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Israel Divided

Approximated 922 BC Israel splits into two Hebrew nations, ISRAEL to the north and JUDAH to the south Jewish Virtual Library The histories of these two states is litany of ineffective, disobedient, and corrupt kings The history told in the books of Kings bears out Samuel´s warning' the Hebrew empire soon collapsees Within a century of Solomon´s death, the kingdoms of Israel and Judah are tiny little states.

Saul's Failure to Follow God

As king, Saul proves to be ineffectual, being more a military leader than a king (he never exercises monarchical power outside of battle) The Hebrew history of Saul emphasizes his disobedience. He repeatedly fails to carry out Yahweh's instructions and Yahweh immediately chooses another king, DAVID

Saul cont.

One very important pattern emerges-it's clear that the monarchy is viewed as a negative development in Hebrew history. It represents the Hebrew refusal to be ruled by God in favor of a human king So the institution of the monarchy creates a new conflict the conflict between Yahweh and the Israelite Kings. This conflict would form the basis of a massive change in the nature of the Hebrew religion, the "prophetic revolution"

Israel also suffered other problems during this time

1. Corrupt Leadership As 1 Samuel begins, Eli is judge over Israel. His sons were "priests of The Lord" in Shiloh, where the ark of the covenant is located. Eli's sons are described as wicked and corrupt The sons of Samuel, who will be Israel's last judge, are also presented as corrupt

Three Quick Miracles

1. Elijah is told to hide in the wilderness, where he is fed by ravens 2.A widow's supply of flour and oil never runs out 3. Elijah brings a dead boy back to life MESSAGE: Yahweh is LIFE

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Warren Zevon

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Beginning of Monarchy (2)

2. 1 Sam 9-10: 16, 11 Saul is introduced as tall and handsome. He is chosen by God to 'govern my people." Samuel anoints Saul King of Israel. Saul later leads a victory over the Ammonites and the people proclaim his kingship

Problems Israel Suffered 2

2. The Philistines The Philistines arrived in Canaan around 1200 BC and captured the coastal plain of Canaan, successfully moving inland. The success of the Philistines reached its peak with the capturing of the ark of the covenant

Philistine Advantage

A possible key to the Philistines success was technical superiority over the Israelites in blacksmithing iron

Elijah's God is Yahweh

After Baal prophets fail to summon Baal, Elijah easily calls upon Yahweh. the prophets of Baal are then killed and rain falls upon Israel. MESSAGE: Yahweh alone is God


After Davids' defeat of Goliath, scripture states "And from that day on, Saul was jealous of David" The remainder of 1 Samuel tells of Saul's attempts to kill David and David becoming a fugitive-yet David is shown as SUCCESSFUL and Saul as MAD

ELijah at Mt. Horeb

After his victory at Mt. Carmel, Elijah receives a message from Jezebel threatening his life. He then flees Israel to Mt. Horeb, better known as Mt. Sinai As this lacks sense geographically, Sinai is meant to be symbolic. Elijah's mission is to reestablish and restore the covenant; it is fitting that he returns to the birthplace of the covenant

Reason for Optimism Story

But what of the story that puts a positive light on the monarchy? It is probably an earlier story originating in the early years of the monarchy, when hope and optimism still existed that this new form of government would benefit them


Christians believe Jesus fulfilled this promise to David. the gospels often connect Jesus to David. The gospels foten connect Jessus to David in order to show this. -Jesus was born in Bethlehem -Genealogies trace Joseph back to David -Jesus refers to Yahweh as "Father," reflecting 2 Sam 7:14 -Matthew introduces his gospel specifically calling Jesus "the son of David"

Unlike Saul, David Created a Monarchy in Israel

David captures Jerusalem and makes it Israel's capital, finally putting an end to tribal thinking David relocates the ark of the covenant to Jerusalem, helping establish Israel as a theocracy Scripture tells us of David's concern for proper housing for the ark of the covenant. this account serves as the basis for the messianic tradition of the Jews, a tradition Christians was fulfilled with Jesus of Nazareth. Speaking through his prophet Nathan, Yahweh states he has always dwelt in a tent and has never asked for a house. Following this, he speaks of an heir of David's who will build him a house and his throne will be firm forever. The jews believe tat God will sen a messiah, an "anointed one," from the line of David who will bring the everlasting kingdom of God


David is introduced to the audience as the chosen one of God Samuel is instructed to go to the house of Jesse in Bethlehem to anoint one of his sons king 1. "Not as man sees does God see..." Once again, the obvious choice is not going to be Yahweh's choice 2. David is introduced as a shepherd, the symbol of Israel itself


David's grat sin set in motion a series of troubling events in David's family 1. The child of David and Bathsheba dies, as punishment for David's sin 2. David's son Amnon rapes his sister Tamar 3. David's son Absalom kills Amnon in revenge 4. Absalom gathers support and challenges his father David for the throne 5. Absalom is killed while hanging helpless in a tree and his bod is cast into the forest


Due to a variety of reason, Jeroboam fails to establish a dynasty, and many different kings follow him. Omri is considered to be one of Israel's strongest kings, s he did the most to strengthen the nation. Omri began the construction of a new capital in Samaria, a strategically located city. He also establishes favorable relations with surrounding countries, including Judah and Phoenicia. He is also successful in extending Israel's borders into Moab and Syria Omri begins the first real dynasty in Israel

Elijah's Introduction

Elijah appears suddenly, and with a dire message- Yahweh is not going to allow any rain to fall. Baal= Fertility and Rain

Mt. Horeb

Elijah arrives at Horeb depressed, even suicidal, about what he sees as the futility of his mission. When he leaves Sinai, he does so with a new mission. Elijah has been renewed at Mt. Horeb Message: Israel will also experience a renewal if it returns to the covenant


Elijah disappears as suddenly as he appeared. He is swept up to heaven in a fiery chariot Elijah is one of the Old Testament's greatest prophets. Elijah appeared with Moses at the transfiguration of Jesus. Jews await Elijah's return to announce the coming of the Messiah.

Post Monarchy/Exile Books

Ezra & Nehemiah is our most important source for the formation of the Jewish community after exile The Books of Maccabees (1&2) contains independent accounts of the events accompanying the Greek suppression of Judaism in Palestine, and the rebellion and independence in reaction to this suppression

Fire's Symbolism

Fire is a common symbol of theophany in the Old Testament; the contest is to see whose god will manifest himself first How would Baal manifest himself? As a fertility God, Baal was commonly associated with rain How would Yahweh manifest himself? As a god of life, during a time of drought and famine, Yahweh would manifest rain So, the contrast on Mt. Carmel is to see which god can bring rain to end Israel's drought

Saul's Beginning

For the most part Saul is no different than the judges before him. He fails to create a centralized government and rarely is shown doing anything "kingly" Saul's career beginsa permanent descent after his disobedience of God's word Saul is instructed to enact the BAN in his attack against the Amalekites. He does not, saving the lives of the king and the better livestock. Both Samuel and Yahweh abandon him (Takes Livestock & King)


Jewish tradition credits authorship of mush of the book os Psalms to King David, with other psalms credited to figures such as Solomon and Moses A psalm is a religious song, composed for liturgical se in the temple or for recitation elsewhere. Some are composed to be sung by one person, others by a community. Main types of psalms include: -Thanksgiving -Praise -Wisdom -Royal -Lamentation


Just as David's accomplishments as king were great, his sin is equally great murdering a man to cover up the affair he had with his wife. This is the story of David and Bathsheba Yahweh's anger at David is communicated through Nathan's parable of the poor man's lamb. By presenting it as a case to be judged, Nathan allowsDavid to pass a sentence on himself.

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Omri is succeeded by his son Ahab, who will be responsible for leading most of Israel away from Yahweh Ahab was married to JEZEBEL, a Phoenician princess. This was an arranged marriage by their fathers to from an alliance between nations. Ahab is preseted as weak and indecisive, while Jezebel is domineering and demanding Altars to Baal are built in Samaria for the queen. This official sanction of Baal worhship leads to further religious syncretism throughout Israel.

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Rehoboam ignores the advice of the elders and instead listens to his friends. "My father put on you a heavy yoke, but I will make it heavier. My father beat you with whips, but I will beat you with scorpions." The imagery here suggests slavery. Following this, "Israel went into rebellion against David's house." The people unite around a revolutionary named Jeroboam and proclaim him their king. "None remained loyal to David's house except the tribe of Judah alone."

Death of Saul

Saul's death at the end of 1 Samuel is a gruesome one, reflecting God's abandonment An attempt is made to make Saul's son Israel's king at the beginning of 2 Samuel, but David is eventually king over all of israel

Saul's Descent

Saul's descent after being abandoned by Yahweh is used by the storyteller to introduce DAVID, Israel's GREATEST AND MOST WELL KNOWN KING


Solomon is succeeded by his son Rehoboam. Upon his becoming king, the people ask him to go easier on them than his father had. "your father put on us a heavy yoke If you now lighten the harsh service and the heavy yoke your father imposed on us, we will serve you."


Solomon is the third and last king of the united Israel state. The biblical account portrays a wise and shrewd king, but this portrait is not completely positive and some troubling aspects emerge It appears Solomon wanted to be aking along the lmodel of Mesopotamian kings He built a fabulously wealthy capital in Jerusalem with a magnificent palace and enormous temple He took 700 wives and 300 concubines, most non-Hebrew(political) Taxed his people heavily Often paid in land and people


Solomon's success came at a high price, the oppression of his own people. At the end of his reign Israel is ripe for revolution. The story of Solomon's decision regarding the disputed bay illustrates the effects Solonmon's reign has on Israel Baby = ISRAEL Political SATIRE While one could argue that scripture's presentation of Solomon allows for debate as to his reign and character, it is the events presented as occurring after his death that perhaps give us the final word on Solomon as king

Jeroboam's Temple Construction

Spearating from the throne in Jerusaelm also meant separating from the Temple Many may feel inclined out of faithfuness to Yahweh to return and worship in the Temple, and may not return to Israel. To stop this, Jeroboam builds two temples, one in Dan and one in Bethel, and places golden cales in each. This will prove to be a costly mistake 1. While no doubt done fo rte convenience of the peope, having two temples makes the local pagan religions that much more similar 2. The golden calves, perhaps meant to act as "bearers" of the divine presence, are easily misunderstood for idol worship (Meant to replace the Ark of the Covenant) The biblical authors never forgive Jeroboam for this "abmomination"


The account of David's kingship is deeply ambivalent. While David is clearly a hero during the reign of Saul, his character gradually changes as king, until he commits a greater crime than any Saul had committed: he murders a man in order to marry his wife David's accomplishments during his forty year reign are undeniable -the Israelites finally defeat the Philistines -David unites the triibes of Israel under an absolute monarchy -he built up Jeruslame to look more like the catpals of other kings

Beginning of Monarchy (1)

The beginning of the monarchy is told in two different stories with Samuel playing a key role in each 1. 1 Sm 8:1-22, 10:17-27 The Hebrews approach Samuel and demand a king. Both Samuel and Yahweh consider this a rejection of Yahweh, and that the people would suffer greatly for it. Yahweh instructs Samuel to grant their request, and Saul is chosen by lots to be Israel's first king.

Israel After the Judge Era

The book of Judges end with the statement, "IN those days there was no king in Israel; everyone did what he though best." This best describes the lack of unity in Israel following the Judge era

The Historical Books (Books of Samuel)

The books of Samuel cover about 100 years, from the close of the judge period to the establishment of the monarchy Important is God's promise to David of a lasting dynasty, from which the messianic tradition developed The books of Kings covers four centuries, from the last days of David to the destruction of Jerusalem and the Babylonian Exile Chronicles records the long history from the reign of Saul to the return from exile, highlighting God's intervention in history

Laws Created b/c of Solomon's Reign

The list of transgressions Samuel warns the people of at the beginning of the monarchy is mostly a list of Solomon's offenses Laws presented in Deuteronomy also refer specifically to the actions of Solomon


The prophet Elijah arrives in Israel during the reign of Ahab to bring God's message. Elijah is one of the most important figures in Old Testament history. The name Elijah means "my God is Yahweh," and his ministry was one of trying to preserve the knowledge and worship of Yahweh against the Baal worship driven by Jezebel


The transitional figure between the judge era and the monarchy is Samuel, his importance reflected in the preservation of birth account The narrative is reminiscent of the birth account of Samson -Hannah is a woman thought to be barren -Samuel is consecrated to God before he is born, his mother making the Nazirite vow Samuel is also recognized as a prophet

Two versions of Saul and David's Initial Meeting

There are two versions of Saul and David's initial meeting exist 1. David becomes Saul's armer-bearer, and also play the harp to mae Saul feel better whenever the "spirit from God" seized him 2. David comes to Saul after he kills the Philistine warrior Goliath

SimilarCosmological Duel

This immediate reference to Yahweh controlling rain reflects the message of his ministry: Yahweh is God, no Baal Elijah's Point: Not to Gods, only one

Elijah at Naboth's Vineyard

This story presents the difference between Israelite and Canaanite kings. Israelite kings, represented by Ahab, are no better or different than their subjects. When Naboth does not want to sell, the matter is over. In Canaanite culture, represented by Jezebel, kings are above their subjects and get what they want, even if it means having to commit murder


Why present such a damning story of israel's greatest king? In order to illustrate that in Israel, no one is above the law, not even the king; not even Israel's greatest king This story would also serve teh purpose of furthering the biblical author's point that the monarchy was a msitake. Not even David could avoid the corruption inherent in a monarchy which rejects Yahweh as king

Elijah at Mt. Carmel

Yahweh instructs Elijah to present himself to Ahab so that Yahweh may send rain again. Elijah issues a challenge to ten Baal prophet to meet him on Mt. Carmel to see whose god will "answer with fire" and prove himself God

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