History 1302 Final Exam

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Approximately how many civilians were killed by the atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki?


When was the peak of the bison slaughter?


The Spanish American War was in


Which census first revealed that a majority of Americans were living in cities?


When was "one nation, under God" added in the Pledge of Allegiance?


The U.S.birthrate reached its twentieth century highpoint in


The March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom was held in August ​


The National Origins Act restricted the number of immigrants from any given country to ____ percent of the number of current Americans from that country


The final two decades of the nineteenth century saw over _________ strikes and lockouts


By 1880 roughly how many Chinese immigrants lived in the US


The 9/11 terrorist attack took place in ​the year


Operation Iraqi Freedom took place in ​


How large was the mushroom cloud from the detonation of the first thermonuclear weapon?

25 miles high, 100 miles across

Roughly how many Native Americans lived in the American West in the late 19th century?


Approximately how many women served in the military during WWII?


From 1880 to 1950, approximately _______ African Americans were murdered by white mobs.


In the election of 1896, 130,000 black Louisianans voted. In 1900 the number was _____________.


What percent of unmarried women worked outside the home in the 1920s?


By 1890, in most large northern cities, immigrants and their children amounted to what percent of the population?


At the height of the lynching epidemic in the south how many African Americans were lynched every week?


Of the over 110,000 Japanese-descended Americans who were detained in internment camps, approximately how many were American citizens?


Roughly ____ of all German casualties in World War II came in the battle against the Soviet Union.


By 1900, the richest ten percent controlled perhaps _______ percent of the nation's wealth.


How did federal housing programs discriminate against Americans of color?

All of the above

After Sputnik,

All of these are correct.

The Tea Party

All of these are correct.

Why was Emmett Till murdered?

Allegedly whistling at a white woman

The Stonewall incident that catalyzed the gay rights movement occurred when __________

Bar patrons in New York City protested a police raid

When was the Atlantic Charter issued?

Before the United States entered World War II

Where did Germany first invade?


Which of the following empires emerged from WWI intact?


What was the primary purpose of the failed Equal Rights Amendment?

Eliminate all legal distinctions based on sex

The National Indian Youth Council (NIYC) differed from the National Congress of American Indians (NCAI) because the NIYC

Employed direct action tactics and more combative rhetoric

As a result of the booming wartime industry, there was no discrimination toward African Americans working in defense jobs.​


Everyone benefited equally from the economic boom of the 1920s.


Married women could file homestead claims?


Mid-century American culture was symbolized by the extended family.​


The 1920s fundamentally changed all American lives.


The 1961 freedom ride ​lead by James Farmer encountered little resistance from southern whites.


The KKK was only prominent in the South in the 1920s.


The US declared war immediately after the sinking of the Lusitania.


The US supported the Treaty of Versailles?


The two men who murdered Emmett Till were sentenced to death for the crime.


When the Professional Air Traffic Controllers Organization went on strike, Reagan expedited collective bargaining by consenting to their demands.​


While World War II veterans enjoyed the benefits of the G.I. Bill, ​these benefits were never extended to veterans of the Korean War.


Women enjoyed equal opportunities to men in the Gilded Age?


Which of the following events most seriously damaged the Knights of Labor?

Haymarket Affair

Why did Hitler stop the Blitz in June 1941?

He launched Operation Barbarossa—the invasion of the Soviet Union.

Why did William Jennings Bryan attack the Gold Standard?

He wanted to increase inflation to lower the burden of farmers debts

Why was Douglas MacArthur removed from command?

He was publicly insubordinate to the Commander in Chief

Two events are widely credited with inspiring the rebirth of the Ku Klux Klan. One is the release of the film The Birth of theNation. What was the second?

Lynching of Leo Frank

Which battleship exploded in Havana harbor, eventually leading the the Spanish American War?


How did attitudes toward sex change in the 1920s?

Many college-educated white womenrebelled against "Victorian" notions of sexuality, leading to an increase in premarital sex

Most practices and objects associated with American cowboys were modified from ______ ranchers.


Why did President Wilson authorize the invasion of Veracruz, Mexico?

Mexican forces mistakenly arrested American sailors

Which of the following statements regarding immigration during the Great Depression is true?

More people left the United States than entered it during the Great Depression

Which of the following actions did FDR take to advance civil rights for African Americans?

None of these occurred.

Theodore Roosevelt first gained fame as a trustbuster by attacking which monopoly in 1902?

Northern Securities

Before turning to military expansionism, Japanese leaders were also considering which of the following strategies?

Pan-Asian anti-Western

All of the following groups provided cultural space for immigrants to maintain their arts, languages, and traditions EXCEPT

Rotary Clubs

Who first challenged segregation on buses?

Sarah Keys

Which group first promoted the idea that drug use could remedy feelings of alienation?


How did railroads transform the American economy?

Created a new white color middle class of managers

Which of the following statements regarding Jane Addams' activism are true?

Created an influential settlement home in Chicago

As President Theodore Roosevelt transformed the American navy by emphasizing which ofthe following strategies?

Creating battleships and a "blue water" navy that would win battles against rivalFleets

Army General John "Black Jack" Pershing used all of the following technologies in his attempt to capture Pancho Villa EXCEPT


Women participated in the global influence of the United States in many ways, including asall of the following EXCEPT


What was the result of the King-Crane Commission?

Discovery that most inhabitants of the Middle East favored an independent state free of European control

How did southern reformers seek to combat corruption?

Disenfranchising black voters

What did the United States demand from the Comanche leading to the Red River War?

The United States demanded that the Comanche settle on government reservations

Greece and Turkey were early flashpoints in the Cold War. How did the United States respond to unrest in Greece and Turkey in 1947?

The United States sent $400 million to both nations to be used in resisting communism

What most directly explains the boost in production of McCormick reapers?

The adoption of interchangeable parts

The political machine in New York City was run by?

William Tweed

Which group accounted for 90% of household expenditures in 1920s homes?


​After World War II, most American men set their sights on

a white-collar job.

What primarily drew immigrants to the United States in the late 19th century?


The White Citizens' Council formed in response to ​

the Brown decision.

​The Department of Homeland Security was a consolidation of ____________________ federal agencies, charged with responding to terrorism, man-made accidents, and natural disasters.


How may nuclear bombs were dropped on Japan before the Japanese surrendered?​


After learning of the Brown decision, Eisenhower​

was disappointed as he wanted the process of granting civil rights to advance more gradually.

Which of the following was not included in the G. I. Bill?​

​ten years of medical insurance coverage

Prior to serving as U.S. president, Ronald Reagan had been ​

​the governor of California.

​The most important factor for America's post-war prosperity was

​the rapid and sustained growth of consumer spending.

The Manhattan Project was

​the top-secret venture to build an atomic bomb.

While the Interstate Highway Act ​improved the safety and efficiency of automobile travel, Eisenhower's main concern was

​troop movements and evacuations in the case of a nuclear attack.

According to Betty Friedan, the feminine mystique was ​

​women's ability to balance work and family life.

John Galbraith's The Affluent Society addressed the issue of ​

​​the advertising industry creating unnecessary consumerism.

What was the "Nixon Doctrine?"

A military policy of détente

What was the purpose of NATO?

A mutual defense pact between the U.S. and Canada

Warren G. Harding won office by campaigning on which theme

A return to normalcy

Marcus Garvey created a movement encouraging black Americans to migrate to Africa. To do this he created which of the following:

A shipping company called the Black Star Line

What is the definition of Herbert Hoover's "Associationalism?"

A system where businesses would voluntarily limit harmful business practices for the greater economic good

What did the Civil Rights Act of 1957 accomplish?

Created a Civil Rights Commission in the Department of Justice to investigate claims of racial discrimination

All Progressives agreed on what needed to be fixed and how to fix it.


Who first advocated the policy of containment?

George Kennan

Who wrote the Long Telegram?

George Kennan

The Treaty of Versailles blamed which country for WWI?


How was the transcontinental railroad funded?

Grants and loans from the federal government

What did Lyndon Johnson call his domestic program?

Great Society

What publication called the Space Race a "race for survival"?

The New York Times

Why did the Russian army disintegrate?

The Russian Revolution distracted military leaders from the war with Germany

The Albany Movement, centered in Albany, Georgia, drew on Christian commitments to social justice and united all of the following Civil Rights groups EXCEPT

The Southern Baptist Convention

The process of redlining designated areas of cities (of predominantly minority populations) where banks would not provide home and business loans.


Violent anti-war protests erupted at Kent State and Jackson State College after the news media reported that American troops had invaded Cambodia.​


While the Vietnam War was an all-out war, it was also undeclared.​


Women were prominent in the Progressive Movement?


​The Los Angeles riots that took place in 1992 were in response to the acquittal of the four officers who beat Rodney King.


​The process of Vietnamization involved shifting fighting in the Vietnam War from Americans to the Southern Vietnamese.


President Johnson proposed the Voting Rights Act of 1965 partially in response to what event in Selma, Alabama

"Bloody Sunday," the beating of peaceful marchers by police officers

The laws enforcing segregation in the south in the late 19th century were known as?

"Jim Crow"

Approximately what percent of early rodeo contestants were women?


What percent of Americans were investing in the stock market prior to the crash?


What percent of married women worked outside of the home in the 1920s?


How many people died in total as a result of Nazi atrocities? ​

11 Million

When did the United States begin trading with China?


What was the top tax rate during World War II?


What was the Zimmerman Telegram?

A German offer to help Mexico recover land lost in the Mexican-American War if Mexico would side with Germany in WWI if the US entered the war against Germany.

What was the message of NSC-68?

A call for a tripling of the annual defense budget for the purpose of stopping communism

What was the Open Door Policy?

A call for all western powers to have equal access to Chinese markets

What was the Bonus Army?

A group of World War I veterans who petitioned the government to make an early payment on bonuses scheduled to be released in 1945

Which of the following is true about suburbanization?​

ALL of above

All of the following statements regarding the National Women's Party are true EXCEPT

Advocated violent resistance to sexism

The Taliban was the regime that ruled


What was the most important aspect of the southern economy in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries?


Roosevelt tried to create relief for American farmers through the Agricultural Adjustment Act (AAA). What did the AAA do?

Aimed to raise the prices of agricultural commodities by offering cash incentives to voluntarily limit farm production, thereby increasing prices

All of the following were candidates in the 1912 presidential election EXCEPT

Al Smith

One of the intellectual leaders of the Harlem Rennaissance wrote that "we are achieving something like a spiritual emancipation." Who was this intellectual?

Alain Locke

The postwar ideal of domesticity meant that women were responsible for ​

All of above

Advertisers in the 1960s innovated by beginning to emphasize which of the following traits as a means of selling products?

All of the above

The Paiute prophet Wovoka promised that which of the following would occur if Indians obeyed his instructions and participated in the ceremony that came to be called the Ghost Dance

All of the above

The Religious Right built a powerful coalition that united conservative evangelicals with what other influential voting group?

All of the above

What caused the Cuban Missile Crisis?

All of the above

What did the Populists propose in the Omaha Platform?

All of the above

What tactics were used to disenfranchise black voters?

All of the above

What was the purpose of the Marshall Plan?

All of the above

What was the result of Brown v. Board of Education?

All of the above

Which of the following advantages did the Soviet Union achieve during the Cold War?

All of the above

Which of the following enabled the rising purchase of consumer goods?

All of the above

Which of the following most accurately describes religious commitment during the early Cold War years?

All of the above

Which of the following statements are true regarding Soong May-ling, known to the public as Madame Chiang?

All of the above

By 1913, the United States produced one-third of the world's industrial output. This wasmore than __________.

All of the above combined.

The Socialist Party of America achieved which of the following gains in the early twentieth century?

All of the above.

Which of the following was considered a problem of the Gilded Age?

All of the above.

What was Frederick Jackson Turner's "Frontier Thesis?"

American culture was forged by the struggle between civilized settlers and savage frontier life, giving it a democratic and hardworking spirit

Why did the League of Nations fail?

American refusal to join

What was the first military action taken by the United States against international communism?

American soldiers fought against the Red Army during the Russian civil war

All of the following events related to the Korean War are true EXCEPT

An armistice was never officially signed

What was FDR's "court-packing scheme"

An attempt to appoint up to six new justices who would be friendly to his interests

How did the first freedom ride end?

Angry mobs composed of KKK members attacked the riders in Birmingham, Alabama and burned one of the buses and beat the activists who escaped

Who compared the red scare with the Salem Witch Trials?

Arthur Miller

What was the particular spark that ignited World War I?

Assassination of Archduke Ferdinand and Grand Duchess Sophie

Who advocated racial accomodationism?

Booker T. Washington

How did President Eisenhower attempt to prevent a Soviet Attack on the United States

By promising "massive retaliation" and appealing to the logic of "mutually-assured destruction"

The 1968 Democratic National Convention included massive protests and violent reprisals by police. Where did this convention meet?


Which city served as the most important railroad hub, connecting the East and the West?


Which ethnic group faces the most rigid immigration restrictions?


The Board of Indian Commissioners

Christianized American Indian Policy

Quanah Parker was a ___________ leader.


Women served in the armed forces during World War I. They served in all of the following positions EXCEPT

Commissioned Officers

Hitler and Mussolini helped to topple which government in Spain?


The cornerstone of Lyndon Johnson's War on Poverty was which program?

Community Action

Upon assuming office, how did Roosevelt respond to the collapsing bank system?

Declared a bank holiday and then pushed through the Emergency Banking Act

How did the Roosevelt Corollary modify the Monroe Doctrine?

Declaring that the U.S. had the right to preemptive action through intervention inany Latin American nation to correct administrative and fiscal deficiencies

Louisiana Senator Huey long criticized Roosevelt's New Deal programs for _____________

Failing to redistribute wealth.

What was the subject of Rachel Carson's book Silent Spring?

Environmental dangers of pesticides

What theme dominated American popular entertainment in the 1920s?


The Marshall Plan sought to restore the economies of


Which of the following issues most concerned American diplomats prior to World War I?

Expanding transatlantic trade

How did increased availability of consumer credit in the 1920s influence American expenditures?

Expenditures increased

Louisiana Senator Huey long criticized Roosevelt's New Deal programs for ____________

Failing to redistribute wealth

The environmental catastrophe of the Great Depression was partly the result of agricultural mismanagement. Which of the following was the most consequential example of this mismanagement?

Farmers plowed up natural ground cover to grow more crops, cover that had taken ages to form in the relatively dry sates of the Plains

Betty Friedan's Feminine Mystique focused on what primary issue

Feelings of dissatisfaction with life as a housewife

The Homestead Act granted official title to160 acre plots of land after how many years of settlement?

Five years

Immigrant Americans tended to vote for which political party?

Immigrant voters were nearly equally divided in their party allegiance

All of the following aspects of the Tax Reform Act of 1986 are true EXCEPT:

Increased federal revenues

Taylorism attempted to use scientific principles to better handle which aspect of business?

Industrial population

What disease proved most deadly during and in the immediate aftermath of World War I?


What was the consequence of the Smoot-Hawley Tariff of 1930?

International Trade Collapsed

Which of the following definition best describes the work of muckrakers?

Investigative Journalists

Which of the following writers most effectively used photography in their work?

Jacob Riis

Which of the following environmental thinkers advocated preservation rather than conservation?

John Miur

Which person claimed to have a list of communists who were shaping American policy?

Joseph McCarthy

Which of the following groups was the most radical?

Knights of Labor

Which war is known as the Forgotten War?

Korean War

President ____________ requested a declaration of war against Spain.


Which of the following factors contributed to William McKinley's victory over William Jennings Bryan in the 1896 election?

McKinley was able to spend five times more than Bryan on the campaign

Joseph McCarthy first achieved national prominence in February 1950 by waving a piece of paper that he claimed included 205 communists currently working in what capacity?

Members of the Department of State

Which of the following describes the place of the labor movement during the 1920s?

Membership declined

In the mid-1960s, the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) experienced a transformation. This transformation included all of the following EXCEPT

Merging with the Black Panther Party

Which religious group fled west out of the United States and into Mexico?


What does MAD stand for?

Mutually Assured Destruction

A vibrant homosexual culture developed during the 1920s in which American city?

New York

During the nineteenth century, American interests in the Middle East revolved around all ofthe following EXCEPT


The Teapot Dome Scandal sent several prominent members of the Harding administration to jail. The scandal involved the leasing of government land to what group?

Oil Companies

How did the United States respond to the Bolshevik Revolution?

Opposed the Revolution and sent American troops, who remained in Russia until 1920

How did President Lincoln respond to the Sioux Uprising

Ordered the execution of 303 by hanging

The Civil Rights Act of 1968 focused on what primary issue

Outlawing discrimination in housing

How did the Federal Reserve respond to the financial collapse?

Overcorrected by raising interest rates and tightening credit

Who was the leader of the movement to stop the Equal Rights Amendment?

Phylis Schlafly

Britain and France declared war on Germany after which invasion?


Which ethnic group was most numerous among the Catholic bishops in the United States?


How did the United States respond to the Boxer Rebellion in China?

President McKinley sent the U.S. Army into China without consulting congress

What did the Works Progress Administration do?

Put unemployed men and women to work on projects designed and proposed by local governments

Why were southerners unable to maintain unity in the People's Party?

Racial Conflict

What was the Red Summer of 1919?

Racial violence in twenty-five American cities

Which group received more land from the government?

Railroad companies

What economic opportunity drew the most migrants to the West?

Railroad work

Roe v. Wade, the court case that legalized abortion hinged on what legal idea?

Right of privacy

What legal principle was enshrined by the Supreme Court case Plessy v. Ferguson?

Separate but equal

Which group founded the People's Party (also known as the Populists)?

Small farmers in the South, Midwest, and Great Plains

By 1890 the majority of immigrants to Chicago came from

Southern and Eastern Europe

Which group of Americans benefitted the least from the economic changes of the 1920s?

Southern farmers

Which Allied nation was the first to reach Berlin?

Soviet Union

Which of the following best characterized German military tactics

Speed and maneuverability

What was the purpose of the Dawes General Allotment Act?

Splintered vast Native American reservations into individual family homesteads

Which of the following most accurately describes the arguments of Social Darwinism?

State welfare and private charity would lead to degeneration by perpetuating the survival of the weak

Who organized the first sit-ins?


What economic activity most united Brazil and the United States in the early nineteenth century?

Sugar trade

Which of the following nations were not a part of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)?


What explains the popularity of Wild West shows?

Tapped into anxieties about men losing their masculinity in the "softer" world of factory and office work

Why did the United States fail to help more of the decolonization independence movements during the 1940s - 1970s?

The Cold War alliance with Western Europe led the United States to support many colonial powers

Fundamentalist Christianity coalesced around a series of ideas best articulated in a pamphlet commissioned by oil barons Lyman and Milton Stewart. What is the name of this pamphlet?

The Fundamentals

What was the result of the Kaiserschlacht?

The Germans launched five failed major attacks

What was the most dramatic result of the 1938 Fair Labor Standards Act?

The creation of a national minimum wage

The Dakota Uprising of 1862 began with what event?

The death of five white settlers at the hands of four young Santee men

What was the "tainted money debate?"

The decision whether the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions would accept a large donation by John D. Rockefeller

Which of the following best describes the Social Gospel?

The goal of saving society as well as souls

What prompted President Roosevelt to pass Executive Order 8802?

The planned march on Washington led by A. Philip Randolph

Which of the following resulted from American commitments to free trade?

The relocation of American manufacturing overseas

Catholic clergymen who took up the name "Americanists" believed in all of the following EXCEPT

The separation of church and state would benefit Catholicism

After the Victory in Europe, the United States suffered a setback in the Pacific. What was that setback?

The surrender of American forces in the Philippines

All of the following statements regarding the boosters of the New South are true EXCEPT

They were exclusively white and sought to maintain the racial status quo

All of the following statements regarding the Guano Islands Act of 1856 are true EXCEPT

This legislation put Guano Islands on a path to statehood that later was rejected

What was the purpose of Western cattle drives?

To bring cattle to eastern markets, mostly through railroad hubs

What event convinced many Americans that reform was necessary?

Triangle Shirtwaist Fire

After World War II, the United States entered a period of prosperity, consumer spending and high employment.​


During his presidency, a large federal budget had forced George H.W. Bush to break his no-tax pledge.​


In the presidential election of ​the year 2000, Al Gore won a majority of the popular vote.


Medicare and Medicaid were passed as part of Lyndon Johnson's Great Society program.​


Students for a Democratic Society constituted what is referred to as the New Left.​


The 1950s saw the development of a commercial culture ​centered on the health and happiness of children.


The Lavender Scare was a facet of the Red Scare that targeted homosexuals. ​


The No Child Left Behind Education Reform Act instituted new performance and testing standards for public schools​.


The US invaded Mexico under President Wilson.


The Warsaw Pact was the Soviet response to NATO.​


The main U.S.-Soviet conflict in the months after World War II involved the political status of Eastern Europe and occupied Germany.​


The post-World War II era saw the resurgence of the Republican Party.​


The Triple Entente united all of the following nations EXCEPT.

United States

A wave of mergers peaked between 1897 and 1904. The largest of these mergers created thefirst billion dollar American corporation. What was that corporation?

United States Steel

Why did so many die in the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire?

Unsafe working conditions

The presidential election of 1984 convinced the Democratic Party that its future lied with what group?

Upwardly mobile professionals and suburbanites

Who is credited for popularizing the term the "Cold War"?

Walter Lippman

W. E. B. Du Bois, founder the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, broke with his former mentor Booker T. Washington because, Du Bois believed that Washington _______.

Was not bold enough.

At the turn of the century, the percentage of immigrants from which region decreased inrelation to other regions?

Western Europe

The Jungle was written about the


Kamikaze refers to ​

suicide ​attacks made by Japanese aviators on Allied naval vessels.

Movies like Saturday Night Fever showcased

the desire to escape a life of low-wage, dead-end work.

The first industry to concentrate capital on an immense scale was

the railroad

The first televised presidential debate was for the election of _________________.​


The Berlin Wall fell on November 9, ​


Deregulation affected which of the following industries?​

​All of these are correct.

Postwar optimism about child rearing came from

​All of these are correct.

The Brown v. the Board of Education ​decision

​All of these are correct.

The FHA ​

​All of these are correct.

Which of the following is true about President Johnson and the Vietnam War?​

​All of these are correct.

Which of the following is true about the Iran-Contra affair?

​All of these are correct.

which of the following embodied suburban culture?

​All of these are correct.

Which of the following was not one of the reasons why Eisenhower intervened in Little Rock?

​He wanted quick and swift action in favor of civil rights.

____________________ proved the most important single force in post-war recovery.​

​Real Estate

Which of the following is not true about the demands of the protestors in Tiananmen Square in April 1989?​

​They wanted social services for the poor?

H. Ross Perot was​

​a billionaire who ran as an independent candidate in the 1992 presidential election.

The Little Rock Nine were ​

​a group of African American high school students chosen to be the first to integrate Central High School.

Obamacare was a program that initiated

​a sweeping national health insurance program.

President Clinton's 1998 impeachment came after he committed perjury when testifying about

​an extramarital affair.

The NAACP"S legal strategy involved ​

​fighting discrimination through the courts.

The Carter Doctrine warned that _____________________ would be considered a threat to the United States and would be repelled.​

​foreign incursions into the Persian Gulf.

According to the principle of supply-side economics,

​lower taxes inspire corporate investment and productivity, which helps the economy as a whole.

George Bush's 1988 campaign was characterized by

​mud-slinging against Michael Dukakis, the Democratic candidate.

​Which of the following was not a part of Newt Gingrich's Contract with America?

​reforming the welfare system?

The genre of music that became the most popular among the youth of the 1950s was​

​rock n' roll.

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