Peds Adaptive Quizzing Questions - Toddler

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A nurse is educating parents about the changes to expect when their child enters toddler hood. Which information does the nurse include? a. the toddlers body appears slender b. the toddler has a protruded abdomen c. the toddler's feet are severely everted d. the toddler had inconspicuous cervical curves

b. the toddler has a protruded abdomen Rationale The nurse explains to the parents that at the start of toddlerhood, the abdomen of the child will be protruded. The bodies of toddlers start appearing slender by the age of 3 years, not in the beginning of toddlerhood. As the child walks, the legs and feet are usually far apart, and the feet are slightly everted, not severely everted. Toward the end of toddlerhood, curves in the cervical and lumbar vertebrae are accentuated.

A 13-month-old child is admitted with a tentative diagnosis of bacterial meningitis, and the practitioner schedules a lumbar puncture. What is the most important action the nurse should take in preparation for the lumbar puncture? a. Asking the parents what they were told about the test b. Using a doll to demonstrate the procedure to the child c. Obtaining a pacifier for the child to suck on during the procedure d. Telling the parents that they may stay with their child during the test

a. asking the parents what they were told about the test Rationale Informed consent is required. The procedure should be explained to the parents by the practitioner, and the nurse should confirm the parents' comprehension and have them sign the consent form. The child is too young to comprehend a demonstration of the procedure. Although staying with the child may be important to the parents, it is not the priority. Although a pacifier may keep the child calm, this is not the priority, either.

What does a nurse identify as the priority short-term goal for a toddler with dehydration caused by diarrhea? a. Improvement of fluid balance b. Continuation of an antidiarrheal diet c. Preservation of perianal skin integrity d. Retention of weight appropriate for height

a. improvement of fluid balance Rationale Rehydration and correction of electrolyte imbalances are the priorities; diarrhea causes loss of fluid and electrolytes that can be life threatening. Antidiarrheal diets are no longer prescribed for children with diarrhea. Oral rehydration therapy is the treatment of choice. Although maintaining skin integrity in the presence of diarrhea is important, the risk of disrupted skin integrity is not life threatening, nor is it the priority when a young child is dehydrated. There are no data to indicate that the child is overweight or underweight.

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