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Eva has been experiencing thoughts of hurting her partner, which is causing her a great amount of subjective distress. Would you define Eva's internal experience as abnormal?

No, subjective distress is only one of several criteria for defining a behavior as abnormal.

Lauren displays behavior that deviates from culturally acceptable norms but doesn't cause her subjective distress or psychological impairment. Would Lauren's behavior be considered abnormal according to the text?

No, the behavior would have to be accompanied by subjective distress and psychological impairment to be abnormal.

In what theory would the therapist-patient relationship be seen as a representation of what is pathological in the patient's life and, therefore, needs changing?

Object-relations theory

What type of self-report inventory includes brief responses to a collection of test items that are used to assess personal characteristics or behaviors across various personality dimensions?

Personality inventory

What is the cycle in which the original response sets in motion forces that tend to further increase the response in order to attain homeostasis?

Positive feedback loop

What would we call the contingent presentation of a pleasant outcome which strengthens later behavior?

Positive reinforcement

Joann's doctor has ordered her to take a test that involves observation of the uptake and use of glucose that has been radioactively labeled and injected into her. What type of test has her doctor ordered for her?

Positron emission tomography (PET)

What is a Freudian defense mechanism in which we blame others for our own impulses and attitudes and deny that they are our own issues?


The Rorschach Test, a set of cards depicting inkblots, is used to access unconscious processes. The Rorschach is what type of psychological test?

Projective test

Alex has a realistic appraisal of his talents and shortcomings, has satisfying relationships, and at times experiences stress and unpleasant emotions. How would you describe Alex's behavior?

Psychologically healthy

Research by Visintainer et al., (1982) demonstrated how inescapable shocks impaired immunological function in the animals who received it. What field of study would this research fall under?


In epidemiological research, which of the following are necessary for effective research methods?

Random sampling

Following extensive research and fieldwork, the edited version of the DSM-5 was released in which year?


Over the course of our lifetimes, approximately _____ of us will experience at least one mental disorder.


What does cultural relativity propose?

A behavior that is considered abnormal in one cultural context might be appropriate in a different cultural context.

When the classical conditioning process has occurred, what would we expect to see in regard to behavior?

A new behavior is learned when a neutral stimulus elicits the same response as an unconditioned stimulus.

Which of the following statements is NOT true about a paradigm?

A permanent way to understand a phenomenon.

Taking a mindfulness approach to notice intrusive thoughts and upsetting emotions could be part of which therapeutic technique?

Acceptance and commitment therapy

Jacob thought he had a stable job, good income, and secure retirement until the company he worked for merged with another company and he was laid off from his job. He felt desperate and panic began to grow about finding new employment. Jacob began to feel hopeless and depressed about his prospects. However, within about 6 months, he found a new job, got back on track with his finances, and was making the best of his situation. What diagnosis would best fit Jacob's mental state during this time?

Adjustment disorder

_____ is, by definition, time limited, such that the impairment or maladaptive reaction to the stressor is expected to remit within 6 months if the stressor is removed.

Adjustment disorder

What do we call any of the possible forms in which a gene for a specific trait can occur?


According to the more recent data from Kessler et al., what are the most common mental disorders among the U.S. population?

Anxiety disorders

Rosenhan (1973) was concerned that there were no reliable sources for verification of the diagnosis of schizophrenia, unlike someone with a bleeding ulcer. What does this concern reveal about diagnosing patients with mental disorders?

Assessment of psychological disorders is not as clear cut as diagnosing physical disorders.

Samantha has been diagnosed with borderline personality disorder. She is also experiencing depression. If you were her doctor, on which Axis would you note her personality disorder utilizing the previous DSM-IV-TR?

Axis II

Although projective testing once was the most common form of psychological assessment, it is now utilized less often than other personality tests. This is the case for all EXCEPT which of the following reasons?


Which therapeutic approach has been combined with behavioral therapy because of the relationship between thoughts and behaviors?


A rapid advancing technology is providing vast improvement in our abilities to observe the structures of the living brain with taking X-rays of "slices" of the brain. What is this technology known as?

Computerized axial tomography (CAT)

What do we call the computer method that uses radiation to take detailed and cross sectional images of the brain to detect tumors and other brain abnormalities?

Computerized axial tomography (CAT)

What is a response that is produced by a conditioned stimulus after repeated pairings with an unconditioned stimulus called?

Conditioned response

"Little Albert" became fearful of objects that he wasn't fearful of before once they were paired with a loud noise over several trials. What process does this demonstrate?


A famous research study involving "Little Albert" was designed to demonstrate which main principle of the learning process?


Several animal studies have shown strong support for which of the following conclusions regarding the role of conditioning and illness?

Conditioning occurs when a stimulus is paired with illness and normal function of the immune system is suppressed.

What happens in the resistance stage of GAS?

Coping responses to the ongoing challenge are activated.

What are Freudian strategies that prevent unwanted feelings and unacceptable impulses from coming into ones awareness?

Defense mechanisms

_____ was the first "theory" for how evil spirits caused abnormalities in behavior.


Which system of classification became strongly influenced by Freud's concepts of neurosis and psychosis?

Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders

If John's psychiatrist and psychotherapist disagree on John's mental disorder diagnosis, what is not being met?

Diagnostic reliability

As a young woman, Michele had a disposition for being anxious in many situations. Thus, when she experienced a traumatic event, she was more likely to develop a stress disorder. What model does this example highlight?

Diathesis-stress model

Bella is 5 years old and is playing at the park while her mother rests on the bench nearby. Bella seems overly friendly going up to strangers on the playground. Bella also doesn't mind being away from her mother for long periods of time and has no need to check in with her. If Bella was also not getting sufficient care, affection, and her emotional needs met at home, what disorder might Bella be diagnosed with?

Disinhibited social engagement disorder

According to the principles of operant conditioning, what is a consequence that increases the future probability of a response reoccurring called?


Every time after Desmond takes his dog out for a walk, he rewards his pet with a treat for good behavior. In this example, what does Desmond giving the treat to his dog represent?


Who is the person credited with the philosophical belief of the separation of the mind and the body?

Rene Descartes

According to the text, Ann, a 4-year-old, was becoming more isolated from children at her school, wanting interaction and attention from the adult teachers. This continued for some time until an intervention was done. Her teachers began to give Ann attention for playing with other children instead of when she was alone. Then the consequences reverted to the original way of giving Ann attention. What is this an example of?

Reversal design

_____ is a type of assessment in which the examinee can select statements reflecting the severity of symptoms that is useful in diagnosis but cannot alone provide or confirm a DSM diagnosis.


According to psychodynamic theory, what type of conflict forms the basis of psychological symptoms?

Sexual conflict

As Freud helped patients explore the hidden sources of their symptoms, it seemed the insight always led to what type of conflict?

Sexual conflict

_____is when a learned response reappears after being exposed infrequently to the stimulus again.

Spontaneous recovery

Samantha is working with her therapist on a coping strategy to prepare her for an upcoming surgery that she is anxious about. Over the course of several months, they discuss what Samantha should expect to experience from the time she arrives at the hospital until she is discharged. What type of technique is Samantha MOST likely experiencing?

Stress inoculation

What type of psychotherapy method is intended to help patients slowly prepare themselves in advance to handle a stressful event successfully?

Stress inoculation

What do we call a stressful experience that calls for a response from the individual?


Which statement is TRUE regarding random sampling?

Subjects are selected by chance from some larger population to participate in a study.

Danny has a fear of dogs that is causing him much stress because he would like to be able to go to the park with his friends and walk to school by himself. He is seeing a behavioral therapist, who teaches him muscle relaxation and slowly exposes Danny to pictures of dogs, then just watching dogs from afar, and then finally, touching and walking a dog. What technique is this therapist using?

Systematic desensitization

While Hans was sexually interested in his mother, he developed a fear of horses which was symbolic of his unconseious fear of his father. What Freudian phenomenon is Hans experiencing?

The Oedipal conflict

What type of diagnostic tool involves an interaction between the client and the clinician, who usually formulates an initial diagnostic impression, supplemented by information from the patient's medical and social history?

The interview

Which of the following statements BEST describes the idea of abnormality as a continuum?

The line separating normal from abnormal behavior is difficult to establish.

If you were receiving a scan that was measuring brain wave patterns, what type of test did your physician order?


Random sampling, reliability, and validity are basic requirements of which type of research design?

Epidemiological research

Jennifer is working with her therapist on ways of healing from trauma she incurred during an automobile accident. Jennifer is asked to imagine the event as if she is experiencing it again, and deal with the most frightening parts of the accident. Which of the following treatments is Jennifer MOST likely experiencing?


Anna, a patient of Freud, was lying on his couch and sharing random thoughts and what seemed like trivial and irrelevant details of her life. What technique is Anna demonstrating?

Free association

If Gisele is being asked to perform various mental activities to measure blood flow and activity in different sections of her brain, what type of diagnostic method is she MOST likely experiencing?

Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI)

___is an imaging technique that uses magnetic fields to detect changes in blood flow, producing a measure of brain activity.

Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI)

Which model did Hans Seyle develop to understand the physical stress response?

General adaption syndrome

What can we learn by utilizing family pedigree studies to collect information about family members who have mental disorders?

Heredity influences

Animal studies led by Ivan Pavlov were used to gain insight into which of the following?

The relationship between associative learning and behavior

What information does a scatterplot display?

The relationship between two sets of data

Dr. Harrison is interested in measuring his client's depressive symptoms. She has the client take the same depression questionnaire three times in the course of 3 months, and the client scores a 35 each time. What could you say about the results of the questionnaire?

The results have reliability.

The procedures used under mesmerism that induced a trancelike state eventually evolved into what other technique?


_____ were areas of study for French neurologist Jean-Martin Charcot.

Hypnosis and hysteria

The DSM-5 also includes a listing of conditions that have not yet been accepted as mental disorders but are being considered for future membership. Of the following potential future diagnoses, which one is NOT being considered?

Internet media disorder

In a research study, patients are randomly assigned into two groups. One group is given Drug X, while the other group is given a similarly shaped pill of inert ingredients to treat depression symptoms. Participants from both groups report a reduction in their symptoms. In this experiment, what produced the placebo effect?

The similarly shaped pill of inert ingredients

What does having high validity indicate about a research study?

The study measured what it intended to measure.

According to the DSM-5, if a patient received a rating of mild or higher on a dimensional assessment that measured the extent of their condition, what level of assessment would they then need to take?

Level 2 assessment

The rating scale developed by Holmes and Rahe (1967) proposed that stress could be assigned "life change units" that indicate severity. What aspect of stress did this scale assess?

Life events

What is the term that describes mentally ill individuals who were affected by the stars and planets?


Dr. Stephens is using a categorical model to diagnose the psychological disorders of his patient. If he's using the DSM, he will have to decide whether his patient either has or doesn't have depression. What is the problem with Dr. Stephen's categorical approach in diagnosing?

Mental disorders exist not as distinct entities but rather along a continuum or dimension of symptoms and functioning.

What was Hippocrates' perspective of mental illness?

Mental illness stems from natural causes.

If an assessment had several validity scales, including a lie scale, infrequency scale, and a correction scale, what type of assessment is this MOST likely?

Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI)

Several European reformers during the French Revolution believed that those with mental illness should be treated in which of the following ways?

They should be treated with kindness and dignity.

In the research by Ader and Cohen, which of the conclusions below was significant to the study of stress and physical health?

There is a relationship among stress and disease.

What kind of testing has become an important component of psychological evaluations for dementia and other neurodegenerative conditions and amnesic syndromes?

Neuropsychological testing

Which of the following is NOT true about the use of brain imaging for diagnosing specific mental disorders in individual patients?

b. Emotions and other psychological states are not clearly localized in specific brain areas. c. There are no clearly identifiable norms for brain functioning in any diagnostic categories. d. Brain imaging is considered to be very useful for diagnosing an individual with a disorder or confirming a diagnosis to help understand the relationship between the brain and the behavior.

All of the following are concerns of the naming fallacy EXCEPT which of the following? a. Stigmatization b. Generalizations c. Need to explain the behavior d. Labeling

b. Generalizations

Dana has a disposition to be aggressive. If she is given a measure that is able to predict aggressive behavior in different situations, we can conclude that there is some positive evidence for the measure's _____.

construct validity

The perspective that different cultures may use different standards in defining abnormality is called _____.

cultural relativity

Two clinicians agree that a person suffers from schizophrenia. Yet, the person's delusions are actually the result of a manic episode. In this case, the two clinicians would not have _____.

diagnostic validity

The settings of situations signaling that responses are likely to produce reinforcing outcomes are called and they serve to guide our actions.

discriminative stimuli

A cognitive behavioral intervention described by Jaycox et al., (2002) for rape survivors that involves, first, establishing a trusting relationship, followed by breathing and relaxation training, and then prolonged exposure by retelling the story of the trauma in detail for 45-60 minutes aims to achieve ________.


During the 18th and 19th centuries, care for the mentally disturbed _____.

improved to be more humanitarian

If we are confident a measure has validity, we are saying _____.

it is measuring the behavior it is supposed to be measuring

Ivan Pavlov undertook a series of experiments to understand the relationship between _____ and _____.

learning; behavior

Freud believed that all motivation, other than basic drives such as hunger and thirst, arise from the


Those whose behavior and personality were influenced by the moon were called _____.


The general heading of _____ became a catchall for techniques that induce altered states of consciousness.


What do most people in the. Southern United States presently believe about demon possession as a cause of abnormal behavior?

people can still be influenced by the devil.

Within the last few decades, the population of patients treated inside of mental institutions dropped by * two thirds because of the use of _____ to treat the symptoms of psychological disorders.

psychotropic drugs

When each member of the larger population has an equal chance of being included in a research study, we are utilizing _____.

random sampling

Once a _____ has been identified, research can begin to identify the physical cause of the disorder and to develop effective treatments or preventive measures.


The part of the mind that we are totally unaware of and from which information is normally unavailable is called

the unconscious

The use of tools to make a sizable hole in the skull to release demon sprits is called _____.


Theories of demon possession may have existed in prehistoric times, as suggested by skulls showing signs of _____.


Two clinicians diagnose their client with bipolar disorder, but when they find out more information about the client's history, they realize the symptoms are caused by substance use. This demonstrates that their original diagnosis was not _____.


Scatterplots are helpful for which of the following purposes?

To represent the relationship between two variables

Even if stressful events are just witnessed, rather than directly experienced, an individual will MOST likely experience what type of stressor?


According to research from the text, which of the following personality styles is associated with a greater risk of coronary heart disease?

Type A

According to the 8-year Framingham Heart Study that included 1600 men and women categorized by their personality styles, 3 times as many participants who were _____ developed coronary heart disease.

Type A

According to the 8-year Framingham Heart Study that included 1600 men and women categorized by their personality styles, which personality style was LESS likely to develop coronary heart disease.

Type B

Which personality style is associated with a lesser risk of coronary heart disease?

Type B

What is a stimulus that is naturally capable of eliciting the unconditioned response known as?

Unconditioned stimulus

In the animal study using the triadic design that was described in the textbook, which types of events led to more stomach ulcerations, higher corticosterone levels, and greater weight loss?

Uncontrollable and unpredictable shocks

What was the cause of general paresis?

Untreated syphilis

The shift from one viewpoint to another can BEST be described as _____.

a paradigm change

Anxiety disorders have an approximate lifetime prevalence of _____ in the U.S. population.

a. 30% c. 5% d. 15%

As part of a research study, Dr. Alexander and Dr. Griffin independently observe Michael's behaviors. Dr. Alexander decides that Michael's symptoms match the criteria for attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. Dr. Harrison, however, decides that Michael has conduct disorder. What does the disagreement between the two doctors in their diagnosis indicate?

a. High construct validity b. Low interobserver reliability c. High interobserver reliability

Which disorder can be associated with developmental delays but is not accounted for by intellectual disability or another developmental disorder?

a. Oppositional defiant disorder c. Reactive attachment disorder d. Adjustment disorder

What is the information in every cell that is passed on to every cell in the growing fetus and directs its subsequent development referred to as?

a. Phenotype b. Genotype d. Axon

Stephen experiences a great deal of anger and feels rage at his partner. But instead of taking responsibility for his emotions, he instead faults his partner for being the one that is always being angry and full of rage at him. What defense strategy is Stephen using?

a. Reaction formation c. Projection d. Repression

Which of the following brain organs is NOT integral to the process that inhibits parasympathetic reaction or sympathetic reaction in the autonomic nervous system?

a. Thalamus c. Hypothalamus d. Adrenal gland

All the pseudopatients in Rosenhan's (1973) study were admitted to the hospitals and in all but one case were given the diagnosis of schizophrenia. What did this study highlight?

a. The "sane" could not be differentiated from the "insane" under the current diagnostic model. b. Hospitals were very adept at diagnosing patients with schizophrenia. d. The study didn't show any conclusive results.

All of the following are characteristics of psychologically healthy persons EXCEPT which of the following? a. They do not experience unpleasant emotions such as grief, anger, or fear. b. They have lasting and gratifying emotional relationships. c. They have a realistic assessment of their own strengths and challenges. d. They view themselves as worthy.

a. They do not experience unpleasant emotions such as grief, anger, or fear.

Maria blinks her eye whenever her roommate sprays water at her face. What is the spray bottle of water in this example called?

a. Unconditioned stimulus c. Conditioned response d. Conditioned stimulus

All of the following are features of the single-subject experimental design EXCEPT which of the following?

a. Unsystematically studies a variety of behaviors in one specified condition b. Studies an individual's behavior under a variety of experimental conditions d. Understands the functional relationships between conditions imposed and the resulting behavior of interest

All of the following are symptoms of hysteria EXCEPT _____. a. dementia and demonic possession b. paralysis and muscle contractions c. uncontrollable laughter and crying d. emotional and unpredictable behavior

a. dementia and demonic possession

The impact of an individual's _____ on the nervous system, on learning, and on physical and psychological disturbances can be evaluated by the Social Readjustment Rating Scale.

a. life events b. daily hassles c. internal locus of control

To traverse the _an electrical nerve impulse triggers a release of neurotransmitters which are stored in the vesicles of one neuron and are sent to receptor sites of nearby neurons.

a. synapse b. myelin sheath c. dendrite

The ability of patients with hysteria to hypnotize themselves is also known as _____.


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