ITSS Exam 1 Review

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what is an organization? - technical definition

Formal social structure that processes resources from environment to produce outputs A formal legal entity with internal rules and procedures, as well as a social structure

Digital Goods

Goods that can be delivered over a digital network (music, video, software, newspapers, books)

Business Process Modeling and Notation (BPMN)

Graphic representation of activities in a business process

Business Information as an Asset

IS is an instrument for creating value

Social Media

IT for sharing content among network of users - allows communities of practice

True or False: information systems potentially change an organization's structure, culture, politics, and work


Knowledge Work Systems (KWS)

Systems for knowledge workers to help create new knowledge and integrate that knowledge into business

business processes: sequencing/flows

Temporal representation

Building a Collaborative Environment: Collaborative Business Culture

- value on team - managers rely on team and their purpose is to build teams

Pull Based Supply Chain (demand driven)

- web-based - customer orders triggers events in supply chain

organizational culture encompasses set of assumptions that define goal and product:

- what products the organization should produce - how and where it should be produced - for whom the products should be produced

Emergence of Enterprise Application Solutions

-Customer Relationship Management (CRM) -Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) -Enterprise Application Integration (EAI)

Customer and supplier intimacy

-Customers who are served well become repeat customers who purchase more -Close relationships with suppliers result in lower costs

Major Types of AI

-Expert systems -Machine learning -Neural networks and deep learning networks -Genetic algorithms -Natural language Processing -Computer vision -Robotics

**Enterprise Application Challenges

-Highly expensive to purchase and implement enterprise applications -High risk to Org, High visibility -Requirement Gaps -Technology changes -Transition Issues -Business process changes -Organizational learning, changes -Switching costs, dependence on software vendors -Data standardization, management, cleansing

Classic Interdependence Between Organizations and Information Systemss

Business firm and its Information System depend on each other; in well run orgs, there is an interplay between these; not two separate islands

Types of E-commerce

Business-to-consumer (B2C) Business-to-business (B2B) Consumer-to-consumer (C2C)

Business Value of CRM

churn rate - number of customers who stop using or purchasing products or services from a company

Developing Taxonomy

classification or index

Business can be seen as...

collection of business processes

BPMN Shapes and Symbols: Arrow

connector between shapes

example of structured process

customer returns, order entry, purchasing, payroll

Supply Chain Downstream

organizations and processes responsible for delivering products to customers

Cookies - Good or bad

used to remember things about websites you have visited (login info, shopping cart items, language preference...)

Genetic Algorithms (GAs)

useful for finding optimal solution for specific problem by examining very large number of possible solutions for that problem (minimization of costs, efficient scheduling, optimal jet engine design)

what is a Business?

- An organization or economic system where goods and services are exchanged for one another or for money. - every business requires some form of investment and enough customers to whom its output can be sold on a consistent basis in order to make profit - can be privately owned, not-for-proft, or state owned

KWS Examples

- CAD Computer Aided Design (3D printing) - Virtual Reality Systems (3D medical modeling, augmented reality systems, virtual reality modeling systems, simulate real life events)

Information vs Data

- Data are streams of raw facts - Information is data shaped into meaningful form - data is streamlined through an information system to get information

functions of an organizational information system

- IS had various processes that are influenced by suppliers, customers, regulatory agencies, stockholders, competitors

IT/IS Organizational Structure

- Often headed by Chief Information Officer (CIO) --> Or Chief Security Officer (CSO), Chief Knowledge Officer (CKO), Chief Privacy Officer (CPO), Chief Data Officer (CDO), Chief Information Security Officer (CISO)

routines and business processes

- Routines (standard operating procedures):Precise rules, procedures, and practices developed to cope with virtually all expected situations - Business processes: Collections of routines - Business firm: Collection of business processes

what is an information system?

- System consists of equipment that collects, processes, stores, displays, and disseminates information - support decision making, coordination, and control - IS = IT + Procedures + People

tactical plans:

- address "what"; specific product designs, system selection and implementation, resource mgmt - created by/for vice presidents and director levels in org

dynamic processes

- are flexible, informal, and adaptive processes that normally involve strategic and less structured managerial decisions and activities - exceptions frequent and expected

examples of dynamic processes

- collaboration, social networking, ill-defined, ambiguous situations

eliminating information silos - problems with information silos

- data duplicated - data inconsistency - data isolated - disjointed processes - lack of integrated enterprise information - inefficiency: decisions made in isolation - increased cost for org

information technology (in regards to resistance to change) - Flattening Organizations; what happens?

- decision making is pushed to lower levels - fewer managers are needed (IT enables faster decision making and increases span of control) - orgs flatten because those in authority increasingly rely on knowledge and competence rather than formal positions

competitive advantage (using IS)

- delivering better performance - charging less for superior products - responding to customers and suppliers in real time (ex. Amazon, Walmart, UPS)

organizational politics

- divergent viewpoints lead to political struggle, competition, and conflict - political resistance greatly hampers organizational change

Push Based Supply Chain (build-to-stock)

- earlier SCM systems - schedules based on best guesses of demand

Customer Relationship Management (CRM)

- for some firms, this is their big enterprise system - knowing the customer - 3 silos: sales, marketing, service

operational answers:

- how, when, who, where - process improvement, cost containment initiatives, system programming, training and retention programs, maintenance and sustainability - created by/for operational managers in org

managing conflict within in organization

- make sure we are able to point out if something is wrong...

consequences of improved decision making

- relying solely on forecasting, experience, or simply luck - creating wrong product, marketing, cost - over/under production - misallocation of resources - poor production quality - missed customer expectations

complementary assets

- required to derive value from a primary investment

Levels of organization

- senior management (top of triangle) - middle management -scientists and knowledge workers (mid triangle) - operational management - production and service workers, data workers (bottom triangle)

Business Processes

- sets of activities, routines, steps - flows of material, information, knowledge - may be tied to functional area or be cross-functional

structured process

- standardized processes that involve day-to-day operations - structure changes slowly and with agony

strategic plans:

- typically answer "why" in terms of overall direction of org. - typically created by/for executives, boards

5 Components of Information Systems

1. Hardware (computer side) 2. Software (computer side) 3. Data (bridge) 4. Procedures (human side) 5. People (human side) - Automation moves work from human side to computer side - as you get to human side (to the right), increasing difficulty of change

steps in BPM

1. Identify processes for change 2. Analyze existing processes 3. Design the new process 4. Implement the new process 5. Continuous measurement

4 Stages of Knowledge Management

1. Knowledge acquisition 2. Knowledge storage 3. Knowledge dissemination 4. Knowledge application

Strategic Business Objectives of IS

1. Operational excellence 2. New products, services, and business models 3. Customer and supplier intimacy 4. Improved decision making 5. Competitive advantage 6. Survival

types of knowledge management systems (KMS)

1. enterprise-wide KMS 2. knowledge work systems 3. intelligent techniques

goal of AI?

1. natural language processing: translate, text-to-speech, speech-text 2. computer vision: object identification, pattern recognition, image process and analysis 3. machine learning: neural networks, deep learning, predictive analytics 4. robotics: sensing, locomotion, manipulation

Organizational Knowledge - 3 types

1. structured, explicit (formal rules, reports and presentations) 2. semistructured (emails, videos) 3. unstructured, tacit knowledge

what is an organization? - behavioral definition

A collection of rights, privileges, obligations, and responsibilities that is delicately balanced over a period of time through conflict and conflict resolution

Primary Measures of Organizational Health: Business Intelligence

Analytics - Descriptive: Reports, Visuals, (After the fact) - Predictive: Forecasting (Future) - Prescriptive: Optimization (happening right now, inventory)

Accounting and Finance Systems

Budgeting and Forecasting/Planning (implementation considerations: business intelligence, funding)

what is information technology?

Computer hardware, software, and data Data Management Technology Networking and telecommunications technology IT infrastructure: provides platform that system is built upon

Computer/computer program vs. information system

Computers and software are technical foundation and tools, similar to the material and tools used to build a house

solution to information silos

ERP (enterprise applications)

ERP Solution Components

ERP Hardware - servers, databases - local, outsourced, or cloud; you REALLY need good internet lines for data in & out - workstations: local or remote, device ERP Application Programs - configurable vendor applications, tailored to be industry specific ERP Data Bases - Computer program within database to keep database consistent when conditions arise - where things are stored Business Processes and Procedures - Adapt in inherent processes and procedures, or design new ones. Automate Controls: enforce business rules. Training & consulting: Training to implement, top management support, preparing for change, dealing with resistence, training to use ENFORCE BUSINESS ROLES!!!!!!

Some companies use this in order to help them adopt ERP from silos solutions

Enterprise Application Integration (EAI) - connects system islands - provides integrated information -

pace of change

Expected life of technological assets How far in the future will your expected investment be relevant?

True or False: Information technology does not control innovation, as a critical element of the organization

False It DOES control innovation as a critical element of an organization

Business value of enterprise systems

Increase operational efficiency Provide firm wide information to support decision making Enable rapid responses to customer requests for information or products Include analytical tools to evaluate overall organizational performance

BMPN Software and Tools

LucidChart, Microsoft Visio

Primary Measures of Organizational Health: Profit/Loss Statement

Periodic Look at Profitability - revenues, expenses

New Ways of B2B Buying and Selling

Private industrial networks, Net marketplaces (e-hubs), Exchanges

Competitive Landscape

Products, Customers, Competitors, Resources Development of Market Share (Make vs. Buy vs. Acquire)

Supply Chain Systems

REquisitions/Orders - items Purchasing - purchase orders, vendor management inventory/warehousing - stock, replenishment, fullfillment shipping and receiving - receipts and returns, distribution accounts payable - invoice matching, vendor payments (accounting)

Business Process Redesign also known as


Budgeting and Capital

Return on Investment in Building, Acquiring, Sustaining, and Protecting Assets

Knowledge Management

Set of business processes developed in an organization to create, store, transfer, and apply knowledge

Primary Measures of Organizational Health: Balance Sheet

Snapshot of Organization - assets, liabilities, equity

Who fixes problems with business processes?

Someone with knowledge of business -- business analyst (NOT only computer programmer, network engineer, or database admin)

IT Governance

Strategy and policies for using information technology within an organization, specifying the decision rights and accountabilities to ensure that information technology supports the organization's strategies and objectives.

Excel Fundamentals: Absolute References

a cell that is "locked" so rows and columns won't change when copied

Business Process Management (BPM)

a management technique that includes methods and tools to support the design, analysis, implementation, management, and optimization of business processes

improved decision making

accurate, timely, and complete info enables objective, data-driven decision-making

BPMN Shapes and Symbols: Square

activity or process

core competencies

activity where the organization is a "leader" (rely on knowledge, experience, sharing across boundaries of business units)

Earning Money from Social Media

advertising freemium sales

natural language processing

alexa, siri google translate

business processes may be...

assets or liabilities

Third-Party Persistent Cookies

available anytime; trackers (ads)

what do you want to do when business process modeling?

avoid ambiguity!

Excel Fundamentals: Relative References

basic cell references that adjust and change when copied or when using AutoFill

expert systems

capture tacit knowledge and turn them into set of rules

documenting business processes: tasks

input, modify, output

BPMN Shapes and Symbols: cylinder

data store

Case-based reasoning (CBR)

descriptions of past experiences of human specialists, represented as cases, are documented and stored in a database for later retrieval when the user encounters a new case with similar parameters - found in medical diagnostic systems, customer support


design, construction, and operation of machines that can substitute humans (robots used in bomb disposal)

Email Do's and Don'ts

do: 1. have a clear subject line 2. use professional salutation 3. proofread 4. reply to all emails 5. keep private material private dont's 1. forget signature line 2. use humor 3. assume recipient knows what you're talking about 4. overuse '!!!'

BPMN Shapes and Symbols: Swim Lanes

each lane represents department

Effects of Emerging Tech Organizations and IS

emerging technology help augment Info Systems which also give you new opportunities that feed back into strategic business process

knowledge workers

employees whose main contribution to the organization is specialized knowledge, such as knowledge of customers, a process, or a profession researchers, engineers, architects, scientists

machine learning - neural networks

example: credit card fraud even though it wasnt fraud. pattern was not followed for once so it alarms - learns patterns of input data, constantly improving

Supply Chain Upstream

firms' suppliers, suppliers' suppliers, processes for managing relationships with them

Types of Cookies

first-party persistent, third party persistent, session

BPMN Shapes and Symbols: Diamond

gateway or decision

The uncertainty of investment in IT

good returns not guaranteed

Content Management System (CMS)

help capture, store, retrieve, distribute, preserve documents and semi-structured knowledge

computer vision systems

identify people in crowds, passport control, facebook deepface, etc

Private Industrial Network

in diagram, has huge firm in middle, and suppliers on one side and distributors on other

investments in IT will hopefully result in superior returns

increases productivity, revenue, long-term strategic positioning

IS become bound up in organizational politics because they influence a key resource:


Holistic view of Importance of MIS in Business

interdependence of IS and Business Organizations

Authoritative Management Style

leader dictates and controls all decisions in the job; provides long-term direction and vision for the employees

artificial intelligence

logical, self-learning technology (self-driving cars, clones, 3D printing)

what is organizational culture influenced by?

management (executives, boards, etc), workforce, competition, regulatory

organizational culture

may be powerful unifying force as well as restraint on change

examples of collaboration management systems

microsoft teams, google docs

Net Marketplace

more balanced entities (suppliers and buyers)

Building a Collaborative Environment: Command and Control

no value placed on teamwork or lower level participation in decisions

documenting business processes: identity

of those accountable, roles, swimlanes

Social Media and You - protect yourself

personal information sharing, digital is forever, companies analyze everything you digitally say or do, big data= big money, steps to remove or mask digital footprints


physical assets no longer necessary (virtual office, virtual reality)

Benefits of Disintermediation to Customer

price to deliver good is cheaper without middle-man (distributor)

Learning Management Systems (LMS)

provide tools for management, delivery, tracking, and assessment of various types of employee learning and training

Social Media Roles

providers, users, communities

Human Resources Systems

recruiting, HR actions, time and attendance, benefits administration, payroll (accounting)

Social Media Information System (SMIS)

sharing content among networks of users

mobile commerce (m-commerce)

significant part in today's e-commerce (B2C, B2B)


social impact (not always a simple right or wrong)

BPMN Shapes and Symbols: Circle


Purpose of Information Systems in Business

support the achievement of the organization's strategic, tactical, and operational goals

Dangers/Risk/Security of Social Media

synthetic friends, click farms, problems from external sources, false identities, attracts annoying spam accounts


the practice of obtaining needed services, ideas, or content by soliciting contributions from a large group of people and especially from the online community, such as Facebook and Twitter users (GoFundMe, finding somebody missing)


the total is greater than the sum of its parts; strategic acquisitions (and merging technology)

organizational strategy determines IS strategy


documenting business processes: decisions

two or more alternatives

Session Cookies

typically last only for current session (non personalized shopping cart)

E-Commerce, why is it different

ubiquity, global reach, universal standards, richness

First-Party Cookies

used only by website that created it (bank website info)

Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) - B2B component

various industries have various EDI standards - computer to computer exchange of standard transactions such as invoices, purchase orders

ERP Application Integration

various modules feeding single database

intelligent agents

work without direct human intervention to carry out specific, repetitive, and predictable tasks for user, process, or application Ex: deleting junk mail, finding cheapest airline chatbots

Collaborative Management Style

• No single manager to resolve disputes • Need committees and steering groups to provide enterprise process management • Slow and expensive

Improving Process Quality

•Process efficiency-Ratio of outputs to inputs• Process effectiveness-How well a process achieves organizational strategy

key components of a business

•Product, Goods, and Services •Customers •Management and Operations •Investment, Sustainability •Profit, Return

components and characteristics of an organization

•Use of hierarchical structure •Separation of business functions •Goals, management and leadership styles, types of tasks (Accountability, authority in system of impartial decision making) •Routines and business processes •Organizational politics, culture, environments, and structures

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