OOP Python Seb

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What is the correct way to declare an empty tuple


Which of the following can be used to unpack a tuple


What is the output of 'my_dict = {'a': 1, 'b': 2}; print(my_dict['a'])'


What is the output of 'list1 = [1, 2, 3]; print(list1[-1])'


What is the output of 'my_tuple = (1, 2, 3); print(len(my_tuple))'


What is the output of 'len([1, 2, 3, 4])'


What is the concept of 'composition' in OOP

A class containing objects of other classes

What is multiple inheritance

A class inheriting from multiple parent classes

What is an interface in OOP

A class that defines methods without implementation

What is a mixin in Python

A class used to define methods that can be reused in other classes

What is a constructor in Python

A function that initializes objects

What does the 'keys()' method return for a dictionary

A list of keys

What is a property in Python

A method that can be accessed like an attribute

What is a static method in Python

A method that doesn't require an instance

What is an abstract method in Python

A method that must be overridden in a subclass

What does the 'append()' method do for a list

Adds a new item to the end

What is an abstract class

All of the above

What is an object in Python

An instance of a class

What is the difference between a class method and an instance method

Class methods do not require an instance of the class

What is the difference between a class and an object

Classes are blueprints, objects are instances

What is inheritance in OOP

Creating a new class from an existing class

What is polymorphism in OOP

Defining multiple methods with the same name

What is method overloading

Defining multiple methods with the same name but different arguments

Which of the following is a key difference between dictionaries and lists

Dictionaries are key-value pairs, lists are not

Which of the following is a feature of OOP


What is the output of 'd = {1: 'a', 2: 'b'}; print(d[3])'


What is the output of 'my_tuple = (1, 2); my_tuple[0] = 3'


What is encapsulation in OOP

Hiding data implementation

What is abstraction in OOP

Hiding implementation details

What does the 'isinstance()' function check

If an object is an instance of a class

What is a tuple in Python

Immutable ordered collection

What does 'from math import sqrt' do in Python

Imports only the sqrt function

What is the purpose of the '__init__.py' file in a Python package

Indicate that the directory is a package

What is the main benefit of inheritance

It allows for code reuse

What does the 'pass' keyword do in a method

It does nothing

What happens if you try to change an item in a tuple

It will raise an error

What does the 'items()' method return for a dictionary

Key-value pairs as tuples

Which of the following is a mutable data type


Which of the following is a mutable object


What is the key difference between lists and tuples

Lists are mutable, tuples are immutable

What is the difference between a module and a package in Python

Modules are single files, packages are directories

What is the main concept of Object-Oriented Programming

Objects and classes

How do you define a class-level variable in Python

Outside any methods but inside the class

What is method overriding

Redefining a method in a subclass

What does the 'pop()' method do in a list

Removes the last item

What does the 'index()' method do for a list

Returns the index of a value

What does 'cls' refer to in a class method

The class itself

What does 'self' refer to in a method of a class

The current instance of the class

What does 'private' mean in OOP

The method can only be accessed by the class itself

What does 'len()' return when applied to a dictionary

The number of key-value pairs

What is the output of 'print(obj)' if the __str__ method is not defined

The object's memory address

What is method resolution order (MRO)

The order in which methods are inherited in a hierarchy

Which of the following is true about Python functions

They can have variable-length arguments

What is the concept of 'inheritance' in OOP used for

To allow one class to inherit methods and properties from another

What is the purpose of inheritance in OOP

To avoid redundant code

What is the purpose of 'super()' in Python

To call a parent class method

What is the purpose of the 'in' operator in Python

To check for inclusion in a collection

What does it mean to instantiate a class

To create an object from a class

What is the purpose of 'def' in Python

To define a function

What is the purpose of a destructor in OOP

To delete an object

What is the purpose of the '__str__' method in a class

To return a string representation of an object

What is the purpose of a class variable

To store data shared among all instances

What is the output of 'isinstance(obj, ClassName)' if obj is an instance of ClassName


Which of the following is immutable


Which statement is correct about tuples

Tuples can contain duplicate elements

What is the output of 'print([1, 2] + [3, 4])'

[1, 2, 3, 4]

What will 'list1 = [1, 2]; list2 = list1; list2.append(3); print(list1)' output

[1, 2, 3]

What is the result of 'list1 = [1, 2]; list1.append([3, 4]); print(list1)'

[1, 2, [3, 4]]

What will 'my_list = [1, 2]; my_list.insert(1, 5); print(my_list)' output

[1, 5, 2]

What will 'list1 = [1, 2, 3]; list2 = list1; list2[0] = 10; print(list1)' output

[10, 2, 3]

How do you create an empty list in Python


What is the default constructor in Python


Which of the following is used to create a package in Python


Which of the following defines a class in Python

class ClassName:

Which keyword is used to create a function


Which of the following is a private method in Python

def __method(self):

What is the correct way to create a function that takes a list as input

def func(list):

Which of the following defines a method in a class

def method_name(self):

What is the correct way to define a function in Python

def myFunc()

How can you remove a key-value pair from a dictionary


Which method is used to remove a key-value pair from a dictionary


How do you update a key-value pair in a dictionary


How can you access a specific value from a dictionary


How can you import a specific function from a module

from module import function

How do you check if a key exists in a dictionary

if key in dict

Which of the following is used to import a module

import module

What is the correct way to access a package after installation

import package

Which of the following methods is used to remove all elements from a list


How do you access the second element of a list in Python


Which of the following is a correct way to create an instance of a class

obj = ClassName()

What is the correct way to install a package in Python

pip install package-name

How do you install a specific version of a package using pip

pip install package==version

How do you install a package using pip

pip install package_name

What is the difference between 'remove()' and 'pop()' in a list

remove() removes by value, pop() removes by index

What is the correct way to return a value from a function

return value

Which method adds an item to a dictionary


Which method is used to combine two dictionaries


What is the result of 'd = {'a': 1, 'b': 2}; d['c'] = 3; print(d)'

{'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3}

What is the output of 'd = {1: 'a', 2: 'b'}; d[1] = 'c'; print(d)'

{1: 'c', 2: 'b'}

How do you create an empty dictionary in Python


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