Functional Groups for Honors Chemistry 1

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If an organic compound only has single bonds between carbon atoms, what suffix would you use?


What suffix should appear at the end of the name of an alkane?


What suffix should appear at the end of the name of an alkene?


What suffix should appear at the end of the name of an alkyne?


What is a phenyl group?

A 6 carbon ring in which there are 3 double bonds on alternating carbons and the ring is single-bonded to a long carbon chain (R). This ring is also called a benzene or benzene ring. The phenyl suffix in organic nomenclature usually indicates that this benzene structure is single bonded to a long chain or carbons. A benzene ring single bonded to a functional group or short carbon chain is named with a benzene suffix.

What is a benzene, benzene ring, or phenyl group?

A benzene, benzene ring, or phenyl group is a ring of 6-carbon atoms with 3 double bonds on alternating carbons. These double are in resonance meaning that they are locked in place but are spread around the ring all at once. When the ring is attached to a long carbon chain (R) it is called a phenyl group. On short carbon chain or when attached to other functional groups, it is called a benzene.

What prefix or suffix tells you that an organic compound has a halo group?

A fluoro-, chloro-, bromo-, or iodo- prefix tells you that an organic compound has a halo group. Halo means that a halogen atom is single bonded to a carbon atom. A fluoro- prefix tells you that a fluorine atom is single bonded to a carbon atom. A chloro- prefix tells you that a chlorine atom is single bonded to a carbon atom. A bromo- prefix tells you that a bromine atom is single bonded to a carbon atom. An iodo- prefix tells you that an iodine atom is single bonded to a carbon atom.

What is an amine?

A nitrogen single bonded to a carbon atom or carbon chain.

What prefix or suffix tells you that an organic compound has a phenyl group?

A phenyl- prefix tells you that an organic compound has a phenyl group.

What is a alkyl halide?

Alkyl halides are compounds in which one or more hydrogen atoms in an alkane have been replaced by halogen atoms (fluorine, chlorine, bromine or iodine).

What prefix or suffix tells you that an organic compound is an aldehyde?

An -al suffix, such as pentanal.

If an organic compound name has an -amide suffix, what does that tell you about the compound's structure?

An -amide suffix tells you that an organic compound has an amide functional group. An amide functional group can be thought of a combination of a carbonyl bonded to an amine. For our class, an amide group is always at the end of a chain or side group. A carbonyl is a carbon atom double-bonded to an oxygen atom. An amine is a nitrogen atom bonded to a carbon. For our class, an amide group is always at the end of a chain or side group. So, its formula will always be -NH₂. Example: hexanamide. To see more examples, click here:,compound%20is%20a%20simple%20amide.

What prefix or suffix tells you that an organic compound is an amide?

An -amide suffix tells you that an organic compound has an amide functional group. An amide functional group can be thought of as a combination of a carbonyl bonded to an amine. A carbonyl is a carbon atom double-bonded to an oxygen atom. An amine is a nitrogen atom bonded to a carbon. For our class, an amide group is always at the end of a chain or side group. So, its formula will always be -NH₂. Example: hexanamide. To see more examples of an amide group, click here:,compound%20is%20a%20simple%20amide.

If an organic compound name has an -amine suffix, what does that tell you about the compound's structure?

An -amine suffix tells you that an organic compound has an amine functional group. An amine is a nitrogen atom bonded to a carbon. For our class, an amide group is always at the end of a chain or side group. So, its formula will always be -NH₂. Example: hexanamide.

What prefix or suffix tells you that an organic compound is an amine?

An -amine suffix tells you that an organic compound has an amine functional group. An amine is a nitrogen atom bonded to a carbon. For our class, an amide group is always at the end of a chain or side group. So, its formula will always be -NH₂. Example: hexanamide.

If an organic compound name has an -oate suffix, what does that tell you about the compound's structure?

An -oate tells you that an organic compound has a ester functional group. An ester functional group can be thought of a combination of a carbonyl bonded to an ether. An ester functional group is a carboxyl group, but until a carboxylic acid, this carboxyl group is NOT at the end of a carbon chain. The side of the carboxyl with the carbonyl is the main chain and, therefore, the one assigned to a root name and the -oate suffix. The other side of the carboxyl (what can be thought of as the ether side) is named as a side chain and has a -yl ending. Example: ethyl pentanoate.

What prefix or suffix tells you that an organic compound is an ester?

An -oate tells you that an organic compound has an ester functional group. An ester functional group can be thought of a combination of a carbonyl bonded to an ether. An ester functional group is a carboxyl group, but until a carboxylic acid, this carboxyl group is NOT at the end of a carbon chain. The side of the carboxyl with the carbonyl is the main chain and, therefore, the one assigned to a root name and the -oate suffix. The other side of the carboxyl (what can be thought of as the ether side) is named as a side chain and has a -yl ending. Example: ethyl pentanoate.

What prefix or suffix tells you that an organic compound is a carboxylic acid or organic acid?

An -oic suffix with the separate word "acid" added. An example is ethanoic acid. Ethanoic acid is more commonly called acetic acid. A solution of 95% water and 5% ethanoic acid is white vinegar.

What prefix or suffix tells you that an organic compound is an alcohol?

An -ol suffix, such as pentanol.

What prefix or suffix tells you that an organic compound is a ketone?

An -one suffix, such as pentanol.

What is an alcohol?

An alcohol is any of a class of organic compounds characterized by one or more hydroxyl (―OH) groups attached to a carbon atom of an alkyl group (hydrocarbon chain).

If an organic compound name has the word "ether" written at the end, what does that tell you about the compound's structure?

An ether is made of 2 different carbon atoms or carbon chains single bonded to the same oxygen atom. It is named as if both carbon atoms or carbon chains are "side chains." So, both carbon atom or chain names will have a -yl suffix and the word "ether" will be a separate word after those 2 side-chain names.

What prefix or suffix tells you that an organic compound is an ether?

An ether really doesn't have either a prefix or a suffix. An ether is made of 2 different carbon atoms or carbon chains single bonded to the same oxygen atom. It is named as if both carbon atoms or carbon chains are "side chains." So, both carbon atom or chain names will have a -yl suffix and the word "ether" will be a separate word after those 2 side-chain names.

What is an ether?

An organic compound in which a carbon atom or carbon chain (R) is single-bonded to an oxygen atom and that oxygen atom is single-bonded to a different carbon atom or carbon chain (R).

What is the structure of an alcohol?

An organic compound in which a carbon atom or carbon chain (R) is single-bonded to an oxygen atom and the oxygen atom is single bonded to a hydrogen atom. The oxygen-hydrogen grouping is called a hydroxyl group.

What is a ketone?

An organic compound in which a carbon atom or carbon chain (R) is single-bonded to the carbon in a carbonyl and the carbon in the carbonyl is also single bonded to a carbon atom or carbon chain (R).

What is an aldehyde?

An organic compound in which a carbon atom or carbon chain (R) is single-bonded to the carbon in a carbonyl and the carbon in the carbonyl is also single bonded to a hydrogen atom.

What is an amide?

An organic compound in which a carbon atom or carbon chain (R) is single-bonded to the carbon in a carbonyl and the carbon in the carbonyl is also single bonded to a nitrogen atom.

What is a carboxylic acid (also called an organic acid)?

An organic compound in which a carbon atom or carbon chain (R) is single-bonded to the carbon in a carbonyl and the carbon in the carbonyl is also single bonded to an oxygen atom which is--in turn-single bonded to a hydrogen atom.

What is an ester?

An organic compound in which a carbon or carbon chain (R) is single-bonded to an oxygen atom, the oxygen atom is single bonded to the carbon atom in a carbonyl, and the carbon in the carbonyl is single-bonded to another carbon or carbon chain (R).

If a carbon chain has halogen attached, what prefix or suffix is used in the name of the compound?

If fluorine (F) is attached the prefix used is fluoro-. If chlorine (Cl) is attached the prefix used is chloro-. If bromine (Br) is attached the prefix used is bromo-. If iodine (I) is attached the prefix used is iodo-.

How do you recognize an organic compound from the formula?

If there is only one carbon, it is an organic compound if the carbon is bonded to at least one hydrogen. If there is more than one carbon, it is an organic compound if the carbons are bonded to another carbon.

What does a bromo- prefix tell you about an organic compound?

It tells you that a bromine atom is single bonded to a carbon atom.

What does a chloro- prefix tell you about an organic compound?

It tells you that a chlorine atom is single bonded to a carbon atom.

What does a fluoro- prefix tell you about an organic compound?

It tells you that a fluorine atom is single bonded to a carbon atom.

If an organic compound name has an -one suffix, what does that tell you about the compound's structure?

It tells you that a ketone group is attached to a carbon atom or a carbon chain. An alcohol group is a carbonyl; an oxygen atom double-bonded to carbon atoms on both sides.

If an organic compound name has an -ol suffix, what does that tell you about the compound's structure?

It tells you that an alcohol group is attached to a carbon atom or a carbon chain. An alcohol group is a carboxyl; an -OH group single bonded to a carbon atom and the carbon atom is bonded to another carbon atom, multiple carbon atoms, or to hydrogen atoms.

What does an iodo- prefix tell you about an organic compound?

It tells you that an iodine atom is single bonded to a carbon atom.

If an organic compound name has an -al suffix, what does that tell you about the compound's structure?

It tells you that it has an aldehyde group. An aldehyde group is a carbonyl at the end of a carbon chain or a carbonyl single bonded to a single carbon. A carbonyl is a carbon atom double bonded to an oxygen atom.

In organic chemical structural formulas, what does the R stand for?

The R in an organic chemical structure is an abbreviation for any group in which a carbon chain, a carbon atom or a hydrogen atom is attached to the rest of the molecule.

What does the suffix -ane tell you about a chemical?

The chemical is organic and the bond between carbon atoms are all single bonds.

What kinds of chemicals are alkanes?

These are organic compounds in which there are only single bonds between carbon atoms.

What does the suffix -ene tell you about a chemical? Example: Pent-2-ene.

These are organic compounds in which there is at least one double bond between carbon atoms.

What kinds of chemicals are alkenes?

These are organic compounds in which there is at least one double bond between carbon atoms.

What does the suffix -yne tell you about a chemical? Example: Hept-3,5-diyne.

These are organic compounds in which there is at least one triple bond between carbon atoms.

What does the suffix -yne tell you about a chemical? Example: Propyne.

These are organic compounds in which there is at least one triple bond between carbon atoms.

What kinds of chemicals are alkynes?

These are organic compounds in which there is at least one triple bond between carbon atoms.

If an organic compound name has an -oic suffix and the word "acid" written after it, what does that tell you about the compound's structure?

This is a carboxylic acid which is an organic acid. A carboxylic acid had carboxyl group single bonded to a carbon atom or carbon chain. A carboxyl group is a combination of a carbonyl group and an alcohol group. A carbonyl is a carbon atom double bonded to an oxygen. An alcohol is an -OH group bonded to a carbon atom.

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