PSY 201 Industrial / Organizational Psychology

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5- Which of the following is NOT an example of a work sample test?

The applicant for a sales position is asked what products he or she has sold before

1- Industrial/Organizational Psychology is LEAST concerned with:

the treatment of emotional or personal problems in the workplace.

4- Technology has not affected which type of performance measure?

(NOT Contextual Performance)

5- Which of the following is NOT a weakness of assessment devices?

(NOT Dimensions score within an exercise are too highly correlated)

4- Using performance appraisal as the basis for promotion and pay raises is an example of what purpose?

(NOT Employee development and feedback)

4- Criterion relevance refers to

(NOT That part of the actual criterion that is NOT assessed by the theoretical)

4- Shirley receives ratings of "outstanding" on all five performance dimensions. This is an example of

(NOT True halo)

1- Modern I/O psychology in the U.S. was impacted greatly by which of the following significant events that forced changed in the employment practices of most organizations?

(NOT World Wars I and II or The formation of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology)

2- When the outcome of an inferential statistical test is said to have statistical significance we would conclude that the observed results are most likely due to

(Not Probability)

1- Before the 1920's an I/O psychologist could NOT have worked in which of the following settings?

(not - A factory or A university)

3- The Dictionary of Occupational Terms (DOT) has not been revised since 1977. Why has the Department of Labor not undated it?

It was replaced by the Occupational Information Network (O*NET)

1- What percentage of submitted articles are actually published in the top I/O psychology journals?


4- Managers rate themselves and are also rated by their peers, subordinates, and supervisors. They are then given information about all these ratings. This process is called

360 degree feedback

1- In recent years, approximately what percent of Ph.D.'s in I/O psychology have been awarded to women?

50 ???

5- Jobs require individuals with specific knowledge, skills, abilities and other personal characteristics. These KSAOs are identified by a detailed study called a

Job analysis

5- Daiymo car company has 100,000 applicants for 3,000 jobs. What types of tests can it use to cut down the number of applicants quickly and inexpensively?

A group test

5- You have applied for a job as Public Relations spokesperson for New Millennium Enterprises. As part of the hiring process you are required to take a test designed to measure your tendency to behave in an extroverted way. What type of test is this?

A personality test

1- An expert in efficiency studies is carefully studying jobs by making detailed assessments of the amount of time it takes workers to complete tasks. This expert is conducting what type of study?

A time and motion study

5- What type of test matches the personality of the test taker to those of people in a variety of different occupations and occupational categories?

A vocational interest test

2- To study the effects of pay on performance you pay some people $10/hour and others $20/hour. You use both male and female employees, but all of them have high ability. Which of the following is a control variable?


4- Performance appraisals are often used for promotion, demotion, pay raises, and terminations. These are examples of the used of performance appraisal for:

Administrative decisions

6- Why is it beneficial to begin a validation study with a job analysis?

All of the above (To learn the criteria, or KSAOs, needed for the job; To help select predictors for the KSAOs; To help with validity generalization)

4- Performance appraisal information can be used

All of the above For employee development, To justify a pay increase, As a factor in the decision to terminate

4- Which of the following is correct?

All of the above Supervisors give better ratings to subordinates they like, Supervisors like subordinates that perform well, Supervisors give higher ratings when they are in a good mood.

Generalizability of results refers to the concept that the conclusions of a study can be extended to other

All of the above Groups of people; Organizations; Settings

3- Major categories of the PAQ include

All of the above Information input, mediation processes, work output

1- With the aim of solving some recent employee thefts, an I/O psychologist administers a test that's supposed to show how honest employees are. He's not skilled in interpreting this test. Although the employees believe the test to be anonymous, he keeps track of their scores and informs management which two scored lowest on the test. They are fired. How would his behavior be evaluated in the context of the six ethical principles governing I/O psychologists?

All of the above are true. He has behaved unethically by doing something he was not competent to do, interpreting the test; by violating the confidentiality of the employees' results; by harming others through his professional work.

1- The two world wars were important influences on the field of I/O psychology because they

Allowed for large-scale application of psychological testing to place individuals in jobs.

6- Cafeteria benefits

Allowing employees to choose their benefits from a long list of possibilities

1- Erin is applying for a job at a major fast food chain. What type of psychologist is most likely to have developed the employee selection procedures, training sessions, and performance appraisal system that she will be subjected to?

An industrial psychologist

5- Assume your next exam is in this class contains two essay questions and that you have three hours to complete it. What type of test is this?

An open-ended power test

5- Jobs require individuals with specific knowledge, skills, abilities, and other personal characteristics. These KSAOs are identifies by a detailed

Job analysis

6- If all applicants for a job can do the job successfully, we cay the ____ equals 100%.


4- You are appraising the performance of your employees. The performance measure contains a scale that measures dependability. This scale lists several behaviors that vary in dependability from "often misses work with no excuse" to "always complete tasks by deadline". The rater selects the behavior that best describes the ratee. This performance measure is a

Behavior anchored rating scale

4- In response to each item, the rater indicates the amount of time the rater engaged in that behavior. This describes a

Behavior observation scale

5- "During high school, what grades did you get in your chemistry class?" This question is most likely to appear on what kind of assessment device?

Biographical inventory

1- Walter Dill Scott and Hugo Munsterberg are credited with being the fathers of I/O psychology. What were their prefessional backgrounds?

Both were experimental psychologists

1- The first I/O PH.D. was awarded to

Bruce V. Moore

5- Which of the following tests is a valid predictor of performance across a large number of different kinds of jobs?

Cognitive ability tests

1- Your employer ascribes to the principled of Scientific Management. Which of the statements below would they be LEAST likely to agree with?

Employees should be selected so as to get along with other members of their work group.

5- An advantage of administering tests electronically (e.g. via computer) is that

Computerized tests can be scored automatically

4- Which of the following is the first step that you would take in developing a behavior- focused form for use in performance appraisal?

Conduct a job analysis

2- In a study that examines the effect of job tenure on job satisfaction, the added variable of the age of the research subject is intertwined with the variable of job tenure. When variables are intertwined in this way sch that clear conclusions cannot be drawn, researchers say that a ____ has occured.


4- Students' performance in school (e.g. GPA) reflects their mastery of relevant course material. However, their GPA may also reflect whether they were sick or had outside distractions. To the extent that GPA, as a measure of performance, captures things other than the mastery of course material, we say that GPA has:

Criterion contamination ???

5- The ____ biographical inventory is developed by writing items that assess the KSAOs required for a particular job.


Ch 1- Justin is a practicing Industrial psychologist. He is most likely to be found engaging inn which of the following activities?

Designing employee selection systems and training programs

5- Which of the following is FALSE about drug testing?

Drug testing is decreasing in popularity because it is controversial

5- Which of the following statements about emotional intelligence (EI) test is correct?

EI tests can predict job performance

1- Your roommate expresses interest in becoming an I/O psychologist. What advise would you give them?

Earn a graduate degree

1- Your boss gives special privileges to those employees that do a good job such as allowing them to leave early or take longer lunches. She is using which of Taylor's principles of Scientific Management?

Employees should be rewarded for productivity to encourage high levels of performance.

1- Your employer ascribes to the principles of Scientific Management. Which of the statements below would they be LEAST likely to agree with?

Employees should be selected so as to get along with other members of their work group

4- Consider the job of "student". Which of the following is a theoretical criterion for this job?

Engage in scholarly activities

1- I/O psychology has its primary roots in

Experimental psychology.

1- I/O psychology is NOT an applied field like clinical psychology


1- The majority of job stress research is done in the United States.


5- Individuals low on emotional intelligence are socially skilled, enabling them to work smoothly with their colleagues at work.


5- Integrity tests predict theft better than they do general counterproductive behavior and job performance.


5- Scores from computerized tests are equivalent to those from paper and pencil test.


5- The interviewer cannot affect the answers of an interviewee in a structured interview


5- The reliability and validity of a single-item test is similar to that of a multiple-item test.


6- Applicants from newspaper advertisements are the same quality as those who are referred by employees.


5- Assessment methods of potential candidates for a specific job do NOT include the use of:

Family information

1- Who wrote the first I/O psychology text?

Hugo Munsterberg

1- The husband and wife team that was the subject of the movie Cheaper By the Dozen and credited with beginning the study of efficient ways of performing tasks through the time and motion studies was:

Frank and Lillian Gibreth

1- Scientific Management was developed in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries by ____ as an approach to handing production workers in factories.

Frederick Winslow Taylor

2- Which of the following is true?

Generalizing is a concern with both laboratory and field research.

5- Work samples have found to be ____ predictors of future job performance.


1- Brian is a practicing I/O psychologist in Scandinavia. How would the topics he studied differ from those studied by I/O psychologists in the United States?

He would be more concerned with employee health and stress issues.

6- the most frequent target of equal employment opportunity efforts has been the ____ process.


5- Due to the lack of construct validity plaguing assessment center dimension scores

Hiring decisions should be based on dimension scores ???? (NOT Hiring decisions should not be based on an overall assessment center score)

5- The four distinguishing characteristics of tests do NOT include which of the following?

In-basket test versus leaderless group discussion

5- The four distinguishing characteristics of tests do NOT include which of the following?

In-basket test versus leaderless group discussion (INCLUDE: Group vs, individually administered tests; Objective vs. open-ended tests; Power vs. speed tests)

1- The division of I/O psychology that emphasizes a management perspective of organizational efficiency through the appropriate use of human resources is

Industrial Psychology

5- In which of the following assessment methods is the person who administers the test most likely to affect the responses?


1- Which of the following best explains why research is important in I/O psychology?

It provides the theories and principles that applied in practice

5- For which of the following positions is an organization most likely to use an assessment center when determining whom to hire?


4- At the end of the semester students rate professors on a scale that ranges from 1 (much worse than most) to 7 (much better than most). What type of measure is this?

Mixed standard scale ???

4- George thinks all professors are absent minded. This is an exampled of a

Not sociotype

1- An I/O psychologist has been asked by a major electronics firm to examine the happiness and well being of employees. She then examines the employee attitudes, behaviors, and job stress as well as supervisory practices. She is as a(n)

Organizational psychologist.

1- The best known Hawthorne study was that of lighting-level effects by Roethlisberger and Dickson (1939). In this study employees were taken to a special room where lighting levels were varied from day to day to see how performance would be affected. They found that

Over the course of the study, productivity increased and seemed to have little to do with lighting levels.

5- You are responsible for hiring police officers for your city. You want to make sure they are honest, so you ask them if they have ever broken each of 20 laws. This is an example of a(n) ____ test.

Overt integrity

5- A test that measures how well a person can type is best described as a(n) ____ test.


5- Which type of test will most likely have the largest problem with applicants faking responses?

Personality tests

6- Which of the following statements about recruiting is correct?

Recruiting efforts should specify the KSAOs for the job in advance.

1- The first I/O psychology text, written by Hugo Munsterberg, was entitled:

Psychology and Industrial Efficienty

2- You want to study the effects of training on performance. Because you must get permission to train people, you ask for volunteers. You train half the volunteers, and then measure the performance of both trained and untrained volunteers. You have used

Random assignment but not random selection

6- Bill's Computer Software Development Company needs to hire some skilled employees knowledgeable in a specific computer language. The unemployment ratte is relatively high. How should Bill get access to possible applicants?

Referrals from existing employees

2- The foundation of both the science and practice sides of I/O psychology is


1- I/O psychologists often conduct research. Why is research important to I/O psychologists?

Research provides the principles to that can be applied in practice.

1- Which of the following is NOT true of research in I/O psychology?

Research that meets minimum standards is automatically published because of the importance of having as much information as possible to the field.

1- Most I/O psychology graduate schools educate their students to be a


4- Which of the following is NOT a use of performance appraisal information?

Selection of appropriate job applicants

4- Which of the following is NOT correct?

Supervisors give good ratings to subordinates they expect to perform well

3- A job analyst asks job incumbents to rate the time spent doing each task required by the job. What type of job analysis method has been used?

Task inventories

1- Stephanie is a college professor specializing in Industrial/Organizational Psychology. She is MOST likely to be found engaging in which of the following activities?

Teaching students and doing research

1- As an I/O psychologist you are hired by an organization to study the effects of the lighting level on optimal performance in their factory. You decide to conduct this study by taking your subjects to a special room in which lighting levels can be changed. You vary lighting levels and measure productivity. In this case you would be replicating which classic study in I/O psychology?

The Western Electric Hawthorne study

2- As a research psychologist you conduct a study that examines the effect of offering a benefit package on job satisfaction. In this study a group of new employees is offered a benefits package; another group is not. Which is the control group?

The group not receiving the benefits package is the control group

5- The test listed six factors that can contribute to the validity of structured interviews. Which of the following IS one of the six factors?

The interviewer should have detailed information about the job before beginning the interview

5- You are given the Self-Directed Search test. What is this test assessing?

The match between your personality type and particular occupations

3- A person-oriented job analysis focuses primarily on collecting information on

The personal characteristics necessary to successfully perform the job

2- When I/O psychologists conduct research they are obligated to abide by ethical principles. In which of the following is the researcher NOT acting ethically?

The researched reveals the identity of those subjects who responded to the survey to the manager of the company as part of the outcome report.

1- Which of the following is NOT one of the ethical principles of I/O psychologists are supposed to follow?

They must be loyal to their employer, putting the employer's interests above those of employees.

5- As the Human Resources director of New Millennium Enterprises you are asked to justify your use of integrity tests. What can you tell your boss?

They predict both counterproductive behavior and job performance

4- Current research into the influence of cognitive processes on the performance appraisal process indicates that when supervisors rate employee work performance

They use schemata to choose the behaviors to observe, to organize the behaviors in memory, and to decide on ratings

5- The biggest criticism of biological inventories is that they:

include items that are not linked to job-related KSAOs.

5- The ____ type assesses emotional intelligence as a personality characteristic that is accessible to a person's awareness.

Trait ??? (NOT Overt or Personality integrity)

1- Which of the following areas are you least likely to study while in graduate school in I/O psychology?

Treatment of psychological disorders

1- I/S psychologists attempts to change organizations so that they are healthier places for people to work, even if the effectiveness of the organization is not boosted.


1- Research and practice overlap in I/O psychology.


2- Descriptive statistics summarize the results of a study with summary statistics such as means and standard deviations.


2- The same physical location can be the setting for either a field of a laboratory study. The phenomenon being studied is what differentiates the two.


4- An actual criterion is the operational definition of a theoretical criterion


5- Some researchers suggest that emotional intelligence is partly a blend of cognitive ability and a personality trait.


6- The company correctly concluded that Charlie could not perform the job, so they did not hire him. Charlie is a

True Negative

6- A personnel specialist who is concerned about equal employment opportunity and fairness in hiring employees will likely consult the

Uniform Guidelines on Employee Selection Procedures

6- The federal guidelines for legal selection that were originally intended to apply to government agencies and have now been adopted and accepted as acceptable legal practices for all organizations are known as the

Uniform Guidelines on Employee Selection Procedures

6- In 1978, the U.S. government produced a set a rules for legal selection called the

Uniform Guidelines on employee selection Procedures.

2- You are interested in learning about work factors that cause employee stress, so you watch employees in their organizational setting perform their jobs for a few days. The employees are not aware that they are being studied. What type of research design have you used?

Unobtrusive observational design

5- When the interviewer asks whatever questions come to mind, we say s/he is using a(n) ____ interview.


3- Which of the following has NOT been suggested as an approach that could potentially improve the accuracy of job analysis judgments?

Use job incumbents more, because they tend to be less biased in their rating of job tasks

1- Who were the two individuals credited with being the fathers of I/O psychology?

Walter Dill Scott and Hugo Musterberg

1- The U.S. Army began to use I/O psychologists in ____; the first large-scale application of psychological testing to place individuals into jobs.

World War I

2- Which of the following research projects is performed in a field setting?

You go into a fast food restaurant and give the employees a questionnaire to study the effects of pay on job performance.

3- After completing a job analysis, you conclude that the job involves a lot of physical lifting. What type of job analysis have yo performed?

a job-oriented job analysis

3- As a new Industrial psychologist, your first assignment is to conduct a job analysis in which you describe the characteristic, attributes, and knowledge necessary for a person to perform the job. This type of analysis is known as

a person-oriented approach

Your roommate tells you that all engineers are socially shy and wear pocket protectors, white shorts, and thick glasses. This is an example of

a stereotype

1- The two major divisions of industrial and organizational psychology

cannot be easily separated

4- If Bill rates all his employees as average on their performance evaluations, he has committed a

central tendency error

5- You are given a test that measures your mathematical ability. This is one type of

cognitive ability test

5- You are given a test that measures you mathematical ability. This is one type of

cognitive ability test.

3- According to the principle of ____, two jobs of equal value to the organization should have similar pay scales, regardless of whether most employees in the jobs are men or women.

comparable worth

1- Becky has finally finished her degree in I/O psychology! What are the three most common settings in which she would most likely to work?

consulting, private company, university

6- The definition of a good employee is referred to as a(n) ____.


4- The degree to which a weather person's predictions actually measure her ability to predict weather is referred to as

criterion relevance

4- Your professor tends to rate everyone's presentation the same. We would say that these ratings contain

distributional errors

1- Results of some of the Hawthorne studies were tentatively explained by what has come to be known as the Hawthorne Effect, in which

employee performance increases because of the knowledge of participating in a study.

3- Actions that must be done on a job are called

essential fuctions

2- To draw casual conclusions about a research question, one should use:

experimental research designs

5- One of the concerns with using personality tests is that they might lack job relevance. The concept of "job relevance" is most similar to

face validity

2- You conduct a study to determine if employee attitudes differ as a function of gender (male vs. female) and company size (small vs. large). What statistical technique should you use to analyze these data?

factorial ANOVA

4- Professor Smith is a very organized lecturer, but because he is rude and short with students, he received negative ratings on all dimensions (including organization). This is an example of a

halo error

5- Before being hired by New Millennium Enterprises, you are asked to participate in an exercise in which you are told to pretend that it is your first day on the job and you are faced with numerous items on your desk, including memos, letters, emails, and phone messages. You must deal with each of them appropriately and efficiently. This is called a(n) ____ exercise.


2- You want to know whether group size influences the success of employee training. Rather than do a new study you find 20 previous studies of this question and statistically combine their results. What is this analysis called?


1- The humanitarian work psychology movement

mobilizes I/O psychologists to use their skills to reduce poverty and improve well-being in developing countries

3- In the U.S., it is illegal to refuse to hire individuals with disabilities because they cannot perform

nonessential functions

1- The best known Hawthorne study was that of lighting-level effects by Roethlisberger and Dickson (1939). In this study employees were taken to a special room where lighting levels were varied from day to day to see how performance would be affected. They found that

over the course of the study, productivity increased and seemed to have little to do with lighting levels.

2- As an I/O research psychologist you chose the subjects of your investigation through a nonsystematic method; you have used which of the following methods?

random selection

6- Because Robert is deaf, the company he works for replaces the normal fire alarm in his office with a flashing light alarm. This is an example of a(n)

reasonable accommodation

1- The settings in which I/O psychologists work can be classified into what two broad categories?

research and practice

1- I/O psychologists are guided by the APA ethical code. When a member violates the code APA can

revoke the member's APA membership

5- Applicants for secretarial positions at ABC Publishing Co. must take a typing test. This typing test measures that applicant's


1- The surprising factors of the Hawthorne studies at Western Electric was that

social factors in organizations affect employees' job performance

4- George thinks all professors are absent minded. This is an example of a


5- Candidates who are given a ____ interview are likely to have an advantage during a job search.


4- You have evaluated the performance of you administrative staff on a number of dimensions including attendance, work quality, and work quantity and must now provide individual feedback to each of your employees. You should use:

the multidimensional approach

2- The most critical aspects of a research study are

the research question and hypothesis

1- I/O psychology is an "evidence-based" field. This means that:

the things practitioners do are based on scientific methods and principles

1- Miranda is interested in majoring in psychology and wants to know of the difference between industrial and organizational psychology. She knows that you are taking a psychology course and asks you to explain to her the major areas of interest of organizational psychology. You would be most likely to tell her that organizational psychology is concerned with

understanding behavior and enhancing the well being of employees in the workplace

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