MIS 2201 Exam 1 Review Sheet

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What is information? Why is it subjective?

What is conveyed or represented by particular arrangement or sequence of things

Different kinds of communication media and their speeds

Wireless: uses Wi-Fi Wired: twisted pair, coaxial, fiber optics

Why is the software business so profitable?

You have to constantly get software updates, pay to use the services, software is needed to do most things on the computer

How the computer works

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Why are image and audio files so large?

Pixels are dots of color or picture elements It measures area and resolution GIF and JPG compress files to make smaller

How do organizations use the cloud? What is SaaS? PaaS?

Platform as a Service: IDE (integrated development environment) Software as a Service: either free or pay subscription, Google Drive Three levels of cloud: SaaS PaaS IaaS

Source code vs. object (machine) code

Source code is human readable, it translates to machine code (source code complied into instructions executed directly by CPU), then translates to software

What is the concept of total cost of ownership of technology?

TCO includes Programming language, programmer staff to build software, cost of training people to use it, cost of maintain, cost of auditing, perform quality assurance costs

What is a VPN?

A virtual private network extends a private network across a public network, and enables users to send and receive data across shared or public networks as if their computing devices were directly connected to the private network.

1. Basic computer architecture - CPU, primary memory, secondary memory, cache, RAM, bus, 32-bit vs. 64-bit, expansion ports etc.

CPU: measured in hertz, 32-bit vs 64-bit (access more RAM, utilize more than 4 GB of memory RAM: main memory, primary memory, can be sensed and changed ROM: primary memory, can be read but not erased or overwritten Secondary memory: external and permanent, floppy disks, magnetic (hard) disk, optical disks

Part of the computer (CPU, motherboard, removable circuit boards, cards, USB drives, etc.)

CPU: works in conjunction with RAM, brain of computer, reads data and instructions from memory, and stores results of computation in memory, loading and processing programs Motherboard: holds CPU, RAM, OS Removable circuit board: USB drives: RAM: operating system on optical disk, data and applications on magnetic disk Storage devices: non-volatile = magnetic (hard) disks, SSD, thumb drive, optical disk (CD/DVD); volatile = cache and main memory

What differentiates a client computer from a server computer? Why can't your laptop be used as a server computer?

Client computers request data and server computers

Basic networking, Internet as a WAN

Internet is collection of WANs (Wide area network)

Different switching methods and how they work (circuit switching and packet switching)

-Circuit: limited number -Packet: decompose messages into set of packets, caller A can send different packets through different circuits, another caller can make a call to someone who is already in a call

Different types of apps. Popular business apps? Spreadsheets (Office productivity software-packaged or off-the-shelf vs. customized, in-house developed software)

-Horizontal app (off-the-shelf), vertical app (off-the-shelf, off-the-shelf then customized), one-of-a kind app (custom-developed) -Businesses use Windows

What is a URL? What is HTML?

-Hypertext markup language used to build webpages and tag text files -Uniform resource locator: specifies website's location on network

Difference between information technology and information system

-IT is tools, abilities, and techniques used to collect, store, process, and dissimulate info to right person at the right time -MIS is interrelated components that interact with each other in order to achieve specific goals

Differentiate between data and information. What attributes of information (accuracy, timeliness, relevance, etc.) makes some information better than others

-Info is what is conveyed or represented by particular arrangement of sequence of things or data -Data is characters on which computer performs operations, stored and transmitted in from electrical signals

1. What is MIS? Define an Information System and describe its components

-Interrelated components that interact with each other in order to achieve specific goals -Components: hardware, software, network, people, database -Asses and evaluate business problems and suggest solutions to help company achieve goals

Examples of famous open source operating system software running on mainframes and mid-range computers (Unix, Linux)

-Linux runs on mainframe LibreOffice, Firefox, MySQL, Apache, Ubuntu, -Android, Hadoop are examples -Mid-range computers are mini computers

What is the difference between native and web applications (thin clients)? What are the advantages and disadvantages of web applications?

-Native is download and installed onto computer, requires high level of difficulty to operate, developed by computer programmers, C ++, Java, high cost, run on OS and device Web is html5, Javascript, difficult to easy to operate, some limits prohibit sophisticated applications, easier to work by lesser paid employees, -Thin clients are cheaper to develop and maintain -Which one you pick depends on strategy and goals, application requirements, budget, schedule, need for application revenue, tolerance managing technical projects

Private and public IP addresses. Who controls the IP addresses and how are they distributed?

-Public IP address: allow you to be connected to other networks and devices using internet network, internet protocol address for your device that is registered and used over the internet, can be located via google -Private IP address: located in settings, used within local network

What is the cloud? Why is the cloud architecture preferred to in-house hosting? What do we mean by elastic and pooled resources?

-Software as a Service: example is MindTap, accessed via internet or cloud architecture -In-house hosting: developing information system and application systems inside the company -Choose cloud because it's cheaper, don't need to worry about maintenance -Disadvantages: security, data loss problems, won't own tools -Change in costs of hardware/software resources; elastic means that company will only pay for resources used by the company (other factors include other programming languages)

What are the different types of software? Systems software (including operating systems) application software, development software (programming languages)

-Software is various kinds of instructions used to operate computers and related hardware devices -System software: programs control computer resources; OS = Windows, Mac OS, Linux Unix, iOS, Android, Symbian

1. Searching using search criteria. What is a wildcard search? What is a Boolean search?

-Wildcard search is using * to make it clear you're searching for file extension -Boolean searches use AND (include both words), OR (this word or that word), NOT, ( ) (phrase in either order), " "(exact phrase)

How do computers represent information? How does the monitor represent information?

1) CPU transfers data from storage disk to RAM 2) CPU moves program or instructions from RAM to CPU via data channel/bus 3) We input commands/instructions and it outputs via monitor or printer

History of computers and IT. First programmer.

1822, Charles Babbage, mechanical computer 1938, Konrad Zuse, programmable computer 1944, Howard Aiken, electromechanical

What is the goal of the information system in an organization?

Assess and evaluate business problems and suggest solutions to help company achieve goals

Name of the first electronic airline reservation system

By American Airlines in 1946; system used to store and retrieve information and conduct transactions related to air fare, hotel, car rental

How each of the computer component specifications are described (Megahertz vs. megabytes, Gigahertz vs. gigabytes, terabytes)

Byte - kilo - mega - giga - tera - peta -exa - zetta (1024) Byte = number of bits represent character Disk capacity specified by bytes and CPU speed expressed in cycles called hertz

What does the DNS do?

Domain name system is to convert user-friendly names into their IP addresses to be transferred or received over internet

What do business professional need to know about software?

Firmware: software installed on ROM, as if program logic is designed into device's circuity

Why are mobile devices so important? What are some key components (5 components of the IS) of mobile devices?

Hardware, software, database, network, people

What does open source mean? What are examples of "hidden costs" of open source software?

Hidden costs can be support and operational costs, dependence on internet and vendor OSS is available to public, free, get source code to modify

What does the HTTP protocol do?

Hypertext transfer protocol; set of rules that govern sending and receiving messages over communication network or see webpages readable to us URLs- uniform resource locator, address, includes protocol; includes domain name ftp- file transfer protocol, allow you to access server and retrieve files from network

Describe the three-tier network

Three-tier network: client, data server, database, application server; client sends request to application server over internet, application server contacts data server in order to access database, then data server gives info back to application server and then back to client; service-oriented architecture- middleware (1 type of system software)

What is the Internet of Things (IoT)? How can the IoT and other technological forces like smart devices disrupt traditional businesses?

IoT (everyday objects embedded with hardware capable sensing, processing, and transmitting data), digital reality devices (augmented, mixed, virtual), self-driving cars, 3D printing Objects share data via network Increases efficiencies, reduce waste, improve decision making Revolutionize daily life, new types of companies, disrupt status quo,

Know how to do Binary to Decimal and vice versa

Know how to do Binary to Decimal and vice versa

What is a computer network and how many kinds are there? How does an Intranet differ from the Internet?

LAN, PAN, WAN -Link of devices so data and info can be shared -Internet: network of the networks, collection of wide area networks (WANs) -Intranet: secure network that is accessible within 1 kilometer of the organization, LAN

Different kinds of communication processors and what they are used for

Modem: Multiplexers: send voice over IP, send emails and messages and make calls at same time Hub: send message to many people Switch: send message to specific person Router: send message or be connected to someone outside network

Examples of popular programming languages (HTML, Javascript, C/C++, Java, Python, C#, Visual Basic).

Native: C/C++, Java, Swift, C# Web: Javascript, css3, html5

What does Moore's Law state?

Number of transistors on integrated circuit doubles every two years Price of computers are dropping but performance is increasing

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