POLS Test Two

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___ is the power the media have to shape what issues Americans think about and ________ is the power the media have to influence how Americans think about those issues.

agenda setting, framing & priming


attempting to influence policy makers

The term "public opinion" is used to describe

attitudes about political issues, leaders, institutions, and events.

Individuals with home high-speed internet access and the technology and literacy skills to use it are called

digital citizens

The fact that only 63 percent of high school graduates have broadband internet access at home while almost 90 percent of college graduates do is an example of

digital divide

Libertarianism is a political ideology that

emphasizes freedom and voluntary association with small government

A shared American ideal that all people should have the freedom to use whatever talents and wealth they have to reach their fullest potential is _____________________.

equality of opportunity

Today, the term liberal refers to someone who generally supports the social and economic status quo and is suspicious of efforts to introduce new political formulas and economic arrangements.


The solidary benefits of interest groups include

friendship and consciousness-raising

What is niche journalism?

news reporting targeted for a demographic of readers based on content or ideological presentation.

Generally speaking, a recall effort begins with a

petition campaign

The process by which political values are formed is known as

political soialization

The Sierra Club is a(n) ________ group.

public interest

open primary

A primary election in which voters may choose in which party to vote as they enter the polling place

Socialism refers to a political ideology that emphasizes social ownership, strong government, and reducing economic inequality.


The small group selected by pollsters to represent the entire population is called a


The concept of a marketplace of ideas refers to

the competition between varying opinions and ideas that are aired in public forums.

Who is an incumbent?

the current officeholder, running for reelection

What is the social desirability effect?

the fact that respondents report what they think the interviewer wishes to hear or whatever they think is socially acceptable, rather than what they actually believe

The practice of push polling involves

the procedure of asking loaded questions in order to subtly shape the respondent's opinion.

In the United States, freedom of the press is protected by

1st Amendment

Which of the following is not an agent of socialization?

An individual's religion has no impact on their political views.

If a person supports a candidate because he or she is the front-runner in a poll, it is an example of the


Which of the following statements about the marketplace of ideas is true?

Private groups and the news media play important roles in shaping opinions in the marketplace of ideas.

Which statement best describes the relationship between public opinion and government policy?

The relationship between government policy and public opinion is dynamic, wherein government policy responds to public opinion but public opinion also shifts based on new government policies.

Pollsters use random digit dialing to gather national samples for surveys because

There is not a complete list of all Americans that can be used to identify the population.

A political ideology is best defined as

a cohesive set of beliefs that form a general philosophy about government

An iron triangle is made up of an alliance between

a legislative committee, an interest group, and an executive agency.

closed primary

a primary election in which voting is limited to already registered party members

Bernie Sanders is best described as a

democratic socialist

The fact that Americans strongly support minimal governmental interference with individuals' lives and property illustrates their commitment to


Which of the following sets of terms best describes America's fundamental political values?

liberty, equality, and democracy

The tendency to focus news coverage on only one aspect of an event or issue, avoiding coverage of other aspects is called

selection bias

The process of preparing the public to take a particular view of an event or political actor is called priming.


Reporting in which the media adopt a skeptical or even hostile posture toward the government and public officials is referred to as


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