Introduction Quiz (Ungraded)

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Students can be respectful online by:

A. Avoiding sarcasm B. Not criticizing or publicly humiliating others C. Avoiding profanity D. Using appropriate salutations

Where do you find the assignment, exam, and quiz due dates?


To find out how much time the instructor recommends that students spend in the course to successfully complete it, students should check unders the Syllabus & Course Policies:

Course Work Requirements

To find out about the instructor's policies relative to the course, students read the Meet Your Instructor document.


After the instructor has agreed to grant an Incomplete Grade, the student will have the whole academic year to complete the missing work.


You should check into your course at least once a week.


When sending emails to your instructors use ANGEL's internal email. Use instructor's MDC email if you are experiencing a technical difficulty and cannot access the course.


Unless otherwise informed, when you send an email to your instructor, you should expect an answer within:

The specifications established under the Instructor's Response Policy found in the Syllabus

In the Syllabus & Course Policies, under the Late & Make-Up Work Policies, students can find out if the instructor accepts late submission of assignments.


The Course Schedule of Assignment is tentative and subject to change.


You commit plagiarism when:

You present the work or ideas of someone else as your own

A grade of incomplete may be given only under extreme circumstances where the student has documented medical problems that would prevent completing the course, a death in the family, or other extenuating situations.


Writing Rules for online courses include the following (check all that apply):

A. Do not use ALL CAPITAL LETTERS B. Use proper grammar and check spelling E. Respect discussion threads

Any academic dishonesty, including plagiarism, may result in a failing grade for the assignment and submission of the case to the Virtual College.


When communicating online being polite and respectful is not only common sense, it is absolutely essential for a productive and supportive online environment


An Incomplete grade is issued solely at the discretion of the instructor. He/she is not obligated to grant a request for a grade of Incomplete.


An Incomplete grade is issued when the instructor and the student both enter into a contract.


Microsoft Office applications such as Word, Excel, and PowerPoint are standard for Virtual College courses.


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