Human Tissue Biology: Block 1

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In the disease pemphigus vulgaris, autoantibodies bind to desmoglein 3 and disrupt desmosome function. What type of protein is desmoglein 3?

adhesion molecule

You want to stain the elastic fibers in connective tissue. What is the best stain to use?

aldehyde fuchsin

The ribosome 60s forms the bond between ______________ and nascent ___________.

amino acid, protein

Centrosomes are composed of ______________ and ______________.

an amorphous region, two centrioles

A membrane bound organelle is defunct and needs to be broken down. Who do you "call"?

autophagic lysosome

The basement membrane serves as a semi permeable barrier between the epithelia and connective tissue. The key component of it is collagen IV that is found in the _________.

basal lamina

For a carcinoma to spread from epithelia metastases it must first break through this layer.

basement membrane

The basic structure of membranes; contains two layers of lipids with hydrophobic side chains facing inward.


All other organelles and vesicles in the cell are lined by ___________________.

bilayer membranes

Where would you find the typical large umbrella-shaped cell on the apical portion of a stratified epithelium?


Peroxisomes are responsible for

breaking down long-chain fatty acids and toxic substances

Where would the 45s ribosomal RNA gene be located within a cell that is assembling and secreting protein?

center of the nucleolus

A lipid that does not form a bilayer, but imbeds into the bilayer and controls fluidity.


The folds of the inner membrane of the mitochondria are called


What best describes the staining of heterochromatin in routine H&E stained paraffin sections?

dark intense labeling with hematoxylin

Which of the following terms describes the majority of cells in epithelia that carry out physiological functions?


Which term relates to secretion through the basement membrane?

endocrine secretion

You find a cell with leakage of cellular content. This is most likely due to?

external injury from a toxin

If you had a box full of slides with tissues that had not been stained, which of the following providing it came from a non-albino would contain a substance that could be visualized with a bright field microscope?


What is the name the cell that produces ground substance in developing connective tissue?


The outer membrane is responsible for

free movement of protein

The two types of polyribosomes are __________ and ________.

free, ER associated

Which junction could transfer changes in the concentration of a specific ion in the cytoplasm to an adjacent epithelial cell?

gap junction

You are tired from pulling an all-nighter and accidentally knock over the boxes with old histology slides. All of the slides are labeled but one. Being an outstanding citizen, you do not just drop it a random box. Instead, you take out a microscope and see that it a H&E stain with a brush boarder. Which box should you put it in?


A molecule formed by a lipid covalently linked to a sugar.


What is used for staining in the transmission electron microscope?

heavy metals

If you were looking at a differentiated cell such as cardiomyocyte (heart cell) where would the gene for opsin pigments that are exclusively expressed in retinal cells of the eye be located?


Functions of glycocalyx (carbohydrate)

i. control of cell permeability ii. protection and lubrication of the cell surface iii. cell-cell recognition and interaction iv. location of extracellular enzymes

The functions of the cytoskeleton are

i. maintain cell shape ii. mechanical integration iii. cell movement iv. organelle movement

Actin Filaments/Microfilaments functions

i. mechanical support of the membrane ii. reinforce adherent junctions iii. generate contractile forces iv. produce transient membrane growths v. stabilize microvilli

The three types of cytoskeleton are

i. microfilaments/actin ii. microtubules iii. intermediate filaments

Plasma membrane functions

i. semi-permeable barrier ii. regulate transport across iii. communication iv. adhesion

Microtubules are responsible for

i. separation of chromosomes during mitosis ii. transport and positioning of vesicles and organelles iii. basis of organelles of motility (cilia)

Mitochondria have _______ and ______ membranes.

inner, outer

Proteins that are imbedded in the lipid bilayer

integral membrane proteins

The space within the membrane is called

inter membrane space

The cytoskeleton component that connects to desmosomes and hemidesmosomes is _________.

intermediate filaments

You are at the optometrist with your friend Joe after one of his tigers scratched the outer portion of his eye. What is the most likely type of epithelium that will show damage on the fluorescein eye stain?

squamous stratified non-keratinized epithelium

Intermediate filaments are made of a protein called ___________-


Centrosomes are found _____________.

the nucleus

What is the difference between tracheal and esophageal epithelium?

Trachea is PCCE while esophagus is stratified squamous epithelium

Which labeling method is useful in extrapolating if a patient has a specific splice variant of an mRNA that may correlate with a disease?

In situ hybridization

The ultrastructural features of a serous cell from a gland would include

abundant RER

Intermediate filaments are found directly associated with _______________.

adhesion junctions

Where is the thickest layer of keratin on top of stratified squamous epithelia on your body?

soles of your feet

Why is Type I collagen more readily stained by H&E stain than Type II and Type III collagen.

It is not as extensively glycosylated

Who has the highest percentage of brown fat?

8 lb baby

Mitochondria contain their own ______ and _______________.

DNA, control machinery

The process of tubulin dimers spontaneously polymerizing (growing) and depolymerizing (shrinking) is called ______________.

Dynamic instability

Which of the following cell cycle terms describes a cell that is quiescent?


What is the basic dye in the H and E staining combination?


Which mutation affecting what organelle causes Tay Sachs Disease

Hexoasaminidase A: Lysosome

What is mechanism that leads to scurvy?

Loss of hydroxylation of proline residues in collagen

A coroner is investigating the cause of death of a tall thin man with long arms and legs. The patient was said to have flexible joints. He appears to have died from an aortic aneurism. His genetic condition is said to involve the FBN1 mutation. What is his condition and what component of connective tissue is abnormal? (Below is the progression of his aortic aneurism using Aldehyde Fuchsin staining)

Marfan Syndrome: elastin fibers

A man goes to the Emergency department with a stab wound in his right thigh. How would the muscle cells look at that spot?

Striated with nuclei on the periphery of cell

What cell within the sebaceous gland would respond to androgen by entering the cell cycle?

TA cell

In the light microscope, the presence of microvilli on the apical surface of epithelial cells is referred to as:

a brush border

Which of the following would not be stained in an H and E section of liver

a carbohydrate bound to arginine

During week 16 of quarantine you decide its time to get out your parents old Richard Simmons workout CD. You promptly strain your back. You purchase a massaging apparatus for your back. Which layers of the epithelia do the vibrations have to travel to get through to eventually get to a sensory receptor in the connective tissue below it?

ketain, supabasal layers, basal layer, basement membrane

If you wanted to know if a cell expressed an enzyme which was derived from a single gene product, which of the following techniques would you use

labeling with an anitbody

L5.4 Apocrine and holocrine secretion are limited to one type of secretory product. What is it?


The inter membrane space is responsible for

lipid synthesis and fatty acid metabolism

The plasma membrane is made of 49% ______, 49% ______, and 1% ______.

lipid, protein, carbohydrate

Which of the following would be removed by clearing a tissue


The ribosome 40s coordinates base pairing between ______ and ______.


The pinching off of the apical membrane containing a cell's secretory product can be found where?

mammary glands

The space inside the inner membrane of the mitochondria


Which of the following cytoskeletal filament systems is not readily visible with TEM but underlies the cellular processes such as lamellipodia, spikes, and ruffles associated with the movement of cancer cells in the process of metastasis?


What is responsible for contractile forces?


What type of cytoskeleton is not visible on TEM?


The protein is passed through the membrane multiple times at stretches of hydrophobic amino acids

multi pass

If a cell had abundant secretory granules that contained mucus (primarily carbohydrates), this would produce ________ region in the cytoplasm in an H&E labeled preparation.


You thought that you were staining a sample with Hematoxylin and Eosin. Instead you stained it with only hematoxylin since your cat had stolen the eosin for a project. What will not stain white?

nucleic acids

Where is transcription of the 45S rRNA occurring?


Glycolipids are located exclusively in the ______ face of the lipid bilayer.


All mitochondrial DNA is derived from the


Proteins attached to one face or another of the membrane through non-covalent interactions

peripheral proteins

The outer face of the lipid bilayer

phosphatidylcholine (PC) and sphingomyelin (S)

The inner face of the lipid bilayer

phosphatidylserine (PS) and phosphatidylethanolamine (PE)

The main lipid components of membranes; contains a polar head group and nonpolar fatty acid side chains.


The ______ of a lipid bind to heavy metal stains.

polar head group

Which component of the membrane is responsible for the dense staining "train track" appearance of membrane bilayers observed with transmission electron microscopy (TEM)?

polar head groups on lipids

Most functions of membranes are created by __________.


Carbohydrates are covalently attached to ______ and ______.

proteins, lipids

A cell is capable of dividing but currently is not doing so. This is ...


You are a secretory vesicle and you must wait on signal for you to fuse with the cell membrane. What is your job description?

regulated secretion

Where is the site of synthesis of the major component of the lipid bilayer that both increases and decreases fluidity?


What stain would labels type III collagen (reticulin) fibers in connective tissue?

silver stain

You find a gland under a microscope. It has one duct, 2 secretory portions, and these secretory portions appear to be the same diameter as the ducts. How should you classify this gland?

simple branched tubular

One stretch of hydrophobic amino acids crosses the plasma membrane

single pass

The adrenal cortex is composed of layers of cells that synthesize lipid-based steroid hormones that are androgens, mineralocorticoids, and glucocorticoids. In an EM micrograph of these cells, which of the following organelles would you expect to be abundant in the cytoplasm?

smooth endoplasmic reticulum

You a looking at the results of an experiment where test subject was injected with a thymidine analog BrdU 3 hrs before biopsy. BrdU antibody staining did not label some of the cells on the basal layer of the stratified squamous keratinized epithelium that lines the skin. What could the lack of labeling indicate?

this was a stem cell that was in G0

Stem cells derived from the early morula (around 16 cells) prior to implantation would be considered.


Which of the following organelles would be part of a structure that looks like a stack of pancakes in the TEM and sort proteins bound for the plasma membrane, lysosomes, and secretory vesicles/granules?

trans Golgi

You find a lightly staining section of a nucleus with an EM. How would you describe the processes occurring there?

transcriptionally active

An apical modification to epithelium that has a core that consists of 9 microtubule doublets encircling 2 central microtubules may be found on cells that have what function?

transport developing sperm

The rough endoplasmic reticulum (rER) looks like

tubular stack of membrane

Microtubules are made of a protein called ________.


If you do not clear the tissue with alcohols and organic solvents, what has been left in the tissue that impedes light passing through the slide resulting in a distorted image?

water and lipids

What tissue produces the hormone leptin that causes the brain to feel satiety?

white adipose tissue

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