Midterm Early Childhood (2)

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in which state is an infant most likely to learn about the environment? a. alert inactivity b. walking activity c. drowsiness d. periodic sleep

a. alert inactivity

when should adults begin to converse with children? a. as soon as they are born b. between 4 and 18 months c. between 9 and 12 months d. between birth and two months

a. as soon as they are born

what is realistic expectation of peer relations in the first year of life? a. babies will show interest in each other and will initiate contact but prolonged play will result b. toys will increase the time that babies focus on each other c. infants are unable to interact with peers d. sharing of materials between infants is typical

a. babies will show interest in each other and will initiate contact but prolonged play will result

which of the following questions would contribute most to the relationship-building process? a. if you were building a house, what would it look like? b. what's your favorite color> c. don't you think it is time we got ready to go? d. how many ducks do you see? e. who knows where the dictionary goes?

a. if you were building a house, what would it look like?

after an infant begins to cry, an adult should pick the baby up: a. immediately b. once th bottle has been put on to war, c. after five to ten minutes, depending on the infant's age d. once the baby's face turns red

a. immediately

why should professionals refrain from using baby talk to children? a. it may confuse the meaning of the communication b. children won't understand the humor c. it is a sign of intimacy d. it denotes special request

a. it may confuse the meaning of the communication

what is not a known fact about attachment? a. it takes seven months to truly establish attachment behaviors between parent and child or caregiver and child b. attachment begins at birth c. children can attach to up to four caring sensitive adults d. attaching always occurs between mother and child but can also occur between father and child and caregiver and child

a. it takes seven months to truly establish attachment behaviors between parent and child or caregiver and child

which of the following statements is true? a. poor children are more inclined to have developmental delays, behavioral problems, and disciplinary problems than other children b. children in poverty have the same chance of succeeding as other children if they are in good schools c. it is a myth that children in poverty are more likely to experience adversity d. 75 % of all children in mother-only families fall below the poverty line

a. poor children are more inclined to have developmental delays, behavioral problems, and disciplinary problems than other children

daryn and Marco are both three years old. darn seems more coordinated than Marco, and Marco's speech is more advanced than daryl's. what principle of development does this represent? a. rates of development vary b. development has cumulative and delayed effects c. all areas of development are interrelated d. there are developmental tasks throughout life e. there are optimal periods of growth and development

a. rates of development vary

what does it mean when a nine month old shifts his body away from an adult to look at a truck/ a. the baby is focusing attention on the truck b. the baby is bored with the game being played c. the baby is tired d. the baby does not like the adult

a. the baby is focusing attention on the truck

which of the following is an example of social referencing? a. the infant sees a rabbit, looks at her mother, who is smiling, then smiles. b. a 12 month old imitates a sound an adult makes c. one 9 month old smiles at another child the same age d. a 7 month old cries when an unfamiliar adult approaches

a. the infant sees a rabbit, looks at her mother, who is smiling, then smiles

a child who has learned to hide her emotions is probably what age? a. upper elementary age b. toddler c. infant d. preschool or kindergarten age

a. upper elementary age

which of the following responses is not a necessary element of emotion? a. verbal response b. physical response c. cognitive response d. expressive response

a. verbal response

stressors include: a. repertoires of going mechanisms b. change, overload, uncertainty, and fear c. behaviors that result from overload d. energy reserves in times of crisis

b. change, overload, uncertainty, and fear

mr. worth, a respected physical therapist, has telephoned the child care center and asked for detailed observational materials about Danny, who has down syndrome. what should you do? a. simply return the call and provide the information b. determine whether the parents have given permission for you to share information with others and then telephone mr. wortham c.phone the parents and tell them to communicate with mr. wortham d. ignore the phone call

b. determine whether the parents have given permission for you to share information with others and then telephone mr. wortham

what is being discussed when we speak of temperamental differences in infants? a, differences in the observable display of expressions and feelings b. differences in the degree or intensity of emotional behavior and the timing and duration of the child's responses c. differences in the internal, private experiences of the child such as pleasure, contentment, pain or frustration d. differences in the mood of the child such as depression or inflation of the child at a moment in time

b. differences in the degree or intensity of emotional behavior and the timing and duration of the child's responses

Elizabeth is a predictable, friendly baby and adjusts in a few minutes when left with a caregiver, but cries when the vacuum is run. How would you describe her temperament? a. does not fit any group b. easy c. slow to warm up d. difficult

b. easy

marla is three years old. what cues will she rely on to help her figure out what someone else is feeling? a. the situation b. facial expressions c. her own feelings at the time d. memories of past feelings she has had e. words

b. facial expressions

what adult behaviors enable self regulation in very young children? a. keeping the changing table clean and the area orderly while diapering b. following the predictable routines c. telling them how to behave and what to do bit by bit during the day d. helping them to solve developmentally appropriate problems regularly

b. following the predictable routines

which of the following is not an example of an emblem? a. shaking the head b. moving the feet c. nodding the head d. handshaking e. waving the hand

b. moving the feet

mrs. zuckerman who had given a presentation to the pta, was uncomfortable when another adult approached her, stood a foot away, and spoke excitedly about the topic. what could have made her feel uneasy? a. lack of preparation for questions b. nearness of the other speaker c. threatening arm gestures d. excited speech

b. nearness of the other speaker

at what age do children begin to convey emotional content in their communication? a. eighteen months b. newborn c. six months d. one year

b. newborn

are there any situations in which using an affective reflection with a child would not be appropriate? a. yes, such as when a child asks a question b. no, using affective reflections with children is always appropriate c. yes, such as when a child expresses a negative emotion d. yes, such as when a child makes an abstract statement

b. no, using affective reflections with children is always appropriate

why is it important for professionals to understand the implicit rules for interpersonal space? a. there are cultural and subcultural rules for interpreting spatial differences b. people react with negative feelings and behavior when the space rules are violated, messages are considered increasingly remote and impersonal as the distance between the sender and receiver is increased and there are cultural and subcultural rules for interpreting spatial differences c. people react with negative feelings and behavior when the space rules are violated and messages are considered increasingly remote and impersonal as the distance between the sender and receiver is increased d. people react with negative feelings and behavior when the space rules are violated e. messages are considered increasingly remote and impersonal as the distance between sender and receiver is increased.

b. people react with negative feelings and behavior when the space rules are violated, messages are considered increasingly remote and impersonal as the distance between the sender and receiver is increased and there are cultural and subcultural rules for interpreting spatial differences

which of the following statements is not typical of touching behavior? a. friends and family touch each other more than other people b. people who are in subservient positions touch more c. touching behavior is influenced by gender d. playfulness can be conveyed by touch

b. people who are in subservient positions touch more

which of the following characteristics does not differentiate helping professionals from nonprofessionals? a. demonstrated competence b. salary and seniority c. specialized knowledge d. standards of practice

b. salary and seniority

select the appropriate behavior reflection for the following situation: selene shoveled the snow off the sidewalk in front of the building a. thanks, you did a good job b. selene, you removed all the snow c. why didn't you wait for the others to help you d. did you arrive early

b. selene, you removed all the snow

what Is the best choice for a parent who must leave a nine month old infant in someone else's care? a. sneak out when the baby isn't looking b. tell the child that you must go, offer a toy, then leave quickly c. cling to the baby and then ask a caregiver to take the baby d. start to go and com back if the baby cries

b. tell the child that you must go, offer a toy, then leave quickly

resilience is defined as a. going against natural tendencies to respond to adversity b. the capacity to rise above difficult circumstances c. special traits or unique advantages that exist in certain individuals d. inherent traits that serve as protective factors

b. the capacity to rise above difficult circumstances

which of the following teacher behaviors illustrates phase 4 of the social support pyramid? a. the teacher encourages Marcy to figure out her own to share crackers at snack b. the teacher convenes a support team consisting of herself, a speech pathologist, and Suzy's mom to discuss Suzy's difficulties communicating to others c. the teacher gives suzy step by step instructions for buttoning her coat d. the teacher offers marcy a choice of mashed potatoes or French fries at lunch e. the teacher provides a visual chart depicting the steps for proper hand washing near the sink in the children's bathroom

b. the teacher convenes a support team consisting of herself, a speech pathologist, and Suzy's mom to discuss Suzy's difficulties communicating to others

how do adults nonverbally convey their authority over children in an appropriate manner? a. by taking things away just to show them b. by threatening them c. by using a firm, steady voice, maintaining eye contact, and staying in close proximity d. by shouting at them

c. by using a firm, steady voice, maintaining eye contact, and staying in close proximity

which of the following would be the best strategy for helping a child develop self-regulation? a. quickly tell the child no when she misbehaves b. tell the child repeatedly that she needs to follow the rules c. consistently talk to the child about her actions d. ignore negative behavior until she outgrows it

c. consistently talk to the child about her actions

what would be the best strategy to support toddler social interactions and friendships? a. call children by name and sit nearby while they are playing b. set up opportunities for the same children to interact c. describe toddler behavior intentions and emotions aloud d. provide enough age appropriate toys

c. describe toddler behavior intentions and emotions aloud

what is the individuation process? a. independent actions b. getting along with others c. development of personal identity d. cooperation in a group

c. development of personal identity

in interpersonal space, which is the most distant from the person? a. internal space b. intermediate space c. distal space d. axial space e. proximal space

c. distal space

Alice who is 2 says to her mother "want cookie?. wha is her mother doing when she replies "you want a chocolate chip cookie?" a. reinforcing Alice's speech b. reinforcing Alice's speech and expanding Alice's original sentence c. expanding Alice's original sentence d. recasting Alice's original sentence

c. expanding Alice's original sentence

three year old Fernando is becoming very loud and is jumping around in the block area. you realize that he speaks and understands very little English. as you approach him, what is the best way to begin an interaction? a. call and gesture as you approach him from across the room b. put your hand lightly on his head and say his name c. get down to his eye level and establish eye contact d. put your arms completely around his shoulders from behind, to restrain him from jumping

c. get down to his eye level and establish eye contact

which of the following is a description of normal eye contact in western cultures? a. prolonged gazed at an older child b. avoiding eye contact with children of the opposite gender c. glancing away at the end of an utterance d. eye to eye gazing between acquaintances

c. glancing away at the end of an utterance

according to the research cited in your book, children who have strong social emotional skills also tend to display what other characteristics? a. greater wealth as adults, better job seeking skills b. greater academic motivation, fewer absences from school c. greater academic motivation, fewer absences from school, higher math achievement, higher reading scores d. higher math achievement, higher reading scores

c. greater academic motivation, fewer absences from school, higher math achievement, higher reading scores

which of the following questions Is open ended? a. what kind of bird is this b. are you a spartan fan c. how did you decide what color to make your care d. would you like someone to hit you like that

c. how did you decide what color to make your care

what is self esteem? a. a combination of competence and personal attributes b. the judgements people make of you c. how you assess your 'self' d.your personal description of yourself

c. how you assess your 'self'

generic risk factors includes: a. being an only child b. gender differences that remain unresolved after early childhood c. parental mental health or adjustment problems d. earthquakes, such as the one in haiti

c. parental mental health or adjustment problems

when an 18 month old ignores your request what should you do? a. take him gently by the arm and ensure he complies b. scold him and tell him in a loud voice that has to mind you c. repeat the request and show him what you want him to do d. nothing, if he is playing quietly

c. repeat the request and show him what you want him to do

which of the following is not an illustration of paralinguistics? a. saying 'uh oh' instead of 'no' b. dropping the voice at the end of the sentence c. scratching an itch d. sighting

c. scratching an itch

which of the following characteristics is not considered a function of temperament? a. distractibility b.sociability c. talent d. activity

c. talent

which of the following is not a step in formulating an affective reflection/ a. choosing one or more feeling words that fit the situation b. making a judgement about what the child might be feeling c. telling children that you know how they are feeling and that everything will be okay d. observing the child

c. telling children that you know how they are feeling and that everything will be okay

why is the goodness of fit between the caregiver and the infant or toddler an important dimension in the child's social development? a. adults find relationships satisfying b. children's behavior is better c. the pattern of interaction over time influences behavior d. babies are happier with active, intense adults

c. the pattern of interaction over time influences behavior

which of the following teacher behaviors illustrates phase 2 of the social support pyramid? a. the teacher convenes a support team consisting of herself, a speech pathologist, and suzy's mom to discuss suzy's difficulties communicating to others b. the teacher demonstrates how to feed the gerbil c. the teacher provides a visual chart depicting the steps for proper hand washing near the sink in the children's bathroom d. the teacher gives suzy step by step instructions for buttoning her coat

c. the teacher provides a visual chart depicting the steps for proper hand washing near the sink in the children's bathroom

children develop their predominant sense of self worth by the time they are eight year old. what principle of social development does the period from birth to eight years represent? a. development has cumulative and delayed effectss b. all areas of development are interrelated c. there are optimal periods of growth and development d. rates of development vary e. there are developmental tasks throughout life

c. there are optimal periods of growth and development

which of the following is a myth about how most children view their parents' divorce? a. they are unable to intellectualize the divorce b. being separated from a parent ranks higher as a stressor than seeing their parents divorce. c. they are probably just as relieved to see the end of a bad marriage as their parents d. loyalty bonds create stress

c. they are probably just as relieved to see the end of a bad marriage as their parents

why is sarcasm inappropriate for young children? a. they take the negative message seriously b. their sense of humor is undeveloped c. they consider it ridicule d. they are unable to detect discrepant messages

c. they consider it ridicule

how do professionals use nonverbal behavior in addressing families? a. they should maintain the most formal behavior with little expression when giving family members information b. adults do not pay much attention to nonverbal behavior so it does not matter c. they convey warmth and acceptance the same way that they do with children d. professionals should approach family members meekly and speak softly, with lowered eyes

c. they convey warmth and acceptance the same way that they do with children

the most damaging thing about children living in abusive homes is that: a. they become overly compliant with adults b. they are more likely to drop out of school c. they learn that abusive behavior is the way to solve problems d. they are more likely to develop risky behavior

c. they learn that abusive behavior is the way to solve problems

when an adult attends to the nonverbal message of the child, understands the feelings expressed and communicates similar feelings back to the child, that adult is demonstrating; a. respect b. warmth c. authority d. empathy

d. empathy

when a young infant is overstimulated, what behavior would you be likely to see? a. short glances away b. sober expression with face to face gazing c. laughter d. head lowered or body limp

d. head lowered or body limp

which of the following elements is not a key component in the creation of all emotions? a. internal signal to the brain b. cognitive interpretation c. expressive reaction d. moral judgement e. physical response

d. moral judgement

what experience is most important in fostering a sense of initiative? a. delay of gratification b. access to good physical care c. opportunities to make choices d. opportunities to put plans and ideas into action e. praise for a job well done

d. opportunities to put plans and ideas into action

what is the first strategy for soothing an infant? a. wrapping an infant in a blanket b. putting a ticking clock in the crib c. talking or singing to the infant d. picking the baby up immediately

d. picking the baby up immediately

what is the first phase of the social support pyramid? a. intensive individualized interventions b. supportive environments c. teaching and coaching d. positive relationships

d. positive relationships

human-created social traumas that stress children include; a. anxiety and unpredictability b. lack of impulse control c. cartoons on tv d. rape, robbery, and assault in neighborhoods

d. rape, robbery, and assault in neighborhoods

what does recasting involve? a. extending the meaning of the child's sentence to include new ideas the child might wish to add b. changing questions into reflections c. adding connecting words to children's noun-verb phrases d. rephrasing the child's sentence using a different grammatical structure

d. rephrasing the child's sentence using a different grammatical structure

when mrs. glee went to miranda, squatted down to look into her eyes, and invited her to read a story, what relationship building strategies was she consciously using? a. reasonableness b. gentleness c. empathy d. respect

d. respect

which of the following combinations of characteristics describes a socially competent person in our society/ a. hostile, aimless, impulsive, b. intelligent, polite, wealthy c. good looking, religious, upwardly mobile d. responsible, cooperative, self-controlled

d. responsible, cooperative, self-controlled

which of the following behaviors is lEAST effective in conveying warmth to a child? a. maintaining frequent eye contact with the child while playing with her b.keeping your head on the same level as the child c. facing the child directly when talking to her d. saying 'I like you' e. smiling the child

d. saying 'I like you'

which of the following strategies is an example of emotional regulation? a. naming other people's emotions b. sooting another person c. both b and c d. seeking comfort

d. seeking comfort

two year old Ben insists on bringing in a large, heavy package from the porch all by himself. ben's sister taunts him, saying 'you're too little to carry that. baby, baby, baby.' her actions might contribute to ben's sense of what? a. initiative b. mistrust c. autonomy d. shame and doubt e. trust

d. shame and doubt

which of the following statements is true about social learning? a. social learning is mostly a result of age b. social learning happens at an even pace throughout childhood c. most six year olds can't share d. some aspects of social learning become evident only after numerous experiences

d. some aspects of social learning become evident only after numerous experiences

which of the following behaviors is the most accepting of an approaching child? a. the adult finds something else to do behind him or her b. the adult rotates his or her body slightly away from the child c. the adult glances at the child and looks away d. the adult opens the arms toward the child

d. the adult opens the arms toward the child

fundamental adaptive coping systems are: a. internal coping mechanisms that children develop during early and middle childhood b. coping structures that teachers create for children c. health clinics, physiological organizations and mental hospitals d. the ecological systems that surround children; family, peer groups, schools, communities, and societies

d. the ecological systems that surround children; family, peer groups, schools, communities, and societies

the most important factor in predicting whether a child will recover from risk factors is; a. the extent of the child's poverty b. the child's intelligence c. whether or not the parents are divorced d. the number of risk factors

d. the number of risk factors

which statement is inaccurate regarding peer interaction in the first two years of life? a. toys bring babies together but may also distract them from social interaction b. play episodes in young toddlers are short and full vocalizations and irritations c. experience with age mates enables babies and toddlers to engage more successfully d. toddlers are not capable of forming friendships

d. toddlers are not capable of forming friendships

which of the following is the best strategy for establishing a positive relationship with infant and toddlers? a. being genuinely honest and sincere with their parents b. respecting the culture of the children and their families c. using warm, kind, spontaneous touches d. using warmth, respect, empathy, genuineness, and acceptance

d. using warmth, respect, empathy, genuineness, and acceptance

in which situation would a child feel most important? a. when the adult tells the child to wait a minute and then takes 30 minutes b. when the adult promises to share an activity with a child and forgets it c. when the adult admonishes him to hurry up and get his coat on d. when the adult takes the time to watch the child play

d. when the adult takes the time to watch the child play

why is nonverbal communication ambiguous in meaning? a. too much is occurring in an interaction to understand it all b. no dictionaries for nonverbal communication exist c. some people are not truthful d. with nonverbal communication, contradictory meanings can be conveyed simultaneously

d. with nonverbal communication, contradictory meanings can be conveyed simultaneously

select the appropriate behavior reflection for the following situation; Hal is watering the plants on the windowsill. a. do you have enough water to do them all? b. that looks like fun c. I like the way you're water each plant, one at a time d. you're making sure the plants get a drink e. you're being very careful, right?

d. you're making sure the plants get a drink

If adults avoid talking to children about their negative emotions, these emotions occur less frequently.


Ramone says "I walk to the center. I have a dog named Duke." these statements relate to Ramone's self esteem.


When parents' behavior is difficult or critical, it is better to hold off on telling them that their child is manifesting stress in the classroom and to deal with it internally.


a person in group who is not speaking is not communicating


a shrill scream instills confidence in the listener in an emergency situation


adults can predict how long it will take for children to learn basic social skills, such as how to share or how to resist temptation


adults should bite toddlers who bite their peers


adults should never ask children questions


all children learn social skills in exactly the same way


answering text messages while feeding a four month old is perfectly okay as long as there is no problem with the older children


babies' vocalizations are unaffected by adult speech


baby talk is used by young children for about five years


by the time a child is 10 years old, negative behavior patterns are so entrenched that they cannot be changed


by their third year, most children have developed an overall estimation of self worth that remains relatively stable from then on


children are supposed to show respect to adults, not the other way around


children under six cannot detect insincerity


children who demonstrate patterns of resilience are alike and they have the capacity to be resilient in every circumstance


children who do not speak English at home should be required to speak English only in early childhood programs to increase the speed at which they learn the language


children's sense of self is a combination of the social and emotional selves.


children's social competence is measured primarily by how well they have learned to say "please' and "thank you"


correcting children's grammar by having them repeat an inappropriate phrase improves their language usage


developmentally appropriate practice is determined primarily by the age of the children


differentiating one's expectations based on children's abilities is an example of culturally appropriate practice


families are no longer as important to children as they once were


first and second graders often identify their emotions as "mixed" such as being happy and sad at the same time


given enough time, all children will eventually become socially competent.


harsh treatment by adults relates to low self esteem in children but adult indifference has a neutral effect


ideally, infants and toddlers should develop a complete sense of trust in their world


ignoring newborns trains them not to cry.


in a positive verbal environment, adults do most of the talking


infants develop the capacity for social interaction after the first year


negative emotions serve no useful purpose


nonverbal behaviors have the same meaning for persons of English, spanish, and Chinese backgrounds


paralinguistics is the study of word meaning


people are born with all the emotions they will ever have


people in lower social positions gesture less than people of higher social status


pride is a primary emotion


sally begins to cry when her balloon pops. her caregiver says in a gentle tons "let's see you smile. no more tears." the caregiver is effectively supporting Sally's emotional development.


self concept forms the foundation for self-esteem and self-awareness


shared narratives are self-stories children write in their journals


shouting to children to be quiet is an effective way to achieve their cooperation


social competence is exactly the same from one culture to the next


some children are simply invulnerable to stress and trauma


teachers who talk with divorcing parents about explaining to children that they played no part in the transition are going beyond their role as a teacher


teaching a child how to make friends is an example of phase 1 of the social support pyramid


the difference between performance and competence is a measure of intelligence


the following question is open ended "is chocolate your favorite flavor?


the major difference between helping professionals and laypersons is in the amount of salary they receive


when parents begin talking about their own stresses, it helps to return the conversation to the child's experiences so that the conversation does not get off track


when working with parents as partners, teachers should provide sound advice and expect parents to respond to it well


word selection is a channel of nonverbal communication


behavior and paraphrase reflections are strategies used in a positive verbal environment


behavior reflections influence children's learning of language


between 9 and 15 months, babies develop the ability to deliberately initiate communication to influence the behavior of their caregivers


carol expresses her excitement over her first train ride by continually jumping out of her seat. an appropriate affective reflection would be "you're excited"


children get better at decoding non verbal messages as they get older


children prefer a parent or special caregiver to care for them when they vomit


children who are socially competent also tend to do better academically


children who lack confidence in their ability to control their world or themselves suffer from feelings of shame and doubt.


children with parents or grandparents who have been exposed to war or social violence are more vulnerable to stress


children's self-judgements are based on their interactions with significant others.


children's social development cannot be separated from cognitive and physical development


crying is done for the purpose of communicating a need and drawing an adult near for assistance


intensity and extremes in the volume of the voice are indicators of strong feelings


one risk factor does not necessarily challenge normal homeostasis or the ability of a child to return to good functioning


parental divorce has been cited as the single largest cause of childhood depression


prompt responses to infant signals help infants learn the association between their own behavior and the adult's


self esteem includes negative as well as positive evaluations of self


self-esteem and self-worth come from feeling that we are valued by and valuable to other people


social competence is so important that it has become part of the formal learning standards for Head Start and many preprimary programs in the US


social learning happens slowly over time


teaching a child how to offer help to another child is an example of phase 3 of social support pyramid


temperament characteristics remain stable over Time, but are described differently in later childhood and adulthood


temperamental differences are thought to be biologically based


the cough may be used to clear the throat or to indicate that the speaker is lying


the earliest vocabulary may not be real words


the message of caring or liking is conveyed most strongly by nonverbal channels


the number of emotions children experience increase with age


the verbal environment consists of both talk and silence


to convey warmth, your voice should be at your normal pitch, speed, and volume and be relaxed and melodious.


touching is more likely to occur in less formal situations


when you make a judgement about what you are feeling, you are engaged in the cognitive element of emotion


you need to consider how well you know a person and the time and place in which you are operating in order to determine what behaviors would be considered polite or impolite


young children believe nonverbal messages over words


adults who are inattentive or focused on other matters are not empathetic to a child who is talking to them


deficits in executive function have been found to be strongly correlated with autism and asperger's Syndrome


how well a child knows someone affects the child's ability to assess what that person is feeling


individuation and socialization are closely linked processes that happen together


infants whose caregivers are the most responsive in the first six months cry the least later


when the teacher gives Carmen a verbal script for expressing her emotions, the teacher is operating within Phase 2 of the Social Support Pyramid


skills of an early childhood educator can be applied to babies with special needs in day to day interactions


"feelings" and "emotions' are words that mean the same thing


Adults should finish sentences for four year old who hesitate or pause frequently.


Babies begin to learn the patterns of social engagement at the same time they learn to speak


Phase 4 of the social support pyramid is applicable to all children


families who share the same cultural background are pretty much the same


qualities defined as socially competent in one culture will be considered competent in other cultures as well


your personal moral standards will be sufficient to guide your work as a helping professional


your textbook supports the idea that people who have worked with children for years have little need for formal training


adaptive systems are the different physical and cultural systems in which children develop over time


adults should not expect children to answer their reflections


why do children tend to push and shove in a crown? a. their parents have not taught them good manners b. their personal space is being violated c. children are normally unruly. if unsupervised d. people have shoved them on other occasions

b. their personal space is being violated

which of the following statements is true about the role of culture in social learning? a. adults in the culture pass along their ideas of what constitutes social competence b. behaviors that define social competence are the same across all cultures c. culture is determined by geography d. culture is all about having a common language

a. adults in the culture pass along their ideas of what constitutes social competence

prior to snack time, Brian spent several minutes cleaning up the art table. the best form of praise would be 'you worked hard' followed by which of these sentences? a. you're a great cleaner upper b. I'm pleased you put away all the paper and crayons. now this table is ready for snack c. I appreciate you're being such a good helper d. thank you e. it makes me feel good when you are so nice

b. I'm pleased you put away all the paper and crayons. now this table is ready for snack

which of the following phrases is nonjudgemental? a. Tod hit Mary spitefully b. Tod hit Mary with clenched fists. c. Tod and mary do not like each other d. Tod was really mean to Mary today

b. Tod hit Mary with clenched fists.

high emotional IQ is associate with which of the following outcomes? a. better chance for a well paying job b. a and b c. the ability to manage emotions d. b and c e. the ability to recognize what others are feeling

b. a and b

what should you do if you give an inaccurate affective reflection? a. smile and walk away b. accept the child's correction so that the child knows you misunderstood c. tell the child that he or she is wrong d. pretend your response was correct and go on with the conversation

b. accept the child's correction so that the child knows you misunderstood

which of the following diseases affects as many as 4.8 million children in the US? a. sickle cell anemia b. asthma c. diabetes d. rheumatoid arthritis

b. asthma

why should infants be allowed to explore the environment when they are able to do so? a. so that caregivers have an opportunity to pay attention to other infants b. because it contributes to the development of self-control and learning c. so that caregivers can clean the environment d. because it provides for physical exercise

b. because it contributes to the development of self-control and learning

which of the following is true about young children who care for themselves before and after school? a. they become more independent with respect to homework b. they are less socially competent and obtain lower scores on achievement tests c. they are more resilient than other children the same age d. they are more likely to develop stress-coping mechanisms

b. they are less socially competent and obtain lower scores on achievement tests

what is the function of metacommunication? a.to convey strong emotions b. to communicate about the message c. to announce something important d. to create gestures that can be translated into words

b. to communicate about the message

Samantha shared her popcorn with Amanda. the most appropriate response to promote self esteem would be; a. "everyone is really working hard at sharing today. way to go" b. "you were so sweet, Samantha" c. "you noticed Amanda needed some popcorn too, thank you" d. "thanks for sharing, that is very kind"

c. "you noticed Amanda needed some popcorn too, thank you"

a child who describes herself in the following terms is probably what age? 'I am a girl. I have black hair. I have a cat named mittens." a. 9 years b. 12 years c. 3 years d. 14 months

c. 3 years

how old are children when they first begin to manifest stress in reaction to the death of a significant other? a. 2 years b. 18 months c. 3 years d. 7 months

c. 3 years

what is the meaning of touch? a. hostility or hurt b. affection or love c. affection or love and hostility or hurt d. emotionally neutral

c. affection or love and hostility or hurt

what is the second primary emotion to appear? a. sadness b. fear c. anger d. joy e. disgust

c. anger

what are the components of the trio of self esteem? a. control, trust, empathy b. competence, empathy, and self reflection c. control, competence, worth d. control, competence, awareness e. competence, pride, worth

c. control, competence, worth

why is it important to communicate with family members or other adults important to children's lives? a. to share school expectations and approaches with the adults b. to inform the adults about how to help their child be successful at school c. to gain a more complete understanding of each child and his or her social context d. to recruit classroom volunteers

c. to gain a more complete understanding of each child and his or her social context

select an appropriate paraphrase reflection for the following situation: child 'look teacher I painted everything the same color.' a. I like the way you used all the purple b. you must be please c. you painted your whole picture purple d. good for you e. tell me about your painting

c. you painted your whole picture purple

which of the following phrases illustrates the concept of verbal expansion? child says 'me want cookie'. the adult says; a. you are eating a chocolate chip cookie with marshmallow between the layers b. that cookie looks good c. you want another cookie d. you like cookies, don't you.

c. you want another cookie

how many children are estimated to live in poverty or extreme poverty in the US? a. approximately 500,000 b. over 40 million c. number cannot be determined d. 17 million

d. 17 million

a child who judges himself to be good at games but a poor singer is probably at what age? a. 4 years b. 2 years c. 5 years d. 8 years

d. 8 years

which of the following defines "risk"? a. the development of adjustment problems b. protective factors that buffer adversity c. behaviors that result from adversity d. an elated possibility of an undesirable outcome

d. an elated possibility of an undesirable outcome

two year old ben insists on bringing in a large, heavy package from the porch all by himself. his actions illustrate which of the following emotional tasks? a. shame and doubt b. initiative c. mistrust d. autonomy e. trust

d. autonomy

in which state does an infant move vigorously and clench his or her fists? a. regular sleep b.irregular sleep c. waking activity d. crying

d. crying

which voice characteristics are you likely to hear when someone is very embarrassed? a. a gravelly tone with soft volume b. an intense soft voice c. shrill, loud tone d. firm, even tone e. a modest volume dwindling to a whisper

e. a modest volume dwindling to a whisper

what is your internalized description of self? a. self worth b. social mirror c. categorical self d. self esteem e. self concept

e. self concept

select the appropriate paraphrase reflection for the following situation. child "look teacher I can button my coat." a. I'll have to tell your mom about that. she'll be so proud. b. you should be so proud c. great. that's quite an accomplishment d. now you're ready to go outside. e. you did all the buttons yourself

e. you did all the buttons yourself

Behavior reflections are best reserved for use with school age children.


Children who are more independent at age 2 are more likely to report fewer stressful life events at age 10.


Conditions in the womb can affect an individual even into adulthood.


Preferred objects are used by infants in their attempts at self-regulation


The first eight years of life are an optimal period for the development of self-esteem.


a self identity is formed within the social context of human relationships that begins in infancy


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