PSY 350 Ch 5

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an error in early language development in which young children apply verbal labels too broadly

pruning in the frontal lobes starts ___ in other brain regions

later than

By age 10, the brain is what percent of its adult size?

95 percent

frontal lobes

the area at the uppermost front of the brain, responsible for reasoning and planning our actions


In Piaget's theory, the preoperational child's belief that inanimate objects are alive.

identity constancy

In Piaget's theory, the preoperational child's inability to grasp that a person's core "self" stays the same despite changes in external appearance.

inner speech

In Vygotsky's theory, the way in by which human beings learn to regulate their behavior and master cognitive challenges, through silently repeating information or talking to themselves.

When young children appear clumsy, wobbly, and slow, it is often a result of the slow maturity and development of the:

corpus callosum

executive functions

any frontal lobe ability that allows us to inhibit our responses and to plan and direct our thinking

Which term refers to young children's belief that everything in nature was created by humans?


____ is defined by deficits in theory of mind

autism spectrum disorder

____ memories refer to the ability to understand one has a life history or recall past experiences or events


adolescents use ___ memories to construct an identity


synaptogenesis refers to the process of:

making billions of connections between neurons


the meaning system of a language - that is, what the words stand for

attention-deficit / hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)

the most common childhood learning disorder in the United States, disproportionately affecting boys, characterized by inattention and hyperactivity at home and at school


the process of teaching new skills by entering a child's zone of proximal development and tailoring one's efforts to that person's competence level

Body Mass Index (BMI)

the ratio of weight to height; the main indicator of overweight or underweight

middle childhood

the second phase of childhood, covering the elementary school years, from about age 6 to 11

pruning in the frontal lobes starts at age:


childhood obesity

A body mass index at or above the 95th percentile compared to the U.S. norms established for children in the 1970s.

autism spectrum disorders (ASDs)

Conditions characterized by persistent, severe, widespread social and conversational deficits; lack of interest in people and their feelings; and repetitive, restricted behavior patterns, such as rocking, ritualized behavior, hypersensitivity to sensory input, and a fixation on inanimate objects. A core characteristic of these disorders is impairments in theory of mind.


The sound units that convey meaning in a given language—for example, in English, the c sound of cat and the b sound of bat.

___ is the main factor fueling the childhood obesity epidemic

a lack of physical activity

selective attention

a learning strategy in which people manage their awareness so as to attend only to what is relevant and to filter out unneeded information


a learning strategy in which people repeat information to embed it in memory

More so than younger children, children ages 6 to 11:

all of the above: are better at making plans have no longer attention spans do not get frustrated as easily


an error in early language development in which young children apply verbal labels too narrowly

Brenda's older sister is crying because she got a C on her school report card. Brenda went to her sister and offered her favorite stuffed animal, trying to make her feel better.


After a child's second birthday, the brain grows rapidly in size only to be limited by the closing of the sutures of the skull that occurs between the ages of 6 and 8 years.


Zack insists, "I live in Baltimore, not Maryland."

inability to use classification

the mean length of utterance refers to the number of ___ in a sentence


the meaning units of a language are it's:


Faster and more efficient communication within the brain is the result of:



the smallest unit of meaning in a particular language-for example, boys contains two morphemes: boy and the plural suffix s


the system of grammatical rules in a particular language

this gives humans the ability to engage in social cognition


Jacob is teasing his little sister, Janice, when he grabs the doll she was holding and runs away with it. "Stop! You're going too fast. She's scared!" yells Janice.


four-year-old Azariah believes that his stuffed animal understands what he says. In Piagetian terms, Azariah is showing:


the talents involved in running, jumping, and climbing are ____ skills

gross motor


In Piaget's conservation tasks, the concrete operational child's ability to look at several dimensions of an object or substance


In Piaget's conservation tasks, the preoperational child's tendency to fix on the most visually striking feature of a substance and not take other dimensions into account.

concrete operational thinking

In Piaget's framework, the type of cognition characteristic of children aged 8 to 11, marked by the ability to reason about the world in a more logical, adult way.


In Piaget's theory, the preoperational child's belief that human beings make everything in nature.

working memory

In information-processing theory, the limited-capacity gateway system, containing all the material that we can keep in awareness at a single time. The material in this system is either processed for more permanent storage or lost.

conservation tasks

Piagetian tasks that involve changing the shape of a substance to see whether children can go beyond the way that substance visually appears to understand that the amount is still the same

christina is trying to potty train her 15-month-old daughter but it isn't going well. why might this be the case?

her frontal lobe is currently developing


an error in early language development, in which young children apply the rules for plurals and past tenses even to exceptions, so irregular forms sound like regular forms

three-year-old children typically have relatively large heads, while six-year-old children have relatively longer, thin bodies. this age difference in physical appearance reveals the -__ principle


theory of mind

children's first cognitive understanding, which appears at about age 4, that other people have different beliefs and perspectives from their own

Once children develop the skills for conversing, they are conversation pros!


the ___ task has been used by developmentalists to demonstrate theory of mind


A young child's ability to rapidly form a preliminary understanding of a new word by contrasting it with familiar words and connecting it to existing mental categories is called:


the talents involved in drawing or writing letters are ____ skills

fine motor

mike is five years old and loves to draw. His kindergarten teacher loves to collect his art work and believes that he has a very special gift. His ability for art represents:

fine motor skills

selective attention refers to a person's ability to:

focus only on relevant information


in Piaget's theory, the preoperational child's inability to understand that other people have different points of view from their own

preoperational thinking

in Piaget's theory, the type of cognition characteristic of children aged 2 to 7, marked by an inability to step back from one's immediate perceptions and think conceptually

zone of proximal development (ZPD)

in Vygotsky's theory, the gap between a child's ability to solve a problem totally on his own and his potential knowledge if taught by a more accomplished person


in piaget's conservation tasks, the concrete operational child's knowledge that a specific change in the way a given substance looks can be reserved

The fact that young children may mistakenly apply "‐s" to make the plural of a word, as in "The childs are playing," is often taken as evidence that the capacity to acquire the rules of language is:


according to vygotsky, thinking is a form of

inner speech

When a child mistakenly uses a familiar word to identify an unfamiliar yet similar item, such as referring to a sheep as a cat, the error is due to:


when three-year-old edwards Dad asked his son what he had done that day, edward replied, "i sawed two deer outside and goed to see them." these classic mistakes are called


a child's first words are often "da da" or "ma ma" these sound units that convey meaning are:


gross motor skills

physical abilities that involve large muscle movements, such as running and jumping

fine motor skills

physical abilities that involve small, coordinated movements, such as drawing and writing one's name

five-year-old Casey believes that a drinking glass now holds more juice simply because it was poured into a taller glass. Casey is in Piaget's ____ stage of development


obesity rates among U.S. elementary children have:

quadrupled in the last 30 years

autobiographical memories

recollections of events and experiences that make up one's life history

which environmental intervention is helpful in relieving the symptoms of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)?

regular recess breaks

children who have experienced abuse often have memory failure when it comes to their autobiographical memories. Freud would call this


scaffolding involves:

tailoring teaching to a student's level

mean length of utterance (MLU)

the average number of morphemes per sentence

early childhood

the first phase of childhood, lasting from age 3 through kindergarten, or about age 5

class inclusion

the understanding that a general category can encompass several subordinate elements

vocabularies can be expected to continue to grow:

throughout the lifespan

During middle childhood, the brain adds myelin to the connecting fibers of neurons, and synaptic connections are pruned.


The part of the brain that is critical for reflective thought, planning, and control of impulsive behavior is the prefrontal cortex.


during early childhood, the neurons in the visual and motor cortices are in their pruning phase, which explains why ____ develops so quickly.


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