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43. The nurse is providing discharge teaching to the parents of an infant with an umbilical hernia. Which of the following should be included in the plan of care? 1. If the hernia has not resolved on its own by the age of 12 months, surgery is generally recommended. 2. If the hernia appears to be more swollen or tender, seek medical care immediately. 3. To help the hernia resolve, place a pressure dressing over the area gently. 4. If the hernia is repaired surgically, there is a strong likelihood that it will return.

2. If the hernia appears larger, swollen, or tender, the intestine may be trapped, which is a surgical emergency.

28. The nurse is caring for a 6-year-old in the early stages of acute hepatitis. Which of the following manifestations should the nurse expect to find? 1. Nausea, vomiting, and generalized malaise. 2. Nausea, vomiting, generalized malaise, and pain in the left upper quadrant. 3. Nausea, vomiting, generalized malaise, and yellowing of the skin and sclera. 4. Yellowing of the skin and sclera without any other generalized complaints.

28. 1. The early stages of acute hepatitis are referred to as the anicteric phase, during which the child usually complains of nausea, vomiting, and generalized malaise.

29. The nurse is caring for a 6-year-old with hepatitis. The child is hungry and wants to eat dinner. Which of the following foods should be offered? 1. A tuna sandwich on whole wheat bread and a cup of skim milk. 2. Clear liquids, such as broth, and Jell-O. 3. A hamburger, French fries, and a diet soda. 4. A peanut butter sandwich and a milkshake.

29. 1. A diet that is high in protein and carbohydrates helps maintain caloric intake and protein stores while preventing muscle wasting. A low-fat diet prevents abdominal distention.

33. The nurse is caring for an infant with biliary atresia who is scheduled for a Kasai procedure. Which of the following is an accurate description of this surgery? 1. A palliative procedure in which a bile duct is attached to a loop of bowel to assist with bile drainage. 2. A curative procedure in which a connection is made between a bile duct and a loop of bowel to assist with bile drainage. 3. A curative procedure in which a bile duct is banded to prevent bile leakage. 4. A palliative procedure in which a bile duct is banded to prevent bile leakage.

33. 1. The Kasai procedure is a palliative pro cedure in which a bile duct is attached to a loop of bowel to assist with bile drainage.

14. The nurse is caring for an infant newly diagnosed with Hirschsprung disease. Which of the following does the nurse understand about this infant's condition? 1. There is a lack of peristalsis in the large intestine and an accumulation of bowel contents, leading to abdominal distention. 2. There is excessive peristalsis throughout the intestine, resulting in abdominal distention. 3. There is a small-bowel obstruction leading to ribbon-like stools. 4. There is inflammation throughout the large intestine, leading to accumulation of intestinal contents and abdominal distention.

14. 1. In Hirschsprung disease, a portion of the large intestine has an area lacking in ganglion cells. This results in a lack of peristalsis as well as an accumu lation of bowel contents and abdominal distention.

22. The parents of a 6-year-old being evaluated for appendicitis tell the nurse the physician diagnosed their child as having a positive Rovsing sign. They ask the nurse what this means. Select the nurse's best response. 1. "Your child's physician should answer that question." 2. "A positive Rovsing sign means the child feels pain in the right side of the abdomen when the left side is palpated." 3. "A positive Rovsing sign means pain is felt when the physician removes the hand from the abdomen." 4. "A positive Rovsing sign means pain is felt in the right lower quadrant when the child coughs."

2. A positive Rovsing sign occurs when the left lower quadrant is palpated and pain is felt in the right lower quadrant.

59. The nurse is caring for an infant who has been diagnosed with SBS. The parents of the infant ask how the disease will affect their child. Select the nurse's best response. 1. "Because your child has a shorter intestine than most, your child will likely experience constipation and will need to be placed on a bowel regimen." 2. "Because your child has a shorter intestine than most, your child will not be able to absorb all the nutrients and vitamins in food and will need to get nutrients in alternative ways." 3. "Unfortunately, most children with this diagnosis do not do very well." 4. "The prognosis and course of the disease have changed because hyperalimentation is available.

2. Because the intestine is used for ab sorption, children with SBS usually need alternative forms of nutrition such as hyperalimentation.

12. The nurse is reviewing the discharge instructions of a child diagnosed with encopresis. Which of the following instructions should the nurse question? 1. Limit the intake of milk. 2. Encourage positive reinforcement for appropriate toileting habits. 3. Obtain a complete dietary log. 4. Follow up with a child psychologist or psychiatrist.

2. Positive reinforcement is encouraged. The use of negative reinforcement is discouraged, however, as it may cause the child to attempt to be controlling by holding on to the stool.

18. The nurse is caring for a 6-week-old infant with cerebral palsy and GER. After two hospital admissions for aspiration, the child is scheduled for a Nissen fundoplication. The nurse knows that this procedure involves which of the following? 1. The fundus of the stomach is wrapped around the inferior stomach, mimicking a lower esophageal sphincter. 2. The fundus of the stomach is wrapped around the inferior esophagus, mimicking a cardiac sphincter. 3. The fundus of the stomach is wrapped around the middle portion of the stomach, decreasing the capacity of the stomach. 4. The fundus of the stomach is dilated, decreasing the likelihood of reflux.

2. The Nissen fundoplication involves wrapping the fundus of the stomach around the inferior esophagus, creating a lower esophageal sphincter or cardiac sphincter.

27. The nurse is providing discharge instructions to the parents of a 10-year-old who had an appendectomy for a ruptured appendix 5 days ago. The nurse knows that further education is required when the child's parent states: 1. "We will wait a few days before allowing our child to return to school." 2. "We will wait 2 weeks before allowing our child to return to sports." 3. "We will call the pediatrician's office if we notice any drainage around the wound." 4. "We will encourage our child to go for walks every day."

2. The child should wait 6 weeks before returning to any strenuous activity.

1. The nurse is teaching feeding techniques to new parents. The nurse emphasizes the importance of slowly warming the formula and testing the temperature prior to feed ing the infant. The parent of a newborn asks, "Will my baby spit out the formula if it is too hot or too cold?" Select the nurse's best response. 1. "Babies have a tendency to reject hot fluids but not cold fluids, which could result in abdominal discomfort." 2. "Babies have a tendency to reject cold fluids but not hot fluids, which could result in esophageal burns." 3. "Your baby would most likely spit out formula that was too hot, but your baby could swallow some of it, which could result in a burn." 4. "Your baby is too young to be physically capable of spitting out fluids and will automatically swallow anything."

4. Swallowing is a reflex in infants younger than 6 weeks.

16. The nurse is caring for an 8-week-old male who has just been diagnosed with Hirschsprung disease. The parents ask what they should expect. Select the nurse's best response. 1. "It is really an easy disease to manage. Most children are placed on stool softeners to help with constipation until the constipation resolves." 2. "A permanent stool diversion, called a colostomy, will be placed by the surgeon to bypass the narrowed area." 3. "Daily bowel irrigations will help your child maintain regular bowel habits." 4. "Although your child will require surgery, there are different ways to manage the disease, depending on how much of your child's bowel is involved."

4. The aganglionic portion needs to be removed. Although most children have a temporary colostomy placed, many infants are able to bypass the colostomy and have the bowel immediately reattached.

39. The nurse is in the room while a mother of a newborn is feeding her infant for the first time. The baby immediately begins coughing and choking. The nurse notes that the baby is extremely cyanotic. Which of the following should be the nurse's immediate action? 1. Call the physician, and inform the physician of the situation. 2. Have the mother stop feeding the infant, and observe to see if the choking episode resolves on its own. 3. Immediately determine the infant's oxygen saturation, and have the mother stop feeding the infant. 4. Take the infant from the mother, and administer blow-by oxygen while obtaining the infant's oxygen saturation.

4. The infant should be taken from the mother and placed in the crib where the nurse can assess the baby. Oxygen should be administered immediately, and vital signs should be obtained.

53. The parents of a child being evaluated for celiac disease ask the nurse why it is important to make dietary changes. Select the nurse's best response. 1. "The body's response to gluten causes damage to the mucosal cells in the intestine, leading to absorption problems." 2. "When the child with celiac disease consumes anything containing gluten, the body responds by creating specials cells called villi, which leads to more diarrhea." 3. "The body's response to gluten causes the intestine to become more porous and hang on to more of the fat-soluble vitamins, leading to vitamin toxicity." 4. "The body's response to gluten causes damage to the mucosal cells, leading to malabsorbtion of water and hard, constipated stools."

53. 1. The inability to digest protein leads to an accumulation of an amino acid that is toxic to the mucosal cells and villi, leading to absorption problems.

13. The nurse is caring for an infant diagnosed with Hirschsprung disease. The mother states she is pregnant with a male and wants to know if her new baby will likely have the disorder. Select the nurse's best response. 1. "Genetics play a small role in Hirschsprung disease, so there is a chance the baby will develop it as well." 2. "There is no evidence to support a genetic link, so it is very unlikely the baby will also have it." 3. "It is rarely seen in boys, so it is not likely your new baby will have Hirschsprung disease." 4. "Hirschsprung disease is seen only in girls, so your new baby will not be at risk."

13. 1. There is a genetic component to Hirschsprung disease, so any future siblings are also at risk.

50. The nurse is providing discharge instructions to the parents of an infant who has had surgery to open a low imperforate anus. The nurse knows that the discharge instructions have been understood when the child's parents say which of the following? 1. "We will use an oral thermometer because we cannot use a rectal one." 2. "We will call the physician if the stools change in consistency." 3. "Our infant will never be toilet-trained." 4. "We understand that it is not unusual for our infant's urine to contain stool."

2. A change in stool form is important to report because it could indicate stenosis of the rectum.

56. Which of the following manifestations suggests that an infant is developing NEC? 1. The infant absorbs bolus orogastric feedings at a faster rate than previous feedings. 2. The infant has bloody diarrhea. 3. The infant has increased bowel sounds. 4. The infant appears hungry right before a scheduled feeding.

2. Bloody diarrhea can indicate that the infant has NEC.

23. The nurse is caring for an 8-year-old who has just returned to the pediatric unit after an appendectomy for a ruptured appendix. Which of the following is the best position for the child? 1. Semi-Fowler. 2. Prone. 3. Right side-lying. 4. Left side-lying.

3. The right side-lying position promotes comfort and allows the peritoneal cavity to drain.

31. The nurse is caring for a 4-week-old infant with biliary atresia. Which of the following manifestations would the nurse expect to see? 1. Abdominal distention, enlarged liver, enlarged spleen, clay-colored stool, and tea-colored urine. 2. Abdominal distention, multiple bruises, bloody stools, and hematuria. 3. Yellow sclera and skin tones, excessively oily skin, and prolonged bleeding times. 4. No manifestations until the disease has progressed to the advanced stage.

31. 1. The infant with biliary atresia usually has an enlarged liver and spleen. The stools appear clay-colored due to the ab sence of bile pigments. The urine is tea colored due to the excretion of bile salts.

30. The nurse in the pediatric clinic is providing instructions to the parents of a 2-year old child who has just been diagnosed with acute hepatitis. Which of the following would be an appropriate activity for the nurse to recommend? 1. Riding a bike in an enclosed area such as a basement. 2. Playing basketball. 3. Playing video games in bed. 4. Playing with puzzles in bed.

4. Playing with puzzles is a developmen tally appropriate activity for a 3-year old on bedrest.

34. The parents of a newborn diagnosed with a cleft lip and palate ask the nurse when their child's lip and palate will most likely be repaired. Select the nurse's best response. 1. "The palate and the lip are usually repaired in the first few weeks of life so that the baby can grow and gain weight." 2. "The palate and the lip are usually not repaired until the baby is approximately 6 months old so that the mouth has had enough time to grow." 3. "The lip is repaired in the first few months of life, but the palate is not usually repaired until the child is 3 years old." 4. "The lip is repaired in the first few weeks of life, but the palate is not usually re paired until the child is 18 months old."

4. The lip is repaired in the first few weeks of life, but the palate is not usually repaired until the child is 18 months old.

32. The nurse is caring for an infant with biliary atresia. The parents ask why the child is receiving cholestyramine. Select the nurse's best response. 1. To lower your child's cholesterol. 2. To relieve your child's itching. 3. To help your child gain weight. 4. To help feedings be absorbed in a more efficient manner.

2. The primary reason cholestyramine is administered to the child with biliary atresia is to relieve pruritus.

55. The nurse is caring for a 3-year-old undergoing evaluation for celiac disease. Which of the following would the nurse expect to be included in the child's diagnostic workup? 1. Obtain complete blood count and serum electrolytes. 2. Obtain complete blood count and stool sample; keep child NPO. 3. Obtain stool sample and prepare child for jejunal biopsy. 4. Obtain complete blood count and serum electrolytes; monitor child's response to gluten-containing diet.

3. A stool sample for analysis of fat and a jejunal biopsy can confirm the diagnosis.

10. The parents of a 4-year-old ask the nurse how to manage their child's constipation. Select the nurse's best response. 1. "Add 2 ounces of apple or pear juice to the child's diet." 2. "Be sure your child eats a lot of fresh fruit such as apples and bananas." 3. "Encourage your child to drink more fluids." 4. "Decrease bulky foods such as whole-grain breads and rice."

3. Increasing fluid consumption helps to decrease the hardness of the stool.

44. The nurse is caring for an infant with pyloric stenosis. The parents ask if any future children will likely have pyloric stenosis. Select the nurse's best response. 1. "You seem worried; would you like to discuss your concerns?" 2. "It is very rare for a family to have more than one child with pyloric stenosis." 3. "Pyloric stenosis can run in families. It is more common among males." 4. "Although there can be a genetic link, it is very unusual for girls to have pyloric stenosis."

3. Pyloric stenosis can run in families, and it is more common in males.

49. A nurse working in an emergency room of a large pediatric hospital receives a transfer call from a reporting nurse at a local community hospital. The nurse will soon receive a 4-month-old who has been diagnosed with an intussusception. The infant is described as very lethargic with the following vital signs, T 101.8°F (38.7°C), HR 181, BP 68/38. The reporting nurse states the infant's abdomen is very rigid. Which of the following is the most appropriate action for the receiving nurse? 1. Prepare to accompany the infant to a computed tomography scan to confirm the diagnosis. 2. Prepare to accompany the infant to the radiology department for a reducing enema. 3. Prepare to start a second intravenous line to administer fluids and antibiotics. 4. Prepare to get the infant ready for immediate surgical correction.

4. Intussusception with peritonitis is a surgical emergency, so preparing the infant for surgery is the nurse's top priority.

47. The nurse receives a call from the mother of a 6-month-old who describes her child as sleepy and fussy. She states that her infant vomited once this morning and had two episodes of diarrhea. The last episode contained mucus and a small amount of blood. She asks the nurse what she should do. Select the nurse's best response. 1. "Your infant will need to have some tests in the emergency room to determine if anything serious is going on." 2. "Try feeding your infant in about 30 minutes; in the event of repeat vomiting, bring the infant to the emergency room for some tests and intravenous rehydration." 3. "Many infants display these symptoms when they develop an allergy to the formula they are receiving; try switching to a soy-based formula." 4. "Do not worry about the blood and mucus in the stool; it is not unusual for infants to have blood in their stools because their intestines are more sensitive."

47. 1. The infant is displaying signs of intus susception. This is an emergency that needs to be evaluated to prevent ischemia and perforation.

45. The nurse is caring for an 8-week-old infant being evaluated for pyloric stenosis. Which of the following statements made by the parents would be typical of a child with this diagnosis? 1. "The baby is a very fussy eater and just does not want to eat." 2. "The baby tends to have a very forceful vomiting episode approximately 30 minutes after most feedings." 3. "The baby is always hungry." 4. "The baby is happy in spite of getting really upset on spitting up."

3. Infants with pyloric stenosis are always hungry and often appear malnourished.

8. The nurse is working in the pediatric clinic and is seeing many children with diarrhea. Which of the following children can most likely be discharged without further evaluation? 1. A 2-year-old who has had 24 hours of watery diarrhea that has changed to bloody diarrhea in the past 12 hours. 2. A 10-year-old who has just returned from a Scout camping trip. 3. A 2-year-old who had a relapse of one diarrhea episode after restarting a normal diet. 4. A 6-year-old who has been having vomiting and diarrhea for 2 days and has decreased urine output.

3. It is common for children to have a relapse of diarrhea after resuming a regular diet.

37. The nurse is caring for an 18-month-old infant whose cleft palate was repaired 12 hours ago. Which of the following should be included in the plan of care? 1. Allow the infant to have familiar items of comfort such as a favorite stuffed animal and a pacifier. 2. Once liquids have been tolerated, encourage a bland diet such as soup, Jell-O, and saltine crackers. 3. Administer pain medication on a regular schedule, as opposed to an as-needed schedule. 4. Use a Yankauer suction catheter on the infant's mouth to decrease the risk of aspiration of oral secretions.

3. Pain medication should be adminis tered regularly to avoid crying, which places stress on the suture line.

6. The nurse in the pediatric clinic receives a call from the parent of a 5-year-old and states that the child has been having diarrhea for 24 hours. The parent explains that the child vomited twice 2 hours ago and now claims to be thirsty. The parent asks what to offer the child because the child is refusing Pedialyte. Select the nurse's most appropriate response. 1. "You can offer clear diet soda such as Sprite and ginger ale." 2. "Pedialyte is really the best thing for your child, who, if thirsty enough, will eventually drink it." 3. "Pedialyte is really the best thing for your child. Allow your child some choice in the way to take it. Try offering small amounts in a spoon, medicine cup, or syringe." 4. "It really does not matter what your child drinks as long as it is kept down. Try offering small amounts of fluids in medicine cups."

3. Pedialyte is the first choice, as recom mended by the American Academy of Pediatrics. Offering the child appropri ate choices may allow the child to feel empowered and less likely to refuse the Pedialyte. Small, frequent amounts are usually better tolerated.

3. A 2-month-old male is brought to the pediatric clinic. The infant has had vomiting and diarrhea for 24 hours. The infant's anterior fontanel is sunken. The child is irrita ble, and the nurse notes that the infant does not produce tears when he cries. Which of the following tasks will help confirm the diagnosis of dehydration? 1. Urinalysis obtained by bagged specimen. 2. Urinalysis obtained by sterile catheterization. 3. Analysis of serum electrolytes. 4. Analysis of cerebrospinal fluid.

3. The analysis of serum electrolytes offers the most information and assists with the diagnosis of dehydration.

24. The nurse is about to receive a 4-year-old from the recovery room after an appendectomy for a non-ruptured appendix. The parents have not seen the child since the surgery and ask what to expect. Select the nurse's best response. 1. "Your child will be very sleepy, have an intravenous line in the hand, and have a nasal tube to help drain the stomach. If your child needs pain medication, it will be given intravenously." 2. "Your child will be very sleepy, have an intravenous line in the hand, and have white stockings to help prevent blood clots. If your child needs pain medication, we will give it intravenously or provide a liquid to swallow." 3. "Your child will be wide awake and will have an intravenous line in the hand. If your child needs pain medication, we will give it intravenously or provide a liquid to swallow." 4. "Your child will be very sleepy and will have an intravenous line in the hand. If your child needs pain medication, we will give it intravenously."

4. In the immediate postoperative period, the child is usually sleepy but can be roused. The child usually has an intravenous line for hydration and pain medication.

17. The nurse is caring for a 2-month-old infant diagnosed with GER. Which of the following should the nurse include in the plan of care to decrease the incidence of symptoms of GER? 1. Place the infant in an infant seat immediately after feedings. 2. Place the infant in the prone position immediately after feeding to decrease the risk of aspiration. 3. Encourage the parents not to worry because most infants outgrow GER within the first year of life. 4. Encourage the parents to hold the infant in an upright position for 30 minutes following a feeding.

4. Keeping the infant in an upright position is the best way to decrease the symptoms of GER. The infant can also be placed in the supine position with the head of the crib elevated. A harness can be used to keep the child from sliding down.

41. The nurse is giving discharge instructions to the parents of a 1-month-old infant with tracheoesophageal atresia. The infant is being discharged with a GT. The nurse knows that the parents understand the discharge teaching when the mother states: 1. "I will give my baby feedings through the GT but place liquid medications in the corner of the mouth to be absorbed." 2. "I will flush the GT with 2 ounces of water after each feeding to prevent the GT from clogging." 3. "I will clean the area around the GT with soap and water every day." 4. "I will place petroleum jelly around the GT if any redness develops."

3. The area around the GT should be cleaned with soap and water to prevent an infection.

9. The nurse receives a call from the parent of a 10-month-old who has vomited three times in the past 8 hours. The parent describes the baby as playful and wanting to drink. The parent asks the nurse what to give the child. Select the nurse's best response. 1. "Replace the next feeding with regular water, and see if that is better tolerated." 2. "Do not allow your baby to eat any solids; give half the normal formula feeding, and see if that is better tolerated." 3. "Do not allow your baby to eat or drink anything for 24 hours to give the stomach a chance to rest." 4. "Give your child a very small amount of Pedialyte. If vomiting continues, wait a half hour, and then give half of what you previously gave."

4. Offering small amounts of clear liquids is usually well tolerated. The amount can be halved if the child vomits as long as the child does not appear to be dehydrated. The child in this scenario is described as playful and therefore does not appear to be at risk for dehydration.

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