NUR 114 test 2

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a, d, e

a nursing student is studying delirium. which of the following student statements indicates that learning has occurred? select all that apply a. the symptoms of delirium develop over a short time b. delirium permanently affects the ability to learn new information c. symptoms of delirium include the development of aphasia, apraxia and agnosia d. delirium is a disturbance of consciousness e. delirium is always secondary to another condition

a, b, c, e

the nurse is teaching a client diagnosed with schizophreniform disorder about what may affect a good prognosis. which of the following features should the nurse include? select all that apply a. confusion and perplexity at the height of the psychotic episode b. good premorbid social and occupational functioning c. absence of blunted or flat affect d. predominance of negative symptoms e. onset of psychotic symptoms within 4 weeks of noticeable behavioral change

b The statement I read the Bible every hour so that I will know what to do next is evidence of the symptom of religiosity. Religiosity is an excessive demonstration of obsession with religious ideas and behavior. The client may use religious ideas in an attempt supervised rational meeting and structure to the behavior

the nurse reports that a client diagnosed with a schizophrenia spectrum disorder is experiencing religiosity. which client statement would confirm this finding? a. i see jesus in my bathroom b. i read the bible every hour so that i will know what to do next c. i have no heart. im dead and in heaven today d. i cant read my bible because the CIA has poisoned the pages

a, d, e

which of the following medications would be given to a client in an outpatient setting diagnosed with schizophrenia experiencing nonadherence? select all that apply a. olanzapine IM b. ziprasidone IM c. haloperidol lactate d. aripiprazole IM e. paliperisone IM

b, d, e

which of the following oral antipsychotic medications could be administered on an inpatient psychiatric unit to prevent a client from cheeking or hiding medications in the mouth? select all that apply a. mirtazapine b. olanzapine c. paliperidone d. aripiprazole e. asenapine

d Early medications could precipitate the fall disorders experience by the client and potentially roll out the diagnosis of schizophrenia. According to the diagnostic criteria for the diagnosis the top disturbance cannot be due to the direct physiological effects of a substance

a 21 year old client being treated for asthma with a steroid medication has been experiencing delusions of persecution and disorganized thinking for the past 6 months. which factor may rule out a diagnosis of schizophrenia? a. the client has experienced s/s for only 6 months b. the client must hear voices to be diagnosed with schizophrenia c. the clients age is not typical for this diagnosis d. the client is receiving medication that could lead to thought disturbances

b Taking antipsychotic medications by discharge is an appropriate outcome for this clients problem of non-adherence. The outcome is realistic client centered and measurable

a client admitted to an inpatient setting has not been adherent with antipsychotic medications prescribed for schizophrenia. which outcome related to this clients problem should the nurse expect the client to achieve? a. the client will maintain anxiety at a reasonable level by day 2 b. the client will take antipsychotic medications by discharge c. the client will communicate to staff any paranoid thoughts by day 2 d. the client will take responsibility for self care by day 4

d When there is an alteration in the in the amygdala or the nurse should expect to see impaired emotions depression anxiety fear personality changes apathy and paranoia. This is a massive gray matter in the anterior portion of the temporal lobe. It also is believed to play an important role in arousal

a client diagnosed with NCD due to alzheimers disease is displaying s/s of anxiety, fear, and paranoia. an alteration in which area of the brain is responsible for these s/s? a. frontal lobe b. parietal love c. hippocampus d. amygdala

b Client diagnosed with NCD due to Alzheimer's disease is confabulations to create an imaginary events to fill in memory gaps. This hiding is actually a form of denial which is a protected ego defense mechanism used to maintain self-esteem and avoid losing one's place in the world

a client diagnosed with NCD due to alzheimers disease was admitted 72 hours ago . the client states 'last night i went on a wonderful dinner cruise' this is which type of communication and what is the underlying reason for this? a. the client is using confabulation to achieve secondary gains b. the client is using confabulation to protect the ego c. the client is using perseveration to divert attention d. the client is using perseveration to maintain self-esteem

c Assisting the clients level of disorientation and confusion should be the first nursing intervention. Assessment of a client diagnosed with NCD is necessary to formulate a plan of care and to determine specific interventions and requirements for safety

a client diagnosed with NCD has a nursing diagnosis of altered thought process r/t disorientation and confusion. which nursing intervention should be implemented? a. use tranquilizing medications and soft restraint b. continuously orient client to reality and surroundings c. assess clients level of disorientation and confusion d. remove potentially harmful objects from the clients room

a Impaired verbal communication is defined as the decrease delayed or absent ability to receive process transmit and use a system of symbols. Clang associations are choice of words that are governed by sound. Words often take the form of rhyming. An example of clang association as it is called I am bold the gold has been sold. This type of language is an impairments verbal communication

a client diagnosed with a thought disorder is experiencing clang associations. which nursing diagnosis reflects this clients problems? a. impaired verbal communication b. risk for violence c. ineffective health maintenance d. disturbed sensory perception

b Not all individuals who demonstrate the characteristics of schizoid personality disorder progressed schizophrenia. However most individuals diagnosed with schizophrenia show evidence of having schizoid personality characteristics in the pre-morbid state

a client diagnosed with schizoid personality disorder asks the nurse in the mental health clinic, 'does this mean i will get schizophrenia?' what nursing response would be the most appropriate? a. does that possibility upset you? b. not all clients diagnosed with schizoid personality disorders progress to schizophrenia c. few clients with a diagnosis of schizophrenia show evidence of early personality changes d. what do you know about schizophrenia?

c Risk for suicide is defined as a risk for self inflicted life-threatening injury. The negative symptoms of anhedonia is defined as the inability to experience pleasure. This is a particularly distressing symptoms that generates hopelessness and compel some clients to attempt suicide

a client diagnosed with schizophrenia is experiencing anhedonia. which nursing diagnosis addresses the clients problem that this symptom may generate? a. disturbed thought processes b. disturbed sensory perception c. risk for suicide d. impaired verbal communication

a It is important for the nurse to know if this client has recently experienced an active phase of schizophrenia to distinguish the symptoms presented as indications of the prodromal or residual phase of schizophrenia. Schizophrenia is characterized by periods of remission and exacerbation. A residual phase usually follows an active phase of the illness. Symptoms during the residual phase are similar to those of the program offers with flat affect and impairment in real function being prominent

a client diagnosed with schizophrenia is experiencing social withdrawal, flat affect, and impaired role functioning. to distinguish whether this client is in the prodromal or residual phase of schizophrenia what question would the nurse ask the family? a. have these symptoms followed an active period of schizophrenic behaviors? b. how long have these symptoms been occurring? c. has the client had a change in mood? d. has the client been diagnosed with any developmental disorder?

c A normal adult value of absolute neurotrophic fill count is less than 1500. The clients ANC is 800 indicating moderate neutropenia which is a potentially fatal blood disorder. There is a significant risk for neutropenia with clozapine therapy. The nurse would expect the physician to discontinue this medication

a client diagnosed with schizophrenia takes clozapine 200 mg qd. lab results reveal RBC 4.7 , ANC 800, and TSH 1.3. which of the following would the nurse expect the physician to order? a. levothyroxine 150 mcg b. ferrous sulfate 100 mg tid c. discontinue clozapine d. discontinue clozapine and start levothyroxine 150 mcg qd

b Risk for suicide is defined as the risk for self inflicted life-threatening injury. A past history of suicide attempts greatly increases the risk for suicide and make this an appropriate diagnosis for this client. Because client safety is always the main consideration this diagnosis should be prioritized

a client diagnosed with schizophrenia who is experiencing paranoid thinking tells the nurse about three precious suicide attempts. which nursing diagnosis would take priority and reflect the clients problem? a. disturbed thought processes b. risk for suicide c. violence; directed toward others d. risk for altered sensory perception

d Benztropine is an anticholinergic medication used for the treatment of extrapyrimidial symptoms such as akithisia. The nurse would expect the physician to prescribe this drug for the clients symptoms of Restlessness

a client has a history of schizophrenia controlled by haloperidol. during an assessment the nurse notes continuous restlessness. which medication should the nurse expect the physician to prescribe for this client? a. haloperidol b. fluphenazine c. clonzapine d. benztropine mesylate

d Self-care deficit is defined as the impaired ability to perform or complete activities of daily living. The clients symptoms of body odor halitosis and disheveled appearance are directly related to self-care deficit problem

a disheveled client diagnosed with schizophrenia has body odor and halitosis. which nursing diagnosis reflects this clients current problem? a. social isolation b. impaired home maintenance c. interrupted family processes d. self care deficit

d The medication administration record documenting that this medication was administered at 1300 and 700 is four hours apart and equals the maximum daily dose of 40 mg per day. This would be appropriate documentation in the order ziprasidone 20 mg I am Q4H for agitation with a maximum daily dose of 40 mg per day

a client has an order for ziprasidone 20 mg IM q4h prn for agitation with a max daily dose of 40 mg/day. admin times are documented in the medication record. which times indicate safe medication admin? a. 0800 and 1100 b. 1200, 1700, and 2100 c. 0900, 1200, and 2100 d. 1300 and 1700

a, b, c

a client has been prescribed ziprasidone 40 mg bid. which of the following interventions are important related to this medication? select all that apply a. obtain a baseline EKG initially and periodically throughout the treatment b. teach the client to take the medication with meals c. monitor the clients pulse because of the possibility of palpitations d. institute seizure precautions and monitor closely e. watch for s/s of a manic episode

c Impaired home maintenance can be related to regression with drawl lack of knowledge or resources or impaired physical or cognitive functioning and client experiencing a schizophrenia spectrum disorder. This is evidenced by an unsafe unclean disorderly home environment

a client has the nursing diagnosis of impaired home maintenance r/t regression. which behavior confirms this diagnosis? a. the client fails to take antipsychotic medications b. the client states 'i havent bathed in a week' c. the client lives in an unsafe and unclean environment d. the client states 'you cant draw my blood without crayons'

d The client signs and symptoms lasting for six months is further evidence for the diagnosis of schizophrenia. Two or more characteristics symptoms must be present for a significant amount of time during a one month. And most last for six months to meet the criteria for the diagnosis of schizophrenia

a client is brought to the ED after being found wandering the streets and talking to unseen others. which situation is further evidence of a diagnosis of schizophrenia for this client? a. the client exhibits a developmental disorder such as autism b. the client has a medical diagnosis that could contribute to the symptoms c. the client experiences manic or depressive s/s d. the clients s/s last for 6 months

c Haloperidol an antipsychotic would be decreased an individuals grandiosity which is one of the many symptoms of schizophrenia spectrum disorder

a client is exhibiting sedation, auditory hallucinations, dystonia and grandiosity. the client is prescribed haloperidol 5 mg tid and trihyxyphenidyl 4 mg bid. which statement about these medications is accurate? a. artane would assist the client with sedation b. artane would assist the client with auditory hallucinations c. haldol would assist the client in decreasing grandiosity d. haldol would assist the client with dystonia

a Individuals experiencing paranoid thinking have extreme suspiciousness of others and their actions. It is difficult to establish trust with clients experiencing paranoia. All interventions would be suspect. Only by signing consistent staff members will there be hope to establish a trusting nurse client relationship and increase the effectiveness of further nursing interventions

a client is in the active phase of schizophrenia and is experiencing paranoid thinking. which nusing intervention would aid in facilitating other interventions? a. assign consistent staff members b. convey acceptance of the clients delusional belief c. help the client understand that anxiety causes hallucinations d. encourage participation in group activities

b A side effect of clozapine is that it lowers the seizure threshold. The nurse will need to place the client taking this medication on seizure precautions

a client is newly prescribed hydroxizine 50 mg qhs and clozapine 25 mg bid. which is an appropriate nursing diagnosis for this client? a. risk for injury r/t serotonin syndrome b. risk for injury r/t possible seizure c. risk for injury r/t clozapine toxicity d. risk for injury r/t depressed mood

c Risk for injury related to orthostatic hypotension which is a side effect of the aripiprazole is a priority diagnosis. It is important for nurses to recognize when a client is at increased risk for injury because of side effects such as orthostatic hypotension

a client is prescribed aripiprazole 10 mg qam. the client complains of sedation and dizziness. VS reveal BP 100/60, pulse 80, respirations 20, and temp 97.4. which nursing diagnosis takes priority? a. risk for nonadherence r/t irritating side effects b. knowledge deficit r/t new medication side effects c. risk for injury r/t orthostatic hypotension d. activity intolerance r/t dizziness and drowsiness

a, b, c, d

a client is prescribed olanzapine. which of the following client statements indicate that teaching regarding this medication has been effecting? select all that apply a. i must stay in the facility and be monitored for 3 hours after receiving the injection? b. i cannot drive for the remainder of the day c. i must register paperwork with the drug company d. i need to notify staff if i get overly tired and confused e. after my first 3 injections the risk of adverse reaction decreases

a The client described in the question is exhibiting signs of paranoid thinking. Clients with the symptoms have trouble trusting others. The nurse should use a therapeutic technique of offering self to assist in building a trusting therapeutic relationship with this client

a client newly admitted to the in patient psych unit is scanning the environment continuously. which nursing intervention is most appropriate to address this clients behavior? a. offer self to build a therapeutic relationship with the client b. assist the client in formulating a plan of action for discharge c. involve the family in discussions about dealing with the clients behaviors d. reinforce the need for medication adherence on discharge

c A persecutory delusions is a type of delusion in which the individual believes he or she is being mouth violently treated in someway. Frequent themes include being conspired against cheated spot on followed poisoned or drug maliciously maligned or harassed or obstructed in the pursuit of long-term goals. The situation described in the question reflects this type of delusion

a client on an in patient psych unit refuses to take medications because 'the pill has a special code written on it that will make it poisonous.' what kind of delusion is this client experiencing? a. a erotomanic delusion b. a grandiose delusion c. a persecutory delusion d. a somatic delusion

b Removing clutter from the clients environment with assisted client in avoiding injury due to tripping and falling. It is important for the nurse to ensure the environment is clutter free especially when the client may be experiencing sedation

a client prescribed quetiapine 50 mg bid has a nursing diagnosis of risk for injury r/t sedation. which nursing intervention appropriately addresses this clients problem? a. assess for homicidal and suicidal ideations b. remove clutter from the environment to prevent injury c. monitor orthostatic changes in pulse or BP d. evaluate for auditory and visual hallucinations

b Because in NMS is related to the use of neuroleptic medications the next day should be withheld in the clients position should be notified immediately because of this life-threatening situation

a client recently prescribed fluphenazine complains to the nurse of severe muscle spasms. on exam hr is 110, BP is 160/92, and temp 101.5. which nursing intervention takes priority? a. check the chart for a prn order of benzotropine mesylate because of increased extrapyrimidal symptoms b. hold the next dose of fluphenazine and call the physician immediately to report the findings c. schedule an exam with the clients physician to evaluate cardiovascular function d. ask the client about any recreational drug use and ask the physician to order a drug screen

c Empathizing with the client about the altered perception encourages trust and promotes further client communication about hallucinations. The nurse must follow this by presenting the reality of the situation. Client must be assisted in excepting that the perception is unreal to maintain reality orientation

a client states to the nurse 'i see headless people walking down the hall at night.' which nursing response is appropriate? a. what makes you think there are headless people here? b. lets think about this. a headless person would not be able to walk down the hall c. it must be frightening. i realize this is real to you but i do not see headless people. d. i dont see those people you are talking about

c When the client has the insight to recognize hallucinations and report them to staff members the client is better touch with reality and moving toward remission. This is an outcome that relates to the clients problems of altered sensory perception. Reporting to staff members also can assist in preventing the client from following through with the commands given by auditory hallucinations

a client taking olanzapine (zyprexa) has a nursing diagnosis of altered sensory perception r/t command hallucinations. which outcome would be appropriate for this clients problem? a. the client will verbalize feelings related to depression and suicidal ideations b. the client will limit caloric intake because of the side effects of weight gain c. the client will notify staff members of bothersome hallucinations d. the client will tell staff members if experiencing thoughts of self harm

b The husband statement about lack of sleep and concern about whether his wife is receiving the correct medications or behaviors that support the problem of care provider royal stress. The husband statements about how he monitors the client and his concern with medication administration do not indicate difficulty complying with a therapeutic plan. The client may be confused but the nurse would need to gather more data and this is not the main focus of the husbands concerns. Falls are not an immediate concern at this time

a client who has alzheimers disease is hospitalized with new onset angina. her spouse tells the nurse that he does not sleep well because he needs to be sure the client does not wander at night. he insists on checking each of the medications the nurse gives the client to be sure hey are the same pills she takes at home. based on this information which nursing problem is most appropriate for the client? a. acute client confusion b. care provider role stress c. increased risk for falls d. noncompliance with therapeutic plan

c Empathetically expressed an understanding of the current situation promote strength and may have a calming affect on the client. Delirious or confuse clients maybe at risk for injury and should be monitored closely

a client who is delirious yells out to the nurse, 'you are an idiot get me your supervisor!' which is the best nursing response in this situation? a. you need to calm down and listen to what im saying b. youre very upset. ill call my supervisor c. youre going through a difficult time. ill stay with you d. why do you feel me calling my supervisor will solve anything?

d All physiological problems must be corrected before evaluating a schizophrenia spectrum disorder. In this situation the psychotic symptoms may be related to the critically high sodium level. If the cause is physiological in nature the nurses priority is to assist in correcting the physiological problem. If the clients fluid volume and balance is correct in the psychotic symptoms which are due to the medical condition of hypernatremia would be eliminated resulting in an improvement in sensory perceptual symptoms. This would improve the clients ability to communicate Affectively and decrease the risk of dry mucous membranes

a client who is hearing and seeing things others do not is brought to the ED. lab value indicates a sodium level of 160. which nursing diagnosis would take priority? a. altered thought process r/t low blood sodium levels b. altered communication processes r/t altered thought processes c. risk for impaired tissue integrity r/t dry oral mucous membranes d. imbalances fluid volume r/t increased sodium level

b When the nurse conveys understanding that the client is experiencing delusional thinking the nurse is showing empathy for the client situation and building trust. They should be the first step to address the problem of disturbed that processes. I'll further interventions will be based on the relationships being established by generating trust

a client with a nursing diagnosis of disturbed thought processes has an expected outcome of recognizing delusional thinking. which intervention would the nurse first implement to address this problem? a. reinforce and focus on reality b. appreciate that the client has experienced disturbing delusional thinking c. indicate that the nurse does not share the belief d. present logical information to refute the delusional thinking

b The nursing diagnosis of interrupt his family processes is defined as a change in family relationships are functioning or both. This nursing diagnosis is reflected in the families conflict related to an inability to except the family members diagnosis of schizophrenia

a clients family is having a difficult time accepting the clients diagnosis of schizophrenia and this has led to family conflict. which nursing diagnosis reflects this problem? a. impaired home maintenance b. interrupted family processes c. social isolation d. disturbed thought processes

a Before assuming that the client is experiencing a somatic delusion the nurse versus rule out a physical cause for the clients symptoms such as body lice. A somatic delusion occurs when an individual has an obvious unsubstantiated believes that he or she is experiencing a physical defect disorder or disease

a homeless client diagnosed with schizophrenia is seen in the mental health clinic complaining of insects infesting arms and legs. which intervention should the nurse implement first? a. check the client for body lice b. present reality regarding somatic delusions c. explain the origin of persecutory delusions d. refer for in patient hospitalization because of substance induced psychosis

a Pre-morbid personality often indicate social maladjustment, social withdrawal irritability and antagonist thoughts and behaviors Behavior measurements that have been noted include being very shy and withdrawn having poor peer relationships and doing poorly in school

a nurse is assessing a client with a long history of being a loner and having few social relationships. this clients father has been diagnosed with schizophrenia. the nurse would suspect that this client is in what phase of the development of schizophrenia? a. phase 1-premorbid phase b. phase 2-prodromal phase c. phase 3-schizophrenia d. phase 4-residual phase

b this comment indicates the client is experiencing a loss of identity or depersonalization

a nurse is caring for a client who has schizoaffective disorder. which of the following statements indicates the client is experiencing depersonalization? a. i am a superhero and am immortal b. i am no one and everyone is me c. i feel monsters pinching me all over d. i know that you are stealing my thoughts

a, c, d, e

a nurse is completing an admission assessment for a client who has schizophrenia. which of the following findings should the nurse document as positive symptoms? select all that apply a. auditory hallucination b. lack of motivation c. use of clang association d. delusion of persecution e. constantly waving arms f. flat affect

a, b, d a client who takes a conventional antipsychotic medication should have the greatest improvement in positive manifestations, hallucinations, bizarre behavior, and disorganized speech

a nurse is following up with a client who takes chloropromazine for the treatment of schizophrenia. the nurse should expect to find the greatest improvement in which of the following manifestations? select all that apply a. disorganized speech b. bizarre behavior c. impaired social interactions d. hallucinations e. decreased motivation

b ask the client directly about the hallucination to identify client needs and assess for a potential risk for injury

a nurse is speaking with a client who has a schizophrenia when the client suddenly seems to stop focusing on the nurses questions and begins looking at the ceiling and talking to themselves. which of the following actions should the nurse take? a. stop interviewing at this point and resume alter when the client is better able to concentrate b. ask the client are you seeing something on the ceiling? c. tell the client you seem to be looking at something on the ceiling i see something there too d. continue to interview without comment on the clients behavior

b chewing sugarless gum can help the client cope with dry mouth, a potential anticholinergic effect on fluphenazine

a nurse is teaching a client who has schizophrenia, strategies to cope with anticholinergic effects of fluphenazine. which of the following should the nurse suggest to the client to minimize anticholinergic effects? a. take the medication in the morning to prevent insomnia b. chew sugarless gum to moisten the mouth c. use cooling measures to decrease fever d. take an antacid to relieve nausea

b Individuals diagnosed with schizoid personality disorder are in different social relationships and have a very limited range of emotional experience and expression. They do not enjoy close relationships and preferred to be loners. They've appear cold and aloof. Not all individual to demonstrate the characteristics of schizoid personality disorder progressive schizophrenia but most individuals diagnosed with schizophrenia show evidence of the characteristics of schizoid personality disorder pre-morbid deadly putting them at high risk for schizophrenia

a nurse is working with a client diagnosed with schizoid personality disorder. what symptom of this diagnosis should the nurse expect to assess and at what risk is this client for acquiring schizophrenia? a. delusions and hallucinations-high risk b. limited range of of emotional experience and expression-high risk c. indifferent to social relationships-low risk d. loner who appears cold and aloof-low risk

a Client participating in ADL's is a short term outcome related to the nursing diagnosis of self-care deficit. This outcome meets all criteria listed in the rationale. It is specific positive measurable realistic and client centered

a nursing diagnosis of self care deficit r/t memory loss AEB inability to fulfill ADLs is assigned to a client diagnosed with NCD due to alzheimers disease. which is an appropriate, correctly written, short term outcome? a. the client participates in ADLs with assistance by discharge b. the client accomplishes ADLs without assistance after discharge c. by time of discharge the client will exhibit feelings of self-worth d. the client will not experience physical injury

d The ideology of schizophrenia remains unclear. No single theory or hypothesis has been postulated that substantiate a clear-cut ideology for this disease. The more research that is conducted the more evidence is compiled to support the concept of multiple causes of the development of schizophrenia. The most current theory seems to be that schizophrenia is a biologically-based disease with a genetic component. The onset of the disease is also influenced by factors in the internal and external environment

a nursing instructor is teaching about the etiology of schizophrenia. what statement by the nursing student indicates an understanding of the content presented? a. schizophrenia is a disorder of the brain that can be cured with the correct treatment b. a person inherits schizophrenia from a parent c. problems in the structure of the brain can cause schizophrenia d. there are many potential causes for this disease and its etiology is controversial

d The nurse can acknowledge the patient's fears without agreeing or disagreeing with his accusations toward Dr. Smith. Directing him to talk to one of the nursing staff provides a source of emotional support in an action that he can use to decrease his anxiety. Telling the patient that no one has died and that the other staff were interested in is presenting reality however he believes that someone has been killed and that Dr. Smith is reliable so this opens opportunities for argument. Asking him to explain his rationale for his belief encourages him to elaborate on his delusion

a patient diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia tells the nurse that dr smith has killed several other patients and now he is trying to kill me. what is the best response? a. i have worked here a long time. no one has died. you are safe here b. what has dr smith done to make you think he would like to kill you c. all of the staff including dr smith are here to ensure your safety d. whenever you are concerned or nervous talk to me or any of the nurses

a ANP in a can initiate this simple cooling measure with minimal instruction. Neuroleptic malignant syndrome is a rare but potentially fatal reaction to antipsychotic medication. Symptoms can include fever and altered mental status muscle rigidity autonomic instability. The RN should continuously interpret vital signs although taking vital signs can be delegated. Unlicensed assistive personnel in the ICU and ED will be familiar with How to attach ECG leads but PNA's rarely have occasion to use his equipment therefore the RN should perform this task. The RN should accompany the assistant patient to the ICU although the PNA could assist

a patient on the acute psychiatric unit develops neuroleptic malignant syndrome. which task should be delegated to the psychiatric NA? a. wiping the patients body with cool moist towels b. monitoring and interpreting VS every 15 minutes c. attaching the client to the ECG monitor d. transporting the patient to the medical intensive care unit

a, b, d, e

a student nurse is assessing a 20 year old client who is experiencing auditory hallucinations. the student states 'I believe the client has schizophrenia' which of the following instructor responses is the most appropriate? select all that apply a. how long has the client experienced these symptoms b. has the client taken any drug or medication that could cause these symptoms? c. it is not within your scope of practice to assess for medical diagnosis d. does the client have any mood problems e. what kind of relationships have this client established?

c It is important for nurses to teach clients taking antipsychotic medications about the potential for amenorrhea and that even though they are not regularly having their menstrual cycle ovulation still may occur

a woman is prescribed risperidone 1 mg bid. at her 3 month follwo up the client states 'i knew it was a possible side effect but i cant believe i am not getting my period any more.' which is a priority teaching need? a. sometimes amenorrhea is a temporary side effect of medications and should resolve itself b. i am sure this was very scary for you. how long has it been since your last menstrual cycle? c. although your menstrual cycles have stopped there is still a potential for you to become pregnant d. maybe the amenorrhea is not due to your medication. have your menstrual cycles been regular in the past?

b symptoms of schizophrenia generally appear in late adolescence or early adulthood. some studies have indicated that symptoms occur earlier in men than women

although symptoms of schizophrenia occur at various times in the life span, what client would more likely be diagnosed? a. a 10 year old girl b. a 20 year old man c. a 50 year old woman d. a 65 year old man

c This medication has central anticholinergic central nervous system depressant and anti-histamine properties and is used to improve vertigo. Maintaining balance is an indication that vertigo has improved

an emaciated client diagnosed with delirium is experiencing sleeplessness, auditory hallucinations, and vertigo. meclizine has been prescribed. which client response supports the effectiveness of this medication? a. the client no longer hears voices b. the client sleeps through the night c. the client maintains balance during ambulation d. the client has improved appetite

a, c

an instructor is teaching students about psychiatric medications. which of the following antipsychotic medications need to be given with food? select all that apply a. ziprasidone b. vilazodone c. lurasidone d. aripiprazole e. asenapine

d When clients imitate other peoples physical movements they are experiencing echopraxia. The behavior of echopraxia is an indication of alterations in the clients of self. These clients have difficulty knowing where their ego boundaries end then others begin. We can go boundaries cause these clients to lack feelings of uniqueness. It apraxia is an attempt to identify with others

clients diagnosed with schizophrenia may have difficulty knowing where their ego boundaries end and others begin. which client behavior reflects this deficit? a. the client eats only prepackaged food b. the client believes that family members are adding poison to food c. the client looks for actual animals when others state 'its raining cats and dogs' d. the client imitates other peoples physical movements

d The symptoms noted in the question reflect tardive dyskinesia of potentially irreversible side effects of antipsychotic medications and the nurse must hold the medication to avoid permanent damage and call the physician

for the past year a client has received haloperidol. the nurse administering the clients next dose notes a twitch on the right side of the clients face and tongue movements. which nursing intervention takes priority? a. give haloperidol and benzotropine 1 mg IM prn per md order b. assess for other signs of hyperglycemia resulting from the use of haloperidol c. check the clients temperature and assess mental status d. hold the haloperidol and call the physician

b The dopamine hypothesis suggests that schizophrenia may be caused by an excess of Devon independent and I don't activity in the brain. This excess activity may be related to increase production or release of the substance at nerve terminals increased receptor sensitivity to many dopamine receptors or a combination of these mechanisms. This is a logical theory is from a body chemical influence perspective

from a biochemical influence perspective which accurately describes the etiology of schizophrenia? a. adopted children with nonschizophrenic parents raised by parents diagnosed with schizophrenia have a higher incidence of this disease b. an excess of dopamine dependent neuronal activity occurs in the brain c. a higher incidence of schizophrenia occurs after there is a prenatal exposure of the mother to influenza d. poor parent child interaction and dysfunctional family system occur

d In the United States the prevalence of schizophrenia is approximately 1%. Is recorded that 1.7 million American adults are diagnosed with a brain disorder of schizophrenia

in the US which diagnosis has the lowest percentage of occurrence? a. major depressive disorder b. generalized anxiety disorder c. OCD d. schizophrenia

a Nutritional deficits are common among clients diagnosed with late stage NCD due to Alzheimer's disease. These clients must be assisted in consuming fluids and food to prevent electrolyte in balance. Meeting this physical need would be prioritized over meeting psychological needs

in working with clients with late stage NCD due to alzheimers disease, which is a priority nursing intervention? a. assist the client in consuming fluids and food to prevent electrolyte imbalance b. reorient the client to place and time frequently to reduce confusion and fear c. encourage the client to participate in ADLs promoting self worth d. assist with ambulation to avoid injury from falls

a, b, d, e

schizophrenia is identified in the DSM-5 as a spectrum disorder based on the severity of symptoms. which of the following accurately describes this diagnostic category? select all that apply a. degree of severity of the schizophrenia spectrum is determined by the number of psychotic symptoms b. schizotypal personality disorder initiates the schizophrenia spectrum c. symptoms within the schizophrenia spectrum are directly attributable to toxins d. degree of severity of the schizophrenia spectrum is determined by the duration of psychotic symptoms e. schizophrenia spectrum disorder can carry the additional specification of with catatonic features

c Clozapine an atypical antipsychotic is used to treat symptoms of schizophrenia spectrum disorders such as but not limited to psychosis

lithium is to mania and clozapine is to: a. anxiety b. depression c. psychosis d. akathisia

b, c, g, f, e, d, a

number the symptoms of NCD due to alzheimers disease as they progress through stages of disease process. a. client is bedfast and aphasic b. client has no apparent memory decline c. client begins to lose things and forget names d. client is unable to to recall the day, season or year e. client needs some assistance with personal hygiene f. client forgets major events in personal history g. client gets lost when driving a car

c Aphasia is the term used when an individual is having difficulty communicating through speech writing or signs. This is often caused by dysfunction of brain centers. Aphasia is a cardinal symptom of observed in NCD do you do Alzheimer's disease

on a 24 hour assessment the nurse documents that a client diagnosed with NCD due to alzheimers disease presents with aphasia. which client behavior supports this finding? a. the client is sad and has no ability to experience pleasure b. the client is extremely emaciated and appears to be wasting away c. the client is having difficulty forming words d. the client is no longer able to speak

a The enzyme is needed to synthesize the neurotransmitter acetylcholine. Some theorist proposed that the primary memory loss that occurs in NCD due to Alzheimer's disease is the direct result of reduction in acetylcholine available to the brain

studies have indicated that drastically reduced levels of acetylcholine are noted in the brains of individuals diagnosed with NCD due to alzheimers disease. which cognitive deficit is primarily associated with this reduction? a. loss of memory b. loss of purposeful memory c. loss of sensory ability to recognize objects d. loss of language ability

d exhibiting fine worm like movements of the tongue is a symptom of tardive dyskinesia which is an adverse effect that may develop after several months or years of continuous therapy with a conventional antipsychotic medication chlorpromazine should be discontinued and benzodiazepine should be administered

the 43 year old female client diagnosed with schizophrenia has been taking chloropromazine for 20 years. which assessment data warrants discontinuing the medication? a. the client has had menstrual irregularities for the past year b. the client has to get up very slowly from a sitting position c. the client reports having a dry mouth and blurred vision d. the client has fine worm like movements of the tongue

c Magical thinking occurs when the individual believes that his or her thoughts or behaviors have control over specific situations or people. It is commonly seen during cognitive development in childhood. The statement present it is an example of magical thinking

the childrens saying 'step on a crack and you break your mothers back' is an example of which type of thinking? a. concrete thinking b. thinking using neologisms c. magical thinking d. thinking using clang associations

b weekly WBCs are taken because the client is at risk for fatal agranulocytosis. initially the clozapine an atypical antipsychotic medication will not be administered if the WBC count is not available

the client admitted to the psych unit diagnosed with schizophrenia is prescribed clozapine. which lab data should the nurse evaluate? a. the client clozapine therapeutic level b. the clients WBC count c. the clients RBC count d. the clients ABGs

c a side effect of all types of antipsychotics is orthostatic hypotension which can be minimized by moving slowly when assuming erect posture

the client admitted to the psych unit experiencing hallucinations and delusions is prescribed risperidone. which intervention should the nurse implement? a. provide the client with a low tyramine diet b. assess the clients respiration for 1 full minute c. instruct the client to change positions slowly d. monitor the clients I&O

a, b, d

the client diagnosed with alzheimers disease is prescribed galantamine. which interventions should the nurse implement? a. inform the client to take the medication with food b. check the clients BUN and creatinine levels c. teach the client to wear a medicalert bracelet with information about the medication d. assess the clients other routine medications e. discuss not abruptly discontinuing the medication

a Tricyclic antidepressants first generation antihistamines and anti-psychotics can reduce the clients response anticholinergic inhibitors. Antipsychotics are useful for clients whose behavior is erratic and uncontrollable in the in stage of the disease. The cholinesterase inhibitor Exelon would not be useful in in stage disease

the client diagnosed with alzheimers disease is prescribed rivastigmine (exelon). which medication should the nurse question administering to the client? a. amitriptyline b. warfarin c. phenytoin d. prochlorperazine

c Medications used to treat Alzheimer's disease only slow the progression of Alzheimer's disease. Currently no medications prescribed or over-the-counter have been proved to reverse or permanently prevent progression of neuronal destruction

the client diagnosed with alzheimers disease is taking vitamin e and ginkgo biloba. which information should the nurse teach the client? a. take the medications on an empty stomach b. have regular blood tests to assess for toxic levels c. the medications only slow the progression of the disease d. use a sunscreen of SPF 15 or greater when in the sun

c haloperidol a conventional antipsychotic causes agranulocytosis which diminishes the clients ability to fight infection but the medication does not cause the client to have increased risk of susceptibility to colds and the flu. if the client has a fever or sore throat the HCP should be notified and if the WBC count is elevated the medication will be discontinued

the client diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia has been taking haloperidol for several years. which statement indicates the client needs additional teaching concerning this medication? a. i know that if i have any rigidity or tremors i must call my hcp b. i eat high fiber foods and drink extra water during the day c. i am more susceptible to colds and the flu when taking this medication d. this medication will make my hallucinations and delusions go away

c like other antipsychotics aripiprazole a DDs treats the positive negative symptoms of schizophrenia but it does so with fewer effects than other side effects than other antipsychotics. this medication does not cause significant weight gain, hypotension or prolactin release and it poses no risk of anticholinergic effects or dysrhythmias

the client diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia is prescribed aripiprazole. which statement best describes the scientific rationale for administering this medication? a. it decreases the anxiety associated with hallucinations and delusions b. it increases the dopamine secretion in the brain tissue to improve speech c. it reduces positive symptoms of schizophrenia and improves negative symptoms d. it blocks the cholinergic receptor sites in the diseased brain tissue

a, b, e clozapine an atypical antipsychotic can promote significant weight gain therefore the client should exercise regularly, monitor weight gain, reduce caloric intake, and smoking can reduce the effectiveness.

the client diagnosed with schizophrenia is prescribed clozapine. which information should the nurse discuss with the client concerning this medication? select all that apply a. discuss the need for regular exercise b. instruct the client to monitor for weight gain c. tell the client to take the medication with food d. explain to the client the need to stop taking aspirin e. encourage the client to quit smoking cigarettes

d Hormone replacement therapy has been proven to reduce the risk of developing Alzheimer's disease by 30% to 40% in post menopausal women. Other medications that I've been approved to Aid in prevention of Alzheimer's disease are NSAIDs

the daughter of an elderly client diagnosed with alzheimers disease asks the nurse 'is there anything i can do to prevent getting this disease?' which statement is the nurses best response? a. not if you are genetically programmed to get alzheimers disease b. yearly brain scans may determine if you are susceptible to getting AD c. there are some medications but research has not proved they work d. hormone replacement therapy may prevent the development of AD

c If the client does not respond to one of the cholinesterase inhibitor's then another maybe tried because the drugs are not identical. The client may be responsive to a different medication in the same classification

the family member o fa client diagnosed with early stage alzheimers disease who was prescribed aricept without improvement asks the nurse, ' can anything be done to slow down the disease since this medication does not work?' which statement is the nurses best response? a. i am sorry that the medication did not help. would you like to talk about it? b. you need to prepare for long term care because confusion is inevitable now c. your loved one may respond to a different medication to the same type d. no, nothing is going to slow the disease now. have the client make a will

b cholinesterase inhibitors are prescribed to increase cognitive ability for clients diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease. Discussing an upcoming event in the case the client is able to focus on a topic and remember that something will happen in the future

the home health nurse is caring for a client taking donepezil. which finding indicates the medication is effective? a. the client is unable to relate his or her name or birth date b. the client is discussing an upcoming event with the family c. the client is wearing underwear on the outside of clothes d. the client is talking on a telephone that is signaling a dial tone

d ziprasidone an atypical antipsychotic is well tolerated but the most common side effect is difficulty in sleeping. perhaps because the antihistamine antagonist blockade effect of the drug. this comment indicates the client understands the teaching.

the male client diagnosed with schizophrenia is prescribed ziprasidone. which statement to the nurse indicates the client understands the medication teaching? a. i need to keep taking this medication even if i become impotent b. i should not go out in the sun without wearing protective clothing c. this medication may cause my breast size to increase d. i may have trouble sleeping when i take this medication

d This client is at risk of harming self or others. Antipsychotic medications are used to control this type of behavior

the nurse caring for clients on a medical psych unit has received the morning shift report. which client diagnosed with alzheimers disease should the nurse administer the medication to first? a. the client who has po cardiac glycoside daily b. the client who needs a PRN for nausea c. the client who has cholinesterase inhibitor ordered tid d. the client who is angry and disoriented and has an antipsychotic PRN

d Dry mouth constipation and urinary retention are anticholinergic side effects of antipsychotic medications such as thioridazine. Anticholinergic side effects are caused by agents that block parasympathetic nerve impulses. Thioridazine has a high incidence of anticholinergic side effects

the nurse documents that a client diagnosed with schizophrenia is experiencing anticholinergic side effects from long term use of thioridazine (mellaril). which symptoms has the nurse noted? a. akinesia, dystonia, and pseudoparkinsonism b. muscle rigidity, hyperpyrexia, and tachycardia c. hyperglycemia and diabetes d. dry mouth, constipation and urinary retention

c flat affect is described as an affect do you void of emotional tone. Having no emotional expression is an indication of flat affect

the nurse documents that a client diagnosed with schizophrenia is expressing a flat affect. what is an example of this symptoms? a. the client laughs when told of the death of his or her mother b. the client sits alone and does not interact with others c. the client exhibits no emotional expression d. the client experiences no emotional feelings

d antipsychotic medications lower the seizure threshold even if the client does not have a seizure disorder therefore the nurse should discuss what to do if the client has a seizure

the nurse id discussing the prescribed antipsychotic medication with a family member of a client diagnosed with schizophrenia. which information should the nurse discuss with the family member? a. explain the need for the family member to give the client the medication b. encourage the family member to learn CPR c. discuss the need for the client to participate in a community support group d. teach the family member what to do incase the client has a seizure

a, b, d, e

the nurse is assessing a client diagnosed with schizophrenia with catatonic features. which of the following symptoms should the nurse expect this client to exhibit? select all that apply a. catalepsy b. waxy flexibility c. pressured speech d. posturing e. stereotypy

a associative looseness is thinking characterized by speech in which ideas shit from one unrelated subject to another. The client is unaware that the topics are unconnected. The client statement is an example of associative looseness

the nurse is assessing a client diagnosed with schizophrenia. the client states 'we wanted to take the bus but the airport took all the traffic.' which charting entry accurately documents this symptom? a. the client is experiencing associative looseness b. the client is attempting to communicate by the use of word salad c. the client is experiencing delusional thinking d. the client is experiencing an illusion involving planes

d The nurse in the psychiatric nursing assistant spend more time with the patients and any of the other members of the healthcare team. Thus establishing a good therapeutic relationship is essential to building trust increasing social skills and encouraging participation in educational socialization and vocational opportunities. Conventional psychotherapy is generally not used with patients with schizophrenia

the nurse is caring for patients who have schizophrenia. in addition to medication multidisciplinary non-drug therapies are available. what is the nurses most important role in helping the patients to benefit from this comprehensive approach? a. help identify patients who would benefit from conventional therapy b. refer patients to a psychiatric nurse specialist for education about the disease c. suggest that patients talk to vocational specialist for additional training d. establish a therapeutic relationship with patients and encourage participation

a Galantamine is a cholinesterase inhibitor and is prescribed for mild to moderate Alzheimer's disease. The safety of the client should be the nurses first concern. moving the clients room that can be observed more closely as one of the first steps and falls prevention protocol

the nurse is completing an admission assessment on a client being admitted to a medical unit diagnosed with pneumonia. the clients list of home medications includes furosemide, metamucil, and galantamine hydrobromide. which interventions should the nurse implement first? a. make sure the client has a room near the nursing station b. check the clinets WBC count and potassium level c. have the UAP get ice chips for the client to suck on d. determine the clients usual bowel movement elimination program

c Antipsychotic medications can cause amenorrhea but ovulation still occurs. If this client does not understand this therefore there's a potential for pregnancy. This is vital client teaching information that must be included in the plan of care

the nurse is discussing the side effects experienced by a female client taking antipsychotic medications. the client states 'i havent had a period in 4 months' which client teaching should the nurse include in the plan of care? a. antipsychotic medications can cause a decrease in libido b. antipsychotic medications can interfere with the effectiveness of birth control c. antipsychotic medications can cause amenorrhea but ovulation still occurs d. antipsychotic medications can decrease RBC leading to amenorrhea

b The psychotherapist requires much patience when training clients diagnosed with schizophrenia. Depending on the severity of the illness psychotherapeutic treatment may continue for many years before clients regain some degree of independent functioning

the nurse is educating the family members of a client diagnosed with schizophrenia about the effects of psychotherapy. which statement should be included in the teaching plan? a. psychotherapy is a short term intervention that is usually successful b. much patience is required during psychotherapy because clients often relapse c. major changes in client symptoms can be attributed to immediate psychotherapy d. independent functioning can be gained by immediate psychotherapy

b Research shows that was continuous antipsychotic drug treatment the relapse rate of clients diagnosed with schizophrenia can be reduced approximately 30%

the nurse is educating the family of a client diagnosed with schizophrenia about the importance of medication adherence. which statement indicates that learning has occurred? a. after stabilization the relapse rate is high even if antipsychotic medications are taken regularly b. my brother will have only about a 30% chance of relapse if he takes his medications has little effect on relapse rates c. because the disease is multifaceted taking antipsychotic medications has little effect on relapse rates d. because schizophrenia is a chronic disease taking antipsychotic medications has little effect on relapse rates

a LPN education and team leader responsibilities include checking for the therapeutic and adverse effects of medications. Changes in the residence memory would be communicated to the RN supervisor who is responsible for overseeing the plan of care for each resident. Assessing for changes in score on the mini mental state examination and developing the plan of care or RN responsibilities. Assisting residents with personal care and hygiene would be delegated to UAP's working at the long-term care facility

the nurse is in charge of developing a standard plan of care for an alzheimers disease care facility and is responsible for assigning and supervising resident care given the LPNs and delegating and supervising care given by UAP. which activity is best to assign to the LPN team leaders? a. checking for improvement in resident memory after medication therapy is initiated b. using the mini mental state exam to assess residents every 6 months c. assisting residents in using the toilet every 2 hours to decrease risk for urinary incontinence d. developing individualized activity plans after consulting with residents and family

d A delusion of influence or control occurs when a client believe certain objects or persons have control over his or her behavior. The statement of the client is reflective of a delusion of influence

the nurse is interviewing a client who states 'the dentist put a filling in my tooth, i now receive transmissions that control what i think and do.' the nurse accurately documents this symptom in which charting entry? a. client is experiencing a delusion of persecution b. client is experiencing a delusion of grandeur c. client is experiencing a somatic delusion d. client is experiencing a delusion of influence

b Background assessment information must be gathered from numerous sources including family members and old records. The client in an acute episode he was experiencing paranoid thinking would be unable to provide accurate and insightful assessment information because of the deficits in communication and thought

the nurse is performing an admission assessment on a client diagnosed with schizophrenia who is experiencing paranoid thinking. to receive the most accurate assessment information which should the nurse consider? a. this client will be able to make a significant contribution to history data collection b. data will need to be gained by reviewing old records and talking with family c. this clients assessment will be easy because of the consistent nature of the symptoms d. the nurse should use a very friendly approach to put the client at ease

a One of the first symptoms of Alzheimer's disease is short-term memory impairment. Behavioral changes that occur late in the disease progression include rapid mood swings tendency toward physical and verbal aggressiveness and increased confusion at night or when the client is excessively fatigued

the nurse is providing care for a client newly diagnosed with early alzheimers disease. on assessment which finding would the nurse expect to discover? a. short term memory impairment b. rapid mood swings c. physical aggressiveness d. increased confusion at night

b When clients diagnosed with schizophrenia repeat words that they hear their exhibiting echolalia This is an indication of alterations in the clients sense of self. We can go boundaries called these clients to like feelings of uniqueness. echolalia law is an attempt to identify with the person speaking

the nurse states 'it is time for lunch' a client diagnosed with schizophrenia responds, 'it is time for lunch, lunch, lunch' which type of communication process is the client using and what is the underlying reason for its use? a. echopraxia which is an attempt to identify with the person speaking b. echolalia which is an attempt to acquire a sense of self and identity c. unconscious identification to reinforce weak ego boundaries d. depersonalization to stabilize self identity

a delirium is characterized by a disturbance of consciousness and a state of awareness that may range from hypervigilance to stupor and semicoma

the nurses suspects a client is experiencing delirium. which specific assessment information would support this suspicion? a. a decreased LOC with intermittent hypervigilance b. slow onset of confusion and agitation c. onset is insidious and relentless d. the symptoms last for 1 month or longer

b Affective treatment of schizophrenia requires a comprehensive multidisciplinary effort including pharmacotherapy in various forms of psychosocial care. Psychosocial care includes social and living skills training rehabilitation and family therapy

what is required for effective treatment of schizophrenia? a. concentration on pharmacotherapy alone to alter imbalances in affected neurotransmitters b. multidisciplinary comprehensive efforts which include pharmacotherapy and psychosocial care c. emphasis on social and living skills training to help the client for into society d. group and family therapy to increase socialization skills


when one fraternal twin has been diagnosed with schizophrenia the other twin has approximately a ______ % chance of developing the disease?


when one identical twin has schizophrenia the other twin has ____% of developing the disease?

d antipsychotic medications are prescribed to decrease the s/s of schizophrenia. if the client denies auditory hallucinations then the atypical antipsychotic quetiapine medication is effective

which assessment data indicates quetiapine is effective for the client diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia? a. the client does not exhibit any tremors or rigidity b. the client reports a 2 on an anxiety scale c. the family reports the client is sleeping all night d. the client denies having auditory hallucinations

d Clozapine an atypical antipsychotic has side effects including sedation weight gain and hypersalivation. Because of the side effects and life-threatening side effects of neutropenia clozapine usually is used as a last resort after the other field medication trials. Diagnostic lab tests need to be performed weekly for six months every other week for the next six months and then monthly as long as the clozapine is prescribed

which atypical antisychotic medication has the highest potential for a client to experience serious side effects? a. haloperidol b. chlorpromazine c. risperidone d. clozapine

a Group therapy for client diagnosed with schizophrenia spectrum disorders has been shown to be effective particularly in an outpatient setting and when combined with medication management

which client is most likely to benefit from group therapy? a. a client diagnosed with schizophrenia being followed up in an outpatient facility b. a client diagnosed with schizophrenia newly admitted to an in patient unit for stabilization c. a client experiencing an exacerbation of the s/s of schizophrenia d. a client diagnosed with schizophrenia who is not adherent with antipsychotic medications

a, d, e caffeine containing substances will negate the effects of the medication. long term use of typical antipsychotics lead to tardive dyskinesia exhibiting muscle spasms and rigidity. atypical antipsychotics may increase the clients risk of developing diabetes and high cholesterol therefor the clients weight, glucose control, and lipid levels need to be monitored

which information should the nurse discuss with the client diagnosed with schizophrenia who is prescribed an atypical antipsychotic medication? select all that apply a. drink decaf coffee and tea b. decrease the dietary intake of salt c. eat 6 small high protein meals a day d. report muscle spasms and rigidity e. monitor glucose levels and lipid levels

d Successful interventions may best be achieved with honesty simple directness in a manner that respects to clients privacy and human dignity

which interaction is most reflective of an appropriate psychotherapeutic approach when interacting with a client diagnosed with schizophrenia? a. the nurse should exhibit exaggerated warmth to counteract client loneliness b. the nurse should profess friendship to decrease social isolation c. the nurse should attempt closeness with the client to decrease suspiciousness d. the nurse should establish a relationship by respecting the clients dignity

b When the nurse attaches consequences to adapt or maladaptive behaviors the nurses using a behavioral therapy approach. Behavior therapy can be a powerful treatment so for helping clients change undesirable behaviors

which intervention sed for clients diagnosed with schizophrenia is a behavioral therapy approach? a. offer opportunities for learning about psychotropic medications b. attach consequences to adaptive and maladaptive behaviors c. establish trust within a relationship d. encourage discussion of feelings related to delusions

d When the nurse emphasizes the rules and expectations of social interactions medicated by peer pressure the nurse is using a Millieu you therapy approach. Millieu therapy emphasizes group and social interaction. Rules and expectations are mediated by peer pressure for normalization of adaptation

which intervention used for clients diagnosed with schizophrenia is a milieu therapy approach? a. assist family in dealing with life stressors caused by interactions with the client b. engage in one on one interactions to discuss family dynamics c. role play to enhance motor and interpersonal skills d. emphasize the rules and expectations of social interactions mediated by peer pressure

a, c, e

which of the following clients has the greatest chances of positive prognoses after being diagnosed with schizophrenia? select all that apply a. a client diagnosed at age 35 b. a male client experiencing a gradual onset of s/s c. a female client whose s/s began after rape d. a client who has a family history of schizophrenia e. a client who has a family history of a mood disorder diagnosis

a When a client is hearing and seeing things others do not the client is experiencing a hallucination which is an altered sensory perception. A hallucination is defined as a false sensory perception not associated with real external stimuli. Hallucinations may involve any of the five senses. Because schizophrenia is a chronic disease some individuals even when compliant with antipsychotic medications continue to experience hallucinations. Recognizing distortions of reality by discharge is an appropriate outcome for this nursing diagnosis of alter sensory perception

which outcome should the nurse expect from a client diagnosed with schizophrenia who is hearing and seeing things others do not hear and see? a. the client will recognize distortions of reality by discharge b. the client will demonstrate the ability to ability to trust by day 2 c. the client will recognize delusional thinking by day 3 d. the client will experience no auditory hallucinations by discharge

c Actively participating in unit activities by discharge is an outcome for the nursing diagnosis of social isolation. Participation in unit activities indicates interaction with others on the unit which leads to decrease social isolation

which outcome should the nurse expect from a client with a nursing diagnosis of social isolation? a. the client will recognize distortions of reality by day 4 b. the client will use appropriate verbal communication when interacting by day 3 c. the client will actively participate in unit activities by discharge d. the client will rate anxiety as 5/10 by discharge

a An advantage to Aricept a cholinesterase inhibitor is once a day dosing. Research has proved that More doses is required to be taken each day the less the actual compliance with medication regimen. Additionally Aricept is not hepatotoxic and has better tolerated in some of the cholinesterase inhibitor's

which statement is the advantage of prescribing donepezil over other cholinesterase inhibitors? a. the dosing schedule for donepezil is only once a day b. donepezil is the only one that can be given with an NSAID c. donepezil enhances the cognitive protective effects of vitamin e d. there are no side effects of donepezil

b cholinergic inhibitors increase the availability of acetylcholine at cholinergic synapsis. Resulting in increased transmission of acetylcholine by cholinergic neurons that have not been destroyed by the Alzheimer's disease

which statement is the scientific rationale for prescribing and administering donepezil? a. donepezil works to bind the dopamine at neuron receptor sites to increase ability b. donepezil increases the availability of acetylcholine at cholinergic synpases c. donepezil decreases acetylcholine in the periphery to increase movement d. donepezil delays transmission of acetylcholine at the neuronal junction

d When a client has little or no interest in work or social activities the client is exhibiting the negative symptom of apathy. Apathy is indifference to or disinterest in the environment. Find a fact is a manifestation of emotional apathy. Because this client is exhibiting a negative symptoms the client has the potential for a poor prognosis

which symptom experienced by a client diagnosed with schizophrenia would predict a less positive prognosis? a. hearing hostile voices b. thinking the TV is controlling his or her behavior c. continuously repeating what has been said d. having little or no interest in work or social activities

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