psyc 260 ch 12

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hate groups norms (4)

out group derogation is norm and is considered moral; deep values and opposite is immoral

Team members rarely contact members of other social groups. This would strengthen?

outgroup homogeneity

You are part of an active group that helps victims of natural disasters. Being a member of such a meaningful social group increases your sense of worth. This sense of worth is felt because of _____.

social identity

You feel high self-esteem when you belong to a group such as a victorious football team. This feeling of self-esteem that you experience by being a part of a group is referred to as _____.

social identity

A five year old girl thinks that it is not appropriate for her to behave aggressively like boys do. This is an example of a _____.


Performances of African-Americans are low in a test because of their anxiety about a stereotype. is what?

stereotype threat

Automatic cognition (devine dissociation model)

stereotyped info and category info are all automatic cognition

social categorization activated by

stimulus, salient cues-- all automatic

black sheep effect

strong devaluation of in group members who threaten image and identity of group

Some westerners believe that all individuals from China, Korea, Taiwan and Vietnam know Kung Fu. This comment illustrates

the out-group homogeneity effect

stereotype threat experiment name and gist

Steele and Aronson; math test for women and asians, important, made their identity salient

Why does Stereotype Threat happen?

Stereotyped individuals are afraid that their behavior may "prove the stereotype"

prejudice abc


situations and cognition for stereotyping

affect how we think-- how we use our social categories

Which of the following is a necessary condition for the success of inter-group contact in reducing prejudice? a. contact must occur under friendly informal conditions b. mutual interdependence c. equal status d. common goals e. all of the above

all of the above

According to Tajfel & Turner's (1979) social identity theory, we have a tendency to ______________ the in-group, and ______________ the out-group

bolster; derogate

social identity theory and prejudice

categorization leads to in groups (favoritism, heterogeneity) and out groups (derogation, homogeneity)

if you change social norms you ...

change prejudice

stereotype what abc


interdependence and cooperation lead to

common in group identity which leads to favorable inter group attitudes

predictors of prejudice/discrimination SITUATION FACTORS (3)

conformity, group think, group polarization

qualities of hate groups (2)

deindividuation of members and self perception that they are on the side of good

situation factors of prejudice and discrimination depend on

depend on prevailing group norms

what to do about cognition to reduce stereotyping (devine dissociation model) (2)

diversify social category, exert controlled cognition;

in group favoritism develops

early on; 3 year olds display it

social categorization is beneficial b/c (3)

evolutionarily adaptive; simplifies/speeds up decision making; works well with things that dont change much

devine dissociation model basic understanding

explains stereotyping and prejudice; -- automatic and controlled cognition affects it

Prejudice can also be reduced for people who have friends or who are friends with members of the outgroup, even if the individual does not have direct contact with the outgroup members. This is known as the _____.

extended contact hypothesis

You friend tells you about a female friend who drives extremely well. This reduces your stereotype about women drivers. This is an example of ________.

extended contact hypothesis

Members of a group tend to support each other when they face problems. This is an example of the black sheep effect.


Social categorization is an undesirable tendency with which individuals are born.


hate groups def.

group with institutionalized stereotyping, prejudice, and discrimination

predictors of prejudice/discrimination PERSON FACTORS (4)

high authoritarianism, belief in social dominance orientation, collectivism, low humanism/egalitarianism

contact hypothesis

idea that intergroup contact will reduce prejudice

super ordinate goals

important goals that requires effort and resources from two outgroups to cooperate-- leads to common in group identity

Mary thinks that the women in her office are friendlier than the men. This is an example of _____.

in group favoritism

The black sheep effect is likely to occur when an _____.

ingroup member violates group norms

to predict prejudice and discrimination

it is a function of both person and situation factors

The "_____" is an approach to learning in which students from different racial or ethnic groups work together, in an interdependent way, to master material.

jigsaw classroom

jigsaw classroom aims at doing what

long term prejudice reduction

ultimate attribution error

make trait attributions in ways that benefit their in groups

Which of the following is the basic purpose of using the bogus pipeline procedure?

measuring stereotypes and prejudice

contact hypothesis depends on what factors (6)

mutual interdependence, common goal, equal status, informal contact, multiple contacts, social norms of equality

social categorization

natural cognitive processes that cause us to put individuals in to social groups

realistic conflict theory (2)

theory to explain why we are prejudiced; we were conflicted over limited resources in evolutionary past

those with experiencing stereotype threat are afraid

they will confirm stereotype

social categorization can be ineffective with

things that change/not simple like people and animals

4 factors that influence how we categorize people in situations

time pressure, cognitive load, stress, motivation

A contact hypothesis is effective if the hypothesis is inversely proportional to an individual's stereotypes.


A university sends its students to other countries to reduce the impact of prejudices on them. The university's decision is based on the contact hypothesis


Stereotypes are beliefs about the characteristics of the groups around us.


The bogus pipeline procedure is an indirect approach to assessing prejudice.


Ultimate attribution error results in the tendency for competing groups to perceive each other extremely and unrealistically negatively.


authoritarianism and social dominance orientation are examples of

types of personality

The _____ results in the tendency for each of the competing groups to perceive the other extremely negatively.

ultimate attribution error


unjustifiable negative attitudes toward and outgroup or individuals


unjustified negative behavior towards members of an out group based on group membership

Steele and Aronson findings (2)

women who were made aware of their gender performed worse; Asians made aware of their gender performed better

one thing that can combat stereotype threat

self affirmation

Studies on the effects of categorizing individuals into social groups have shown which of the following?

simply dividing people into "minimal" groups may result in in-group favoritism.

Which of the following is a valid observation of our social categorization?

Social categorization occurs spontaneously, without much thought on our part.

Which of the following is a test that can measure implicit (i.e., non-conscious) racism?


Monica is the CEO of a private company. In a meeting, she criticizes Team A for their poor performances and threatens them that she will disband the team. In the meeting, she also praises Team B for their commendable work. Choose the correct answer based on this situation.

In this situation, Team A is more likely to show ingroup favoritism than Team B.

Why do people face difficulties in changing their stereotypical beliefs?

Such beliefs are often part of people's everyday lives and culture.

stereotype threat creates

anxiety and nervousness that affects behavior

jigsaw classroom

approach to learning where students of different races work together to create interdependence

common in group identity

attempt to reduce prejudice by creating superordinate categorization

discrimination abc


stereotype threat

performance decrements caused by knowledge of cultural stereotypes


personality dimension that characterizes people who prefer to be simple rather than complex and tend to hold traditional values

social dominance orientation

personality variable -- tendency to see and accept inequality among different groups


positive or negative beliefs we hold about characteristics of social group

Calvin hates the members of a certain religious community. The negative attitude that Calvin displays toward the community is an example of _____.


extended contact hypothesis

prejudice reduced if they have friends who are friends with the out group

self affirmation (2)

reaffirming values and abilities; moderates threat performance

The strategy of busing, initiated after the Supreme Court's decision in the case Brown versus Board of Education in 1954, helped in

reducing the number of segregated schools in the U.S.

in group favoritism

respond more positively to those in our in groups than we do to people from our out groups

controlled cognition (devine dissociation model)

take in information for individuals-- adjust and inhibit categories

out group homogeneity

tendency to view others of an out group as more similar to each other than we see in group members

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