Geology Ch. 1

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All of the continents have regions we call the stable platforms that are covered with layers of sedimentary rock.


Although this envelope of gas forms an insignificantly small fraction of the planet's mass (less than 0.01%), it is particularly significant because it moves easily and is constantly interacting with the ocean and land. It plays a part in the evolution of most features of the landscape and is essential for life


Isolated peaks of submarine volcanoes

oceanic ridge

It extends continuously from the Arctic Basin, down the center of the Atlantic Ocean, into the Indian Ocean, and across the South Pacific.

Earth's Core

It is divided into a solid inner core and a liquid outer core

outer planets

Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune—are giant balls of gas, with majestic rings and dozens of small satellites composed mostly of ice.The most distant planet, Pluto, is small and similar to these icy moons. Indeed, water ice is the most common "rock" in the outer solar system



folded mountain belt

long, linear zone in Earth's crust where the rocks have been intensely deformed by horizontal stress during the slow collision between two lithospheric plates


lowest areas on Earth's surface

accretionary heat

may have melted the early planets, including Earth

continental crust

more buoyant— to rise higher, rocks are older

Stable platform

nearly horizontal sedimentary rocks overlying a basement complex


of a planet or moon reveals these dramatic differences in composition.(s a measure of mass per unit volume: g/cm3). For example, the densities of the rocky inner planets are quite high (over 3 g/cm3) compared to the gas- and ice-rich outer planets which have densities less than about 1.6 g/cm3


outermost compositional layer


part of Earth where life exists


the elevation difference between the low and the high spots


the total mass of water on the surface of our planet

differentiated planet

this separation into layer

impact craters

This was a period when planetary bodies swept up what remained of the cosmic debris that formed the Sun and its planets


This zone of easily deformed mantle


Though common on Earth, liquid water is uncommon on the surfaces of the other inner planets-(Mercury, Venus, Moon, and Mars).

Meteorite impact crators

What are the dominant surface features of the Moon, Mercury, and Mars?

stable platform

When the basement complex is covered with a veneer of sedimentary rocks


a small glass globe, about the size of a large cantaloupe, containing five essential elements: energy, air, water, sand, and living things (algae, seaweed, shrimp, snails, and a variety of microorganisms)


a study about what happened in the past and what is happening now—a study that increases our understanding of nature and our place in it


group the shield and stable platform together

inner planets

include Mercury and the planet like Moon, with their cratered surfaces; Venus, with its extremely hot, thick atmosphere of carbon dioxide and numerous volcanoes; Earth, with cool blue seas, swirling clouds and multicolored lands; and Mars, with huge canyons, giant extinct volcanoes, frigid polar ice caps, and long, dry river beds.


includes the crust and the uppermost part of the mantle

The lithosphere

is a rigid, solid layer between 10 km to 300 km thick


is much thicker (as much as 75 km), is composed of less-dense "granitic" rock (about 2.7 g/cm3), is strongly deformed, and includes the planet's oldest rocks (billions of years in age).

ocean basins

is only about 8 km thick, is composed of denser volcanic rock called basalt (about 3.0 g/cm3), is comparatively undeformed by folding, and is geologically young (200 million years or less in age).

oceanic crust

Denser- ice cubes float in a glass of water because ice is less dense

internal heat

Earth's interior and surface continually change as a result


Earth's oldest rocks are found buried deep in its ocean basins.


Most of Earth's heat comes from natural

abyssal plains

Near the continental margins, land-derived sediment completely covers the abyssal hills, forming flat, smooth

the composition of the atmosphere and hydrosphere

On what has the biosphere had a major influence?


One of the most significant features of the continents is the young, folded mountain belts that are typically found in the central interior regions of the continents.

inner core



The extensive flat region of a continent, in which complexly deformed ancient crystalline rocks are exposed


The mesosphere, asthenosphere, and the part of the lithosphere below the crust are all part of the Earth's mantle.

abyssal floor

The oceanic ridge divides the Atlantic and Indian oceans roughly in half and traverses the southern and eastern parts of the Pacific. On both sides of the ridge are vast areas of broad, relatively smooth deep-ocean basins


The region between the asthenosphere and the core

basement complex

The rocks of the shields are highly deformed igneous and metamorphic rock

continental slope

The seafloor descends in a long, continuous slope from the outer edge of the continental shelf to the deep-ocean basin

continental shelf

The submerged part of a continent

continental margin

The zone of transition between a continent and an ocean basin


central mass about 7000 km in diameter. mostly metallic iron, making it distinctly different from the silicate material of the mantle

abyssal hills

relatively small ridges or hills, rising as much as 900 m above the surrounding ocean floor. They cover from 80% to 85% of the seafloor, and thus, they are the most widespread landforms on Earth.

rift valley

runs along the axis of the oceanic ridge throughout much of its length,which totals about 70,000 km


surrounds or covers the core (Figure 1.5, left). This zone is about 2900 km thick and constitutes the great bulk of Earth (82% of its volume and 68% of its mass).

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