Life Span Chapter 10

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Traditional is a variation of the basic styles. Indulgent and neglecting are abusive styles and clearly harmful, unlike the styles initially identified by Baumrind


The three basic patterns of parenting described by Diana Baumrind are

1) authoritarian, permissive, and authoritative

(table 10.4) state four specific recommendations for the use of discipline that are derived from developmental research finding:

1)Remember theory of mind 2) Remember egocentrism 3) Remember fast-mapping. 4) Remember that young children are not logical

10) Children apply gender labels and have definite ideas about how boys and girls behave as early as age ____

2 yrs old

55) By age ______, children can consistently apply gender labels. By age ____, children are convienced that certain toys are appropriate for one gender but not the other.


Most young children in the US spend more than _____ (how many?) hours each day using some sort of media.


By age ____ or ____, most children can be deliberately prosocial or antisocial. This occurs as a result of ________maturation, ____________ regulation, ________ ______- ______, and interactions with ___________.

4 or 5; brain; emotional; theory of mind; caregivers

which is NOT a feature of parenting used by Baumrind to differentiate authoritarian, permissive, and authoritive parent. 1) maturity demands for he the child's conduct 2) efforts to control the child's actions 3) nurturance 4) adherence to sterotypical gender rolls.

4adherence to sterotypical gender roles Baumrind's categories have nothing to do with gender roles

The early research on parenting styles, which was conducted by _____________, found that parents varied in four dimensions; their expressions of _____, their strategies for ____________, their ____________, and their expectations for __________.

Diana Baumrind; warmth; discipline; communication; maturity

guilt is associated with the resolution of the Electra complex, which occurs later in life.

Did Erikson think that a 3 yr old is incapable of feeling guilt - Yes

A little girl who says she wants her mother to go on vacation so that she can marry her father is voicing a fantasy consistent with the _____________described by Freud.

Electra complex. Resolution of this complex results in the identification noted in 66.

1) According to Diana Baumrind, only authoritarian parents make maturity demands on their children. T/F

F All parents make some maturity demands on their children; maturity demands are high in both the authoritarian and authoritative parenting styles.

3) Not until age 4 can children apply gender labels. T/F

F age 2

4) Empathy is the same as sympathy. T/F

F empathy is feeling sorry with someone

5) Rough and tumble play is more common in Western cultures than in Eastern cultures. T/F

F rough-and-tumble play is universal

What theoriest believe that the oral and anal stages are associated with infant development. What is the theory?

Freud's theory

3 yr old Ali, who is fearful and withdrawn in displaying signs of __________ problems which suggest that he is emotionally _____________.

Internalizing; overcontrolled. Usually with maturity extreme fears and shyness diminish.

The devleopmentalist who distinquished five kinds of play is _______________. These include _______________play, in which a child plays alone; ____________play, in which a child watches other children play; _________________ play, in which children play together without interacting; _____play, in which children interact, but their play is not yet mutual and reciprocal; and ____play, in which children play together and take turns.

Mildred Parten; solitary; onlooker; parallel; associative; cooperative

69) In explaining the origins of gender distinctions, Dr. Christie notes that every culture teaches its children its values and attitudes regarding preferred behavior for men and women. Dr. Christie is evidental a proponent of _____________

Sociocultural theory. Sociaoculutural theoriest contend that children learn from their culture, not biology.

__________factors may be more important than ethnic ones. Also, culture and family patterns change with __________and ____________.

Socioeconomic; time; place

2) Children of authoritative parents tend to be successful, happy with them-selves,and generous with others.T/F


6) Children can be truly androgynous only if their culture promotes such ideas and practices. T/F


Sociodramatic play

acting out various roles and themes in stories they create. Pretend-racing cars or playing house

65) The idea that a person should combine the best of both sexes is referred to as _________________.


12)Feeling of dislike and even hatred for another person constitute


4 yr old Eboni shows signs of distrust toward strangers. Eboni's behavior is an example of ____________


Authoritative parent communicate very well and (are/are not) quite affectionate.


1) Young children have a clear (but not necessarily accurate) concept of self. Typically, they believe that they

are great at almost everything

Children also develop a longer _________span that enables concentration, which is made possible by ____________ maturity. And they develop naive predictions, called _____ ______ , which helps them try new things.

attention; neurological; protective optimism

26) Parents who adopt the style demand unquestioning obdience from their children. In this style of parenting, nurturance tends to be _____ (low/high) maturity demand are ________(low/high), and parent-child communication tends to be ________ (low/high).

authoritarian; low ; high ; low

Parents who adopt the __________ style set limits and enforce rules but also listen to their children. Such parents make ___ (high/low) maturity demands, communicate ______(well/poorly) and _____ (are/are not ) nurturant.


Leonardo believes that almost all sexual patterns are learned rather than inborn. He is clearly a strong adherent of ____________

behaviorism. Behaviorism believe that children learn through rewards and punishments

52) 5 yr old curtis, who is above average in height and weight, often picks on children who are smaller than he is. Curtis' behavior is an example of ___________________aggression

bulling. This kind of aggression involves repeated, unprovoked physical or verbal attack on other people.

According to the ___________ hypothesis, whatever time children devote to elecronic media reduces time spent in _______________ and _________activities.

displacement ; social; education

Neurological vulnerability and parents who maltreat them combine to lead to ________________.

dysregulated emotions

During the phallic stage, little girls may experience the ______________ ____________, in which they want to get rid of their mother and become intimate with their father.

electra complex

The ability to truly understand the emotions of another, called _____ often leads to sharing, helping, and other examples of ______ behaviors. In contrast, dislike for others, or ____________, may lead to actions that are destructive or deliberately hurtful. such actions are called __________ ______________.

empathy; prosocial behaviors; antipathy; antisocial behavior

62) Sexual attraction is crucial for humankind's most basic urge, reproduction, according to _________ theory.


64) Therefore, _________ theory would encourage male-female differences, and ______________ theory would conclude that sex differences are __________if they interfere with other values.

evolutionary; sociocultural; changeable

Culture _______________ (exterts/does not exert) a strong influence on disciplinary techniques. However, discipline methods and family rules are less important than parental _________ ________ and ______.

exerts; warmth, support and concern

8 )During early childhood, a child's self-concept is defined largely by his or her

expanding range of skills and competencies

Neurological and hormonal effects may make boys more likely to ___________ and girls more likely to ___________, difference that it is probably ____________.


Girls generally are better than boys at regulating their

externalizing emotions

13) 3 yr old Jake, who lashes out at the family pet in anger, is displaying signs of ____problems, which suggests that he is emotionally _______.

externalizing; undercontrolled

Girls generally are better than boys at regulating their _____(internalizing/externalizing) emotions, but they are less successful with ______________ones. For both sexes, though, extreme reactions predict future _____________.


Motivation that comes from the outside is called ______- ________. Providing reinforcement for something a person already enjoys doing _____________ (stregthens/may diminish) intrinsic motiviation.

extrinsic motivation; may diminish

According to Erikson, 3 yr old Samantha is incapable of feeling guilt because

guilt depends on a sense of self, which is not sufficiently established in young children Erikson did not equate gender constancy with the emergency of guilt

Erikson also believed that during this stage, children begin to feel ___________ when they realize their own mistakes. Many people believe that _______ is a more mature emotion than ______ because the former emotion is ____________.

guilt; guilt; shame; internalized

58) According to psychoanalytic theory, children of both sexes resolve their guilt and fear through ________ with their same-sex parent.


66) Bonita eventually copes with the fear and anger she feels over her hatred of her mother and love of her father by

identifying with her mother According to psychoanalytic theory, children identify with the same-sex parents because of their guilt in hating that parent.

Another common practice involves the parents explaining to the child why the behavior was wrong, called ___________________.


Between 3 and 6 yrs of age according to Erikson, children are in the stage of ______________ ________ ________. In the process, they develop a positive _______-________ and feelings of ________ in their accomplishments

initiative versus guilt; self-concept; pride

(Table 10.3) Between 2 and 6 of age, the form of aggression that is most likely to increase is increase is


(text and table 10.3) The form of aggression that often increases from age 2 to 6 is __________ ___________. Of greater concern are ______________ _________., because it can indicate a lack of ____ _______and _______ ________, which is most worrisome overall.

instumental aggression; reactive aggression; emotional regulation; bullying aggression.

When 4 yr old Seema grabs for Vincenzo's Beanie Baby, Vincenzo slaps her hand away, displaying an example of ________aggression.

instumental. This kind of aggression involves trying to get or keep something someone else has as Seema is doing here.

Developmentalists distinquish four types of aggression: _I____________, used to obtain or retain an object or privilege; R_____________, used in angry retaliation against an intentional or accidental act committed by a peer; _R_____________, which takes the form of insults or social rejection; and _B______________, used in an unprovoked attack on peer.

instumental; reactive; relational; bullying

Associative play

interactive play, but not yet mutual and reciprocal. A group of children drawing with crayons.

For the most part, children enjoy learning, playing and practicing for their own joy; that is, they are _______ _____. The importance of this type of motiviation is seen when children invent and converse with __________ __________.

intrinsically motivated; imaginary friends

Emotional regulation ______________ (is/is not) valued in all cultures. Cultures ___________ (differ/generally do not differ) in the emotions considered most in need of control.

is; differ

The new media are not always harmful. Some children may learn basic ______from educational programs, especially if their parents watch with them and ____________ the lessons.

literacy; reinforce

What are the features of parenting used by Baumrind to differentiate authoritarian, permissive, and authoritive parents?

maturity demands for the child's conduct efforts to control the chilid's action nurturance

Rough-an-tumble play

mimicking aggression but without intent to harm. Imitating a boxing match.

Parents who are indifferent toward their children have adopted the _____________/_______________ style.


Yolanda and Tom are strict and aloof parents. Their children are most likely to be

obedient, but unhappy Authoritarian parents have behavior standards and require obedience without question. So their children to be obedient but unhappy.

Although Juvaria and Brittany are sharing drawing materials and watching each other, their play is not yet mutual or reciprocal. Mildred Parten would probably classify this type of play as ___________. play

parallel play

24. A significant influence on early psychosocial growth is the style of _____ that characterizes a child's family life


Young children play best with a _______that is, people of about the same_____ and ______- __________.

peer: age; social status

Active play correlates with ______acceptance and a healthy _________. The type of active play that looks rough is called __________ - _________-_______________ play. A distinctive feature of this form of play, which ___________ (occurs only in some cultures/is universal), is the positive facial expression that characterizes the "__________-_____________". This type of play advances and ___________and ________ _________.

peer;self-concept;rough-and-tumble; is universal; play face; planning ;self control'

According to Freud, the third stage of psychosexual development, during which the penis is the focus of psychological concern and pleasure, is the

phallic stage

56) Freud called the period from age 3 to 6 the ___________ ____________. According to his view, boys in this stage develop sexual feeings about their ________ and become jelous of their ___________. Freud called this phenomenon the ____________ _________. Boys also develop, in self-defense, a powerful conscience called the ________________.

phallic stage; mothers; fathers; oeidpus complex; superego

Solitary play

playing alone. A girl playing with her doll in her room or a boy with his truck.

Cooperative play

playing together. Playing tag?

Parallel play

playing with similar toys in similar ways, but not together. Two girls playing with their own dolls indifferent areas of a dollhouse or two boys building blocks.

Behaviorists emphasize the importance of _____ and _______in the development of the preschool child.

praise and blame

Summarizing her report on neurological aspects of emotional regulation. Alycia notes that young children who have externalizing problems tend to lack neurological maturity in the brain's ______________ _________.

prefrontal cortex. Emotional regulation requires thinking before acting, which is the province of the prefrontal cortex. Lack of maturity results in externalizing problems.

Neurological advances in the brain's _____ ______ are partly responsible for the greater capacity for selfcontrol that occurs at about age _____________.

prefrontal cortex; 4 or 5

Another method of discipline, in which children's guilt and gratitude are used to control their behavior, is ____________ ___________. This method of discipline has been linked to children's decreased _______________, _______________, and ________acceptance.

psychological control; achievement;creativitiy;social

An illness or disorder that involves the mind is called ___________. Children who have ____________ problems and lash out at other people or things are said to be "_______________' (overcontrolled/undercontrolled). Children who ______________- problems tend to be inhibited, fearful, and withdrawn.

psychopathology; externalizing;undercontrolled;internalizing

11) Developmentalists agree that punishment should be

rare and limited to behaviors the child understands and can control.

59) According to behaviorism, young children develop a sense of gender by being _______ for behaviors deemed appropriate for their sex and _______ for behaviors deemed inappropriate.

reinforced; punished

15) (Table 10.3) When her friend hurts her feelings, 6 yr old Maya shouts that she is a "mean old stinker!" Maya's behavior is an example of _____

relational aggression.

Physical punishment _____ (seems to increase/does not seem to increase) the possibiliity of long-term aggression and __________ (temporarily increases/has no effect on) obedience.

seems to increase; temporarily increases

5) Authoritative parents are receptive and loviing, but they also normally

set limits and enforce rules with diplomatic relationship with children.

54) Social scientists distinquish between biological, or ___________, differences between males and females, and cultural, or ________, differences in the _____and behavior of males and females that are prescribed by the culture.


Onlooker play: watching other children play

sitting on a bench in the playground watching children on the see-saw

Behaviorists also maintain that children learn gender-appropriate behavior not only through direct reinforcement but also through ______________.

social learning

As children grow older, play becomes more ____ and more affected by their ______________ __________ and culture.

social; physical setting

63) The behaviors appropriate for each gender are determined by culture, not by biology, according to the ______ theory. This theory points out that some of the distinctions are tied to general patterns of _____ _________.

sociocultural; social organization

In _____________play, children act out various roles and plots in stories of their own creation. This type of play helps them to explore and rehearse _______ ____ roles and to develop _____________in a non threatening context for example.

sociodramatic social roles; self-concept

Six major american organizations concerned with the well-being of children urge parents to reduce __________ ___________

television watching

Another cultural shift that has changed the nature of children's play is the increasing prevalence of _______ which has resulted in their displaying advanced _________- _________.

television; sexual awareness

An important factor in the effectiveness of parenting style in the child's __________


6) Emotional regulation is most accurately defined as

the ability to control when and how emotions are expressed.

The disciplinary technique most often used in North America is the __________-___________in which a misbehaving child is asked to sit quietly without toys or playmates. Experts suggest a period of __________________ (how many?) minute(s) for each year of the child's age.

time-out; one

30) Although this classification is generally regarded as ______ (very useful, too simplistic), follow -up studies indicate that children raised by _______parents are likely to be obedient but unhappy and those raised by ____parents are likely to lack self-control. Those raised by_______ parents are more likely to be articulate, successful, happy with themselves, and generous with others.

too simplistic; authoritarian; permissive;authoritative

61) Cognitive theorists focus on children's _________of male-female differences. This understanding is called a _________ _____________.

understanding; gender schema

14) (A view from Science) Compared with North American mothers, Japanese mothers are more likely to do all of the following:

use reasoning to control their children's social behavior. use expressions of disappointment to control their children's social behavior express empathy for their children.

34) All media can be harmful, especially when the content is ___________.


The major psychosocial accomplishment of early childhood is learning _____________ This ability is called _______________

when and how to express emotions; emotional regulation

50) Seeking to discipline her 3 yr old son for snatching a playmate's toy, Cassandra gently says, "How would you feel if Juwan grabbed your car?" Developmentalists would probably say that Cassandra's approach.

will be effective in increasing prosocial behavior because it promotes empathy.

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