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-Although you have no control over your heredity and only limited control over your environment, you have a great deal of control over your behavior -Your behavior affects not only your physical health but also your mental/emotional and social health -For example, mastering a new skill can give you a sense of accomplishment and enhance your self-esteem Learning how to resolve conflicts peacefully can have a positive influence on your relationships with others


-Culture refers to the collective beliefs, customs and behaviors of a group -This group may be an ethnic group, a community, a nation, or a specific part of the world -The language your family speaks, the foods you enjoy, the traditions you have, and the religion you practice are all part of your cultural environment

keeping a balance

-Each side of your health triangle is equally important to your health -You might think of the three areas of health as legs of a tripod on which a camera is mounted -If one leg is shorter than the other two, the tripod will tilt or fall -It's much the same with your health -An unbalanced health triangle is likely to cause you problems at some point -When you work to keep your physical, mental/emotional, and social health in balance, you are much more likely to function at your highest level

Media/ Technology

-The media is a major influence on health -Media, or the various methods of communicating information, includes radio, television, film, newspapers, magazines, books and the internet -Although the media's main purpose has been to provide information and entertainment, it also plays a powerful role in shaping public opinion -Technological advances also influence health -Advances in medical screenings and treatment for diseases such as heart disease, cancer, and AIDS have helped large numbers of people to live longer, healthier lives -The downside is the fact technology has replaced many of the physical activities that once were part of daily life -People drive or ride instead of walk; they may watch TV, play video games, or work on the computer instead of being physically active


-The way you view situations - your attitude - greatly affects the choices you make -For example, in order to practice good health habits, you must believe that there is some benefit to you and that problems may result if you do not develop these habits -Attitude can play a major role in health and wellness -Studies have shown that people who tend to see the positive in situations are more likely to have better health than those who see only the negative

mental/ Emotional Health

-Your feelings about yourself, how well you meet the demands of daily life, and your ability to process information are all important parts of your health -People with good mental/emotional health enjoy challenges, like learning new things, and see mistakes as opportunities to grow and change -They also accept responsibility for their own actions and stand up for their beliefs and values -You are better able to deal with frustrations of life without being overwhelmed when you are mental/emotionally healthy

physical environment

-Your physical environment influences every aspect of your health -A person who lives in a safe environment is likely to enjoy good physical and mental/emotional health -In contrast, someone who lives in an area with a high crime rate may experience stress or feel concern for personal safety -Environmental factors such as air pollution also affect health -Pollen, dust, or smog in the air can cause allergies -Living with a smoker can increase the risk of respiratory problems

Social Environment

-Your social environment includes your family and other people with whom you come into contact each day -A supportive social environment made up of family and other adult role models can help a person develop positive values, a commitment to learning, and confidence in future success -As a young adult, an important part of your social environment is your peers -Peers are people of the same age who share similar interests -Peers who take part in dangerous, unhealthy, and illegal behaviors like using tobacco, alcohol, or other drugs could create pressure for you to be "part of the group"

Wellness and Prevention

-a key to your wellness is prevention-practicing health and safety habits to remain free of disease and injury. -health education -the providing of accurate health information to help people make healthy choices. -the goal of health education is to give people the tools needed to help them live long, energetic, and productive lives.


-all the traits that were biologically passes on to you from your parents -you probably are familiar with hereditary in terms of your physical traits such as eye color, hair color, and height Heredity also influences your general level of health Inheriting specific genes may put you at risk for certain illnesses, such as diabetes, requiring you to take steps to reduce your risk or manage the illness Beyond your physical health, heredity can also influence personality and basic intellectual abilities and talents

Interpersonal Skills

-interpersonal communication is the exchange of thoughts,feelings, and beliefs between two or more people. -clearly say what you mean, use iMessages to state your position -pay

Promoting your health

-positive decisions are a great impact on your health Factors that promote good health

Your health triangle

-the 3 elements of health: physical, mental/emotional, and social are interconnected.


-your environment is the sum of your surrounding, including your family, your neighborhood, your school, your job, and your life experiences. Environment includes all the places you go in a given day and the physical conditions in which you live -It also includes all the people in your life, and your culture

Change= respond + ability

-your wellness is an overall state of well-being ,or total health. -your wellness comes from a way of life everyday that includes making decisions and practicing behaviors that are based on sound health knowledge and health attitude.



A health Literate Individual Needs

1. critical thinker and problem solver: a person who can evaluate health information before making a decision and who knows how to make responsible, healthy choices. 2. A responsible, Productive citizen: someone who acts in a way that promotes the health of the community and who chooses safe,healthful, and legal behaviors that are consistent with family guidelines and that show respect for the individual and others. 3.a self-directed leaner:

Abstaining from Sexual Activity

Abstinence from sexual activity is the preferred choice of behavior for unmarried persons of high-school age. Why? Abstinence from sexual activity protects you against many negative consequences

Cumulative Risks and Consequences

Cumulative risks may also result from combinations of risk factors The more risk behaviors you participate in, the more likely you are to experience negative consequences at some point Cumulative risks can and do occur in all areas of health and safety

If you are sexually active

Get prescribed to birth control ALWAYS USE A CONDOM

The importance of good health

Health -is the combination of physical, mental/emotional, and social well-being. -health is much more than just absence of disease . -being healthy means striving to be the best you can be at any given time. -health is dynamic, or subject to constantly change the health continuum. Continuum -a sequence or progression at any given moment or over a period of time -your health (the continuum ) can be changed at any given time -once the continuum is changed , your health or the combination of physical, mental/emotional, and social well-being change.

becoming health literate

Health Literacy -refers to a person's capacity to learn about and understand basic health information and services and use these resources to promote his or her health and wellness.

Teens who abstain from sexual activity

Never have to worry about unplanned pregnancy Will not be faced with the difficult decisions associated with unplanned pregnancy, such as being a single parent Will not have to take on the many responsibilities of caring for a child Don't have to worry about sexually transmitted infections Are free of the emotional problems that usually accompany sexual activity, such as guilt, regret and rejection

Recognizing Risk Behaviors

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and other public health agencies routinely survey teens nationwide to monitor their risk behaviors See page 18

Cumulative Risks and Consequences

The consequences of risk behaviors may add up over time These cumulative risks are related risks that increase in effect with each added risk Smoking one cigarette, eating one high-fat meal or getting one sunburn is not likely to result in death If these behaviors are repeated over time, however, the negative affects accumulate and lead to serious health consequences

Understanding Health Risks

The first step in becoming responsible for your health is to increase your awareness of risk behaviors in your life Risk behaviors are actions that can potentially threaten your health or the health of others A second step is to examine your current behaviors and make any necessary changes

Abstaining from Risk Behaviors

The only way to avoid the consequences of some of the most serious risk behaviors is to practice abstinence Abstinence is avoiding harmful behaviors, including the use of tobacco, alcohol and other drugs and sexual activity before marriage If you do not abstain from risk behaviors, just at least do it in moderation!

Abstaining from Tobacco, Alcohol, And other Drugs

Using these substances harms all aspects of your health These substances can cause addiction and can seriously harm the body They can even cause death Substance use often isolates a person from family and friends, a negative effect on social health Moderation is key

Physical health

has to do with how well your body functions

social health

involves the way you get along with others

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