Intro to Com Studies Final

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Your girlfriend has been on vacation for three weeks and never bothered to contact you—not even a postcard. So upon her return you explain how frustrated you are with her and then avoid taking her phone calls for two weeks. You are employing which form of nonverbal communication to complement your message?


An organization's ________ reveal and celebrate its values and recognize the actions of employees who best personify those values in action.


What is organizational communication?

structure that is large and contains members

extended real-life hypothesis

tendency for social networking site users to communicate their real personalities

Mean World Syndrome

the more media people consume, the meaner they think the world to be. This says that people view the world as a much more dangerous place than it really is.


the physical process of perceiving sounds

The sales teams get monthly bonuses based on their performance. This is an example of the use of _______ cohesion.


Why is listening important?

- improves job performance - essential in creating/maintaining relationships

Be familiar with the claims made about listening in the modern day from the TEDTalk "5 Ways to Listen Better" watched in class. What are the five techniques for better listening suggested by the speaker?

-Silence - just SIT IN SILENCE - 3 min/day -Mixer - focus on individual sounds around you. What do you hear? -Savoring - listening to pleasant sounds, MUNDANE SOUNDS -What would you do for this? -Listening position - using filters to decide what to listen to, with what purpose -Listening to listen vs. to respond -RASA -Receive - pay attention to person -Appreciate - vocal encourages to demonstration attention -Summarize - "so," repeat what you heard in your own words -Ask - ask questions afterwards

small group

A _____ is a collection of 3-15 people with a common purpose, feeling a sense of belonging, and exerting influence on one another.

What are the advantages of working in groups? What are the disadvantages of working in groups?

Advantages •Groups have more information •Groups are often more creative •Groups improve learning •Group members are more satisfied if they participate in decision-making process •Group members learn more about themselves Disadvantages •Unbalanced influence & pressure to conform •Domination in discussion •Dependency on group mates •Takes more time

Which of the following is true of the systems theory?

All members of the system are constrained by their dependence on others.

Which of these answers best represents the typical order of organizational enculturation?

Anticipatory socialization stage, organizational entry and assimilation stage, and disengagement and exit stage

Why do most scholars categorize oculesics as a separate nonverbal code rather than simply categorize it as a form of facial expression

Because they believe that the eyes, on their own, have significant power to communicate

Mass communication. What are the characteristics of mass communication?

Communication occurring between mass media and their audiences. Ex. TV, radio music, Internet, video games, newspaper, books.

the critical tradition

Focus on identifying & changing power imbalance

HURIER Model of listening.

H - Hearing U - Understanding R - Remembering I - Interpreting E - Evaluating R - Responding

You're roommate just got his dream job at an accounting firm in Memphis. You want to let him know how happy you are for him, so you shake his hand and offer him congratulations with an additional pat on the back. You are employing which form of nonverbal communication to complement your message?


What is haptics? What are the important factors when understanding haptics?

Haptics- use of touch to communicate- setting where and when is it appropriate. Gender and sex all over lap- Ex. PDA

cultivation theory

Media have long term, gradual but significant effects because their stories form mainstream society's widely shared conceptions of reality. Focuses on TV. orginally focused on TVs

TV, radio, music, internet, video games, newspapers, magazines, books, movies, advertising, public relations

Name 3 channels of mass communication.

What is more info, more creative, improved learning, higher satisfaction, learn about the self?

Name one of the advantages of working in a small group.

What is more honest, uses all 5 senses, flow continuously, has different groups/codes?

Name one of the characteristics that is unique to nonverbal communication.

What is improves memory, improves academic performance, enhances personal relationships, enhances professional relationships?

Name one of the reasons listening is important.

relevant constructs, facts, practices, vocabulary, metaphors, rites and rituals, stories

Name two of the seven organizational artifacts.

Chapter 7-Which of the following is a main idea of the Structuration Theory?

Rules and resources are produced from people's interactions in their groups.

What is systems theory?

Systems Theory- objective -moving pieces- breaking down into different things

Idealized virtual identity hypothesis

Tendency for creators of social network site profiles to display idealized characteristics not reflective of their actual personalities

informative listening

The primary goal of this type of listening is to understand.


This approach to research emphasizes understanding and focuses on local phenomena.


This approach to research focuses on developing theory that explains, predicts, and controls phenomena.


This counter productive listening style happens when the individual is really focused on appearing as though they're listening, but is actually not paying attention at all.

What is computer mediated communication?

This is communication that takes place via digital channels.


This is defined as a structured social collectivity that has overall and individual goals, coordinates the activity of its members, and is embedded within an environment of similar structures.


This is the term for activity making meaning from the spoken messages of others.

cultivation theory

This mass media theory focuses on television as a cultural storyteller and emphasizes small changes over time.

agenda setting theory

This mass media theory says that media do not tell us what to think, but media do tell us what to think about.


This nonverbal code deals with the use of space and territory to communicate.


This nonverbal code deals with the use of touch to communicate.


This nonverbal code includes gestures, facial expression, and body language.


This research perspective is inherently political and involves identifying and talking about instances of social inequality.

Expectancy Violations Theory

This suggests that we have expectations about how people will react in certain situations, but those expectations aren't always met and we have to figure out how to act when a violation occurs.

organizational culture

This term refers to a pattern of shared basic assumptions/inference, learned from other members of the organization as a whole, through stories, myths, traditions, everyday experiences, and shared behaviors

social information processing theory

This theory states that relationships can form to the same level of intimacy and self-disclosure online as they do in face to face settings.

discriminative listening

This type of listening is used to identify and distinguish between different noises.

quantitative research

This type of research method involves the use of numerical data, and relies on experiments and surveys.

qualitative research

This type of research method involves the use of symbolic data, and relies on interviews and ethnography

_____ is an example of an upward organizational message.

a letter of resignation

four steps groups go through over time: forming, storming, norming, performing. What happens in each stage

a. Forming- come together; first time meeting b. Storming- start to working together but a problem comes up; conflict c. Norming- working together toward a common goal d. Performing- carrying out the task; reach and complete its goals

Be familiar with uses and gratifications theory. What does this theory say about media and audiences? What are the key assumptions? What are the needs that technology satisfies?

a. I choice what I want to satisfy the needs- b. gratifications theory- c. The needs technology satisfies i. pass and time ii. companionship iii. escape iv. Fun- enjoyment v. Social interaction vi. Relaxation vii. Information viii. Excitement

1. What is kinesics? Be familiar with the six basic facial expressions/emotions. What is gesticulation?

a. Kinesics- body language- facial expressions and the combination of all of them together b. Happy, sad, anger, surprised, fear, disgusted c. Gesticulation- gestures without having to say anything- 'giving the finger' 'shaking your head yes or no'

1. What are the characteristics of media consumers as discussed in our textbook? What are the characteristics of media industries as discussed in our textbook?

a. Media consumers- we know about audience members- platform agnostics-doesn't matter the platform as long as you can watch it b. We are media multi-taskers c. Media additions d. Characteristics of media industries - concentration of media industries-- More than half of content is being created by a small group e. Ad placement

four group dynamics: norms, roles, ranks, controls

a. Norms-rules that govern a group- what is appropriate and what isnt; unspoken or written down b. Roles- tasks and responsibility-things we take on-- can be assigned or not assigned- band: one member plays drum another sings c. Ranks- hierarchical structure -more formal groups have this- in work and also informal power structure d. Controls- rewards or punishments for behavioral consequences

What is proxemics? Be able to define and give examples of primary, secondary, and tertiary territories. Be familiar with the four zones of personal space - distances and who we typically allow/keep in that zone.

a. Proxemics- use of space to communicate- b. Primary- you have complete control over- your bed room, phone, c. Secondary- we have some claim to but share with other people- the living room- the desk you sit in at class d. Third- public space can be used by anybody e. Intimate distance- 0-18'' romantic partners, pets f. 18''- 4 feet- friends family people you are close with g. 4-12 feet strangers h. 12 feet or more- teachers in classroom, public speakers

1. What is structuration theory? What do each tell us about small group communication?

a. structuration theory- the way we communicate is the way the group functions AND the group functions by people go


actively making meaning from the spoken messages of others

Be familiar with the dark side of new communication technologies: addiction, depression, distraction

addiction: dependency on digital technology depression: develops from overuse of social networking sites distraction: deals more with everyday use of technology

Globalization typically prevents ____

an organization closing itself off to outside ideas and technology

While all your roommates are laboring over their textbooks in preparation for tomorrow's exam, you conspicuously pull your e-reader from your backpack. You are employing which form of nonverbal communication to complement your message?


Chapter 8 The copywriters working on the new ad campaign tells their boss that they will miss their deadline by a day or two. The boss says, "Fine, we can work with that." The truth, however, is that the boss knows quite well that the order has come from above that tardiness may cost them their jobs. This is an example of ________ in downward communication.


The fusion of entertainment and content, for example the movie The Polar Bears being created by Coke as a way to capitalize on the popularity of its well-known holiday television commercials, is called ____________.

brand entertainment

Small Group- three important elements of the small group definition. Be able to provide an example of a small group.

collections of 3- 15 people with a common purpose 1. common purpose 2. sense of belonging 3. exerting influence example is softball team

post-positivist tradition

communication scholarship that recognizes that humans living in a social world are not as constant or predictable as the measurable elements of the physical world

A leader who always reminds a group of her or his famous next-door neighbor is attempting to gain ___________ power.


Unlike verbal communication, nonverbal communication is ______


An organization is a social collectivity having organizational and individual goals, ________, organizational structure, and the embedding of the organization within an environment of other organizations

coordinating activity

asynchronous communication

delay of some length between sending and receiving

Media Richness Theory (MRT)

different media allow us to different things, depending on how LEAN or RICH the medium is RICH is lots of information per message (in person) LEAN is very little information per message (text)

What are organizations? Be familiar with the Kutztown University example from class discussion.

distinct groups have individual goals. Places like KU is an organization. Ex. student body- student athletes - professors- professor tenure track-staff

You want to plan a holiday evening of caroling with friends, and decide to do it on Friday rather than Saturday because the forecast is for snow. As you begin to sing "Silver Bells," flakes begin to gently fall, setting the stage for a perfect holiday celebration. You employed which form of nonverbal communication to complement your message?

environmental factors

_____ is how we structure a message by using nonverbal communication to repeat, complement, contradict, substitute for, and regulate what we say.


Grapevine communication in the workplace can take the form of ______, where one person tells what he or she knows to many others.


The battle of egos in your study group has become so bad that nothing is getting done and you are forced to report to your professor that your group will not meet the requirements of the assignment and must be dissolved. Your group has suffered ________.

group breakdown

When some voices in a group were suppressed because of pressure from others, resulting in a lack of thoughtful examination of the assigned task, the group failed, in part, because it suffered ________.


What is the difference

hearing is physiological (mechanical functions in the ear) listening is cognitive-mental, affective- emotional and behavioral-physical

_______ are the employees and managers who are most respected, best regarded, and most highly rewarded for their embodiment of the organization's values.

heroic figures

synchronous communication

immediate, real-time communication interaction

1. five types of listening: informative, appreciative, relational, critical, discriminative.

informative: appreciative: relational: critical: discriminative:

Which of the following is one of the three most common leadership styles?

laissez-faire leadership

_______ power is based primarily on a leader's status.


interpretive tradition

no single fixed reality exists against which knowledge can be measured

One of the reasons your project group did not meet the requirements of the assignment and had to be dissolved was that its rules and expectations had not been clearly defined or established. The group failed, in part, because it suffered ________.

normatie confusion

Chapter 4 As you deliver your presentation in class, you try hard to connect with your audience members by making eye contact with each student in the room. You are employing which form of nonverbal communication to complement your message?


Organizations are ________; their components interact continuously, not only with one another, but with the larger environment.

open systems

A friend talks up a really great job opportunity as the two of you are out to dinner one evening. You decide to apply for the position, and you eventually get the job. You and your friend are both excited; she cannot stop telling you about how great the company is and what they do. You are in the ________ stage of integration into the culture of your organization.

organizational entry and assimilation

orginazational culture

pattern of shared basic assumptions or inferences that members learn from an organization's stories, myths, traditions, everyday experiences, and observed behaviors

Computer-Mediated Communication (CMC)

people interacting via digital technology

Chapter 10 You notice that every character on your favorite TV drama drinks either Budweiser or Budweiser Lite beer. The Budweiser company has obviously paid to make this __________ happen.

product placement

You are a diligent student and want your professor to know this, so during each class, as you participate in every discussion, asking a lot of questions, you sit in the front row. You are employing which form of nonverbal communication to complement your message?



questions of how to best create and expand knowledge


questions of the nature of reality and what is knowable


questions of the proper role of values in research and theory building

cues filtered out theory

relationships cannot develop in online contexts because we're missing so many cues

seven artifacts of organizational culture: relevant constructs, facts, practices, vocabulary, metaphors, rites/rituals, stories

relevant constructs: facts, practices, vocabulary, metaphors, rites/rituals: everyday practices that bring people together stories: revel and celebrate their values and recognize

"nonverbal communication" How is nonverbal communication different than verbal communication? What are the similarities and differences between verbal and nonverbal communication?

the process of relaying messages and meaning without the use of words- similarities: guided by rules, conventions, symbolic, influenced by culture, intentional or unintentional Differences: verbal is less honest, involves seeing and hearing, begins and ends. Nonverbal is more honest, uses all senses, flows continuously

The members of a basketball team know which position to play because they are aware of _______ the team.

their roles on

At a party, someone tells you a very funny joke. You laugh hysterically while at the same time reassuring him that it's "one of the funniest jokes you've ever heard." You are employing which form of nonverbal communication complement your message?


What are counterproductive listening styles? Be familiar with and able to differentiate between the five counterproductive listening styles discussed in our textbook.

•Fakers/Pseudo-listening -> trying really hard to appear as if they're listening, but not actually listening •Dependent Listeners -> focus on self-presentation, gaining approval; fail to meaningfully listen •Interrupters -> interrupt; focused on personal goals/needs/desires •Self-conscious listeners -> preoccupied with worry about their ability to communicate/listen •Intellectual listeners -> tend to neglect emotional/cultural/nonverbal components of a message

Agenda Setting Theory

•Mass media's agenda--> public's agenda •Media doesn't directly tell us what to think - media just tells us what to think about! •Audiences free to choose how content is interpreted - *kind of* Example given in class was Ebola- story was shown differently in UK and US

How do physical, psychological, physiological, and semantic noise impact listening

•Physical à barrier external to message itself •Psychological -> deals with listener's mindset •Hearing what you want to hear •Biased listening •Prejudices •Cultural differences •Errors in connotative meaning •Physiological -> physical feeling of listeners •Semantic -> complexity of language used

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