Government Midterm 2019

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17. A citizen of one state cannot sue another state in federal court is established in the? 11th 12th 13th 14th


20. This amendment abolished slavery in the United States? 13th 14th 19th 21st


18. This amendment established that all persons born or naturalized in the United States are citizens of the United States and of the state in which they live. This made former slaves citizens. No state can take away rights of citizens of the United States. No state can take away a person's life, liberty, or property without due process of law. All persons are given equal protection of the law. 13th 14th 15th 16th


15. This amendment establishes that citizen cannot be denied the right to vote because of race, color or previous condition of servitude.(This amendment protected the right of black male citizens to vote.) 13th 14th 15th 16th


22. This Progressive era amendment permits Congress the power to collect income taxes? 16th 17th 20th 21st


11. This Progressive Era amendment establishes the direct election of U.S. Senators by popular vote. 11th 12th 16th 17th


10. Which amendment prohibits any U.S. citizens from being denied the right to vote based on sex? 15th 16th 19th 24th


12. Which amendment prohibits salary increases or decreases for members of Congress to take effect until an election of Representatives has intervened? 11th 17th 25th 27th


14. Which of the following documents, authored by Thomas Jefferson, set forth the belief that "all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness"? A. The Declaration of Independence B. The Articles of Confederation C. The Constitution D. The Bill of Rights

A. The Declaration of Independence

7. The Three-fifths Compromise was included in the Constitution to resolve a conflict over the A. counting of enslaved persons in relation to taxation and representation. B. reimbursement of plantation owners for runaway slaves. C. number of votes needed to approve a treaty in the Senate. D. number of states needed to ratify a proposed amendment.

A. counting of enslaved persons in relation to taxation and representation.

25. Which fundamental political idea is expressed in the Declaration of Independence? A. The government should guarantee every citizen economic security. B. If the government violates the social contract, that government can be overthrown. C. The central government and state governments should have equal power. D. Rulers derive their right to govern from God and are therefore bound to govern in the nation's best interest.

B. If the government violates the social contract, that government can be overthrown.

21. A major weakness of the Articles of Confederation was that they?: A. were too easy to change and amendment. B. made it too difficult for the government to raise money through taxes and duties. C. required the ratification of only a simple majority of states. D. created a too-powerful chief executive or executive branch.

B. made it too difficult for the government to raise money through taxes and duties.

16. The Federalist Papers were a series of newspaper articles published in 1787 and 1788 to win support for the A. right of the colonies to rebel against Great Britain. B. ratification of the United States Constitution. C. right of a state to secede from the Union. D. construction of an interstate canal system.

B. ratification of the United States Constitution.

4. A third difference between the plans was concerned with which topic? A. the way Congress would legislate power B. the way States would be represented in Congress C. the way a judiciary would be formed D. the way the government would raise money

B. the way States would be represented in Congress

Which of the following ideas shows Locke's influence on the Declaration of Independence?

By violating the social contact with the colonists, the king has lost his authority to rule.

5. What was the compromise's other main feature? A. In the Senate, the States would be represented equally. In the House, the States would be represented based on size of territory. B. In the Senate, the States would be represented based on territory. In the House, the States would be represented equally. C. In the Senate, the States would be represented equally. In the House, the States would be represented based on population. D. In the Senate, the States would be represented based on population. In the House, the States would be represented based on the size of their economies.

C. In the Senate, the States would be represented equally. In the House, the States would be represented based on population.

9. The Articles of Confederation reflected the colonists' desire for A. a strong executive branch. B. a bicameral legislature. C. State sovereignty. D. a strong judicial branch.

C. State sovereignty.

3. What does this request reveal about the general attitude in Congress toward the Articles of Confederation? A. The general idea was that the Articles of Confederation would be replaced by a new constitution. B. The general idea was that the Articles of Confederation could not be satisfactorily revised. C. The general idea was that the Articles of Confederation needed revision, but not complete replacement. D. The general idea was that most States would not send delegates to the meeting and needed to be persuaded to do so.

C. The general idea was that the Articles of Confederation needed revision, but not complete replacement.

24. Based on the language of The Declaration of Independence, it is most likely that this document contributed to the development of democracy by A. rejecting Parliament's stamp tax or popular dissenting. B. allowing women to take part in government or granting women suffrage. C. suggesting that people are the source of power, establishing popular sovereignty. D. demanding an end to slavery or abolishment.

C. suggesting that people are the source of power, establishing popular sovereignty.

7. As an alternative to primary elections, some states use these as a nominating device, where a group of like-minded people meet to select the candidates they will support in an upcoming election. Caucus Open Primary Direct Primary Closed Primary


20. Led by Alexander Hamilton and James Madison, they were those who supported ratification of the Constitution and a strong federal government? A. Democrats. B. Anti-Federalists. C. Republicans. D. Federalists.

D. Federalists.

19. As one of the few success of the Articles of Confederation, the passage of this measure created a pathway for admitting new states into the United States and forbidding slavery in newly admitted states? A. Proclamation of 1763 B. Second Continental Congress C. Emancipation Proclamation D. Northwest Ordinance

D. Northwest Ordinance

22. Which of these statements BEST describes the viewpoint of Anti-Federalists regarding the ratification of the proposed Constitution? A. The document should be ratified, because it establishes an essential, centralized federal government that was missing under the Articles of Confederation. B. The document should not be ratified, because the issues of slavery and foreign trade are not adequately handled in the proposed constitution. C. The document should be ratified, because it addresses the issues of popular sovereignty and the right to a fair trial that appear in state constitutions. D. The document should not be ratified, because it fails to secure basic rights for the individual and gives the federal government too much power and authority.

D. The document should not be ratified, because it fails to secure basic rights for the individual and gives the federal government too much power and authority

2. By making sure the British officers got a fair trial, Adams upheld which cornerstone of English law? A. No quartering of soldiers in homes B. No martial law in times of peace C. The right to petition the Crown D. The right to due process

D. The right to due process

1. The Magna Carta established the idea that A. privileged classes were entitled to more rights or rule of law. B. monarchs had the right to make arbitrary laws or rule of law. C. a subject's right to trial by jury was not guaranteed or due process. D. a monarch's power was not absolute creating a limited government.

D. a monarch's power was not absolute creating a limited government.

10. The weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation eventually led the States to determine it was necessary to establish A. a bicameral legislature. B. a national judicial system. C. a congressional voting policy based on population. D. a stronger national government.

D. a stronger national government.

2. Carolyn is arrested for shoplifting a candy bar from a grocery store. At trial, she is found guilty. The judge decides that the right punishment is to cut off Carolyn's hands so she will not be able to shoplift again. This most accurately relates to which amendment? Fourth Fifth Sixth Eighth


18. An independent agency in the executive branch that administers all federal law dealing with campaign finance. It oversees federal elections. Federal Election Commission (FEC) Political Action Committee (PAC) Caucus General Election

Federal Election Commission (FEC)

5. A student chooses to sit silently in his seat during the Pledge of Allegiance.This most accurately relates to which amendment? First Second Third Fourth


4. A public school principal smells smoke in the hallway and believes it is coming from the girls' bathroom. She walks into the bathroom and finds Susan standing by the sink. She suspects Susan has been smoking, and demands to search her purse for cigarettes or other evidence of smoking. This most accurately relates to which amendment? First Second Third Fourth


6. The regularly scheduled election at which voters make a final selection of officeholders. In America, they take place after the primary elections and occur on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November. General Election Primary Election Open Primary Caucus

General Election

17. Contributions that are given directly to candidates for their campaigns, are limited, and must be reported to the government. Hard Money Soft Money Political Action Committee (PAC) Super PAC

Hard Money

4. Based on a particular set of beliefs, this is a comprehensive view of someone's social, economic, and political perspectives. Ideological Political Spectrum Plurality Caucus


8. A party-nominating election in which any qualified voter can take part and not have to be a registered party member. Open Primary Closed Primary Caucus General Election

Open Primary

19. The strong support of their party and its policies. It often leads to the inability to compromise with the other side. Partisanship Bipartisanship Plurality Swing Voters


9. A political party's formal statement of basic principles, stands on major issues, and objectives. Platform Plurality Partisanship Subsidy


20. The largest number of votes cast for the office wins an election in America. This means whoever gets the most votes, wins, regardless if its a majority or not. Plurality General Election Direct Primary Swing Voters


1. A group of persons who seek to control government through winning elections and holding public office Political Party Ideological Platform Political Action Committee (PAC)

Political Party

2. The range of political views, to the far left are liberals and to the far right are conservatives. Political Spectrum Political Party Ideological Political Action Committee (PAC)

Political Spectrum

1. Gennie, an eighteen year old college student, is arrested for stealing a classmate's designer sweater and selling it on eBay. When Gennie appears before the judge, she asks for a lawyer to help defend her. The judge tells Gennie that if she is smart enough to be in college, she knows enough to defend herself. Besides, she is not charged with a felony, so the stakes are not very high. This most accurately relates to which amendment? Fourth Fifth Sixth Eighth


14. Similar to PACs, they are independent political action committees, unaffiliated with any political party, which are allowed to raise and spend unlimited amounts; they must reveal their donors and cannot work directly with a candidate's campaign independent political action committees; unaffiliated with any political party. Super PAC Subsidy Federal Election Commission (FEC) Plurality

Super PAC

11. Members of the electorate who have not made up their minds at the start of the campaign and are open to persuasion by either side. Swing Voters Battleground States General Election Caucus

Swing Voters

1. Which of the following BEST summarizes the voting experience of African Americans in the years following the Civil War? a. Despite an amendment giving them the right to vote, African Americans still experienced discrimination at the polls. b. Most States quickly accepted the fact that African Americans now were citizens and allowed them to vote. c. Despite problems in being allowed to vote in some regions, most African Americans went to the polls and cast their votes. d. The Federal Government did everything in its power to ensure that African Americans throughout the nation could vote.

a. Despite an amendment giving them the right to vote, African Americans still experienced discrimination at the polls.

20. What viewpoint does this political cartoon reflect about the influence of mass media on the public? a. The media tries to mold the opinions of citizens rather than simply mirroring them. b. News outlets are careful to present both sides of partisan issues in their coverage. c. Most viewers are indecisive on political issues and rely on the media to guide them. d. While television tends to show bias in its programming, newspapers are more balanced.

a. The media tries to mold the opinions of citizens rather than simply mirroring them.

13. Paying taxes in a democracy is considered a. a duty. b. an opportunity. c. a compromise. d. a process.

a. a duty

9. One important benefit of "no-excuse" mail-in absentee voting is that it a. enables people to vote without going to a polling place. b. allows all votes to be tallied well in advance of election day. c. safeguards the principle of the secret ballot and eliminates any possibility for fraud. d. appeals to the masses of young people, ages 18 to 20, who are now eligible to vote.

a. enables people to vote without going to a polling place.

21. An interest group can be described as a group of people who a. influence what the government does in a specific area of special interest. b. nominate candidates for public office, affecting the outcome in primaries and other contests. c. concentrate on a wide range of public affairs concerning the general public as a whole. d. appeal to the largest possible number of citizens in an effort to control the policies of the government.

a. influence what the government does in a specific area of special interest.

15. This is a dissenting opinion that a. opposes voting ID laws that might discourage certain members of the public from voting. b. opposes voting ID laws that impose a burden on State precincts and poll workers. c. supports voting ID laws that prevent fraud and other threats to fair elections. d. supports voting ID laws that might encourage those citizens with criminal backgrounds to vote.

a. opposes voting ID laws that might discourage certain members of the public from voting.

10. Which of the following is a basic power of every government that allows it to interpret laws? a. executive power b. judicial power c. political power d. legislative power

b . judicial power

29. For an amendment to be ratified, ________________ of all state legislatures in the U.S. must approve it. a. Majority b. ½ c. ⅔ d. ¾

b. 3/4

6. When being interrogated by police, a person refuses to answer certain questions and chooses to remain silent and not self-incriminate themself. This most accurately relates to which amendment? a. Fourth b. Fifth c. Sixth d. Eighth

b. Fifth

22. English philosopher who advocated the idea of a "social contract" in which government powers are derived from the consent of the governed and in which the government serves the people; also said people have natural rights to life, liberty and property (natural rights). a. Thomas Hobbes b. John Locke c. Jean-Jacques Rousseau d. Charles de Montesquieu

b. John Locke

23. Which information BEST completes the chart? a. No State may deprive a person of the right to vote who is able to pass a basic literacy test. b. No State may deprive a citizen of the right to vote on the basis of sex. c. No State may deprive a person of the right to vote on the basis of where he or she lives. d. No State may permit a citizen to vote unless he or she owns property in that State.

b. No State may deprive a citizen of the right to vote on the basis of sex.

25. Brazil is led by a president who is elected by the citizens. Citizens in Brazil elect a new president every four years. Citizens also elect representatives to serve in two different legislative bodies. What type of government does Brazil have? a. Direct democracy b. Representative democracy c. Oligarchy d. Constitutional monarchy

b. Representative democracy

25. Which set of Amendments emerged as a result of the Civil War, in what became known as the Reconstruction period? a. Eleventh, Twelfth, and Thirteenth b. Thirteenth, Fourteenth, and Fifteenth c. Fifteenth, Sixteenth, and Seventeenth d. Eighteenth and Nineteenth

b. Thirteenth, Fourteenth, Fifteenth.

10. The Voting Rights Act of 1965 a. applied to State and local, but not federal elections. b. gave the Federal Government power regarding all elections, held anywhere in the country. c. granted the States complete control over State and local elections. d. applied to federal, but not State and local elections.

b. gave the Federal Government power regarding all elections, held anywhere in the country.

5. Most States deny the right to vote to which of the following? a. people who are only 18 years of age at the time of the election b. individuals who have been convicted of a serious crime c. anyone serving in public office d. people who have neglected to pay their State income or property tax

b. individuals who have been convicted of a serious crime

29. Which of the following is NOT a fundamental role of government? a. maintain social order b. provide universal healthcare for all citizens c. provide public services d. provide its citizens with national security

b. provide universal healthcare for all citizens

4. Which of the following voter registration requirements is believed by some to help prevent fraudulent voting today? a. demonstrating the ability to read and write b. requiring voters to show ID in order to vote c. providing proof of permanent residency d. paying a small and equitable poll tax

b. requiring voters to show ID in order to vote

14. The media influences politics MOST by a. broadcasting public service announcements. b. selecting certain issues to highlight. c. providing news 24 hours per day. d. using clever sound bites to convey information.

b. selecting certain issues to highlight

7. The term "gender gap" can BEST be described as a. the difference in the ages of men and women who vote in national elections. b. the difference in how men and women vote and the candidates they support. c. the difference in the gender makeup of the two major political parties. d. the difference between how men and women of different ethnic groups vote.

b. the difference in how men and women vote and the candidates they support.

Duties are actions a citizen is required to take. Responsibilities are actions a citizen should take. Which of the following actions is a responsibility of citizenship? a. serving on a jury if called b. voting in elections c. paying taxes d. registering for the draft

b. voting in elections

28. An amendment to the Constitution may be proposed by the Congress through a ________ vote. Majority ½ ⅔ ¾

c. 2/3

16. In what way is the United States a representative democracy? a. Citizens allow a self-appointed elite to make decisions for them. b. Citizens decide laws and policies directly in mass meetings. c. Citizens choose small groups of people to make laws and policy for them. d. Citizens elect a President who has absolute power to make decisions for them.

c. Citizens choose small groups of people to make laws and policy for them.

19. What is one way events of the 1960s and 1970s shaped public opinion on American political issues? a. Events of this era persuaded a large majority of Americans to support an expanded role for government. b. Events of this era led to positive attitudes toward government and its role in their lives for most Americans. c. Events of this era resulted in a growing pessimism toward government among a large number of Americans. d. Events of this era caused many Americans to become concerned about public safety and homeland security.

c. Events of this era resulted in a growing pessimism toward government among a large number of Americans.

30. A person's political ideology best reflects their beliefs about a. The arts, specifically music and theater. b. Ideas, duh...ideology - sounds like ideas. c. Political issues, such as abortion and immigration, and beliefs about government. d. The study of ides, which are radioactive atoms that surround people's natural auras (any invisible emanation, especially a scent or odor).

c. Political issues, such as abortion and immigration, and beliefs about government.

7. In Ohio,a person has to be at least 16 years old to apply for a learner's permit for driving. This most accurately relates to which amendment? a. Eighth b. Nineth c. Tenth d. None of the above

c. Tenth

16. Which of the following examples best describes a typical nonvoter? a. a young woman with a law degree who recently started working at a law firm b. an older woman who is married and a long-time resident of an urban area c. a young man who is an unskilled worker and lives in a rural community d. an older man who lives in the South and has a high sense of political efficacy

c. a young man who is an unskilled worker and lives in a rural community

17. Purging is the process of removing the names of citizens who are no longer eligible to vote from the poll books. Based on this chart, this responsibility most likely falls to a. the poll monitors at each precinct. b. officials at the county clerk's office. c. members of the precinct election board. d. elected officials in the State government.

c. members of the precinct election board.

14. What is government? a. the services provided a community, such as police protection, fire protection, and public health programs b. the laws that protect people's' rights and ensure the safety of a state's citizens c. the institution through which a society makes and enforces its public policies d. the process by which public officials are elected to and removed from office

c. the institution through which a society makes and enforces its public policies

27. This is the only amendment that repeals another amendment? a. 11th b. 12th c. 18th d. 21st

d. 21st

14. Which amendment prohibited the federal government and the states from setting a voting age higher than 18? a. 21st b. 23rd c. 24th d. 26th

d. 26th

9. In what way are representative democracy and the free enterprise system similar? a. Both are designed to protect the rights of individuals. b. Both are regulated by a central government. c. Both are types of political systems. d. Both are based on the principles of individual liberty and choice.

d. Both are based on the principles of individual liberty and choice.

17. What is the difference between a unitary government and a federal government? a. In a unitary government, power is shared by an alliance of independent states; in a federal government power is divided between a central government and local governments. b. In a federal government, power is shared by an alliance of independent states; in a unitary government power is divided between a central government and local governments. c. In a federal government, power is held by a single, central agency; in a unitary government power is divided between a central government and local governments. d. In a unitary government power is held by a single, central agency; in a federal government power is divided between a central government and local governments.

d. In a unitary government power is held by a single, central agency; in a federal government power is divided between a central government and local governments.

12. Which of the following general statements about interest groups is TRUE? a. Interest groups nominate candidates for public office. b. Interest groups do not exist in some States. c. Interest groups and political parties are the same thing. d. Interest groups try to influence the passage of new laws.

d. Interest groups try to influence the passage of new laws.

23. Deriving from the Enlightenment era, this is the belief that there is an agreement between the government and the people whereby the government protects citizens, but citizens must give up some level of freedom or free-will? a. Sovereignty b. Self-Government c. Politics d. Social Contract Theory

d. Social Contract Theory

18. With which statement would Jefferson most likely agree? a. The term public opinion is widely misunderstood and, therefore misapplied, by most people. b. The "public" holds competing opinions on almost every issue in American politics. c. The results of public opinion polls should be kept secret until all the votes have been cast in an election. d. The expression of public opinion, whether through protests, editorials, or votes, should be welcomed.

d. The expression of public opinion, whether through protests, editorials, or votes, should be welcomed.

24. What do the Fifteenth, Nineteenth, and Twenty-sixth Amendments all have in common? a. They each define rights of all citizens. b. They each undo previous amendments. c. They each give voting rights to a group that did not previously have them. d. They were each adopted in the 1800s.

d. They were each adopted in the 1800s.

25. Which of the following factors are MOST LIKELY to influence a person's long-term political opinions (i.e. political socialization)? a. a small drop in the unemployment rate from one month to the next b. a television documentary on rising crime rates in the nation's cities c. class time from kindergarten through graduation spent learning about U.S. history d. hearing your parents and grandparents talk about their views of government while you were growing up.

d. hearing your parents and grandparents talk about their views of government while you were growing up

22. Then decide which information best completes the chart. a. eliminated voter qualifications based on race b. gave States the power to set the voting age c. gave voters in the District of Columbia the right to vote d. prohibited literacy tests and other discriminatory practices

d. prohibited literacy tests and other discriminatory practices

Which of the following examples shows a government exercising its executive powers?

enforcing a new tax law

Which of these characteristics represents the system a state uses to make and enforce public policy?


"Some people insist the United States is more properly called a republic rather than a democracy." The people who support this statement argue that the United States is a republic because in its government,

political power is used indirectly by elected officials, not directly by the citizens themselves.

"In every government there are three sorts of power; the legislative; the executive, in respect to things dependent on the law of nations; and the executive, in regard to things that depend on the civil law." What principle of government presented by the U.S. Constitution is Montesquieu describing?

separation of power

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