Middle East in the Age of Empire

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Ba'ath Party

"Renaissance" - pan-Arabism, Arab nationalism, socialism, anti-imperialism. "Unity, Liberty, Socialism". Formed in Syria.

Eisenhower gave grant of x in 1950s (does threaten to take it away due to DMZ issue on waterways)

$26mil (motivated by Holocaust)

Nasser funds/founds number of Egyptian cultural institutions, e.g.

'56 High Council of Arts, Letters and Social Sciences, '58 Ministry of Culture, Ballet, plus folk arts e.g. Chair in Folklore Studies at Cairo University.

Irgin hanged two Br. sergeants in. 1947, for crimes including:

'membership of a British criminal terrorist organisation known as the Army of Occupation'

French Algeria ought to be regarded as the

'reincarnation of the Ancien Regime' (landowning noble class over a disenfranchised Muslim Third Estate, undercut by military rule and no right of rebellion)

OED defines terrorism as

'unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims'


'wealthy, secular, nationalist notables', meeting in palaces of notables (e.g. Hmad al-Basil) but gain real pop. supports, e.g. students

Treaty Suppressing Piracy and Slave Traffic

(1820) - no piracy in return for trading rights, follows years of attack. Arabs parties to this contract, for ever' otherwise they're an 'enemy of mankind'. Also trying to control slave trade. Bureaucraticallly managing (though remember this not so unusual for PRIVATEERS)

Free Officers' Coup

(Egyptian Revolution) 1952

George Antonius

(Egyptian-Lebanese, edu. at Cambridge) = important historiographical frame for thinking about "Arab nationalism", as its first theorist. Hourani: 'a slightly uneasy combination of two different kinds of writing. It is a work of historical narrative, but also of political advocacy.' - quite viciously against British. He thinks Arab nationalism beginning (though v. infant) under Muhammad 'Ali, impetus from Abdulhamid II and Young Turks, then ARAB REVOLT as first expression

French used aerial bombardment to kill x over 3 days in Damascus

1,500 (incl. foreign residents - League of Nations 'appalled')

Abdulhamid II produced x from 1880-1892

1,819 photographs (presented to the Library of Congress and the British Library)

Number of Palestinian refugee registered by 1972

1.5 million (Arabs in E. Jerusalem forced to leave, signing contracts which give up their right of return)

Britain only gained x% of Indian trade at Basra compared to rivals post-Treaty


Charles X removed x days after he ousts Bey from Algeria


x% of infiltrators could be plausibly labelled as terrorists


From 1967 to 2000, Fatah commit...

100 attacks (do really succeed in terrorising Northern Israel)

FLN only have...

1000 members

UNWRA spending x per refugee per year on food in 1967 ; less than X per person on health, and less than x on education

13 ... 4 ... 12

When Nasser takes over, industry is x% of GDP


French casualties in Algeria just 2,788, compared to

141,000 FLN

Egyptian sources tell public they shot down x planes on first day of fighting


Earliest recorded local agent was in x in Muscat


Br. propose treaty that would allow their free passage through the Bosphorous and the Dardanelles in exchange for banning anyone holding berat from trade


Deed of Agreement

1808 - contractual rather than constitutional, between parties. Qur'anic throughout. Not Lockeian - anyone who goes against will be punished. Some clauses more similar, e.g. taxes not to oppress the poor, but given lack of limits/checks not clear how this would be enforced - asking them to do, citizens do not have innate rights. Doesn't work and quickly abandoned.

Bombardment of Algiers by Lord Exmouth when they refuse to release Christian captives, in spite of previous agreements between Naples and Algiers about the treatment of captives


Refusal to kiss hand of the bey


Muhammad 'Ali defeats the Wahhabis


Britain closed the Baghdad Residency in x, because of inactivity - had mainly been worrying about the region earlier, when Fr. in Egypt


Regulating Act prevents British residents from engaging in trade (not native agents!)


Massacre of the Janissaries


People of Constantine appeal to British to uphold their natural rights (Law of Nations)


Balta Liman Treaty

1838 - abolished all monopolies w/ Britain, Britain to be taxed equally to local merchants - v. free trade (ADD THIS TO ENLIGHTENMENT LOL); so that Br. would help reconquest of Syria

Hatt-i Serif

1839 - following first and second Egyptian crises. Written by FOREIGN MINISTER rather than ayan: nobility. --> bureaucracy + who it's for. Granting "people" concessions, coming close to the centre. Regular tax assessment, regular system for troops. Bureaucratic, not democratic.

First 'modern' hotel for tourists in Istanbul (some before then)


Census of berat holders


French first give out land in Algeria in


Bank of Algeria created for Europeans


Perpetual Maritime Truce w/ Shaykhs of Pirate Coast

1853 Treaty to deal w/ WAR - shaykhs securing own ascendancy in region, as Br. NOW have an interest in keeping them in power

Concession fo the Suez Canal


Islahat Fermani

1856 - published on eve of Paris Peace Conf. for the Crimean War. Religions getting more autonomy - attend whatever schools they like, build new places of worship without permission in places where they're majority, meritocracy.

New land tenure law which gives private land to those CULTIVATING


in Osman Hamdi Bey's book, Les costumes populaire de la Turqie en 1873 he writes 'Druzes and Maronites seem to have been finally quelled; obedient subjects, they now live as brothers' - silencing of...


Improvements of port at Algiers

1860 (shows turning towards urban/mercantile needs - civilian)

Land survey in Aleppo, in order to give uncultivated land away to those who can cultivate it. Enriches families such as the Marcopolie and Poche


Lord Clarendon's Formula on Bahrain Islands

1869 - shows difference between Whitehall and Gov. of India, as represented by Clarendon saying he's happy for Tehran/Persia to take over the costly duty of policing the Gulg

Absorption of all shari'a courts into French legal system


Civilian Rule in Algeria


Ottoman resurgence in Iraq around Basra


"assimilationist" application of French real estate laws to Algeria

1872 (not really assimilation - a tactic to get what they want).

Ottoman Constitution

1876. Created by bureuacrats - the sultan is young, previous was deposed on account of bankruptcy. Drawing from Belgium (strong monarchy) - not liberal, Sultan still can't be blamed. Crucial that ARTICLE 1 states that no territory can be. detached. Defines citizenship for all on basis of Ottomanism. Turkish as official language. Shari'a for laws touching it, all else to be in civil. Sultan has huge powers to dismiss bills, Minister or Chamber, chooses senate for life. Deputies - 1 per 50,000 people.

Beirut win petition to become provincial capital


From x, Algerians (esp. women) can choose to have French common law applied to cases - could already appeal to Fr. jurists as qadi courts had been made subsidiary


Qabla/Islamic law accused of enabling marriages of v. young Algerians to older men


First Arab Congress in Paris


Ottomans propose changes to personal law of ALL religions --> put into place, but only in Turkey


First Alawite rebellion against the Fr. begins


Jewish university founded in Palestine


Shi'a clerics in Iraq declare jihad against Britain in

1918 (Sayyid Mushin al-Hakim, later one of the most important Shi'ite leaders in the world)

King-Crane Commission

1919 - good for looking at options available

Afghanistan Constitution - wide ranging reforms, nothing to do w/ British or French imperialism


French law criminalises family desertion - enters Algerian law


League of Nations ban pictures of mutilated Syrian bodies taken by Fr. and circulated in the West


Exclusion Zone, Syria

1926 - stop Turkish Kurds escaping to Syria (Turkey's request)

Arab Women's Conference in Palestine


Fuad forced to dismiss Sidqi by the British because autocratic reaction had brought too much disorder

1933 (int. comparisons w/ the US - when you're not RESPONSIBLE so directly the issues of autocracy don't hurt q so much)

Fuad dies & preferential treaty

1936 (two are connected - good time for change)

Palestinians murder district commissioner in Galilee, leading to martial law


Can finally get a train from Istanbul to Baghdad in

1940 - lost all meaning

Proclamation of the FLN


Attack at Karamah refugee camp


Baghdad Pact

1955 - A treaty supported by the West that united the defenses of Iraq, Turkey, Pakistan, and Iran, to counter the threat of the expansion of the Soviet Union. JORDAN AND LEBANON PREVENTED FROM JOINING DUE TO IMPACT OF VOICE OF THE ARABS

Beginning of the SETTLER revolt against the Premier - fears that the Algerian problem will fell the Fourth Republic. Has the support of the army.


Fatah set up by Yasser Arafat


Yemen Civil War

1962-1970 - Nasser's "Vietnam" according to Rogan. He intervenes on the side of the Yemen Arab Republic

UNWRA states refugee camps not fit for human habitation


Ba'ath Revolution in Iraq - leading to nationalisation of oil


PFLP attack El Al Flight 426 en route to Ben Gurion Intl Airport, Israeli and Algerian hostages (40 days)


Coup in Sudan


Leila Khaled and Salim Issaw hijacked TWA flight 840 from Rome to Tel Aviv


Libyan monarchy overthrown by Muammar al-Ghaddafi

1969 (modelling himself on Nasser, oil nationalism)

Coup which brought Asad to power in Syria


Three planes exploded in Jordanian deset, lading to Black September


Hamas founded


When Israel left in charge of Palestinian camps during Lebanese civil war, Red Cross estimate that x died


In 1952, x% of girls studying home economics in Iraq - FAO report by UN says not enough; in the next decade, the same AUTHOR writes a report on the need to improve educational equality for girls


After Young Turks, x permits given to newspaper publishers in the first month alone


Raphael Patai's The Arab Mind still used to train US marines in


Jewish immigrants gain x acred 1922-9 - some of the most fertile land in the North


By 1956, x Algerians displaced

3 million

Jewish pop. of Palestine from 1882 to 1935

3% to 27% (before Kristallnacht!)

Alexandria develops from pop. of 3,000 to x over the course of centralisation


Palestinians attacked a Jewish medical convoy - only x out of 112 survived, pictures circulated throughout Palestine


Tribal Rebellion of 1871 - settlers ask for x gold francs as reparations from surviving tribes

36 mil

Following '67, all but x countries sever ties with the US

4 (Tunisia, Lebanon, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia)

By the mid 1850s, Algerian population had reduced from

4 mil to 2.3 mil

non-Europeans accounted for 90% of staff in agency but

40% of wages

Khartoum Summit

4th Arab league summit. Came after Arab defeat to Israel in 6 Day War. Famous for its khartoum resolution known as the Three No's. No peace with Israel, no recognition of Israel, no negotiation with Israel. --> arms race

1949-56, x infiltrators are killed --> reprisals, such as Qibya


FLN killed x as many Algerians as French in the first three years of the war


Syrian, lower class rebels fighting pitched battles against Ottoman troops, inflicting more than...

600 casualties

In 1949, population of Palestine is x Jews and x Arabs, because 700,000 of them have left

716,000 ... 156,000

After 1948, x Palestinians became refugees

750,000 (400 out of 500 Arab villages disappeared)

During 3rd phase of fighting, Israelis control

78% of mandate Palestine

No. villages destroyed during Algerian War of Independence


During takeover, x native buildings demolished, with only half of value. compensated IF they choose to pay out ( generally. don't)


Dayr Yassin Massacre

9 April 1948 - even though had just signed a nonaggression pact. Violence incl. throwing a 90 year old man from his balcony, blind young man killed w/ wife and baby. Survivors marched to Jerusalem as prisoners. 20 more massacres in area from Apr-June, e.g. Nasir ad-Din, all houses destroyed.

'The Clash of Ignorance' was written by Said after


By 1953, approx x% of the 100,000 Bedouin in the Northern Negev. before 1948 are expelled - this is linked to 1858 Ottoman land tenure changes - no written evidence that Bedouin cultivating, oral history not accepted


Iraqi national identity

= importing textbooks which emphasise Umayyads over 'Abbasids (or 'Ali, Husayn etc); suppression of Kurds, esp. when oil is found in Mosul

Young Turks

A coalition starting in the late 1870s of various groups favoring modernist liberal reform of the Ottoman Empire. It was against monarchy of Ottoman Sultan and instead favored a constitution. In 1908 they succeed in establishing a new constitutional era.


A radical Shiʿite Muslim organization in Lebanon engaged in guerrilla warfare against Israel

Islamic modernists

Abduh and al-Afghani earlier, positive that Islam and European reform can be reconciled; al-Kawakibi and Rashid Rida - more cautious, new problems as reforms have not helped: former blames on Turkish (though he's not well regarded in Syria according to Masters), latter worried about debt (his account of Istanbul in 1908-9) and women (his speech post-1930 and the developments that are described in Thompson) - secret societies, often having to operate abroad due to persecution; also think we need to take their claim to an alternative temporal modernity seriously - following Ibn Khaldun's tradition of history, where corruption opens space for new "nomadic" (or subaltern) group to take control - the key to the future is genuinely located in the past, this is not just rhetorical justification - in this way we can invest them w/ modernising positions that are truly opposed to Westernisation (links to Khary al-Din - Christianity is backwards)

Revolution of 1920 (Iraq)

Acc. beginning 1917 when BR. take Baghdad (or even earlier - Shi'a help the hated Ottomans defeat Br. at Kut!) and impose heavy handed, Indian-style rule → insurrection; escalates beginning 1918, when Br. governor in Najaf assassinated → repression. Chance for Br. to give concessions in June (asking for Parliament/independence with Arab king - Shi'a clerics prepared to accept Faisal!!) but ORIENTALISM - don't believe it would be possible for them to form stable coalition, take hostages (incl. son of important cleric) → June 1920 fatwa (Sunni clerics also sign up), distributed through printing across Iraq; July 1920 - controlling most of Middle Euophrates, trains derailed etc; eventually crushed by massive force, v. expensive → client monarchy (play 'God Save the King' at his coronation); Shi'a lose out because mistrusted by Faisal, and losing among their own constituencies (years of defeat), boycott elections which does not help their cause

Koppen desert threshold

Accepted by all powers in 1918 - aridity line, meaning there can be no cultivation beyond this. Useful because Ottoman land tenure is related to cultivation.

Senatus Consults (1863 &65)

Agreed to normalise Arab status on condition of their acceptance of inferiority of their customs and institutions

justifying their journey into 'this Land of Infidelity and Obstinacy' through hadith, Muhammad said 'Seek knowledge even if it is in China'


An Imam in Paris

Al-Tahtawi - 'On Organisation of the French State', using the Fr. state FOR HIS OWN PURPOSES. Using Qur'anic comparisons and Arabic poetry to explain non-scriptual political interventions.

Jean-Leon Jerome

Allied w/ the Goupile famile through marriage (famous distributors of prints). Training Ottoman artists, the big man in Orientalism, travelling the world through students

Cemal Pasha

An Ottoman military leader and one-third of the military triumvirate known as the Three Pashas. Minister of the Navy. One of the main perpetrators of the Armenian genocide, also known for repression of nationalists in Syria (which combined w/ poorly managed locust plague)

Black Saturday

Anti-British protests in Cairo, Jan 1952

Syrian congress debates giving women the vote

April 1920

Haifa falls, starting second phase of exodus

April 1948


Arab Renaissance

1930-47 phase of Algeria

Arab plains (Abd al-Qadir)

Lausanne Conference 1949

Arabs all made peace process contingent on repatriation, Tel Aviv agree to house 65-70,000 refugees but even this is protested at home, esp/ w/i Mapai

The Iron Wall by Ze'ev Jabotinsky

Argues for violence, aggression and refusal to accomodate Arabs as a means to secure peace - RECOGNISES arabs as agents (unlike a diplomat like Weizman, who thinks they can use diplomacy because doesn't realise Arabs will react)

Jules Harmond, 1910

Argues that attempts at assimiliation are contrary to civilising mission, based on fact Arabs will never/take v. long time to be Fr. (social darwinism)

Education Minister who wrote the New Historians out of textbooks in the early 2000s

Ariel Sharon

Yasar Tolga Cora

Armenian officer conscripted into war w/ Turkey, fought at Gallipoli, fled from Ottoman army in 1917 via Russia. Published his memoirs in 1977 - doesn't fit into Armenian OR Ottoman national narratives of the war, e.g. shows pride in his achievements as soldier

'For Djamila Bouhired' by Verges and Arnaud

Article written about the injustice of Bouhired's sexual torture in prison; Verges did, however, ague that military did not have the jurisdiction to try the case

Lord Moyne

Assassinated by the Stern Gang in 1944 - the highest ranking official in the Middle East

Warnier Law (1873)

Assimilating Algerian property - assigns patronymic names, divides up land based on "family" THUS MAKES the family in Algeria into

When he published his memoirs in 2001, was taken to court by Human Right's Organisation


Israel in 1967 was ''an act of faith, not an act of statesmanship'

Avi Shlaim - reassessment based on Israel docs being declassified

In 1948, which side of Cold War supports Israel?

BOTH - USSR see kibbutz as a communist project

1963 Revolution, or Ramadan Revolution

Ba'ath party in Iraq - only holding onto power for a few months

Lord Clarendon's Formula (ADD DATE)

Bahrain peripheral issue for Westminster, but CRUCIAL for East India Company/Gov. of India

Algeria has pre-existing national narrative based on x, as well as more coercive x class (compare to Gulf)

Barbary pirates ; landowning

Ottoman Decentralization Party

Based in Cairo, federalised Ottoman state

Sayyid Talib al-Naquib

Basra Reform Society Party MP, but is not allowed to attend Parliament in 1914. Still, when faced w/ British invasion goes to tell the Ottomans, who tell him he can be governor if successful. It's the Gulf states that impede his success - Kuwait try to arrest him, Saudis are sympathetic but in talks w/ Br. at that time - these connections formalised in 1915

'Abid's Red Star Society (1920)

Battalion of nurses that went into battle against the Fr., dubbed the 'Joan of Arc of the Arabs'

1962 as a 'black hole'; 'we saw an Algeria made practically without us... it was worse than before, because we have broken all of the barriers and it was very difficult for us to go back to that.'

Baya Hocine, veteran of the struggle

First Intifada (1987-1993)

Began as a mass uprising against the Israeli occupation in Gaza and quickly spread to the West Bank. Does a good job of horrifying the world - Palestinians throwing stones, Israelis fire back.

Anatolian Railway

Beginning 1871-2 under the Ottoman gov., then goes to. Deutsche Bank who get 99 year concession, ADD the Baghdad railway to. this from 1902

Hijaz railway

Beginning under Abdulhamid II, using labour from recently settled Muslim refugees in Transjordan (also part of centralising); reason for antipathy between Husayn and Young Turks, not because its "European" but because it disrupts local caravan economy, and his hegemony over region because of its ability to extend capacity of centre...

'We must prevent at all costs their return'

Ben Gurion on Palestinians in June 1948

'in various parts of the country new Jewish settlement will not be possible unless there is transfer of the Arab fellahin', 'transfer... is what makes possible a comprehensive settlement program'

Ben-Gurion speech, 1937

"making the desert bloom"

Ben-Gurion's project to cultivate desert land left behind by Bedouin.

Land Reform under Nasser

Benefitted 4 mil people, in average 50% increase in holdings, still known as 'freedom law' when it was repealed in the '90

One of the "New Historians" who changed tack after the second Infitada

Benny Morris

Author of 'The Roots of Muslim Rage', which cites civilisational clash rather than imperialism as key reason for hatred, because Christian religion is naturally more secular

Bernard Lewis

Munich Olympics 1972

Black September Organisation kills 11 Israeli athletes - HATED for this

Eisenhower Doctrine

Br. to take step back in ME, US taking over

Shayk of Jabal Shammar plays the

British and Ottomans against each other (pledges allegiance to former whilst supporting latter)

Native Resident in early C19th at


Syrian Central Committee

Calls for self-government FROM PARIS in 1908

'Sleeping Baby' phenomenon in Islamic law

Can claim inheritance rights from husband based on 'dormant pregnancy' for up to 5 years, Qablas blaimed for oversight

UN Partition of Palestine 1947

Can see how non-sensical this is

Heikal says that the x tormented Nasser

Collapse of the UAR (unpopular policies, such as redistribution of 1 mil acres by 1959, suspension of regional goverment - accused of imperialism)

Joseph Desparmet

Collected oral narratives which show the myths around Algeria, e.g. Last Ottoman gov. (Husayn) a JEWISH tyrant who acts against a saintly intervention, or the betrayal of Jewish banker, Bacri (loved the Rights of Man); OR saint who begins to behave like the Fr. before they arrive, predicting the changes they'll bring, helping them during the invasion.

Journalist said of x in 1920, it would leave Lebanon a 'laughable mix of communities'


During first ceasefire (May-June), Israel buy arms illegally from

Czechoslovakia - USS trying to. court them

Sirham Tergeman

Daughter of Damascus - first ch. on beauty of Damascus (authenticity and modernisation?); later describes women's role - carrying food, bombs etc

Argues that Husayn uses Arabism when it's useful to him but inconsistently - Abdullah and Faisal are both Arabists, e.g. Faisal angered by the treatment of Arabs in Syria


Argues that Husayn is traditional compared to Abdullah - mainly annoyed that shari'a is not being properly applied


'For Djamola Boupacha'

De Beauvoir highlighted the horrors of her torture, e.g. bottle inserted inside her - but saying that no one seems to care. Interestingly emphsises that Boupacha was a virgin, even though goes against her own ideas of viriginity and purity. Emphasised that this was unexceptional - unlike Sartre not abut the glorification of survival, but sharing collectively the shaming of torture

Agreement between GB and Shaykh of Bahrain

Dec 1880. Ottomans trying to reassert themselves → coaling depot in Bahrain, + discontented branch of shaykhs had promised to support them, so when the ruling Shaykh Al-Kalifa promises he won't let coaling depot go ahead w/o British permission, they convince him to let him control Bahrain's treaties/negotiations generally. Not allowed diplomatic relations but in return Br. let him stay i power.

The Death or Sardanapalus

Delacrois (1827) - linking to story where the besieged Asyrrian king, Sardanapalus, orders guards to kill all servants, animals and concubines: feeding into discourse of Eastern savagery, also eroticism of the concubines

Women of Algiers in their apartment (1834)


Lion Hunt

Delacroix (1855) - remember that Burke says that chivalry dies with the Fr. Rev.

Massacre at Chios

Delacroix, 1824

Fanatics of the Tangier

Delacroiz (1836-8): he said the Arabs provided him with a visual equivalent of the peoples of classical Rome/Greece

'to win the war on terror, we must win the war of ideas'

Deputy Secretary of Defence, 2002

Edmond Pelissier de Reynaud, Annales algeriennes vol. 3 (1854)

Describes cruel tactics he saw used by Colonel A. Pelissier against messianic revolts of 1845 - tribes hiding in caves, refusing to hand over their guns, so they decided to burn them out - estimates c. 500 killed (incl. women and children), w/ 100 wounded; incident was 'painfully broadcast throughout France' and Europe, but he is... Justifying cruel action on the behalf of French as product of the cruel action of insurgents, and the 'passions and ideas' which make the 'plague' that is war, which will always affect humanity

Lyautey System

Divide and rule tactics developed by Lyautey to subdue Morocco

Lake Huleh

Draining first proposed by John MacGregor, Scottish traveller in Huleh Valley in the 1860s. Abdulhamid II gains the land and proposes to do it -puts up for concession. Br. company actually gained concession to do this in 1934, but could not do it for obvious reasons. ISRAEL take up the cause - gives them a reason to be in the Syrian DMZ, bad for environment and ecology, refuse to compensate Arab landowners. SUCH A GOOD EXAMPLE.

Arab Kingdom

Dream of Napoleon III - more like the Ancien Regime; his defeat leads settlers to claim THEIR RIGHTS

"New Cuba"

Dream of secessions non-French Europeans in Algeria following assimilation under civilian backlash

Fly Whisk Incident (1827)

Due to France not listening to requests for repayment for grain loans from 1793 and 1798!! (Also an interesting Fr. Rev. connection)

Isma'il Pasha

Educated in France, leader of Egypt

Manners and Customs

Edward Lane, 1836 (1 Ch. on Gov., 3 Chs. on Domestic Life, 2 Chs on Superstition + more on specific elements (e.g. Magic), Ch. on Dancing Girls). Egyptians as 'Europeans in the Middle Ages'

Author of Orientalism, Culture and Imperialism and 'Shattered Myths'

Edward Said

Oral sources show that the x resettlement programmes are unpopular


"Camel Corps"

Egyptian soldiers fighting for Br. in WWI


Egyptians trapped there (Faluja Pocket) when Israelis push into Egypt in '48 - 4 month siege. Key for development of Nasser's ideology.

Michel Chiha

Embodiment of the Phoencian narrative - well-connected Roman Catholic family which benefitted from the Beirut expansion in late C19th, instrumental in writing the constitution


End of the world as he knew it - the Franks have broken the cycle of history

'There lines are not history; they are testimony and feelings which I have brought forth from memory and which are not based on any other source.'

Epigraph in Tawfiq al-Hakim's The Return of Consciousness (1974)

Modern Islamists do Islam a disfavour by removing 'its humanism, aesthetics, intellectual quests, and spiritual devotion'

Eqbal Ahmed

Transport workers' strikes

Esp. cabbies! shutting down Cairo and Alexandria

Max von Oppenheim

Establishes route for Deutsche Bank; 1902 says that Br. would never attack Germany in Europe because they'd be too fearful of the use of Islam by the Caliph

'weapons of the weak' 'silence, sabotage, subterfuge'

Evans on terrorism


Example of Christian in Lebanon who's an Arabist - how to build coalitional basis for unity (against sectarianism and missionaries)? (slightly different problem) - ARABIC (dictionary and encyclopedia to help incorporate science, National School 1863); 1860 = backwards, taking Syrians closer to Africa and Europe (yet past also basis for unity - again comparisons w/ Ali Mubarak - he says more peace in past than has been - links to later Phonecian narratives)

Nuri al-Sa'id

Example of an ex-Ottoman soldier who defected to Faisal when Ottomans lost control of Iraq - becomes member of elite, but seen as an upstart by the traditional elite of Baghdad (son of minor gov. auditor, attending military school)

Lydde Death March

Exodus from Lydde and Ramle in July, up to 70,000 Palestinians leaving, SIGNED OFF BY BEN-GURION (though had prevented exodus from ARAB CHRISTIAN NAZARETH earlier that month)

Nasser supported range of pan-Arabist/neutral/anti-colonial ventures, e.g.

FLN, Palestinians from '52, Voice of Africa '54, Mau Mau, + further clandestine connections not yet properly explored, e.g. Popular Front for Liberation of the Occupied Arabian Gulf, PDLP

'there is still... no Iraqi people'

Faisal (1933) (--> development of populism)

Osmund Hamdi Bey

Famous for his costume book - yet also a Orientalised subject at times, e.g. has to pose as 'Arab' in Paris, wearing clothes he would never normally (like something out of his costume book)

'To the theory of the 'absolute evil of the native' the theory of the 'absolute evil of the settler replies'

Fanon, Wretched of the Earth

Radio Bari

Fascist radio station, big impact in Egypt


Fascist, Christian party in Lebanon - against Muslim efforts to join Great Syria in 1936. Reacting to socio-economic issues, pro-women's inclusion in workpace. Set up labour organisations

British surround Faruq's palace with tanks, to prevent him installing a pro-Axis government

February 1942

"patriotic motherhood"

Feminism that can be stomached in Syria - far more liberal. Still among these, was controversial to say (as one did) that they should wait for equal rights until children have matured

'The use of violence is a crime against the people'

Ferhat Abbas


Fires set to "smoke" people out of caves, killed many

Chaim Weizmann

First President of Israel. Considered the 'father'. of industrial fermentation, his production method was of great importance for British during the War industry of WWI.

Sardinian Christian Giuseppe Raffo

Foreign Minister under reforming Ahmad Bey

Landless Arab Enquiry Commission

Formed by JEWISH communities in Palestine, only counts tenants rather than wage labourers - problematic because Kibbutz takes away wage jobs for Arabs

Polygamy and child marriage in Algeria

Forming Orientalist discourses on the incompatibility of personal law


Fr. intelligence. agency in Syria - telling judges how to rule, LOTS of bureaucrats, Cabrillet part of this - more similar to Br. in Egypt pre-WWI than Br. in Iraq


French General who is particularly intolerant - sees Fr. pave roads through cemetries, convert mosques to Churches

African Army

French army which provided social mobility - best soldier rises through the ranks

Great Revolt of Syria

French decide to end the mini-states: announce policy for union w/ Representative Assembly, elections to be held Oct 1925 Great Revolt (before this guerilla outbreaks) - coordination of Druze, People's Party in Damascus and al-Qawuqji's Hizb Allah in Hama (this lasts longer) French respond w/ aerial bombardment Druze finally defeated but only by force of 95,000 Frenchmen al-Qawuqji held out till 1927, betrayed by Bedouin tribes. (Impressive to be able to form coalition w/ the Druze - secretive)

Midette Pasha

French leftover after Napoleon, founded the Egyptian Museum


Frustrated w/ the cases of plunder during revolt he does here of --> Saqba Accords --> National Council of the Revolt. Actually being v. controlled about all of this. Also authored The Practices of Warfare in the Battles of the Syrian Revolt - v. specific, anecdotal

Populism arises when the masses see themselves as having undergone a period of peripheralization and 'not only reconceptualizes itself but also reconstitutes itself as "the nation" in opposition to the politically dominant "anti-nation"'


Argues (wrongly). that Faisal's views on education/empowerment of women make him FRENCH

Gelvin (pro-woman camp incl. people like al-Jabiri & Shaykh Sa'if Murad, using Aisha and Islamic law - women's property during marriage - as justifications)

'colonialism has made Algerians into 'assassins' because 'it's the only way we can express ourselves'.'

Germaine Tillion, quoted in Evans

The Battle of Algiers (1966)

Gillo Pontecorvo, wins the Venice film festival that year. Big focus on the role of women, which is inspired esp. by Fanon's writings on the subject.

International Law

Gradually replacing (over nineteenth century) the arbitrary system of negotiation between equals

Evian Accords (1962)

Granted independence to Algeria

British empower x, a controversial mufti who did not accept the WP, involved w/ Nazi Germany during the war, hated by Arabs and economic elites of Palestine. Persecuted other leaders - saw himself as the natioanl cause.

Hajj Amin al-Husayni (never before had a role like this before in Palestine, e.g. all religious authority - CREATING "tradition") (involved w/ Iraq coup of 1941)

Says Eden one of those classic Orientalists who would be happier in the desert reciting poems w/ the Bedouin


CIA Intervention in Middle East

Helped topple gov. of Syria 1949, Iran 1953, plotting to remove Qasim in Iraq, but Ba'athists got there first. Shows that what the US don't get about Suez is not concept of imperialism, but DEFUNCT impeialism - canal zone no longer important to either, neither really having empires worth protecting in Asia

Djamilia Bouhired

Her and her aunt's home became bomb-making factory, she carried the bombs. When Fr. raided 'they were greeted like welcome guests by attractive women with fresh coffee.' Big focus of the film The Battle of Algiers. When Djamilia was arrested, refused to give information under torture. Fatiha continued to hide leaders, making men upstairs couscous under nose of the Fr. while they waited for arrival of another FLN member.

Lalla Fatma N'Sumer

Hero of Algerian resistance in Kabylia in mid-1850s - venerated like a Saint, and LED THE RESISTANCE

'in this country where prestige and respect are primarily founded upon fear, our force of arms and our strict justice are feared insufficiently: only they ... can impose reason.'

High Commissioner on Syria - violence necessary tool of tutelage, because

German officer ON THE LINE disagree w/ Armenian genocide (taking away resources) but happens because

Higher up the command agree (e.g. Lieutenant Colonel Bottrich tries to increase), need Ottomans to help them win the war

Noble, Palestinian rival families

Husaynis versus Nashaibis

"Coercive diplomacy"

IDF/Ben-Gurion continuing to use force whilst in diplomatic talks, e.g. extending Negev and West Bank territory whilst in talks w/ Jordan - extending to places they're actually less interested in (e.g. Jerusalem - according to McDougall) because worried that internationalisation of Jerusalem is the first step to letting through ALL Un Policity

"This blessed advance will not stop until we hit the last nail in the coffin of the Sykes-Picot conspiracy."

ISIS Caliph Abu Bakr, 2014

Military Schools

Important for giving many of the leaders the same background, e.g. Ramadan Shallash (Tribal School), Sa'id al-'As and Yasin al-Hasimini, Mustafa Kemal

Reproductive futurism

Important within developmentalism - discursive effects on the mandate state + genuine concerns over lower class poverty (and anxiety w/ the lower classes more generally)

Paul Monroe

In 1932, Monroe led an expedition of educators from the International Education Institute to Iraq, where they visited schools in the Baghdad and Basra areas before hosting a conference on education in the nation's capital and publishing their findings in the Monroe Report to the Government of Iraq. Recommended they undo uniform education - girls should be taught home economics, boys agricultural skills (rural)


In 1967, Moshe Dayan illegally evicted residents and razed 850 buildings to ground, a "punishment" against gov. orders but limited reprisal

Port of Kuwait

Independently operating w/o Br OR Otto support, developed trade routes, elite families (who place members along the routes), complex credit systems

phantom sovereignty

Institutions that act as if they're sovereign but are not - problem because these institutions, or at least their cultures, remain

Suez Canal crisis provided cover for...

Invasion of Hungary by the USSR

Battle of Algiers used to train anti-terrorism units in

Iraq War

Irgun and Stern Gang

Israeli terrorist organisations, set up in response to White Paper. Irgun led by Menachim Begin

First Fatah martyrs were killed by

JORDANIAN authorities looking to prevent escalation

Yusuf Affair

Jacob Lasry + Tunis-trained officer Yusuf extract money in town v. violently, receives heavy criticism by Ministry of War in Paris

Exclusive Agreement - Kuwait Shaykh and GB

Jan 1899. Following coup in 1896, Shaykh signs w/ British as a way of securing his rule. Keeps it secret from the Porte, who have ALSO recognised him.

Said that crowds of Egyptians, Tunisians and Syrians want to march down the Champs-Elysees to. sodomise and 'spike' the President (April 2011)

Jean-Marie Le Pen

SS Exodus

Jewish refugee ship with the British turn away, so Irgun and Stern blow up Central Policy HQ. 4 Br. killed, 33 wounded (total = 10 and 54)

After 1948, x have to flee Baghdad


Thinks Cairo is better than Paris, but Istanbul worse than both - backwards in some ways, despite modern stations, because has not had the French influence. Dr. Clot Bey is positive example of this (setting up under Napoleon, carrying on)

Jirji Zaydan

Journal of an expedition to the court of Marocci in the year 1846

John Drummond-Hay - does not want to be there, though one of the best at getting on w/ native governments. 'dirty brown colour'; iconoclasm as "religious fanaticism"; disparaging of religion generally (e.g. says that he hopes 'the Prophet's Kleefa [Khalifa] on earth... is not as false as his master')

'The Mahommedan, if he will to come among us would have the privilege guaranteed to him by the constitution to worship according to the Koran; ... Such is the spirit of toleration inculcated by our political Institutions'

John Tyler on US secularism

Egypt was warned about aerial bombardment which destroyed their runways by

Jordan - do not do anything because don't trust (Jordan taunting Egypt about hiding behind UNEF)

'best of enemies' - Shlaim's phrase to describe

Jordan and Israel (Golda Meir had a meeting with Abdullah at the time of partition)

'In transforming Muslim women and marriage... "France will have legitimated its conquest of Algeria."'

Judge, Ernest Zeys

1851-71 phase of Algeria

Kabliya. mountains

'dramatise our own plight'

Khaled on the need for terrorism

'How miserable one can become when one thinks only of oneself and no others. ... I long for love... I am in union with my humanity - with Palestine.'

Khaled, imprisoned

Grand Liban

Larger Lebanon - al-Khoury

Lebanese Civil War

Lasted from 1975 to 1990. Was a religious conflict between Christians and the PLO, Sunni Muslims and Shi'a Muslims.

Crimieux Law

Law which integrates Jewish communities into Fr. law in Algeria - had to be CAMPAIGNED for by peopele such as Lasry

Arab Higher Committee (1936)

Leading Palestinian Revolt, but leadership was decimated by this - 10% of adult male pop. killed, and econcomic boycott v. harmful.

US supply funding during the election in...

Lebanon 1957 - then use Leb as a platform to potentially launch campaign against Iraqi coup

1958 Coup in Iraq

Led by Abd al-Karim Qasssim (communists, national democrats, Kurds and Iraqi nationalism) and Abdul-Salam Aref (Ba'thists, socialists, Nasserism/pan-Arabism); FO cells but v. popular (Radio Cairo part of this) - coalition of 4 main parties, and setting off spontaneous peasant revolutions in countryside - only 3,000 troops, 2,000 of whom had no ammo; not suspected by Br. as had raised army wages, which did quell some of the rebellious tendencies 1952, but Baghdad Pact put pressure on Army and then Suez. (execution of Br. collaborators - beginning w/ tone of violence; hospital at Abu Ghaurayb into prison for Old Regime → Saddam Hussein's torture prison: these are the direct legacies of Old Reg) Coalition breaks down because of Communist projects to educate rural women --> worries these are political (probably right)

Jacob Lasry (real name Hayyim Yisra'el Rafa'el Ya'akov al-'Asri)

Lender to military in 1830s, helped extract money from people of Tlemcen. Lots of power, HIGH interest rates (30%), Fr. officers having to go through lots of shit to try and get lower debt settlements. Became part of civil authority in Oran, 1855, spearheading a moralising campaign esp. among the Jewish community. Reinforces the anti-semitism of the Fr. who are indebted to him - shows not all powerful.

The places that DO have contentious border issues...

Libya, Palestine (though this may be more of an immigration issue - certainly could make a case for a Palestine separate to Syria) and Iraq (lesser extent)

July Monarchy (1830-48)

Louis Philippe I

Lebanese Representative Council reopens ideas about female suffrahe

March 1923

Syrian Parliament

March 2020 - proclaims Faisal King - would have preferred Turkey but split off, know they need to act quickly as Zionist tensions rise

"frozen scandal"

Mark Danner - idea that continual revelations of wrongdoing lead not to investigation and change but rather to a permanent state of scandal

Setif and Guelma Massacres (1945)

Massacre which sparks the Algerian WoI - converts liberals like Ferhat Abbas, no longer think cooperation is how to get what you want

Stress that ME borders are less artificial than we think - tending to follow provincial capitals

Masters and Hanssen

Israel proclamation of Independence

May 1948 (add more detail later)

Idea that though these borders were created in 'imperial contexts', doesn't make them illegitimate - if they were why would they be so enduring?


Sees Algeria as a continuation of the Crusades, dressed up in new language

McDougall (lecture - could pass off as your own)


Member of Arab Congress 1913, WWI joined al-Fatat, arrested under Cemal Pasha, tried to commit suicide rather than confess. Joins National Bloc when he's FINALLY granted amnest, 1930.

Dashnak and Huchnak

Militarised Armenian nationalist groups that fought against Ottoman/Young Turk rule over Armenians.

Yasin al-Hasimini

Military school, Arab societies AND CUP, fighting in Syria but loyal to Ottomans right up until he can't be, because they're focusing on Turkey. Important leader.

Premodernity recognises that 'The order of this world is not an order of appearance'

Mitchell, Colonising Egypt (similar arguments made in Scott's Seeing Like a State)

Aswan Dam Project

More agricultural land. US funding, but Nasser asks for more from USSR and leads to US turning away

1956, Fr. think they've won by x says only lead to more violence; also questions what Fr. are expecting, Franco-Algerian friendship?

Mouloud Feraoun

Visits Istanbul after Young Turk rev., sees city as like a provincial capital

Muhammad Rashid Rida

Abd al-Qadir al-Husayni

NOT the mufti - popular Palestinian leader in 36-9 and for Arab Liberation Army - lack of arms led to his death when taking back al-Qastal (couldn't hold their gains)

Says that the difference between al-Tahtawi and Lane is not 'othering' but the fact that former sees space for humane exchange, latter uses language of a scientific observer


'Voice of the Arabs'

Nasser's radio station

Iraqi Red Crescent Society 1932

Nationalist society founded by a woman

Argues that the West views Arab women's backwardness as cultural rather than socio-economic phenomenon, despite stripping women of wealth

Nawal el-Saadawi

Israelis illegally divert the Jordan river into

Negev region - attempt to squeeze Syrians. Ben-Gurion supports by INTERIM PM, Sharrett, does not.

David Ben-Gurion

New Historians particularly critical of his role - rejected peace offers such as Egypt's, offered recognition in return for land and settlement. Refuses to write orders down which effectively countenances violence on the ground.


Nineteenth-century Arabic literary renaissance that was part of a wider movement for cultural and social reform

Group which help get the Algerian question onto the agenda at the UN by 1957

Non-Aligned Movement

Economic elites leave Haifa, thinking they can return (from oral histories) - partially caused by the leadership of al-Husayni

Nov 1947

Place in western borderlands of Egypt - fairly independent till 1880s/90s, questions over Arabic as main language at this point

Oasis of Siwa

x unites the region more than Arab nationalism ever did

Oil - also makes it financially unstable ,open to intervention, wealthy = more arms = more war

British still maintaining links in x into the '70s - still places that US aren't interested in


Berlin to Baghdad railway

On eve of WWI, transporting 600,000 passengers and 116,000 tonnes of goods; almost all equipment used is German, and 19 mil gold marks worth of rails imported from Germany 1910-3; becomes used for transportation of Armenians, shows what POWER these tools give them, power to ethnically cleanse


One of the new Arabist/nationalist societies that arises after Young Turks

Israelis used x to prove lack of cultivation during Ottoman period (meaning would have become state lands)

Orientalist travellers (problematic because they're fitting into Orientalist discourses about Arab decline/Holy Land)

Awda al-Qusus

Ottoman official, Abdullah incl. him in government which helps smooth his problems with indigenous politicians

Official Report on Re-Establishing Ottoman Control over Kuwait

Ottomans prepared to forgo tribute to be recognised in Kuwait. Shaykhs want higher title, imperial warrants for temples, as well as relief from custom duties and taxes. Ottomans get little in return other than promises of loyalty.

David Roberts

Paintings and lithographs establishing this as 1) Holy Land; 2) land of Classical interest, classicalism/Egyptology esp. popular in the latter half of the eighteenth century and onwards (Tutankhamun tomb found 1922)

Rashid Khalidi

Palestinian-American history at Columbia - believes not just about Israel's strength - Palestinians weak and FAILING to act on this, new "villains" added to the story like al-Husayni

Resolution 242

Passed Nov 1967 - based on the idea of peace in exchange for land, thus effectively cemented disappearance of Palestine in its assumption that Palestinians would be subsumed into Arab communities

Camp David Accords (1978)

Peace treaty between Egypt and Israel; hosted by US President Jimmy Carter; caused Egypt to be expelled from the Arab league; created a power vacuum that Saddam hoped to fill; first treaty of its kind between Israel and an Arab state


Points out that political rule in the Gulf was collaborative

City Beautiful

Policy to beautiful Beirut according to local literary elite / urban elite, follows Beirut priorities in terms of what's needed but named after/dedicated to. Ottoman sultans etc

Stanlisaw Chebowski

Polish painter, trained in France but employed by Fuad Pasha and Abdulaziz, working with the Sultan to paint. Also tied up in conflicts over Polish nationalism at the time

Higher National Committee

Popular, elected local committee in Syria - declares Syria to be independent

Town which had to be abandoned by army during Suez crisis, leading to 1,100 civilian deaths

Port Said

Egyptian National Charter

Published '62 - far more socialist - slight of US over Aswan. Further decreases landholding limits to 100 acres

Wanted Damascus 'paved with asphalt and the Barada River was like the Seine' (1919)

Published in Faisal's organ, al-Asima

White's example in Syria, demonstrating the non-existence of Syrian-Turkish barrier as obstacle

Qamishli - nationalist protestors ordering Syrian flags to station to protest arrival of Fr. governor, anti-nationalist protestors harass stationmaster, take them and deface them - the interesting thing is that the station is IN TURKEY, yet source makes no mention of the fact that Syrians are crossing border and harassing official of another country

Davis (The Blood-Red Arab Flag) argues

Qawasim not "pirates" but committing "piratical" acts against Hindu ships.

Qibya Massacre

Qibya Incident - reprisal against infiltration, Ariel Sharon attacked village and burned to ground, killing 69 Palestinians 2/3 of whom were women and children (Ben-Gurion defended)

During 2 weeks of waiting between closing of Straits and war 'the entire nation succumbed to a collective psychosis' (Shlaim), e.g.

Rabin (Military Chief of Staff) and Prime Minister Levi Eshkol BOTH experience nervous breakdowns

Proposed (in syria) that a woman's right to vote impeded her husband's individual freedoms; 'Ajamy responded that women's rights exist for herself (Rashid Rida struck a chord - worries that men who followed women amounted to rape!)

Rashid Rida

Coup of 1941 in Iraq

Rashid al-Kaylani replaced Nuri al-Sa'id as PM - apparently working with Axis powers (Br. believes this is because of the overly nationalist education of the army!). Britain used force to restore the Regent and pro-British gov., and incident = justification for military occupation. Leads to one of the worst pogroms in Baghdad's history - 200 Jews killed. (Farhud)

Fuad Pasha

Reforming Grand Vizier, invited Chlebowski, role at Mount Lebanon


Religious endowment land - appropriated by Fr., based on their "backwards" land burning techniques

Parisian Women Dressed as Algerian Women

Renoir (1872) - deliberate homage to Delacroix, he loved that painting


Rising in the Holy Region from mid-C18th, takes over early C19th - conservative reform movement.

Believes that prior to Nasserism, most Egyptians would have used the term 'Arab' to denote Bedouin or people from the Arabian peninsula


'The ancien regime spoke European languages; the new vanguard spoke the language of the street.'

Rogan, on new forms of Arab nationalism after 1948

Thomas-Robert Bugeaud

Rose up in Napoleon's campaign in Egypt, then became governor-general of Algeria in 1840 following his brilliant work in the campaign

''Why do we need the mandate... when those colonisers do not know any meaning of 'morals' other than 'force'?'

Sa'id al-'As


Same land mass as Indiana, pop. of 350,000, subsidy of £150k from Br. goes a long way. Made to REDUCE LAND AVAILABLE FOR BALFOUR.

Growth in the '60s in Egypt is limited by...

Sanctions, end of Western/US aid, war

Ben Badis

Scholar who wanted to prevent French eclipse of Algerian value - esp. critical of anti-semitism. Set up the Association of Algerian Muslim Ulema.

In 1849, Ottomans discovered x in Basra

Secret British military base

Shlaim questions Dayan's sanity because

Seems to drive the war the MOST at the point it's over, e.g. really pushes into Syria (which he had opposed fighting) when he hears intelligence of Egyptians telling al-Atasi war is over; doesn't want Old City, or fight w/ Jordan really, and pushes again when he knows ceasefire is imminent (Old City causes huge problem - controlling 1,250,000 arabs now!)

Argues that Algerian escalation comes from popular Bonapartism - still a political force



Settler terrorist organisation - Feraoun is killed by settler terrorists just 3 days before the Evian Accords

Iron Hand / People's Party

Shabandar's groups (Zaghlul of Syria) - first rebellion, then party politics

'Abbas builds railway which reaches into x, really for the first time


Petit Liban

Small Lebanon, desired by Edde.

Song about the Taking of Algiers

Song of emotive lament ('I am grieved, O World, about Algiers') but also presenting historical narrative who to blame for invasion: Turkish War Minister to blame - inauspicious day, sinful (wine, debauchery), Turks generally abandoning the brave Algerians at time of fight problems w/ new inhabitants/transition under French Muslim law → Christian, city becoming dirty, nomenclature ('Al-Qaisariya has been named Plaza'), the 'dishonourd flag' national image - used to themselves be a pincer, most courageous afraid of her - references to historical tradition, Barbary coast revolutionary intent - asks Abd al-Qadir for forgiveness - this song has a political purpose as well as cultural? Inspire them against the French, stir national sentiment (esp. as it blames Turkey, thus is anti-defeatist)

Women's memoirs from w/i Turkish palace in WWI

Speak v. little about the war - is this a war memoir? Where it comes up, only in terms of food, e.g. short on this luxury.

US encourage Saudis to ...

Spread Wahhabism as a counter to communism (against the Brotherhood, also Iran because it's a Shi'a theocratic state)

Nasser used public funds to build x, sign of social inclusivity but is not institutionalised

St Mark's Coptic Orthodox Cathedral in Cairo.

Mustafa Khaznadar

Survivor of the massacre at Cios, taken as slave → gift to Bey, he dies 1878 and completely reliant on regime and loyal to it (at the same time, inc. networking w foreign businessmen, responsible for the first loans on foreign markets which benefit HIM financially)

Treaty of Berlin (1878)

Takes much of Anatolia away - reorienting away from the 1876 constitution

1830-7 phase of Algeria

Taking cities and coastal enclaves

Charles X of France

The king that succeeded Louis XVIII, and ruled from 1824 to 1830. He is not a conservative, but a reactionary. He considered himself a monarch by divine right and moved to restore lands that the Aristocrats had lost during the revolution. The French liberals wanted a legitimately constitutional regime, and when matters came to a head in 1829 Charles abandoned efforts to accommodate liberals and appointed an ultraroyalist ministry.

'Charging Israel with Original Sin'

Title of a rebuttal of the New Historians, written by Ben-Gurion's biographer

Bernadotte Plan

To annex Palestine to Abdullha, incl. some area currently held by Abdullah - both sides reject this and Bernadotte is assassinated

'Essay on Algeria' (1841)

Tocqueville. Mainly worried about Algeria as symbol of decline, as well as some strategic advantages. Colonisation necessary, esp. in light of jihad and the history of Muhammad, first caliphs, Arab Conquests - ahistorical.

The only country which celebrates the Arab Revolt today


al-Salt Region

Transjordan - Ottomans had lost contact, despite being gateway to Mecca and Medina. Able to re-establish 1867 AND start taking taxes properly from 1872. Eventually able to settle Muslim refugees there (e.g. Circassians from 1901-6) who help to build railways. ADMIN AND ECONOMICS NEEDED

Tribute for the '123'

Tribute for those who died during Algerian campaign, subscriptions die up - unpopular (aggressive), or apathetic?

Lawrence Oliphant

Trying to get empty land for settlement in Transjordan in the 1860s/70s - Jewish "Land of Gilead", Vizier initally tempted as wanted population there

Kayali argues using Talin that there was no

Turkification - Turkish deputies in charge in Aleppo because of large Turkish pops., language insignificant, SOME secularisation but that's not Turkification

Seeing change in language of treaties from

Turkish to French/Italian

Resolution 1514 (1960)

UN calls for swift and unconditional end to colonialism

'Right of return'

UN endorsed policy as of Dec 1948

Resolution 388

UNSC pass after '73, with agreement of most reps at UN (incl. Arabs), in spite of fact it's a repeat of 242. Sadat won military victory at the expense of Palestinians

Safar family

Upper class and v. powerful family, 8 of whom employed as native agents in Bahrain

'Urabi Revolt, 1881

Uprising in Egypt led by Ahmad Urabi. Despite wide support, it was crushed by the British. 'Egypt for the Egyptians '

Ibrahim Hananu

Wealthy Kurdish family, CUP and Young Turks, leads revolt against the Fr. in Aleppo and Antioch in 1919. Receives aid from Mustafa Kemal until Turkey sign their agreement in 1921.

In The Wretched of the Earth, Frantz Fanon (1961)

Why terror should be used, based on psychoanalysis of the dehumanising effects of colonisation upon the individual and nation

Images d'Epinal

Widely available vignettes for public in France - comparison can be drawn between Pellerin's Battle of Wagram and Fall of Constantine

Ahmad al-Nasiri

Writing. a classic Islamic history about the Alawi dynasty - ruled Morocco since C17th. 'Know that the condition of this generation... is unlike the condition of generations that went before it', power of Franks at 'reprehensible and unprecedented height', 'we find ourselves on the brink of a time of corruption'

The Voyage of Muhammad as-Saffir

Written 1845-6 - not published, was identified later. Embassy mission, but AFTER Algerian invasion.

La Revue Phennicienne (1919)

Written by people like Charle Corm, Michel Chiha and al-Khoury: a literary elite


Zionist military force - meant to be legal but collaborates w/ terrorist organisations, involved in the bombing of the King David Hotel


a form of government that emphasizes power sharing by different religious communities through guaranteed group representation

United Arab Republic (1958-1961)

a short lived union between Egypt and Syria. Began in 1958 and ended 3 years later, when Syrian seceded from the union from an internal Syrian coup declaring Syria's independence. V. quick - got rid of all parties (can see why communists did not want to join); and Iraq did not subscribe, disappointment

Israel nearly reach agreement w/ Syria in 1953 which would give them 70% of land - does not happen because..

add in clauses they know will be disagreeable for Syrians

League of Nations threw out a Syrian petition on French violence because it lacked

admissable evidence, e.g. the gang rape of a fifty year old woman by 17 soldiers was not included because her name had been left out

Jacques Pucheu

aid that his section chief in Aures mountains encouraged men to rape women

'Frankish lands have attained the highest degree of proficiency in mathematics, natural sciences, and metaphysics ... Nevertheless, they have not pursued the straight path, or entered upon the road towards salvation.'


'The men are slaves to the women here, and under their command, irrespective of whether they are pretty or not.'


British gave Abdullah green light to

annexe West Bank (Glubb), so long as he avoided Jewish territory

1890s - 1920s, divorce cases being overturned in Algeria because Fr. disagree w/ the presence of an


The Sacred Mountain

by Charles Corm, won international poetry prize in 1934

Menachem Begin said of '56 and '82, they were wars of..

choice - v. problematic to fit within Isaeli historiography

Desert is x, compared to city which is "striated" space

clean, open space

Even under Maliki schools, to prove consummation women have to bring x, because the authority of the qabla is no longer admissable in Qadi courts

colonial medical certificate

Le Grand Odalisque

commissioned by Napoleon's sister, Queen of Naples; distortion referring to other sensual works, e.g. Venus of Urbino by Titian, Madonna with Long Neck. Ingres (1914)

Issues w/ local agents were

conflict of interesrs ; unreliable/difficult to verify ; lack of training

Syria has economic collapse in 1860 due to


1870-1900 phase of Algeria


For Aleppo, Tanzimat meant

direct return to political incorporation - successful in the sense there's no hint of seccessionism (e.g. al-Kawakibi considered a malcontent according to. Masters), but Aleppo DOES become part of global economic sphere.


does not see Europeans as threat, rather the fact that human reason has outstripped Prophets - how to reconcile this? - ulama to incl. doctors, scientists and priests; academic interest in Enlightenment writers, also Orientalist writers on Ancient Egypt, but turning this into argument for territorial nationalism (Egyptian pride); political limits - his family lost out to Muhammad 'Ali's reform of tax-farms, and he fares differently under different leaders; but obv. benefitting educationally and he focuses on education (working for Ministry under Sa'id), translation (esp. texts on great kings - e.g. Peter the Great - and declining states, e.g. Mont on fall of Romans) - wants ruler to institute positive and knowledgeable reform, but not populist

First suicide bomber...

during Lebanon Civil War

George Bush used x in the Middle East to create sense of awe abput the West

education (exhibitions, publications, exchange visits, textbook on democracy)

Egyptian delegation at 8th Intl. Cong. of Orientalists (1889) were

embarrassed (dirty depiction of Cairo)

Khirbet Khizeh (1949) by Yizhar Smilansky

expulsion of Arab Palestinians from first-person perspective of a soldier, best-seller, on Israeli high school curriculum. NY times - 'It is difficult to read this book and not feel distrubed'; the individual author is tormented by action, but goes along w/ group of untroubled soldiers; narrator compares these Palestinians to Jews going to concentration camps, 'We were the masters now'; written by someone who went on to be in Knesset, and the narrator begins to imagine what they will do with this land, e.g. opening stores and synagogues, forgetting they had had to empty it out Only translated into English in 2008, and not published in Br. till 2011, 2015 in US - why?

1924 election in Iraq

fatwas issued against it, boycotted by Shi'a - still, 1922 treaty ratified by SLIM majority

Egypt couldn't commit full troops in '67 because the best were...

fighting in Yemen

Syrian Prime Minister, al-Za'im, unpopular because he made

full peace offering to Israel, incl. offer to settle 350,000 Palestinians in exchange for land

In September 1938, British took revenge for death of a soldier by ...

getting a bus full of Palestinians and forcing them to drive across land mines - then photographed it, and forced villagers to bury the remains in a mass grave

PFLP have different strategy to Fatah - the former do...

high profile, international attacks (compared to guerilla attacks)

French had a fairground ride where you could

hit Abd al-Qadir on the head

colonial civic oder

idea that there is overlap between state and society, because the colonial state which is set up goes through extra constitutional methods to broker power and involve itself in people lives, creating a space of negotiation mainly for elites (who then form client networks). Term is useful because it emphasises fluidity, deemphasises rigid separation between state and society (Lebanon develop a word for the client relationship - za'im)

When the Khedive visited Paris to see the Exposition Univeselle in 1867, he found out he was staying

in the recreation of the medieval Cairo palace (aka as part of the exhibit!)

Druze leader, al-Atrash, accuses Fr. of crushing religion, speech and movement (grain trade to Haifa had been cut off) - sent letters across the country invoking

liberty, egality, fraternity

One French commander said he would punish anyone who brought back a

live prisoner

map of Muhammad 'Ali's territory in Egypt was


Algeria is always about x rather than realpolitik

masculinity and honour

Sanussi Enver Pasha saw Islam as useful

military tool

After the Suez Canal crisis, Nasser...

nationalises 55 more British and French assets - state becomes a major industrial partner

Succarie (2008) states that US diplomacy is trying to turn Middle Eastern youth into


Khayr al Din

not dissimilar to al-Tahtawi in that he's looking to use constitutionalism to secure autocracy, but having to deal w/ real problem of indebtedness. 1860 Const; debt management committee, then as PM changed admin, shari'a procedure (wanted codification so that Europeans would be forced to act under this), urban improvements, teaching at Zaytuna mosque, Gov. press, library, modern school. Fired due to foreign influence → Grand Vizier, where he deposed Isma'il Pasha. Not "territorial nationalism" - wants Ottoman recognition for Tunis Bey's sovereignty in return for securing dynasty (this why he has to resign '64). The Surest Path - analysis of strongest modern civilisations - economic/military strength coming from education and free political institutions. Anything NOT disallowed ok; comparison of modern w/ ancient, e.g. newspapers like 'ulama (again, similarities to Tahtawi)

'67 is the first time Arabs begin to use the...

oil advantage - better in '73, causes global economic slump

Berat and beratlis

patent which allows holders (beratlis) to enjoy some of the privileges of Ottoman legal system - expands beyond those who it was meant for, e.g. translators, to wealthy Christian merchant family.

CUP abolished x in Beirut

pro-labour regulations, which had allowed workers' strikes (and had been supported by Sultan personally during Hamidian rule)

Fr. remove aspects of x from Islamic law

property law

French women in Algeria seeking services of the x, had knowledge on abortifacients, infanticide, posions for wives (according to Adolfe Kocher, author of manual on Algerian medicine)


Saint-Simonion concept of modernity

rational reorganisation of society (where everyone has place along a hierarchy) led by intellectual elite

Dujayla Land Settlement 1945

restructuring rural families into self-sufficient units- part of the reason it doesn't work is because they're SO FAR AWAY FROM EACH OTHER - fearing unrest

Muhammad Ali (Egypt)

rises because of his Albanian army - army reforms coming from their increasing lack and his need for obedience, other reforms helping this army (e.g. foundry at Alexandria, arsenal, forced labour), medical schools - these proceeding along Fr. lines because these are the experts he has to hand; lack of fuel → Syrian expansion for wood; irrigation and canal projects to raise money (cotton); when money becomes scarce, goes back to tax-farming, expanding power of landowners who can keep better eye on peasants and prevent desertion. Sending students to France because he doesn't trust the Europeans he has employed. Founder of "modern Egypt" even though Turkish, trying to attract Turkish notables and prepared to sacrifice secession for dynastic guarantees

Sartre argues that Alleg's account

saves French shame

In 1906, Aleppo still has no

sea link by rail (impact of concessions)

Sadat undoes x

secularism - promotion of Islamist societies. Also union w/ US

Plan D

secure UN area w/ corridors between settlements, thus would involve capture and clearing of hostile elements (main reason for Exodus in Shalim, 2014); Morris - saying that it called for complete destruction of villages, then says this is 'implicitly, or explicitly, expulsion' - q. clearly explicit. Begins Apr/May 1948

Benny Morris believes that x drove transfer, rather than ideology

security (how does this fit with the nonaggression pacts that might be signed before massacre?)

Unveiling and Veiling by Nazira Zayn al-Din (1928)

she uses veil not necessarily as oppressive in and of itself, but symbolic of a wider oppression which (like the veil) is not part of authentic Islam (lots of preaching against this, class issues as well - she appeals to the FRENCH which doesn't help matters)

Advantages of BEING a local native agent were

social status ; protection (esp. useful for merchants, e.g. Resident intervened for an agent in Bahrain in 1834 before Treaty had even taken place, and this was ACCEPTED) ; lowered customs and access to British trade through treaties

Bureaux Arabes

spoke Arabic, good concept of local conditions compared to rural counterparts, favouring policies that would not disrupt local ways of life; influential under Napoleon III esp - do want economic transformation though, away from nomadic lifestyle (this is security risk) but not legal, this will waste limited resources (most influential on education but Amrouche shows the limits of this)

When tax-farming became too arduous in Jabal Druze, the people of 'Ammiyya appealed to

the Ottomans (successfully!) (1889)

Syria has military administration in x for the whole period

the desert

French poem said the defeat of Abd al-Qadir's capital in 1835 signalled

the reappearance of Napoleon (resurrection? that would be a sick point to bring McDougall and Sessions together)

Beltways around Damascus and Aleppo

to cut through orchards - prevent nationalists

'add women and stir'

type of history which makes sure to tell history of women

British and US consulates undo x in Iraq during mandate period, in line w/ the Monroe Doctrine

universal education for boys and girls

gender as 'category of historical analysis'

using gender to TRANSFORM our idea of history, e.g. Thompson on Syria, Surkis on law in Algeria, Pursley in Iraq

Dayan opposed fighting in Syria because would be

war of pure choice

During Palestinian revolt, Br. gave x to the Jews

weapons - wanted their help to put it down

Ali al-Wardi

writing about Khaldun (nomadic society vs cicil society) and the need for constant revolution against civil society/state because it would always tend towards corruption (rather than to reach perfect society) → b. 1913, likely formed by his experiences during this time (awarded honour of no. 1 student in kingdom of Iraq at school)

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