IR final exam

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While slavery is outlawed virtually everywhere, many still remain in slavery-like conditions in the

sex trade

One of the more environmentally dangerous agricultural approaches to creating new land for farming is


Measures to make fossil fuel emissions mandatory were led by

small island states.

which of the following is one of the main groups that lose due to globalization?

uncompetitive domestic industries

Which major world power never ratified the Kyoto Protocol?

united states

the biggest provider of military aid in the world is

united states

The first global agreement on the first-generation of human rights, approved by the United Nations in 1948, was the

universal declaration of human rights

Spanish courts allowing arrest warrants for former Chilean President General Augusto Pinochet, even though the President's crimes occurred in Chile and not Spain, is an example of

universal jurisdiction

The result of a 2009 meeting in Copenhagen on climate change was

voluntary call to limit future temperature changes.

Violating international treaties and agreements about the proper conduct of war can lead to a person or persons being charged with

war crimes

the disappearance of the rap Sea due to human decisions is an example of the need to protect our

water supplies

one goal of sanctions that has become much less common in the last thirty years is

weakening the target states military and economy

During civil wars and insurgencies which group faces disproportionately large dangers of violations of their human rights?


networks like the int. food security put a particular emphasis on helping what group of farmers?


loans from what organizations often come with the requirement that receiving countries engage in free market reform?

world bank

____ states were most in favor of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.


scholars estimate that what percentage of sanctions meet their goals at a modest or greater level?


__ is the name of the organization created to represent the interest of African states

African Union

united states cuts monetary assistance to columbia b/c it believes columbia is not doing much as it should to combat the illegal drug trade. this is an example of what kind of sanction?

Aid sanction

which transnational advocacy network was reps. for bombing on the moscow metro, london underground, and US embassies in Kenya and Tanzania?

Al qaeda

Air pollution is particularly dangerous in which country, 2008 Olympics


what did the Kyoto protocol say about developing countries?

Developing countries must reduce emissions by half the amount of the levels recorded in 1990

Actions in Africa's Congo River Basin to preserve the fragile environmental conditions there is best an example of which of UNEP's six priority areas?

Ecosystem management

when trasnational advocacy network endorse international agreements they are engaging in which type of effect that they can have on international politics?

Encouraging and enabling cooperation

Countries in ___ have had the most success in cleaning up air pollution


which region of the world has had the most innovation and use of alternative energy sources?


the fall of the berlin wall led to a reduction of foreign aid from __ to __

Europe; Africa

The strongest of the regional efforts on human rights, including the creation of a regional Commission on Human Rights is the

European Convention on Human Rights.

what level of integration is characterized by the presence of supranational organizations?


The UN entity created to distribute the financial resources necessary to meet emissions goals was the

Global Environmental Facility

The Oregon Institute of Science and Medicine is a think tank involved in which environmental issue?

Global climate change

What non-governmental organization started during the Cold War to monitor human rights violations by the Soviets in Eastern Europe but has since become one of the world's foremost groups in naming and shaming violators of human rights?

Human Rights Watch

__ has focused especially on combating criminal network operating in Europe and Asia, those specializing in serial murder and rape offenses, and those engaged in maritime piracy


Oil for Food program me was set up to soften the impact of actions against which country?


The United Nations first imposed sanctions, and then imposed a no-fly zone on what nation after its leader, Colonel Gaddafi, turned the military against his own civilian population?


The notion that population growth will outstrip the food supply is known as the

Malthusian Dilemma

Which of the following is NOT one of the UNEP's six priority areas?

Narcotics and illicit substance

what infectious disease was nearly wiped out in dev. countries bc of the development of a vaccine... still a prob in dev world


in 2004, the european union sanctioned the nation of Guinea with which goal in mind?

Promoting better human rights in the target state

Which group, whose activities have been captured by the Animal Planet show Whale Wars, actively engages in risky situations to prevent the hunting of whales?

Sea Shepherd Conservation Society

For years, which country secretly dumped nuclear waste in the Sea of Japan as the quickest and easiest method of disposal?

The Soviet Union

which of the following best summarizes the typical reaction of leaders in states targeted by sanctions?

They tighten their grip on power and become more authoritian

What was the name of the entity created by the South African government as part of a post-apartheid effort of healing from the history of racial injustice in the country?

Truth and Reconciliation Committee

1990, which treaty came into force w/ the goal of fostering cooperation to stop the transitional illegal drug trade?

UN convention against illicit traffic in narcotic drugs and psychotropic substance

A 1972 UN conference in Stockholm created which body responsible for environmental monitoring?

UN environnemental programme

In 2010 the UN created a new organization, known as _____, to work towards gender equality and the protection of women.

UN women

Which part of the United Nations, created in 1946 and made permanent in 1953, is responsible for the human security needs of children?


The international organization that took the lead in safeguarding human rights after World War II was the

United Nations

Omar al-Bashir, the President of Sudan, had a warrant issued for his arrest for crimes against humanity. al-Bashir maintained that whatever happened within his country's borders fell under its jurisdiction. al-Bashir was appealing to which notion of sovereignty?



a country that is the undisputed leader in its region or the world

concept of paying the original producers of goods more is known as __ trade


Smart sanctions are __ regular sanctions

about as effective as

which country receives the most developmental aid in the world?


major shift occurred in the economies of european states in the mid- 1800s. shift was from __ to __

agriculture; industry

one economic reason that Japan attacked pearl harbor in 1941 was

an embargo that western states had placed on Japan

lack of central authority has hampered attempts to reduce fossil fuel emissions ww


which feature of int. politics complicates sanctions b/c it allows other states to trade with the target sanctions


which feature of international relations make it difficult to implement human right protections bc of lack of enforcement powers?


The United Nations has determined that by 2025, nearly two-thirds of the ____ in Africa, also known as the land suitable for agricultural cultivation, will be turned to desert.

arable land

in 2003 the UN prohibited countries from selling weapons to democratic republic of the congo. ex

arms embargo

Leaders of countries of which continent in particular have argued that societal harmony and order are more important to their cultures than individual rights?


an economic policy that stresses trade protectionism and intends to send the problems of protectionism to other countries is known as

beggar thy neighbor

russian and american presidents meet for a high level summit. example of what kind of relations?


despite internal pressures to reform, the pro apartheid regime in south africa did not change until external groups in Europe, North America, and Austrila applied pressure.

boomerang model

state regimes that might be unwilling to change b/c of domestic pressure but might respond when it becomes clear that their behavior might affect their int. reputation are an illustration of an

boomerang model

international economic system set up after WWII to promote capitalism, free trade and economic growth is known as

bretton woods

network composed of toyota motor cooperation, toyota motor manufacturing of texas, those groups in Texas interested in brining toyota to texas are an example of

business TAN

Coal-based industrial plants in the American Midwest led to acid rain falling in


one of the main reseaons that european colonized Aisa, Africa and the Americans was


By reducing the number of miles we drive every day and increasing the number of miles we walk, we reduce the carbon dioxide we generate. This is an example of lowering our

carbon footprint

country x is a state where gov. controls all businesses and decides what will be produced, when and how much will reaches market. example of what type of economy?

centrally planned

one reason a country might choose to manipulate their currency to make it cheaper is

cheaper currency would boost exports and economic growth

Which country attempted to plant a "Great Green Wall" of trees to slow down desertification, though with mixed success so far?


families, local communities, and religious groups. ex..

civil society groups

red cross, greenpeace and habitat for humanity are examples of

civil society org.

we refer to non governmental org. that work together to serve the greater social and political good as

civil society org.

A good that benefits everyone regardless of whether they pay for their cost or maintenance is known as a(n)

collective good

__ is the situation where on country takes over another country and administers it with local bureaucracy


Karl Marx developed an economic philosophy known as __ that promotes the radical control of a country and its economy for the equal redistribution of resources to the countries citizens


which theoretical approach think the transitional advocacy network are useful b/c of their ability to help change norms and redefine the way of society is constructed?


The international treaty that made "acts committed with the intent to destroy a national, ethnic, racial or religious group" a crime is known as the

convention on genocide

n 1979, the UN General Assembly adopted which agreement that attempted to end systematic bias against women in political, economic, and social situations?

convention on the elimination of all forms of discrimination against

british hegemony allowed them to influence international trade in what way in the mid- 1800s

convince other states to free int. trade

control of organizations like the IMF and World Bank are based on

countries that donate more having to say

Golden Arches theory- two countries w/ mcdonalds have never gone to war w/ e/o, not accurate

countries that share cultural elements are less likely to go to war

first phase of the norms life cycle is

creating new norms

Enslaving portions of a civilian population would be considered a(n)

crime against humanity

acts of war against a civilian population are known as

crimes against humanity

in the 1990s the united states tried to place economic penalties on countries that did trade with which Caribbean island nation


which two countries are the only notable proponents of marxism left in the world today?

cuba and north korea

as of 2012 the united states has nearly comprehensive sanctions against which three sanctions?

cuba, iran and north korea

Some countries argue that "universal" human rights are really Western values and that as such the idea of them being universal is culturally biased. This is best captured by the concept of

cultural relativism

The rate of deforestation in Brazil has been ____ since 2004.


Haiti's woodlands are almost completely gone now because they were destroyed for use as fuel and heat faster than they could be replaced. This is an example of


united states gives a country monetary assistance to help run free and fair elections. this is an example of which type of aid

democracy aid

which type of assistance is MOST likely to come from non state sources/

democracy aid

united states gov. has played the largest role in which of the following trasnational advocacy network

democracy promotion

during the Cold War, the United States gave military aid to anticommunist countries and countries bordering communist areas. the best exemplifies which determinant of military aid?

democratic countries receive more money

Nearly a quarter of China is made up of desert and that amount increases by 1,300 square miles each year. This is an example of


the creation of new, or enlargement of exhausting, arid, dry regions is known as


sanctions that the united states imposed against cuba are an example of which goal of sanctions?

destabilizing a government in hopes of regime change

currency that has lost its value relative to other currencies is said to be


fact that afghanistan receives the most developmental aid in the world shows that

development aid is not strictly on an as needed basis

according to recent studies, in democratic countries, development aid has what affect on economic growth?

development has no relationship to economic growth

major trade war in the 1920s had what effect on global trade?

dramatically slowed global trade

which of the following best captures the historical relation between chinas economic growth and its economic system in the twentieth and twenty first centuries?

economic growth really began when china freed its economy

the evolution of the european coal and steel community into the european union shows that

economic integration can help overcome anarchy

imposed cessation of some or all economic exchange between two countries is referred to as

economic sanction

the european union and united states have cut off all trade with iran over iranian attempts to develop nuclear weaponry. example of

economic sanction

which type of trasnational advocy network primarily focuses on issues of sustainable development?

economic security oriented TANs

if an economically powerful state wished to influence an economically weaker ally, they might try to use

economic statecraft

process of giving and taking money for political purposes is called

economic statecraft

The interaction of living things and the material world around them is known as the


united states has a long prohibited most forms of trade with cuba. example of


transnational advocy networks help facilitate groups working across national boundaries. this illustrates which effect that they can have on int. politics?

encouraging and enabling cooperation

unofficial language of int. diplomacy


transitional institute and the climate action network of Europe are examples of what type of transnational advocacy network?

environmental security oriented TANS

women benefit from globalization by

facing less discrimination in hiring by multinational corporations

____ is a form of child abuse that involves cutting away part of the external genitalia of women.

femal genital mutilation

after the Iranian gov. took control of american hostages in 1979, the united rates froze all iranian bank accounts in the united states. ex. of what type of sanction

financial sanction

Rights that individuals have by virtue of existing and which governments may not violate are known as

first generation rights

The International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights focused most on

first generation rights

The Magna Carta, Declaration of Independence, and US Constitution espoused which type of rights?

first generation rights

nuclear matter used to make atomic weapons is known as

fissile material

Currency rates that are allowed to change minute by minute in response to supple and demand are said to


assistance given to a country to help grow its economy is known as

foreign aid

As we lose ____, the risk of floods and mudslides increases.


2011 a new law went into place in which country outlawing any wearing of scarves covering face- direct reap. to woman stuff


money can be used to threaten, to persuade, and to encourage. this is an example of how money is


money is often described as the most __ form of power


Monsanto's new cotton product that proved resistant to their Roundup herbicide, which would allow farmers to increase their cotton yields, is an example of a(n)

genetically modified organism.

The Holocaust, the Khmer Rouge killings in Cambodia of ethnic minorities and ethnic cleansing in Rwanda are all examples of


which major world power found itself largely W/O overseas colonies in the early 1900s in part leading to WWI


The melting of the polar ice caps is one example of complications brought on by

global climate change

the change in global temps. over the past 150 years is referred to as

global climate change

the rise in the number of named storms in the Atlantic and the Gulf of Mexico in recent years may be tied to

global climate change

UNs major terrorism related initiative in 2006 that sough to prevent terrorism by dealing with root causes and promoting int. cooperation was

global counter terrorism strategy

Which United Nations body is responsible for monitoring and studying global warming?

global environmental facility

the iPod, developed in the United States, manufactured in China, shipped through South Korea, and marketed and sold around the world, is an example of


which of the following global changes has had the biggest impact on the formation of transitional advocy network in the past fifty years?


Methane, carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide, and water vapor are examples of _____ that trap the sun's heat and hold it close to the earth's surface

greenhouse gases

A 2006 report submitted by which country as part of its obligations under the CEDAW included observations about the difficulty the country was having in overcoming its patriarchal system where "the man is expected to be the breadwinner"?


Humanitarian interventions are examples of what types of approaches to human security?

hard power

which type of trasnational advocy network primarily focuses on personal and physical well being?

health security oriented TANs

What is the name of the brutal practice of murdering women or girls that stray from societal sexually-based roles and norms?

honor killing

Recently the majority of scientists have concluded that _____ has/have been responsible for the extremity in the current global climate cycle.

human actions

one criminal Tan is based around the sale of illegally obtained __, including a large market in kidney based out of india

human organs

human rights commission was replaced in 2006 by which new UN organization?

human rights council

The concept that we should place a priority on the economic, food, health, environmental, personal, community, and political well-being of people is known as

human security

trasnational advocy networks based around nuclear non proliferation and banning land mines are examples of

human security oriented TANs

__ is an international crime that involves using people as involuntary workers, usually in the sex trade or manual labor

human trafficking

Assistance given to a state to help mitigate the effects of a disaster is known as

humanitarian aid

UN authorized intrusions into Bosnia, Somalia, Rwanda, and other countries to protect endangered civilians are examples of

humanitarian interventions

Germany suffered from __ in the years after WWI. at times the price of bread would increase ten times its amount over the course of a single day


___ can be particularly destabilizing for governments. as prices continue upward, citizens feel like they are no longer able to afford basic staples; dissatisfaction w/ the gov. increases as well


sanctions that reduce or completely cut off goods coming into and or out of a target country are known as

import/export sanction

united states places an embargo on Cuban sugar. This is an example of what type of sanction?

import/export sanction

what type of sanction is likely to cause prices to rise in the sender country?

import/export sanction

Both the European Union and member states tie some foreign aid to a target state's ability to democratize and protect human rights. This is an example of what sort of enforcement mechanism for human rights?


foreign aid has __ population in the past fifty years

increased at a faster rate than

number of transnational advocy networks has

increased over time

In the past few years, food prices have been ___ worldwide.


global temperatures overall have been ___ over the past 150 years


A leak at a Union Carbide plant in which country in 1984 exposed over half a million people to deadly gases?


shift from agriculture to industrial production in the 1800s was known as the

industrial revolution

organization resp. for monitoring compliance with nuclear non proliferation is the

international atomic energy agency

We refer to the emerging international system based on the norms of democracy and human rights as

international civil society

financial assists of groups like Al- Qaeda were frozen by which international treaty?

international convention for the suppression of the financing of terrorism

Universal jurisdiction is what empowers which international organization?

international criminal court

people who are accused of genocide, war crimes, or crimes against humanity can be tried in the

international criminal court

what is the name of the american program used to increase foreign military cooperation with the united states?

international military education and training

b/c of large amounts of borrowing and a decliing economy, the nation of Atlantis is unable to make debt payments. the int. org. they would turn to for a SHORT term emergency loan is the

international monetary fund

One major concern among U. S. policymakers when it comes to signing international treaties such as the UN's Convention on Genocide is that

it compromises U. S. sovereignty.

one problem with the general agreement on tariffs and trade (GATT)

it could not enforce agreements among members

Arabic term for holy war is


what percentage of the united state budget is spent of foreign aid?

less than 1%

since end of Cold war, what has become the dominant form of economic theory

liberal capitalism

which economic theory believes that state and private businesses should be separate as possible?

liberal capitalism

the economic ideas of Adam Smith and David Ricardo, among others, form the foundation of which theory?

liberal economic policy

Which theory is most optimistic about the ability of agreements like the Kyoto Protocol to solve global climate change?


which theoretical approach thinks that trasnational advocy network are useful especially as they facilitate cooperation in the international system?


Which theories think that global climate change is solvable?

liberalism and constructivism

a situation where a gov. runs out of cash is unable to make a minimum payments on its debt is known as

liquidity crisis

WTO ruling that the american congress could not restrict imports of Venezuelan gasoline, even if the country felt that gasoline to be environmentally unfriendly is an example of which downside of globalization?

loss of democratic governance

Despite state attempts to slow down deforestation, many find it difficult because

lumber is economically valuable.

The ____, signed in 1215, noted that freemen could not be imprisoned without legal justification or a judgment by one's peers

magna carta

Albert Hirschman argues that countries should structure their trade in such a way as to

make states dependent on them

Losing biodiversity is particularly damaging to

medical researchers

British gov provided charter to various companies that gave them monopolies on trade in certain parts of the world. the gov. also give these companies exclusive access to sell to their colonies. companies would then share part of their revenue w/ the british gov. ex of


economic theory behind early colonialism


extracting raw materials and precious metals of captured territory proved a major benefit of what economic approach?


which economic theory most clearly believes that money is the root of all power?


london was the central city of the british empire. example of


1997, the clintion administration certified __ as cooperating in the War on Drugs, a questionable decision guided mostly by trade concerns


most controversial form of aid is..

military aid

in 2000 the united nations issued a series of eight directives or targets that it hoped the world reach in the next fifteen years. those collectively are known as the

millennium development goals

Atlantis and Midgar sign an agreement where each country promises to offer the other the lowest tariff rates available. examples of what type of agreement?

most favored nation

the preferential trading status that members of the general agreement on tariffs and trade gave to each other was known as

most favored nation

process of calling out violators of an international norm in some public arena is known as

naming and shaming

which entity, funded by the united stats congress, provides grants to pro democracy groups located abroad?

national endowment for democracy

One reason for the reason changes in food prices is

new innovations in production have increased supplies.

Despite an abundance of natural resources and a diversified economic base, Africa's most populous country, ________, has suffered from corruption and ethnic violence and has not grown in the way many would have expected.


Attempts to build a dam on what river in Egypt caused untold damage to the environment and health?


transational advocacy networks must include

non gov. actors

countries that place safety restrictions on what can be imported are engaging in a form of an

non tariff barrier

Groups like Friends of the Earth, Worldwatch, and the Sierra Club are examples of

non-governmental organizations

int. shock and outrage about the united states treatment of detainees after 9/11. often in violation of the geneva conventions, shows that treatment of prisoners is at what stage of a norms life cycle?

norm internalization

transnational advocy network seek to create or change


phase of a norms life cycle when the number of people sharing a value increases to the point that it gets on the international agenda is known as

norms cascade

routine pattern by which norms change is known as

norms life cycle

most important physical resource on the planet...


what is the name of the international group, composed of 34 member states that promoted liberal economic and political reforms?

organization for economic cooperation and development

international organization composed of states in the north and south american continents is the

organization of american states

international narcotics, sex and slave trade networks are examples of

organized crime TANs

al qaeda founder

osama bin laden

if you care passionately about a certain issue and spend time working to try to affect change in the political arena

policy entrepreneur

people who define or frame an issue in ways designed to persuade others to accept that values or goals they are pressing as legitimate ones for the public arena are known as

policy entrepreneurs

Grassroots rebellions against repressive governments are known as

populist revoltuions

the 1979 rebellion in iran in which the people overthrew the repressive gov. of the shah is an example of an...

populist revolution

economic integration can lead to what type of peace?

positive peace

in addition to NOT being at war, the united states and canada actively trade and support one another in the int. system...

positive peace

what development has made financial sanctions more difficult in the past thirty years?

proliferation of off shore banks

we refer to an economic policy of blocking or restricting trade from other countries in order to provide advantages to domestic industries as


deforestion in Brazil has destroyed__ one of earths most important souces of biodiversity and generators of oxygen

rain forest

Russia continues highly inefficient and environmentally unfriendly oil and gas exploration because sales of such are a major economic boost to the nation. This is best an example of which theory's pessimism about global climate change being solvable?


Which theory would be most opposed to the creation of the International Criminal Court?


despite the efforts of many trans. advocacy network to promote free and fair democratic reelections in russia, they have failed to do so. this best fits which theoretical view of transitional advocacy networks


transational advocy network is


we refer to people who are displaced from their homes due to conflict as


solar, hydroelectric and wind are examples of what type of energy?


some criticize transnational adovxy networks for having which bias?

representing western values

Attempts to repair damage done to victims of human rights violations, often by allowing victims a voice in the resolution of their grievances is known as

resorative justice

_____ is the international norm that states must safeguard their people from harm; and that if they cannot, the international community must step in to ensure safety.

responsibility to protect

Canada's creation of a new province, Nunavut, where native peoples could govern themselves is an example of

restorative justice

A 1917 revolution in which European country promised a "worker's paradise" that would have provided second-generation rights to every person?


the first country to experience a socialist revolution, in 1917, was


the main reason that countries use sanctions regardless of their questionable effectiveness is b/c

sanctions help to signal their thoughts to the target countries and other countries

United States has kept which middle eastern countries ruling royal family in power with copious amounts of military aid

saudi arabia

rights to education and healthcare are examples of which generation of rights?

second generation right

The most expensive "generation" of human rights for states to provide for society is

second generation rights

karl marx was Prozent of which generation of rights?

second generation rights

business Tans, terrorist Tans and organized crime Tans are all examples of

self oriented TANs

transnational advocy networks that primarily benefit others are known as

self oriented TANs

Sanctions used against banks in Macao that did business with north korea, which had the goal of affecting Kim Jong II but not the general populace of north korea, is an example of

smart sanctions

targeting specific individuals thought to be responsible for a regimes human rights abuses and then trying to cut off economic benefits to them is known as

smart sanctions

naming states that violate human rights norms and then publicly shaming then on the int. stage is an example of what sort of enforcement mechanism for human rights?

soft power

agreeing to abide by the rulings of the world trade organization, member states sacrifice part of their


most frequent target of trasnational advocy networks are


most favored nation status meant that...

states were guaranteed the lowest available tariff rate

major international concern over terrorism in the 1970s and 80s focused on

stopping plane hijackings

united state giving aid to Mexico and Colombia to combat the illegal drug trade is an example of

strategic donation

there are more cases of HIV/AIDs in which region

sub saharan africa

housing bust in the united states in 2008 was driven in part by __ loans


organization that has authority over other states is known as an __ org


Attempts to promote economic growth that minimizes damage to the environment is known as

sustainable development

a tax on products imported from one country into another is called an


int. networks intent on overthrowing the exhausting social and political order and replace it with something more to their liking are known as

terroist TANs

Modern environmental movement is often dated to the release of Rachel Carsons silent Spinr in which decade

the 1960s

one important determinant of how much humanitarian aid a country receives is...

the amount of media coverage

one of the oldest non gov. org, influential even in the pre westphalian period is

the catholic church

one of the major factors affecting the success of humanitarian aid is

the corruption of the receiving country

which of the following most accurately summarizes the historical relationship between trade and war?

the more countries trade less likely they are to go to war

Which of the following best summarizes the relationship b/t development aid and economic growth?

the relationship is complex and may depend on the type of government receiving the aid

when we speak of broadening of globalization, we mean

the speed of globalization to new countries

According to the notion of Westphalian sovereignty, who has responsibility for the effects of an environmental disaster within the boundaries of a state?

the state

Which of the following is NOT a determinant of military aid according to the text?

the target state must be able to help the sender

The biggest producer of fossil fuel emissions per capita is

the united states

which type of trasnational advocy group is normally associated with the phrase "the greater good"?

there oriented TANs

which of the following best summarizes the impact sanctions have on targeted states economy?

they impose substantial costs on the targets states economy

genocide is most clearly a violation of which generation of human rights?

third generation rights

rights needed to protect unpopular or minority groups from majority oppression are known as..

third generation rights

which generation o human rights emerged in response to the holocaust?

third generation rights

which type of sanction has the greatest chance of being used against ones allies?

third party sanction

targeting sanctions against a neutral country that does business with the primary target of the sanctions is known as

third- party sanction

worst effects of environmental change will not be seen for decades, but to successfully combat these effects, changes must be made now

time horizon problem

a situation in which many or most engage in protectionism is known as

trade war

A village has a common pasture that everyone is allowed to use for their livestock. Because no one owns the pasture, each person has an incentive to let their livestock eat as much as they can. Because of this the pasture is barren within a year

tragedy of the commons

Collective goods are at the heart of the ________.

tragedy of the commons

Pollution, deforestation, and desertification are examples of the

tragedy of the commons

gaint floating garbage in the pacific ocean unlikely to be cleaned up

tragedy of the commons

___ are often responsible for monitoring states' compliance w/ established international norms, such as the work done by human rights org.

transational advocacy network

network involving reciprocal, voluntary actions across national borders by int. and national gov. actors, domestic and int. nongovernmental actors, social movements and individuals are known as

transnational advovcy network

international criminal court is and example of

trasnational advocy network

Women generally did not receive full political rights in most developed countries until which century?


you are the economic advisor to the president of a small, economically developing nation. your nation would like a loan to be able to construct more roads in the hope that easier and more reliable transportation will spur economic growth. the international organization that you would request such a loan from would be

world bank

Which theory has a difficult time explaining the creation of the International Criminal Court because many of the economically developed (or core) states supported its creation despite the fact that this gave periphery states the ability to prosecute their citizens?

world system theory

several countries believed that the United States was engaging in unfair trade practices in levying very high tariffs. Those countries successfully appealed to which int. org to get the U.S. to back down?

world trade org

1995 the vernal agreement on tariffs and trade was replaced by the

world trade organization

movement to form a jewish homeland in palestine was known as


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