Human Resources

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Advantages of External Recruiting

Attract most qualified people, inflow of new ideas to the organization, new employees may be familiar with competitiors, reduce jealousies within the organization.

Union Grievance Procedure Conciliation

Involves the use of a neutral third party who hears both sides and tries to bring the parties together without setting forth specific recommendations. Conciliators help clear the air.

External Recruiting

Going outside the organization to attract people to apply for a job position.

Directive Counseling

Involves listening to employee problem, helping decide what to do and motivating employee to follow through with the plan.

Non-Directive Counseling

Involves listening to problem and letting the subordinate determine the approiate solution.


Used by superviors for employees who do not have the necessary skills to perform the job duties. Coaching shows the employee how to do the job or task. It is a form of intensified training.


Used by supervisors when confronted with behavioral problems or negative attitudes. It is used with people who have the skills to perform adequately but lack the motivation or attitude to carry out the job. There are 3 types of counseling: Directive, Nondirective and participative or coordinative counseling.


Using computerized forcasting can be built around a situation. The scenaro is entered into the program and different factors are entered in the scenario, changing the outcome of the situation.


The process of attracting qualified applicants to job positions within an organization.

Cognitive Test

(IQ or written) measures the intelligence quotient, basic literacy skills, or other specific abilities (numberic or mechanical concepts.)

5 Steps of Progressive Discipline

1. Informal Discussion no documentation is place in employees' personnel file. 2. Informal Meeting with employee to issue an informal warning. Copy is placed in employees' file. 3. Formal Discussion with employee with formal warning and documentation is placed in employees' file. 4. Suspension and notice place in employees' file. 5. Dismissal is the final step. Documentation placed in employees' file to protect the organization against actions by the employee.

4 Steps of Discipline Without Punishment

1. Initial warning and a copy of warning goes in employee file. 2. Second meetining and a written reminder is issued with ways to correct the problem. Counseling maybe used at this stage. 3. Third meeting if no progress made employee is given a day off with pay to think about their job situation. 4. Dismissal occurs. The major emphasis is on forcing the employee to decide their own fate.

Social Security (FICA)

A governemnt benefit plan (medicare, retirement, disability, death benefits to survining family members) in which both the employer and employee contribute equally, Self-employed individuals pay the full amount when they file their income tax each year.


A rule or system of rules governing conduct or activity.

Types of Performance Evaluations Essay Appraisal

A series of statements about an individual's performance or qualifications written by the evaluator.

Delphi Technique

A technique used to survey experts to learn their views and develop a consensus of the most appropriate course of action. The participants provide their opinions independently. Staff coordinator compiles the surveys, summarizes the views of the participants and submits summaries back to the participants for more feedback and detailed opinions. This is done 3 times before a final composite opinion is developed.

Hostile Work Environment

A workplace where sexual innuendo jokes are tolorated and/or permitted. If only one person is uncomfortable in the situation and everyone else is ok with the situation; this is still a hostile work environment.

Labor Management Relations Act of 1947 (TAFT-HARTLEY ACT)

Aimed at balancing the legal responsibilities of the employers and unions by stopping unfair labor practices by unions in 4 ways: 1. Banned Closed Shops 2. Allowed state to establish right-to-work laws. 3. It stopped feather bedding 4. It gave federal government and the president the emergency power to intervene in situations where a strike will cripple the nation. Law means Federal Employees cannot strike or cause harm to U.S. Example postal workers, armed service, civil service employees.

Types of Performance Evaluations Behaviorally Anchored Rating Scale (BARS)

All workers are rated using a numberical scale in term of demonstrating the desired work behaviors on specific tasks (form of Management by Objectives) (MBO)

Salary Reduction Plan or 401 (K) Plan

Allows a compnay to cut a worker's pretax pay by a sepecific amount that is deposited into an investment account for retirement. Some employer's match the employees's investment.

Cafeteria Style Compensation Plan

Allows the employee to select a combination of salary and benefits. They consider benefits such as additional cancer policy, health insurance deducted before taxes, daycare, etc.

Non-Union Grievance Procedure Open-Door Policy

Allows the employee to take the problem to a higher level management person above their supervisor. If that person feels the employee's grievance is justified, he or she will take action to correct the situation.

Indirect Compensation Plan

Also known as employee benefits or Fringe Benefits. Usually at least 25% or more of the employee's salary. Social Security, unemployment compensation, worker's compensation and disability insurance are required by law. Holidays, vacation time, comptime, bonuses, jury duty pay, voting and military service. Health, dental, vision, and life insurances, tuition, stock options, profits sharing. etc.

Union Steward

An employee elected by other employees who takes complaints to the line supervisors and attempt to solve the problem informally. If they can't the steaward goes to the next level of management.

Non-Union Grievance Procedure Ombudsman

An outside specialist or senior-level person whose job is to review the problem and recommend or take action concerning the grievance. Many organizations like to use an ombudsman in serious grievance situations.

Affirmative Action

Any special activity undertaken by employers to increase equal employment opportunities for groups protected by federal EEO laws and related regulations. The Affirmative Aciton program is a written program that specifies goals and timetables for hiring, training, promoting, and retaining groups protected by federal equal employment laws and related regulations for organizations with federal government contracts of $50,000 and/or 50 or more employees.

Honesty Test

Are designed to reveal information about a potential employees' honesty.

Bonafide Occupational Qualifications (BFOQ)

Are legally discriminating qualifications based on gender, national origin, and religion. Example: a Japanese restuarant is allowed to hire only Japanese wait people; Religious schools are allowed to hire people of the religious denomination.


Assesses the current employee resource base by having the employee complete questionnaires regarding their education, skills, training, and abilities to use in projecting future human resource needs.

Types of Performance Evaluations Graphic Rating Scale

Assesses the employee on attitude, skill and performance using a pre-established scale.

Title VI Civil Rights Act of 1964 Amended 1972

Bans discrimination based on a person's race, color, religion, sex or national origin in hiring, retaining, promoting, or laying off employees in organizations with 15 or more meployees. This act created the Equal Employment Opportunity Act and the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC)

Output-based Salary

Based on productivity. Either quota or straight commission system.

Straight Salary

Based on work performed for a specific number of hours. Wages do not change as productivity changes.

Closed Shop

Before a person could apply for a job with an organization the person had to join the union. Made illegal by Taft-Hartly Act.

Progressive Discipline

Believes improper behavior will cease once the employee has realized sufficient punishment. 5 Steps

Personality Test

Checks personality traits and qualities . They are used for customer relations and sales positions.

Federal Social Security Act

Both employee and employer contribute equally. Independent contractors (self-employed people) pay 100% of their Social Security.

Union Grievance Procedure Mediation

Bring in a third party to hear the case and offer recommendations to solve dispute. One or both parties can reject the recommendations because the mediator's recommendations is not binding to the parties concerned.

Non-Union Grievance Procedure Management by Walking Around or Wandering Around (MBWA)

Brings the manager in contact with employees in their own environment. The manager learns about employees' problems and concerns firsthand by walking through the work area and talking to the employees in a one-on-one situation. A disadvantage to MBWA is that employees may not want to discuss their problems.

Employee Questionnaires

Complies to give the organization an internal picture of what employee base the organization has available in the future. Includes studying the demand for the organizations products and services with the changing environment (legal, political, soci-cultural dimensions, technological, economic conditions, and domestic and foreign competetion) to project future employment needs.

Unemployment Insurance

Depending on the state, benefits are either paid entirely by the employer or combination of employer/employee. Federal Government pays for it's employees.

Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA) established 1970

Dept of Labor to oversee the safe working conditions for employees and provides mandates that organizations must follow. OSHA investigators monitor workplaces to ensure safety standards are being followed and investigate workplace injuries. Employee can file complaint with OSHA against employer, employer can't retaliate. Employer is given citations and will have to remedy situation. Employer can appeal citation, If OSHA finds ten or more violations, fines and temporary injunctions can be filed against the employer. A temporary injunction can also be issued where serious dangers can occur. Can temporary close down business.

2 Types of Compensation

Direct and Indirect

Types of Performance Evaluations Management by Objectives (MBO)

Employee sets goals and self appraisal, which is agreed upon with supervisor; manager meets periodically with employee to measure the employee's performance toward achieving agreed upon goals.

Worker's Compensation

Employer pays the total cost of worker's compensation which is required in ALL states. The amount of the employer's workers compensation tax depends on the number of worker related injuries and illnesses filed against the organization.

Equal Employment Opportunity Act

Ensures that organizations treat every employee fairly regardless of race, gender, color, age, religion, or national origin.

Civil Rights Act of 1964 Consists of:

Equal Employment Opportunity Act Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) Bonafide Occupational Qualifications (BFOQ's) Sexual Harrassment/Quid Pro Quo Hostile Work Environment Affirmative Aciton

National Labor Relations Act (Wagner Act) of 1935

Established National Labor Relations Board and is considered the Magna Charter for labor unions. (remember movie "Norma Rae"). Workers were given the right to organize and bargin collectively with employers through unions. Employers could not legally spy, bribe, or move a business to avoid union activities.

Non-Union Grievance Procedure Peer Review Boards

Established teams of employees are used to oversee employee's grievances by some organizations. The employee presents the problem to the board for review. The board has the power to take action or recommend if they believe the employee's grievance is justified.

Types of Performance Evaluations Checklist

Evaluator answers yes or no to questions regarding employee's attitude, skill and performance.

Types of Performance Evaluations Ranking

Evaluator is required to compare and identify all employees on the set values; individuals are ranked from highest to lowest beginning with the best employee at the top of the list to the worst at the bottom of the list.

Norris-LaGuardie Act 1932

First legislation that gave employees the opportunity to get together to improve labor conditions without worrying about repercussions from employers. Laid the ground work for the formations of unions. This act outlawed "Yellow Dog Contracts".

Types of Performance Evaluations Production Standard Approach

For a physical production position (assembly-line production, etc.)

Employee Polygraph Protection Act of 1988

Forbids use of polygraph tests in most situations of employment including hiring. Poloygraph test are permitted in situations such as ongoing investigations of business-related theft situation.

Fair Labor Standard Act - Wage and Hour Law

Governs minimum wage and overtime pay for hourly, nonexempt employees. Nonexempt employees are employees paid by the hours they work and are not salaried emplyees. Some emplyees will receive time and a half for hours worked in excess of 40 hours in a week. Equal pay for equal work. Also limits child labor under 16 years of age to light work limited hours not conflicting with shcool.

Union Grievance Procedure Collective Bargaining Agreement

Grivance process in unionized organizations is spelled out in the labor contract.

Types of Interviews Panel Interviews

Group of interviewers meet with candidate in group setting to ask questions to candidate.

Questions NOT to ask by an Interviewer

How old are you? Are you married? May I have your maiden name? Are you planning on having children soon? Are you disabled? Do you have any medical problems? Have you ever filed for worker's Comp? Are you a citizen? (Instead ask "After employment, could you submit verification of your legal right ot work in the U.S.?)"

State and Local Laws are Stricter Strictest Law Prevails

In many cases, state and local laws are stricter than federal laws; the state or local laws will apply over the federal law. The strictest law prevails.

Disadvantages of Internal Recruitment

Inbreeding, too many people with same background thoughts, etc. No fresh ideas, unqualified employees promoted (The Peter Principle), violation of EEOC and Affirmative Aciton Laws.

Reference Checks

Include background and criminal checks, may involve security clearences. Commonly verify previous employers, dates of employment, education and degrees verifies military service and credit checks. Must obtain permission to perform checks.

Advantages of Internal Recruitment

Increase employee morale, employee already oriented to organization, retain highly qualified personnel, lowered costs in recruitment and training.

Fringe Benefits

Indirect compensation plans are usually at least 25% more of the employee's salary

Employee Evaluation Should be Administrated by a Skilled Supervisor

Informational and motivational tool should cover: 1. Target areas for improvement 2. Specific plan for improvement 3. Goals for next evaluation period 4. Praise positive performance.

Workers Compensation Insurance

Insurance employers must carry to provide protection for employees who suffer work-related illness or injuries on the job or death. Cost of workers compensation is based on numbers of claims made. Courts will usually rule in favor for the employee filing workman's comp claim. Regardless of whether the employee was negligent on the job when the injury occured.

Unemployment Compensation or Unemployment Insurance

Insurance provided for workers who become unemployed due to circumstances that are not their fault. The organization they work for pays unemployment insurance. Rate is set by the state based on previously filed claims. Employee is entitled to claim if they are willing to take equivalent employment. Ready, able and willing, and has worked the required minimum of weeks prior to becoming unemployed.

Types of Interviews Directive, Structured,or Instructed Interview

Interviewer knows the purpose of interview and items to be discused prior to interview.

Participative or Coordinative Counseling

Involves exchange of ideas counselor plays an active role, giving insight and discussing situation with employee.

Types of Performance Evaluations Forced Choice Rating

One statement is selected from a choice of two statements of apparently equal or good statements; it may force evaluater to select from bad or negative statements.

Types of Performance Evaluations Critical Incident

Ongoing written log is kept of noteworthy incidents demonstrating positive and negative behavior of employee.

Types of Interviews Indirect/Non-directive, Uninstructed Interview

Open to allow free-flowing of ideas and broad discussion.

Equal Employment Opportuniity Commission (EEOC)

Over sees and investigates complaints regarding discrimination and unlawful terminations. The state EEOC has 60 days to investigate and resolve a complaint before federal EEOC is called to resolve matter. If complaint fails to achieve desired relief a private lawsuit may be brought against employer. Employer has burden of proof for the apparent discrimaination.

Direct Compensation Plan

Pays employees for the work they perform.

Age Discrimination in Employment Act 1967

Prohibits discrimination against employees over the age of 40. There are some legally discriminatory occupations where innocent third parties rely on critical physical skills: pilots, police, and fire fighters.

Genetic Information Non-discrimination Act of 2005 (GINA)

Prohibits discrimination by health insurers and employers based on a person's genetic information. Employers cannot ask questions about a person's health when interviewing or hiring.

Rehabilitation Act of 1973 formerly called Vocational Rehabilitation Act of 1973

Prohibits federal contractors and the federal govenment from discriminating against individuals based on physical or mental disability. Working conditions must be accessible for disabled individuals without imposed on undue hardship on the employer. Substance abusers are not covered by this act, put persons with HIV infection are covered.

Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990

Prohibits organizations with 25 or more employees from discriminating against qualified disabled individuals. This act includes physically and mentally disabled; treated or recovering substance abuseres; cancer patients; and HIV and AIDS patients. Individuals with emotional disorders are excluded. Reasonable accommodations must be made for workers without imposing an undue hardhsip on the employer.

Types of Interviews Behavioral Interviews

Questions pertain to how you would handle different situations.

Disadvantages of External Recruiting

Reduced emphasis on training current employees, too rapid an infusion of new ideas, innovations, and request from other employees. Decline in present employee morale, loss of valuable employees, overlooked promotions, etc. employees seek other employment. Risky - don't really know what your getting.

Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA)

Regulates private pension plans. It establishes control rules relating to pension funds and ensures employee pension plans. Does not favor management. The government sets the standards for the management of pension plans and provides federal insurance if the plan goes bankrupt.

Disability Insurance Programs

Short or long term disability insurance programs for empolyees who become ill and unable to work due to injuries or sickness.

Performance Appraisal or Employee Evaluation

Shows an employee's strengths and weaknesses, areas where training is needed, and the employee's qualifications of promotion. This is the most difficult task most managers face.

Types of Interviews Patterned Interviews

Standardized and structured to facilitate comparison between candidates.

Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 (FMLA)

States that employers with 50 or more employees must provide temporary leave for emplyees for 12 work weeks within a 12 month period for family or medical purposes. The employee must work for the employer for a minimum of 12 months to qualified for FMLA.

Pregnancy Discrimination Act of 1978

States that women cannot be dismissed during pregnancy. It also gives a pregnant woman job security during maternity leave.

Equal Pay for Equal Work

States that you cannot discriminate on the basis of gender; women doing the same job as men must be paid equally. The law defines equal job as being similar working conditions requiring equivalent skills, effort, and responsibility.

Types of Performance Evaluations 360 Degree Feedback

System in which all employees, supervisor, customers, coworkers, and suppliers evaluate the individual (this method is used by Dell Computers)

Employment Tests

Tests may be administered if the tests do not unfairly discriminate against groups protected by law. Must be valid and reliable.

Internal Recruitment

The consideration of present employees to fill vacancies that are open in the organization.

Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA)

The employer is required to provide eligible employees up to 12 weeks of unpaid leave during a 12 month period for reason of serious health conditions of spouse, child or parent. Employee's health, birth, adoption, or foster placement of child.


The financial gain provided to an employee by an organization in exchange for thier work.

Union Grievance Procedure Fact Finding

The process whereby a neutral observer is brought in to review the case and recommend a solution by applying public pressure to both parties concerned. Fact-finding is non-binding and most often used in disputes involving the public sector.

Skill Tests

To check to see if the candidate has necessary skills for the position.

Combination Straight Salary and Output-based Salary

To increase the employee's incentive to produce. (Many sales organizations use this pay method)

Discipline Without Punishment

To make the employee responsible for his or her actions. The goal is to get the employee to understand that disciplinary aciton is due to their behavior and not that of the employer.

Random Displine Approach

To reprimand and discripline the employee at the will of the supervisor. Focus is on punishment not on correcting the behavior of employee. This method produces fear and uncertainity because the employee doesn't know what steps or methods the employer will use for disciplinary action. Certain situations an organization may terminiate employee immediately. Common sense and the law of reasonable person will prevail in these situations.

Union Grievance Procedure Arbitration

When a thrid party is brought in to hear the facts and impose a binding solution. The arbitrator's decision must be adhered to by both parties. Either party can appeal the arbitrator's decision to the court system, but most judgements are upheld by the judical system. Arbitration is the final step in the grievence.

Sexual Harrassment or Quid Pro Quo

When one person in an organization asks a person for sexual favors that in some way makes their employment or advancement within the organization dependent upon thier granting the favors.

Yellow Dog Contracts

Where an employer made emplyees sign agreements forbidding them to join unions or speak out on their working conditions.

Union Shop

Workers can be hired by an organization before joining the union, but they must join the union within a set number of days to remain on the job.

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