History 102 test #1

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He explored the Southeastern U.S. and his men put his body in the Mississippi River. He was...

De Soto

What was the goal of the Puritans?

Purify the Church of England

Which of the following was true of the Spanish imperial system?

The Spanish made partnerships with allied native groups and used them to attack other native groups


William Penn realized that it could be a haven for persecuted quakers and in the 1681 he received a charter which made him the proprietor of what is now the state of pennsylvania. what is remarkable about pennsylvania was the liberality with which it was governed. it became a holy experiement in which everyne could live in peace and harmony including the indians

In the Spanish Empire, voters chose the viceroy and the governors.


Native Americans believed and practiced private land property


Polynesians navigated with the aid of a compass.


Tainos built large stone houses and sealed the first floors when they anticipated attack


The Catholic Church forbade interracial marriage


The Chinooks are from New York State


Whites were the majority population in the Spanish Empire


What did some even more radicals want?

felt compelled to separate themselves from the anglican church altogether

Be sure to know the role of the Church

most important position of the roman catholic church. like spain, the church and state were intricately entwined each serving the other to the advantage of both.

Be able to identify social aspects of the Spanish empire in America

-highest rank had been born in Spain were called peninsulares -next came those born in in america of Spanish parents known as Criollos most of whom were landowners (these two groups formed the upper class) -those of mixed Spanish and Indian blood were known as mestizos -lower on the social scale were the natives who adopted Spanish life and culture and constituted the broad laboring class -next were the mulattoes those of mixed European and African blood -at the bottom were the black slaves brought from america to work in the mines and fields of the Spanish conquerors

Massachusetts Bay Colony do concept circle

1629 - King Charles gave the Puritans a right to settle and govern a colony in the Massachusetts Bay area. The colony established political freedom and a representative government. the colony was administered by the governor and eighteen assiants elected deputies to sit with the assistants. then, ten years later the court divided into two houses thus creating a bicameral legislature to fashion the laws for the entire massachusetts bay colony.

Of the first Spanish speaking founding settlers of Los Ángeles, how many were Caucasian?


Before contact with the Spanish, California may have had a native population of


Plymouth Colony, and squanto and samoset

A colony established by the English Pilgrims, or Seperatists, in 1620. The Seperatists were Puritans who abandoned hope that the Anglican Church could be reformed. Plymouth became part of Massachusetts in 1691. it was the pilgrims good fortune that they met up by English speaking Indians Squanto, a pawtuxet tribesman and samoset a pemaquid who helped them arrange a peaceful agreement with the surrounding Indian tribes, the indians taught them how to raise corn and showed them the best places to fish and hunt. the colony survived and prospered the colonist gave thanks for their good fortune.

Review the story of Leif Ericsson. There is overlap with the handout. do a concept circle

A little later leif erickson and his crew repeated this journey and probably reached present day Newfoundland or possibly some place along the coast of modern-day new England In 1000-1001AD, under Leif Ericson [Erikson or Eiriksson](Norwegian ethnic Viking probably born in Iceland), the Greenlander Vikings reached the coast of North America establishing a camp in what is today eastern Canada.They named this area Vinland. They may have voyaged further south to Maine. Ericson had converted from his Scandinavian polytheistic religion to Roman Catholicism, before his voyage to Vinland. But the focus of his voyage was trade and settlement, not converting those people he might find in these new lands. Most Vikings were not Christians of any kind at that time. Later in the 1100s, there is a story of the Catholic Bishop of Greenland sailing to covert people in Vinland.

Which countries divided the world in to two areas?

Portugal and Spain

Who did Waldseemuller name the New World after?

Amergio Vespucci

Estevanico was with him for several years. He was..

Cabeza de Vaca

Who acted like a shaman among the natives?

Cabeza de Vaca

Where did he arrive on 12 OCT 1492?

Columbus and his crew made landfall on what he called San Salvador(it was later named watlings island) in the bahamas.

He tried to find the Seven Golden Cities and found towns made of mud brick. He was...


His men found the Grand Canyon. He was...


He was killed by the Zuñi.


The Cherokee are originally from the Great Plains.


The Mound Builders lived in New Mexico and are also called the Anasazi.


CA Natives lived in longhouses and shocked the French for a lack of privacy.

False: it was the eastern

Be sure to know the role of Coronado

Franciso de cornado led a force from mexico in 1540 into the interior of north america in seach of the legendary seven cities of cibola that were believed to be paved with gold


Granted in 1663 *King Charles II rewarded loyal noblemen with these lands after the twenty-year Puritan revolution in England *In hopes of attracting settlers, the proprietors planned for a hierarchical society *They experimented with silk manufacturing and with crops such as rice and indigo, but this provided unworkable and the Carolinas grew slowly as a result *Large groups of colonists in the Carolinas came from Barbados; form of slavery that this group employed proved to be very harsh While North Carolina became a separate colony in 1712, the same proprietors retained ownership - although it recognized and legalized slavery Carolina was the first colony to do so openly it did provide for religious freedom and a representative assembly - many of the carolina were scot-irish who were predomnantly presbyterian in their religious belifs -they engaged the various indian tribes in defending themselves against the spanish in florida. these tribes included the wateree,congaree,santee,waxhaw and catawba all whom belonged to the siouan group.

Which area is closest to North America and was used by the Norse as a point to sail west?


Which is true about Ericson?

He became Catholic before his voyage to the lands called Vinland.

Which is true of Kamehameha I?

He used war to unify the Hawaiian Islands under one kingdom.

Which of the following was true?

It was legal to enslave persons of Black ancestry

Be able to identify aspects of colonial government and James II's attempts to have more control over the colonies

James II did attempt to exercise greater control over several northern colonies in 1686, when he created the Dominion of New England consisting of massachusetts rhode island connecticut, and new hampshire. later he added the colonies of the new york and new jersey. he appointed sir edmund andros governor of this dominion and granted him the power to enact laws including taxes

Which of the following was true of the Spanish Colonial System?

Much of the idea was to export goods and wealth out of the Americas

Concerning the Spanish Imperial system...

One of the functions of the missions was to train natives to become a workforce

What event allowed the English to make a bid for a healthy chuck of this continent?

Philip II, the spanish king, struck back in with a mighty Armada of 130 ships armed with thousands of cannons hoping to subdue the English abd restore them to Cathlicism. between the intrepid bristish sailors,their highly maneuverable ships, and punishing storms at sea the armada was crippled and only about half the orginal number of spanish ships reached the safety of their ports.

.His men came to a river and experienced an earthquake. He was...


He recommended locations for towns and missions in California. He was..


What country funded his voyage?


The native people of Puerto Rico are the...


The natives of L.A. are still known as..


Among the Iroquois, women had a representation and a vote


Before the Spanish and Mexicans came to CA, the CA natives had a population of around 300,000+


Cahokia is across from Saint Louis.


what is the possible narrative (explanation) for the movement of ancient peoples to the New World (America)? (this section is addressing the origins of the indigenous peoples of the Americans also known as Native Americans, First Nations, Amerinds, and American Indians)

began when they crossed a land bridge that once existed between what we call Siberia and Alaska, a bridge that later disappeared because of glacial melting and is now covered by water and known as the Bering Strait

Which was a major product of the northern provinces of the Spanish Empire?

cattle hides

What was the impact of the astrolabe and which European country was going to Africa and India?

daring explore ventured farther down the coast of Africa and Portugal was going to Africa and India

CA Natives were warlike and fought each other all the time


Why did Columbus sail west?

he believed her could reach the orient faster by sailing due west, not around the continent of africa

Be sure to know the role of de Soto

hernando de soto fought his way north into present-day george and the carolinas from 1539 to 1542 and the westward through tennesse, alabama, mississippi, and arkansas.

Before contact with the Spanish, Californian indigenous people lived by

hunting and gathering food.


in 1732, georgia was founded when james oglethon obtained a twenty-one year charter from george II to a group of trustees for land between savannah and altmaha rivers.In 1732, Georgia was formed to provide a buffer between wealthy Georgia and Spanish controlled Florida, and to provide a place for the many debtors of England to begin again.

What two civilizations are mentioned south of what we call today the U.S.

in the south a more culturally advanced society emerged among the Aztec and Inca tribes

. When may this migration have occurred? (Of course, there are differences as to the time frame and manners of migration. But there is anthropological evidence and DNA evidence to support the idea of these migrations.)

is that it took place 50,000 years ago if not more scholars suggested that the migration continued until 2,000 years ago

New York James, Duke of York

james. the duke of york who later succeeded charles as james II cast covetous eyes ont he dutch colony of new netherland, especially the attractive port at the foot of Manhattan island where the hudson riverran into the ocean. they knew they could not fight off the well armed and determined british so they persuded stuyvesant to surrend the colony, and not a shot was fired. james now the proprietor renamed the colony new york.

The areas of North America ruled by the Spanish Empire were called...

new spain

One of the problems affecting the Norse about 1300 years ago was...

not enough farmable land and the practice of giving land only to the eldest son.

8. One piece of evidence that the Norse sailed south of Canada or may have traded with those Native Americans that lived south of Canada was the discovery of a Viking...

penny in Main.

Who were the Skraelings?

people the Norse fought in North America.

Before the Spanish empire began settling California, the indigenous people of this area ...

pruned existing plants.

Most of the first founding settlers of Los Ángeles were people with Black mixtures from...


33. What were the three areas and characteristics of each of the three areas of the English (British) colonies?

the New England, Middle, and southern colonies . New England for example engaged in shipbuilding because of the sturdy, straight railroad pipes through the region. Predominantly puritan founded on religious purposes. In the middle colonies, farming and commerce developed in which, wheat, corn and vegetables were grown while beavers and racoons provided fur for export.Because the cultivation and harvesting of tobacco cotton, rice and plantation and large workforce life in this area of the New World distinctly different farther north.in the south a master class andslave class and life and deaths were determined by the former without regard for the rights or needs of the latter. The people of these southern colonies tended to be more homogeneous than those of the middle and new england colonies

. From page 10 to 13, be able to identify facts, events, places, and names pertaining to Virginia concept bubble

the area was named virgina after elizabeth because she was he virgin queen because she never arried. 3 ships the sushegodspeed, and the discovery, sailed from England in dec 1606 and landed in virgina in april 1607 the settlement was named jamestown. John smith took contol of the colony during the terrible winter of 1609-1610 known as the straving time and those who survived ate roots, acorns, berries, and even their horses. Pocahontas was the favorite daughter of the powhatan chief. she was only 11 years old.died of small [px age 22. the colonist discovered the value of tabacco, as a result large populations soon evolved to grow the plant, and virgina became a thriving colony. march 22 1622 a number of indians who were unarmed circulated in several settlements and appeared to be friendly. then, suddenly they sezied musket and exes and began a systematic slaughter of the inhabitants. it was a typical indian ploy; an outward show of friendship to allay the apprehensions of the colonist followred by a sudden swift killing spree. king james revoked the londons company charter in 1624 and made virgina a royal colony

In Spanish and native run cities, who chose the mayors?

the city council

Be familiar with a similarity between the French and the Dutch. look at handout and do concept circle

the dutch also tried hand at enlarging their possessions and obtaining wealth like the french. like the french the dutch concentrated on obtaining furs, not on colonization, and they regularly traded guns for furs with the irquois

What was the economy and life like? What did they not use or have?

the economy was mostly agricultural that is hunting and gathering . they had invented the wheel nor did they have important domesticated animals such as the horse and cow, and they had not learned the skills of metallurgy, apart from the hammering of sheet copper to make primitive tools and gold and silver for personal ornaments

What did the French want from the natives?

the french desired furs and the beaver population in the Alegonquin country was judged the best

What did the French king commission Cartier to do and what did his and Champlain's voyages accomplish? Which group became allies of the French?

the french king commissioned cartier to seach for a northwest passage that would lead to the indies. His and champlains voyages accoplished the founded cities of quebec and montreal. the lucrative fur trade in the great lakes area became a source of wealth, but it did not attract many french settlers. Hurons became allies of the french

Among the Inuits,...

the harpoon man had to watch to see if the whale was going to dive after being harpooned.

Know facts about the Iroquois.

the iroquois were probably more culturally advanced than some other tribes. they occupied the region south of the st.lawrence river and lake ontario. the five nations of the iroquois included the seneca, onondaga, monhawk, cayuga, and oneida, were later joined by the tuscarora

As a result of changes, what happened to the power of the Catholic Church?

the middle age their authoritarian and rigid system of beliefs and practices, slowly disintegrated the power of the pope and bishops who controlled the catholic church was supplanted by that of ruling monarchs and titled noblemen in emerging nations states and after martin Luther posted his list of ninety five these on a cathedral door, the Christians religion no longer consisted of a single set of beliefs

What did these ancient peoples develop in terms of government and organization?

they developed a diversity of cultures depending in the main on the where they took up permanent residence and they spoke at least 300 different languages. their individual clans formed tribes or nations and their governments usually consisted of a council of elders and clan chiefs selected by the elders the highest ruling member of the tribe was the principal chief chosen from one of the major clan but many functions of government were normally handled by an individual clan or by a family.

Evidently, the English took a little longer to engage in imperial colonial acts in North America. How did the English challenge Spanish power

they struck at spanish power by attacking its merchants and treasure ships plying the high seas.

How did the Christian Crusader Wars impact the interests and discoveries of the Europeans?

they were expose to a different and more exotic culture, a way of life that excited their imagination. they had experienced in the east such as spices cotton and silk cloth the gold and silver as well as the spices and silk clothing that polo described capture the imagination of Europeans.

Why might these ancient peoples have moved?

they were motivated by wanderlust or the need for new source of food maybe they were searching for a better climate maybe they came for religious reasons to escape persecution or find a more congenial area to practice their particular beliefs

Before the use of the horse, Great Plains natives sometimes drove buffalo off a cliff


In the Spanish Empire the only people that voted were landowners


In the Spanish Empire, voters selected the city council.


Kamehameha traded with the Spanish for muskets


The Apache lived in the Southwest


The Chamorros are the people of Guam


The Chumash are from Santa Bárbara and Ventura, California


The East Coast Natives saw themselves as inferior to white Europeans.


The Polynesians took taro to their islands.


The Spanish brought horses and turned them loose in America.


The Tainos are the indigenous peoples of Puerto Rico


Who established the Anglican Church and in opposition to whom?

was established by the monarchy in opposition to the roman catholic church

Maryland Toleration Act

when the first maryland legislature met in 1635 it on the right to enact its own laws, and calvert wisely agreed to this. but cathlics did not swarm into maryland as the proprietor had hoped. instead many more protestants took advantage of his liberal land grants, and bu the end of the century they outnumbered cathlics ten to one. in 1649 the maryland assembly accepted lord baltimores propsal and passed the toleration act, stating that no person who belived in christ would be persecuted for the praticing his or her religion. Act that was passed in Maryland that guaranteed toleration to all Christians, regardless of sect but not to those who did not believe in the divinity of Jesus. Though it did not sanction much tolerance, the act was the first seed that would sprout into the first amendment, granting religious freedom to all.

In the Spanish Empire...

women could own land

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