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Five reasons embalmers should study pathology:

1. To recognize pathological conditions which require special procedures in the removal, handling, preparation and disposition of dead human remains 2. To demonstrate knowledge of the terminology which will enable competent communications with members of the medical profession and other health field members 3. To understand why cooperation in community programs for controlling disease and promoting medical research is important 4. To recognize, prior to and during the procedure of embalming, the problems presented by disease processes and etiological factors 5. To understand the benefits derived from the post-mortem examination of human remains.

Acute disease

A disease characterized by a swift onset and rapid course

Deficiency disease

A disease due to the lack of some essential dietary factors such as vitamins or minerals

Congenital diseases

A disease existing at the time of birth or shortly thereafter

Hereditary disease

A disease in which genetic factors have been transmitted from parent to offspring

Idiopathic disease

A disease of unknown cause or origin

Epidemic disease

A disease that attacks a large number of people in a community at the same time

Acquired disease

A disease that develops after birth

Febrile disease:

A disease that is characterized by fever

Endemic disease

A disease that is continuously present in a community

Communicable disease

A disease that may be transmitted directly or indirectly from one individual to another

Intercurrent disease

A disease that occurs during the course of another disease

Sporadic disease

A disease that occurs occasionally in a random or isolated manner

Recurrent disease

A disease that reappears as symptoms after an intermission; a disease with an alternating increase and decrease of symtoms

Iatrogenic disease

A disease that results from the medical treatment of a patient

Functional disease

A disease which produces no recognizable structure change; ie. - Diabetes, epilepsy

Chronic disease

A disease with a slow onset and long continued duration

Occupational disease

A disease with an abnormally high rate of occurrence in members of a workforce


A group of signs and symptoms that collectively characterize or indicate a particular disease or abnormal condition


A prediction of the probable outcome of a disease


A state in which a person exhibits unusual reactions in contact with an allergen.


A state in which a person exhibits unusual reactions in contact with an allergen.


A structural change brought about by disease.


A temporary cessation of the manifestation of a disease A lessening in severity of a disease


A temporary cessation of the manifestation of a disease; a lessening in severity of a disease

The attitude of a Funeral Director toward autopsies:

- Be positive - Show a spirit of cooperation - Considered a service to your family

Examples of Predisposing conditions:

Age Gender Race Nutrition (quantity and quality) Occupation Emotion Environment Economic status Heredity/genetics

Fulminating disease

An acute disease that quickly proves fatal

Pandemic disease

An epidemic of world-wide extent


An increase in severity of a disease

Nosocomial infection

An infection acquired in a hospital

Excitatory Causes/Immediate Causes

Conditions that actually cause disease

Immediate causes/Excitatory causes

Conditions that actually cause diseases

Why is an autopsy important?

Confirm or alter medical diagnosis Advancement of medical knowledge and research Assist in Medico/legal cases to determine identification of the deceases and cause and manner of death

Microscopic pathology

Deals with the changes in microscopic structure that cells, tissues, and organs undergo as a result of disease

General Pathology

Deals with the study of the general processes of disease, such as inflammation, degeneration, necrosis, or cellular death, repair, disturbances of circulation without reference to particular organs or organ systems

Examples of Functional Disease

Diabetes Epilepsy

Functional Diseases:

Diabetes & Epilepsy

Organic disease

Disease which produces recognizable structure change. ie. - Cancer, leprosy

Who was Rudolf Virchow?

Father of Cellular Pathology

Who was Rudolf Vicrchow:

He was considered to be the "Father of Cellular Pathology". He proposed "The Doctrine of Cellular Pathology"


Subjective disturbances caused by disease that are felt or experienced, but not directly measurable. ie. Pain is felt not seen; commonly used to include both signs and symptoms


The abnormal performance of the certain physiologic function as a result of injury to cells performing the function


The branch of medicine dealing with the nature of disease, especially with reference to structural and functional changes in tissues and organs of human body; science that deals with the abnormal origin, structure, and function of living things.

Predisposing conditions

Those conditions which make the body more susceptible to the development of a disease without actually causing it, these may significantly affect and alter the course of disease in a given person


Trauma: fractures, gunshot Physical Agents: heat, cold, electricity Chemical agents: Lead, mercury, morphine, acids Infectious Living agents: Bacteria, yeast, viruses Deficiency: lack of essential substances-vitamins, minerals,hormones Allergens: foreign proteins ie. pollens,serums


Unfavorable conditions that arise during the course of a disease ie. Hemorrhage of perforation of an intestine in typhoid fever

Forensic pathology/Medico-Legal Pathology

Use of info obtained from pathological examinations of biological material obtained from dead bodies, in legal proceedings the study of disease to ascertain the cause and manner of death. (Accidental-violent-sudden death).

Medico-legal pathology/Forensic Pathology

Use of information obtained from pathological examinations of biological material, obtained from dead bodies, in legal proceedings; the study of disease to ascertain the cause and manner of death. (Accidental-violent-sudden death).


any abnormal tissue development

Special pathology

deals with special features of disease in relation to particular organs or organ systems

Explain the "Doctrine of Cellular Pathology".

suggests that diseased cells make up diseased tissue which in turn makes up diseased organs which make up diseased systems which make up a diseased body. Simply stated, a body is diseased if one cell of the body is diseased


the identification of a disease; A determination of the nature of the disease

Surgical pathology

The study of tissue specimens excised surgically

Examples of Organice Disease

Cancer Leprosy

Organic Diseases:

Cancer & Leprosy


Objective disturbances produced by disease. ie. bleeding, fever, swelling

Describe pathogenesis in more detail than the definition given

Pathogenesis is a study of what causes a disease what physical and functional changes result from the diseases and how a body and all of its organs are affected by the diseases and the changes it brings about

Divisions of Pathology:

Pathological Anatomy 1. Gross Pathology 2. Microscopic Pathology 3.Histo-Pathology Surgical Pathology Clinical Pathology Physiological Pathology Medico-Legal/Forensic Pathology


The harboring of animal parasites, especially microscopic forms


The manner of development of a disease; what causes it, what changes it produces, and how it effects the structure and functional activities of the involved organs and the body as a whole; the prognosis and rational treatment of a disease are based on this


The number of cases of a diseases within a certain population at a given time

Morbidity Rate/Prevalence

The number of cases of diseases within a certain population at a given time; sometimes seen as a ratio of sick to well

Mortality Rate

The number of deaths in a given time or place; the proportion of deaths to a population

Clinical pathology

The original study of the composition and characteristics of the body secretions, excretions and fluids


The remote aftereffects produced by a disease; ie. Rheumatic heart disease following rheumatic fever


The state of being poisoned by a drug or toxic substance


The state or condition in which the body or part of the body is invaded by a pathogenic agent that, under favorable conditions, multiplies and produces injurious effects

Pathological anatomy

The study of changes in structure of the body as a result of disease.

Gross Pathology

The study of changes in structure of the body as a results of diseases that are readily seen with the unaided eye

Physiological pathology

The study of disease as it relates to body function


The study of the causes of diseases


The study of the changes in tissue occurring during disease falls under microscopic pathology

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