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HRM -Theory X and Y Theory X= coercion and orders Theory Y= responsibility and autonomy "We want people that are willing to work instead of being forced to do so"

Likert -his theory/approach

He documents the change over between scientific mgmt. principles onto resource management 4 SYSTEMS APPROACH (leadership styles) -Exploitative-Authoritative (motivation comes from fear and threat) [mediocre productivity] -Benevolent-Authoritative (rewards and threats) [fair to good productivity] -Consultative (rewards and low-level participation) [good productivity] -Participative (rewards and group participation) [excellent productivity] -We want more participative organizations because they are more productive

Human relations VS. Human Resource Mgmt

Human relations - we want to monitor what makes people happy by using scientific mgmt. ideas VS Human resource management - we need to tap into people because there is more to gain from workers

Likert presents four __________ that reflect ____________, culminating in __________

Likert present four *organizational systems* that reflect *progressively participative models of organizing*, culminating in *the ideal of the participative system*.

Who is Human Relations and who is Human Resource Management? Mayo McGregor Likert

Mayo - HR McGregor - HRM Likert - HRM

what does Likert's 4 systems approach represent?

he is saying that all organizations can be classified into 1 of 4 systems (or leadership styles) that reflect the degree of employee participation in organizational decision making

Hawthorne research suggested the potentially productive nature of _________ ________

informal communication

human relations/HRM is the first attempt to consider work as _______

meaningful (and not just a form of punishment necessary to enjoy other parts of life outside of work)

human relations mvmt and human resource management is about ______ and _______

motivation ; satisfaction

what form of leadership does Likert advocate adopting?

participative he argues that it (like McGregor's THeory Y), that it most effectively taps into human resources and, for good measure, is also the most productive organizational system

Theory X represents the archetypal _____________, while Theory Y reflects the _________________________ where employees are ______________.

soul-destroying bureaucracy ; ideally supportive and innovative organizational climate ; as happy to be at work as at play

Likert argues that each type of organization constitutes a ____


what was the motivation that sparked the HR and HRM mvmts?

-people starting to become aware of the dehumanizing effects of taylorism (soldiering) → we should have increased production but we don't because workers are unhappy → so we need to add in an element of worker happiness into our equation to increase worker production

Mayo (Hawthorne studies) -what are two main conclusions from the Hawthorne studies? - other main points about Mayos research

1) Hawthorne effect: employees that perceive mgmt to care are more productive 2) power of groups -Hawthorne studies: employees that perceive mgmt to care are more productive -we need to accommodate the worker's need: by increasing satisfaction, we increase motivation, therefore production -discovery of informal group dynamics -first use of qualitative research to study work

McGregor states that the shift to ______ forms of control was necessary because ________

psychological ; coercive methods were no longer effective motivators for workers

Scientific management focused on the ___________. Bureaucratic theory placed control in ___________. Human relations/HRM shifted the locus of control to _______.

worker's body rational systems of rules worker psychology, exploring various ways to change the attitudes and motivations of workers

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