Mississippi Law Practice Q's

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RX Care Pharmacy wants to transfer 30 tablets of Oxycontin 10mg to High Yield Care Pharmacy. The correct way to do this transfer is: a. By filling a DEA 222 order form. b. By taking verbal authorization and all necessary information from the pharmacist where Oxycontin is being transferred. c. It cannot be transferred between pharmacies. d. The High Yield Care pharmacy shall order directly from the wholesale distributor.

Answer: (a) A only. Controlled substances in Schedules I and II shall be distributed by a registrant to another registrant only pursuant to a DEA 222 order form. Oxycontin is a schedule II controlled drug. It can only be transferred between pharmacies by filling a DEA 222 order form.

A 54-year-old patient comes to the pharmacy and presents a prescription for Ambien written by his podiatrist. A pharmacist shall: a. not fill the prescription. b. fill the prescription. c. ask the patient to get a new prescription from an authorized prescriber. d. fill Ambien only after filling out the DEA 222 order form.

Answer: (a) A pharmacist shall not fill the prescription, [Mississippi Pharmacy Regulations Article: XII Section:(1)]. For a controlled substance prescription drug order to be legal, it must be issued for a legitimate medical purpose by an authorized individual practitioner acting in the usual course of his or her professional practice. The responsibility for the proper prescribing of controlled substances is upon the prescribing practitioner, but the pharmacist is responsible for the proper filling of the prescription drug order. A registered physician, dentist, veterinarian, or podiatrist authorized by this state to prescribe controlled substances can issue a prescription for controlled substances only in the usual course of his or her professional practice. Therefore, a pharmacist shall question the prescription for sleeping pill (Ambien) prescribed by a registered podiatrist.

A pharmacist has substituted generic Ciprofloxacin (Mfg: Ranbaxy) for the prescribed brand name Cipro (Mfg: Bayer). Which of the following shall be placed on dispensing label? a. Ciprofloxacin, (Ranbaxy) - Substituted for Cipro b. Ciprofloxacin, Cipro (Ranbaxy) c. Ciprofloxacin, (a generic for Cipro) d. Cipro (Bayer), Ciprofloxacin (Ranbaxy)

Answer: (a) Ciprofloxacin, (Ranbaxy) - Substituted for Cipro OR G. E. Ciprofloxacin, (Ranbaxy)**, [Mississippi Pharmacy Regulations Article: X Section:(4),(5) ].4. Unless the prescriber indicates that the name of the drug product shall not appear on the label of the dispensed medication container, the pharmacist, having made product selection of a drug, shall place on the label of the finished dispensed container one of the following: A. The proprietary name of the generic product dispensed;or B. The generic name of the product dispensed and the name of the manufacturer or repackager, either written in full or appropriately abbreviated.5. In addition to the labeling described in A. and B. of the previous paragraph, the pharmacist may add a statement such as "Substituted for _________" and add to this statement the brand name of the prescribed drug product.**Mississippi Pharmacy Acts 73-21-119(2):Whenever product selection is made, the pharmacist shall indicate on the label of the dispensed container the initials "G.E." or "I.B.," as appropriate.The label for generic equivalent drugs shall include the proprietary name of the product dispensed or the generic name of the product dispensed and its manufacturer either written in full or appropriately abbreviated, unless the prescriber indicates that the name of the drug product shall not appear on the label.The label for interchangeable biological products shall include its nonproprietary name designated by the federal Food and Drug Administration for use and the name of the manufacturer of the product.

In Mississippi, the inventory of controlled substances should be done every: a) year b) two years c) three years d) five years

Answer: (a) Every year, [Mississippi Pharmacy Regulations Article: XXV Section: (1)-to-(3)].1. Every facility permitted by the Mississippi Board of Pharmacy shall take an annual inventory of all controlled substances on hand on or about May 1 but no later than May 15, or at such a time as to be in compliance with the inventory requirements of the Federal Drug Enforcement Administration. This inventory shall be maintained with the other controlled substance records of the facility. 2. If a facility has a loss of controlled substances, a complete inventory of all remaining controlled substances shall be made within forty-eight (48) hours of discovery of the loss of controlled substances. This inventory shall be dated and signed by the pharmacist-in-charge. 3. Any loss of controlled substances shall be reported to the Mississippi Board of Pharmacy within forty-eight (48) hours of discovery and a written report made to the Mississippi Board of Pharmacy within fifteen (15) days. 4. When a facility has a change in ownership or a change in pharmacist-in-charge, or is permanently closed, a complete inventory shall be made of all controlled substances at the time of the change. 5. A copy of this inventory shall be kept with other records of controlled substances in the facility and a copy shall be sent to the office of the Board of Pharmacy. 6. When a facility is permanently closed, the pharmacist-in-charge shall notify the Board in writing within fifteen (15) days by what means and as to whom controlled substances were transferred or disposed of.

Which of the following is/are NOT TRUE about dispensing Schedule V OTC controlled drugs? I. The purchaser should be at least 21 years of age. II. Dispensing should ONLY be done by a registered pharmacist. III. A record of dispensing must be entered in a Schedule V bound book. a. I only b. I and II only c. II and III only d. All

Answer: (a) I is not true, [Mississippi Pharmacy Regulations Article: XVIII Section:(2)]. A controlled substance in Schedule V which is not a prescription drug may be dispensed pursuant to a valid prescription or it may be dispensed without a prescription provided that: A. The substance is dispensed by a pharmacist. The pharmacist shall be responsible for the record keeping of the dispensing. B. No more than 120cc (4 ounces) is dispensed to the same purchaser or for the same person in any given 72 hour period. C. No more than two (2) sales in any seven (7) day period and no more than three (3) sales in any thirty (30) day period of any non-prescription controlled substance is made to the same purchaser or made for the same person. Additional sales shall be by prescription only. D. The substance is dispensed bearing a label which contains the expiration date and any other information needed by the consumer for the safe and effective use of the substance. E. The substance is dispensed for a bona fide medical need and the purchaser furnishes information to the pharmacist which establishes a bona fide need for the controlled substance. F. The purchaser furnishes to the pharmacist identification which shall include the purchaser's name, address, and date of birth. The purchaser must be at least eighteen (18) years of age. G. A bound record book is maintained which contains the name and address of the purchaser, name and quantity of controlled substances sold, date of each sale, initials of the dispensing pharmacist, and the legible signature of the purchaser. This book shall be maintained for a period of two (2) years from the date of the last transaction and must be made available for inspection and copying by agents of the Mississippi Board of Pharmacy.

Who may transfer the prescription for non-controlled substances? I. a licensed pharmacist II. a licensed pharmacy-intern III. a certified pharmacy technician a. I only b. I and II only c. II and III only d. All

Answer: (a) I only, [MS BReg 30-20-3001:XV(1)].Prescriptions for drugs which are controlled substances as defined by the Mississippi Uniform Controlled Substances Law shall not be transferred. Prescriptions for noncontrolled drugs may be transferred orally by telephone or electronically (to include facsimile) by PHARMACISTS between pharmacies for the purpose of refill dispensing.

Which of the following is/are approved pharmacy continuing education hours provider(s)? I. ACPE II. CME Category IIII. CME Category II a. I only b. I and II only c. II and III only d. All

Answer: (a) I only, [Mississippi Pharmacy Regulations Article: IV Section:(4)].In Mississippi, one 1.5 continuing education unit shall consist of 15 clock hours of study or other activity and shall include either of the following: A. Programs, which have been approved by the American Council on Pharmaceutical Education (A.C.P.E.); B. Programs, which have been approved by the Mississippi Board of Pharmacy prior to presentation.

A pharmacy owned and operated by Mississippi state should be classified as a: a. Limited closed door pharmacy b. Institutional pharmacy c. Community pharmacy d. Elite-residential pharmacy

Answer: (a) Limited closed door pharmacy, [Mississippi Pharmacy Regulations Article: VI Section:(2)(c)]. 1. A pharmacy owned and operated by Mississippi state should be classified as a limited closed door pharmacy. Limited closed door pharmacy shall mean any place where pharmacy services are provided and where preferentially priced prescription drugs are purchased for the pharmacy's own use to dispense only to their own patients. 2. These pharmacies are not accessible to the general public and may or may not provide full-time pharmacy services. 3. Limited closed door pharmacies may include, but are not limited to, pharmacies owned by any city, county or state government and federally, state or privately funded nonprofit community health clinics.

Which of the following requires a DEA 222 form for purchase? a. Peyote b. Pemoline c. Zolpidem d. Clonazepam

Answer: (a) Peyote is classified as Schedule I controlled drug, [21CFR1308.11]. Schedule I and II controlled drugs require a DEA 222 order form for purchase, [21CFR1305.03].List of Schedule I controlled drugs:_____________________________Difenoxin(Lyspafen)DihydromorphineHeroin (Diacetylmorphine, diamorphine)Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD, lysergide)Marijuana (Cannabis, marijuana)MescalinePeyote

A pharmacist may decline to fill or refill a prescription or provide a service when the costs of providing those products or services exceeds the reimbursement obtained from a third-party payer. a. True b. False

Answer: (a) True, [MS BReg 30-20-3001:VIII(4)(F)]. A pharmacist may decline to fill or refill a prescription or provide a service when the costs of providing those products or services exceeds the reimbursement obtained from a third-party payer. If a pharmacist declines to fill a prescription or provide a service because the costs associated with suppling the product or service exceeds the reimbursement for the product or service, he/she shall provide the patient with a list of pharmacies in the area that may provide the product or service.

Reporting to a Prescription Monitoring Program (PMP) is NOT REQUIRED if a prescription is filled and dispensed by a veterinarian. a. True b. False

Answer: (a) True, [MS BReg 30-20-3001:XLIII Prescription Monitoring Program]. The Mississippi Board of Pharmacy shall operate a Prescription Monitoring Program (PMP) as provided for in Mississippi Code Annotated Section 73-21-127. 1. In addition to the provisions of Mississippi Code Annotated Section 73-21-127, the following reporting provisions shall apply: a. Direct administration of a controlled substance to the body of an ultimate user (such as in an inpatient setting) is exempt from reporting. b. Any quantity of drug dispensed that is limited to an amount adequate to treat the ultimate user for 48 hours or less is exempt from reporting. c. Dispensing by a veterinarian is exempt, however prescriptions written by a veterinarian and filled by a pharmacy are required to be reported by the pharmacy. d. Controlled substance prescriptions dispensed for patients in nursing homes, ICFMRs, and Assisted Living facilities ARE required to be reported. e. Mail Order pharmacies (in Mississippi, or shipping into Mississippi) shall report to the Mississippi Prescription Monitoring Program.

Each manufacturer whose products are distributed within the State of Mississippi shall accept the return of outdated drugs from pharmacies within six (6) months after the labeled expiration date, for prompt full credit or refund. A) true B) false

Answer: (a) True, [Mississippi Pharmacy Practice Act Section 73-21-129(1),(4)].Each manufacturer whose products are distributed within the State of Mississippi shall make adequate provision for the return of outdated drugs from pharmacies, both full and partial containers, excluding biological, infused or intravenously injected drugs and drugs that are inhaled during surgery, within six (6) months after the labeled expiration date, for prompt full credit or refund.A pharmacist may not dispense a prescription drug or controlled drug unless the pharmacist has satisfactory evidence that the manufacturer of the drug has a procedure for the return of expired drugs.

Evidence of continuing education shall be submitted to the Board of Pharmacy on request by audit or at any time on request by any agent of the Board of Pharmacy. Documentation of continuing education credit must be received within five (5) working days of a request. a. True b. False

Answer: (a) True, [Mississippi Pharmacy Regulations Article: IV Section:(5)]. The continuing education required for license renewal shall be obtained in the licensure period preceding the renewal date. Evidence of continuing education shall be submitted to the Board of Pharmacy on request by audit or at any time on request by any agent of the Board of Pharmacy. Documentation of evidence of continuing education should indicate the name and address of the participant, date of the continuing education, the program title, the amount of continuing education credit received, and the signature of the person authorized to issue certification of continuing education credit.Documentation of continuing education credit must be received within five (5) working days of a request. Failure to submit evidence of continuing education credit will result in disciplinary action by the Board.

At least five (5) hours of the continuing education received each year must be related to opioid abuse and prevention or some other drug of abuse or addiction-related issue. a. True b. False

Answer: (a) True, [Mississippi Pharmacy Regulations Article: IV, (1)(B)(ii)].At least five (5) hours of the continuing education received each year must be related to opioid abuse and prevention or some other drug of abuse or addiction related issue.

A pharmacist shall not be the PIC at more than one Community Pharmacy or Institutional Pharmacy. a. True b. False

Answer: (a) True, [Mississippi Pharmacy Regulations Article: VII Section:(1)]. A pharmacist shall not be the PIC (pharmacist-in-charge) at more than one Community Pharmacy or Institutional I Pharmacy (unless the Board grants a waiver upon presentation of good cause) and shall not be the pharmacist-in-charge or have personal supervision of more than one facility which is open to the general public on a full-time basis.

A pharmacist shall not be required to counsel a patient or care giver when the patient or care giver refuses such consultation and such refusal is documented. a. True b. False

Answer: (a) True, [Mississippi Pharmacy Regulations Article: VIII Section:(4),(E)]. A pharmacist shall not be required to counsel a patient or caregiver when the patient or caregiver refuses such consultation and such refusal is documented.

The pharmacist shall NOT select a generic equivalent drug product when the purchaser requests the drug product to be dispensed as ordered by the prescriber. a. True b. False

Answer: (a) True, [Mississippi Pharmacy Regulations Article: X Section:(6)]. The pharmacist shall NOT select a generic equivalent drug product when the purchaser requests the drug product to be dispensed as ordered by the prescriber.

Electronically transmitted prescription drug orders shall be transmitted by an authorized Practitioner's designated agent provided that the identity of the transmitting agent is included in the order. a. True b. False

Answer: (a) True, [Mississippi Pharmacy Regulations Article: XII Section(2),(A)].Electronically transmitted prescription drug orders shall meet the following criteria: (1). be transmitted only to the pharmacy of the patients choice; and (2). be transmitted by an authorized Practitioner or his or her designated agent provided that the identity of the transmitting agent is included in the order.

An individual practitioner may issue multiple prescriptions authorizing the patient to receive a total of up to a 90-day supply of a Schedule II controlled substance. a. True b. False

Answer: (a) True, [Mississippi Pharmacy Regulations Article: XIX Section:(2)].The refilling of a prescription for a controlled substance listed in Schedule II is prohibited.An individual practitioner may issue multiple prescriptions authorizing the patient to receive a total of up to a 90-day supply of a Schedule II controlled substance provided the following conditions are met:(i). Each separate prescription is issued for a legitimate medical purpose by an individual practitioner acting in the usual course of professional practice; (ii). The individual practitioner provides written instructions on each prescription (other than the first prescription, if the prescribing practitioner intends for that prescription to be filled immediately) indicating the earliest date on which a pharmacy may fill each prescription; (iii). The individual practitioner concludes that providing the patient with multiple prescriptions in this manner does not create an undue risk of diversion or abuse.

Prescriptions for drugs which are controlled substances as defined by the Mississippi Uniform Controlled Substances Law shall not be transferred between pharmacies for the purpose of refill dispensing. (a) True (b) False

Answer: (a) True, [Mississippi Pharmacy Regulations Article: XV Section:(1)]. 1. Prescriptions for drugs which are controlled substances as defined by the Mississippi Uniform Controlled Substances Law shall not be transferred between pharmacies for the purpose of refill dispensing. 2. Prescriptions for noncontrolled drugs may be transferred orally by telephone or electronically (to include facsimile) by pharmacists between pharmacies for the purpose of refill dispensing.

Every PHARMACIST or PHARMACY EXTERN/INTERN who dispenses controlled substances in the usual and lawful course of business within this state shall obtain and maintain a controlled substance registration issued by the Board. a. True b. False

Answer: (a) True, [Mississippi Pharmacy Regulations Article: XVI Section:(1)].Every pharmacist or pharmacy extern/intern who dispenses controlled substances in the usual and lawful course of business within this state shall obtain and maintain a controlled substance registration issued by the Board.These registrations shall be renewed annually and shall be valid for the following period of time: If the registration is issued before or during the first half of the registration period, the registration shall expire at the end of the registration period and if the registration is issued in the second half of the registration period, the registration shall expire at the end of the succeeding registration period.Any controlled substance renewal application postmarked after December 31 of the renewal period shall be returned and a fifty dollar ($50.00) late renewal fee shall be assessed prior to renewal.Extern or intern registrations shall be valid for a period of four (4) years or until six months after graduation.Persons who handle controlled substances or who maintain controlled substances on the premises must be registered. This includes all facilities which do not maintain dispensing areas containing controlled substance drugs, but which do maintain controlled substances for inpatient use at nursing stations or in emergency medication supplies.

A pharmacist may not serve as a consultant to a nursing home which does not have a Controlled Substance Registration with the Mississippi Board of Pharmacy. a. True b. False

Answer: (a) True, [Mississippi Pharmacy Regulations Article: XVI Section:(5),(6)] (5). Persons who handle controlled substances or who maintain controlled substances on the premises must be registered. This includes all facilities which do not maintain dispensing areas containing controlled substance drugs, but which do maintain controlled substances for inpatient use at nursing stations or in emergency medication supplies. (6). The administrator or the consultant pharmacist of the nursing home may sign the application for a controlled substance registration issued by the Board. The nursing home shall have policies and procedures for the security, control, and disposal of any controlled substances at the facility.A pharmacist shall not serve as a consultant to a nursing home which does not have a Controlled Substance Registration with the Mississippi Board of Pharmacy.

In a retail pharmacy, a schedule II controlled substance may be dispersed throughout the stock of non-controlled substances. a. True b. False

Answer: (a) True, [Mississippi Pharmacy Regulations Article: XXIV Section:(2)(A),(B),(C)].Under a Mississippi State Pharmacy Law, storage of controlled substances shall be as follows: A. In a pharmacy, storage of controlled substances in ANY SCHEDULE may be made in a securely locked, substantially constructed container or area; OR they may be dispersed throughout the stock of non-controlled substances in such a manner as to obstruct the theft or diversion of the controlled substances; or they may be stored by a combination of these methods. B. When an institutional pharmacy dispensing area is closed and the permitted location is accessible to non-pharmacist personnel all controlled substances must be stored in a securely locked, substantially constructed container or area. Only the pharmacist or person authorized by the pharmacist shall have access to this storage area. Authorization for access to this controlled substances storage area may be granted by the pharmacist in accordance with written policy of the pharmacy department of the facility. C. In a nursing home or other institution which does not maintain a pharmacy, a securely locked, substantially constructed area shall be provided for storage of all controlled substances. Controlled substances left by the death or discharge of a patient shall be maintained in the drug storage area of the institution until proper disposition of such controlled substances is made. Controlled substances, thus maintained in the drug storage area, shall be kept in a locked cabinet, drawer, or other suitable locked container and only the consultant pharmacist or a person designated by the consultant pharmacist shall have access to the container.

Pharmacists may initiate or modify drug therapy in the institutions pharmacy. a. True b. False

Answer: (a) True, [Mississippi Pharmacy Regulations Article: XXIX Section 10].Pharmacists may initiate or modify drug therapy after a written protocol indicating approval by a licensed practitioner has been placed on file at the institutions pharmacy. Such protocol must define the agreement by which the practitioner delegated prescriptive authority and the authority granted must be within the scope of the practitioner's current practice. Any modification shall be treated as a new protocol. A. Protocols shall include the following: (1). Identification of the practitioner and the scope of the practitioner's active practice; (2). Specifications of the type of prescriptive authority to be exercised which shall include a description of the types of medical conditions, drugs or drug categories, together with any special condition; (3). Mechanism for communication or feedback to the authorizing practitioner; (4). Documentation of the prescriptive activities performed; (5). Specification of the duration of the protocol agreement not to exceed two years; (6). Protocols must be signed by the authorizing practitioner.

Whenever patients bring drugs into an institutional facility such drugs shall not be administered unless they can be accurately identified and their quality reasonably assessed. a. True b. False

Answer: (a) True, [Mississippi Pharmacy Regulations Article: XXIX Section 5(B)]. Whenever patients bring drugs into an institutional facility such drugs shall not be administered unless authorized by the attending practitioner and unless they can be accurately identified and their quality reasonably assessed. Identification of such drugs from outside sources must be conducted by a pharmacist. The director shall have policy and procedure for the return of patient medication brought into the facility. Drugs not returned to the patient or the patient's family may be disposed of within a reasonable number of days following discharge or death.

For Institutional Pharmacies, records of the administration of controlled substances shall be maintained for a period of not less than two years.

Answer: (a) True, [Mississippi Pharmacy Regulations Article: XXIX Section(3)(18)].For Institutional Pharmacies, records of the administration of controlled substances shall be maintained for a period of not less than two years.Documentation of administration shall include the patient's name, medication, dosage, prescriber, the name of the person administering the drug and the date and time of administration.A perpetual inventory shall be maintained on Schedule II controlled drugs. A perpetual inventory may be maintained on Schedule III, IV and V controlled drugs.If a perpetual inventory is not maintained on Schedule III, IV and V controlled drugs in the pharmacy, there must be the capability of a computer generated audit trail. Inventory audits shall be performed on a routine (at least daily) basis at all areas where controlled drugs are stocked outside the pharmacy.Records of periodic audits shall be maintained and made available for inspection by an agent of the Mississippi Board of Pharmacy.

Any registrant of the Board authorized to possess controlled substances in the course of their professional practice or the course of their business may dispose of any expired, excess or unwanted controlled substances by contacting and utilizing the services of a reverse distributor as defined by the Federal Drug Enforcement Administration. a. True b. False

Answer: (a) True, [Mississippi Pharmacy Regulations Article: XXVI Section:(1)].1. Any registrant of the Board authorized to possess controlled substances in the course of their professional practice or the course of their business may dispose of any expired, excess or unwanted controlled substances by contacting and utilizing the services of a reverse distributor as defined by the Federal Drug Enforcement Administration. 2. Any such reverse distributor must hold a valid Certificate of Registration Number issued by the Federal Drug Enforcement Administration. 3. All records of the disposal of controlled substances shall be maintained for a period of two (2) years. **Please note: According to Mississippi Pharmacy Regulations Article: XXIII Section:(1), all records of the disposal of controlled substances shall be maintained for a period of SIX years.** 4. An institution permitted or registered by the Mississippi Board of Pharmacy in which controlled substances are administered to patients, may make on-premises destruction of controlled substances.

In a Long Term Care Facility, discontinued and unwanted patient medications should be destroyed on a timely basis not to exceed 90 days from the date that the medication was discontinued. a. True b. False

Answer: (a) True, [Mississippi Pharmacy Regulations Article: XXX Section 3(E)]. The Long Term Care Facility, with the assistance of the consultant pharmacist shall establish policies and procedures which assures the proper disposal of any discontinued, expired, or otherwise unwanted patient medications. Policies and procedures should ensure that any medication, removed subject to destruction, does not have a current valid order for the medication on the patient's medication profile. Policies and Procedures for disposal of these medications should include as follows: (1). All unwanted patient medications should remain in a secured location at the institution until proper disposal is made; and (2). Documentation of any disposal of patient medications should include a paper trail from the time the medication was logged into the discontinued patient drug storage area until destruction is made. This paper trail shall include a log containing the patient name, medication and strength, and quantity to be destroyed as well as the initials of the person logging in the medication for destruction. This documentation should be stored at the institution and be readily retrievable for inspection by Board Agents for a period of two (2) years; and (3). Discontinued and unwanted patient medications should be destroyed on a timely basis not to exceed ninety (90) days from the date that the medication was discontinued. Any such destruction should be performed by two licensed personnel and documented for their signatures.

The quantity of Codeine should be limited to 10 dosage units, each dosage unit of 15mg Codeine, when included in an IEMK. a. True b. False

Answer: (a) True, [Mississippi Pharmacy Regulations Article: XXXV Section:(4) and Section 1(C)].An IEMK that contains controlled substances (Schedule II, III, IV and V) shall be subject to the following: A. The institution has been issued a controlled substance registration by the Mississippi Board of Pharmacy; B. Controlled substances are stored in a separate locked container; and C. The withdrawal of controlled substances shall comply with the Mississippi Pharmacy Practice Regulations and the Drug Enforcement Administration Regulations. D. A maximum of ten (10) medication items may be controlled substances with a maximum limit of ten (10) units each.

A pharmacist must notify the Board in writing by mail or fax of change of address within 10 days of the change. a. True b. False

Answer: (a) True, [https://www.mbp.ms.gov/Regulations/Final_Regs_2_2019.pdf and https://www.mbp.ms.gov/Pages/Regulations.aspx].A pharmacist must notify the Board in writing by mail or fax of change of address within ten (10) days of the change. To ensure the correct changes are made to the Board records, a pharmacist should include the following information: (1). Name and license number of pharmacist; (2). New address; (3). Former address; (4). Current telephone number.

A pharmacist must maintain proof of Continuing Education for a total of 3 years for audit purposes. a. True b. False

Answer: (a) True, [https://www.mbp.ms.gov/documents/licensing/2019_RPh_Renewal.pdf].The pharmacist must maintain proof of Continuing Education for a total of three (3) years for audit purposes beginning with evidence of the continuing education certificates necessary for the renewal period.

The filling/stocking/replenishing of all medications in the automated pharmacy system may be accomplished by a pharmacy technician under the supervision of a pharmacist licensed by the Board.

Answer: (a) True. [Mississippi Pharmacy Regulations Article: XXXIX Section:(3),(H),(I)].The filling/stocking/replenishing of all medications in the automated pharmacy system shall be accomplished by qualified personnel under the supervision of a pharmacist licensed by the Board. A record of the medications filled/stocked/replenished in an automated pharmacy system shall be maintained for a period of two (2) years and shall include identification of the persons filling/stocking/replenishing and checking for accuracy.

The compounding of Cisplatin shall be performed under: a. Vertical laminar flow b. Horizontal laminar flow

Answer: (a) Vertical laminar flow, [Mississippi Pharmacy Regulations Article: XXVIII Section:(5)]. (1). All anti-neoplastic drugs shall be compounded in a vertical flow, Class II, biological safety cabinet, or similar preparation area. (2). Protective apparel shall be worn by personnel compounding anti-neoplastic drugs. (3). Prepared doses of anti-neoplastic drugs must be dispensed, labeled with precautions inside and outside, and shipped in a manner to minimize the risk of accidental rupture of the primary container.

A dentist is dispensing a controlled substance to his patients from his office. Does the dentist require to submit the report to PMP? a. Yes b. No

Answer: (a) Yes, [http://www.mbp.ms.gov/Pages/FAQs.aspx FAQ PMP].Dispensing Physicians and dentists who personally furnish MSPMP reportable drugs to their patients for more than a 48-hour supply must report these dispensing to the MSPMP (samples do not have to be reported)."Personally furnish" means the product leaves with the patient for the patient to use outside the office. Products administered to a patient while in the office (such as an injection) do not need to be reported.

A pharmacist is running the MSPMP report for one of his patient from his home. Does the pharmacist following the proper guidelines of PMP? a. Yes b. No

Answer: (a) Yes, [https://pmp.mbp.ms.gov/frequently-asked-questions/#q2].

The dispensing container shall bear a label with all of the following EXCEPT: a. name, address and phone number of the manufacturer b. unique identification number of the prescription c. name of the prescribing practitioner d. initials or an identification code of the dispensing pharmacist

Answer: (a) name, address and phone number of the manufacturer, [Mississippi Pharmacy Regulations Article: XIV Section:(1),(2)]: At the time of delivery of the drug, the dispensing container shall bear a label with at least the following information: (1). name and address of the pharmacy (not the manufacturer); (2). unique identification number of the prescription; (3). date the prescription is dispensed; (4). initials or an identification code of the dispensing pharmacist; (5). name of the prescribing practitioner; (6). name of the patient or if such drug was prescribed for an animal, the species of the animal and the name of the owner; (7). instructions for use; (8). quantity dispensed; (9). appropriate ancillary instructions such as storage instructions or cautionary statements such as warnings of potential harmful effects of combining the drug product with any product containing alcohol; (10). if the prescription is for a Schedule II - IV controlled substance, the statement "Caution: Federal law prohibits the transfer of this drug to any person other than the patient for whom it was prescribed"; (11). the name and strength of the actual drug product dispensed, unless otherwise directed by the prescribing practitioner.

How many continuing education units are required by the Mississippi Pharmacy Board for a pharmacist to renew his/her license? a. 15 b. 1.5 c. 2 d. 20

Answer: (b) 1.5 CEU or 15 continuing education hours, [Mississippi Pharmacy Regulations Article: IV Section:(1)(A)(B)].Each pharmacist shall renew his/her license annually. 1. To renew his/her license, a pharmacist shall: A. Submit an application for renewal on the form prescribed by the Board or through the online process found at the Mississippi Board of Pharmacy webpage; B. On the application, indicate and certify the number of continuing education hours earned for Licensure: i. 1.5 CE unit or Fifteen (15) hours of continuing education is required for each licensure period. ii. At least five (5) hours of the continuing education received each year must be related to opioid abuse and prevention or some other drug of abuse or addiction related issue. iii. At least two (2) hours of the continuing education received each year must be obtained via a live seminar. Live webcasts are valid for this requirement. Any license not renewed by January 1st shall be considered invalid and the pharmacist is prohibited from providing pharmacy services until the license is renewed.

What is the maximum amount of Robitussin A/C that can be dispensed to a given purchaser within a 72-hour period? a. 240 cc b. 120 cc c. 60 cc d. 480 cc

Answer: (b) 120 cc, [Mississippi Pharmacy Regulations Article: XVIII Section:(3)]. According to Mississippi Pharmacy Law, no more than a 4 ounce over-the-counter preparation containing a controlled substance in Schedule V which is not a prescription drug may be dispensed to a given purchaser within a 72-hour period.

When a facility is permanently closed, the pharmacist-in-charge shall notify the Board in writing within ________ by what means and as to whom controlled substances were transferred or disposed of. a. 7 days b. 15 days c. 21 days d. 30 days

Answer: (b) 15 days, [Mississippi Pharmacy Regulations Article: XXV Section 2]. When a facility has a change in ownership or a change in pharmacist-in-charge, or is permanently closed, a complete inventory shall be made of all controlled substances at the time of the change. A copy of this inventory shall be kept with other records of controlled substances in the facility and a copy shall be sent to the office of the Board of Pharmacy. When a facility is permanently closed, the pharmacist-in-charge shall notify the Board in writing within fifteen (15) days by what means and as to whom controlled substances were transferred or disposed of.

A patient brings a new prescription for Alprazolam with 5 eligible refills. The prescription is written on April 1, 2019. The prescription reads: Alprazolam 1 mg: 1 tablet by mouth at bed time x 30 days. Refills: 5 times A patient has requested medication to be partially filled. Below is the list of partially filled transactions: 1. 04/04/2019: 20 tablets 2. 05/05/2019: 40 tablets 3. 05/25/2019: 18 tablets 4. 06/09/2019: 23 tablets 5. 06/21/2019: 5 tablets 6. 08/11/2019: 35 tablets 7. 09/05/2019: 11 tablets 8. 10/11/2019: 36 tablets 9. 10/28/2019: 21 tablets 10. 11/05/2019: 6 tablets Based on above information what shall be the dispensed quantities (legally)?

Answer: (b) 152 tablets, [Mississippi Pharmacy Regulations Article: XXII Section 1].Partial refills of schedules III and IV controlled substance prescriptions are permissible under federal regulations provided that each partial filling is dispensed and recorded in the same manner as a refilling (i.e., date refilled, amount dispensed, initials of dispensing pharmacist, etc.), the total quantity dispensed in all partial fillings does not exceed the total quantity prescribed, and no dispensing occurs after six months past the date of issue.In above example, the prescription expires on 10/01/2019 (six months from an issue date of 04/01/2019). Therefore, all partial filling before this date should be considered legal.The second thing the pharmacist has to observe that the total quantity dispensed in all partial fillings shall not exceed the total quantity prescribed. The prescription is written for 180 tablets, 1 tablet by mouth qd x 30 days with additional 5 refills.When adding all the partial filling starting from 04/04/2019 to 09/05/2019, the total quantities that the pharmacist can dispense legally come about 152 tablets.

A patient profile record shall be maintained by all pharmacies for a period of: a. 5 years b. 2 years c. 3 years d. 4 years

Answer: (b) 2 years, [Mississippi Pharmacy Regulations Article: VIII Section:(2)(A)(5)]. A patient record system shall be maintained by all pharmacies for patients for whom prescription drug orders are dispensed. The patient record system shall provide for the immediate retrieval of information necessary for the dispensing pharmacist to identify previously dispensed drugs at the time a prescription drug order is presented for dispensing. The pharmacist or the pharmacist's agent shall make a reasonable effort to obtain, record, and maintain the following information: (1). Full name of the patient for whom the drug is intended; (2). Address and telephone number of the patient; (3). Patient's age or date of birth; (4). Patient's gender; (5). A record of all Prescription Drug Orders obtained by the patient at the pharmacy maintaining the patient record during the preceding 2 years showing the name of the drug or device, prescription number, name and strength of the drug, the quantity and date received, and the name of the prescriber; (6). Pharmacist's comments relevant to the individual's drug therapy, including any other information peculiar to the specific patient or drug. B. The pharmacist or pharmacist's agent shall make a reasonable effort to obtain from the patient or the patient's agent and shall record any known allergies, drug reactions, idiosyncrasies, and chronic conditions or disease states of the patient and the identity of any other drugs, including over-the-counter drugs or devices, currently being used by the patient which may relate to Prospective Drug Use Review (DUR).

In Mississippi, inventory records must be maintained for a period of at least: a. 1 year b. 2 years c. 3 years d. 4 years

Answer: (b) 2 years, [Mississippi Pharmacy Regulations Article: XXIII Section: (1)(A)]. According to Mississippi State Pharmacy Law, inventory records must be maintained for a period of at least two years from the date of such inventory or record.

According to Mississippi Pharmacy Law, an emergency oral prescription for a Schedule II controlled substance must be prescribed and dispensed for the quantity limited to treat the patient during the emergency period not to exceed: a. 24 hours b. 48 hours c. 72 hours d. 7 days

Answer: (b) 48-hour period, [Mississippi Pharmacy Regulations Article: XIX Section:(1),(A)].An emergency oral prescription for a Schedule II controlled substance must be prescribed and dispensed for the quantity limited to treat the patient during the emergency period not to exceed 48-hour period.

Schedule II controlled prescriptions for patients in an LTCF or patients with a medical diagnosis documenting a terminal illness are valid for a period not to exceed: a. 30 days from the issue date. b. 50 days from the issue date. c. 90 days from the issue date. d. 120 days from the issue date.

Answer: (b) 50 days, [Mississippi Pharmacy Regulations Article: XX Section: (1),(A),(1)].1. The prescription is for a nursing home patient or for a patient who is receiving long term therapy as a home health patient or a patient who is terminally ill as defined by the Federal Health Care Financing Administration (42 CFR 418.3). 2. If such a prescription is partially filled, the pharmacist must record on the back of the prescription or on another appropriate uniformly maintained record the date of each partial filling, the quantity dispensed, the remaining quantity authorized to be dispensed, the remaining quantity authorized to be dispensed and the identity of the dispensing pharmacist. 3. All partial filling of the prescription must be completed within 50 days of the date of issuance of the prescription.

An emergency oral prescription for Schedule II controlled drugs must be mailed to dispensing pharmacy by an authorized prescriber within:

Answer: (b) 7 days after an oral authorization, [Mississippi Pharmacy Regulations Article: XIX Section:(1),(A)]. When a Schedule II controlled substance is needed in a situation in which a written prescription cannot reasonably be obtained, it may be considered an emergency situation and a pharmacist may dispense a Schedule II controlled substance pursuant to an oral prescription of a practitioner. A Schedule II controlled substance prescription given in this manner shall be reduced to writing by the pharmacist and shall be for a quantity of medication sufficient for the emergency period, not to exceed 48 hours. Within seven (7) days of the receipt of an oral prescription for a Schedule II controlled substance, the pharmacist shall obtain a prescription signed by the prescribing practitioner for the medication dispensed. This prescription shall be attached to the copy of the prescription prepared by the pharmacist pursuant to the prescriber's oral order.

Explanation The prescription monitoring program shall be reviewed at least once _________ for any patient receiving controlled substances. a. Every 3-month b. Every 6-month c. Every 9-month d. Every 12-month

Answer: (b) Every 6-month, [MS BReg 30-20-3001:XLIII (5) Prescription Monitoring Program]. 5. The prescription monitoring program shall be reviewed at least once every six (6) months for any patient receiving controlled substances.

According to Mississippi State Pharmacy Law, the dispensing pharmacist must notify the prescriber of the emergency dispensing of non-controlled substance within seventy-two hours after the one-time emergency dispensing. a. True b. False

Answer: (b) False, [Mississippi Pharmacy Practice Act Section 73-21-115(3)(a)-to-(e) and Mississippi Pharmacy Regulations Article: XII Section:(10)].A pharmacist licensed by the Mississippi State Board of Pharmacy may dispense a one-time emergency dispensing of a prescription of up to a seventy-two-hour supply of a prescribed medication in the event the pharmacist is unable to contact the prescriber to obtain refill authorization, provided that: (a). The prescription is not for a controlled substance; (b). In the pharmacist's professional judgment, the interruption of therapy might reasonably produce undesirable health consequences or may cause physical or mental discomfort; (c). The dispensing pharmacist notifies the prescriber or his/her agent of the emergency dispensing within seven (7) working days (NOT 72 hours) after the one-time emergency dispensing; (d). The pharmacist properly records the dispensing as a separate non-refillable prescription. Said document shall be filed as is required of all other prescription records.This document shall be serially numbered and contain all information required of other prescriptions. In addition it shall contain the number of the prescription from which it was refilled; and (e). The pharmacist shall record on the new document the circumstances that warrant this emergency dispensing. This emergency dispensing shall be done only in the permitted facility that contains the non-refillable prescription.

A pharmacist licensed by the Mississippi State Board of Pharmacy may dispense a one-time emergency dispensing of Pemoline up to a seventy-two-hour supply of a prescribed medication in the event the pharmacist is unable to contact the prescriber to obtain refill authorization. a. True b. False

Answer: (b) False, [Mississippi Pharmacy Practice Act Section 73-21-115(3)(a)]. 1. A pharmacist licensed by the Mississippi State Board of Pharmacy may dispense a one-time emergency dispensing of a prescription of up to a seventy-two-hour supply of a prescribed medication in the event the pharmacist is unable to contact the prescriber to obtain refill authorization, provided that the prescription is not for a controlled substance. 2. Pemoline is classified as a Schedule IV controlled drug, and cannot be dispensed in the event the pharmacist is unable to contact the prescriber to obtain refill authorization.

If a permitted facility has a change in name, application for an amended permit must be made to the Board at least ten (10) days prior to the change in name. a. True b. False

Answer: (b) False, [Mississippi Pharmacy Regulations Article: VII Section:(4)].If a permitted facility is permanently closed or has a change of ownership, the pharmacist in-charge for that facility shall give notice to the Board of the effective date of closure or change in ownership and include the storage location of the businesses records and appropriate contact information.If a permitted facility has a change in name or location, application for a NEW permit (Not amended) must be made to the Board at least ten (10) days prior to the change in name or location.Once issued, a permit CANNOT be AMENDED, transferred or assigned to another person.

According to Mississippi State Pharmacy Law, a pharmacist shall not actively supervise more than two pharmacy technicians at one time. a. true b. False

Answer: (b) False, [Mississippi Pharmacy Regulations Article: VIII Section:(1),(C)(5)].A pharmacist shall not actively supervise more than three pharmacy technicians at one time.Externs/Interns are not included in this quota calculation.

Patient counseling is required for inpatients of a hospital or institution where other licensed health care professionals are authorized to administer the drug(s). a. True b. False

Answer: (b) False, [Mississippi Pharmacy Regulations Article: VIII Section:(4),(C)].Patient counseling shall NOT be required for inpatients of a hospital or institution where other licensed health care professionals are authorized to administer the drug(s).

There shall be a signature line in the lower right-hand corner of the prescription form beneath which shall be imprinted the words "Substitution Permitted". There shall be a signature line in the lower left-hand corner of the prescription form beneath which shall be imprinted the words "Dispense as Written". If the prescriber utilizes a prescription form which does not contain the two signature lines, the prescriber may use the ink rubber stamp to indicate "Dispense as Written" on the prescription form. a) true b) false

Answer: (b) False, [Mississippi Pharmacy Regulations Article: X1(B)].1. Each prescription written in this state shall contain two signature lines, either of which, when signed by the prescriber, shall validate the prescription and, depending upon which line the prescriber's signature appears, will indicate the prescriber's approval or denial of drug product selection by the pharmacist. The two line provision of the prescription and the prescriber's approval or denial of drug product selection shall be as follows: A. There shall be a signature line in the lower right-hand corner of the prescription form beneath which shall be imprinted the words "Substitution Permitted". B. There shall be a signature line in the lower left-hand corner of the prescription form beneath which shall be imprinted the words "Dispense as Written". If the prescriber utilizes a prescription form which does not contain the two signature lines, the prescriber must write in his own handwriting (rubber stamp is not allowed) the words "Dispense as Written", otherwise the pharmacist may select a generic equivalent drug product. On electronically transmitted prescriptions, the prescriber must specify if the brand name drug must be dispensed. The requirements of this paragraph shall not apply to the dispensing of medication for Medicaid recipients.

According to Mississippi State Pharmacy Law, a prescription becomes invalid 60 days after the prescriber/patient relationship is terminated. a. True b. False

Answer: (b) False, [Mississippi Pharmacy Regulations Article: XII Section:(8)].According to Mississippi State Pharmacy Law, a prescription becomes invalid 30 days (NOT 60) after the prescriber/patient relationship is terminated.When the patient is no longer able to seek personal consultation or treatment from the prescriber, the prescriber/patient relationship is terminated.

A written prescription document prepared by the prescriber or his agent must bear EITHER an original signature of the prescriber OR facsimile stamps. a. True b. False

Answer: (b) False, [Mississippi Pharmacy Regulations Article: XII Section:(9)].A written prescription document prepared by the prescriber or his agent must bear an original signature of the prescriber, facsimile stamps (photo copy) are NOT acceptable.When an oral prescription or the oral authorization for the refilling of a prescription is received which is transmitted by someone other than the prescriber, the name of the transmitter and the date of the transmission must be recorded on the original prescription document by the pharmacist receiving the transmission.

According to Mississippi Pharmacy Law, schedule II prescriptions shall not be filled after 7 days from the date of issuance. a) true b) false

Answer: (b) False, [Mississippi Pharmacy Regulations Article: XIX Section:(2)].According to Mississippi Pharmacy Law, schedule II prescriptions shall not be filled after SIX (6) MONTHS from the date of issuance. A prescription for a controlled substance in Schedule II may not be refilled. In accordance with current DEA requirements, a pharmacist may dispense up to a ninety (90) day supply of a Schedule II controlled substance pursuant to multiple prescriptions signed on the date of issuance which indicate a "DO NOT FILL BEFORE" date listed elsewhere on the prescription document. Schedule II controlled substances shall not be dispensed for a patient with greater frequency than the approximate interval of time that the dosage regimen ordered by the prescriber would indicate unless circumstances are documented which would justify a shorter interval of time.

A pharmacist whose license has been denied, revoked, suspended, or restricted for disciplinary reasons shall be eligible to be registered as a Pharmacy Technician. a. True b. False

Answer: (b) False, [Mississippi Pharmacy Regulations Article: XL Section:(2),(F)].No Pharmacist whose license has been denied, revoked, suspended, or restricted for disciplinary reasons shall be eligible to be registered as a Pharmacy Technician.

Each technician registered by the Board shall notify the Board in writing within 15 days of change of employment or change of address. a. True b. False

Answer: (b) False, [Mississippi Pharmacy Regulations Article: XL Section:(4)].Each technician registered by the Board shall notify the Board in writing within ten (10) days of change of employment or change of address. The notification shall contain:a. his/her name, b. new mailing address, c. registration number, d. the name of the pharmacy where formerly employed and e. the name of the pharmacy where currently employed or the current employment status.Failure to Notify the Board of any changes may result in disciplinary action by the Board.

A prescription for Adderall that has been written by Dr. BJ for the treatment of obesity can be considered a valid prescription under a Mississippi State Pharmacy Law. a. True b. False

Answer: (b) False, [Mississippi Pharmacy Regulations Article: XVIII Section:(3)].A prescription for an anorectic and/or central nervous system stimulant classified in Schedule II that is written for the treatment of obesity is not a valid prescription and must not be filled by the pharmacist.

The data processing system must also have the capability of producing a hard copy printout of all dispensing information required to be kept by the pharmacy, including an audit trail for any specified strength and dosage form of any controlled substance either by brand name or generic name or both within 72 hours of such request by the Board. a. True b. False

Answer: (b) False, [Mississippi Pharmacy Regulations Article: XXIII Section:(3)]. 1. If a pharmacy utilizes a data processing system it must provide immediate retrieval (via CRT display or hard-copy printout) of original prescription order information for those prescription orders that are currently authorized for refilling and of the refill history for the past six months for controlled substances prescription orders.The data processing system must have the capability of producing a hard copy printout of this information. 2. The data processing system must also have the capability of producing a hard copy printout of all dispensing information required to be kept by the pharmacy, including an audit trail for any specified strength and dosage form of any controlled substance either by brand name or generic name or both for any time period in the prior two (2) years. 3. Failure to produce and provide this audit trail within twenty-four hours (NOT seventy-two) shall be considered a violation of Mississippi State Pharmacy Law.The records of controlled substances in Schedules II, III, IV, and V, which are maintained in a data processing system shall be maintained as follows: A. The following information pertaining to the initial dispensing of the prescription shall be entered into the data processing system: (1). Prescription number; (2). Date of initial dispensing; (3). Name and address of patient; (4). Prescribing practitioner's name and DEA registration number; (5). The name, strength, dosage form, and quantity of the controlled substance ordered and dispensed; (6). Total number of refills authorized; (7). The initials or identifying code of the dispensing pharmacist. B. Additionally, the following information pertaining to the refilling of the prescription shall be maintained by the data processing system: (1). The date of the refill dispensing, the total number of refills dispensed to date, or the total number of refills remaining for that prescription order; (2). The initials or identifying code of the dispensing pharmacist.

In Institutional Pharmacies, medication orders shall be reviewed by a pharmacist before the medication is initially dispensed except in emergencies or when a pharmacist is unavailable. In such cases, medication orders must be reviewed by a pharmacist within 48 hours or as soon thereafter as possible. a) true b) false

Answer: (b) False, [Mississippi Pharmacy Regulations Article: XXIX Section(3)(17)]. 1. Drugs shall be dispensed from the institutional pharmacy only upon receipt of a written or oral order or a direct copy thereof. These may be in the form of carbon, NCR or electronically transmitted orders (facsimile or computer generated). 2. Orders shall be reviewed by a pharmacist before the medication is initially dispensed except in emergencies or when a pharmacist is unavailable. Medication orders must be reviewed by a pharmacist within 24 hours or as soon thereafter as possible. This regulation shall not be construed to prevent the distribution of drugs for floor stock. 3. Medication orders shall contain: patient name and room number, drug name, strength, dosage, directions for use, date and the signature of the practitioner or an authorized representative.

All pharmacy interns/externs shall notify the Board within 10 days of change of employment and/or residence address. a. True b. False

Answer: (b) False, [Mississippi Pharmacy Regulations Article: XXXIV Section 2(C)]. All pharmacy interns/externs shall notify the Board IMMEDIATELY (Not within 10 days) upon change of employment and residence address. A pharmacy extern/intern registration which has been issued by the Board shall expire when: A. The extern/intern is expelled, suspended, withdraws or is dismissed from a school of pharmacy; B. The extern/intern fails to become licensed as a registered pharmacist within six (6) months of graduation from a school of pharmacy; C. Upon the expiration of a pharmacy extern/intern registration, the registrant may petition the Board for re-registration.

A "Right Care Hospital" that desires to maintain a stock of prescription drugs for emergency use by patients who are confined to the hospital shall obtain an Institutional Emergency Medication Kit (IEMK) permit from the Mississippi Board of Pharmacy. a. True b. False

Answer: (b) False, [Mississippi Pharmacy Regulations Article: XXXV Section:1(A),(B)]. Institutions, under the jurisdiction of the Board, that maintain prescription drugs on the premises for emergency use by patients, shall comply with the following: Every institutional facility, EXCEPT a hospital, that desires to maintain a stock of prescription drugs for emergency use by patients who are confined to the institution, shall obtain an Institutional Emergency Medication Kit (IEMK) permit from the Mississippi Board of Pharmacy. A separate permit shall be required for each provider pharmacy and shall be renewed a biennially. The Administrator (if a nursing home or other long term care facility) or business manager of the institution shall make application for the (IEMK) permit. In the event of the departure of the administrator or business manager, a new permit must be obtained. Any IEMK permit renewal application postmarked after December 31 of the renewal period shall be returned and late renewal fee shall be assessed prior to renewal.

According to Mississippi State Pharmacy Law, the duration of a drug therapy modification protocol agreement shall not exceed 2 years. a. True b. False

Answer: (b) False, [Mississippi Pharmacy Regulations Article: XXXVI Section:(3),(H)]. According to Mississippi State Pharmacy Law, the duration of a drug therapy modification protocol agreement shall not exceed 1 year.Protocol agreements shall meet the following requirements: A. Identification of the practitioner who agrees to supervise the pharmacist and the scope of the practitioner's active practice; and B. Describe the specific responsibilities authorized by the supervising practitioner; and C. Describe the method the pharmacist shall use to document decisions or recommendations the pharmacist makes to the supervising practitioner; and D. Describe the patient activities the supervising practitioner requires the pharmacist to monitor; and E. Describe the types of reports the supervising practitioner requires the pharmacist to report and the schedule by which the pharmacist is to submit these reports; and F. Include a statement of the medication categories and the type of initiation and modification of drug therapy that the supervising practitioner authorizes the pharmacist to perform; and G. Describe the procedures or plan that the pharmacist shall follow if the pharmacist exercises initiation and modification of drug therapy; and H. Indicate the date the supervising practitioner's supervision ends; and I. Be dated and signed by the pharmacist(s) and the supervising practitioner, if more than one practitioner agrees to supervise the pharmacist(s), each practitioner and pharmacist(s) shall sign and date the protocol; and J. Include a statement that stipulates that the patient has been notified by the pharmacist(s) and the supervising practitioner that a protocol agreement exists.

A Community Pharmacy selling standard wheelchairs must require to obtain a Medical Equipment Suppliers Permit from the Mississippi Board of Pharmacy. a. True b. False

Answer: (b) False, [Mississippi Pharmacy Regulations Article: XXXVIII Definitions (A)(E)]. Pursuant to Mississippi Pharmacy Practice Act Section 73-21-108 no person, business or entity shall sell, rent or provide or offer to sell, rent or provide directly or indirectly to consumers in this state any home medical equipment, legend devices, and/or medical gas unless such person, business or entity first obtains a Medical Equipment Suppliers Permit from the Mississippi Board of Pharmacy. Community pharmacies, long term care facilities and hospitals although excluded from permitting requirements of this section, will be subject to the same regulations for the sale or rental of Home Medical Equipment covered by this section. Home Medical Equipment Suppliers shall not provide any legend device or medical gas to a patient without a valid order from an authorized practitioner all orders must be readily retrievable and must be produced on request by a compliance agent.All legend items, including oxygen, require a new prescription order on a yearly basis."Home Medical Equipment" means technologically sophisticated medical equipment and devices usable in a home care setting including, but not limited to: (1). Oxygen for human consumption, oxygen concentrators, and/or oxygen delivery systems and equipment; (2). Ventilators; (3). Respiratory disease management devices; (4). Electronic and computer driven wheelchairs and seating systems; (5). Apnea monitors; (6). Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulator (TENS) units; (7). Low air loss cutaneous pressure management devices; (8). Sequential compression devices;(9). Neonatal home phototherapy devices; (10). Feeding pumps; (11). And other similar equipment as defined in any regulations established. The term "Home Medical Equipment" does not mean medical equipment used in the normal course of treating patients by hospitals, hospices, long term care facilities or home health agencies or medical equipment used or dispensed by health care professionals licensed by the State of Mississippi---provided that the professional is practicing within the scope of his/her professional practice. Further, that items such as upper and lower extremity prosthetics, canes, crutches, walkers, bathtub grab bars, standard wheelchairs, commode chairs and bath benches are not considered to be home medical equipment.

A prescription for Metoprolol, with three refills, was written by a prescriber on March 31. On April 5, the prescriber passed away. A customer brought the prescription to be filled on April 10. In this circumstance, what should a pharmacist do? a. Dispense the next refill as it is. b. Fill it but ask the patient to have a new prescription for future fill. c. Do not refill the drug. d. Dispense all the remaining balance at once.

Answer: (b) Fill it but ask the patient to have a new prescription for future refills, [Mississippi Pharmacy Regulations Article: XII Section:(8)]. A prescription becomes invalid thirty (30) days after the prescriber/patient relationship is terminated. Therefore, the pharmacist should dispense the drug and tell the patient that he needs to obtain a new prescription for future fill.

Which of the following is/are TRUE about locked cabinets located outside of the institutional pharmacy area? I. Only pre-packaged drugs shall be kept in locked cabinets. II. Drugs within locked cabinets are properly labeled. III. Pharmacy personnel shall audit locked cabinets on a regular basis no less than once per week. a. I only b. I and II only c. II and III only d. All

Answer: (b) I and II are true, [Mississippi Pharmacy Regulations Article: XXIX Section: 4,(B)].In the absence of a pharmacist, access shall be by locked cabinet(s) or other enclosure(s) constructed and located outside of the pharmacy area, to which only specifically authorized personnel may obtain access and which is sufficiently secure to deny access to unauthorized persons.The director shall develop inventory listings of those drugs to be included in such area(s) and shall assure that: (1). Such drugs are available therein, properly stored and labeled; (2). Only pre-packaged drugs are available therein, in amounts sufficient for immediate therapeutic requirements; (3). Each pre-packaged drug stored outside of the pharmacy area shall be assigned a "par value" and each addition or withdrawal by authorized persons shall be properly documented; (4). Pharmacy personnel shall audit these areas on a regular basis no less than once per MONTH.

Which of the following information is/are TRUE ABOUT IEMK under the Mississippi Pharmacy Law? I. The contents of the IEMK are supplied by a pharmacy permitted by the Board. II. The contents of the IEMK are jointly determined by the consultant pharmacist, medical director, director of nurses and the pharmacist supplying the IEMK. III. Each IEMK may be supplied by one or more than one pharmacies. a. I only b. I and II only c. II and III only d. None of the above

Answer: (b) I and II are true, [Mississippi Pharmacy Regulations Article: XXXV Section:(C)]. (1). The contents of the IEMK are supplied by a pharmacy permitted by the Board. EACH IEMK shall be supplied by ONLY ONE pharmacy. (2). The contents of the IEMK are jointly determined by the consultant pharmacist, medical director, director of nurses and the pharmacist supplying the IEMK. (3). The IEMK shall have a "par value" for each prepackaged product that is stored in the IEMK. (4). A copy of the inventory of the IEMK is on file in the institution and at the provider pharmacy and a physical inventory shall be taken at least annually.

An Opioid Treatment Program must employ sufficient and qualified staff to meet the treatment and support needs of the population served. At a minimum, the staff must include: I. A licensed physician II. A Licensed pharmacist III. A certified pharmacy technician a. I only b. I and II only c. II and III only d. All

Answer: (b) I and II only, [MS BReg 24-2:54.2. (A)]. An Opioid Treatment Program must employ sufficient and qualified staff to meet the treatment and support needs of the population served. At a minimum, the staff must include:At a minimum, the staff must include: 1. A licensed physician; 2. A Registered Nurse; 3. A Licensed pharmacist, and 4. Licensed psychologist/counselor/social worker, licensed/certified mental health therapist (specialized in substance use and disorders services) who must be on-site during all hours of operation. The therapist to individual ratio must be set with a limited caseload that supports and meets the needs of the individuals receiving services and limits must be addressed in the agency's policies and procedures.

Who is responsible for administering and supervising all medical services performed by the Opioid Treatment Program? I. medical director II. staff physician III. staff pharmacist a. I only b. I and II only c. II and III only d. All

Answer: (b) I and II only, [MS BReg 24-2:54.2. (B)].An Opioid Treatment Program must designate a medical director/staff physician who is responsible for administering and supervising all medical services performed by the program.The medical director/staff physician must be a physician licensed in the State of Mississippi.He/she must be on site as needed to complete all medical needs in accordance with standard medical practice and available by phone as needed.

The board or its representative may enter and inspect, during reasonable hours, records, reports, or other documents relative to: I. Drug storage and security of a pharmacy II. Pharmacy's Sanitary conditions III. Pharmacy's Financial data a. I only b. I and II only c. II and III only d. All

Answer: (b) I and II only, [Mississippi Pharmacy Acts 73-21-107]. (1). The board or its representative may enter and inspect, during reasonable hours, a facility which has obtained or applied for a permit relative to the following: (a). Drug storage and security; (b). Equipment; (c). Sanitary conditions; or (d). Records, reports, or other documents required to be kept or made under this chapter or the Uniform Controlled Substances Law (Section 41-29-101 et seq.) or rules and regulations adopted under such laws. (2). Prior to an entry and inspection, the board representative shall state his purpose and present appropriate credentials to the owner, pharmacist or agent in charge of a facility. (3). The board representative may: (a). Inspect and copy records, reports, and other documents required to be kept or made under this chapter, the Uniform Controlled Substances Law, or rules and regulations adopted under such laws; (b). Inspect, within reasonable limits and in a reasonable manner, a facility's storage, equipment, security, records, or prescription drugs or devices; or (c). Inventory any stock of any prescription drugs or devices in the facility. (4). Unless the owner, pharmacist, or agent in charge of the facility consents in writing, an inspection authorized by this section may not extend to: (a). Financial data; (b). Sales data other than shipment data; or (c). Pricing data

Each facility issued a pharmacy permit by the Mississippi Board of Pharmacy shall maintain: I. Pharmacy permits, facility controlled substance registrations, and DEA registrations must be conspicuously posted. II. A current and updated copy of the Mississippi Board of Pharmacy Practice Regulations and Pharmacy Practice Act. III. Current pharmacist licensure and pharmacy technician registration must be conspicuously posted. .a. I only b. I and II only c. II and III only d. All

Answer: (b) I and II only, [Mississippi Pharmacy Regulations Article: VII Section 6]Each facility issued a pharmacy permit by the Mississippi Board of Pharmacy shall maintain: 1. Pharmacy permits, facility controlled substance registrations, and DEA registrations must be conspicuously posted. Evidence of current pharmacist licensure and pharmacy technician registration must be provided on request by any agent of the Board. 2. An area of sufficient size to accommodate the dispensing functions of the facility and which is adequately equipped to provide for the proper storage of drugs and supplies under appropriate conditions of temperature, light, moisture, sanitation, ventilation and security.All areas where Drugs and Devices are stored shall be dry, well lighted, well ventilated, and maintained in a clean and orderly condition. Storage areas shall be maintained at temperatures which will ensure the integrity of the Drugs prior to their dispensing as stipulated by the USP-NF and/or the Manufacturer's or Distributor's labeling. 3. A sink with hot and cold running water which is convenient to the dispensing area. 4. An inventory which shall include such drugs, chemicals and preparations as may be necessary to fill ordinary prescriptions as indicated by experience in the area where the pharmacy is located. 5. Technical equipment which may include measuring graduates, mortar and pestle, spatulas, funnels, ointment slab or paper, balance and such other items of equipment found to be necessary for the filling of prescriptions or rendering of other pharmacist services. 6. Current reference material adequate for professional and consumer information. 7. A current and updated copy of the Mississippi Board of Pharmacy Practice Regulations and Pharmacy Practice Act. DO NOT need to display pharmacist license and pharmacy technician license.

Which of the following statements are TRUE when the employment of a pharmacist-in-charge is terminated with a pharmacy? I. The pharmacist-in-charge must return the permit to the Mississippi Board of Pharmacy with written notice that he/she is no longer the pharmacist-in-charge for that facility. II. He/she must send to the Board a complete inventory record of controlled substances on hand at the facility at the time of his/her termination as pharmacist-in-charge. III. Application for a new permit for that facility must be made to the Mississippi Board of Pharmacy within 15 days. a. I only b. I and II only c. II and III only d. All

Answer: (b) I and II only, [Mississippi Pharmacy Regulations Article: VII Section:(3),(D)].If the employment of a pharmacist-in-charge is terminated or if for any other reason he/she wishes to be relieved of the responsibilities of the PIC, he/she must: A. Return the permit to the Mississippi Board of Pharmacy with written notice that he/she is no longer the pharmacist-in-charge for that facility and; B. In accordance with the provision of paragraph 2 of ARTICLE XXV of the Regulations, send to the Board of Pharmacy an inventory of any controlled substances on hand at the facility at the time of his/her termination as pharmacist-in-charge. C. When the relinquishing PIC cannot or does not comply with the inventory requirements of this paragraph it shall be the responsibility of the new PIC to send to the Board of Pharmacy an inventory of any controlled substances on hand at the time he/she assumes responsibility as PIC. D. The relinquishing PIC is responsible for notification of appropriate supervisors or owners of the surrender of the permit.When a permit is thus returned for a facility, application for a new permit for that facility must be made to the Mississippi Board of Pharmacy within ten (10) days.

Who may accept new telephoned prescriptions? I. Pharmacist II. Pharmacist-Intern III. Certified Pharmacy Technician a. I only b. I and II only c. II and III only d. All

Answer: (b) I and II only, [Mississippi Pharmacy Regulations Article: VIII Section:(1)(A)].Only a pharmacist or an extern or intern working under the supervision of a pharmacist may accept telephoned prescriptions or gives information in any manner relative to prescriptions or prescription drugs.

Which of the following is/are correct filing method(s) for controlled substances?I. One file for CII, second file for III, IV and V and a third file for non-controlled substances.II. One file for CII and a second file for III, IV, V and non-controlled substances.III. One file for controlled and a second file for non-controlled substances. a. I only b. I and II only c. II and III only d. All

Answer: (b) I and II only, [Mississippi Pharmacy Regulations Article: XXIII (2)]. All records of controlled substances in Schedule II shall be maintained separately from all other records of the registrant. All records of controlled substances in Schedule III, IV and V, whether maintained manually or in a data processing system, shall be maintained separately or in such a manner that they are readily retrievable from the other business records. According to this the correct answer should be (b) I and II only: 1. One file for CII, second file for III, IV and V and a third file for non-controlled substances. 2. One file for CII and a second file for III, IV, V and non-controlled substances

All drugs dispensed by an institutional pharmacy intended for in-patient use shall be dispensed in appropriate containers and shall be adequately labeled so as to identify: I. brand or generic name of the drug II. drug strength III. name and address of an institutional pharmacy a. I only b. I and II only c. II and III only d. All

Answer: (b) I and II only, [Mississippi Pharmacy Regulations Article: XXIX Section 3(15)]. All drugs dispensed by an institutional pharmacy intended for in-patient use shall be dispensed in appropriate containers and shall be adequately labeled so as to identify, at a minimum, brand or generic name, strength, acceptable route(s) of administration (only if other than oral). The institution will maintain a system with control numbers that will allow for recall of medication products.

Medication that has been dispensed for a patient residing in an institutional facility may be returned to the provider pharmacy provided that: I. Patient has excessive medications remaining from previous cycle. II. Patient expired prior to medication being delivered. III. Medications, which have been dispensed and placed in bulk packages and accepted by a responsible person at the LTCF. a. I only b. I and II only c. All of the above. d. None of the above.

Answer: (b) I and II only, [Mississippi Pharmacy Regulations Article: XXX Section: (C)]. 1. Medication that has been dispensed for a patient residing in an institutional facility may be returned to the provider pharmacy provided that the medication has an approved reason for return as follows: A. Medication was discontinued prior to delivery; B. Patient expired prior to medication being delivered; C. Patient in the hospital (discharge status) at time of delivery; D. Medication dosage changed prior to delivery; E. Patient has excessive medications remaining from previous cycle (requires written explanation by the Director of Nurses). F. Medication is considered to be dispensed when it leaves the dispensing pharmacy and is delivered to the institutional facility. Any such medication subject to return must be intact with no doses removed from blister package (unit dose). Medications, which have been dispensed and placed in bulk packages and accepted by a responsible person at the LTCF, shall not be returned to the dispensing pharmacy for any reason. All medication subject to return, must be returned to the provider pharmacy by pharmacy personnel within five (5) days. No controlled substances may be returned.

The IEMK permit shall be classified as: I. Manual IEMK II. Automated IEMK III. Dispensing IEMK a. I only b. I and II only c. All d. None of the above

Answer: (b) I and II only, [Mississippi Pharmacy Regulations Article: XXXV Section:(1)]. The IEMK permit shall be classified as either a Manual IEMK or an Automated IEMK. The manual IEMK permit is required if the dispensing method is such that the release of each individual dose is not electronically integrated to the documentation required for each such release. An Automated IEMK permit shall be required if the dispensing method is such that the release of each individual dose is electronically integrated to the documentation required for each such release. Only one (1) permit, either Manual or Automated, shall be issued per facility.

According to Mississippi State Pharmacy Law, which of the following mid-level practitioners may prescribe and/or dispense a Schedule II controlled substance in the course of their professional practices? I. Physician's assistant II. Nurse practitioner III. Optometrists a. I only b. I and II only c. II and III only d. All

Answer: (b) I and II only, [http://www.deadiversion.usdoj.gov/drugreg/practioners/mlp_by_state.pdf]. Pursuant to Title 21, Code of Federal Regulations, Section 1300.01(b28), the term mid-level practitioner means an individual practitioner, other than a physician, dentist, veterinarian, or podiatrist, who is licensed, registered, or otherwise permitted by the United States or the jurisdiction in which he/she practices, to dispense a controlled substance in the course of professional practice. Examples of mid-level practitioners include, but are not limited to, health care providers such as nurse practitioners, nurse midwives, nurse anesthetists, clinical nurse specialists and physician assistants who are authorized to dispense controlled substances by the state in which they practice. 1. AMB (Ambulance Service) 2. AS (Animal Shelters) 3. DOM (Doctors of Oriental Medicine) 4. ET (Euthanasia Technicians) 5. HMD (Homeopathic Physician) 6. MP (Medical Psychologists) 7. ND (Naturopathic Physician) 8. NP (Nurse Practitioners) 9. NH (Nursing Homes) 10. OD (Optometrists) 11. PA (Physician's Assistants) 12. RPH (Registered Pharmacists) For the State of Mississippi, only following mid-level practitioners can either prescribe or administer or both, schedule controlled substances. 1. NP (Nurse Practitioner): Schedule II to V controlled substances (prescribed, administer, dispense and procure). 2. PA (Physician's assistants): Schedule II to V controlled substances (prescribed, administer, dispense and procure). 3. OD (Optometrists): Schedule IV and V controlled substances (prescribe).

Any person who has not renewed or possessed a valid license to practice pharmacy in Mississippi for a current period of time exceeding two years must: I. Work as an intern for a Board approved pharmacist and site for twenty (20) clock hours for each year that the person was without a valid license. II. Satisfactorily pass an examination on Pharmacy Law. III. Provide proof of 5 hours of continuing education for the current licensing period. a. I only b. I and II only c. II and III only d. all

Answer: (b) I and II, [Mississippi Pharmacy Acts Article IV: 2].Any person who has not renewed or possessed a valid license to practice pharmacy in Mississippi for a current period of time exceeding two years must: A. Petition the Board for license reinstatement; B. Appear before the Board in support of said petition; C. Work as an intern for a Board approved pharmacist and site for twenty (20) clock hours for each year that the person was without a valid license; D. Provide a record from the supervising pharmacist showing the satisfactory completion of the intern hours; E. Provide proof of 15 hours (not 5 hours) of continuing education for the current licensing period; F. Pay all license renewal fees in arrears; and G. Satisfactorily pass an examination on Pharmacy Law and Board regulations approved by the board.

In which of the following instance(s) or situation(s) a PDR is not required? I. A physician dispenses a drug to a patient being treated in the emergency room. II. A medical practitioner dispenses a drug. III. A pharmacist in a hospital pharmacy fills an outpatient prescription for a hospital employe. a. I only b. I and II only c. II and III only d. All

Answer: (b) I and II, [Mississippi Pharmacy Regulations Article: VIII Section:(3)].PDR is defined as a Prospective Drug Review.The PDR requires that the pharmacist review a profile of the patient maintained in the pharmacy prior to dispensing the medication to the patient.The purpose of the PDR is to help assure that a drug dispensed under a prescription is not likely to have an adverse medical result.The PDR accomplishes this by attempting to identify potential drug therapy problems that might result from therapeutic duplication, drug-drug interactions, incorrect dosage, incorrect duration of drug treatment, drug-allergy interactions, and clinical abuse or misuse.The following are examples of situations in which a PDR is required:_________________________________________________________(i). A patient visits a physician in the physician's office and receives a prescription. The patient has the prescription filled in a retail pharmacy.(ii). A pharmacist fills a prescription for a patient who lives in a personal care home.(iii). A pharmacist in a hospital pharmacy fills an outpatient prescription for a hospital employee.(iv). A patient is treated on a nonemergency basis in an outpatient clinic of a hospital and is given a prescription. The patient has the prescription filled either in the hospital pharmacy or in a retail pharmacy.(v). A pharmacist fills a prescription for a patient in a nursing home.(vi). A pharmacist in a hospital dispenses a drug which will be administered to a patient in the hospital.The following are examples of situations in which a PDR is not required:(i). A physician dispenses a drug to a patient being treated in the emergency room.(ii). A pharmacist dispenses a radiopharmaceutical to a physician who will administer it to a patient.(iii). A medical practitioner dispenses a drug.(iv). A pharmacist dispenses a drug to a medical practitioner which the practitioner will administer to a patient.

In Mississippi, pharmacy permits should be renewed every: a. Year b. Two years c. Three years d. Four years

Answer: (b) In Mississippi, pharmacy permits should be renewed every two years, [Mississippi Pharmacy Practice Act Section 73-21-105(2),(3),(4) and Mississippi Pharmacy Regulations Article: VI - Pharmacy Permit -Section 3].Every business/facility/pharmacy located in this state that engages in or proposes to engage in the dispensing and delivery of prescription drugs to consumers shall register with the Mississippi State Board of Pharmacy by applying for a permit on a form supplied by the board and accompanied by a fee as set by subsection (4) of this section.The Pharmacy Board shall by regulation determine the classification of permit(s) that shall be required. The biennial fee for an original or renewal permit shall not exceed One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00).Any permit renewal application postmarked after December 31 of the renewal period shall be returned and a fifty ($50.00) late renewal fee shall be assessed prior to renewal.

A retail pharmacy in Mississippi advertises that it provides specific compounding product; "Joe Mouthwash" to a patient with a valid prescription. The retail pharmacy was in accordance with Mississippi Pharmacy Law. a. Yes b. No

Answer: (b) No, [Mississippi Pharmacy Regulations Article: XXXI Section: (1)(D)]. Pharmacies shall not offer compounded medications to practitioners or other pharmacies for resale. Pharmacies shall not compound medication for practitioners for office administration. Compounding pharmacies may advertise or otherwise promote the fact that they provide prescription compounding services (e.g., chemicals, devices and information when requested); however, they shall not solicit business by promoting to compound specific drug products (e.g., like a manufacturer).

A prescriber run a PMP report on a patient who he had treated in the past, but currently not treating. Is the prescriber following the guidelines of PMP? a. Yes b. No

Answer: (b) No, [https://pmp.mbp.ms.gov/frequently-asked-questions/#q5 FAQ on PMP]. Pharmacists or prescribers can request a Patient PMP Report solely for the purpose of treatment. If the prescriber or pharmacist is no longer treating the patient, he/she is not authorized to request a PMP report.

A pharmacist is adding 1000 mg of pure codeine powder to 100 cc of Tylenol with codeine Elixir (120 mg/12 mg/5 cc). The resultant mixture should be classified as: a. Schedule II b. Schedule III c. Schedule IV d. Schedule V

Answer: (b) The compounded mixture should be classified as a Schedule III controlled drug. The amount of Codeine present in the final mixture is 1.24 gms (1000 mg plus 240 mg), [21CFR1308.13(e)(1)(ii)].It has been stated under CSA that if a mixture contains less than 1.8 gms of Codeine per 100 cc, it should be classified as a Schedule III controlled substance.List of Schedule III controlled drugs:_______________________________Butabarbital containing any productPseudoephedrine and Ephedrine [Mississippi Pharmacy Board News Letter March 2013]Amobarbital and noncontrolled active ingredientsAmobarbital suppository dosage form Anabolic steroidsBarbituric acid derivativeBenzphetamine (Didrex, Inapetyl)Buprenorphine (Buprenex, Temgesic)Butalbital (Fiorinal, Butalbital with aspirin)Codeine and isoquinoline alkaloid (Codeine with papaverine or noscapine)Codeine combination product (Empirin, Fiorinal, Tylenol, ASA or APAP w/codeine)Dronabinol in sesame oil in soft gelatin capsule (Marinol)Gamma-hydroxybutyric acidKetamineLysergic acidLysergic acid amideMethyltestosterone (Android, Oreton, Testred, Virilon)Nalorphine (Nalline)Nandrolone (Deca-Durabolin, Durabolin, Durabolin-50)Norethandrolone(Nilevar, Solevar)Opium combination product (Paregoric)Pentobarbital and noncontrolled active ingredientsPentobarbital suppository dosage formPhendimetrazine (Bontril)Secobarbital and noncontrolled active ingredientsSecobarbital suppository dosage formTestosterone (Android-T, Androlan, Depotest, Delatestryl)Thiopental (Pentothal)

Under Mississippi Pharmacy Law, all records of the disposal of controlled substances shall be maintained for a period of: a. One year b. Two years c. Three years d. Five years

Answer: (b) Under Mississippi Pharmacy Law, all records of the disposal of controlled substances shall be maintained for a period of two (2) years**, [Mississippi Pharmacy Regulations Article: XXVI Section:(1)].Any registrant of the Board authorized to possess controlled substances in the course of their professional practice or the course of their business may dispose of any expired, excess or unwanted controlled substances by contacting and utilizing the services of a reverse distributor as defined by the Federal Drug Enforcement Administration.Any such reverse distributor must hold a valid Certificate of Registration Number issued by the Federal Drug Enforcement Administration and the Mississippi Board of Pharmacy.All records of the disposal of controlled substances shall be maintained for a period of two (2) years.**Please note: According to Mississippi Pharmacy Regulations Article: XXIII Section:(1), all records of the disposal of controlled substances shall be maintained for a period of SIX years.**

Which of the following represents the Specialty Community Pharmacy? a. chain retail pharmacies b. nuclear pharmacy services c. Out-Patient surgery pharmacies d. Rehabilitation Center pharmacies

Answer: (b) nuclear pharmacy services, [Mississippi Pharmacy Regulations - Article VI: 2A].A Community Pharmacy shall mean any place, other than an Institutional Pharmacy or a Limited Closed Door Pharmacy, which is accessible to the general public and where pharmacy services are offered. These pharmacies may include but are not limited to independent retail or chain retail pharmacies.A Specialty Community Pharmacy shall mean any place other than an Institutional Pharmacy, Limited Closed Door Pharmacy or a Community Pharmacy where the practice of pharmacy occurs and pharmacy services are provided to patients.These services may include, but are not limited to the following: dispensing sterile pharmaceuticals for home infusion, nuclear pharmacy services, compounding, consulting pharmacist services, disease state management, respiratory services and dispensing of nursing home medications.These pharmacies may be open on a full or part time basis.

In an institution, records of the administration of controlled substances shall be maintained for a period of not less than ___________. a. one year b. two years c. four years d. six years

Answer: (b) two years, [Mississippi Pharmacy Regulations Article: XXIX Section:(3)(18)].Records of the administration of controlled substances shall be maintained for a period of not less than two years. Documentation of administration shall include the patient's name, medication, dosage, prescriber, the name of the person administering the drug and the date and time of administration.

The partial filling of a Schedule II controlled substance prescription is permissible if the pharmacist is unable to supply the full quantity called for in a written or emergency oral prescription. The remaining quantity may be supplied within _______ of the first dispensing. a. 7 days b. 72 hours c. 21 days d. 50 days

Answer: (b) within 72 hours of the first dispensing, [Mississippi Pharmacy Regulations Article: XX Section 1A]. The partial filling of a Schedule II controlled substance prescription is permissible if the pharmacist is unable to supply the full quantity called for in a written or emergency oral prescription. He/she may supply a part of the quantity prescribed provided he/she makes a notation of the quantity supplied on the face of the written prescription (or written record of the emergency oral prescription). The remaining quantity may be supplied within 72 hours of the first dispensing; however, if the remaining quantity is not or cannot be supplied within the 72 hour period, the pharmacist must notify the prescribing practitioner. No further quantity may be supplied on the partially filled prescription beyond the 72 hours.

If the pharmacist license of the pharmacist-in-charge becomes void or inactive due to surrender, revocation, suspension, restriction or for any other reason, application must be made for a new pharmacy permit by another pharmacist within: a. 5 days b. 7 days c. 10 days d. 15 days

Answer: (c) 10 days, [Mississippi Pharmacy Regulations Article: VII Section:(2)].If the pharmacist license of the pharmacist-in-charge becomes void or inactive due to surrender, revocation, suspension, restriction or for any other reason, application must be made for a new pharmacy permit by another pharmacist within ten (10) days.

How many hours of the externship/internship practical experience are required for a licensure under the Mississippi State Pharmacy Law? a. 1200 hours b. 1500 hours c. 1600 hours d. 1700 hours

Answer: (c) 1600 hours, [Mississippi Pharmacy Regulations Article: III, (1)].The externship/internship practical experience required for licensure is defined as a total of sixteen hundred (1,600) hours of pharmacy experience. The said sixteen hundred (1,600) hours of practical experience shall be obtained after the student is enrolled in the professional program of a school of pharmacy.Practical experience hours gained through clerkships and externships, while enrolled in a school of pharmacy whose externship rotations are approved by the Board, may be used to satisfy these requirements.In order for a pharmacy student to be considered as a valid extern in such a program, he/she must be certified by a school of pharmacy as a bona fide student making normal progress toward completion of either a Bachelor of Science or a Doctor of Pharmacy degree in pharmacy.Any remaining practical experience required for licensure, not obtained by the extern through externship rotations, may be obtained during official vacation periods when the extern is not enrolled as a full time student or as an intern after graduation.No more than fifty (50) hours per week of practical experience shall be credited during any of these periods.

A prescription for Ritalin is transmitted from the prescribing practitioner to a pharmacy of a patient's choice via facsimile. Which of the following is TRUE? a. A pharmacist shall not fill the prescription. b. A prescription for CII cannot be faxed to a pharmacy. c. A patient should bring an original prescription to a pharmacy for a review. d. A physician shall verbally transcribe the CII prescription.

Answer: (c) A patient should bring an original prescription to a pharmacy for a review, [Mississippi Pharmacy Regulations Article: XIX Section:(1)(B)].A prescription for a controlled substance in Schedule II may be transmitted from the prescribing practitioner to a pharmacy via facsimile provided the original signed prescription is presented to the pharmacist for review prior to dispensing of the controlled substance.The original prescription shall be maintained in accordance with ARTICLE XIII of these regulations.

Labeling for unit of issue packages for an LTCF resident shall contain which of the following information? I. Name and room or bed number of patient II. Name and strength of drug III. Name and address of the provider pharmacy a. I only b. I and II only c. All d. None of the above

Answer: (c) All, [Mississippi Pharmacy Regulations Article: XXX Section:(B),3(A)]. 1. "Provider Pharmacy" means any pharmacy permitted by the Board where medications are dispensed to residents of a long term care facility located in this state. 2. "Unit dose package" is a package, which contains that particular dose of a medication ordered for the patient for one administration time. A unit dose package is not always a single unit dose package. 3. "Unit of issue package" is a medication package issued by a provider pharmacy, which provides multiple units/dosages of medications attached to each other but separated in a card or a specifically designed container. Labeling for unit of issue packages shall contain the following information: a. Name and room or bed number of patient, b. name of prescribing practitioner, c. name and strength of drug, d. directions for use, e. the name and address of the provider pharmacy when a unit of issue package is utilized for patients in an (LTCF) setting, and f. expiration date.

Each pharmacist shall renew his/her license annually on or before: a. June, 30 b. September, 30 c. December, 31 d. March, 31

Answer: (c) December 31, [Mississippi Pharmacy Regulations Article: IV Section:(1),(C), (D), (E)].Each pharmacist shall renew his/her license annually. D. Any pharmacist license renewal application postmarked after December 31 of the renewal period or submitted online after 11:59 P.M. CST shall be returned or rejected and a fifty dollar ($50.00) late renewal fee shall be assessed prior to renewal. E. Any license not renewed by January 1st shall be considered invalid and the pharmacist is prohibited from providing pharmacy services until the license is renewed.

When dispensing Schedule II controlled substance prescriptions; if computer system does not allow for only one prescription number to be used on a bill split between insurance and cash. Which of the following is/are TRUE?I. The prescription will need to be filled for the one amount.II. A pharmacist shall create a new handwritten amended prescription number to dispensing the additional amount.III. To fill the additional amount, another completed prescription order will need to be obtained for that amount from the prescribing practitioner. a. I only b. I and II only c. I and III only d. None of the above

Answer: (c) I and III only, [http://www.deadiversion.usdoj.gov]. A recent discussion with Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) confirmed that pharmacists are advised to only use and record one prescription serial number (prescription number) when dispensing Schedule II controlled substance prescriptions. Therefore, if the computer system will not allow for only one prescription number to be used on a bill split between insurance and cash, the prescription will need to be filled for the one amount. To fill the additional amount, another completed prescription order will need to be obtained for that amount from the prescribing practitioner.

Which of the following statements is/are TRUE regarding compounding practices by a pharmacist under the Mississippi State Pharmacy Law? I. Based on the existence of a pharmacist/patient/practitioner relationship and the presentation of a valid prescription, pharmacists may compound medications that are commercially available in the marketplace. II. Pharmacists may compound drugs prior to receiving a valid prescription based on a history of receiving valid prescriptions that have been generated solely within an established pharmacist/patient/practitioner relationship. III. Pharmacists shall not offer compounded medications to other pharmacies for resale.

Answer: (c) II and III are true, [Mississippi Pharmacy Regulations Article: XXXI Section:(1),(A)-to-(F)]. 1. Based on the existence of a pharmacist/patient/practitioner relationship and the presentation of a valid prescription, or in anticipation of prescription medication orders based on routine, regularly observed prescribing patterns, pharmacists may compound, for an individual patient, medications that are NOT commercially available in the marketplace. 2. The compounding of inordinate amounts of drugs in anticipation of receiving prescriptions without any historical basis or the distribution of inordinate amounts of compounded products without a patient/practitioner/pharmacist relationship is considered manufacturing. 3. Pharmacists may compound drugs prior to receiving a valid prescription based on a history of receiving valid prescriptions that have been generated solely within an established pharmacist/patient/practitioner relationship. 4. Pharmacists shall not offer compounded medications to other pharmacies for resale. Pharmacies shall not compound medication for practitioners for office administration. 5. A Pharmacist may not Compound a Drug that appears on the FDA List of Drugs withdrawn or removed from the market for Safety Reasons or on the FDA List of Drug products that present demonstrable difficulties in compounding.

Which of the following statements are TRUE about patient med-paks under Mississippi State Pharmacy Law? I. The date of preparation and the beyond-use date of the patient med-pak not to exceed 180 days from the date of preparation. II. Patient med-paks shall bear a label including all information required on a traditional prescription label. III. The med-pak shall bear an identification number unique to a patient. a. I only b. I and II only c. II and III only d. All

Answer: (c) II and III only, [Mississippi Pharmacy Regulations Article: XI Section:(8)].In lieu of dispensing two or more prescribed drug products in separate containers, a pharmacist may, with the consent of the patient, a patient's care giver, or the prescriber, provide a customized package, known as a patient med-pak provided: A. Patient med-paks shall bear a label (or labels) including all information required on a traditional prescription label. In addition, the med-pak shall bear an identification number unique to that patient med-pak, the date of preparation and the beyond-use date of the patient med-pak (not to exceed ninety (90) days) from the date of preparation).If the patient med-pak allows for the removal or separation of individual cells within the med-pak, each cell shall bear a label identifying each of the drug products contained. B. It is the responsibility of the dispensing pharmacist, when preparing the med-pak, to take into account any applicable compendia requirements or guidelines and the physical and chemical compatibility of the dosage forms placed within each cell of the med-pak, as well as any therapeutic incompatibilities that may attend the simultaneous administration of the drugs.C. In addition to individual prescription filing requirements, a record of each patient med-pak shall be made and filed. Each record shall contain at a minimum: (1). The name and address of the patient; (2). The unique identification number of the patient med-pak; (3). The prescription number for each drug product contained; (4). The drug name, manufacturer or distributor name and lot number of each drug product contained; (5). Any special labeling instructions; (6). Information identifying or describing the design, characteristics, or specifications of the med-pak, sufficient to allow subsequent preparation of the med-pak for the patient; (7). The date of preparation of the patient med-pak and the beyond-use date that was assigned; (8). The name or initials of the pharmacist responsible for preparing the med-pak.

Which of the following is/are TRUE about the record keeping for controlled substances under the Mississippi State Pharmacy Law? I. Complete and accurate records of partial filling of all controlled substances shall be kept for 3 years. II. Complete and accurate records of receipt of all controlled substances shall be kept for 2 years. III. Complete and accurate records of disposition of all controlled substances shall be kept for 6 years.

Answer: (c) II and III only, [Mississippi Pharmacy Regulations Article: XXIII Section: (1).Every facility permitted by the Board of Pharmacy shall keep complete and accurate records of the acquisition and disposition of all controlled substances. Records of acquisition must be maintained for a period of two (2) years. Records of disposition must be maintained for a period of six (6) years.These records shall include: A. A current dated and signed inventory of all controlled substances on hand on the inventory date; B. Complete and accurate records of receipt of all controlled substances; C. Complete and accurate records of disposition of all controlled substances.

Which of the following statement(s) is/are TRUE when a pharmacy has a loss of controlled substances? I. Any loss must be reported to the office of the Board by telephone within forty-eight hours. II. Within forty-eight hours of the discovery of the loss, a complete inventory of controlled substances shall be made. III. Within fifteen days of the discovery of the loss, a written report shall be forwarded to the office of the Board. This written report shall include a copy of the controlled substance inventory as required by the law. a. I only b. I and II only c. II and III only d. All

Answer: (c) II and III only, [Mississippi Pharmacy Regulations Article: XXV Section:(1) - Loss of Controlled Substances].When a pharmacy has a loss of controlled substances, the pharmacist-in-charge must comply with the following: (1). Any loss or suspected loss must be reported directly to the office of the Board by telephone immediately (NOT within 48 hours) on discovery; (2). Within forty-eight hours of the discovery of the loss, a complete inventory of controlled substances shall be made. This inventory must be dated and signed by the pharmacist-in-charge; (3). Within fifteen days of the discovery of the loss, a written report shall be forwarded to the office of the Board. This written report shall include a copy of the controlled substance inventory as required by the law.

If the prescription is written for an animal, which of the following shall be required on the prescription? I. Name of an animal II. The species of animal III. The full name and address of the owner of the animal.

Answer: (c) II and III only. If the prescription is for an animal, the prescription shall state the species of animal for which the drug is prescribed and the full name and address of the owner of the animal.

The label of the container of any drug product which is sold within the State of Mississippi for resale at retail and which requires a prescription to be dispensed at retail shall contain at a minimum: I. the name of the distributor of the final dosage unit II. national drug code number III. expiration date of the final dosage unit a. I only b. I and II only c. II and III only d. All

Answer: (c) II and III, [Mississippi Pharmacy Acts 73-21-119(1)].The label of the container of any drug product which is sold within the State of Mississippi for resale at retail and which requires a prescription to be dispensed at retail shall contain at a minimum: a. the name of the manufacturer of the final dosage unit, b. expiration date if applicable, c. batch or lot number and national drug code. The label of the container of any biological product dispensed by a pharmacist shall include its nonproprietary name designated by the federal Food and Drug Administration for use and the name of the manufacturer of the product.

In Mississippi, a pharmacist should not dispense any non-controlled drug or device if the prescription is presented: a. More than 180 days after the date of issuance. b. More than 90 days after the date of issuance. c. More than 365 days after the date of issuance. d. More than 30 days after the date of issuance.

Answer: (c) More than 365 days after the date of issuance, [Mississippi Pharmacy Regulations Article: XII Section:(7)].In Mississippi, a pharmacist should not dispense any non-controlled drug or device if the prescription is presented more than 365 days after the date of issuance.

The records in a Schedule V (OTC) bound book should be maintained for at least: a. 6 months from the date of last transaction. b. 12 months from the date of last transaction. c. 1 year from the date of last transaction. d. 2 years from the date of last transaction.

Answer: (d) 2 years from the date of last transaction, [Mississippi Pharmacy Regulations Article: XVIII Section:(3)(G)].A bound record book is maintained which contains the name and address of the purchaser, name and quantity of controlled substances sold, date of each sale, initials of the dispensing pharmacist, and the legible signature of the purchaser.This book shall be maintained for a period of two (2) years form the date of the last transaction and must be made available for inspection and copying by agents of the Mississippi Board of Pharmacy.

Which of the following is/are classified as Schedule II controlled drug(s)? I. Alfentanil II. Codeine III. Hydrocodone a. I only b. I and II only c. II and III only d. All

Answer: (d) All are classified as Schedule II controlled drugs, [21CFR1308.12].List of Schedule II controlled drugs:______________________________Alfentanil (Alfenta)Amobarbital (Amytal, Tuinal)Amphetamine (Dexedrine, Biphetamine)Lisdexamfetamine (Vyvanse)Coca LeavesCocaineCodeineDextropropoxyphene, bulk (non-dosage forms)Dihydrocodeine (Didrate, Parzone)DiphenoxylateDiprenorphineEcgonine (Cocaine precursor, in Coca leaves)Ethylmorphine (Dionin)Fentanyl (Innovar, Sublimaze, Duragesic)Glutethimide (Doriden, Dorimide)Hydrocodone (dihydrocodeinone)Hydrocodone and isoquinoline alkaloidHydrocodone combination product (Tussionex, Tussend, Lortab, Vicodin, Hycodan, Anexsia)Hydromorphone (Dilaudid, dihydromorphinone)Levo-Alphacetylmethadol (LAAM, long acting methadone, levomethadyl acetate)Meperidine (Demerol, Mepergan, pethidine)Methadone (Dolophine, Methadose, Amidone)Methamphetamine (Desoxyn, D-desoxyephedrine, ICE, Crank, Speed)Methylphenidate (Ritalin)Morphine (MS Contin, Roxanol, Duramorph, RMS, MSIR)Opium poppyOpium tinctureOpium, granulatedOpium, powderedOpium, rawOxycodone (OxyContin, Percocet, Tylox, Roxicodone, Roxicet)Oxymorphone (Numorphan)Pentobarbital (Nembutal)Poppy Straw ConcentrateRemifentanil (Ultiva)Secobarbital (Seconal, Tuinal)Sufentanil (Sufenta)Tapentadol (Nucynta)

Which of the following is/are classified as Schedule IV controlled drug(s)? I. Tramadol II. Zaleplon III. Carisoprodol a. I only b. I and II only c. II and III only d. All

Answer: (d) All, [21CFR1308.14].List of Schedule IV controlled drugs:______________________________Carisoprodol (Soma)Tramadol (Ultram)Alprazolam (Xanax)Barbital(Barbitone)Butorphanol (Stadol, Stadol NS, Torbugesic, Torbutrol)Chloral hydrate (Noctec)Chlordiazepoxide (Librium, Libritabs, Limbitrol, SK-Lygen)Clonazepam (Klonopin, Clonopin)Clorazepate(Tranxene)Dexfenfluramine (Redux)Propoxyphene dosage forms with other ingredientsDiazepam (Valium, Valrelease)Dichloralphenazone (Midrin)Difenoxin 1 mg/ Atropine 25 mcg (Motofen)Estazolam (ProSom, Domnamid, Eurodin, Nuctalon)Ethchlorvynol (Placidyl)Fenfluramine (Pondimin, Ponderal)Flurazepam (Dalmane)Lorazepam (Ativan)Mazindol (Sanorex, Mazanor)Meprobamate (Miltown, Equanil, Deprol, Equagesic, Meprospan)Midazolam (Versed)Modafinil (Provigil)Oxazepam (Serax, Serenid-D)Pemoline (Cylert)Pentazocine (Talwin, Talwin NX, Talacen, Talwin Compound)Phenobarbital (Luminal, Donnatal, Bellergal-S)Phentermine (Ionamin, Fastin, Adipex-P, Obe-Nix, Zantryl)Prazepam (Centrax)Quazepam (Doral, Dormalin)Sibutramine (Meridia)Temazepam (Restoril)Triazolam (Halcion)Zaleplon (Sonata)Zolpidem (Ambien)Zopiclone (Imovane)Eszopiclone (Lunesta)

Which of the following statements is/are TRUE about renewing a pharmacist license? I. Every pharmacist shall renew his license annually. II. Any pharmacist who has defaulted in license renewal may be reinstated within 2 years upon payment of renewal fees and presentation of evidence of the required continuing education. III. Any pharmacist defaulting in license renewal for a period in excess of 2 years shall be required to successfully complete the examination taken by the board before being eligible for reinstatement as a pharmacist in Mississippi. A) I only B) I and II only C) II and III only D) all

Answer: (d) All, [Mississippi Pharmacy Act 73-21-91]. (1). Every pharmacist shall renew his license annually. To renew his license, a pharmacist shall:(a). Submit an application for renewal on the form prescribed by the board; (b). Submit satisfactory evidence of the completion in the last licensure period of such continuing education units as shall be required by the board, but in no case less than one (1) continuing education unit in the last licensure period. (c) (i). Pay any renewal fees as required by the board, not to exceed One Hundred Dollars ($ 100.00) for each annual licensing period, provided that the board may add a surcharge of not more than Five Dollars ($ 5.00) to a license renewal fee to fund a program to aid impaired pharmacists or pharmacy students. Any pharmacist license renewal received postmarked after December 31 of the renewal period will be returned and a Fifty Dollar ($50.00) late renewal fee will be assessed before renewal.(ii). The license fee for a pharmacy benefit manager shall be set by the board, but shall not exceed Five Hundred Dollars ($ 500.00). Any license renewal received postmarked after December 31 of the renewal period will be returned and a Five Hundred Dollar ($ 500.00) late renewal fee will be assessed before renewal. (2). Any pharmacist who has defaulted in license renewal may be reinstated within 2 years upon payment of renewal fees and presentation of evidence of the required continuing education. (3). Any pharmacist defaulting in license renewal for a period in excess of 2 years shall be required to successfully complete the examination taken by the board before being eligible for reinstatement as a pharmacist in Mississippi.OR (4). Shall be required to appear before the board to be examined for his competence and knowledge of the practice of pharmacy, and may be required to submit evidence of continuing education.If the person is found fit by the board to practice pharmacy in this state, the board may reinstate his license to practice pharmacy upon payment of all renewal fees.

The Board of Pharmacy shall develop and implement a computerized program to track prescriptions for controlled substances and to report suspected abuse and misuse of controlled substances. The Board may provide these collected information to: I. a licensed practitioner II. state and federal law enforcement officials engaged in enforcement of the laws governing illicit drug use III. Division of Medicaid regarding Medicaid and Medicare Program recipients a. I only b. I and II only c. II and III only d. All

Answer: (d) All, [Mississippi Pharmacy Acts 73-21-127(e)]. 1. Access to collected data shall be confidential and not subject to the provisions of the federal Freedom of Information Act or the Mississippi Open Records Act. Upon request, the State Board of Pharmacy shall provide collected information to: a. pharmacists or practitioners who are properly registered with the State Board of Pharmacy and are authorized to prescribe or dispense controlled substances for the purpose of providing medical and pharmaceutical care for their patients; b. local, state and federal law enforcement officials engaged in the administration, investigation or enforcement of the laws governing illicit drug use; c. regulatory and licensing boards in this state; d. Division of Medicaid regarding Medicaid and Medicare Program recipients;e. judicial authorities under grand jury subpoena or court order; f. an individual who requests the individual's own prescription monitoring information; and g. prescription monitoring programs in other states through mutual agreement adhering to State Board of Pharmacy policies. 2. The Director of the Mississippi Bureau of Narcotics, or his designee, shall have access to the prescription monitoring program (PMP) database for the purpose of investigating the potential illegal acquisition, distribution, dispensing, prescribing or administering of the controlled and noncontrolled substances monitored by the program, subject to all legal restrictions on further dissemination of the information obtained. 3. The State Board of Pharmacy may also provide generic, non-identifying statistical data for research or educational purposes.

Which of the following is/are classified under the Institutional Pharmacies? I. Hospice Care Pharmacy II. Mental Institution Pharmacy III. Retardation Center Pharmacy

Answer: (d) All, [Mississippi Pharmacy Regulations Article: VI 2(B)].An Institutional Pharmacy shall mean that portion of an institutional facility where the practice of pharmacy occurs and where medications, devices and other materials are dispensed to their patients. (1). An Institutional I Pharmacy shall mean that portion of an institutional facility where the practice of pharmacy occurs and which is engaged in the compounding, production, and dispensing of drugs, medications, devices and other materials which are used in the diagnosis and treatment of injury, illness and disease.For purposes of these regulations a hospital shall mean any institution for the care and treatment of the sick and injured which is licensed and approved by the Mississippi State Department of Health, Health Facilities, Licensure and Certification.An Institutional I Pharmacy shall also include Out-Patient surgery facilities which maintain, dispense and administer medications, devices and other materials in treatment and diagnosis of injury, illness and disease. (2). An Institutional II Pharmacy shall mean that portion of an institution, other than a hospital, where the practice of pharmacy occurs and which is engaged in the compounding, production and dispensing of drugs, medications, devices and other materials used in the diagnosis and treatment of injury, illness and disease. Various categories of Institutional Pharmacies are recognized as follows: "Institutional Facility" or "Organized Health Care Setting" is a: (1). Hospital; (2). Convalescent Home; (3). Nursing Home; (4). Extended Care Facility; (5). Mental Institution; (6). Rehabilitation Center; (7). Retardation Center; (8). Correctional Facility; (9). Hospice; (10). Out-patient surgery facilities

Who may provide counseling to a patient? I. Pharmacist II. Pharmacist-Intern III. Pharmacist-Extern a. I only b. I and II only c. II and III only d. All

Answer: (d) All, [Mississippi Pharmacy Regulations Article: VIII Section:(1)(A)].Only a pharmacist or an extern or intern working under the supervision of a pharmacist may provide professional consultation with the patients and/or other licensed health care professionals.

Which of the following should be part of Prospective Drug Use Review?I. Therapeutic duplication II. Drug-drug interactions III. Clinical abuse/misuse a. I only b. I and II only c. II and III only d. All

Answer: (d) All, [Mississippi Pharmacy Regulations Article: VIII Section:(3)].Before a prescription is dispensed, delivered, or distributed, a pharmacist shall review the patient record and each Prescription Drug Order presented for dispensing for purposes of promoting therapeutic appropriateness by screening: A. Over-utilization or under-utilization; B. Therapeutic duplication; C. Drug-disease contraindications; D. Drug-drug interactions; E. Incorrect drug dosage or duration of drug treatment; F. Drug-allergy interactions; and, G. Clinical abuse/misuse.Upon recognizing any of the above, the pharmacist shall take appropriate steps to avoid or resolve the problem which shall, if necessary, include consultation with the prescriber.

Prospective DUR means the part of the drug utilization review program that: I. is to occur before the drug is dispensed. II. is designed to screen for potential drug therapy problems based on explicit and predetermined criteria and standards that are developed on an ongoing basis with professional input. III. is to provide for the counseling of recipients about the proper use of drugs. a. I only b. I and II only c. II and III only d. All

Answer: (d) All, [Mississippi Pharmacy Regulations Article: VIII Section:(3)].Prospective DUR means the part of the drug utilization review program that: I. Is to occur before the drug is dispensed. II. Is designed to screen for potential drug therapy problems based on explicit and predetermined criteria and standards that are developed on an ongoing basis with professional input. III. Is to provide for the counseling of recipients about the proper use of drugs. Whereas Retrospective DUR means the part of the drug utilization review program that assesses or measures drug use based on an historical review of drug use data against predetermined and explicit criteria and standards that are developed on an ongoing basis with professional input.

Which of the following should be part of a patient's counseling?I. The name and description of the drug.II. Techniques for self-monitoring of therapy.III. Action to be taken in the event of a missed dose. a. I only b. I and II only c. II and III only d. All

Answer: (d) All, [Mississippi Pharmacy Regulations Article: VIII Section:(4),(A)].To optimize drug therapy, a pharmacist shall counsel the patient or patient's agent regarding: 1. the name and description of the drug or device. 2. dosage form, dosage, route of administration, and duration of drug therapy. 3. special direction and precautions for preparation, administration, and use by the patient. 4. common severe side or adverse effects or interactions and therapeutic contraindications that may occur with the therapy. 5. techniques for self-monitoring of drug therapy.6. proper storage of medication. 7. refill information. 8. action to be taken in the event of a missed dose.

A pharmacist that dispenses prescriptions that are to be delivered to a patient shall provide printed information with the delivery which supplies at a minimum: I. Name and description of the drug. II. Dosage form, dose, route of administration, and duration of therapy. III. name, address and telephone number of the dispensing pharmacist. a. I only b. I and II only c. II and III only d. all

Answer: (d) All, [Mississippi Pharmacy Regulations Article: VIII Section:(4),(D)]. A pharmacist that dispenses prescriptions that are to be delivered to the patient or the patient's caregiver by U.S. Mail, UPS, Federal Express, or any other carrier or by any employee or agent of the pharmacy shall comply with the following: (1). Provide printed information with the delivery which supplies at a minimum the name, address and telephone number of the dispensing pharmacist and all information as outlined in Mississippi Pharmacy Regulations Article: VIII Section:(4),(A).

A pharmacist may release a confidential report only to: I. A patient's prescriber II. The State Pharmacy Board. III. An insurance carrier. a. I only b. III only c. I and II only d. All

Answer: (d) All, [Mississippi Pharmacy Regulations Article: VIII Section:(5)].A confidential record is privileged and a pharmacist may release a confidential record only to: (1). The patient; (2). A practitioner or another pharmacist if, in the pharmacist's professional judgment, the release is necessary to protect the patient's health and well-being; (3). The board or to a person or another state or federal agency authorized by law to receive the confidential record; (4). A law enforcement agency engaged in investigation of a suspected violation; (5). A person employed by a state agency that licenses a practitioner, if the person is performing the person's official duties; or (6). An insurance carrier or other third party payor authorized by the patient to receive the information.

If a generic equivalent drug product is available, a pharmacist may select and dispense a generic equivalent drug product when: I. The purchaser requests the selection of a generic equivalent drug product. II. The prescriber has not prohibited drug product selection. III. Drug product selection will result in a lower cost to the purchaser. a. I only b. I and II only c. II and III only d. All

Answer: (d) All, [Mississippi Pharmacy Regulations Article: X Section:(3)]. When drug product selection is made, the purchaser shall be informed of the drug product selection. If a generic equivalent drug product is available, a pharmacist may select and dispense a generic equivalent drug product when the following three conditions are present: A. The purchaser requests the selection of a generic equivalent drug product; B. The prescriber has not prohibited drug product selection; C. Drug product selection will result in a lower cost to the purchaser.

Which of the following is/are TRUE under Mississippi State Pharmacy Law? I. Out-of-date drugs shall be promptly removed from current stock and stored separately until proper disposal shall be made. II. A pharmacist or a pharmacy shall not accept the return for subsequent resale or exchange any drug after such drug has been taken from the premises where sold, distributed or dispensed and from the control of the pharmacist. III. Unless requested not to do so, all medication dispensed in a liquid or solid dosage form shall be dispensed in child resistant packaging. a. I only b. I and II only c. II and III only d. All

Answer: (d) All, [Mississippi Pharmacy Regulations Article: XI Section:(2) to (7)].All drug products which are stored or maintained in a facility permitted by the Board of Pharmacy shall remain in the manufacturer's or repackager's original container.The label of any container in which drugs are maintained must bear the drug name, strength, the manufacturer's control lot number and the expiration date. 1. A pharmacist shall not dispense out-of-date drugs and a pharmacy shall not maintain out-of-date drugs intermixed with the stock of current drugs.Out-of-date drugs shall be promptly removed from current stock and stored separately until proper disposal shall be made. 2. Pharmacies shall be maintained in an orderly and sanitary fashion. 3. A pharmacist or a pharmacy shall not accept the return for subsequent resale or exchange any drug after such drug has been taken from the premises where sold, distributed or dispensed and from the control of the pharmacist. 4. All drug products shall be maintained, stored, and dispensed, in such a manner as to maintain the integrity of the product. 5. Unless requested not to do so, all medication dispensed in a liquid or solid dosage form shall be dispensed in child resistant packaging. 6. Disasters, accidents, or emergencies which may affect the strength, purity or labeling of drugs shall be immediately reported to the Board.

Prescription drug orders transmitted by facsimile or computer shall include: I. The transmitters telephone number II. The full name of the person transmitting the order III. The name, address, and age of the patient a. I only b. I and II only c. II and III only d. All

Answer: (d) All, [Mississippi Pharmacy Regulations Article: XII Section:(2) (B)].Prescription drug orders transmitted by facsimile or computer shall include: (1). The complete name, address, and DEA Registration Number of the practitioner if required; (2). The transmitters telephone number or any other suitable means to contact the transmitter for verbal and/or written confirmation; (3). The name, address, and age of the patient; (4). The time and date of the transmission; (5). The full name of the person transmitting the order; (6). The identity of the Pharmacy intended to receive the transmission, as well as any other information required by federal or state law.

Faxing a prescription for Schedule II controlled drugs may serve as the original prescription only if:I. A licensed practitioner prescribes the Schedule II controlled substances for a patient undergoing home infusion/IV pain therapy.II. A licensed practitioner prescribes the Schedule II controlled substances for a patient living in an LTCF.III. A licensed practitioner prescribes the Schedule II controlled substances for a patient living in hospice care certified by Medicare. a. I only b. I and II only c. II and III only d. All.

Answer: (d) All, [Mississippi Pharmacy Regulations Article: XIX Section:(C) and (D) and 21CFR1306.11 (e),(f) and (g)].Normally, a C-II prescription drug order may be transmitted by the practitioner or the practitioner's agent, but not the patient or patient's agent, to a pharmacy via facsimile machine or equipment.The original written, signed prescription drug order must be presented by the patient to the pharmacist prior to the actual dispensing of the schedule II (C-II) drug.Faxing a prescription for Schedule II controlled drugs may serve as the original prescription only if: 1. A licensed practitioner prescribes the Schedule II controlled substances for a patient undergoing home infusion/IV pain therapy. 2. A licensed practitioner prescribes the Schedule II controlled substances for a patient residing in an LTCF. 3. A licensed practitioner prescribes the Schedule II controlled substances for a patient residing in hospice care certified by Medicare under Title XVIII or licensed by the state. 4. A licensed practitioner prescribes the Schedule II controlled substances for the direct administration to a patient by parenteral, intravenous, intramuscular, subcutaneous, or intraspinal infusion route

Which of the following information is/are required to transfer to the controlled substance monitoring database? I. The dispenser's NCPDP registration number. II. The prescriber's U. S. DEA registration number. III. The national drug code (NDC) number of the controlled substance dispensed. a. I only b. I and II only c. II and III only d. All

Answer: (d) All, [Mississippi Pharmacy Regulations Article: XXIII Section 5].Dispensers will be required to collect and transmit the following information to the the controlled substance monitoring database: (A). The recipient's name. (B). The recipient's or the recipient representative's identification number. (C). The recipient's date of birth. (D). The national drug code (NDC) number of the controlled substance dispensed. (E). The date the controlled substance is dispensed. (F). The quantity of the controlled substance dispensed. (G). The number of days supply dispensed. (H). The dispenser's NABP or NCPDP registration number. (I). The prescriber's U. S. DEA registration number. (J). The method of payment of the prescription purchase.

Which of the following information is/are TRUE ABOUT the storage of controlled substances?I. When an institutional pharmacy dispensing area is closed and the permitted location is accessible to non-pharmacist personnel all controlled substances must be stored in a securely locked, substantially constructed container or area.II. In a nursing home or other institution which does not maintain a pharmacy, a securely locked, substantially constructed area shall be provided for storage of all controlled substances.III. Controlled substances left by the death or discharge of a patient shall be maintained in the drug storage area of the institution until proper disposition of such controlled substances is made. a. I only b. I and II only c. II and III only d. All

Answer: (d) All, [Mississippi Pharmacy Regulations Article: XXIV Section 2]. 1. When an institutional pharmacy dispensing area is closed and the permitted location is accessible to non-pharmacist personnel all controlled substances must be stored in a securely locked, substantially constructed container or area. Only the pharmacist or person authorized by the pharmacist shall have access to this storage area. Authorization for access to this controlled substances storage area may be granted by the pharmacist in accordance with written policy of the pharmacy department of the facility. 2. In a nursing home or other institution which does not maintain a pharmacy, a securely locked, substantially constructed area shall be provided for storage of all controlled substances. Controlled substances left by the death or discharge of a patient shall be maintained in the drug storage area of the institution until proper disposition of such controlled substances is made. Controlled substances thus maintained in the drug storage area shall be kept in a locked cabinet, drawer, or other suitable locked container and only the consultant pharmacist or a person designated by the consultant pharmacist shall have access to the container. 3. Expired medication must be secured.

Which of the following information regarding an inventory of controlled substances in institutional pharmacies is/are TRUE? I. A perpetual inventory shall be maintained on Schedule II controlled drugs. II. A perpetual inventory may be maintained on Schedule III, IV and V controlled drugs. III. If a perpetual inventory is not maintained on Schedule III, IV and V controlled drugs in the pharmacy, there must be the capability of a computer generated audit trail. a. I only b. I and II only c. II and III only d. All

Answer: (d) All, [Mississippi Pharmacy Regulations Article: XXIX Section: 3 (18)]. For Institutional Pharmacy setting: 1. A perpetual inventory shall be maintained on Schedule II controlled drugs. 2. A perpetual inventory may be maintained on Schedule III, IV and V controlled drugs. 3. If a perpetual inventory is not maintained on Schedule III, IV and V controlled drugs in the pharmacy, there must be the capability of a computer generated audit trail. 4. Inventory audits shall be performed on a routine (at least daily) basis at all areas where controlled drugs are stocked outside the pharmacy. 5. Records of periodic audits shall be maintained and made available for inspection by an agent of the Mississippi Board of Pharmacy.

Which of the following is/are TRUE about obtaining a drug in the absence of a pharmacist? I. In the absence of a pharmacist, access shall be by locked cabinet(s) or other enclosure(s) constructed and located outside of the pharmacy area, to which only specifically authorized personnel may obtain access. II. Whenever any drug is not available from floor supplies or other storage areas, it can be obtained from the pharmacy using after-hours policies and procedures. III. In the absence of a pharmacist, a drug can be obtained using an Emergency Medication Kit. a. I only b. I and II only c. II and III only d. All

Answer: (d) All, [Mississippi Pharmacy Regulations Article: XXIX Section:(4)(A)(B)(C)(D)]. 1. In the absence of a pharmacist, access shall be by locked cabinet(s) or other enclosure(s) constructed and located outside of the pharmacy area, to which only specifically authorized personnel may obtain access and which is sufficiently secure to deny access to unauthorized persons. 2. Whenever any drug is not available from floor supplies or other storage areas and such drug is required to treat the immediate needs of a patient whose health would otherwise be jeopardized, such drug may be obtained from the pharmacy.Only designated nurses in any one shift may be given access to the pharmacy and may remove drugs therefrom. 3. In the absence of a pharmacist, a drug can also be obtained using an Emergency Medication Kit.

Which of the following is/are TRUE about obtaining a drug by the nursing staffs in the absence of a pharmacist in institutional pharmacies? I. Nursing staff may withdraw a single dose of medication at a time for administration to a patient. II. Removal of any drug from the pharmacy by an authorized nurse must be recorded on a suitable form showing patient name and room number, name, strength and amount of drug, date, time, and signature of nurse. III. The completed form and a copy of the practitioner's order shall be placed conspicuously so they will be found by a pharmacist and verified promptly. a. I only b. I and II only c. II and III only d. All

Answer: (d) All, [Mississippi Pharmacy Regulations Article: XXIX Section:(4)(c)].Whenever any drug is not available from floor supplies or other storage areas and such drug is required to treat the immediate needs of a patient whose health would otherwise be jeopardized, such drug may be obtained from the pharmacy in accordance with the requirements of this subsection. Only designated nurses in any one shift may be given access to the pharmacy and may remove drugs there from.Nurses allowed access to the pharmacy shall receive thorough education and training in the proper methods of access, removal of drugs and records and procedures by the Director of Pharmacy, who shall require at a minimum, the following: (1). In the absence of a pharmacist, nursing staff may withdraw a single dose of medication at a time for administration to a patient. (2). Removal of any drug from the pharmacy by an authorized nurse must be recorded on a suitable form showing patient name and room number, name, strength and amount of drug, date, time, and signature of nurse; (3). The completed form and a copy of the practitioner's order shall be placed conspicuously so they will be found by a pharmacist and verified promptly; (4). The director or his pharmacist designee shall check and initial the order.

The labeling contents for the exterior of the emergency medication kits may include: I. Only for emergency use. II. Earliest expiration date of any drug contained in kits. III. Facilities operating with a part-time director, the name, address and telephone number of each supplying pharmacy or pharmacist. a. I only b. I and II only c. II and III only d. All

Answer: (d) All, [Mississippi Pharmacy Regulations Article: XXIX Section:(4),(D)(4)]. 1. The exterior of the emergency medication supplies shall be labeled so as to clearly indicate that it is an emergency medication supply and it is for use in emergencies only; and 2. in addition, the exterior shall indicate the expiration date of the supply, which shall be no later than the earliest expiration date of any drug contained therein, and 3. in facilities operating with a part-time director, the name, address and telephone number of each supplying pharmacy or pharmacist. 4. Upon the occurrence of an expiration date, the supplying pharmacist shall open the supply and replace expired drugs with current dated drugs and reseal it.

An institution permitted or registered by the Mississippi Board of Pharmacy in which controlled substances are administered to patients, may make on-premises destruction of controlled substances provided: I. The controlled substance is the remainder of a prepackaged single dosage unit or unit of use. II. At least part of the unit dose or unit of use was administered. III. The signature of the person (pharmacist or nurse) making the destruction as well as the signature of a second person who witnessed the destruction shall be recorded on paper. a. I only b. I and II only c. II and III only d. All

Answer: (d) All, [Mississippi Pharmacy Regulations Article: XXVI Section:(2)].An institution permitted or registered by the Mississippi Board of Pharmacy in which controlled substances are administered to patients, may make on-premises destruction of controlled substances provided: A. The controlled substance is the remainder of a prepackaged single dosage unit or unit of use. B. At least part of the unit dose or unit of use was administered. C. The destruction is recorded showing: (1). The name of the drug; (2). The amount of the drug which was administered and the amount of the drug which was destroyed; (3). The time and the date of destruction; (4). The name of the patient; (5). The room number of the patient; (6). The name of the person administering the drug; (7). The signature of the person (pharmacist or nurse) making the destruction; (8). The signature of a second person who witnessed the destruction. E. A single dosage unit or any unit of use of a controlled substance which:(1). is broken, (2). becomes contaminated, or (3). for any reason cannot be used, must be returned to the control of the pharmacy for proper disposal.When it is not possible to return a broken, contaminated, or unwanted dosage unit or unit of use to the pharmacy, documentation of the loss may be substituted.Broken or contaminated single dosage units or units of use returned to the pharmacy for destruction may be destroyed on premise provided the destruction is documented.

Which of the following is/are correct ways to dispose of controlled substances according to Mississippi Pharmacy Law? I. An agent of the Pharmacy Board shall obtain an inventory of the controlled substances to be disposed of and make two (2) copies of this inventory. II. The first copy of this inventory shall be retained by the Pharmacy Board; the second copy shall be given to the registrant. III. After complying with this inventory requirement, the agent of the Pharmacy Board shall take possession of the controlled substances. a. I only b. I and II only c. II and III only d. All

Answer: (d) All, [Mississippi Pharmacy Regulations Article: XXVI Section:(3)].1. Under Mississippi Pharmacy Law, a permittee shall request the Board of Pharmacy to dispose the controlled substances. 2. An agent of the Pharmacy Board shall obtain an inventory of the controlled substances to be disposed of and make two (2) copies of this inventory. 3. The first copy of this inventory shall be retained by the Pharmacy Board; the second copy shall be given to the registrant.4. After complying with this inventory requirement, the agent of the Pharmacy Board shall take possession of the controlled substances. 5. The controlled substances thus taken by the Pharmacy Board Agent shall be placed in a sealed container and labeled with the date and the name and address of the registrant and stored by the Board of Pharmacy until such time as they are disposed. 6. Except as provided for in this ARTICLE, no controlled substance may be destroyed or disposed of by a registrant without written permission of the Regional Director of the Federal Drug Enforcement Administration.

Which of the following statement(s) is/are TRUE about Authorized Nuclear Pharmacists under the Mississippi State Pharmacy Law? I. The pharmacist shall be a currently licensed pharmacist in the state of Mississippi. II. The pharmacist shall complete a minimum of two hundred (200) contact hours of instruction in nuclear pharmacy and the safe handling and use of radioactive materials from a program approved by the Mississippi Board of Pharmacy. III. The pharmacist shall attain a minimum of five hundred (500) hours of clinical nuclear pharmacy training under the supervision of a qualified nuclear pharmacist. a. I only b. I and II only c. II and III only d. All

Answer: (d) All, [Mississippi Pharmacy Regulations Article: XXVII Section:(2),(e)].An Authorized nuclear pharmacist means a currently licensed pharmacist in the state of Mississippi who is certified by the Mississippi State Department of Health, Division of Radiological Health,ORWho meets the following standards: (1). Minimum standards of training for "authorized user status" of radioactive materials as defined by the Mississippi State Department of Health, Division of Radiological Health; (2). Completed a minimum of two hundred (200) contact hours of instruction in nuclear pharmacy and the safe handling and use of radioactive materials from a program approved by the Mississippi Board of Pharmacy, with emphasis in the following areas: (a). Radiation Physics and Instrumentation; (b). Radiation Protection; (c). Mathematics of Radioactivity; (d). Radiation Biology; (e). Radiopharmaceutical Chemistry. (3). Attain a minimum of five hundred (500) hours of clinical nuclear pharmacy training under the supervision of an authorized nuclear pharmacist.

Which of the following is/are requirement(s) to serve as a consultant pharmacist? I. Have and maintain a license to practice pharmacy within the State of Mississippi. II. Have attended within the last two years a training course of not less than 8 hours in institutional pharmacy services which has been approved by the Board. III. Attending, within the last two years, a consultant pharmacist seminar which has been approved by the Board. a) I only b) I and II only c) II and III only d) all

Answer: (d) All, [Mississippi Pharmacy Regulations Article: XXX Section: (1)(A)(B)(C),(2)(I)].Unless specifically authorized by the Board to do so, no person shall serve as a consultant pharmacist or act or purport to act in this capacity to any institutional facility unless he/she possesses the following qualifications: A. Have and maintain a license to practice pharmacy within the State of Mississippi; B. Have attended within the last two years a training course of not less than eight (8) hours in institutional pharmacy services that has been approved by the Board of Pharmacy; C. Attending, within the last two (2) years, a consultant pharmacist seminar which has been approved by the Board.

Access to the IEMK and its contents shall be limited to: I. Provider pharmacist II. The director of nurses III. Persons designated by the director of nurses a. I only b. I and II only c. II and III only d. All

Answer: (d) All, [Mississippi Pharmacy Regulations Article: XXXV Section 3]. The IEMK shall, at all times, be maintained in a securely locked room or cabinet at the institution. Access to the IEMK and its contents shall be limited to only those persons as designated by the director of nurses and the provider pharmacist.

To modify or initiate drug therapy under protocol agreement a pharmacist is required to have which of the following qualifications? I. Have and maintain a license to practice pharmacy issued by the Mississippi Board of Pharmacy. II. Have attended and successfully completed at least sixteen (16) hours of continuing education consisting of basic pharmaceutical care, development of patient care plans and the clinical practice of pharmacy that have been approved by the Board. III. Have attended and successfully completed a Board pre-approved study course consisting of not less than sixteen (16) hours of continuing education focusing on a specific disease state, patient care plans and protocol management. a. I only b. I and II only c. II and III only d. All

Answer: (d) All, [Mississippi Pharmacy Regulations Article: XXXVI Section:(1)-to-(3)]. 1. Pharmacists may provide pharmaceutical health care to patients by initiating and/or modifying prescription drug therapy after a written protocol, indicating approval by a licensed practitioner who is authorized to prescribe prescription drugs, has been placed on file at the office of the Board. 2. Any such protocol must define the agreement by which the practitioner delegates this authority and any such authority granted must be within the scope of the practitioner's prescribing authority and current practice. Any modification of the agreement must be treated as a new protocol. 3. Unless specifically authorized by the Board, no person shall initiate or modify drug therapy under a protocol agreement unless he/she is certified and possesses the following qualifications: A. Have and maintain a license to practice pharmacy issued by the Mississippi Board of Pharmacy; and B. Have attended and successfully completed at least sixteen (16) hours of continuing education consisting of basic pharmaceutical care, development of patient care plans and the clinical practice of pharmacy that have been approved by the Board; and in addition C. Have attended and successfully completed a Board pre-approved study course consisting of not less than sixteen (16) hours of continuing education focusing on a specific disease state, patient care plans and protocol management. 4. Pharmacists shall, on a biennial basis, obtain re-certification in each disease state by successfully completing a Board-approved continuing education program consisting of not less than six (6) hours focusing on nationally recognized updates.

Which of the following drug(s) is/are classified as a Schedule III controlled drug under Mississippi State Pharmacy Law? I. Fiorinal II. FioricetI II. Butalbital a. I only b. I and II only c. II and III only d. All

Answer: (d) All, [Mississippi State Pharmacy Law].Only under Mississippi State Pharmacy Law: Any medication containing Butalbital is classified as a Schedule III controlled drug.*** Federal Controlled Substance Act, Do Not Apply to Mississippi - Only Here for Information purpose.*** Fioricet contains: 325 mg of acetaminophen (APAP), 50 mg of butalbital, and 40 mg of caffeine.Fiorinal contains: 325 mg of aspirin (ASA), 50 mg of butalbital, and 40 mg of caffeine.The only difference between these two is the aspirin in Fiorinal vs acetaminophen in Fioricet. The interesting thing is that Fiorinal is a scheduled class III substance, while Fioricet has a non-scheduled status. It seems really strange because both combinations contain equal amount of the controlled substance butalbital.The exemption requires that one of the active ingredients be a non-narcotic controlled substance and one of the others be a non-scheduled compound. The potential for abuse is decreased if a sufficient amount of a non-controlled substance (e.g., aspirin or acetaminophen) is added.The ratio required for exemption is 70 mg of acetaminophen to 15 mg of butalbital. In contrast, the ratio of aspirin to butalbital is 188 mg to 15 mg.The acetaminophen to butalbital ratio is approximately 97 mg to 15 mg in Fioricet, thus it is exempt from scheduling. In Fiorinal the aspirin to butalbital ratio is approximately 97 mg to 15 mg, which is less than the 188mg:15mg ratio, so it is classified as a Schedule III substance

Which of the following information regarding Clean Claim is/are TRUE under Pharmacy Benefit Prompt Pay Act? I. A claim is clean if it has no defect or impropriety, including any lack of substantiating documentation, or particular circumstance requiring special treatment that prevents timely payment from being made on the claim. II. A clean claim includes resubmitted claims with previously identified deficiencies corrected. III. A clean claim does not include claims submitted by a pharmacist or pharmacy more than thirty (30) days after the date of service. a. I only b. I and II only c. II and III only d. All

Answer: (d) All, [Pharmacy Benefit Prompt Pay Act - Miss. Code Ann-73-21-155(2)(3)(a),(b)].

Which of the following information regarding Pharmacy Benefit Prompt Pay Act is/are TRUE?I. All benefits payable under a pharmacy benefit management plan shall be paid within 15 days after receipt of due written proof of a clean claim where claims are submitted electronically. II. All benefits payable under a pharmacy benefit management plan shall be paid within 35 days after receipt of due written proof of a clean claim where claims are submitted in paper format. III. Pharmacy benefit managers shall be required to update the amounts used for calculation of reimbursement for prescription drugs no less than every 3 business days.

Answer: (d) All, [Pharmacy Benefit Prompt Pay Act - Miss. Code Ann-73-21-155(2)(3)(a)]. 1. Pharmacy benefit managers, their agents and other parties responsible for reimbursement for prescription drugs and other products and supplies shall be required to update the nationally recognized reference prices or amounts used for calculation of reimbursement for prescription drugs and other products and supplies no less than every three (3) business days. 2. All benefits payable under a pharmacy benefit management plan shall be paid within fifteen (15) days after receipt of due written proof of a clean claim where claims are submitted electronically, and shall be paid within thirty-five (35) days after receipt of due written proof of a clean claim where claims are submitted in paper format.Benefits due under the plan and claims are overdue if not paid within fifteen (15) days or thirty-five (35) days, whichever is applicable, after the pharmacy benefit manager receives a clean claim containing necessary information essential for the pharmacy benefit manager to administer preexisting condition, coordination of benefits and subrogation provisions under the plan sponsor's health insurance plan. 3. A "clean claim" means a claim received by any pharmacy benefit manager for adjudication and which requires no further information, adjustment or alteration by the pharmacist or pharmacies or the insured in order to be processed and paid by the pharmacy benefit manager.

Which of the following procedure(s) shall be followed for a permanent closing of a pharmacy business? I. The pharmacist-in-charge shall give notice to the Board of the effective date of closure at least 14 days prior to the closure. II. The pharmacist-in-charge shall notify the Board in writing 14 days by what means and as to whom controlled substances were transferred or disposed of. III. The pharmacist-in-charge shall take a complete inventory of any controlled substances on hand, including out of date drugs. a. I only b. I and II only c. II and III only d. All

Answer: (d) All, [https://www.mbp.ms.gov/Regulations/Final_Regs_2_2019.pdf and https://www.mbp.ms.gov/Pages/Regulations.aspx]. (1). The pharmacist-in-charge shall give notice to the Board of the effective date of closure at least fourteen (14) days prior to the closure and shall notify the Board in writing fourteen (14) days by what means and as to whom controlled substances were transferred or disposed of; and (2). Take a complete inventory of any controlled substances on hand, including out-of date drugs; and (3). Send the pharmacy permit, controlled substances registration and a copy of the controlled substances inventory to the Board; and (4). Remaining controlled substances may be transferred to another registrant pursuant to DEA regulations.

When a pharmacist changes his/her employment, he/she must notify the Board in writing by mail or fax within ten (10) days of a change of employment with the: I. Name and license number of pharmacist. II. Name, address and permit number of the pharmacy where presently employed. III. Name, address and permit number of the pharmacy where he/she was formerly employed. a. I only b. I and II only c. II and III only d. All

Answer: (d) All, [https://www.mbp.ms.gov/Regulations/Final_Regs_2_2019.pdf and https://www.mbp.ms.gov/Pages/Regulations.aspx].Pharmacists must notify the Board in writing by mail or fax within ten (10) days of a change of employment. To ensure the correct changes are made to the Board records, a pharmacist should include the following information: (1). Name and license number of pharmacist; (2). Name, address and permit number of the pharmacy where presently employed; (3). Name, address and permit number of the pharmacy where he/she was formerly employed.

JD comes to a pharmacy and requests a transfer of a prescription for Zaleplon to another pharmacy. His patient profile shows that three eligible refills have been left on the prescription. How many times may the original prescription be transferred between pharmacies? a. One-time only b. Maximum three times c. As many times as needed until prescription expires d. Cannot be transferred

Answer: (d) Cannot be transferred, [Mississippi Pharmacy Regulations Article: XV Section:(1)].Prescriptions for drugs which are controlled substances as defined by the Mississippi Uniform Controlled Substances Law shall not be transferred.However, pharmacies electronically sharing a real-time, on-line database may transfer the original prescription between pharmacies for a number of times refills permitted by the law.

The data processing system shall have the capacity to produce a daily hard-copy printout of all original prescriptions dispensed and refilled. This hard-copy printout shall contain all of the following information EXCEPT: a. patient name b. quantity dispensed c. patient's address d. date of issuing

Answer: (d) Date of issuing, [Mississippi Pharmacy Regulations Article: XXIII Section:(4)(A),(B)].The data processing system shall have the capacity to produce a daily hard-copy printout of all original prescriptions dispensed and refilled.A hard-copy printout containing only the dispensing record of original filling of Schedule II controlled substance prescriptions and the record of original filling and the refill history for Schedule III, IV, or V controlled substance prescription orders shall be produced daily, or at regular intervals, not to exceed seven (7) days and shall be filed chronologically and stored in an orderly manner in a separate file at the pharmacy and be maintained for a two-year period from the date of the last dispensing.This hard-copy printout shall contain the following information: (1). Prescription number; (2). Name of the patient; (3). The prescribing practitioner's name; (4). The name, strength, dosage form, and quantity of the controlled substance dispensed; (5). Number of refills originally authorized; (6). Date of initial dispensing (not the date of issuing) if an original prescription or if a refill, the date of refilling and the date of initial dispensing, and the total number of refills dispensed to date or the total number of refills remaining for that prescription order; (7). The initials or identifying code of the dispensing pharmacist. (8). Hard copy printouts shall only contain information regarding prescriptions dispensed. The hard copy printout containing the information required by this paragraph shall be signed and dated by the pharmacist who produces the printout. The signature of the pharmacist on the printout shall serve as verification by that pharmacist that the information contained on the printout is complete.

Which of the following is/are TRUE about an IEMK? I. No controlled substance is allowed. II. An IEMK authorizes an inventory up to fifteen (15) units each of the 42 medication items. III. The contents of the IEMK shall be limited up to 42 items. a. I only b. I and II only c. All d. None of the above

Answer: (d) None of the above is true, [Mississippi Pharmacy Regulations Article: XXXV Section:(C)]. Emergency kit medications shall be administered to patients only for emergencies and pursuant to a valid medication order or prescription. Institutional emergency medication kit (IEMK) drug supplies are not to be used when medications are readily available from a community or hospital pharmacy. A Manual IEMK permit authorizes an inventory up to sixty (60) medication items with a limit on the quantity (or par value) to no more than fifteen (15) units each of the sixty (60) medication items. A facility may choose to increase six (6) of the medication items to a maximum of thirty (30) units for those six (6) items. A maximum of ten (10) medication items may be controlled substances with a maximum limit of ten (10) units each. An Automated IEMK permit shall not have any limits on the quantity of the inventory, except controlled substances shall be limited to a maximum of twenty (20) medication items with a maximum limit of twenty (20) units each.

Which of the following information is/are TRUE under the Mississippi State Pharmacy Law? I. No more than 120cc (non-prescription controlled substance) is dispensed to the same purchaser in any given 96 hour period. II. No more than 4 sales in any 7 day period of any non-prescription controlled substance is made to the same purchaser. III. No more than 6 sales in any 30 day period of any non-prescription controlled substance is made to the same purchaser. a. I only b. I and II only c. All d. None of the above

Answer: (d) None of the above, [Mississippi Pharmacy Regulations Article: XVIII Section:(2),(B)]. 1. A controlled substance in Schedule II, III, IV, or V, which is a prescription drug, shall not be dispensed without a valid prescription or a valid order. 2. A controlled substance in Schedule V which is not a prescription drug may be dispensed pursuant to a valid prescription or it may be dispensed without a prescription provided that: A. The substance is dispensed by a pharmacist. The pharmacist shall be responsible for the record keeping of the dispensing. B. No more than 120cc (4 ounces) is dispensed to the same purchaser or for the same person in any given 72 hour period (Federal Law allows only 48-hour time limit). C. No more than two (2) sales in any seven (7) day period and no more than three (3) sales in any thirty (30) day period of any non-prescription controlled substance is made to the same purchaser or made for the same person.Additional sales shall be by prescription only.

A pharmacy technician may perform all of the following duties EXCEPT: a. initiating and receiving refill authorization requests. b. entering prescription data into a data processing system. c. taking a stock bottle from the shelf for a prescription. d. taking a new oral order from a prescriber.

Answer: (d) Pharmacy technicians may perform only nonjudgmental technical duties associated with the preparation and distribution of prescription drugs, including but not limited to the following, [Mississippi Pharmacy Regulations Article: XL Section:(4)(B),(C)]: In order to adequately protect the public health, technicians shall not: A. Communicate, orally or in writing, any medical, therapeutic, clinical, or drug information or communicate any information recorded on a patient profile that requires professional judgment; and B. Accept by oral communication a new prescription of any nature; and C. Prepare a copy of a prescription or read a prescription to another person; and D. Provide a prescription or medication to a patient without a pharmacist's verification as to the accuracy of the dispensed medication. For the purposes of this regulation, verification shall mean that the licensed pharmacist shall be aware of the patient's medication profile, Drug Utilization Review, computer overrides, and drug interactions as well as the accuracy of the selected medication and labeling; and E. Counsel a patient on medications or perform a drug utilization review; and F. Perform any task that requires the professional judgment of a pharmacist; and G. Perform any task that is in violation of any federal or state pharmacy or drug laws. Persons registered with the Board as a pharmacy technician, under the direct supervision of a registered pharmacist may perform approved tasks as follows: A. Packing, pouring or placing in a container for dispensing, sale, distribution, transfer possession of, vending, or barter any drug, medicine, poison, or chemical which, under the laws of the United States or the State of Mississippi, may be sold or dispensed only on the prescription of a practitioner authorized by law to prescribe drugs, medicines, poisons, or chemicals. This shall also include the adding of water for reconstitution of oral antibiotic liquids. B. Affixing required labels upon any container of drugs, medicines, poisons, or chemicals sold or dispensed upon prescription of a practitioner authorized by law to prescribe those drugs, medicines, poisons, or chemicals. C. Taking from, and replacing upon shelves in the prescription department of a pharmacy, drugs, medicines, chemicals, or poisons which are required by the law of the United States or the State of Mississippi to be sold or dispensed only on prescription of a practitioner authorized by law to prescribe them. D. Entering information into the pharmacy computer. The pharmacy technician shall not make any judgemental decisions, which could affect patient care. The final verification of prescription information entered into the computer shall be made by the supervising pharmacist who is then totally responsible for all aspects of the data and data entry. E. Obtaining prescriber authorization for prescription refills provided that nothing about the prescription is changed. F. Prepackaging and labeling of multi-dose and unit-dose packages of medication. The pharmacist must establish the procedures, including selection of containers, labels and lot numbers, and must check the finished task. G. Dose picking for unit dose cart fill for a hospital or for a nursing home patient. H. Checking and inspecting nursing units in a hospital or nursing home: Pharmacy technicians may check nursing units for proper medication storage and other related floor stock medication issues. Any related medication storage problems or concerns shall be documented and initialed by a pharmacist. I. Recording patient or medication information in electronic systems for later validation by the pharmacist. J. Bulk reconstitution of prefabricated non-injectable medication. K. Bulk compounding. This category may include such items as sterile bulk solutions for small-volume injectables, sterile irrigating solutions, products prepared in relatively large volume for internal or external use by patients, and reagents or other products for the pharmacy or other departments of a hospital. L. Preparation of parenteral products as follows: The pharmacy technician must follow guidelines established by the pharmacist as established by policy and procedures. Pharmacy technicians may perform functions involving reconstitution of single or multiple dosage units that are to be administered to a given patient as a unit.Pharmacy technicians may perform functions involving the addition of one manufacturer's single dose or multiple unit doses of the same product to another manufacturer's prepared unit to be administered to a patient. The supervising pharmacist must verify the accuracy in all instances.

Phenergan with Codeine syrup is classified as: a. Schedule II b. Schedule III c. Schedule IV d. Schedule V

Answer: (d) Phenergan with Codeine syrup is classified as a Schedule V controlled drug, [21CFR1308.15].List of Schedule V controlled drugs:_______________________________Codeine preparations - Not more than 200 mg per 100 ml or 100 gm (Robitussin AC, Phenergan with Codeine).

An Opioid Treatment Program must have a current, valid certification from _________ and permanently display proof of that current certification in public view, available for public inspection. a. MBOP b. DEA c. OTP d. SAMHSA

Answer: (d) SAMHSA, [MS BReg 24-2:54.1. (C) General Related to Opioid Treatment Programs]. An Opioid Treatment Program must have a current, valid certification from SAMHSA (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration) and permanently display proof of that current certification in public view, available for public inspection. Additionally, Opioid Treatment Programs must have a current certification from the Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities (CARF).

According to Mississippi State Pharmacy Law, the prescription record should be kept on file for: A) Two years from the date of dispensing. B) Six years from the date of dispensing. C) Three years from the date of dispensing. D) A year from the date of dispensing.

Answer: B

When dealing with an Automated Pharmacy Dispensing System, a pharmacist-in-charge is responsible for: I. Assigning, discontinuing or changing access to the system. II. Ensuring that access to the medications comply with state and federal regulations. III. Ensuring that the automated pharmacy system is filled/stocked/replenished accurately. a. I only b. I and II only c. II and III only d. All

Answer:(d) All, [Mississippi Pharmacy Regulations Article: XXXIX Section:(3),(F),(G)].G. Automated pharmacy systems include, but are not limited to, mechanical systems that perform operations or activities relative to the storage, packaging, delivery, or distribution of medications, and which collect, control and maintain all transaction information. The pharmacist-in-charge shall be responsible for: (1). Assigning, discontinuing or changing access to the system; and (2). Ensuring that access to the medications comply with state and federal regulations; and (3). Ensuring that the automated pharmacy system is filled/stocked/replenished accurately and in accordance with established written policies and procedures. H. The filling/stocking/replenishing of all medications in the automated pharmacy system shall be accomplished by qualified personnel under the supervision of a pharmacist licensed by the Board. I. A record of the medications filled/stocked/replenished in an automated pharmacy system shall be maintained for a period of two (2) years and shall include identification of the persons filling/stocking/replenishing and checking for accuracy.

Drug Regime Review includes which of the following? I. Retrospective review II. Concurrent review III. Prospective review a. I only b. I and II only c. II and III only d. All

Drug Regimen Review (DRR) means the retrospective, concurrent, and prospective review by a pharmacist of a patient's drug related history that includes the following areas: (1). Evaluation of prescriptions or drug orders and patient records for drug allergies, rational therapy contradictions, appropriate dose and route of administration, appropriate directions for use, or duplicative therapies. (2). Evaluation of prescriptions or drug orders and patient records for drug-drug, drug-food, drug-disease, and drug-clinical laboratory interactions. (3). Evaluation of prescriptions or drug orders and patient records for adverse drug reactions. (4). Evaluation of prescriptions or drug orders and patient records for proper utilization and optimal therapeutic outcomes.Whereas Drug Utilization Review (DUR) means a program designed to measure and assess on a retrospective and prospective basis the proper use of drugs.

All of the following are Schedule I controlled drugs EXCEPT: a) heroin b) lsd c) hydromorphone d) marijuana

Hydromorphone is a Schedule II controlled drug, [21CFR1308.12].List of Schedule I controlled drugs:_____________________________Difenoxin(Lyspafen)DihydromorphineHeroin (Diacetylmorphine, diamorphine)Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD, lysergide)Marijuana (Cannabis, marijuana)MescalinePeyote

who appoints the pharmacy board members?


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