Insolation and Seasons TEST

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In New York State, the risk of sunburn is greatest between 11 a.m. and 3 p.m. on summer days because

Angle of insolation is high

Why does the location of a shadow change ?

Earth's rotation

Latitude and average temp-


Shadows on December 21st in the Northern Hemisphere - Shadow a sunset will point ______

North East

On June 21, where does the sun rise? Set?

North of East North of West

In NY at solar noon, what season would have the shortest shadow?


During what time(s) of day is a shadow greatest?

Sunrise and Sunset


The incoming solar radiation.

Intensity of Isolation

The strength of the incoming solar radiation

23.5 degrees

The tilt of the Earth's axis

North of West

Where the sun appears to set for an observer in NY on June 21st.


the point directly overhead. Also a 90 degrees overhead

At 40 N latitude, how many days a year is the sun directly overhead at noon


On the equinoxes everyone has __ hours of daylight and ____ hours of darkness


How many hours of daylight do we have in NYS on Sept. 21st?

12 hours

How many hours of sunlight occurs at the equator on Dec. 21st?

12 hours

How many hours of daylight are there at the equator

12 hrs

How many hours of daylight do we have in NYS on March 21st?

12 hours


A measure of how hot or cold something is.

What is the tilt of Earth's rotational axis relative to a line perpendicular to the plane of Earth's orbit?


If the tilt of Earth's axis were increased from _____° to 40, summers in New York State would become

23.5 warmer, and winters would become cooler

At which latitude is the Sun directly overhead on certain days of the year? *


On December 21st any location north of the Arctic Circle would experience

24 hours of darkness

On December 21st any location south of the Antarctic Circle would experience *

24 hrs of daylight

On June 21st any location north of the Arctic Circle would experience

24 hrs of daylight

In the middle latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere, the warmest temperature of the day usually occurs at


On the equinox the sun rises at _______ am and sets at ______ pm


How many hours occured between sunrise and solar noon on Sept. 23rd?

6 hours

At what degree is the intensity of insolation the greatest?

90 degrees

The highest angle of insolation an area can experience is *

90 degrees

Equation for angle of Insolation for Mar. / Sept. 21=

90-your latitude

Direction of the sun at solar noon : North Pole, December 21st

Below the horizon

Greenhouse Gases

Carbon dioxide, methane and water vapor. They absorb infrared radiation from the Earth.

Tilt of Earth and revolution around the sun

Causes the seasonal changes on Earth

How to find the sun's maximum altitude for December and June 21st

DEC: March/Sept 21st Maxium Alitude - 23.5 JUN: March/Sept 21st Maxium Alitude + 23.5

The number of daylight hours increases in New York from ________ (date) to ____

Dec to Jun 21st

Altitude of the sun at solar noon in the equator on Dec and Jun.21st?

Dec-66.5 S Jun-66.5 N

In NYS, which month has the lowest altitude of the sun at noon?


On this date an observer in NY (maybe even you) would experience the shortest amount of daylight hours. *

December 21st

On this date the North Pole would experience 24 hours of darkness. *

December 21st

On this date the South Pole would experience 24 hours of daylight. *

December 21st

What happens to the angle of insolation in NY from June 21st to December 21st?


What happens to the duration of insolation in NY from June 21st to December 21st?


What happens to the intensity of insolation in NY from June 21st to December 21st?


the general relationship between the altitude of the noontime Sun and the intensity of insolation received at a location


On March 21, where does the sun rise? Set?

Due East Due West

On Sept. 21, where does the sun rise? Set?

Due East Due West

This location has the least variation in the intensity and duration of insolation.


Which location receives 90 degree angle rays on Mar. 21st?

Equator (0)

Which location receives 90 degree angle rays on Sept. 21st?

Equator (0)

Why is Florida hotter than New York?

Florida has a higher angle of insolation

South Pole

Has 24 hours of daylight on December 21st and 24 hours of darkness on June 21st.

North Pole

Has 24 hours of daylight on June 21st and 24 hours of darkness on December 21st.


Has the most influence on the number of daylight hours and the angle of insolation.


Heats up faster because it has a lower specific heat.


Heats up slower because it has a high specific heat.

What happens to the angle of insolation in NY from December 21st to June 21st


What happens to the duration of insolation in NY from December 21st to June 21st


What happens to the intensity of insolation in NY from December 21st to June 21st


Angle of Insolation and Latitude


On average the warmest month in the Southern Hemisphere is ..


On average the coldest month in the Northern Hemisphere is ..


On what date will an observer in NYS see the sun rise NORTH of East and set NORTH of west

JuNE (north east) 21st

On average the coldest month in the Southern Hemisphere is ..


On average the warmest month in the Northern Hemisphere is ..


During what month does the Sun appear to rise farthest north of due east for an observer in New York State?


On this date the North Pole would experience 24 hours of daylight.

June 21

On which day of the year does the Sun reach the greatest altitude at solar noon in New York City? *

June 21

On this date an observer in NY (maybe even you) would experience the longest amount of daylight hours. *

June 21st

On this date the South Pole would experience 24 hours of darkness. *

June 21st

In NY, the coldest temperatures occur in... Why?

Late Jan Early Feb The Earth is still losing more heat energy than it is gaining

In NY, the warmest temperatures occur in... Why?

Late July Early August The Earth is still gaining more heat energy than it is losing

_______ and _____ determine the number of daylight hours

Latitude and Season

In New York City, on December 21st, will there be more than or less than 12 hours of daylight

Less than

How many hours of daylight do we have in NYS on Dec. 21st?

Less than 12 hours (~9 hours)

In New York State, the number of hours of daylight each day increases continuously from

March 1 to May 1

To a person located at 43 N latitude the sun appears to rise due east on

March 21st

Between which dates is the Sun's vertical ray moving from the equator ____________ to the Tropic of Cancer?

March 21st and Jun 21st Northwards

An equinox occurs on

March/ September 21st

What would happen if we increased our tilt on the axis?

More dramatic seasons

How many hours of daylight do we have in NYS on June 21st?

More than 12 hours (~15 hrs)

Visible light

Most of the insolation striking the surface of the Earth is in this wavelength.

When does the Sun reach the zenith in NY ?


Direction of the sun at solar noon : Equator, June 21st


Direction of the sun at solar noon : South Pole, December 21st


Direction of the sun at solar noon : South Pole, March/Sept. 21st


Direction of the sun at solar noon : Tropic of Capricorn, March/Sept. 21st


What direction do observers in Australia look to see the Sun?


On December 21st which hemisphere is pointed away from the Sun? *


The Artic Circle is in the _________ Hemisphere


Summer Solstice

Occurs on June 21st in the Northern Hemisphere and December 21st in the Southern Hemisphere.

Winter Solstice

Occurs on June 21st in the Southern Hemisphere and December 21st in the Northern Hemisphere.

What causes the Sun's path to change through the year?

Revolution and Earth's tilt

The highest angle of insolation is at what time of day

Solar Noon

Direction of the sun at solar noon : Equator, December 21st


Direction of the sun at solar noon : North Pole, June 21st


Direction of the sun at solar noon : North Pole, March/Sept. 21st


In which compass direction would an observer in NY have to look to see the noontime sun?


What direction do observers in NYS look to see the Sun?


Direction of the sun at solar noon : Tropic of Cancer, March/Sept. 21st

South (at the equator)

On December 21, where does the sun rise? Set?

South of east South of west

The Antartic Circle is in the _________ Hemisphere


Why is insolation 0 cal/cm2/min from October through February at 90º N?

The Sun is continually below the horizon during that time.

Why are the times of sunrise and sunset for Mar. and Sept. 21 nearly the same at each location?

The Sun is directly above the equator on these days

Why does the length of a shadow vary from month to month?

The Sun's apparent path varies with the seasons.

Why is less insolation received at the equator in June than in March or Sept. 21st?

The Sun's vertical rays are north of the equator in June

Why is less insolation received at the equator in June than in March or September?

The Sun's vertical rays are north of the equator in June.

Over the period of one year, which location would probably have the greatest average intensity of insolation per unit area?

The Tropics


The amount of time the sunlight is striking the surface of the Earth.

Angle of Insolation

The angle at which the sun's rays strike the earths surface

Why are surface temps at 43 N higher than at 66 N on June 21st?

The angle of insolation is greater

The Tropics

The area of Earth where the sun gets to be at the zenith. Temperatures are generally warm because the angle of insolation is always high.

90 degree angle of insolation

The highest angle of insolation. It is when the sun is directly overhead or at the zenith (perpendicular rays).

Why is New York warmer in may than in feburary ?

The insolation is greater in May

Which statement compares the intensity and angle of insolation at noon on Dec 21 and Mar 21?

The intensity and angle of insolation are greatest on Mar. 21.

March 21st/September 21st

The sun's rays are directly overhead at the Equator.

June 21st

The sun's rays are directly overhead at the Tropic of Cancer.

December 21st

The sun's rays are directly overhead at the Tropic of Capricorn.

Solar noon

The time of the day when the sun is at its highest point it will be all day.

How to find how many degrees the sun has moved across the sky?

Time Difference times 15 (Earth's rate of rotation)

What latitude on Earth will an observer see the noon time sun located at the zenith on December 21st

Tropic of Cancer

Which location receives 90 degree angle rays on June 21st?

Tropic of Cancer (23.5 N)

On June 21st, which latitude will receive the highest intensity of insolation

Tropic of Cancer (NH)

Which location receives 90 degree angle rays on December 21st?

Tropic of Capricorn (23.5 S)

If Earth had no tilt on it's axis, what would happen?

We would have no seasons

Late July/Early August

When the Northern Hemisphere usually records its highest temperatures.

Late January/Early February

When the Northern Hemisphere usually records its lowest temperatures.

Why are the seasons opposite in the Southern Hemispheres?

When we are titlted towards the sun, they are tilted away from it

South of East

Where the sun appears to rise for an observer in NY on December 21st.

North of East

Where the sun appears to rise for an observer in NY on June 21st.

Due East

Where the sun appears to rise for an observer in NY on March 21st/September 21st.

South of West

Where the sun appears to set for an observer in NY on December 21st.

Due West

Where the sun appears to set for an observer in NY on March 21st/September 21st.

During which season in the Southern and Norther (they will differ) Hemisphere is Earth at aphelion?

Winter - Southern Hemisphere Summer - Northern Hemisphere

Direction of the sun at solar noon : Equator, March/ September 21st


As amount of insolation increases, altitude..

altitude increases

As intensity decreases, angle of insolation

angle of insolation decreases

As temperature increases, angle of insolation

angle of insolation increases

Direction of the sun at solar noon : South Pole, June 21st

below the horizon

After June 21st, the duration of insolation will ______ in New York State


From Sept. to Dec. 21st, the angle of insolation will


From Sept. to Dec. 21st, the duration of insolation will


As duration of insolation increases, angle of insolation ?


As latitude increases, angle of insolation


During an equinox, as latitude increases from the equator, the angle of insolation


What happens to your angle of insolation between solar noon and sunset?


In NY state it takes about __ months for the sun's path to go from the _____ angle of ________ to Lowest angle of __________

highest insolation insolation

As the angle of the Sun's rays striking Earth's surface at noon changes from 90° to 43°, the length of a shadow cast by an object will


During the summer solstice, as an observer moves from 0 latitude to 90 degrees North the duration of insolation will ....

increase (12 hrs to 24 hrs)

As duration of insolation increases, temp


As the length of the suns apparent path increases, the duration of daylight..


From sunrise to solar noon, the intensity of insolation


What happens to your angle of insolation between sunrise and solar noon?


This graph shows that insolation varies with

latitude and time of day

As intensity increases, latitude

latitude decreases

As the angle of insolation (sun in sky) increases, latitude

latitude decreases

As temperature decreases, latitude

latitude increases

From Sept. 21st to Dec. 20 in the US, the direction in which the sun sets

moves from the west towards the south

Direction of the sun at solar noon : Tropic of Capricorn, June 21st


Shadows on December 21st in the Northern Hemisphere - Shadow at solar noon will point ______


The Tropic of Cancer is located in the _____ hemisphere


Shadows on December 21st in the Northern Hemisphere - Shadow a sunrise will point ________

north west

The sun is always _______ from a shadow



orbital point nearest the sun


point in a planet's orbit that is farthest from the sun

Very cold climates occur at Earth's North and South Poles because the polar regions

receive low-angle insolation

During an equinox, as latitude increases from the equator, the duration of insolation

remains the same

Direction of the sun at solar noon : Tropic of Cancer, December 21st


In NYS, to to see the son at noon, one would look towards the


The Tropic of Capricorn is located in the _____ hemisphere


The highest angle of insolation is at what time of year


When the Northern Hemisphere experiences winter, the Southern Hemisphere experiences *


The total number of daylight hours during an entire year is ... Why?

the same at each of the four locations We all average 12 hours a day if you found the average for a year

Poles are so cold because

they receive low-angle insolation

If the tilt of Earth's axis were decreased from 23.5° to 15°, New York State's winters would become

warmer, and summers would become cooler

polaris is equal to

your latitude

Direction of the sun at solar noon : Tropic of Cancer, June 21st


Direction of the sun at solar noon : Tropic of Capricorn, December 21st


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