Humans and the microbial World

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Today, the bacteria added to some fermented milk products are advertised as _______.


Algae and protozoa are also referred to as , ----a diverse group that falls within the domain Eukarya.


Which of the following are eukaryotes?

protozoa helminths algae fungi


round cell that may be flattened on one end or slightly oval.

Without microorganisms, substances required for human life such as O2 and organic nitrogen would ______.

run out

Survivors of small pox were left with disfiguring



single-celled organisms that lack a nucleus; prokaryotes

Although laboratory stocks of the causative agent still exist, humans have eliminated which of the following diseases?



spiral-shaped bacteria that have flexible walls and are capable of movement

Bioremediation refers to

using bacteria to clean up environmental pollutants.

Bioremediation refers to

using bacteria to clean up pollutants

The scientist usually credited with seeing the first microorganisms, which he called "animalcules", was ______.

van Leeuwenhoek

Unlike the term microorganism, the word microbe also includes ______.


Which of the following are classified as acellular infectious agents?

viruses viroids prions

Which describes a prokaryote cells?

Always single-celled No membrane- bound nucleus smaller than eukaryotes


An infectious agent consisting of only RNA


An infectious agent consisting of only protein


An infectious agent containing protein, nucleic, acids, and sometimes a lipid membrane.


An organisms characterized by having a cell lacking a membrane- bound nucleus.


An organisms characterized by having cells containing membrane- bound DNA.

Who discovered Microbiology?

Antoni van Leeuwenhoek

Which pair has members that are most similar in appearance?

Archaea and Bacteria

Members of which pairing are most similar in appearnce to each other?

Archaea and bacteria

The prokaryotic domain includes

Bacteria and Archaea

Identify all of the statements that describes positive applications of microbiology

Biodegradation Commercial products

Which of the following involves genetically modifying bacteria to produce compounds useful to humans?


Prokaryotic Cell

Cell type characterized by the lack of a membrane-bound nucleus

True or False Bacteria that looks alike are probably members of the same species


True or False Thiomargarita namibiensis can not be a eukaryote because it is only 1mm in width


true or false Viruses similar contain DNA, RNA and protein


Which of the following scientists first challenged spontaneous generation?

Francesco Redi


Gram-negative bacteria that group together to form complex multicellular structures called fruiting bodies

_______ showed that flasks containing various broths gave rise to microorganisms even when the flasks were boiled and sealed with a cork.

John Needham

Published the first work on antiseptic surgery

Joseph Lister

Which of the following is true regarding all prokaryotes?

Lack a nucleus

Development a microbial control technique for preserving food and liquid

Louis Pasteur

____ is credited with disproving spontaneous generation using broth in swan-neck flasks.

Louis Pasteur

A microbiologist obtained two pure isolated biological samples: one is a virus, and one is a viroid. The labels came off the samples during a move from one lab to the next, however. The scientist felt she could distinguish between the two samples by analyzing for the presence of a single type of molecule. What would she be looking for to differentiate between the two?


A scientist has two samples- the first is a prion, while the second is a viroid. However, the samples are in unlabeled tubes. The scientist wants to run a simple analysis to determine which tube contains the prion and which one contains the viroid. What type of molecule would she look for to do this?


A scientist has two samples—the first is a prion, while the second is a viroid. However, the samples are in unlabeled tubes. The scientist wants to run a simple analysis to determine which tube contains the prion and which one contains the viroid. What type of molecule would she look for to do this?


Which if the following IS a group of living organisms but IS NOT a biological domain?


Which of these scientist were involved in investigating the idea of spontaneous generation?

Redi and Pasteur

Devised postulates for establishing causative relationship between a microbe and a disease

Robert Koch

All of the following statements about smallpox are true except one. Which?

Smallpox was carried to the Americas by Europeans Smallpox is caused by bacteria Reason: It is a viral disease Smallpox killed about one-third of those infected Smallpox has been eliminated from nature correct answear Smallpox is caused by bacteria


Spiral-shaped bacterial cell

Which are the correctly written scientific name?

Staphylococcus aureus

Choose which of the following pairs of organisms are most closely related AND have correctly written names.

Staphylococcus aureus AND Staphylococcus epidermidis

The scientist usually credited with seeing the first microorganisms , whcih he called " animalcules" was----

Van leeuwenhoek

Introduced agar-agar as a solidifying gel in culture media.

Walter and Fanny Hesse

Which of the following about microorganisms is true?

We could not survive without them.

Which of the following are manufactured by microbial fermentation?

Yogurt Cheese Beer


a short, curved rod

A scientist discovers a new species near coral reefs in Australia. He finds that this single-celled species is photosynthetic (using sunlight for energy), has a rigid cell wall structure with no peptidoglycan, uses a flagellum for motion , and contains a variety of internal structures that are membrane-bound. Given this information , this new species is most likely an------- cell in the -----domain



are singled celled prokaryotes multiply by binary fussion

Binary fission

asexual reproduction by a separation of the body into two new bodies.

Bacteria are present on the body

at all times.

The cell types that lacks a membrane bound nucleus and have rigid cell walls of peptidoglycan are


Which of the following statements about bacteria is FALSE?

bacteria are a source of fixed nitrogen

Plague is a ______

bacterial disease that can be transmitted by fleas

Plague is a _______.

bacterial disease that can be transmitted by fleas

An extreme environment in which archaea have been found is

boiling hot springs

An extreme environment in which archaea have been found is

boiling hot springs.

Microorganisms are useful for all of the following EXCEPT

causing disease.

Eukaryote cell

cell type characterized by a membrane-bound nucleus

An infectious disease that has become more common in the last several decades is referred to as a(n) ---------infectious disease.


An infectious disease that has become more common in the last several decades is referred to as a(n) ------infectious disease.


The structures present in the hay infusions used in experiments on spontaneous generation that made them difficult to sterilize are _____.


The work of John Tyndall and Ferdinand Cohn ______.

explained why some spontaneous generation investigators got different results from those of Pasteur

An organisms is categorized in a domain according to its cell size


Bacteria and eukarya both contain membrane-bound organelles. Group starts True or False


The scientific name of an organism indicates its domain. True or False


Thiomargarita namibiensis can not be a eukaryote because it is only 1 mm in width.


Viruses and bacteria are both unicellular.


Viruses simultaneously contain DNA, RNA, and protein. true or false


What does the scientific name of an organism include?

genus and species

The property of endospores that led to confusion in the experiments on spontaneous generation is their

heat resistance

A testable explanation for an observation is called a(n


If you wanted to increase your chance of obtaining a member of the Archea( rather than a member of another domain) which would be the best site to obtain a sample?

intestine of an elephant skin of an elephant a 95C hot spring in Yellowstone a 45C hot spring in Hawaii a raw hamburger [atty correct answear a 95 C hot spring in Hawaii

Pasteur's swan-necked flask experiments resolved the criticism that without "vital force" microorganisms cannot grow, by Multiple Choice

leaving the flasks open to the air so that "vital force" was present.

Spontaneous generation can be explained

life arising from dead matter

Spontaneous generation can be explained as

life arising from dead matter.

The idea of spontaneous generation postulated that

living organisms could spontaneously arise from non-living material.

All living organisms

may be classified in three domains.

In what ways are archaea similar to bacteria?

method of multiplication energy sources used prokaryotic cell structure shapes and sizes

Cellulose is a major component of plants and is only directly digested by


Which of the following are microscopic fungi?

molds yeasts

Compared to the range of types of plants and animals, microbes as a group are ______.

more diverse

The golden age of microbiology was the time when

most pathogentic bacteria were identified

The system by which organisms are named is referred to as


A new organism was found that was unicellular and 1 cm long. The "large" size of this organism alone would

not be useful for identifying it.

Viruses and viroids are

obligate intracellular parasites.

Which of the following can cause an infectious disease to reemerge?

parents refusing to vaccinate their children pathogens becoming resistant to antimicrobial medications

A(n) ---- is the term used for any disease-causing microorganism.


Bacteria are never


In addition to chlorophyll, some algae have other ,-------- which give them their characteristic colors.

pigments or compounds

Which of the following diseases killed one-third of the population of Europe in a four-year span (1347-1351)?


Microbiology was born in


are a large group of photosynthetic eukaryotes that includes the multicellular seaweeds and many single-celled forms.



An acellular infectious agent consisting of RNA.


An acellular infectious agent consisting of nucleic acid surrounded by a protein coat.


An acellular infectious agent consisting only of protein

All of the following are biological domains except

Bacteria Archaea Prokaryota Eukarya Correct answear C- Prokaryota

Archaea, like bacteria, are single-celled ----that divide via the process of---- ------

Blank 1: prokaryotes or organisms Blank 2: binary Blank 3: fission

Archaea, like bacteria, are single-celled------ that divide via the process of------- --------

Blank 1: prokaryotes or organisms Blank 2: binary Blank 3: fission

Archaea, like bacteria, are single-celled------ that divide via the process of--------- ---------

Blank 1: prokaryotes or organisms Blank 2: binary Blank 3: fission

The microbial world includes three main agents that cannot reproduce independently and are thus considered non-living. These are the----------- ,-------- , and .--------

Blank 1: viruses or virus Blank 2: viroids or viroid Blank 3: prions or prion


Eukaryotes are organisms whose cells have a nucleus enclosed within a nuclear envelope. Eukaryotes belong to the domain Eukaryota any cell or organism that possesses a clearly defined nucleus

Which of the following statements about the influenza pandemic of 1918-1919 is true?

More Americans died of influenza in 1918-1919 than were killed in World Wars I and II, and the Korean, Vietnam, and Iraq wars combined.

Small pox killed

One third of those infected


Organisms to small for the naked eye.

Cells that do not have a membrane-bound nucleus are called cells.


What is the only shared feature of all microbes?

Small size

All of the following statements about smallpox are true except one. Which?

Smallpox is caused by bacteria

The concept of living things arising from vital forces in non-living or decomposing materials was known as which of the following?

Spontaneous generation

True or false: Vaccinations have helped reduce the spread of mumps, measles and whooping cough in developed countries.


True or false: We could not survive without microorganisms, but they can also be harmful.


Peptidoglycan is found in the ______.

cell walls of bacteria

Technically speaking, viruses are not microorganisms because they are not ______.

composed of cells

For the name Streptococcus pyogenes, the first part (Streptococcus) indicates the and gives information about the shape of the organism.


Organisms that populate the human body and which protect it from disease are termed normal .


In eukaryotes, the genetic material is contained within a membrane-bound structure called the


Which defines spontaneous generation?

Life arose from non-living matter.

Microorganisms are useful in the study of higher life forms for which of the following reasons?

Microorganisms have the same fundamental genetic properties. Microorganisms are cheaper to study. Microorganisms multiply quickly. Microorganisms have the same basic metabolic mechanisms.

Why do microorganisms serve as important models for study of higher organisms?

Microorganisms have the same fundamental metabolic and genetic properties as other organisms.


Singled cell organism consisting of a prokaryotic cell; members of the domain Bacteria and Archaea are prokaryote.

Why were Louis Pasteur's experiments with swan-necked flasks so important in helping disprove the theory of spontaneous generation?

They ended arguments that a "vital force" was necessary for spontaneous generation, while preventing contamination from microbes in the air.

In general, disease-causing organisms are referred to as which of the following?


Cells that do not have a membrane-bound nucleus are called---- cells.


All of the follwoilng are emrging infectious disease exepct

smallpox hepatitis C Lyme disease COVID-19 Mad cow disease Correct answear A- Small pox

In 1749, John Needham produced results that _______ spontaneous generation when he showed that broths that had been boiled and then sealed with a cork _______.

support; could still give rise to microorganisms

Ribosomal RNA

type of RNA that combines with proteins to form ribosomes

Which of the following can be characteristics of algae?

unicellular eukaryotic photosynthetic multicellular

Microbiology provides information needed to create

vaccines and treatments for diseases

Fungi are a diverse group of eukaryotes. Those that are studied by microbiologists include the unicellular -----and the multicellular filamentous ------

yeasts Blank 2: molds

Tyndall and Cohn's experiments in the 1870s showed the presence of a heat-resistant form of bacteria called a(n)



The highest level in biological classification. The three domains are Archaea, Bacteria, and Eukarya.

periodontal disease

inflammation and degeneration of gums, teeth, and surrounding bone


the use of microbiological and biochemical techniques to solve practical problems—depends on members of the microbial world.

Emerging infectious diseases are those ______.

whose incidence has rapidly increased in the last several decades

Rod or bacillus

cylindrical cell

Microscopic fungi that are single-celled are called ______, and that that are multicellular and filamentous are termed _______.

yeasts; molds

Rank the steps in the scientific process in order. Start with the earliest at the top.

1. Make an observation about something and ask a question about the situation. 2. Develop an explanation and then devise an experiment to test this explanation. 3. Collect data from this experiment and draw a conclusion. 4. Communicate the methods, result, and conclusion.

True or false: Without microorganisms, we would run out of certain nutrients. true or false


Viroids are nacked( lacking a protein shell) pieces of RNA that infect plants true or false


Viruses, viroids, and prions are obligate intracellular agents. Group starts True or False


spontaneous generation

A hypothesis concerning life arising from dead organic compounds

Developed staining method for differentiating between groups of bacteria.

Christian Gram


Contain both protein and nucleic ac8id

Select the TRUE statement(s) regarding eukaryotes.

Eukaryotes have a more complex internal structure than archaea or bacteria AND have a membrane around the DNA.


Highest level of classification

Select the TRUE statement regarding viruses.

Most viruses are smaller than bacteria but bigger than mitochondria.

Which of the following describes Prokaryote cells?

No membrane- bound nucleus smaller than eukaryote always single- called

Which of the following describe prokaryote cells?

No membrane- bound nucleus Always single celled Smaller than eukaryotes

Which of the following regarding normal microbiota is TRUE?

Normal microbiota protect us from disease by competing with pathogenic bacteria.

Developed the first chemotherapeutic agent, for treating syphillis

Paul Erlich

Why are we concerned at all with monitoring emerging/reemerging diseases?

These represent growing threats to human health that will require new scientific research and resources to effectively combat Because globalization leads to more chances for spread of illnesses into new areas and populations. Monitoring these illnesses will help us to protect people Because the speed of travel has increased so it is far more likely that a serious pathogen can spread rapidly across the globe. Monitoring these illnesses will help us protect populations.

What do viruses, viroids, and prions all have in common?

They are acellular agents of disease

select the statement that is TRUE regarding viroids.

They are naked (lacking a protein shell) pieces of RNA.

Which is true about prions?

They are only composed of protein

Benefits of normal microbiota include all EXCEPT which of the following?

They damage host tissue, allowing our immune system to rid the body of microbes

Which is usually NOT true of archaea?

They reproduce by mitosis.


This is not an actual shape, but refers to bacteris that characteristically vary in thies shape.

Plants are dependent on microorganisms for

changing atmospheric nitrogen to a usable form

In algae, photosynthesis takes place in ______, which have chlorophyll, a green pigment.


Technically speaking, viruses are not microorganisms because they are not ______.

composed of cells big enough for life carbon-based correct answear composed of cells

If Pasteur had done his experiments investigating spontaneous generation in a horse stable,

the results would probably have supported the idea of spontaneous generation.

Microbes are useful research tools because

they are cheap and easy to grow in the laboratory. they use the same metabolic pathways as eukaryotic cells. they can be grown in large numbers very easily. they are cheap and easy to grow in the laboratory AND they use the same metabolic pathways as eukaryotic cells. they are cheap and easy to grow in the laboratory AND they use the same metabolic pathways as eukaryotic cells.

All of the statements regarding archaea are true EXCEPT

they contain peptidoglycan in their cell walls.

Bacteria are useful to study because

they have the same fundamental metabolic and genetic properties as higher organisms.

HIV/AIDS can be categorized as a new or emerging infectious disease. By putting it into this category, we are effectively saying that

this infectious hasn't been observed in human population prior to recent ( within the last 50 years) outbreak

identify all the statements that describe the benefits of microbes from a human perspective.

today's environmental oxygen levels may be a direct result of photosynthetic microbes. Microbes degrade/recycle metabolic wastes from other living organisms. Microbes degrade/recycle metabolic wastes from other living organisms. Correct Microbes can cause food decay and spoilage, leading to wastage.

The principle that microorganisms cause certain diseases is called

Germ theory of disease

_______ killed more people in 1918-1919 than died in World Wars I and II and the Korean, Vietnam, and Iraq wars combined.


Membrane-bound organelles are only found in the cell type called a(n)---- cell.



A kingdom made up of nongreen, eukaryotic organisms that have no means of movement, reproduce by using spores, and get food by breaking down substances in their surroundings and absorbing the nutrients

If all prokaryotes were eliminated from the planet

all animals would die

Most bacteria have rigid cell walls that contain a unique compound called


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