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89. Trade policy, economic aid or penalties are considered tools of what type of policy.

Diplomacy,trade/economic policies,military options

The Federal Reserve presides over what type of economic policy

monetary policy

What foreign policy doctrine was adopted in 1823

monroe doctrine

Who files suit in cases dealing with criminal law

national or state government who's law was violated acting as prosecutor or plantiff

Who shares power in appointing all federal judges

nominated by the president and confirmed by the Senate

What did the first Earth Day of 1970 bring awareness about

protecting the quality of air, water, and land

What is it called when a country takes military action to oust another country's leader

regime change

What type of capitalist economy does the United States have

regulatory capitalism suggests that the operation maintenance and development of the global political economy increasingly depends on administrative rules outside the legislatures and the courts.

What type of energy is biomass (renewable or non-renewable)


88. What type of energy is Biomass

renewable energy

100. What is the job description for the California Attorney General

represents the People of California in civil and criminal matters before trial courts, appellate courts and the supreme courts of California and the United States.

98. What is the largest source of state revenue

sale & gross receipts

Since 1960, what governmental job has served as the primary training ground for Presidents

state governor

What type of court is known as a court of last resort

supreme court's

Define progressive tax

tax that imposes a higher percentage of taxation on persons with higher incomes

Define regressive tax

tax that imposes a higher percentage rate of taxation on low incomes than on high incomes

What tools are available to the government in fiscal policy actions

taxing and spending/expenditures

What is deficit spending

the amount by which spending exceeds revenue over a particular period of time

Define Policy Adoption

the approval of a policy by legislation, people with requisite authority is the third phase of the policy process in which policies are adopted by government bodies for future implementation.

What is the foremost federal agency in foreign policy formulation

the department of state

What agencies are known for taking the long term and short term approach in foreign policy actions

the department of state(long term) and national security council(short term)

Define Policy Formulation in the policy making process

the development of strategies for dealing with the problems on the official policy agenda

What courts are courts of "original jurisdiction"

the jurisdiction of courts that hear a case first, usually in a trial. These courts determine the facts of a case.

What is fiscal policy

the means by which a government adjusts its spending levels and tax rates to monitor and influence a nation's economy

Define Home Rule

the power of a constituent part (administrative division) of a state to exercise such of the state's powers of governance within its own administrative area that have been decentralized to it by the central government.

Define the term national debt

the total deficit from the first presidency down to the present the total amount of money that a country's government has borrowed

U.S. Supreme Court is generally considered to be the most "activist" in Court history

times when the political system has undergone profound and lasting changes.

What factors are evidence of a healthy economy

low unemployment,

What is the role of Chief Justice on the U.S. Supreme Court

1) Task Leader (plan what to do at conferences - allocate time) 2) Social Leader ( able to smooth over differences among colleagues) The Chief Justice, as head of the United States Supreme Court, presides over the court during all private and public conferences and sessions. He or she sets the agenda for the court case "discuss list." Only those on the list will be considered. However, other justices can ask to have a court case included.

What are the 3 direct democracy terms in California

1.Recall 2.Referendum 3.Initiative

What are the names of the three court tiers in California

1.Supreme Court 2.Courts of Appeal 3. Superior Courts

93. What is the minimum age to run for elective office in California


How many terms can the Governor in California serve

2 terms 4-year

How many members are in the California Senate


How many justices are there on the California Supreme Court


How many members are in the California Assembly


How many judges are on the U.S. Supreme Court


What does stare decisis mean

A Latin phrase meaning "let the decision stand." Most cases reaching appellate courts are settled on this principle

What is a certiorari petition

A formal request by one or more parties in a legal case for a the Supreme Court to grant a writ of certiorari(a request for the Supreme Court to order up records from a lower court to review the case), or to agree to hear the appeal.

When was the Federal Reserve System (the Fed) created

December 23, 1913 President Woodrow Wilson signed the Federal Reserve Act into law on .

What is Senatorial Courtesy regarding judicial appointments

A tradition under which the Senate will defer to the judgment of a senator of the president's party when determining the suitability of candidates for federal judgeships from the senator's state

Who was the author of Wealth of Nations

Adam Smith

What early 19th century French visitor observed: all political questions are eventually settled in the courts in the United States

Alexis De Tocqueville

95. Define initiative

Allows voters to petition to propose legislation &then submit it for a vote by qualified voters

What do the U.S. Court of Appeals do

Appeals courts consist of three judges and do not use a jury. A court of appeals hears challenges to district court decisions from courts located within its circuit, as well as appeals from decisions of federal administrative agencies.

What does the "rule of four" mean

At least four justices of the Supreme Court must vote to consider a case before it can be heard

What is the second most powerful State executive position in California

Attorney General

Who funds the unemployment system

Benefits are generally paid by state governments, funded in large part by state and federal payroll taxes levied against employers, to workers who have become unemployed through no fault of their own.

What state has the largest number of public colleges and universities


91. What military conflict led to the War Powers Act

During Korean and Vietnam War,Law passed by Congress in 1973 in which it reestablish some limits on executive power. The act required the president to inform Congress of any commitment of troops broad within 48 hours, and to withdraw them in 60 to 90 days, unless Congress explicitly approved the troop commitment.

What did the Judiciary Act of 1789 do

In 1789 Congress passed this Act which created the federal-court system. The act managed to quiet popular apprehensions by establishing in each state a federal district court that operated according to local procedures.

10. What type of trial has the higher burden of proof (civil or criminal)

In a criminal case, the prosecutor has the burden of proof; which has two parts. First, the "burden of production of evidence" means the prosecution must produce any tangible evidence and testimony that prove the elements of the crime the defendant allegedly committed. Second, the "burden of persuasion" means the prosecutor must persuade the jury beyond any reasonable doubt that the defendant committed the crime. In a civil case, the plaintiff has the burden of proof. The burden of persuasion requires only that the claim be supported by a preponderance of the evidence (more likely to be true than not). The defendant does not have to prove anything (p. 173).

92. What country's pursuit of nuclear weapons led to the Obama administration imposing economic sanctions and a recent agreement between the two countries to reduce these sanctions.


What British economist argued that the government should increase spending to get out of a recession

John Maynard Keynes

What is the term describing a court's ability to determine the constitutionality of an action

Judicial Review

83. What branch of government has the "power of the purse"

Legislative Branch

What president is credited with the "Great Society" program

Lyndon B. Johnson

What case established judicial review for the Supreme Court

Marbury V. Madison 1803

What early landmark case granted the Supreme Court judicial review

Marbury vs. Madison 1803

What state has a unicameral legislature


What type of jurisdiction does the U.S. Supreme Court generally have

Original Jurisdiction

90. What country has seen a rapid rise in foreign policy aid from the U.S. after 9/11


What country was Osama bin Laden killed in


85. What does an "entitlement program" mean

Payments made to people meeting eligibility requirements, such as Social Security

What president declared an energy crisis and promoted conservation and energy efficiency

President Jimmy Carter

84. What president approved the creation of the Federal Reserve System in 1913

President Woodrow Wilson

What President introduced the U.S. foreign policy doctrine of "preemptive war or strike"

Richard Nixon 1969

97. What state first adopted direct democracy procedures in 1898

South Dakota

What is the highest form of law

Supremacy Clause

What is the supreme law of the land (U.S.)

The Constitution

Under the U.S. constitution, what entity was given the power to establish federal district courts

The Constitution and the Judiciary Act of 1789

What event led to the end of balanced budgets in the United States

The Great Depression

86. What did Rachel Carson's book Silent Spring discuss

The book discussed the misuse of pesticides and the negative affects on the environment.

What does diversity of citizenship mean

The condition that exists when the parties to a lawsuit are citizens of different states, or when the parties are citizens of a U.S. state and citizens or the government of a foreign country. Diversity of citizenship can provide a basis for federal jurisdiction.

What are the three tiers of federal courts called

The federal court system consists of 3 tiers: 1. At the top is the Supreme Court. 2. In the middle are the federal appeals courts, also known as the circuit courts of appeal. 3. At the bottom are the federal district courts, also called trial courts.

What happens if a Supreme Court decision results in a tie

The lower court decision is left standing

Define Agenda Building in the policy making process

The process through which problems become matters of public concern and government action

Identify the most powerful position in the California Assembly

The speaker of the assembly

What President introduced the world to the United States as a police power

Theodore Roosevelt

Define referendum

a general vote by the electorate on a single political question that has been referred to them for a direct decision.

What is the compilation of all the laws passed by the U.S. Congress known as

US Code

What is a tort

a civil wrong

What is a recall

a progressive reform allowing voters to remove elected officials by petition and majority vote

Define tariff

a tax or duty to be paid on a particular class of imports or exports.

94. Do state laws typically offer broader or narrower protections of fundamental rights than the U.S. Constitution


87. What are some of the national issues fall into the category of domestic policy

business, education, energy, health care, law enforcement, money and taxes, natural resources, social welfare, and personal rights and freedom

What does federal question mean regarding Federal courts?

cases concerning the Constitution, federal law, or treaties over which the federal courts have jurisdiction as described in the Constitution

When a country penalizes another country economically these actions are called

economic sanctions

What impact did the Gold Rush have on California

generated population increase

The government uses its power of tax expenditures to provide financial support to what groups

government financial supports that allow individuals and corporations to pay reduced taxes

Under Keynesian economics, what should the government do to get out of a recession

in periods of recession the government creates deficit budgets, and the Fed expands the money supply to increase economic activity and decrease the rate of unemployment

What does a progressive tax do

income redistribution

96. What do local governments spend the largest portion of their budges on

income security programs.

What are the tools of monetary policy as discussed in class

interest rates and reserves

What role does government have in a pure capitalist economy

is an economic system in which individuals own productive resources, and those individuals can use resources in whatever manner they choose, subject to common productive legal restrictions.

Define litigate

is when people go to court in order to get a positive ruling for their cause. If there is a law that hurts a certain group of people, they can go to court and say that it is unlawful, and that it impinges on their rights. Civil rights groups like the NAACP use litigation to force lawmakers to bring forth fair regulations as guaranteed in the constitution.

George Washington embraced what type of foreign policy approach

isolationism, a policy of remaining apart from the affairs or interests of other groups, especially the political affairs of other countries

82. Define GDP

total market value of all final goods & services that are newly produced within boundaries of an economy during a specific amount of time.

Identify the countries that have nuclear weapons

united states russia united kingdom france china india pakistan israel

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