J620 Exam 2 Quizzes

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The Bush administration was not supportive of the launch of Al Jazeera English, partly because Al Jazeera Arabic had aired tapes of Osama bin Laden on its network. True False


According to Herman and McChesney, WHICH of the following was NOT something that the US did after World War II to organize a new world order serviceable to its own political and economic interests? - push for the ending of wartime capital controls and the controvertibility of currency - used the leverage from its control over the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank - dominated foreign lending and FDI for two decades after the war - the U.S. did ALL of the above

the U.S. did ALL of the above

Sonwalkar says that Indian media dominates in South Asia, and that this is not celebrated by everyone in the region. True False


The Bunce reading says that a significant portion of the journalists working for the few international news organizations in Nairobi, Kenya are from neighboring Zambia.


When he launched Sky News, Murdoch was able to use some space on the United Kingdom's satellite frequency. True False


QUIZ 2: 10/31

- Thussu - SONWALKER

Which of the following is NOT an element of the "global corporate ideology" that Herman and McChesney outline? 1. the idea that market allocates resources efficiently and provides THE means of organizing economic and perhaps all human life 2. the idea that government intervention and regulation tend to impose unreasonable burdens on business and impede economic growth 3. the belief that the proper objective of the economy and economic policy should be sustainable economic growth 4. the belief in the desirability of privatization 5. All of the above answers are elements of "global corporate ideology"

. All of the above answers are elements of "global corporate ideology"

Chapter 16 of your textbook says that Al Jazeera has largely been shielded from commercial concerns, due to its stable funding coming from the Qatari royal family. The author says that this financial stability has resulted in WHICH of the following? 1. The ability to experiment with cost-intensive organizational models and to invest in expensive technology 2. A delay in embracing interactivity 3. A delay in defining Al Jazeera's target audience 4. All of the above

4. All of the above

In Chapter 16 of your textbook, the author says that WHICH of the following are key characteristics of Al Jazeera's efforts at networked journalism? 1. The involvement of web journalists or producers in broadcast news 2. Citizen-consumers as sources or co-creators 3. Social media as a news source, and the broadcasting of user-generated content 4. All of the above

4. All of the above

In chapter 16 of your textbook, the author argues that the movement toward a more networked journalism will lead to WHICH of the following? 1. The newsgathering process will be more participatory and collaborative 2. A significant redefinition of the journalism profession 3. Potential redistribution of political power 4. All of the above

4. All of the above

In Chapter 6 of your textbook reading, the author argues that WHICH of the following things will be true about digital technology in the near future? Wifi connections will be ubiquitous and fast Video-streaming will be in ultra-high quality Battery life will no longer be a problem All of the above


In Chapter 6 of your textbook reading, the author outlines what he calls "the Sambrook argument." WHICH of the following is an element of "the Sambrook argument?" in the Internet age, rolling news channels no longer have a place rolling news channels should be placed entirely online by placing rolling news channels online, their editors can save money and spend it on better journalism All of the above


According to your PDF for today, WHICH of the following is true of AfricaNews? It's a joint venture with Euronews It's funded through a combination of advertising, distribution, and production revenues It broadcasts in English and French All of the above

All of the above

In the textbook reading for today, the author says that WHICh of the following has earned RT a loyal, engaged, and ever-growing following from viewers and readers worldwide? - Switching RT's focus from local to international - Paying attention to underrepresented voices from the US and Europe - Reporting on untold stories from the Middle East to Latin America - All of the above

All of the above

WHICH of the following is a characteristic of transnational media flows, as Thussu describes them? Strong regional presence though not global Can originate from either public or privately-funded media Can cater to audiences outside their immediate area of the world All of the above

All of the above

WHICH of the following is an element of the market-driven journalism that Sky News has been seen as exemplifying? Depending heavily on breaking news and news agencies Emphasizing flashier stories and deemphasizing foreign reportage Professing to give the audience what it wants All of the above

All of the above

Lule argues that the flood myth is only about actual floods and not broader ways of understanding and dealing with catastrophes. True False


QUIZ 3: 11/2


QUIZ 5: 11/9


Umejei says that the mid-2000s saw the rise of cooperation between _______ and African media - especially in the form of ________ media organizations training African journalists in their style of journalism.


WHICH of the following is NOT something Cohen argues in his article assigned for today? - US news coverage of Russia is distorted - Even legacy papers like the New York Times are sensationalizing and forget to provide context about Russia - US media are less objective and balanced about Russia than they were even during the Cold War - Cohen argues all of the above

Cohen argues all of the above

Lule argues that the scapegoat myth offers a representation of people who do heroic deeds. True False


NDTV claims that "The World This Week" had no impact on government-controlled news in India. True False


Sky News is still owned by Rupert Murdoch. True False


According to the Nwaneri reading, just after the independence of South Africa from Great Britain led to the total liberation of Black, indigenous people in the region, and the SABC was instrumental in this liberation. (Hint: This statement is either entirely true or entirely false). True False


According to the textbook reading and your PDF, Doordarshan is controlled by a private corporation. True False


According to today's PDF, the SABC's content has never been broadcast outside of South Africa. True False


In Chapter 6 of your textbook reading, the author argues that the digital revolution should cause journalists and news editors to be pessimistic. True False


In Chapter 6 of your textbook reading, the author completely agrees with "the Sambrook argument." True False


In the Thussu reading for today, the author defines "contra-flows" as the major flows of privately-owned news media coming mostly out of wealthy Western nations. True False


In the textbook reading for today, the author says that RT was easily able to compete with older TV news networks from the UK and US. True False


In your textbook reading for today, Picard argues that viewers and advertisers can easily provide all the funding that most 24-hour news channels need. True False


Chapter 16 of your textbook says that although Al Jazeera has always maintained its independence from its funder, the Emir of Qatar, it has absolutely never been independent in any way. True False


QUIZ 4: 11/7

Herman and McChesney PICARD

What is the hybrid form of journalism taking place in Africa, according to the Umejei reading?

It takes into account the values of both Western and Chinese journalism.

QUIZ 6: 11/14


WHICH of the following is NOT an element of infotainment programming according to your textbook reading? - flashier visual style - emphasis is on how journalists look on camera--their style and attractiveness - an informal, entertaining schedule is preferred instead of news and analysis - None of the above


Sonwalkar says that Indian media dominates in South Asia, and that this is not celebrated by everyone in the region. True False


Which of the following does NOT define a transnational corporation (TNC), according to the Herman and McChesney reading? - maintains facilities in multiple countries - plans its operations and investments in a multi-country perspective - emerged out of the growth of enterprise in the Industrial Revolution - None of the above


WHICH of the following is NOT something that Sonwalkar argues about media in India? - The size of the Indian economy supports a large and growing media industry - India's privately-owned media organizations stand out in the region, where governments are usually known to keep tight control of the media - Indian media channels are widely watched beyond Indian borders - None of these statements are incorrect.

None of these statements are incorrect.

QUIZ 8: 11/30

Nwaneri SABC and AfricaNews PDF

The Bunce reading says that in recent years, news organizations have downsized the number of foreign correspondents they send into the field.


Quiz 1 10/26

READINGS Chapter 16 of Textbook Al Jazeera PDF

WHICH of Lule's master myths do you think Cohen would say US media are using to describe Putin? Scapegoat Flood Good Mother Hero


The Bunce reading says that the foreign news coverage of the Kenyan election conflict of 2007-8 was very negative, exaggerating the scale and severity of the violence and drawing up tribal language to simplify the conflict.


QUIZ 7: 11/16


"The World This Week" was a news show that marked the beginning of NDTV producing its own news content. True False


According to the Nwaneri et. al. reading, the South African Broadcasting Corporation (SABC) originally broadcast ONLY in English and Afrikaans, failing to take the indigenous languages of the region into account. True False


According to the Nwaneri reading, starting in the late 1980s, the SABC has broadcast in 11 languages on radio and in six languages on television, which constitutes one of the most extensive broadcast language diversities in the world. True False


According to the Nwaneri reading, the SABC started out as a publicly-held government company, but as of 2004, it has been incorporated into a limited liability company that operates under two divisions, namely public and commercial broadcasting services. True False


According to your PDF for today, RT was initially funded half by the Russian government and half by banks and companies aligned with the Russian government. True False


According to your PDF, NDTV started out as a production house rather than its own news organization, and it produced Hindi-language news for Doordarshan and for Rupert Murdoch's locally-based news organizations. (Hint: This statement is either entirely true or entirely false). True False


According to your PDF, Sky News was launched in 1989, by Rupert Murdoch. True False


According to your PDF, in 2012, Putin prohibited any further reduction of funding from RT, because of the importance of broadcasting Russian views abroad. True False


According to your PDF, the AfricaNews markets itself as being produced by and for Africans, on equal footing with Euronews. True False


According to your PDF, the AfricaNews markets itself as supporting an "Africa Rising" narrative. True False


Chapter 23 of your textbook defines "infotainment" as making news entertaining. True False


Chapter 23 of your textbook says that unlike the other non-Western economic and political powers, India's presence in the international news arena is being driven by private not public broadcasters. True False


Chapter 23 of your textbook says that with the globalization of the past three decades, the US-inspired commercial model of broadcasting has also been globalized, creating a dynamic media system, challenging state control and widening the public sphere, while at the same time also leading to the concentration of media power among private corporations. True False


Cohen argues that U.S. coverage of the Sochi Olympics was biased against Russia. True False


Cohen argues that U.S. news media were overly celebratory about Yeltsin and that they are overly critical of Putin. True False


Herman and McChesney argue that the U.S. news media coverage of the NWICO debates at UNESCO was heavily biased and gave no context for the issues. True False


Herman and McChesney argue that the emergence and ascension of the transnational corporation (TNC) laid the groundwork for the rise of global media. True False


In Chapter 6 of your textbook reading, the author argues that markets no longer have boundaries, particularly where digital technology is concerned. True False


In the Thussu reading for today, the author defines "geo-cultural flows" as flows of news media that cater to specific cultura-linguistic audiences, which may be scattered around the world. True False


In the textbook reading for today, the author says that RT has become an important alternative to Western mainstream media, covering stories that those networks will rarely cover. True False


In the textbook reading for today, the author says that in 2013, RT's Youtube channel had become the top TV news channel on YouTube, with over a billion views and a million subscribers. True False


In the textbook reading for today, the author says that while RT is now a global brand that provides an alternative perspective on world events, it was originally meant to simply tell the world about Russia, from a Russian perspective. (This statement is either entirely true or entirely false). True False


Lule argues that news stories often draw upon myth. True False


Lule argues that the "victim" myth reconciles people to the tragic and seeming randomness of human existence by focusing on the sacrifice or death of the innocent. True False


NDTV claims that its channels target "the global Indian." True False


SABC became aligned with the South African government responsible for apartheid, and even after the fall of apartheid, it has struggled to shake this association. (The answer to this is in the Nwaneri reading AND the PDF). True False


The Bunce reading says that the local (Kenyan) news coverage of the Kenyan election conflict of 2007-8 was much more reserved because local journalists did not want to exacerbate the tensions between different communities in Kenya.


Thussu argues that we should not celebrate contra-flows as having a significant impact on the dominance of Western (mostly, American) media. True False


Thussu says that geocultural media flows and transnational media flows could BOTH fall in the category of "contra-flows." True False


Unlike in the Thussu reading for today, the Sonwalkar reading argues that media based in the Global South--particularly in India--does pose a challenge to the dominance of Western media organizations. True False


Watch this video (it's the same video as in the previous question): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l8n7tXvzSXULinks to an external site. RT America has very recently been shut down in the United States, because of outrage over the Russian invasion of Ukraine. True False


Watch this video and then answer the following question: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l8n7tXvzSXULinks to an external site. RT's "Question More" campaign showed an ad that asked "Who Poses the Greatest Nuclear Threat?" with a picture of Barack Obama superimposed over then-Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. True False


In your textbook reading for today, Picard defines "privately-supported channels" as True False

TRUE channels operated by private individuals and enterprises, sometimes associated with ruling elites, and differ from fully commercial news channels in that they typically are not expected to make a profit because they are operated for other economic or political purposes.

In your textbook reading for today, Picard defines "commercially operated channels" as True False

TRUE channels that are typically operated in hopes of profit, and where start-up capital is typically provided by an existing company or a joint venture between companies.

In your textbook reading for today, Picard defines "state-supported channels" as True False

TRUE channels that receive funding from governments or through government-controlled or-supported entities that provide funds for their operations.

Originally, Al Jazeera was only supposed to be funded by the Qatari government for 5 years, but the government funding has instead continued. True False


WHICH of the following best describes Bunce's thoughts on the relationships between the Kenyan journalists and the foreign journalists working at the Reuters bureau in Nairobi? - The foreign journalists _____ _____ ________ during the election crisis - The Kenyan journalists felt that the Reuters bureau used to be a __________ - The Kenyan journalists felt that the Reuters bureau was slowly becoming a place where local journalists _______________

The foreign journalists (dominated the editorial meetings) during the election crisis The Kenyan journalists felt that the Reuters bureau used to be a (white, British boy's club) The Kenyan journalists felt that the Reuters bureau was slowly becoming a place where local journalists (were being treated more equally)

According to your PDF, the Arabic-language version of Al Jazeera launched in 1996, in the context of the younger Al-Thani overthrowing his father, the Emir of Qatar. True False


After the 2016 elections in the US, the Emir of Qatar turned over his controlling stake in Al Jazeera to a private company associated with Al Jazeera, but this company is still controlled by the Emir. True False


In Chapter 16 of your textbook, the author says that a defining aspect of the Arab public sphere is the continued political ownership and influence in the regional satellite media market, and that Al Jazeera was launched in opposition to Saudi influence in this market. (This statement is either entirely true or entirely false). True False


In the Lule reading for today, the author defines myth as WHICH of the following? - a false belief - something that is inherently slanted - a sacred, societal story that draws from archetypal figures and forms to offer exemplary models for human life - Unreality

a sacred, societal story that draws from archetypal figures and forms to offer exemplary models for human life

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