representatives in bargaining

the relationship between a nation's capital & current accounts

Inverse if a neutral balance of payments is to be obtained

Sasanid Empire

Iranian empire, established ca. 226, with a capital in Ctesiphon, Mesopotamia. The Sasanid emperors established Zoroastrianism as the state religion. Islamic Arab armies overthrew the empire ca. 640

Safavid Empire

Iranian kingdom (1502 - 1722) established by Ismail Safavi, who declared Iran a Shi'ite state


Iranian ruling dynasty between ca. 250 B. C. E. & 226 C. E

Number of team members

Is best when their are 12 & under members

Railway Labor Act

It governs labor relations in the railway & airline industries in the U. S. The Act, passed in 1926 & amended in 1936 to apply to the airline industry, seeks to substitute bargaining, arbitration & mediation for strikes as a means of resolving labor disputes

lateral pressure (theory of)

It holds that the economic & population growth of states fuels geographic expansion as they seek natural resources beyond their borders, which in turn leads to conflicts & sometimes to war

Marketing plan

It is a formal statement of decisions that have been made on marketing activities; it is a blueprint of the objectives, strategies, & tasks to be performed

the Korea Strait

It seperates Korea from Japan, is part of Pacific Ocean. Numerous international shipping lanes pass through the strait, including those carrying much of the traffic bound for the ports of southern South Korea. Both South Korea & Japan have restricted their territorial claims in the strait to 3 nautical miles from shore, so as to permit free passage through it. Passenger ferries ply numerous routes across the strait

Henan Curfs

Led to Expeditions to Mexico in 1519 defeated Aztec Empire & established Spanish colonial rule

Oral argument

Legal argument made by each attorney in proceedings before the court in an attempt to persuade the court to decide the issue in their client's favor

Platt Amendment

Legislation that severely restricted Cuba's sovereignty & gave the US the right to intervene if Cuba got into trouble

Jeffersonian democracy

Less radical than Jacksonian democracy, called for leadership by those with greatest ability, not common man

Suspension of Habeas Corpus

Lincoln suspended. Throughout the war, thousands were arrested for disloyal acts. Although the U. S. Supreme Court eventually helped the suspension edict to be unconstitutional, by the time the Court acted the Civil War was nearly over

Erie Canal

Linked the Great Lakes region to New York (and European shipping routes), opened up new era of industry for farmers. (1825)


Literally "retainers" Similar to European knights


Literally 'those who serve,' the hereditary military elite of the Tokugawa Shogunate


Located in Bolivia, one of the richest silver mining centers & most populous cities in colonial Spanish America

Three Mile Island

Location of a nuclear power plant accident in 1979. Caused panic & intense criticism of nuclear power programs in general

vice - admiralty courts

Military courts, in which defendants are not entitled to a trial by jury of peers. These were established in the colonies to try colonial smugglers because colonial juries often sympathized with smugglers & would not convict them

three common forms of tense you will use in your communication

Past - express actions or makes a statementabout something that happened in the past. Present - expresses action or makes a statement about something happening in the present time. Future - expresses action or make a statement about something happening at a future time

Thomas Paine

Patriot who used written words to argue for independence who wrote: Common Sense

the Ugly American

Pejorative term for Americans traveling or living abroad who remain ignorant of local culture & judge everything by American standards. The term is taken from the title of a book by Eugene Burdick & William Lederer


Peninsula in the extreme southern Ukraine in the Black Sea

Connecticut Compromise

Offered at the Constitutional Convention at Philadelphia, it was adopted by the delegates & created a bicameral legislature, where one house is represented by population, & the other house is represented by the states

What states were part of the Northwest Territory

Ohio, Illinois, Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Indiana. They all became states in the early to mid 1800's

Cournot model

Oligopoly model in which firms prdouce a homogenoues good, each firm treates the output of its competitors as fixed, & all firms decide simultaneously how much to produce


On a straight - line demand curve, elasticity decreases as the price _ & the quantity _ increases

Land Ordinance of 1787

Once a territory reached 60,000 citizens, it could become a state

Standpoint theory

One action creates multiple interpretations based on gender, race, social class, & culture

Pure commons good

One for which nonpayers cannot easily be excluded & for which each unit consumed by one person means one less unit available for others

Task Structure

One of Fiedler's situational contingencies that described the degree to which job assignments were formalized & procedurized

Smoot Hawley Tariff

One of Herbert Hoover's earliest efforts to protect the nation's farmers following the onset of the Great Depression. Tariff raised rates to an all - time high.


One of the Jewish Holy Books. It is a compilation of oral tradition

Rules committee

One of the most important committees of the House of Representatives; its function is to create specific rules for every bill to be debated by the full House

Captain John Smith

One of the original settlers of Jamestown. Captured by Native Americans, saved by Pocahontas

Which African countries are not part of the African Union

Only Morocco. founded in July 2002. The AU is a federation consisting of 53 states. The purpose of the federation is to help secure Africa's democracy, human rights & a sustainable economy, especially by bringing an end to intra - African conflict & creating an effective common market

Opinion Flow

Opinion Makers - Attentive Public - Opinion Leaders - Mass Public

Triple Alliance

Original Allies in WWI: Britain, France, & Russia

Stock "Watering"

Price manipulation by strategic stock brokers of the late 1800s. The term for selling more stock than they actually owned in order to lower prices, then buying it back

Federal System

Sharing Power between the State & National govt

Panama Canal

Ship canal cut across the isthmus of Panama by U. S. Army engineers; it opened in 1915. It greatly shortened the sea voyage between the east & west coasts of North America. The U. S. turned the canal over to Panama on Jan 1, 2000

U. S. S. Maine

Ship that exploded in Havana harbor, blamed on Spanish, sparked war

revising phase

Revising is a finishing step to improve the communication based on the editing phase & the feedback from the reviewers. You revise or rewrite your draft to make it into a more formal presentation

Emilano Zapata

Revolutionary & leader of peasants in the Mexican Revolution. He mobilized landless peasants in south - central Mexico in an attempt to seize & divide the lands of the wealthy landowners. Though successful for a time, he was ultimately assassinated. 819

When starting a presentation, what are some attention - getting devices you might consider

Rhetorical questions; direct questions; quotations; illustrations; a startling statement; unusual or dramatic devices; & refrences to the importance of the theme

Inflation hawk

Someone who is committed to achieving & maintaining low inflation, even at some short - run cost in reduced output & employment

Inflation dove

Someone who is not strongly committed to achieving & maintaining low inflation


Source: Eastern Highlands, Australia Outflow: Murray River


Source: Finlay River, British Columbia Outflow: Beaufort Sea


Source: Serra Parima Mountains in Venezuela (Serra Parima, Portuguese; Sierra Parima, Spanish) Outflow: Atlantic Ocean


Source: Tibetan Highlands Outflow: South China Sea

Yangtze (Chang Jiang)

Source: Tibetan Plateau, China Outflow: China Sea

public be damned

Spoken by Vanderbilt (railroad executive). Used when business leaders are accused of shirking responsibility toward the public

Virtual Representation

Virtual representation means that a representative is not elected by his constituents, but he resembles them in his political beliefs & goals. The colonies only had virtual representation in the British govt

Nomination Campaign

That part of a political campaign aimed at winning a primary election

Personal Campaign

That part of a political campaign concerned with presenting the candidate's public image

Real Cost of something is

The "Real Cost" of something is what you must give up to get it

Northwest Ordinance

The 1787 Northwest Ordinance defined the process by which new states could be admitted into the Union from the Northwest Territory. He ordinance forbade slavery in the territory but allowed citizens to vote on the legality of slavery once statehood had been established. The Northwest Ordinance was the most lasting measure of the national govt under the Articles of Confederation

Social Security Administration

The American system for distributing old age & disability pensions from the federal govt. Initiated through the Social Security Act of 1935, Social Security pensions are financed by contributions from workers & employers. Benefits are also available to the survivors of workers covered under Social Security

the territorial signifigance of the Yalu River

The Amnok River, or the Yalu River, is a river on the border between China & North Korea

Russian Orthodoxy

The Eastern Orthodox Church is the second largest single Christian communion in the world with an estimated 300 million members worldwide. [1] It is considered by its adherents to be the One, Holy, Catholic & Apostolic Church established by Jesus Christ & his Apostles nearly 2000 years ago

Suffolk Resolves

The First Continental Congress endorsed Massachusetts's Suffolk Resolves, which declared that the colonies need not obey the 1773 Coercive Acts, since they infringed upon basic liberties

Undeclared naval war with France

The French were infuriated with the US after Jay's Treaty, so began to attack American ships at sea

Party platforms

Voted on by the delegates attending the National Convention, they represent the ideological point of view of a political party

Rational decision making

a systematic process of defining problems, evaluating alternatives, & choosing optimal solutions

Chesapeake Affair

The Chesapeake was boarded by the British, who forced the crew to sail on British ships. This is one of the more famous cases of impressment, & led to the War of 1812

International Broadcasting Bureau

The International Broadcasting Bureau (IBB) is a U. S. govt federal agency that was created in 1994 to produce political radio & television broadcasts that are intended for audiences in foreign countries. The IBB replaces the former Bureau of Broadcasting


The Lion Prince (1230 - 1255) who ruled Mali & made it into a great nation

Prague Spring

The Prague Spring was a period of political liberalization in Czechoslovakia starting January 5, 1968, & running until August 20 of that year when the Soviet Union & its Warsaw Pact allies (except for Romania) invaded the country


The people can petition & vote to have an elected official removed from office. Made elected officials more responsible & sensitive to the needs of the people, & part of the movement to make govt more efficient & scientific

Participation rate

The percentage of the working - age population in the labor force (that is, the percentage that is either employed or looking for work)


The policy & practice of imposing the separation of races. In the U. S. the policy of segregation denied African - Americans their civil rights & provided inferior facilities & services for them, most noticeably in public schools, housing, & industry

Lynch law

The punishment of supposed criminals, especially by hanging, by agreement of a crowd. Used in the West as a way of maintaining minimum law & order before courts set up

Civil disobedience

The refusal to obey a lay out of a belief that the law is morally wrong. David Thoreau, Ghandi, Martin Luther King

National nominating conventions

The governing authority of the political party. They give direction to the national party chairperson, the spokesperson of the party, & the person who heads the national committee, the governing body of the party. They are also the forums where presidential candidates are given the official nod by their parties

postmaster general

The head of the U. S. Postal Service. Until 1970, the postmaster general was head of the federal Post Office Department & a member of the pres.'s cabinet. In 1970, the Postal Service was set up as an independent agency in place of the Post Office Department. The Postal Service is operated like a private corporation, although postal workers receive the benefits of federal employees

power of the purse

The influence that legislatures have over public policy because of their power to vote money for public purposes. The U. S. Congress must authorize the pres.'s budget requests to fund agencies & programs of the executive branch


The originator of a thought or emotion who puts it into a code that can be understood by a receiver

Treaty of Nanking

Treaty that concluded the Opium War. It awarded Britain a large indemnity from the Qing Empire, denied the Qing govt tariff control over some of its own borders, opened additional ports of residence to Britons, & ceded Hong Kong to Britain. (685)


Tribe of Native Americans from the Mid - West. Joined the British against the Americans in war of 1812

Persian empire

Tried to conquor Greece in 5th Century, but were defeated in the Battle of Marathon

Chief Joseph

Tried to lead his people to Canada to avoid forced resettlement, but captured at border & surrendered


Two categories of social identity of great importance in Indian history. Varna are the four major social divisions: the Brahmin priest class, the Kshatriya warrior/administrator class, the Vaishya merchant/farmer class, & the Shudra laborer class

Skybolt affair

Under the Nassau agreement the USA was to provide the UK with nuclear - armed Polaris missiles, in return for which the UK was to lease the Americans a nuclear submarine base in the Holy Loch, near Glasgow. followed the collapse of the Skybolt programme, which was an air - launched missile developed jointly by the two nations. No longer needed by the US, termination left a hole in the United Kingdom's nuclear deterrent

Roseau, Dominica

Vientiane, Laos


Vietnamese people defeated by Northern govt. of Hanoy

war crimes

Violations of the law governing the conduct of warfare, such as by mistreating prisoners of war or unnecessarily targeting civilians

Linear B

a system of writing used to record an early form of Greek

The Vice - Pres

Who is the leader of the Senate

had weak empires & poor economies without a middle class

Why did strong states form more slowly in central Europe than in western Europe

Eva Peron

Wife of Juan Peron & champion of the poor in Argentina. She was a gifted speaker & popular political leader who campaigned to improve the life of the urban poor by founding schools & hospitals & providing other social benefits


Wrote the plays Oedipus the King & Antigone, he introduced the third actor into his plays


Xenophobia is the fear & distrust of foreigners & the policies & objectives of other states

Production Function

Y = A f (L,K,H,N) sets out the relationship between the quantity of inputs used in production & the quantity of output from production


fixed space that an individual assumes some right to occupy


a speaker states where the listeners have been, where they are presently, & forecasts where they are going

Peace Corps

(JFK) volunteers who help third world nations & prevent the spread of communism by getting rid of poverty, Africa, Asia, & Latin America

Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla

Mexican priest who led the first stage of the Mexican independence war in 1810. He was captured & executed in 1811

Speaker of the House

presiding officer in the House of Representatives, formally elected by the House but actually selected by the majority party

interactional view of communication

the speaker & listener take turns speaking & listening

Stages of team development: form development

the stage where the members are becoming aquainted

Stages of team development: storming stage

the stage where the teams development starts happening through personality conflict & personality issues


the study of body movement posture & gesture

Whig party

Party formed to oppose Jackson & the democrats. Supported protective tariffs, national banking & federal aid for infrastructure. Fell into disunity over slavery, & later Republican party emerged from it

Macon Act

(JM), 1810, The Macon Bill stated that if either Britain or France agreed to observe the neutrality of the U. S. the US would resume trading with that country & continue the embargo on the other. The French soon agreed to American demands

impromptu speaking

a speaker uses information acquired from experience, speaks with little or no preparation, & organizes ideas while he or she is communicating


a state of closness between two people

WIlliam Penn

Penn, an English Quaker, founded Pennsylvania in 1682, after receiving a charter from King Charles II the year before. He launched the colony as a "holy experiment" based on religious tolerance


a statutory right or privilege granted to a person or group by a government (especially the rights of citizenship and the right to vote)


Peoples of the Russian Empire who lived outside the farming villages, often as herders, mercenaries, or outlaws. Cossacks led the conquest of Siberia in the sixteenth & seventeenth centuries

Nasir al - Din Tusi

Persian mathematician & cosmologist whose academy near Tabriz provided the model for the movement of the planets that helped to inspire the Copernican model of the solar system

Political consultant

Person who specializes in running a political campaign. James Carville & Karl Rove are examples of political consultants

problem oriented

a supportive style of communication in which the communicators focus on working together to solve their problems instead of trying to impose their solutions on one another

Civil Rights Act

(LBJ) 1964 LBJ passed this in 1964. Prohibited discrimination of African Americans in employement, voting, or public accomidations. Also said there could be no discrimination against race, color, sex, religion, or national origin, had to take literacy test

Urban Riots

(LBJ) large scale rioting, summer 1966 & 1967, so Pres appointed National Advisory Commission on Civil Disorders, said democracy to all citizen, adequate financing by both the federal & local govt


(LBJ) medical expense assitance provide by the state goverment to needy families

Uncle Tom's Cabin

(MF) 1852, a novel published by harriet beecher stowe in 1852 which portrayed slavery as brutal & immoral (caused Civil War), Europe applauds

Gag Resolution

(MVB) 18 - 36 - 1844, Strict rule passed by prosouthern Congressmen in 1836 to prohibit all discussion of slavery in the House of Representatives

Nixon's War on Inflation(RN),

(RN), 1971, no longer held long - held position against govt controls, now prices were frozen, dollar no longer valued as gold, it became floating dollar, federal jobs cuts

Peloponnesian War

Conflict between Athenian & Spartan Alliances. The war was largely a consequence of Athenian imperialism. Possession of a naval empire allowed Athens to fight a war of attrition. Ultimately, Sparta prevailed because of Athenian errors/Persian

Traditional Conflict

Conflict is unnecessaryconflict is to be feared,conflict is harmful,conflict is a personal failure, immediately stop conflict remove all evidence of conflict including people

merchandise approach

a way to approach a customer that focuses on making a comment or asking questions about a product in which the customer shows interest

Summit Conference in USSR

(RN), along with two top advisiors, Henry Kissinger & Gerard Smith, talked with USSR about conduct joint space teams, scientists cures of cancer & heart disease, cease from any further incidents, warships, pretty much cooperate together, & also talked about SALT

Gramm Rudman Act

(RR) It provided automatic spending cuts, balancing budget act

general partnership

a way to organize a business in which each partner shares in the profits & losses

Overt integrity test

a written test that estimates job applicants' honesty by directly asking them what they think or feel about theft or about punishment of unethical behaviors

peak association

an interest group organization whose membership is other organizations with parallel interests & goals; frequently a nationwide organization of specialized or localized smaller organizations

Norris LaGuardia & the Anti - Injunction Act

1932 - Liberal Republicans, Feorelo LaGuardia & George Norris cosponsored the Norris - LaGuardia Federal Anti - Injunction Act, which protected the rights of striking workers, by severely restricting the federal courts' power to issue injunctions against strikes & other union activities

Commitment problem

A situation in which people cannot achieve their goals because of an inability to make credible threats or promises

Remember the Maine

A slogan of the Spanish - American war referring to the sinking of a battleship in Cuba. Stirred up by yellow journalism, this lead McKinley to declare war

Nicaragua Dilemma

(RR), 1979, Sandinistas took over, Reagan no look, so he hired Contras, but Congress didn't want another Vietnam, however later found out the US govt was in Nicaragua's harbors trying to crippe its economy, & soon many became concerned whether it would make Soviet Union mad & strain European relations, so Congress voted to cut off military


A spanish explorer who conquered the Incas of Peru

World Bank

A specialized agency of the UN that makes loans to countries for economic development, trade promotion, & debt consolidation. Its formal name is the International Bank for Reconstruction & Development

National Party Platform

A statement of the general & specific philosophy & policy goals of a political party, usually promulgated at the national convention

# of Electoral Votes

A states' Representatives & Senators

Cold War Renewed

(RR), 1985, Reagan believe SALT II Treaty favored Soviet Union - evil, soon Mikhail Gorbachev party leadership, Reagan's view caused anxieties among America's Western European allies, antinuclear demonstrations in Europe start, the Yuri Andropov proposed arms reduction that he knew Reagan would reject, he wanted to corrupt Europe's & US's relations, but that didn't really work

Panama & Noregia

(GB1) after Omar Torrijos comes dominating Manuel Noriega, charged by US for drug trafficking, US sanctions attempted military coup (Operation Just Cause, largest since Vietnam), Noriega fled & surrendered

Resolution Trust Corporation

(GB1) managed the assets & liabilities of institutions that became insovlent between 1989 & 1992

Persian Gulf War

(GB1), 1991, a war fought between a coalition led by the U. S. & Iraq to free Kuwait from Iraqi invaders

Federal Campaign Finanace Law

(GF)fines up to 10,000 for each violation of the law in a civil case,PAC no more than 5000 per candidate

Tariff 1789

(GW) Hamilton, aka 10 percent tariff, protection of domestic manufacture by tariffs

International Military Tribunal

(HT) Robert Jackson, defined crime as something against - peace, humanity, & international law

Iron Curtain

(HT) Term used by Churchill in 1946 to describe the growing East - West divide in postwar Europe between communist & democratic nations

Pony Express

A system of mail service between Missouri & California

Head tax

A tax that collects the same amount from every taxpayer

Dred Scott Case

(JB) Supreme Court case which ruled that slaves are not citizens but are property, affirmed that property cannot be interfered with by Congress, slaves do not become free if they travel to free territories or states, fueled abolitionist movement, hailed as victory for the south


(JEC) 1979, Second Strategic Arms Limitations Talks. A second treaty was signed on June 18, 1977 to cut back the weaponry of the U. S. & the U. S. S. R. because it was getting too competitive. Set limits on the numbers of weapons produced. Not passed by the Senate as retaliation for U. S. S. R. 's invasion of Afghanistan, & later superseded by the START treaty

Was the Cold War Over

(RR), Gorbachev = supported political settlements in Angola & Cambodia, & took out troops from Afghanistan, wanted more open society (perestroika "restructing", glasnost "openess"), also reduced miltary spendings, Bush didn't support the programs like Star Wars

U. S. Embassy at Tehran, Iran

(JEC) Mohammed Reza Pahlavi became Iran "shah" & ayatollah khomeini didn't like this, shah wanted "white revolution", & shah exiled Khomeini, who later directed Islamic Republic, & kept hostages, Carter tried to help, he froze all Iranian assets in US, & also sent USS Nimitz in Gulf of Oman where 8 were killed, 2 eventsIran became victim of Iraq30 after RR became pres.

Panama Canal Treaty

(JEC), decision whether extend for a considerable period or exterminate, decided the latter since he didn't want bitter relations with Panama

Sin Tax

A tax that discourages activities society believes are harmful (sinful)

Underground Railroad

(FP) 1830, Harriet Tubman, a system that helped enslaved African Americans follow a network of escape routes out of the South to freedom in the North

Ostend Manifesto

(FP) 1854, a declaration (1854) issued from Ostend, Belgium, by the U. S. ministers to England, France, & Spain, stating that the U. S. would be justified in seizing Cuba if Spain did not sell it to the U. S. found out, Pierce repudiated

Federal Budget Deficit (Reagan)

(RR), hated big govt & wanted to cut taxes through offering increased defense spending, he was convinced that Soviet Union was a threat so he raised money for greater military like MX missile & Star Wars, this caused FBD (what govt took in & what it spent) of $200 billion, refused to support tax increases & refused lower social security benefits


(TJ) old democratic republicans who believed was of 1812 violated democratic prinapals

Portsmouth Treaty

(TR) 1905, Roosevelt & representatives from Russia & Japan work out treaty, Japan takes over Korea, Roosevelt wins Nobel Peace Prize

First Continental Railroad

(USG) Central Pacific Railroad, Union Pacific, Irish & Chinese, meets at Promontory Point, Utah

Panic of 1873

(USG) Four year economic depression caused by overspeculation on railroads & western lands, & worsened by Grant's poor fiscal response (refusing to coin silver

Union Pacific Railroad

(USG) railroad that started in Omaha, Nebraska & it connected with the Central Pacific Railroad in Promentary Point, Utah; hired Chinese immigrants

Central Pacific Railroad

(USG), A railroad that started in Sacramento & connected with the Union Pacific Railroad in Promentary Point, Utah; hired Irish immigrants

Military Base Closing

(WJC) 70 major bases were closed by Congress, politicians have no control

Welfare Reform

(WJC)"end welfare as we know it", poor ppl move from welfare to work, welfare payments to max of five years, welfare recipients engage in work within two years

Kyoto Accord

(WJC), multilateral environmental agreement which called on industrial nations to cut the discharge of harmful gases

Teller Resolution

(WMc) Congress granted the presiden the power to liberate Cuba, stating that the U. S. intended only to free Cuba from tyranny

Pinchot - Ballinger Controversy

(WT) Pinchot found out that Ballinger had taken a series of 'no - bid' contracts out companies intent on mining coal on federally protected land. Pinchot went to Taft, Teddy Roosevelts hand picked successor, & informed him. Taft basically told Pinchot that it was ok, & that the contracts would be allowed to stand. This caused a heated argument between Pinchot & Taft with Pinchot getting fired by the Pres.

Roaring Twenties

1920s era of freewheeling popular culture. People defied prohibition & indulged in new styles of dancing & dressing, rejected many traditional moral standards

Progressive movement

1920s movement that held that irresponsible actions by the rich were corrupting both public & private life. Called for trust busting, & progressive income tax

Service Employees International Union (SEIU)

1921 in Chicago, fastest growing labor union, representing 1. 8 million workers in about 100 occupations in the U. S. & Canada. The main divisions are Health Care (almost 50%), Public Services, & Property Services. affiliated with the Change to Win Federation

Teapot Dome Scandal

1929 - The Naval strategic oil reserve at Elk Hills, also known as "Teapot Dome" was taken out of the Navy's control & placed in the hands of the Department of the Interior, which leased the land to oil companies. Several Cabinet members received huge payments as bribes. Due to the investigation, Daugherty, Denky, & Fall were forced to resign

Henry L. Stimson & Manchuria

1932 - Japan's seizure of Manchuria brought this pronouncement by Hoover's Secretary of State, Henry Stimson, that the U. S. would not recognize any changes to China's territory, nor any impairment of China's sovereignty


A term used to designatethe ethnic Chinese people who originated in the Yellow River Valley & spread throughout regions of China suitable for agriculture andthe dynasty of emperors who ruled from 206 B. C. E. to 220 C. E

Wabash vs. Illinois

1886 - Stated that individual states can control trade in their states, but cannot regulate railroads coming through them. Congress has exclusive jurisdiction over interstate commerce. States cannot regulate or place restrictions on businesses which only pass through them, such as interstate transportation

Panama Taken

1903 - Hay - Herran Treaty, which would have allowed the U. S. to take control of a Canal Zone across the Isthmus of Panama to construct a canal, Roosevelt sent signals to Panamanian insurrectionists that the U. S. would support a revolt against Columbian rule of the province. When the insurrection came in November 1903, U. S. warships blocked Columbian troops from reinforcing a weak force on the Isthmus & Roosevelt hastily recognized the new country

Panama Canal Construction Begins

1904 - Construction lasted until 1914 & thousands died of disease & injury

Great White Fleet

1907 - 1909 - Roosevelt sent the Navy on a world tour to show the world the U. S. naval power. Also to pressure Japan into the "Gentlemen's Agreement. "

Pershing invades Mexico

1916 - A U. S. expeditionary force under Gen. John Pershing invaded Mexico in pursuit of Mexican rebel leader Pancho Villa, who had raided the border town of Columbus, New Mexico

Pacho Villa

1916 - Villa attacked Columbus, New Mexico & Pershing was directed to follow him into Mexico. Pershing met with resistance & eventually left without finding Pancho Villa

Dominican Republic occupied

1916 - the collapse of the govt in the Dominican Republic similarly precipitated a U. S. intervention to restore order

When did the US enter WWI

1918. The armistice was on Nov. 11 of the same year

Senate Rejects Versailles Treaty

1919 - Republican Majority Leader & Foreign Relations Committee Chairman Henry Cabot Lodge led opposition to the aspect of Wilson's League of Nations proposal that would commit the U. S. to the defense of other members of the League, but Lodge did not oppose the League outright. With Wilson's refusal to compromise, the Senate overwhelmingly rejected the Treaty by wide margins in two votes on November 19

Paris Peace conference (1919)

1919 conference at the end of WWI. The League of Nations was created. Can also refer to the 1947 treaty ending WWII

Traety of Rapallo

1920 - treaty between Italy & the Kingdom of Yugoslavia, issued to solve the dispute over some territories in current Slovenia & Croatia. Tension arose at the end of WWI, when the Empire of Austria - Hungary dissolved & Italy wanted to implement the borders agreed upon in the London Pact. 1922

Greater East Asia Co - Prosperity Sphere

1940 - It is remembered today in the West largely as a front for the Japanese control of Axis - occupied countries during WWII, in which puppet govts manipulated local populations & economies for the benefit of wartime Japan. It was an Imperial Japanese Army concept which originated with General Hachiro Arita, who at the time was minister of foreign affairs & an army ideologist. "Greater East Asia" was a Japanese term referring to East Asia, Southeast Asia & surrounding areas

Moscow Conference

1943, (FDR), US, GB, & USSR, talked about principle of sovereign


1944 - The last major offensive by the German army in WWII. In late 1944, the invasion of Belgium by the Allies was temporarily stopped by a German counterattack in which the Germans broke through the Allied defenses, seizing territory that caused a large "bulge" in their lines. The Allies, led by General George Patton, drove the German forces back with heavy casualties on both sides

Bretton Woods Conference

1944, (FDR) The common name for the UN Monetary & Financial Conference held in New Hampshire, 44 nations at war with the Axis powers met to create a world bank to stabilize international currency, increase investment in under - developed areas, & speed the economic recovery of Europe

Statute of the International Court of Justice

1945 as the judicial arm of the UN, was designed to provide a forum for hearing disputes under international law between member states. functions as an independent court, & also issues advisory opinions on various questions of law

Truman Doctrine

1947 - Stated that the U. S. would support any nation threatened by Communism

Truman Doctrine

1947. To contain communism, Truman, in an address to Congress, said the U. S. would support "free peoples who are resisting attempted subjugation by armed minorities or by outside pressures. " Congress appropriate $400 million in economic assistance for Greece & Turkey

Vietnam War

1954 - 1975. North tried to take over th South with help of Viet Cong. Eisenhower & Kenedy sent advisors, Johnson sent half a million troops. Tet offensive & My Lai massacre severe set back. Nixon & Kissinger negotiated cease fire & withdrawl. Lead to severe division of American society at home

UN Convention on the Prevention & Punishment of Crimes Against Internationally Protected Persons, Including Diplomatic Agents

1977, adopted in response to an increase in the number of kidnappings & attacks on diplomats, state officials & representatives of international organizations, & provides for enhanced criminal penalties for such crimes. It requires states to adopt strict national laws against attacks on diplomats & to either try perpetrators or agree to their extradition

Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women

1979, Women's Bill of Rights, gender equity in work places, home and reproductive rights

Communist takeover of Nicaragua

1981 - Nicaragua was taken over by the Sandinista party after a popular revolt. The Sandinistas were then opposed by armed insurgents, the U. S. - backed Contras, from 1981. The Sandinista govt nationalized several sectors of the economy but lost national elections in 1990. The new govt reprivatized many public enterprises. Sandinista leader Daniel Ortega returned to power after winning the presidential election of 2006

Convention on the Rights of the Child

1990, is one of the primary human rights treaties. requires States Parties to take "all appropriate measures to ensure that the child is protected against all forms of discrimination or punishment on the basis of the status, activities, expressed opinions, or beliefs of the child's parents. "protects children's' rights through the juvenile justice system & calls for states to adhere to policies that accord with the best interests of children. has been ratified by 192 countries. The U. S. is not a party

Irish potato famine

19th century famine due to failure of potato crop. Lead to mass migration to the US

What are the 3 qualifications to be a representative

25 years old, live in US for 7 years, live in the state you represent

What are the 3 qualifications of a Senator

30 years old, 9 years in US, live in the state they represent


3500 to 2350 BCE - first society to develop written language - cuneiform - lower end of Tigris - Euphrates river system delta - highly developed society


A Persian - influenced literary form of Hindi written in Arabic characters & used as a literary language since the 1300s

Revisionist Approach to Foreign Policy

A Revisionist approach to foreign policy seeks to alter territorial, ideological, or power distribution to the state's advantage

Desmond Tutu

A South African cleric & activist who rose to worldwide fame during the 1980s as an opponent of apartheid. Tutu was the first black South African Anglican Archbishop of Cape Town, South Africa. He was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1984

social Darwinism

A theory that competition between all individuals, groups, nations or ideas drives social evolution in human societies. The term is an extension of Charles Darwin's theory of evolution where competition between individual organisms drives biological evolutionary change (speciation) through the survival of the fittest

Political culture

A broadly shared way of thinking about political & economic life that reflects fundamental assumptions about how govt should operate. It is distinct from political ideology, which refers to a more or less consistent set of views about the policies govt ought to follow. Up to a point people sharing a common political culture can disagree about ideology

Quorum call

A calling of the roll in either house of Congress to see whether the number of representatives in attendance meets the minimum number required to conduct official business

Little Ice Age

A century - long period of cool climate that began in the 1590s. Its ill effects on agriculture in northern Europe were notable

Home - rule charter

A charter that allows the city govt to do anything that is not prohibited by the charter or by state law

Oak Ridge

A city in Tennessee, where uranium for the atomic bomb was produced during WWII. Since that time, the govt has maintained a variety of nuclear research facilities in Oak Ridge

Change to Win Federation

A coalition of American labor unions originally formed in 2005 as an alternative to the AFL - CIO. Includes the Teamsters, Laborers' Union, the United Food & Commercial Workers International Union, & the SEIU


A code of conduct among nobles which held a high ethical standard of individuals to become examples of behavior in society

Vertical Merger

A combination of two companies that are involved in different phases of producing a product

By Passing

A comminication problem that arises when the same words mean different things to different people


A concerted effort to get people to stop buying goods & services from a company or person in order to punish that company or to coerce its owner into changing policies


A confederation of nomadic peoples living beyond the northwest frontier of ancient China. Chinese rulers tried a variety of defenses & stratagems to ward off these 'barbarians,' as they called them, & dispersed them in 1st Century


A coordinated group of people intentionally organized to work together to achieve a common goal

Department of Justice

A department of the federal executive branch, headed by the attorney general, which administers the FBI, prosecutes violations of federal law, & is responsible for enforcing all civil rights legislation

right - wing

A descriptive term for an individual or a political faction that advocates very conservative policies. Right - wing groups generally support free enterprise. In the U. S. the right wing generally argues for a strong national defense program & opposes federal involvement in promoting social welfare. Although both major political parties in the U. S. have right - wing factions, right - wing policies are usually associated with the Republican party

Shebaa Farms

A disputed area between Israel & Lebanon on the border of the Golan Heights & Lebanon

Great Western Schism

A division in the Latin (Western) Christian Church between 1378 & 1417, when rival claimants to the papacy existed in Rome & Avignon

Operation Rolling Thunder

A full - scale bombing attack against North Vietnam. There were approximately 184,000 Americans involved

Brain trust

A group of intellectuals & planners who act as advisors, especially to a govt

Joint - Stock Company

A group of investors who bought the right to establish New World plantations from the King


A group of persecuted English Puritans who arrived on the Mayflower


A group theory characterized by many interest groups vying for control resulting in a govt that is tied up in a gridlock

Sponsored party

A local or state political party that is largely staffed & funded by another organization with established networks in the community. One example is the Democratic party in & around Detroit, which has been developed, led, & to a degree financed by the political - action arm of the United Auto Workers

steam engine

A machine that turns the energy released by burning fuel into motion. Thomas Newcomen built the first crude but workable steam engine in 1712. James Watt vastly improved his device in the 1760s & 1770s. Steam power was then applied to machinery. (607)

Social status

A measure of one's social standing obtained by combining factors such as education, income, & occupation

National convention

A meeting of party delegates elected in state primaries, caucuses, or conventions that is held every four years. Its primary purpose is to nominate presidential & vice - presidential candidates & to ratify a campaign platform

Circular structure

A method of organizing a pres.'s staff in which several presidential assistants report directly to the pres.


A negative vote cast in the UNSC by one of the five permanent members that defeats the issue being voted on

National chairman

A paid, full - time manager of a party's day - to - day work who is elected by the national committee

South Carolina Exposition & Protest

A pamphlet published by the South Carolina legislature speaking against the "Tariff of Abominations. " It proposed nullification of the tariff to prevent secession

Congressional campaign committee

A party committee in Congress that provides funds to members who are running for reelection or to would - be members running for an open seat or challenging a candidate from the opposition party

Political machine

A party organization that recruits its members by dispensing patronage - tangible incentives such as money, political jobs, or an opportunity to get favors from govt - and that is characterized by a high degree of leadership control over member activity

John Brown

A passionate abolitionist who led a raid in 1859 which made Southerners feel like they had to go on the defense, that the North was plotting their demise!

In - kind transfer

A payment made not in the form of cash but in the form of a good or service


A people & state in the Wei Valley of eastern China that conquered rival states & created the first Chinese empire (221 - 206 B. C. E. ). The Qin ruler, Shi Huangdi, standardized many features of Chinese society & enslaved subjects. (163)

Renaissance (European)

A period of intense artistic & intellectual activity, said to be a 'rebirth' of Greco - Roman culture. Usually divided into an Italian Renaissance, from roughly the mid - fourteenth to mid - fifteenth century, & a Northern trans - Alpine Renaissance (407,445)


A philosophical movement in eighteenth - century Europe that fostered the belief that one could reform society by discovering rational laws that governed social behavior & were just as scientific as the laws of physics

Nonviolent civil disobedience

A philosophy of opposing a law one considers unjust by peacefully violating it & allowing oneself to be punished as a result


A philosophy that stressed leading virtuous lives & not letting both good & bad things in life affect one too much

Middle America

A phrase coined by Joseph Kraft in a 1968 newspaper column to refer to Americans who have moved out of poverty but are not yet affluent & who cherish traditional middle - class values

Shot heard round the world

A phrase from poem by Emerson about the first shots of the first battle of the Revolutionary War, encouraging worldwide movements towards democracy

Double - tracking

A procedure to keep the Senate going during a filibuster in which the disputed bill is shelved temporarily so that the Senate can get on with other business

In forma pauperis

A procedure whereby a poor person can file & be heard in court as a pauper, free of charge

Senatorial Courtesy

A process by which pres.s, when selecting district court judges, defer to the senators in whose state the vacancy occurs

Budget resolution

A proposal submitted by the House & Senate budget committees to their respective chambers recommending a total budget ceiling & a ceiling for each of several spending areas (such as health or defense) for the current fiscal year. These budget resolutions are intended to guide the work of each legislative committee as it decides what to spend in its area

Regional Primary

A proposed system in which the country would be divided into five or six geographic areas & all states in each region would hold their presidential primary on the same day

Real quantity

A quantity that is measured in physical terms - for example, in terms of quantities of goods & services

three - field system

A rotational system for agriculture in which one field grows grain, one grows legumes, & one lies fallow. It gradually replaced two - field system in medieval Europe

Rome - Berlin Axis 1934

A series of treaties in 1936 & 37 between Germany, Italy, & Japan created what was called the Rome - Berlin - Tokyo Axis. " The coutries were thereafter refered to as the Axis Powers

Party dealignment

A shift away from the major political parties to a more neutral, independent ideological view of party identification

Explain the following formula: SAB=SAC+2

A single accomplishment bullet consists of the following attributes: specific, accurate, concise, single accomplishment/achievment, & impact

Roosevelt Corollary

Addition to the Monroe Doctrine asserting America's right to intervene in Latin American affairs

Positive analysis

Addresses the economic consequences of a particular event or policy, not whether those consequences are desirable


Africans rescued by Britain's Royal Navy from the illegal slave trade of the nineteenth century & restored to free status

Neo - Assyrian Empire

An empire extending from western Iran to Syria - Palestine, conquered by the Assyrians of northern Mesopotamia between the tenth & seventh centuries B. C. E. They used force & terror & exploited the wealth & labor of their subjects. (93)

Simple resolution

An expression of opinion either in the House of Representatives or the Senate to settle housekeeping or procedural matters in either body. Such expressions are not signed by the pres. & do not have the force of law


An identifiable group of persons who possess a disproportionate share of some valued resource - - such as money or political power

graduated income tax

An income tax that takes proportionately more from higher wage earners


An increase in the official value of a currency (in a fixed - exchange - rate system)


An organization of nearly all world states, created after WWII to promote collective security


An organized attempt by voters of one party to influence the primary results of the other party

Emma Goldman

An outspoken radical who was deported after being arrested on charges of being an anarchist, socialist, or labour agitator.

Shay's Rebellion

An uprising in MA in 1786, whose occurance demonstrated the need for a stronger national govt

the world's largest desert

Antartica. The largest hot desert is the Sahara in North Africa, which is the size of the U. S

Liberty Party

Antislavery party that won 16,000 votes in election of 1844, hurt Clay's chance at victory


Any burden, monetary or nonmonetary, that some people must bear, or think that they must bear, if a policy is adopted

Ibn Khaldun

Arab historian. He developed an influential theory on the rise & fall of states. Born in Tunis, he spent his later years in Cairo as a teacher & judge. In 1400 he was sent to Damascus to negotiate the surrender of the city. (336)

Radio Sawa

Arabic radio started by the US in 2002

take care clause

Article 2, Section 3; the pres.s take care that the laws are faithfully executed, even if they disagree with the purpose of those laws


Charles the Great, he was king of the Franks from 768 to 814 & king of the Lombards from 774 to 814. regarded as the founder of the Holy Roman Empire, Through military conquest & defence, he solidified & expanded his realm to cover most of Western Europe & is today regarded as the founding father of both France & Germany & sometimes as the Father of Europe. His was the first truly imperial power in the West since the fall of Rome

Price Rigidity

Characteristics of oligopolistic markets by which firms are reluctant to change prices even if costs or demands change

postmodern voters

Characterized by a set of values that center on "quality of life" considerations

Common Market

Characterized by free movement of factors of production

Effluent Fees

Charges imposed by govt on the level of pollution created


Checking the accuracy of your understanding by restating your partners message in your own words

Richard Daley

Chicago mayor & political boss 50s - 70s. Credited with helping elect JFK in Illinois & for using force against protestors during Democratic convention in 1968

Tomas de Torquemada

Chief judge of the spanish inquisition, known for his severity

Treaty Ports

Cities opened to foreign residents as a result of the forced treaties between the Qing Empire & foreign signatories. In the treaty ports, foreigners enjoyed extraterritoriality

Suspect classifications

Classifications of people on the basis of their race & ethnicity. The courts have ruled that laws classifying people on these grounds will be subject to "strict scrutiny. "

Coercive Acts

Closed Boston Harbor to all but essential trade (food & firewood) & declared it would remain closed until the damages incurred during the Boston Tea Party were paid for. Several measures tightened English control over the Massachusetts govt & its courts, & another required civilians to house British soldiers

Self Governing Colony

Colony allowed to self - govern. (Connecticut, Rhode Island)

Robert E. Lee

Commanding General of Confederate troops during the Civil War. Victory in Chancellorsville but loss in Gettysburg

Strong cultures:

Commit members to do things that are in the best interests of the organization

the life span for a US treasury note

Commonly used bills such as the 1,5,10, & 20 dollar bills last about 2 years. For the 2, 50 & 100, it can be over 4 years

Mass Communication

Communication accomplished through a mediated message that is sent to many people at the same time

UN General Assembly

Comprised of representatives of all states, it allocates UN funds, passes non - binding resolutions, & coordinates third world development programs & various autonomous agencies through the ECOSOC

Riga Axioms

Conferences that established Soviet Union as a ideolically driven country that cannot be dealt with

Russian Provisional govt

Mar 1917 - formed in Petrograd after the deterioration of the Russian Empire & the tsar's abdication. According to the will of the Grand Duke, the provisional govt should rule until the Constituent Assembly determines the form of govt in Russia. Provisional govt should provide elections to the Assembly

Solid South

Dominance by the Democratic Party in the South following the Civil War. The Republicans made strong inroads when Ronald Reagan was elected Pres. in 1980 & after the Republicans gained control of the Congress in 1994

Unified Italy

During the mid 1800's, count Camillo di Cavour expanded the Piedmont - Sardinia's power & also

Peter Stuyvesant

Dutch govenor who surrendered New Netherlands to English who renamed it New York


Early - 16th - century Spanish adventurers who conquered Mexico, Central America, & Peru

Jacob Riis

Early 1900's writer who exposed social & political evils in the U. S. Muckraker novel, How the Other Half Lives. It shocked the middle class & deeply influenced Theodore Roosevelt


Early Indian sacred 'knowledge' - the literal meaning of the term - long preserved & communicated orally by Brahmin priests & eventually written down. (175)

Panic of 1837

Ecnomic downturn caused by loose lending practices of stat banks' and overspeculation. Martin Van Buren spent most of his time in office attempting to stablize and lessen the economic situation


Edison invented the light bulb at the turn of the century, revolutionizing the American way of life

Abstract Meaning

Meaning that refers to something that con not be preceived or experienced with one of the senses


Meanings that are implicit or hidden in a text rather than explicitly addressed


Medicine in the 5th century BC greek empire

Constitutional Convention

Meeting in 1787 of the elected representatives of the thirteen original states to write the Constitution of the U. S

Nashville Convention

Meeting twice in 1850, its purpose was to protect the slave property in the South

confirmation hearings

Meetings held by the Senate to gather information about candidates for federal office nominated by the pres. of the U. S. Under the Constitution, the pres. has the right to appoint whomever he wants to various govt offices, including members of the cabinet & federal judges, but each appointment must be approved by the Senate as part of the separation of powers


In China, a political philosophy that emphasized the unruliness of human nature & justified state coercion & control. The Qin ruling class invoked it to validate the authoritarian nature of their regime


In Chinese belief, complementary factors that help to maintain the equilibrium of the world. Yin is associated with masculine, light, & active qualities; yang with feminine, dark, & passive qualities

Virginia Resolves

In response to the 1765 Stamp Act, Patrick Henry persuaded the Virginia House of Burgesses to adopt several strongly worded resolutions that denied Parliament's right to tax the colonies. Known as the Virginia Resolves, these resolutions persuaded many other colonial legislatures to adopt similar positions


Member of a prominent family of the Mongols' Jagadai Khanate, Timur through conquest gained control over much of Central Asia & Iran. He consolidated the status of Sunni Islam as orthodox, & his descendants, the Timurids, maintained his empire. (336)

Gettysburg Address

Major speech delivered by Lincoln during the Civil War ('Fore score & seven years ago. govt of the people, by the people & for the people shall not perish from the Earth. "

Supervisory Management

Managers who design & carry out operational plans for the ongoing daily activities of the firm

Learning Organizations

Organizations that are able to continually learn & adapt to new circumstances


Organized in the fall of 1960 by Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr. as a student civil rights movement inspired by sit - ins, it challenged the status quo & walked the back roads of Mississippi & Georgia to encourage Blacks to resist segregation & to register to vote

straw poll

Originally, a small, informal opinion survey. Today, a straw poll is generally a large - scale, scientifically determined public opinion survey based on a random sample of the population. Straw polls are commonly used to test public opinion of candidates running for office

Seward Purchase of Alaska

Paid $7. 2 million for "Seward's icebox," but later proved to be useful addition

Natural rights

Part of Locke's philosophy; rights that are God given such as life, liberty, & property

the Indus & Ganges Rivers

Part of network of rivers running through lush forest & jungles of Indian subcontinent. Indus, in modern Pakistan, gave birth to world's first civilized societies. Ganges is not longest of India's rivers, but has tremendous cultural & religious significance


Part of the Comoros Islands. It is the only Catholic island; recently voted to become the 5th overseas department of France

Crossover voting

Participation in the primary of a party with which the voter is not affiliated

utopian socialism

Philosophy introduced by the Frenchman Charles Fourier in the early nineteenth century. Utopian socialists hoped to create humane alternatives to industrial capitalism by building self - sustaining communities whose inhabitants would work cooperatively (616


Phoenicia was an ancient civilization in the north of ancient Canaan, with its heartland along the coastal plains of what are now Lebanon & Syria. Phoenician civilization was an enterprising maritime trading culture that spread right across the Mediterranean during the first millennium BC


Polish trade union created in 1980 to protest working conditions & political repression. It began the nationalist opposition to communist rule that led in 1989 to the fall of communism in eastern Europe

Susan B. Anthony

Political activist who spent her life campaigning for women's right to vote

soft money

Political donations made to parties for the purpose of general party maintenance & support. This type of contribution is not limited by federal law. It can be used for get - out - the - vote campaigns, issue advocacy, & advertisements that promote the party


Political ideology that stresses people's membership in a nation - a community defined by a common culture & history as well as by territory. In the late eighteenth & early nineteenth centuries, nationalism was a force for unity in western Europe (713)

Republican Party

Political party that evolved from the Whig Party, coming to power after Lincoln's election. It is one of the two current major political parties

New federalism

Political theory first espoused by Richard Nixon & carried out by Ronald Reagan. New federalism advocates the downsizing of the federal govt & the devolution of power to the states

Tracking poll

Polls conducted by media outlets to gauge the potential outcome of a political election on a periodic basis

Push Polls

Polls taken for the purpose of providing information on an opponent that would lead respondents to vote against that candidate


Popular Front helped preserve democracy in


Port city in the modern Southeast Asian country of Malaysia, founded about 1400 as a trading center on the Strait of Malacca. Also spelled Melaka

sub - Saharan Africa

Portion of the African continent lying south of the Sahara

3 concepts of National Interest

Power & National Security - Domestic Impact Conception - Ideological Principle Conception


Power is influence & control excercised by one nation over others

Legitimate Power

Power that is derived from & individuals position in an organization

Expert Power

Power that is derived from an individuals extensive knowledge in one or more areas

Referent Power

Power that is derived from an individuals personal charisma & the respect and/or admiration the individual inspires

Congressional oversight

Power used by Congress to gather information useful for the formation of legislation, review the operations & budgets of executive departments & independent regulatory agencies, conduct investigations through committee hearings, & bring to the public's attention the need for public policy

Gupta Empire

Powerful Indian state based, like its Mauryan predecessor, on a capital at Pataliputra in the Ganges Valley. It controlled most of the Indian subcontinent through a combination of military force & its prestige as a center of sophisticated culture (186)


Powerful postclassic empire in central Mexico (900 - 1168 C. E. ). It influenced much of Mesoamerica. Aztecs claimed ties to this earlier civilization

Delegated Powers

Powers given to the Federal govt

What is an Enumerated Power

Powers specifically given to Congress

First degree price discrimination

Practice of charging each customer her reservation price

Third Degree Price Discrimination

Practice of dividing consumers into tow or more groups with separrate demand curves & charging different prices to each group


Practice of requiring a customer to purchase on good in order to purchase another

vehicle/crew scheduling

finding the optimal way to use resources such as aircraft, bus, or trucks, & their operating crews to provide transportation services to customers & materials to be moved between different locations

Poverty line

References the point at which an individual is considered living in what has been called a "culture of poverty. "

John Foster Dulles

Secretary of State under Eisenhower from 1953 to 1959. He was a significant figure in the early Cold War era, advocating an aggressive stance against communism around the world. He advocated support of the French in their war against the Viet Minh in Indochina & famously refused to shake the hand of Zhou Enlai at the Geneva Conference in 1954

Efficiency Seeking

Seeking to minimizing unit delivered cost to market, for both production & delivery (transportation, insurance, marketing, tariffs etc), to establish a portfolio of production sources reducing risk, obtaining knowledge including technology & skills


Separatist movement from Russia; terrorist acts by Chechens have spurred Russian intervention. Oil in the area exacerbates it

Two Camps Doctrine (Zhdanov Doctrine)

Sept. 1947, Stalin speech that the country is split into two camps, east and west. First person to acknowledge this.

House of Hanover

Series of English kings & queens who strengthened parliament

Fertile Crescent (Tigris - Euphrates river system)

Settlement began as early as 8000 BCE. Large scale agriculture by 5000 BCE. Sumerian - Babylonian civilizations

Shah Abbas I

Shah of Iran (r. 1587 - 1629). The most illustrious ruler of the Safavid Empire, he moved the imperial capital to Isfahan in 1598, where he erected many palaces, mosques, & public buildings

Treaty of San Lorenzo

Signed with Spain in 1795, the Treaty of San Lorenzo - also known as Pinckney's Treaty - gave the U. S. unrestricted access to the Mississippi River & established the border between the U. S. & Spanish Florida

First Great Awakening

a time of religious fervor during the 1730s & 1740s. The movement arose in reaction to the rise of skepticism & the waning of religious faith brought about by the Enlightenment. Protestant ministers held revivals throughout the English colonies in America, stressing the need for individuals to repent & urging a personal understanding of truth


a type of supportive communication suggesting that the sender reguards as worthy of respect

brand mark

a unique symbol, coloring, lettering, or other design elements

express warranty

a warranty that is explicitly stated, in writing or verbally, to encourage a customer to make a purchase

speech presentation outline

flesh out the outline with examples & illustrations & write in internal summaries & forecasts

Strict scrutiny

The standard by which the Supreme Court judges classifications based on race. To be accepted such a classification must be closely related to a "compelling" public purpose


The study of how close or far away from people & objects we postion ourselves


The study of how humans use space & objects to communicate occupancy or ownership of space

Net Domestic Product (NDP)

The sum of consumption expenditures, govt expenditures, net exports, & invetment less depreciation

Third - Partyism

The tendency of 3rd parties to arise with some regularity in a nominally 2 - party system


The overall division of power between the federal govt & state govts; as defined in the Tenth Amendment of the Constitution. It specifically tells the states that they have reserved powers. Powers not delegated to the govt by the Constitution are given to the respective states

Party machine

The party organization that exists on the local level & uses patronage as the means to keep the party members in line. Boss Tweed & Tammany Hall are examples

Consumption function

The relationship between consumption spending & its determinants, in particular, disposable (after - tax) income

Sepoy Rebellion

The revolt of Indian soldiers in 1857 against certain practices that violated religious customs; also known as the Sepoy Mutiny

New Immigration

The second major wave of immigration to the U. S. betwen 1865 - 1910, 25 million new immigrants arrived. Unlike earlier immigration, which had come primarily from Western & Northern Europe, the New Immigrants came mostly from Southern & Eastern Europe, fleeing persecution & poverty. Language barriers & cultural differences produced mistrust by Americans

considering the point of view for your communication, discribe how writing in the second person is done

The second person is the person spoken to; using the second person allows the writer to maintain some personal relationship with the reader

Corporate Culture

The set of attitudes, values, & standards that distinguishes one organization from another


The shared set of beliefs, values, & patterns of behavior common to a group of people

Situation analysis

The situation analysis can be divided into six major areas of concern:the cooperative environment;the competitive environment;the economic environment;the social environment;the political environment; andthe legal environment


The transformation of factors into goods & services

National Guard

The volunteer military forces of each state, which the governor of a state can summon in times of civil disorder or natural disaster. Through congressional & presidential order, the National Guard can be called into service in the regular U. S. army

Starving time

The winter of 1609 to 1610 was known as the "starving time" to the colonists of Virginia. Only sixty members of the original four - hundred colonists survived. The rest died of starvation because they did not possess the skills that were necessary to obtain food in the new world

Split ticket

Voting for candidates of different parties for various offices in the same election. For example, voting for a Republican for senator & a Democrat for pres.

THe Greek Empire, then Plato, then Alexander, Then The Romans

What came first, Alexander the Great, Roman Empire, Greek Empire, Plato

That Hitler's advances could be blocked

What crucial lesson was learned in the Battle of Britain

Dis - USA

What did Great Britain start Calling the U. S. under the Articles of Confederation

They are examples of flaws, or fallaciesin logic

What do the terms "faulty analogy,"asserted conclusion","loaded question", and"non sequitur" have in common

more than 1/2

What does a Majority Vote mean

The Roman Empire

What empire controlled the highest percentage of world population in human history

German invasion of Belgium

What event caused ITaly to refuse to support its ally Germany

The stock market crash of 1929

What event marked the beginning of the Great Depression

The declaration of war by France on Prussia

What event was strongly influenced by economic problems

Rate, volume, force, pitch, & emphasis

What fundamentals of speech add variety to a presentation


What happens if the fed interest rate goes too low


What is an accurate description for Goethe, Chopin, Coleridge, & Constable

Opportunity benefit

What is gained by making a particular choice

Colonization of America

What killed more people: the black plague or colonization of america

Small States

What kind of States liked the New Jersey Plan

The current, capital, & reserve accounts

What makes up a nation's Balance of Payments

observable culture

What one sees & hears when walking around an organization

poor student reading about democracy

What person would most likely have been a radical in the 1800's

Ruthless leadership

What political trends helped lead to the formation of the Second Reich

German invasion of Poland

What prompted Great Britain & France to declare war on Germany

The Bureau of Labor Statistics

What publishes the CPI every month

Volta, Congo, & Niger

What rivers drain into the gulf of Guinea

experimental method

a research technique in which a researcher observes the results of changing one or more marketing variables while keeping certain other variables constant under controlled conditions

pure project

a self - contained team works full time on the project

vertical retailer

a company that designs, produces, & sells its own products, without using middlemen or wholesalers

open shop

a company with a labor agreement under which union membership cannot be required as a condition of employment

low context culture

a culture that relies heavily on language to make messages especially of relational nature explicit


a defence arrousing behavior in which the sender expresses indifference toward the reciever


a defence arrousing style of communication in which the sender states or implies that the reciever is inferior

socioeconomic status

a division of population based on occupation, income, education

state corporatism

a form of corporatism whose adherents hold that the corporate group which is the basis of society is the state (Wikipedia)


a formal public agreement between the U. S. & one or more nations that must be approved by two thirds of the Senate

independent agency

a gov entity that is independent of the legislative, executive, & judicial branches


a govt - owned corporation to compensate for the lack of private economic development or to ensure complete & equitable service to the whole country (can be anything from a national airline or a railroad to a postal system or manufacturing & marketing operations)

the Euro - Atlantic Partnership Council

a multilateral forum created to improve relations between NATO & non - NATO countries in Europe & those parts of Asia on the European pheriphary. The member states meet to cooperate & consult on a range of political & security issues. It was formed on May 29, 1997 as the successor to the North Atlantic Cooperation Council (NACC)


a name, term, design, symbol, or combination of these elements that identifies a business, product, or service & distinguishes it from its competitors


a need that is sufficiently pressing to direct the person to seek satisfaction of the need


a party made up of farmers and laborers that wanted direct election of senators and an 8hr working day

Thales of Miletus

a philosopher who taught that everything was made of water

circle graph

a pie - shaped geometric representation of the relative sizes of the parts of a whole; also called a pie chart


a political regime in which govt citizens choose leaders directly or indirectly

the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN)

a political, economic, & cultural organization of countries located in Southeast Asia. Formed on August 8, 1967, by Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, & the Philippines, as a non - provocative display of solidarity against communist expansion in Vietnam & insurgency within their own borders

business plan

a proposal that outlines a strategy to turn a business idea into a reality

counterfeit question

a question that disguises the speakers true motive which doesn't include a genuine desire to understand the other person

sincere question

a question that imposes a genuine desire to learn from another person


a social division based on national origin, religion, language, & often race

Media advocacy

an advocacy group tactic that involves framing issues as public issues

the Central American Common Market

an economic trade organization between 5 nations of Central America. established December 13, 1960 between the nations of Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras & Nicaragua in a conference in Managua. Costa Rica joined the CACM in 1963. collapsed in 1969 with the Football War between Honduras & El Salvador, reinstated in 1991. not achieved the further goals of greater economic & political unification that were hoped for at the organization's founding,

Principle of personal virtue

an ethical principle that holds that you should never do anything that is not honest, open, & truthful

Principle of distributive justice

an ethical principle that holds that you should never take any action that harms the least fortunate among us

Principle of individual rights

an ethical principle that holds that you should never take any action that infringes on others; agreed - upon rights

Principle of long - term self interest

an ethical principle that holds that you should never take any action that is not in you or your organizations long term self - interest

positive reinforcement

an event which follows behavior & increases the likelihood that it will occur again


an ideology that is dominated by concern for the environment but also promotes grassroots democracy, social justice, equal opportunity, nonviolence, respect for diversity, & feminism


an independent governmeent agency that regulates interstate and international communications by radio and television and wire and cable and satellite

unfolding organizational speech structure

an inductive style, in which the speaker lays out supporting evidence & then draws a conclusion, leading the listeners to be drawn into the argument

the Pacific Islands Forum

an inter - governmental consultative organ which aims to enhance cooperation between the independent countries of the Pacific Ocean & represent their interests. It was founded in 1971 as the South Pacific Forum; the name was changed in 2000 to better reflect the correct geographic locations of its member states both in the north & south Pacific

the Organization for Security & Co - operation in Europe

an international organization for security. In its region, it is concerned with early warning, conflict prevention, crisis management & post - conflict rehabilitation. The Organization for Security & Co - operation in Europe has 55 participating states from Europe, the Mediterranean, the Caucasus, Central Asia & North America. The OSCE's Secretariat (headquarters) is located in Vienna, Austria. The Organization also has offices in Copenhagen, Geneva, The Hague, Prague & Warsaw

never - out list

an inventory monitoring plan used for best - selling products that make up a large percentage of sales volume

model stock list

an inventory monitoring plan used for merchandise that quickly goes out of fashion

negative correlation

an inverse association between two variables. As one variable become larger, the other one becomes smaller


an official who is expected to vote independetly basedon his or her judgment of the circumstances; one interpretation of the role of the legislator


an organizing principle that matters ought to be handled by the smallest, lowest or least centralized competent authority (Wikipedia definition)

nonprofit organization

an organziation that can function like a business but uses the money it makes to fund the cause identified in its charter

swot analysis

an overall evaluation of the company's strengths, weaknesses, & opportunties, & threats

emotional response theory

any human emotion experienced can be interpreted along three deminsions


any system of philosophy emphasizing the intuitive and spiritual above the empirical and material

Line managers

are responsible for work activities that directly affect organization's outputs


arranging for a product to occupy a clear, distinctive, & desirable place relative to competing products in the minds of target consumers

economies of scale

as a plant gets larger & volume increases, average cost per unit of output drops

Landrum - Griffin Act (1959)

attempted to eliminate racketeering from org. labor, to promote union democracy & self - govt, & to provide for closer supervision by the Federal gov

matrix project

attempts to blend properties of functional & pure project structures

Reciprocal Trade Agreement Act of 1934

authorize tarriffs to decrease 50%, in return for reciprocal lowering of tarriffs - increase of exports for America 40%

office block ballot

ballot on which all candidates are listed under the office for which they are running, making split ticket voting easier

indirect effect of an increase in the money supply

banks lower interest rates that they charge on loans - >encourages people to take out those loans - >businesses engage in new investment with the funds loaned - >individuals will engage in more consumption of durable goods (housing, autos, & home entertainment centers) - >generates a rise in aggregate demand - - >more people involved in more spending

the Euro - Mediterranean free trade area

based on the Barcelona Process & European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP). The Barcelona Process, developed after the Barcelona Conference in successive annual meetings, is a set of goals designed to lead to a free trade area in the Middle East by 2010. Eventually it will integrate free trade with the EU

marketing concept

businesses should satisfy customers' needs & wants while making a profit

flexible processes

flexible manufacturing systems & simple, easy set up equipment; allow for rapid low - cost switching from one product line to another which enables economies of scope

specialty store

carries narrow product lines with deep assortments within those lines


choosing a "good enough" alternative


choosing a goal & developing a strategy to achieve that goal

Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties

codifies customary international law with regard to the entry, modification, revocation & enforcement of international agreements. It entered into force in 1980. The U. S. is not a party but does recognize its principles as a restatement of customary international law


comes from the latin fiducia, which means "trust" or "confidence"

Triangle of Trade

common pattern linking Africa, The Americas, & Europe

Interpersonal Communication

communication that occurs simultaniously between two people who attempt to mutually influence each other, usually for the purpose of managing relationship

Synchronous Communication

communications in which message occurs in real time when you speak or write someone immediate responds to your message

Viet Cong

communist guerilla movement in vietnam


companies that provide material, human, financial, & informational resources to other companies


compassion for another situation

Ginnie Mae - The govt National Mortgage Association (GNMA)

created by the U. S. Federal govt through a 1968 partition of Fannie Mae. a wholly owned corporation within the U. S. ' HUD Department. main purpose is to provide financial assistance to low - to moderate - income homebuyers, by promoting mortgage credit

LAFTA - The Latin American Free Trade Association

created in 1960 by Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Mexico, Paraguay, Peru, & Uruguay. The signatories hoped to create a common market in Latin America. By 1970, expanded to include Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, & Venezuela. In 1980, reorganized into the Latin American Integration Association. Membership remained unchanged until Cuba joined in 1999

Designing acceptable controls

focus on critical control points, integration, acceptability, timeliness, feasibility, accuracy & comprehensibility


describing an activist govt and/or state that is involved in a wide range of political, economic, & social arenas

post - industrial

describing an economy in which the service sector has become more important than the industrial sector

organizing process

determines what tasks will have to be done to accomplish objectives, how they will be grouped, & how positions relate to each other

legislative branch

empowered to make the laws. Congress & 50 state legislatures. legislatures are made up of popularly elected representatives, who propose laws that are sensitive to the needs & interests of their local constituents


engaging in activities aimed at influencing public officials, especially legislators, & the policies they enact

Company Sales Force - types of intermediaries

expand the company's direct sales force. Assign salespeople, develop company sales

fixed investment

expenditures by firms on new machines & buildings (capital goods) that are expected to yield a future stream of income

Forty Acres & a mule

failed attempt to help freed blacks during reconstruction - had promised blacks forty acres of land & a mule to plow with

Revolutionary govt in Paris

fall of the Bastille led quickly to the formation of

federal trade commission (ftc)

federal agency responsible for enforcing the principles of a free enterprise system & protecting consumers from unfair or deceptive business practices


feedback that usually request the speaker to supply additional information in order to clarify or expand the receivers understanding

low - monitored - high - monitored dimension of feedback

feedback varies from spontaneous & totally honest to carefully constructed responses

product routing

finding the optimal way to produce a product that must be processed sequentially through several machine centers, with each machine in the center having its own cost & output characteristics

media richness theory

identifies richness of a communication medium based on the amount of information, including emotional expression, it communicates. - the amount of feedback they can recieve - number of ques channel can convey - variety of language - potential for emotion & feeling - when saying something negetive, you might choose a less rich form of communication

Rule of 70'

if something grows at a rate of x% a year, it will double in approximately 70/x years


illegal practices that further one's business interests

Logic of Isolationism

interdependence does not create vital interests requiring political & military involvement "US has sufficient domestic efficiency" "US has no binding moral obligations abroad"

Pearson Commission on International Development

investigated the effectiveness of the World Bank's development assistance in the 20 years to 1968 & made recommendations for future operation of the organization. In August 1968 Robert S. McNamara, then Pres. of the World Bank, formed the commission, asking former Canadian Prime Minister & Nobel Peace Prize winner Lester Bowles Pearson to head the commission

buzz marketing

involves cultivating opinion leaders & getting them to spread information about a product or service to others in their communities

Dominant Firm

irm with a large share of total sales that sets price to maximize profits, taking into account the supply response of smaller firms

Transnational Corporation

is a firm that strives to be Global & Multi - domestic! ie: It must strive to achieve economies of scale whilst locally responsive

What important policy implications evolve from an understanding of Porter's Diamond of National Advantage

it is in the best interest of a firm to upgrade its advanced factors of production: eg: employee training & R & D. Equally, firms should lobby the govt to urge them to increase investment in education, infrastructure, & R & D, & to promote strong competition in domestic markets

How did the Treaty of Versailles affect postwar Germany

it left a legacy of bitterness in the hearts of the German people

Often, what is the results of communications having to pass through many organizational levels

it offten causes a delay in communications & creates chances for distortion of the original message

What impact did Russia's involvement in WWI have on the Russian gov

it revealed the weaknesses of czarist rule & military leadership


land between the rivers, located in between Tigris & Euphrates rivers

Private bill

legislative bill that deals only with specific, private, personal, or local matters rather than with general legislative affairs. main kinds: immigration & naturalization billsand personal - claim bills

pure services

little use of goods; teaching, medical advice, financial consulting

controlling function

making sure things are being done in a way that we want; the reverse of planning (measure/observe how much performance is deviating from plans)

Team Leaders

managers responsible for facilitating team activities towards accomplishing a goal

First - Line managers

managers who train & supervise the performance of non managerial employees who are directly responsible for producing the company's products or services

descriptive research - marketing research process

marketing research to better describe marketing problems, situations, or markets, such as the market potential for a product or the demographics & attitudes of consumers

non verbal

mass comm - creator not present, cannot immidiately respond. public comm - speak addresses audience in person. small group comm - 3 - 15 meet & interact


massive pyramidal stepped tower made of mudbricks. It is associated with religious complexes in ancient Mesopotamian cities, but its function is unknown


medieval Europe, a large, self - sufficient landholding consisting of the lord's residence (manor house), outbuildings, peasant village, & surrounding land

Chan Buddhism

meditation & appreciation of natural & artistic beauty, popular among the rich


messages sent back to the speaker reacting to what was said

expert opinion

method of sales forecasting; asking marketing executives what they expect will happen

mini - nationals

midsize or smaller companies that have operations in multiple countries


military Pres. of Indonesia from 1968 - 98

They are the the main contributors to language barriers

misuse of abstractions & a lack of common core experience are main contributors to which communication barrier

Herzberg's Two - Factor (Motivator - Hygiene) Theory

motivators lead to extraordinary job performance while hygiene factors keep employee showing up & doing the minimum necessary

Wagner Act (National Labor Relations Act of 1935) NLRA

nation's basic labor legislation; est. employee rights to form unions, requires employers to bargain w/ such unions in good faith, & prohibits unfair labor practices

increasing govt spending

new deal involved attempts to stimulate the American economy by

third century crisis

political, military, & economic turmoil that beset the Roman Empire during much of the third century C. E. : frequent changes of ruler, civil wars, barbarian invasions, decline of urban centers, & near - destruction of long - distance commerce. (157)


power to govern a nation comes from the people - according to Locke & _

national security council

presidential advisory board established in 1947 to consult with the pres. on matters of defense & foreign policy

Prize Cases

presidential powers in wartime

Department of State

primarily responsible for making & conducting foreign policy. It is commonly called the State Department & is headed by the secretary of state. Its activities include negotiating treaties, coordinating correspondence & information programs with foreign govts, & administering economic aid to developing nations


prior judicial decision that serves as a rule for settling subsequent cases of a similar nature

Paquete Habana

prize in admiralty law & customary international law

decision - making done under risk

probability of event is known or can be estimated - can be assigned a value from 0 to 1. 0


process of becoming a citizen


process of solving constituents' problems dealing with the bureaucracy

functional project

project housed within a functional division


rewarding behavior that contributes to the group & punishing behavior that pursues self - interest at the expense of the group

Global Diversity

richness increases with area; richness increases towards tropics (tropics have greater land mass, milder, stabler climate, species energy hypothis: greater exposure to solar energy=greater productivity=more species accomodated in food web); richness declines with elevation, less O2; richness declines with increasing depth; richness increases with energy

natural risks

risks that result from natural occurrences, such as an earthquake or bad weather

illiberal regime

rule by elected leadership through procedures of questionable democratic legitimacy

Rational Actor Model

states make deisions & policies as a rational entity - pres. represents rational actor politics stop at the water's edge" - actor's goals can be achieved through rational process

In re Debs

strikes & interstate commerce

comparative foreign policy

study of foreign policy in various states in order to discover whether similar types of societies/govts consistently have similar types of foreign policies

social learning theory

suggest that we can learn how to adapt & adjust our behavior towards others; how we behave is not solely dependent on our genetic makeup

Function of the Federal Reserve System #5

supervises depository institutions: Fed periodically & without warning examine depository institutions to see what kinds of loans have been made, what has been used as security for the loans, & who has recieved them

purpose of federal grants

supply state & local govs with revenue, to establish minimum national standards for things such as highways & clean air, to equalize resources among the states by taking money from people with high incomes through federal taxes & spending it through grants in states where the poor live, to attack national problems yet minimize the growth of federal agencies

National - Republicans

supporters of a strong central government who favored road building and supported the Bank of the United States to shape the nation's economy; many were farmers or merchants

payoff matrix

tabular display of 2 or more strategies or choices; conditional values of each under 2 or more possible states of nature; probabilities of these states of nature, resulting expected values; & total expected value

How does culture affect communication

talking with friends, lovers, family; interacting in group; topics you talk about & strategies used to inform & persuade; how you use the media & the credibility you give it


taxes (money) given to the church

3 skills involved in mgmt

technical, interpersonal, conceptual

original jurisdiction

term used to describe a court's power to initially try a case. Courts in which cases are first heard are those with originial jurisdiction in the case, appellate courts hear challenges to earlier court decisions


that all men are created _,

Department of Agriculture

that provides services for farmers, including agricultural research, soil conservation, & efforts to regulate & stabilize the farming economy

Judicial Review

the Power of the Supreme Court

Resource scarcity

the abundance or shortage of critical organizational resources in an organization's external environment

net sales

the amount left after gross sales have been adjusted for returns & allowances

net income

the amount left after total expenses are subtracted from gross profit

What was the concept of wergeld

the amount of compensation defined in money for loss of a persons life


the art of building business contacts & alliances

Negotiator role

the decisional role managers play when they negotiate schedules, projects, goals, outcomes, resources, & employee raises

demand elasticity

the degree to which demand for a product is affected by its price

7. McCellands Theory Achievement:

the desire to excel or achieve in relation to a set of standards

Spokesperson role

the informational role managers play when they share information with people outside their departments or companies

media planning

the process of selecting the advertising media & deciding the time or space in which the ads should appear to accomplish a marketing objective


the processes through which groups of people govern themselves or are governed; activities associated with the exercise of authority


the promotion of information which may or may not be correct designed to influence the beliefs & attitudes of a foreign audience

multiple causality

the simultaneous effects of a number of independent & intervening variables that bring about changes in dependent variables

measurable: effective segmentation

the size, purchasing power, & profiles of the segments can be measured

properties of the multiplier

the smaller the marginal propensity to save, the larger the multiplier; the larger the marginal propensity to consume, the larger the multiplier

the Fundamental attribution error

the tendency for people to over - emphasize dispositional, or personality - based, explanations for behaviors observed in others while under - emphasizing the role & power of situational influences on the same behavior. In other words, people tend to have a default assumption that what a person does is based more on what "kind" of person he is, rather than the social & environmental forces at work on that person

self fulfilling prophecy

the tendency to become what other people expect you to become

self serving bias

the thendancy to interperet & explain information in a way that casts the perciever in the most favorable manor

buying signals

the things customers do or say to indicate a readiness to buy

Post conventional level of moral development

the third level of moral development in which people make decisions based on internalized principles


the top number in a fraction; it represents the number of parts being considered

stock of foreign direct investments

the total cumulative value of foreign investments is referred to as


theory in terms of power, competition, self - interest, individuals turn to animalistic behavior in absence of govt

How are people with low self - esteem counterintuitive

they pay more attention to negative evaluations; are more likely to have partners with similar self views; experience worse health after experiencing positive events

Why did coalition govts usually prove unstable

they were alliances of several parties who disagreed on many policies


thin/fat smart/dumb opposites & no in - between


things that compete with the message for the listener's attention

Maslow's social needs

third level; love (friendship, conversation, etc. )

EPR, award/decoration nomination, talking paper

three most common uses for bullet statements in the Air Force



self - evident created

to be _, that all men are _ equal

CPM single time estimate

used when activity times are known with certainty, used to determine timing estimates for the project, each activity in the project, & slack time for activities

time cost models

used when cost trade - off info is a major consideration in planning, used to determine the least cost in reducing total project time

formal balance

when a large item is placed on one side of the display, a similarly large item should be placed on the other side

human communication as a transaction

when communication is mutually interactive; created based on concurrent sharing of ideas & feelings

currency drains

when deposits increase, public will want to hold more currency (currency in a person's wallet reamins outside banking system & cannot be held by banks as reserves from which to make loans)

fact - interference confusion

when someone makes an inference & thinks its a fact & acts upon it as a fact but really isn't


when the lords regranted protions of their fiefs to other vassals


when two or more subsystems working together can produce more than they can working apart

small group communication

when you interact with others, solving problems, sharing knowledge & experiences

intercultural communication

where you communicate with members of other cultures


whether an individual places importance on self or on community

organizational communication

which communication deals with input, throughput, & output

person - focused message

which dimension of feedback centers on the person or on the message

cultural relativism

which term describes the difference of culture but that not any one is better or worse than the others


which word refers to the emotional meaning that specific speakers - listeners give to a word

comparison method of issue organization

which you would tell how the two types of institutions are alike

they hold societies together

why are speaking & listening skills important

relative words

words that gain their meaning by comparison

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