MUS 1030 Part 5 Ch 17

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Which statement does NOT apply to the career of Clara Schumann?

As a result of her ability as a composer and virtuoso, a wealthy industrialist provided her with an ample yearly stipend but under the condition that they never meet. (Her composing became less frequent as her children became more numerous. She never composed again after her husband's death. At her marriage, she surpassed her husband in international fame but put aside her career to be a wife and mother. Needing money to pay the bills after her husband's death, she resumed her career as a touring piano virtuoso.)

Identify the INCORRECT statement regarding Schubert's career.

During his early adult years, he traveled around Germany and Austria as a touring virtuoso. (He earned a small income from the sale of a few songs, but it was not enough to provide for his full support. As a child, he was a choirboy in the emperor's chapel. He lived a Bohemian life and was assisted by the generosity of his friends, with whom he lodged when he was broke. Most of his best songs were performed for his friends at small, informal concerts given in the parlors of their middle-class homes.)

All of the statements apply to Schubert EXCEPT which of the following?

His father planned that his son would become a physician. (As a child, Schubert possessed an obvious musical talent; his father taught him the violin, and an older brother gave him piano lessons. His sizable oeuvre went largely unperformed during his lifetime. He was born in Vienna, and his father was a schoolteacher. He was admitted at age eleven as a choirboy in the emperor's chapel.)

Which statement regarding Schubert is FALSE?

His tone poem, the "Unfinished," became a model for other Romantic period orchestral compositions.

Which statement regarding Clara Schumann is FALSE?

Recognizing Robert's genius, Clara's father encouraged her relationship with him and was pleased when they finally married. (After the death of her husband, Clara supported herself and her children by resuming her career as a touring virtuoso. A child prodigy on the piano, she made her debut performance in Leipzig at the age of eleven, and a concert tour of Europe soon followed. She was one of the great piano virtuosos of the nineteenth century. At one point, Clara gave up on the idea of being a composer.)

Which of the following definitions best suits the meaning of "song cycle"?

a collection of several songs united by a common textual theme or literary idea

What is "strophic form"?

a form in which the music is repeated anew for each successive stanza

What is a "Schubertiad"?

a social gathering for music and poetry that featured Schubert's songs and piano music

What is an art song?

a song for solo voice and piano with high artistic aspirations

Schubert intended the accompaniments for his Lieder to be evocative of the text. What is this accompaniment passage meant to suggest?

a wild ride on horseback

How does Clara Schumann indulge in word painting in this excerpt from "Liebst du um Schönheit"?

by setting the word not (nichts) with a sudden minor chord

What is likely the most direct influence that caused composers to suddenly show a great interest in writing art songs during the nineteenth century??

great authors were writing poetry at a frenzied pace

Identify the correct definition of "through-composed."

music that exhibits no obvious repetitions or overt musical form from beginning to end

Which form is often used for setting hymns and pop songs?

strophic form

What is a "Lied"?

the German genre of art song for voice and piano accompaniment, which originated around 1800

Identify the correct definition of "modified strophic form."

the repetitive form is modified briefly to accommodate a particularly expressive word or phrase in the text

One of the hallmarks of the Romantic era was a lively interest in literature and especially poetry. Composers believed that music could intensify poetic sentiments by expressing things that words alone could not.


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