Quizzes/Reviews for OB/GYN II

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This syndrome results in a lack of facial and body hair, as well as long legs and gynecomastia: Turners Downs Klinefelters Edwards


Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome results in a fetus with Macrosomia Hypertelorism Ectopic heart 2 vessel cord


An open spinal defect characterized by a protrusion of meninges and spinal cord through the defect, usually within a meningeal sac, is called which one of the following? Spina bifida occulta Myelomeningocele Meningocele Arnold-Chiari syndrome


Along with NT and hCG what other marker is included in the sequential (first trimester) screen? Unconjugated estriol AFP Inhibin A PAPP-A


The sonographic string of pearls sign is indicative of:________________


Holoposencephaly is most commonly associated with which of the following aneuploidies? Edwards syndrome Down syndrome Patau syndrome Turners syndrome

Patau syndrome

Leiomyomas that project from a stalk are called:


All of the following are sonographic findings of Arnold Chiari II malformation except: Curvature of the cerebellum Hydrocephalus Obliteration of the Cisterna Magna Rasberry sign

Rasberry sign

what does this image show?

Sagittal view of myelomeningocele

Another name for spina bifida the splaying of the posterior elements of the spine is: Spina Bifida Occulta Spina Bifida Aperta Meningocele Spinal Dysraphism

Spinal Dysraphism

What is demonstrated in this image? Rockerbottom feet Talipes Clinodactyly Polysyndactyly


-This occurs with High levels of HCG-Bilateral, Enlarged Ovaries -Associated with Molar Pregnancies (USE IMAGE)

Theca Lutein Cysts

What does this image show?

Transverse view of myelomeningocele

This is the result of two sperm fertilizing one egg: Aneuploidy Turner syndrome Klinefelters syndrome Triploidy


This syndrome results in a low motor IQ, hearing loss, short stature and webbed neck: Turners Downs Klinefelters Edwards


The most severe form of Osteogenesis Imperfecta: Type I Type II Type III Type IV

Type II

name the anomaly (see image)

Uterine Didelphys

name the anomaly (see image)

Uterus Septate

The most common congenital anomaly of the face is which one of the following? a. Cleft lip b. Macroglossia c. Hypotelorism d. Micrognathia

a. Cleft lip

Which one of the following results from a malformation of the lymphatic system? a. Cystic hygroma b. Goiter c. Brachial cleft cyst d. Teratom

a. Cystic hygroma

Which of the following is MOST likely to be relieved by the onset of menopause? a.Endometriosis b.PID c.Cystadenoma d.Brenner tumor


The incidence of ectopic pregnancy is significantly increased with a history of PID. a. Myometritis b. Parametritis c. PID d. Peri-ovarian inflammation

b. Parametritis (Parametritis is the infection within the uterine serosa and broad ligaments.)

The ovarian mass that contains fat, sebum, and teeth is the: a.Fibroma b.Cystic teratoma c.Mucinous cystadenoma d.Yolk sac tumor e.Serous Cystadenoma

b.Cystic teratoma

Which statement best describes the Kruckenburgs tumor? a.It is a solid, benign tumor of the ovary b.It is a metastatic tumor from a GI tract primary c.It is a cystic malignant tumor of the uterus d.A and B e.B and C

b.It is a metastatic tumor from a GI tract primary

what does this image show?

bicornuate Has two uterine horns, and if a pregnancy in one horn, will see a decidual reaction in the other, also known as a heart-shaped uterus



What syndrome highly associated with macroglossia is characterized by overgrowth of the tissues and organomegaly? a. Trisomy 21 b. Trisomy 13 c. Beckwith-Wiedemann d. Edwards Syndrome

c. Beckwith-Wiedemann


fallopian tube

Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome includes all of the following except organomegaly macroglossia omphalocele gastroschisis


What is the most common location for endometriosis to occur in the female pelvis?


What is pictured below?

(slide 60 no more answers?)

Chorionic villus sampling is performed between: 6-9 weeks 15-20 weeks 10-14 weeks 20-25 weeks

10-14 weeks

normal mid-gut herniation should be completed by what GA? 8 weeks 10 weeks 12 weeks 14 weeks

12 weeks

With endovaginal imaging, an embryo should be seen when the MSD is at least: 32 mm 24 mm 16 mm 8 mm

16 mm

The upper size limit of a normal vaginal cuff is:

2.1 cm

Simple ovarian cysts in postmenopausal women are not likely malignant when measuring less than _____ centimeters (cm).


what does this image show?

A type of septate uterus, but considered a normal variant, has no clinical implications

The most severe form of holoprosencephaly is: A.Alobar B.Lobar C.Semilobar D.Lobular


The structure located between the two lobes of the cerebellum is the: A.Cerebellar vermis B.Cerebellar tonsils C.Falx cerebri D.Corpus Callosum

A.Cerebellar vermis

Agenesis or hypoplasia of the cerebellar vermis results in what cerebral malformation? A.Dandy walker malformation B.Schizencephaly C.Arnold Chiari II Malformation D.Mega cisterna Magna

A.Dandy walker malformation

Select all skeletal dysplasia's below which are lethal? Achondrogenesis Campomelic dysplasia Achondroplasia Thanatophoric Dysplasia

Achondrogenesis Campomelic dysplasia Thanatophoric Dysplasia

Bossing and mid-face Micromelia Achondroplasia Sirenomelia Osteogenesis impefecta


The invasion of endometrial tissue into the myometrium of the uterus is referred to as:


what abnormality is shown in the image? Limb-body complex Amniotic sheets Amniotic band syndrome Cloacal exstrophy

Amniotic band syndrome

In what event would AFP levels decrease? Twin pregnancy Increased maternal age Aneuploidy Increased menstrual age


Which of the following is the most common indication for sonographic evaluation for endometrial carcinoma? A. pelvic pain B. postmenopausal bleeding C. abnormal vaginal discharge D. abnormal bleeding in the premenopausal patient

B. postmenopausal bleeding

What is the most common CNS anomaly? A.Iniencephaly B.Anencephaly C.Acrania D.Exencephaly


Most adnexal masses are: A.Cystic, ovarian in origin and malignant B.Cystic and ovarian in origin C.Ovarian in origin and malignant D.Cystic and malignant E.None of the above

B.Cystic and ovarian in origin

Which of the following is a tumor of ectopic endometrial tissue? A.Brenner tumor B.Endometrioma C.Cystic teratoma D.Yolk sac tumor




name the anomaly (see image)

Bicornuate bicornis, bicollis (separate vaginas)

what abnormality is shown in this image? Amniotic sheets Cloacal exstrophy Bladder exstrophy Amniotic band syndrome

Bladder exstrophy

A small, T-shaped uterus is associated with which of the following? A. unicornuate uterus B. bicornuate uterus C. DES exposure D. septate uterus

C. DES exposure

An 18-year-old female presents for pelvic sonography with a history of two vaginas. The sonographic images demonstrate two uterine horns and two cervices. This would be most consistent with which of the following? A. uterine aplasia B. bicornuate uterus C. uterus didelphys D. septate uterus

C. uterus didelphys



Which of the following are not assoc. with Dandy-Walker malformation? A.Hydrocephalus B.Posterior fossa cyst C.Arises from the cerebrum D.Agenesis of the corpus callosum E.Enlarged 4th ventricle

C.Arises from the cerebrum

what does this image show?

Coronal view of myelomeningocele



What NTD produces a frog like facies? A.Acrania B.Exencephaly C.Spina Bifida D.Anencephaly


•You discover a round, fluid filled ML structure in the fetal brain. When color Doppler is used, the structure fills in with color. The most likely diagnosis is: A.Choroid plexus cyst B.Arachnoid cyst C.Dilation of the 3rd ventricle D.Vein of Galen aneurysm

D.Vein of Galen aneurysm

32-year-old with pelvic pain. DIAGNOSIS? (use image)

Dermoid cyst -Usually seen in young women -Usually asx

Commonly presents with androgenism and menstrual disorders Wide spectrum of clinical symptoms (see image)

Diagnosis: PCOS -Imbalance of LH and FSH -Common cause of infertility -Ovaries contain multiple, small, immature follicles -Enlarged ovaries -Hirsutism, Obesity

Incidental Finding on TV exam (use image)

Diagnosis: Para Ovarian Cyst - Separate from the ovary - Non functional

Humans have what chromosomal ploidy? Haploid Diploid Aneuploidy Polyploidy


A 35-year-old presents for a routine first trimester sonographic evaluation. The HCG levels are 15,000. The sonography exam reveals a CRL of 6 weeks, a fetal heart rate of 105 bpm, a MSD of 9 weeks, and a yolk sac is visualized. Which of the following statements is true given the information provided? All within normal limits Disproportionate yolk sac for GA Disproportionate HCG for gestational age Disproportionate MSD for gestational age There is an abnormal heart rate

Disproportionate MSD for gestational age

This finding is most indicative of what chromosomal abnormality? Trisomy 13 Trisomy 21 Edwards syndrome Klinefelters syndrome

Edwards syndrome

the prognosis for an infant with an uncomplicated gastroschisis is which one of the following? Excellent Moderate Poor Extremely Poor


Most AFP is produced by the: Placenta Fetal liver Fetal bowel Yolk sac

Fetal liver

28-year-old femaleIncidental FindingDiagnosis? (use image)

Follicular Ovarian cyst-Occurs when dominant follicle fails to ovulate-Unilateral- Regresses spontaneously

What is demonstrated in this image? Bowed femurs Rhizomelia Fractured femurs Micromelia

Fractured femurs

the most dramatic finding in ectopic cordis is which one of the following? Cleft lip and palate Heart outside of the thoracic cavity Umbilical vein separate from the umbilical arteries Omphalocele

Heart outside of the thoracic cavity

What abnormality is shown in this radiograph? Rhizomelia Talipes Polydactyly Hitchhikers thumb

Hitchhikers thumb

Which of the following (you may select more than one) are lethal? Heterozygous achondroplasia Osteogenesis Imperfecta Type IV Homozygous achondroplasia Osteogenesis Imperfecta Type II

Homozygous achondroplasia Osteogenesis Imperfecta Type II

A fetus with Trisomy 18, presents w/ clenched hands, omphalocele and the finding in this image: Ventriculomegaly Duodenal atresia Hydronephrosis Dandy Walker malformation


A woman presents with history of chronic dull pain in the lower abdomen. She has a past history of pelvic inflammatory disease, for which she was treated (use image)


The maximum normal yolk sac diameter should not exceed: 4 mm 5 mm 7 mm 8 mm

7 mm

A 12-year-old female presents for pelvic sonography with abdominal pain. The patient states that she has not started menstruating yet and is not sexually active. The sonographer identifies a large fluid collection within the uterine and vaginal cavity. This finding is most consistent with which of the following? A. hematometrocolpos B. endometrial cancers C. cervical stenosis D. septate uterus

A. hematometrocolpos

Which of the following will appear as a cyst in the cervical region? A. nabothian cyst B. cervical cancer C. cervical myoma D. Gartner's duct cyst

A. nabothian cyst

Patients with ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome are at increased risk for: A.Ovarian torsion B.Chlamydia C.Gonorrhea D.Vaginitis

A.Ovarian torsion

What is the most common uterine anomaly associated with renal agenesis?

Bicornuate uterus

name the anomaly (see image)

Bicornuate: bicornis unicollis (single vagina)

A 30-year-old female presents with dysfunctional uterine bleeding (DUB). The sonographic images of the endometrium demonstrate a focal area of thickness with a small cystic component. In addition, color Doppler evaluation demonstrates a feeding vessel to the area. These findings are most consistent with which of the following? A. endometriosis B. submucosal fibroid C. endometrial polyp D. endometrial atrophy

C. endometrial polyp

Stein Leventhal Syndrome is characterized by: a.Menorrhagia, obesity and hirsutism b.Menorrhagia, obesity and infertility c.Obesity, hirsutism and infertility d.Menorrhagia, hirsutism and infertility e.Menorrhagia, obesity, hirsutism and infertility

C.Obesity, hirsutism and infertility

A 25-year-old presents to the ER with severe LLQ pain , Nausea and vomiting. The US reveals an enlarged ovary with no Doppler signal. What is the most likely diagnosis? A.Ovarian cystadenocarcinoma B.Cystic teratoma C.Ovarian torsion D.Endometriosis

C.Ovarian torsion

Which of the following is an estrogen producing ovarian tumor? A.Brenner tumor B.Fibroma C.Thecoma D.Endometrioma


_______Can be used as a tumor marker for endometrial and ovarian carcinoma

CA 125

A 15-year-old female presents for a pelvis ultrasound examination because of intense pelvic pain. The sonographer should focus on which of the following? A. the endometrium for signs of endometrial cancer B. the ovaries for evidence of a dermoid C. the uterus for evidence of a fibroid D. the ovaries for signs of torsion

D. the ovaries for signs of torsion

Which of these masses is considered to be malignant in nature? a.Endometrioma b.Cystadenoma c.Dermoid d.Dysgerminoma e.Pyosalpinx


The ovarian cyst associated with elevated levels of HCG is the:

D.Theca lutein cyst

The following are risk factors for PID except: A.IUD B.Multiple sexual partners C.Post childbirth D.Uterine leiomyoma

D.Uterine leiomyoma

-Cystic mass filled with blood-May be unilateral or bilateral (use image)

Diagnosis: EndometriomaAKA:Localized form of: endometriosis

DIAGNOSE: 30-year-old female with acute LLQ pain (see image)

Diagnosis:Hemorrhagic Ovarian cyst vs.Endometrioma

what does this image show?

Didelphis Will see two cervices sonographically and patient will likely not have success using tampons

An anechoic mass seen along the lateral vaginal wall is most probably a: _______________________


Which of the following is the most common indication for sonographic evaluation for Endometrial Ca? A.Pelvic pain B.Vaginal discharge C.Abnormal bleeding in a pre menopausal pt D.PMB


Which of the following represents the most common form of ovarian cancer? A.Brenner tumor B.Dysgerminoma C.Serous cystadenocarcinoma D.Endometroid tumor

Serous cystadenocarcinoma

What drug was given in the 1940 - 1970s to prevent miscarriages? And what type of deformities did it cause?

The drug = DES (Diethylstilbestrol) The deformities = -T shaped uterus -Smaller uterus -Foreshortened cervix -Widened fundus -Thin uterine wall

All of the following are sonographic findings of a tubo-ovarian except: a . The presence of 10 or more small cysts along the periphery of the ovaries b.CDS fluid c.Thickened irregular endometrium d.Fusion of the pelvic organs as a conglomerated mass

a . The presence of 10 or more small cysts along the periphery of the ovaries

Which of the following is not a maternal cause of pregnancy failure? advanced maternal age aneuploidy luteal phase defect tobacco and alcohol use


A cystic pelvic mass encountered in a postmenopausal woman is MOST likely to be: a.A physiologic ovarian cyst b.PCOS c.Cystadenoma d.Fibroma e.Serous Cystadenocarcinoma


A 30-year-old female presents for an obstetrical sonogram at 7 weeks gestation with left lower quadrant pain and spotting. Her HCG levels have risen at a subnormal rate over the last 48 hours, and no intrauterine gestation is identified sonographically. Which of the following most likely explains the symptoms and sonographic findings? ectopic pregnancy molar pregnancy spontaneous abortion ruptured corpus luteum

ectopic pregnancy

A complete molar pregnancy often involves triploidy, and a fetus, or parts of a fetus may be visualized. true or false


An ectopic pregnancy often has a "Ring of ________" appearance on color Doppler sonography.


A patient presents for a sonogram at 14 weeks gestation with a history of hyperemesis, is large-for-dates, and has increased HCG levels. Sonography reveals a heterogeneous soft tissue mass within the endometrial cavity, with no evidence of a fetus. Which of the following is the most likely cause of the findings? hydatidifrom mole retained products of conception pseudogestational sac incomplete abortion

hydatidifrom mole

A 36-year-old female of African descent presents with irregular, heavy periods. The sonographer notes a diffusely enlarged uterus containing multiple hypechoic masses. This would be most consistent with: PID leiomyomas endometriosis uterine cancer



serous fluid

Which type of myoma tends to be the most symptomatic? subserosal intramural interstitial submucosal


The image below is obtained from a first trimester sonogram. Which of the following regarding the pregnancy is true? normal heart rate diagnostic of fetal demise suggestive of future pregnancy failure suggestive of future fetal cardiac anomalies

suggestive of future pregnancy failure

Endovaginal sonographic examination of a 25-year-old patient reveals a gestational sac with a MSD of 20 mm. There is a yolk sac, but no visible embryo or cardiac activity. Which of the following statements best reflects the sonographic predictions about the status of this pregnancy? -until an embryo is identified, it is impossible to predict pregnancy failure -the presence of a yolk sac suggests a normal intrauterine pregnancy (IUP) -this pregnancy is not far enough along to demonstrate embryonic cardiac activity -the MSD size criteria and gestational contents suggest a failed pregnancy

the MSD size criteria and gestational contents suggest a failed pregnancy

Which of the following is the most common site for ectopic pregnancy implantation? the posterior cul-de-sac the ampulla of the fallopian tube the interstitial portion of the fallopian tube the ovary

the ampulla of the fallopian tube

Which ovarian pathology is most likely to mimic the symptoms of appendicitis? PCOS Ovarian torsion Cystadenoma Dermoid cyst


Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) provides superior evaluation of uterine anomalies and fibroids compared to ultrasound. true or false


The posterior wall of the uterus is usually most affected by "internal endometriosis". true or false


All of the following statements concerning PID are true except: a.Can be caused by douching b.Can lead to a tubo ovarian abscess c.Is typically a unilateral condition d.Dyspareunia Is a clinical finding in acute pid

typically unilateral

what does this image show?

unicornuate Difficult to ascertain on 2D imaging only, may just appear small and lateral



name the anomaly (see image)

uterus subseptate



Which of the following symptoms is most commonly associated with spontaneous abortion? vaginal bleeding low hemoglobin small for dates nausea and vomiting

vaginal bleeding

What is Endometrial CA associated with?

-Estrogen replacement therapy in post-menopausal women -Anovulatory cycles and obesity in premenopausal women

What are some other names for fibroids?

-Leiomyoma -Myoma -Fibromyoma

19-year-old female with RLQ pain. U/S was request to rule out appendicitis. What is seen? (see image)

-Salpingitis with dilated pus filled tube -Last image shows a normal appendix, also normal ovary is seen

What is a vaginal cuff?

-The part that remains after a hysterectomy -Should not be mistaken for a mass

Failure of the medial septum to reabsorb can result in these 2 anomalies:

-Uterus Septate (fully developed uterus and tubes. Septum divides entire endo canal) -Uterus Subseptate (fully developed uterus and tubes. Septum divides upper portion of endo cavity)

With endovaginal imaging, a yolk sac should be seen when the MSD is at least: 24 mm 20 mm 16 mm 8 mm

8 mm

what does this image show?

95-99% of uteri (normal)

A 32-year-old woman is undergoing fertility treatment reports for sonographic evaluation because of pelvic pain. Considering this medical history, which unique abnormality might the sonographer encounter? A. ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome B. uterine fibroids C. DES exposure D. adenomyosis

A. ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome

The most common cause of cardiac malposition is: A.Diaphragmatic hernia B.Omphalocele C.Gastroschisis D.Pulmonary Hypoplasia

A.Diaphragmatic hernia

Fetal lung maturity can be assessed using the: A.Lecithin to sphingomyelin ratio B.Systolic to diastolic ratios C.Estriol to Alpha fetoprotein ratio D.Lung size formula

A.Lecithin to sphingomyelin ratio D: (NOTE: Lung/HC ratio or LHR with ultrasound ok, but a lot of inconsistency and to date not as good as L/S ratio (taken from amniotic fluid)



•Encephaloces are usually found in the: A.Occipital region B.Frontal regions C.Parietal regions D.A and B E.All of the above

A.Occipital region

Which of the following is not a characteristic feature or association of hypotelorism? A.Small chin B.Associated with Trisomies C.Closely set eyes D.Associated with holoprosencephaly

A.Small chin

What type of leiomyoma tends to be most symptomatic? A.Submucosal B.Subserosal C.Intramural D.Interstitial


Q:Image represents:

A: Alobar Holoprosencephaly

Q: Image represents:

A: Bossing of the forehead

Q: Image represents:

A: Lemon skull: Arnold Chiari II

Q: Image represents:

A: Micrognathia

Q: Image represents:

A: Proboscis

Spina Bifida Aperta may cause an elevation in the maternal blood of: Folic Acid Estradiol AFP Lecithin


A 7-year-old female presents for pelvic sonography because of premature secondary sex characteristic development. The sonographer notes a pear-shaped uterus with the fundus proportionately larger than the cervix, and a 2 cm ovarian follicle. This would be most consistent with which of the following? A. this is a normal finding in pediatric patients B. the findings are associated with true precocious puberty C. the findings are characteristic of precocious pseudopuberty D. the patient should be evaluated for associated congenital renal anomalies

B. the findings are associated with true precocious puberty

A co-existing pericardial effusion and a pleural effusion is consistent with the diagnosis of: A.Tetralogy of Fallot - CHD B.Fetal Hydrops (often Polyhydramnios too) C.Pentalogy of Cantrell - Assoc with cordis ectopia, abd wall defects D.Potters Syndrome - Absent kidneys or malfunctioning bilaterally, resulting in severe oligo and associated flattened facies

B.Fetal Hydrops (often Polyhydramnios too)

Which of the following measurements represents the upper-limit of the normal endometrial thickness in the premenopausal patient? A. 5 mm B. 8 mm C. 14 mm D. 24 mm

C. 14 mm



•This image best represents: A.Arachnoid cyst B.Ventriculomegaly C.Choroid cyst D.Porencephaly

C.Choroid cyst

What is the sonographic finding associated with porencephaly: A.No brain matter B.Mass of the thoracic spine C.Cystic mass within cerebrum D.Abnormal facial features

C.Cystic mass within cerebrum

All of the following are sonographic features of alobar holoprosencephaly except: A.Cyclopia B.Monoventricle C.Dorsal Cyst D.Fused thalamus

C.Dorsal Cyst

It is estimated that 40% of women with the following problem will have trouble conceiving: A.Adenomyosis B.Salpingitis C.Endometriosis D.Endometritis E.Leiomyomatosis




Which of the following is most suggestion of ovarian malignancy? A.Thin septations B.Anechoic C.Mural nodules D.Solid mass

C.Mural nodules

•The development of fluid-filled cleft within the cerebrum is consistent with: A.Holoprosencephaly B.Lissencephaly C.Schizencephaly D.Hydranencephaly


The most common sonographic appearance of pulmonary sequestration is a/an: A.Dilated pulmonary artery and hypoechoic chest mass B.Pleural effusion and ipsilateral hiatal hernia C.Triangular, echogenic mass w/in the chest D.Anechoic mass within the chest

C.Triangular, echogenic mass w/in the chest

Bowed limbs is termed: Amelia Acromelia Sirenomelia Campomelia


What is shown in this image? Caudal Regression syndrome Arthrogryposis VACTERL Ellis-van Creveld Syndrome

Caudal Regression syndrome

This testing allows for a 99.9% detection of Trisomy 21 in the first trimester: Sequential screen Cell-free DNA (cfDNA) Triple screen Quad screen

Cell-free DNA (cfDNA)

Kleeblattschädel means: Cloverleaf skull Spalding sign Micromelia Craniosynostosis

Cloverleaf skull

A 72-year-old female presents with bleeding. She is not taking any hormones. The sonographer notes an endometrial thickness measurement of 12 mm. This would be most suggestive of: A. a normal finding B. adenomyosis C. endometriosis D. endometrial cancer

D. endometrial cancer (Remember endometrial thickness should not exceed 8-10 )

Which of the following represents the most common cause of abnormal uterine bleeding in premenopausal and postmenopausal women? A. uterine cancer B. endometrial polyps C. uterine leiomyomas D. endometrial hyperplasia

D. endometrial hyperplasia

The 3rd ventricle communicates with the 4th ventricle at the: A.Foramen of Magendie B.Foramen of Luscka C.Foramen of Monro D.Aqueduct of Sylvius

D.Aqueduct of Sylvius

A cyst within the fetal brain that is thought to almost always regress with fetal age is: A.Dandy Walker cyst B.Cystic hygroma C.Encephalocele D.Choroid plexus cyst E.None of the above

D.Choroid plexus cyst

The most common form of diaphragmatic hernia is the: A.Foramen of Morgagni B.Foramen of Magendie C.Foramen of Luschka D.Foramen of Bochdalek

D.Foramen of Bochdalek

The most common complication related to pharmaceutical stimulation of follicular growth is: A.Death B.Failure C.Annovulation D.Hyperstimulation syndrome E.Dysmenorrhea

D.Hyperstimulation syndrome

The dangling choroid sign is synonymous with: A.Hydranencephaly B.Schizencephaly C.Acrania D.Ventriculomegaly


What abnormality is seen in this image? Cloverleaf skull Strawberry sign Decreased skull ossification Normal finding

Decreased skull ossification

the normal embryologic herniation of the bowel permits which one of the following? Expansion of the thorax Development of the umbilical cord Development of the intra-abdominal organs Development of the diaphragm

Development of the intra-abdominal organs

An abnormality associated with excessive bend of the cervicothoracic spine and NT defects: Anencephaly Iniencephaly Acrania EncephaloceleIniencephaly


Omphalocele and scoliosis are found, which should be considered? Pentalogy of Cantrell Skeletal dysplasia Limb-body wall complex Amniotic band syndrome

Limb-body wall complex

a high or superumbillical omphalocele is usually the primary finding of ________ Limb-body wall complex Pentalogy of Cantrell Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome Meckel-Gruber syndrome

Pentalogy of Cantrell

a gastroschisis is a consequence of atrophy of which one of the following vessels? Right umbilical vein Left umbilical vein Right umbilical artery Left umbilical artery

Right umbilical vein

This results in symmetrical limb reduction in all four limbs and craniofacial anomalies: Noonans Jeunes Roberts Caudal regression


which one of the following statements about a gastroschisis is false Gastroschisis is found more frequently in males. MSAFP levels are significantly elevated. Gastroschisis is located next to the normal cord insertion. Small bowel is not always found in the herniation.

Small bowel is not always found in the herniation.

What skeletal dysplasia is associated with this champagne cork appearance? Achondroplasia Osteogenesis imperfecta Diastrophic dysplasia Thanatophoric dysplasia

Thanatophoric dysplasia

Mesomelia would be Femur Ulna/Radius Hands/Feet Whole limb


Proboscis suggests which one of the following abnormalities? a. Holoprosencephaly b. Cephalocele c. Trisomy 18 d. Pierre Robin syndrome

a. Holoprosencephaly

Which one of the following statements about ovarian torsion is false? a. Ovarian torsion is usually associated with a mass. b. The left ovary is three times more likely to develop torsion than the right. c. Torsion frequently involves the ovary and the fallopian tube. d. The ovary appears enlarged.

b. The left ovary is three times more likely to develop torsion than the right. (The right ovary is three times more likely to develop torsion than the left.)

The most common cause of disruption of the uterine contour in a woman at any age is/are: a.Endometriosis b.Leiomyomas c.Adenomyosis d.Polyps e.Uterine cancer


What is the most common neck mass in the fetus? a. Teratoma b. Cervical meningomyelocele c. Cystic hygroma d. Brachial cleft cyst

c. Cystic hygroma

Which one of the following terms describes a small chin? a. Microphthalmia b. Microrhinia c. Micrognathia d. Microglossia

c. Micrognathia

Which one of the following statements about PID is false? a. PID is almost always a bilateral collection of pus and fluid. b. PID includes vaginal discharge with bleeding. c. PID confers a decreased risk of ectopic pregnancy. d. Patients may experience pelvic pain and have a history of infertility.

c. PID confers a decreased risk of ectopic pregnancy. (The incidence of ectopic pregnancy is significantly increased with a history of PID.)

Endometrial hyperplasia may be caused by all of the following except: a.HRT b.Estrogen replacement therapy c.Cervical stenosis d.Tamoxifen e.Endometrial Ca

c.Cervical stenosis

Sonographic findings suggestive of an ectopic pregnancy include all of the following except: tubal ring no intrauterine pregnancy echogenic free fluid complex myometrial mass

complex myometrial mass

Which one of the following statements about facial anomalies is correct? a. Fetal facial anomalies are homogeneous. b. Hemangiomas do not occur in the face and neck. c. Doppler evaluation of facial masses is discouraged because of possible bioeffects to the fetus. d. Facial anomalies occur as isolated defects or as part of a syndrome

d. Facial anomalies occur as isolated defects or as part of a syndrome

Theca-lutein cysts are associated with high levels of which one of the following hormones? a. Progesterone b. Estrogen c. Luteinizing hormone d. Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG)

d. Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG)

Which one of the following statements about the fetal face is false? a. The fetal profile is well imaged with transvaginal sonography beginning late in the first trimester to early in the second trimester. b. The modified coronal view is best to image a cleft lip and palate. c. The longitudinal view demonstrates the nasal bones, soft tissue, and mandible. d. The maxilla and orbits are well imaged in a true sagittal plane.

d. The maxilla and orbits are well imaged in a true sagittal plane.

A specific diagnosis of a paraovarian cyst is possible only by: a. demonstrating thin deformable walls. b. demonstrating a lack of peripheral blood flow. c. intervening surgically. d. demonstrating an ipsilateral ovary separate from the cyst.

d. demonstrating an ipsilateral ovary separate from the cyst.

On a transverse image of the pelvis, a complex mass is seen displacing the anterior bladder wall posteriorly. This mass would be located in the: a.Pouch of douglas b.Uterovesical space c.Morrisons pouch d.Space of Retzius e.Anterior CDS

d.Space of Retzius

A patient with an ovarian mass presents with an elevated serum AFP. Which of the following would be most likely: a.Ovarian fibroma b.Ovarian thecoma c.Cystic teratoma d.Yolk sac tumor

d.Yolk sac tumor

HCG levels are expected to normally ___________ every two days in early pregnancy.


what does this image show?

septate Associated with a high rate of spontaneous abortions, 3-D will show a single, contiguous myometrium

true or false In evaluating the lens of the eye, a sonographer may be able to detect congenital cataracts.


true or false Obtaining the modified coronal mid-face view (nares/lips) with the fetal mouth open can improve detection of facial clefting.


A Gartners duct cyst is found in the ____________


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